Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
The Avengers
Scarlet Justice - ep. 52
"The Avengers"
[Sasuke Recovery Mission: Prologue 2]

A few more hours pass before I bid Kabuto farewell. I would uphold that promise to see Midori, though I wonder what ideas he has on his mind...but that would be dealt with after the current mission was completed.

The Hidden Sound is not just one village, but multiple bases in various countries. The main stronghold in Sound Country, once called Rice Country and a significant area for Kobayashi Rice. It holds most of Orochimaru's vital items. Hidden Grass, meant for field testing and battle training. The Southern Base, containing many different prisoners and unique wardens to hold them all in check. The Northern Base, truly massive and the largest of all sites where human experiments are conducted, most notably with the Cursed Seals. And the Eastern Base, closest in terms of distance and also home to many secret scrolls and research materials.

It's a long road ahead to solve this mystery. Sasuke will have to be searched for very soon, but there are other things to worry about. Kabuto wasn't direct about it, but there might be a possibility of Orochimaru being revived at one of the sites mentioned. That really can't be allowed to happen, which makes the number one priority destroying as many of those bases as possible. The planned punishment for the Sound has to be escalated into war, and that's going to create logistical problems all the way down. We don't have the hands on deck to do everything we want to.

"That was solid work," Ibiki comments as we leave the room. Another guard is on standby with Yugao. I signal to her and she exchanges bows with the new guard before catching up.

"You guys got something?" she asks.

"More than just something. Lili here made him sing like his balls got chopped off," Ibiki says to Yugao.

"That sounds impressive enough, if a bit vulgar."

"Self-preservation. I took a few gambles to start with...he thinks Sakura and Ino are dead, and that along with the resentment he already had for his old master opened things up. But he has no home to go back to, and no reliable allies that will come before the wrong people get to him. I didn't press on his relationship with Danzo Shimura, but he had to be considering it along with everything else," I explain.

"I kept hearing people go on about your lack of experience, but that doesn't seem like any sort of issue," Yugao says, sounding impressed. "It's like you were born for this role."

"Staying cool under pressure...something I learned from my older sister. I can't imagine I would get too far without that." I go over the information in my head once more. "Let's get everything we've learned to the top while it's still fresh. Kabuto didn't reveal everything, but he was incredibly generous considering his position. He could have easily taken these secrets to his grave."

"Why do you think he didn't?"

"Someone like him also wants to live life. And spite for your old employer doesn't help, either. I imagine the people who harvest rice on behalf of my father and his cronies feel much the same way."

"I've got a great retirement package lined up," Ibiki says with a laugh. "The Third knows his way around a business."

"Indeed. Shall we advance?" I say.

We reach the Hokage and inform him of what we've found. The room is quickly secured and we have a secret meeting, sorting through as much of the information as possible, debating important points from four sides, and making predictions about where to go next while forming various strategies. It's only as night falls that our meeting comes to an end, and we all agree to return here in the morning with extra personnel.

I head home without stopping, going through everything in my head again and turning it over, just in case I missed something important. Nothing else comes up as I reach the front door and step inside.

"I'm home."

Luna is out late this time. Probably somewhere with Midori...it's fine in any case. I take a hot bath to get rid of some of the stress and listen to some music while I eat in my room. After washing up, I get ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day.


Morning again. Luna wakes me up, showing me her loving smile.

"Good morning, Miss Lilith."

"Good morning." I yawn and get myself ready for the day quickly, changing into a copy of my outfit from yesterday. It's been nearly twenty four hours since Sasuke and Sakura left. But we can't be reckless...we have to make a plan and then execute it if we want any chance of stopping them, and whoever they might be traveling with. Sasuke will need a guide to one of those bases, I know that for a fact.

"There's been a terrible commotion about the village today. I went out to get some eggs at the market nearby earlier, and shinobi are moving to and fro, preparing for some sort of operation," Luna remarks as she sets breakfast in front of me.

"Anything about Sasuke?" I ask.

"Nothing, no."

"That's a good thing...I'll explain things eventually, but he's caused some trouble again that has a relation to the commotion you've been seeing."

"I see. It must be serious. Lady Midoriko and I were taking care of business yesterday, in the kingdom. We added my name to the royal register after it was approved by members of her transitional council."

"Mm. Things are escalating, then. You're officially part of the serpent world, then."

"It seems so."

"Was that the secretive thing she was working on?" I ask.

"I don't believe so. There's definitely something else that she's keeping away from me. I wonder just what it could be...well, I can press her a bit when she comes over for lunch..."

"You can muse on that a while. I'm off," I say as I finish eating and peck her on the cheek quickly. "Thank you for another wonderful meal, I'll see you later."

"Should I make lunch for you?"

"I'll be back for dinner at the earliest, so don't worry about me before then," I say as I check my pockets. I have everything, and there's a detour I simply have to make. "Take care, Luna."

"Goodbye, Miss Lilith!"

I close and lock the door behind me before heading off. An important person that I have to check in on, no matter what...yesterday I could excuse myself with the high drama and sudden reports, but today is different. I have to see him. I can't imagine how much he must be hurting on the inside.

As I move further downtown, I find a couple of friendly merchants that I helped out on earlier missions within the village. They all recognize me and give me discounts as I shop. My mission pay goes into buying what I need, and then I continue on to my destination, bags in hand. It's not far from here...a small, shabby little apartment that I've seen once before. I give the front door a few light knocks.


"Yes, it's me. Might I come in?"

Naruto nods and opens the door wider to let me in. He's still dressed in his pyjamas, rubbing sleep from his eyes. The door closes behind me and I set my bags on the wooden table. I wash my hands and immediately get to work. First, something to drink. I pour a glass of fresh apple juice, and start on warm cocoa with marshmallows. Naruto trudges to the table and sits quietly, watching as I move around his kitchen.

"Breakfast is okay, right?" I ask.

"Y-yeah. Sure," he replies timidly.

"This place is quite clean. Was it your doing?"

"Oh, nah. It wasn't exactly like that before...um, a few people came by. Hinata was the first one...she's really, really nice, you know? The kitchen was kind of a mess since I tend to forget and do everything in one shot once it piles up. I didn't want her to do anything, but she started before I could stop her. And then I offered to take her out for lunch, but she ended up buying for me, somehow. Heh...she was really good to me. I remember talking to her before the fight with Neji, I think I told you about it. Can't believe I thought she was just some weird. Stupid of me, seriously," he mutters. "She's a good and honest person. And strong as hell!"

"..." I thought about pushing things along, but it never did seem like the right thing to do. It looks like he's slowly coming around on his own, though. I think Hina would be satisfied with that much.

"Shino came along, too. I still think he's weird, but...he's a surprisingly nice guy. And then Shikamaru came to check on me for a bit, and Iruka-sensei, and...um, the lady with the dark skin. She reminds me of a cat, for some reason...Erika! That's it. And Kiba came around, and that Ghost the Black guy with his pet bird," he says as I set his cocoa in front of him. I turn back to the stove, where the oil is already heating up in the pan. "And Kosugi-sensei. And super-thickbrows-sensei told me to keep my spirit up. And Pervy Sage came around to talk. And then I shared leftovers with Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi afterwards." He pauses in thought. "I didn't realize how many people cared about me..."

"It's a nice feeling, isn't it?" I start on the eggs, cracking them open with one hand.

"Yeah, definitely. Really good. I was thinking about Gaara. You know, how he was alone for so long...forced to kill to prove that he was even alive and junk. I was almost like that. It...wasn't all that far away, I gotta admit. We talked a bit since I ended up near the hospital at one point, and his big sis needed some help. It's all thanks to Grandpa Third and Iruka-sensei that I ended up like this, and not like he was. That I got a chance to escape the loneliness and darkness. And after meeting you, Lili, my world got a lot brighter. O-oh...um, is it okay if I have scrambled eggs today?"

"Anything you want," I say with sincerity. I scramble the eggs quickly in the pan and add a proper amount of seasoning. "What else would you like, Naruto?"

"I'm okay with whatever...I mean, not to...I mean...just whatever you think of is fine, I don't mind..."

"Understood. Sit tight and I'll give you something good." I toast a few slices of bread and cook the meat that I bought earlier. A few vegetables, another egg to scramble, more seasoning. I finish, carefully plate the food, and bring it over to Naruto along with his juice. He's already salivating from the aromas.


"It's all yours. Eat until you're full. I'll be here to cook some more if you want."

"Haha, I think this is more than enough. Oh, what about...?"

"I already ate breakfast. It's fine, I'll have tea," I say as I raise a mug.

"Oh, okay. Right, you live with Luna...I bet she makes great eggs herself," he says as he starts to munch on breakfast.

"She's good with everything, pretty much."

"Mm-hm." Naruto is so busy stuffing his face that he goes silent, save for his chewing. It might be the first time that's ever happened outside of Ichiraku's. I'm happy that he's enjoying the food so much, and I sip at my tea with satisfaction. Soon enough he finishes and covers his mouth to stifle a belch, looking embarrassed.

"S-sorry. That doesn't happen a lot, promise..."

"It's fine," I say with a smile. "I think that's very high praise, considering everything. Did you like it that much?"

"Yeah, yeah! I really did! That's the best breakfast I've had in...forever. Yeah. Can't remember anything that good."

"That's good to hear. It's what friends do, right?"

"I guess so...heh, it feels like something right out of the TV, like one of those anime."

"I think I see what you mean..."

"The childhood friend, coming over to cook breakfast for the guy she secretly likes..." He looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows. "Trying to tell me something, Lili?"

"That you're an idiot and you have a chance at me like a snake has a chance of growing wings." I sip at my tea and raise a finger. "Not flying, though. Snakes can actually do that, in a way."

"O-oh! No kidding...?"

"Midori-nee told me about it the other day. If snakes can flatten their bodies enough, they can slither through the sky," I say.

Naruto's eyes float to the ceiling in thought. "Hmm...that sounds neat. If you...uh, catch those current thingies, in the sky, maybe you can fly like a bird...hm. Ah, it's alright. Looks like I'm meant for someone else after all, and not someone so pretty it makes other girls pull their hair out. Hehe..."

"Flattery is always acceptable," I say with a smile.

"Ain't it? But I'll always like you, Lili. I really mean that, even if it's not 'coz you're my girlfriend or anything."

"What about Sakura? Did...you want to pursue her, still?" I ask delicately.

"I...hmm." He furrows his brow in thought. "I think...I'll hold out hope that she'll love me back one day, maybe. But it's not the smartest thing. I know...I know that she's given herself to Sasuke completely by now. Leaving the village with him was proof enough. I mean, I know that I'm way better than that loser Sasuke could ever be! It's not a big deal...sometimes girls just need time to come around, and all that. Right?"

"You might be right about that."

"Yeah. Just...giving it time." There's a melancholy smile on his face. "I just gotta hope that she'll snap out of it one day and notice me. I hope both of them snap out of whatever it is has them doing these crazy things."

"..." I don't want him to keep holding it in.

"Leaving the village. Stupid of them. Really dumb, but I think they'll realize their mistake and start changing. For the better. As much as I gave him trouble...I...I don't hate him, you know? I never did. I just wanted him to see me, to acknowledge me as a rival. And when he did, when he told me he wanted to fight me at the exams, I didn't care about much else. Maybe that was part of the reason I could beat Neji."

He lifts his mug with a trembling hand and sips at his cocoa. As the mug goes back down, slowly, I can see him. He looks so...heavy. It makes my heart ache.

"Sasuke...he put my life before his, back on that bridge. And it hurt so much, thinking that he was dead. I just lost control. I've never felt like that towards anyone before. He's an idiot, a total moron, but I never wanted anything bad to happen to him. I never wanted...anything like this to happen. Not that curse mark thing, not him getting beaten up by that creepy snake man, not...not looking like he was about to cry in front of all of us. I never...never wanted people to get hurt, or disappear. I'm scared for Ino because she got hurt so badly, and I'm scared for Kakashi-sensei when he gets back, because he tried so hard, he tried to help Sasuke this whole time as his teacher..."


"I know he has something he wants to do, I know that he has that mission, whatever it is, but I don't...I don't know. I just don't get it. Lili...?"

"Yes, Naruto."

He turns his head to look at me, tears falling from his eyes. "Why?"

"I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know," I reply quietly.

"I just...I just wanted a chance to say those words to him. I wanted to say it...I wanted to tell him that he was...that he was my...my..."

I stand up and walk to his seat, reaching out. I pull him upwards and into me. He wraps his arms around me tightly, and...lets go. Cries like he's wanted to this whole time. It's painful to listen to. It makes me feel like I'll sink through the floor because of the weight. But I put a hand on the back of his head as he sheds tears, my fingers nestled in his hair. As heavy as it feels, I pull him closer. I let him slowly sink into me.

It's not for the first time...that I've come to this understanding. I love this boy so much.

I know what I must do, for his sake. My desires...my feelings. They could never matter in this moment as much as his.

"You are a sweet, wonderful child," I whisper to him. "You are a precious light that has come into my life. Beautiful and warm."


"I hate him. I think that he's trash...I think that he deserves whatever horrid fate he runs into," I say as I hold Naruto against me. "But...I love you more than I could ever hate him. I am going to reach into the beyond and bring him back here, to this village. And then, you can say those words to him that you've held inside for so long. He is your friend, your brother, and I will risk myself to save him. Just for you."


"Naruto. I love you. I want to see you grow, and I want to be by your side. I want all of your dreams to come true. You're going to become Hokage one day, just as you said you would. And because I love you so much...just as I am the Third Hokage's sword of justice, I will become yours, here and now. Call on me...say my name into the wind, and I will be there for you. I promise on my soul."

I feel him squeeze me closer. I can't help but start crying myself...feeling the pain in him, the desire to make everything right.

"Can I...do it now?" he asks.

"Yes. I am yours to command."

"I'm not...even if I wanted to...I can't. It would...hurt so much to try. Please...bring back my friend. Bring Sasuke home, Lili."

"Yes, my love. As you wish."

We slowly let go of each other, and I wipe his tears away.

"Thank you..."

"You have such beautiful eyes. I want to see them filled with happiness, and not despair. That's why I'll do whatever it takes."

"It's...so much."

"And you are worth every drop of effort." I kiss him on the cheek. "I don't want to leave you, but...there's an important meeting I have to get to."

"Yeah. It's...probably to do with Sasuke, right?"

"Among other things. It's getting serious, so...be ready for anything."

"G-got it. See you, Lili...you can come by any time that you want, okay?"

"I'll be sure to." I pull on my sandals and start to leave.

"Wait a sec..."


"I...said it before, that I'm probably not the best guy for this. Sasuke's got a strong jutsu, and that curse thingy...and then Sakura's there. And Pervy Sage said yesterday that it wasn't a good idea to chase after them...but I got a list of guys I think would work out."

I nod. "Give me their names. I'll take everything into consideration at our meeting. I'm a jounin now, after all."

"Oh, right...I actually wasn't thinking about that, you know? Hehe, that helps. Okay, so I was thinking..."

I'm going to keep my promise to Naruto. Even...if it means crushing Sasuke completely.


The Hokage has the special meeting in his office, and we're joined by familiar faces. Ibiki is busy putting the information gathered yesterday to good use - and probably having fun while doing it. I wonder if he'll ever make use of that retirement package, since shinobi that are useful don't have to retire, strictly speaking.

Yugao is here, sans mask. Hayate has certainly done well for himself, though I know he's a skilled shinobi in his own right. I might be a little jealous that he has such a pretty girl as his lover. A little. Maybe. Shikamaru is here, looking much less distressed than yesterday. That hopefully means Ino is doing better. Erika has joined us, with her considerable battle power and precise attitude. And Anko is here, too. One of the Leaf's foremost tracking and infiltration experts...and it's only fitting that she help erase her old master's legacy, once and for all.

"Sorry we're late," I hear from behind me. Jiraiya arrives with Kakashi. That should be the last of this small party. Many others will get their orders after this, and will begin to mobilize.

"It's no trouble at all," Hiruzen says. "Now that everyone is here, I'll be as concise as possible. Based on the information that we've received from Kabuto and other soldiers of the Hidden Sound, we have the locations of their bases. It's likely that Sasuke has left for one of these areas to gain information on the curse mark and increase his abilities. All of you in this room know about his intended mission...to kill the man responsible for the massacre of the Uchiha Clan. Itachi Uchiha."

It's also presumed that all of us would be able to at least survive an encounter with him. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

"As a result of these circumstances, we will need to have several branching operations at once. We have possession of Orochimaru's remains, but I would like them to be sealed as quickly as possible. This presents a problem when it comes to analysis. Our current level of expertise isn't high enough to properly extract and analyze the secrets of his body in a prudent manner; a project of this scope is projected to take months, if not years at our current rates. Therefore, I would like to find and retrieve one of our village's greatest assets-"

"With a great set of assets herself," Jiraiya says, nodding.

Hiruzen tilts his head down and coughs conspicuously. "Yes, noted. I would for us to search for Tsunade and have her return to the village as soon as possible. Hopefully the news of Orochimaru's passing will compel her to come back, and she's being scouted as a possible candidate for succession." He smiles. "I would also hope that a plea from her old sensei wouldn't be rejected right away."

"I know we're not exactly a democracy here, but I'd like to volunteer myself for that journey if possible," Jiraiya says. "More than that, I want to bring Naruto along and work on him some more. He's an interesting new egg, and I think he can learn some good stuff along the way."

"You're sure that these are things we want taught to him?" Yugao asks boldly.

"Oi, don't get smart all of a sudden. What's wrong with me, the great Toad Hermit, teaching him?"

Kakashi has a look on his face that says 'everything'.

"There were impressive results as we saw in the Chuunin Exams," Hiruzen muses. Ah, so it was Jiraiya's doing...well, that speaks well enough to his credentials. Naruto has definitely grown in the past two months or so. "That opportunity should be considered. The remaining missions involve assaulting each of the Hidden Sound bases that we have located, meaning we will be leading large forces into battle. And finally...the location and recovery of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno."

"It couldn't have been more than a day or two since they left, if their households gave any indication," Kakashi says. "I told Sakura's parents that she's gone missing, but not any of the details just yet. They took it as well as any parent would in that situation..." He lets out a breath. "We'll still be able to track them by scent, and they're still green...if they meant to make as much distance as possible, their ability to hide their tracks will be diminished. And if they decide to slow down to hide themselves better, that just makes it easier for us to catch up and scan the area for them. It's probably going to be the first thing, if I have my wits about me still."

"Has Ino woken up?" Hiruzen asks.

"Not yet, but she's breathing on her own," Shikamaru says. "The docs said she should be awake by tomorrow, and she's being taken care of by someone pretty skilled." He looks at me as he says that, and I nod in understanding. Ruki is still being as wonderful as ever...nothing surprising.

"We should check on her before leaving for the mission related to Sasuke," Erika says. "Along with solidarity, there are practical reasons...there's no doubt that she saw something important on that night. It seems to be the only reason that she would be injured so badly and left to die."

"I doubt it. Even if it was something minor...those sadists would have tried to kill her anyways for sport," I say.

"I see..."

"So...how exactly are we gonna split this thing up?" Jiraiya asks. "We've got a couple of people who can track here, some good fighters..."

I've already decided that I'm leading the mission to bring Sasuke back, if the Hokage allows it. And he probably will, based on our connections. But I need to make a good case. I can pretty easily take most of the people in this room and go after those two; it might be a short mission in the first place. But elites are in short supply, and we're also going to be launching attacks on the Hidden Sound bases to dissuade Sasuke from approaching them. I can't drag manpower away from those things. Jiraiya is set on looking for his old teammate, and he'll be taking care of Naruto, who has agreed along with me that he shouldn't be going out there - he's not ready at this stage.

The best way to do this...bringing adequate manpower without sacrificing the strength of the village. Naruto had the right idea with his list. I'll make a few tweaks to it...six is probably too big, and while redundancies are good, they're not necessary. Five people including myself for mobility and flexibility.

"I'm going to take point for the recovery mission," I announce. "My proposal aims to balance combat strength and village resources. In addition to that, I would like to push forward personal bonds as positive motivation and reinforcement. These things together will create the most likely scenario that Sasuke is brought back to the village alive, as is desired by Lord Hokage."

"Good pitch," Anko says with a smile. "Hard to strike a balance between people who'll go after a target with energy and won't kill 'em at the same time. I think I see where you're going with this."

"Naruto and I had a meeting this morning, and based on our combined observations, I have created this final list for discourse." I take out a small scroll and hand it to the Hokage, who looks it over for a while as he starts to smoke on his pipe. He nods and passes it around to the others, who note the choices and react in much the same way. Kakashi seems amused and impressed. Jiraiya is the only one who seems skeptical.

"It's an interesting list, I'll give you that much. How about you explain your choices?" he demands.

"Lord Jiraiya-"

"Kakashi. It's alright," I say. He nods and goes quiet. I stare up at Jiraiya before speaking. "The reasoning is simple here. I have a personal stake in bringing back Sasuke and Sakura. I am also the strongest in my graduating class, and in addition to all of that, I am recognized as an elite of the Hidden Leaf. That makes me a logical choice to lead any mission we have here, but this one especially since it will require a certain precision that I feel only a few of us in this village possess. My second choice is Shikamaru. He has proven himself to be a great tactician, reliable in battle and able to plan extensively on short notice. He also has a personal stake in this, as Ino was badly hurt and both Sakura and Sasuke are his classmates. He is currently free to take on this mission, and on top of that, will have strong knowledge of any person I choose because of his observations. Third is Hinata. She is my sister in spirit, and our synergy is extremely high. She is competent, focused, and also will have a personal motivation on this mission, making it much more likely to succeed. Shino is fourth, and he is my right hand. We have great synergy as well, being teammates, and he has a brilliant tactical mind that can back up Shikamaru's. He also boasts superior tracking and tracing capabilities when compared to the majority of the village's shinobi. And lastly, our wild card. Rock Lee has a great amount of passion, a strong personal connection for the mission, and incredible taijutsu skills that soar above most adults. Ninjutsu is well stocked, and genjutsu is easily countered. It means that he has nothing to worry about and can shine as brightly as needed, and that he can become our trump card if things go wrong."

Anko lets out a low whistle.

Jiraiya tries not to look impressed. "You keep talking about personal motivations. Why is that so important?"

"Why, indeed. Sasuke...he is far from my friend. But he is my comrade. He is our comrade. No matter how we might feel about him, individually, or as a group, we are the closest to him, and therefore the most suitable to try and convince him to come back. He's not just a runaway to us. He's someone important. As shinobi, we are told that we should kill our emotions and focus on missions, because they can blind you. But they can also strengthen your resolve, and give you the power to make the impossible possible. I fight for Naruto, and so does Hinata. Shino is my right hand, and supports me in whatever I do. Shikamaru wants to protect his village and avenge Ino. Lee will fight because of his love for Sakura. We are all here for different reasons, but our goal is the same..."


"We want to bring our comrades home. No matter what," I finish.

Jiraiya says nothing, instead giving me a look that I shrug off.

"And of course, you have business to take care of with Naruto. I made him a promise, and now it's up to you to make him grow stronger. He won't like it if he's fallen further behind Sasuke by the time we drag him back here."

"Confident, aren't we?"

"Yes. Very much so, Lord Jiraiya."

There's a...nostalgic look that seems to cross his face for a moment before he smiles. "Fine. Do what you've gotta do, Princess."

"I shall. Thank you for your encouragement."

"We will take apart the hidden bases on our own, with that decided," Erika says. "I assume you considered my battle power in your calculations."

"I did. As of now...it's likely you're above me when it comes to straightforward combat," I say to her.

"I don't think I can agree with such a thing. You still have power left to reveal, Captain Kobayashi."

"Oh?" Well, aren't we cheeky today. "So you've been spying on me, then."

"I would like to call it admiration. You're a very interesting woman, as I'm sure you know."

I laugh lightly at that. "We shouldn't spend too much time flirting, you know. There are quite a few things to take care of."

"Understood. We will speak at a later date," she says with a smile. "At this point in time, I will be attacking the Northern Hideout in order to conserve our battle strength."

"Alone?" Yugao asks.

"It would be easy enough to do so. However, cooperation between villages is a useful boon. I will be joined by Gaara of the Sand Waterfall, as his attacking style is well suited to large-scale assaults. He has expressed his desire to help. Lord Hokage, I will depart to make final preparations for my mission. Farewell."

"Farewell, Erika. Be safe."

"Yes, my lord. Understood." She vanishes in a swirl of leaves, leaving one behind that floats in the air. The Hokage lets it float down into his palm before setting it on his desk.

"A vibrant girl," he says with a smile.

"Is...vibrant the right word?" Shikamaru asks. "But putting that aside, I'm fine with what Lili's picked out. Sasuke is one of our own, and we should be the ones going out there to kick his ass over anyone else."

"That's surprising resolve coming from you," Kakashi says.

"I guess so. I think I've just gotten really attached to Ino."

"Hm. Even you have a boiling point, then."

"Yeah. Definitely."

I remember how disgusted he looked after Edo Tensei was released. And he also has his pride as a man to consider...aside from his tactical mind, there was no way that Naruto and I were going to leave him out. This is big for him as well.

"I'll lead a force into the Southern Hideout," Kakashi says. "Sounds like there are unique characters to take care of, but only a few of them. So it should be fine."

"You almost sound too relaxed, scarecrow," Anko teases.

Kakashi shrugs. "What can you do. It's still early in the morning, so I might seem a bit slower than usual. Sorry about that. I have recommendations for the other bases, if you guys would like to hear them. Shikamaru can coordinate with me on this."

"Yeah, all ears."

"Very good. After the squads are debated upon and finalized, we will commence our missions tomorrow morning," Hiruzen says.

My day still isn't done after this. I have some people to talk to...they're all definitely in the village, or else this might not have worked out so well. Just have to get them onboard.

But that's nothing my natural charm can't deal with, right?
Okay I don't like her friendship with Naruto it feels like it came out of no where with no build up other than a handful of conversations... their interactions make me cringe. Also I can't quite put my figure on why but the general dialogue in this story seems a bit odd... which is not very useful criticism since it doesn't explain much but meh.

Sasuke and Sakura leaving the village makes no sense at present, unless the curse mark is designed to corrupt the afflicted into resurrecting orochimaru, either way it feels like you just added it to hit the station of canon.

Still mostly enjoying this though.
Okay I don't like her friendship with Naruto it feels like it came out of no where with no build up other than a handful of conversations... their interactions make me cringe. Also I can't quite put my figure on why but the general dialogue in this story seems a bit odd... which is not very useful criticism since it doesn't explain much but meh.

Sasuke and Sakura leaving the village makes no sense at present, unless the curse mark is designed to corrupt the afflicted into resurrecting orochimaru, either way it feels like you just added it to hit the station of canon.

Still mostly enjoying this though.
Well, if you can't exactly express why the dialogue bothers you, that's fine. People have made similar comments. Part of it might be how the protagonist speaks along with other characters - some people have an unnaturally neat way of talking, or just a directness that doesn't feel "normal" compared to other types of dialogue.

Elaboration on the other parts would be nice though, like Lili and Naruto, and the feeling that I'm unnecessarily folding myself into canon checkpoints. Just useful data points since the train has already left the station a long time ago, and I like reading other perspectives as I go along.
Well, if you can't exactly express why the dialogue bothers you, that's fine. People have made similar comments. Part of it might be how the protagonist speaks along with other characters - some people have an unnaturally neat way of talking, or just a directness that doesn't feel "normal" compared to other types of dialogue.

Elaboration on the other parts would be nice though, like Lili and Naruto, and the feeling that I'm unnecessarily folding myself into canon checkpoints. Just useful data points since the train has already left the station a long time ago, and I like reading other perspectives as I go along.
Well... I'll preface this with an I suck at describing my thoughts in any detail.

Lili and Naruto's friendship has no real substance or progression to it, a friendship is forged of shared experiences and the two have only interacted on a handful of occasions and in each case are mostly just conversations, they have not experience anything that would develop a proper friendship and yet in this chapter she expressed love and a willingness to put aside her own life for him.

This perspective might be a result of how I interpret Naruto's canon charm that allowed the 'talk-no-jutsu' and his friendships to form to work differing from yours. To me the most significant aspect that defines Naruto good point lies not in his words or belief but in his unending determination to put them into action and keep his promises. The vast majority of Narutos friendships are formed because of this and within this story no scenario that showcases this with Lili has happened leaving them with just a few conversation.

As for the Sasuke situation I can't see a reason why he would believe running away at this point is a good idea. With Orochimaru dead there is no one outside to teach him and help get strong enough to face Itachi, in fact it could be considered that he's actually abandoning a source of strength for no reason. With this being that case It looks to me as the only reason he would leave is to meet the station of canon. That being said in writing this I feel I may have jumped to the gun in forming this conclusion so let's put aside my impatiently formed opinion for the time being to wait and see where your going with this in this arc.
Well... I'll preface this with an I suck at describing my thoughts in any detail.
Nah you did good. Thanks for the explanation, I understand what you're saying better now. We can see if the arc progression works out for you.

I (obviously) have my own thoughts but I don't want to override yours. I'll just write. Thanks for your support so far.
Well, if you can't exactly express why the dialogue bothers you, that's fine. People have made similar comments. Part of it might be how the protagonist speaks along with other characters - some people have an unnaturally neat way of talking, or just a directness that doesn't feel "normal" compared to other types of dialogue.

Elaboration on the other parts would be nice though, like Lili and Naruto, and the feeling that I'm unnecessarily folding myself into canon checkpoints. Just useful data points since the train has already left the station a long time ago, and I like reading other perspectives as I go along.

I do enjoy the current plot and the start of the Sasuke Arc, but I do agree on the Naruto part, my viewpoint is basically that Naruto hasn't earned the level of devotion either Lilith or Hinata seem to have for him, I am personally always a fan of different Hokages later down the line, and Lilith and Hinata "faith" in Naruto doesn't have much basis in this AU, first of all, Hinata had like 0.3 interactions with Naruto and took his "force of character" as her inspiration when she was really really young, but after that is where the AU starts, she was alone and close to a breakdown due to stress and there comes Lilith, becoming her first friend since ever, and managed to become the basis for Hinata's happiness since the Bandit missions especially, both Lilith and Hinata had the most interactions in the Story, and their relationship is one of the most developed since the start, and they had "some" interactions with Naruto, but not enough to paint him as a close friend by any means.

Also, Lilith had 0 direct connections to Naruto, she didn't see him demostrate anything else except willpower during the Neji's fight, and from her perspective he is really really REALLY weak, even if his force of personality and "warmness" is the same as Canon, neither Lilith or Hinata lack loved ones to latch so strongly to Naruto, it borders on the Fanon "Mind Control Talk no Jutsu" level of attachement at this rate. Also, Lilith knows that even Shino or Hinata are potentially stronger than Naruto and learn much faster, after all Naruto took 1 month to learn Summons and some crappy coordination, and he didn't use Summons in front of Lilith, it is like Hinata, Shino and Lilith improved by 1000 (and Shino did improve a lot, and made an impressive showing in tactics and power) and Naruto by 100 but showed 40 publicaly in that fight.

I do understand how Hiruzen, Iruka, Kakashi, and other do love him and want him to succedd, but the recent chapter painted Lilith almost as a fanatical follower because Naruto is too weak and cried a little, that part is the one that makes no sense, she basically told him she would become his subordinate for no reason other than "he is like the sun", Naruto's charisma may be good, but Lilith really isn't lacking in that department, and she does have a LOT of more important connections than Naruto, this dialogue would work if it was between Lilith and Hinata (since they both seem to be practically married already), Lilith and Midoriko, even the Hokage, or her team, but for Naruto, I feel like it comes out of nowhere after all Lilith has been treating him as a child since forever.

And Naruto has been moving in a much different circle than Lilith and Hinata, he does have close relationships with Hiruzen, Iruka, Kakashi, arguably Shikamaru, I bet he is closer to Kiba too, and lastly Sasuke and Sakura (but one sided it seems). Lilith and Hinata have their team, Midoriko, Ibiki, Anko, Luna, Neji, Shikamaru, Ino and most of the adults in higher positions thanks to Lilith competence and way of making connections casually and naturaly, which is a much different kind of Charisma from Naruto, but no less powerful, in fact I would argue that Lilith has more charisma than Naruto.

Basically my argument bases on the fact that this Naruto is almost the same as Canon, where all the ones connected closely to Lilith improve at a monstrous rate and become much better for it either as people, emotionally or as Ninja. She certainly would see Naruto as friendly due to Hinata's "obsession", but not to the point of becoming his "slave", it feels like an attempt to make Naruto the protagonist because he is Naruto and not because of any merit of his own, since he is actually one of the weakest of the 15 Ninjas in the Generation (+Erika and Chunni Guy), in this case it is annoying how he saying "I will be Hokage-dattebayo" but not improving either technically or tactically makes him a fraud.

I would honestly not enjoy it as much is Naruto takes over momets like this again and again, Lilith didn't steal Naruto's role, since Naruto did exactly the same things as Canon for the most part, Lilith has been playing her own role and talking with people outside of Canon, so she doesn't need to be there for Naruto's "stations of Canon", for example, lets say this chapter wasn't as "Chunni" and Lilith was serious, congratulations now you consider Naruto your future "Leader", time skip 3 years and he barely learns anything and gets left behind by Sakura too, is Lilith Kage Level?, Elite Jonin?, what would be the relationship then, she certainly doesn't come as the person who would put herself as infeior to others she doesn't respect and already has a much stronger bond, and at this point the only ones she respects and considers her better are people who really DESERVE to be there, Hiruzen, Kakashi, Midoriko, Kurenai in some part, Luna in a different way. The only peers in the same generation she seems to have are Erika, and maybe Neji.

In fact I would consider it really contrived if neither Hiruzen nor Tsunade consider Lilith for a possible future Hokage, she has the capabilities, connections and love for the leaf requiered, she is the strongest of the generation and even if she doesn't "want" to become Hokage, neither did Kakashi and he made an excellent one, and I would argue that the ones that don't want to be Hokage are the BEST choices around. Leaving the position to Naruto due to "Canon" reasons seems foolish, even Tsunade would notice that even if Naruto is Charismatic, he was a complete moron until past the 4th Ninja War, maybe not in everything, but certainly in politics, social talents, economical perspective and knowledge of the Leaf's operations, he is the kind of Hokage that gifts all the Tailed Beasts to the rest of the villages to avoid "war", and causes the biggest successions of wars since all history (1st Hokage).

I completely love the story and the path is following, all the OCs and interactions between Lilith and others, but I really don't like the fact that Naruto took such a big impact on the MC like this, maybe modify a little of the time skip so Naruto does deserve a little of Lilith and Hinata's faith in him because at this point I really don't see it. All of the Konoha 15 have dreams, willpower and charisma above their peers, and that doesn't make Lilith pledge herself to Tenten.


About the other aspects of the chapter, I liked the talks between the Team Leaders in Hiruzen's office, and Jiraiya seems to take this seriously, really looking forward to some mentions of Erika and Kakashi's missions, even if they seems to be almost Overpowered as leaders to take some bassess from Sound, and can't wait to see more of Lee in the story, he is one of the best Naruto characters since his appearance, and really want to see him shine, he deserves it.

Thanks for the chapter, sorry if the review is large and somewhat contrary, but ONLY in this topic I consider the recent developments as "forced" to make Naruto bigger than he has proved himself to be.
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Thanks for the chapter, sorry if the review is large and somewhat contraty, but ONLY in this topic I consider the recent developments as "forced" to make Naruto bigger than he has proved himself to be.
Thanks for your input. Seeing things from another place helps with some aspects of writing. I don't know what will change if anything but as said before the information is good to have.

I might have commentary later, might not. I'll see how I feel after writing more content.
I disagree with the opinions relating to Naruto and Lili.
First, they've definitely had more than just a few interactions, and they weren't just conversations. A majority of them were genuine bonding moments, like here and the meal at Ichiraku. It should also be taken into account that this isn't a continuous narrative, meaning the characters continue their lives offscreen during the timeskips, and it's very clear that Lili regularly makes time for all her friends. Furthermore, it bears remembering that she didn't like him at all at the beginning, but quickly warmed up to him as she learned more about him thanks to their general compatibility. He's one of the types of people Lili likes the most, of course they're going to grow close quickly.
As a small side note, taking issue with Hinata of all people being attached to Naruto is just silly. Ignoring the fact that Lili's support and encouragement made her more confident in her feelings and opinions, I'd definitely say she interacts with him much more often than in canon.
Additionally, comparing Lili's devotion to her acting as a person's slave? That's completely ridiculous, it's literally just her caring so much about a person that she'll do whatever she can to see them happy, which happens quite regularly in real life and is perfectly normal when there's sufficiently strong feelings behind it.
On a related note, one of Lili's driving motivations is seeing people achieve their dreams. Naruto's is to become Hokage, and being a ninja of the Leaf, that means she will eventually be under his direct command anyway. Given their bond, Naruto giving Lili the "order" to bring his team back is both extra motivation and an additional reminder for her to do everything she can before resorting to lethal force.

In regards to Sasuke leaving the village being weird, it was pretty clearly foreshadowed. Even if it hadn't been, it's been made clear that he was given an "escort" out of the village. Even if he had wanted to refuse, he wouldn't have been allowed to.
Finally, as a friendly reminder, the cursed seals are literally horcruxes. They contain part of Orochimaru's consciousness, which under certain contexts is synonymous with a person's soul, so the idea of manipulating the thoughts and desires of the seal bearers isn't farfetched in the slightest.

...Wow this was way longer than I was intending. Forte, why do you do this to me. I cannot handle all these feelings you keep putting in my arms.
Big chapter, good writing.

I'm disgusted by all of it. It's suddenly happy sappy flowers and candy land. And ever senior nin is going with it. Not some single person just sad to stick a knife in it. Call it a day. This is a long line of shit on the kid's list of fuckup's and others have been killed for less.

Your swapping places on the tracks but still sticking to them cannon rails eh?
The Beloved
Scarlet Justice - ep. 53
"The Beloved"
[Sasuke Recovery Mission: Prologue 3]

It's late afternoon by the time the meeting ends. Everything is set. Now, we just have to make contact with our teammates for the mission.

I run over to the Aburame District for my first stop. Shikamaru, sensitive soul that he is, has agreed to take care of Lee. That leaves me to grab my teammates, who should be ready to go as soon as I give the word. I reach Shino's place and knock on the door. A woman with a slender frame and black hair in a high ponytail appears.

"Good evening! Captain Kobayashi, what brings you here?" she asks.

"Miss Kiko, good evening. I have an urgent message for Shino."

"I see. I'll call him down...Shino! Shino, your Captain is here! She's got urgent business! He should be down in a moment. Would you like to step inside?"

"For a moment, yes. I won't be having anything, unfortunately. There's another stop I have to make quickly."

"Of course. Please come in, don't worry about your footwear." I hear Shino come down the stairs and through the hallway. "I'll leave you two to handle business. Take care, Captain."

"Take care, Miss Kiko."

"Thank you, Mother. Boss, what did you need?" Shino asks as he arrives. Kiko disappears up the stairs, leaving us alone.

"I'm going after Sasuke. A five-person fighting force has been created for this particular mission, and I want you on it."

"Okay. I'm in."

"We leave tomorrow afternoon. Please bring your standard supply kit, nothing more than that. The meeting place is at the main gate, 1 pm."

"Got it. I'll see you then, Boss."

"Make sure to tell your parents, too. If they worry, give them this." I hand him a small card with a summary of the operation, and the Hokage's seal. "I've got the old man's backing. Shikamaru is mission control."

"Excellent. We can't lose, then."

"That's the spirit." I pat him on the shoulder and give him a salute, which he returns. "See you soon."

As I leave, I'm already plotting the fastest route to Hina's place. She's the next and last one...let's hope it's not too much of a hassle getting through the entrance.

I reach the gates of the Hyuuga residence and set my face in neutral before approaching the guards. Relations may have warmed, but I suspect not enough to-

"Are you onee-sama's teammate?"

"Hm?" I turn my head to see someone approaching me from behind. Another member of Hyuuga, but with a familiar-looking face. Her black hair is long, with a stray bang crossing over her face. And she's a small thing, too. Very cute. But I need to be cautious with people from this clan. "Yes, I am her teammate."

"I see. May I have your name?"

"I am Lilith Kobayashi, a jounin of this village. May I have your name, madam?"

"Yes, of course. I am Hanabi Hyuuga, member of the Hyuuga Main Family, and heiress to the Hyuuga Clan," she says confidently.

"Onee-sama...is that what you call her still?" I ask curiously.

"Of course I do. Father made a mistake giving me the title of heiress." What a bold thing to say. "My big sister is stronger than anyone realizes. Hm...you had a different expectation of me, didn't you?"

"Yes, definitely," I say bluntly.

"Hmph. Well, you're definitely modest."

"Something like that."

"Quite cheeky, too," she says with a smile. "I like you already. It's no wonder my sister has improved so much." Hanabi walks up to me, taking my hand. "You treat her as family, and were there for her when nobody else was. Thank you for doing what we could not...for looking after her. You've been a blessing, Miss Lilith."

"Call me Lili. And you can be my little sister if you want."

"Ha! Well, as long as nothing lewd comes out of it..."

I scoff. "I see my reputation precedes me. Unfortunate."

"I forced it out of her, bit by bit. She's usually pretty secretive about you and your exploits, so don't worry too much."

"Well, that much is fine. I've accepted some of the marks on my social status. Is Hina in?"

"Yes, she's training with Brother Neji at the moment. You can come to the courtyard with me, if you want."

"I would like that. Training with Neji...he did change dramatically over the course of the exam period. What exactly happened to him?" I ask.

"You're wondering too, then - oi, open the gates! - just like I was," Hanabi says without missing a beat. The guards open up the gates, and I walk through for the first time. What greets me is a very traditional type of estate, very much Eastern in design, scope, and aesthetic. The courtyard is in full view, and I see Neji and Hina practising their Gentle Fist forms together. Neji has that same sort of relaxed look to him as I remember from the other day. The boy who was desperate to defy his fate, so much so that he wanted to kill Hina, has disappeared. And next to him, the timid, scared Hina that I first met has changed. She's still gentle, and just a bit shy...but on her way to becoming a woman in every aspect.

Bringing her on this mission...it's definitely the right choice. We'll soar higher together.

"Father finally got to tell him what happened on that day. I was confused sitting up there and hearing the story for the first time, so I asked a few days after the invasion and he told me. Uncle Hizashi gave his life out of love for my father. When he got the chance to choose for the first time in his life...he chose to be more than just a servant to the Main House. He chose to be a brother who could protect what was precious to him."

"He unlocked the cage, then," I say. "Going against the destiny plotted out for him, and living out his life as he chose. It was as I thought when I first heard the story. He was truly a man worthy of honour. And it must have hurt Lord Hiashi, so much that he withdrew and changed."


"Forgive me for being bold, but I'm still not sure that I can forgive him for his treatment of Hina. Maybe one day, when the flames have cooled. But...his pain is just as valid. A victim of a vicious cycle."

"Father has passed down the mantle to me," Hanabi says, staring up at me. "I will become the head of Hyuuga, and end these barbaric practices forever. If anyone has a problem with the clan, they can come to me. And they can challenge me whenever they want. But whether it's in physical or social combat, they won't win," she says smugly. "After all, my blood is thick. Father and Uncle were already proof of the clan's overwhelming strength. Then my sister and Brother Neji after them. And then the latest generation...me. The Hyuuga will become more understanding and compassionate...but we will always be the mightiest clan in the Leaf."

What a girl. Little wonder she has her title at such a young age. "Bold and strong. As expected of my little sister."

"Ehehe~! Thanks!"

I smile and pat her head.

"It's really high praise coming from you, Lili-nee. The woman who went up against one of the Three Shinobi and held her own. Within Hyuuga, you're known as the Crimson Nightmare, in addition to your other titles."

"That sounds formidable," I say with amusement.

"Right? Also, also..." She lowers her voice. "There's a clique of girls in the Main House who admire you from afar. They even have pictures that they pass around..."

"Oh~? You don't say..."

"I don't say. You never heard this from me," Hanabi says with a wink. "But enough gossip for now, yeah?"

"Right. We'll go and meet with Hina now. There's a vital mission that we have to undertake."

"It's that Uchiha guy, I'm guessing...okay, let's go." We enter the yard as Hina and Neji finish their kata, bowing to each other respectfully.

"Very good work. As expected of Lady Hinata."

"S-stop, Neji. You're praising me way too much..."

"I have a lot to make up for," he says with a smile. "Showering milady with praise is the very least I could do."

She sighs happily. "If that's your wish, Brother Neji. Thank you...I'm already blessed by your kindness."

"As I am by yours."

"Um...please raise the intensity a little next time?" Hina asks gently.

"Yes, of course. You're eager to catch that woman, aren't you?" he asks.

"Of course she is," Hanabi says as we arrive. "The spirit of competition finally burns within her. Afternoon, you two!"

"Lady Hanabi, good afternoon. And senpai is here, too. It's good to see you again."

"Likewise, Neji. You two are working hard, I like to see it."

"Yes. Lady Hinata is already impressive compared to most members of Hyuuga, and her potential is even greater than this. Senpai, you really have done a fine job nurturing her up to this point. I expect even more as you work together."

"As you should," I say proudly.

"Ah, pardon. What brings you here today, senpai?"

"I wanted to talk to Hina about something important. There's a certain mission that I want her to join me on. You've heard whispers about Sasuke by now, yes?"

"From Lord Hiashi directly...it's a serious matter that they've managed to keep quiet for now, but if it drags on too long...I don't understand, though. His departure, and Sakura Haruno's..."

"That's why we want to put a lid on it now, before things escalate. I'm leading a team to bring him back, alive preferably. Hina is someone I want by my side."

"Senpai, I know that you have confidence in Lady Hinata, but I should-"

"Neji...my apologies. I understand how you feel. But this request isn't just from the village. It's from Naruto Uzumaki as well...a personal plea to bring that boy back home to the Leaf."

"Naruto?" Hina asks.

"Yes. He asked me to bring Sasuke back. Someone he called friend...and brother. I can feel the weight of his sorrow, and I know that you've always cared for him deeply, Hina."

"I do."

"So...will you come with us?" I ask.

She nods, determined. "Without question. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, 1 pm. Our usual supplies, nothing extra to weigh us down. There will be three others besides us."


"He'll be there."

"I understand." She turns to Neji and takes his hands in hers. "Brother Neji, I know you mean to protect me. And I thank you for that. But I...I really do love Naruto," she says, blushing. "Maybe it doesn't make sense for me to care this much, but I do. I want to do this for him, to end his sadness. Even if...it means that my feelings aren't returned in the way that I want. This is something I have to do...something I want to do. Please, let me go."

"..." Neji turns his head towards me.

"Hinata is my sister," I say firmly. "I will die before returning without her."

He nods and gives her a smile. "Then be safe, Lady Hinata. I will be waiting here for your safe return."

"Thank you."

"Good luck, sis. Bring that Uchiha bonehead back, and you might earn yourself a hot date with Naruto!"

"Hanabi, y-y-you...! The worst, the worst!" Hina says, her face turning red.

"Heh. Seems our girl takes after me," I say. "No need to worry, I can make sure this results in a date with my charisma. After all, he does have warm and fuzzy feelings for me."

"Ah? Really?" Hanabi asks.

"Yep! He asked me on a date twice in the past, you know."

"You too! Lili! You're awful! The worst!" Hina says as she flails her arms.

"Aaaaah! Both of you, please stop bullying Lady Hinata!" Neji says frantically.

"I-I'll show it to you...t-the t-t-terror of Hyuuga...!" Hina activates her Byakugan and chases us around the yard as we laugh.

"Lady Hinata, don't attack senpai with that...!"


I eventually get over my laughing fit and head home after Hina calms down some. To think I would have so much fun in that sort of place...it looks like times are changing, and for the better. Hanabi's vision of the future might really come to pass.

"You look happy today, Miss Lilith," Luna says as I sit down to dinner. It's been a long day, and I'm looking forward to her cooking. Tonight's meal is roast chicken in a honey glaze, paired with curly fries and a delicious glass of milk. "I was worried for you after this morning, and everything that you told me. To see you in high spirits is soothing."

"I had some fun with Hina earlier."

"Mm. Bullying again..." She sighs. "You and Midori are too much alike."

"Hmhm. It might be the case." I pick up my chopsticks and go after the fries first. Wait. What was that just now...?

"Miss Lilith? Is something the matter? Did I burn your food?" Luna asks, worried.

"Midori?" I say to her, blinking.

"A-ah. Right...yes." Her voice is quiet all of a sudden.

"Luna, you don't have to be so frightened-"

"No, no! Please, don't misunderstand. She insisted that we go on a first name basis in private. Now that we're...um..."

I look at her curiously as she blushes. And then I notice it...a sparkle coming from her hand that definitely wasn't there this morning. A ring on her finger, with a shining diamond...


"Yes...I'm engaged."

"I see." I slowly set down my chopsticks, push out my chair...and race around the table to jump up and hug her tightly.

"Congratulations! And look at you! Worrying yourself sick, almost turning that woman down for such a stupid, stupid reason all that time ago!"

"I did, didn't I...I almost made a terrible mistake, running away from Midori. Miss Lilith...thank you so much. Thank you for helping me attain this happiness."

I let go of her and straighten myself out. "Lili."


"I'm your little sister for real now, or will be soon at least. So it's Lili now."

"Forgive me," she says with a hand over her heart. "That...might take a while."

"A compromise, then. Miss Lili works out well enough. But you'll get it down. You're Luna-nee, after all."

She smiles and nods. "I'm your Luna. Forever and always...Miss Lili."

I nod and calmly head back to my seat. My food somehow smells better than before, and the curly fries are perfectly crispy to the touch. Ah, the power of love in full effect. I'm so, so happy right now.

"A wonderful future awaits us all. And I have a mission to complete. As the Leaf's sword of justice, as a valued comrade, as an elite leader...and most importantly, as Naruto's friend. Sasuke Uchiha...prepare for a world of hurt. I will bring you back home, where you belong."

"Good luck, Miss Lili."

"Thank you, Luna. You've outdone yourself today."

"Your praise completes me, milady." She smiles and curtsies for me. "I live to serve you."


The morning comes, with the strength of the sun's rays. It's early as I wake up, just past dawn. The air is cool against my skin, and refreshes me slowly. I go straight to the bath and soak a bit.

First my teeth, then my hair. I wash my face and rub lotion gently into my skin.

The blessings of these past weeks are bright in my mind. Midori and Luna, finally engaged. A promotion to jounin. A new sibling on the way soon. Hina growing and blossoming into a fine woman. Good things all around. Many would be worried about all of these things crashing to the ground around them, but not me. No, never.

If the so-called gods mean to reach down from their thrones and take away my happiness, then I will sever their fingers one by one.


More than anything...this is my first mission as a jounin. And a grand one, indeed. I want something to boost my image, something stylish and unique to reflect my personality. Thankfully, I have just the thing...Luna picked it up the other day. The cute and deadly little outfit that I've been waiting to try on since I saw it, with a few customizations. I go through my drawers and reach into my closet to assemble my outfit.

"Let's start from...the bottom this time. Hmhm."

Underwear, check. Fancy patterns today. Shorts in black that are comfy around the hips. Red belt that's sturdy enough to hold equipment, and strong enough for emergency usage. And finally, a fancy pair of black socks that have open toes. Made of good, strong, and definitely expensive material that's useful for shinobi. They go all the way up to my thighs and meet neatly with the bottom of my shorts. Okay, that part's done. Now for the main event.

"Ah, finally. You've come home~"

It's a black hooded sweater, but not just any kind. Crafted from the finest materials, resistant to numerous conditions and types of damage, and with a good zipper that resists jamming - something so hard to find in these times. The zipper is shaped like a snake's forked tongue, painted red just like the big, thick teeth are. They go all the way up and around the edges of the hood itself, meaning I can zip the entire thing closed if I want. It's super cool...I've always wanted one of these, but never found a good excuse to get one before now. The sleeves are oversized, baggy and with lots of space coming down to cuffs with metallic red trim that fit snugly around my wrists. But not so snug that my serpent friends can't burst out from under them when I need to use a technique or two.

I look in my mirror and turn a few times to make sure I have everything looking right. There's even a pair of eyes on each side of the hood, so that when I pull it down far enough it looks like a snake's head. Yeah, really cool. I know everyone will get a kick out of it. I make sure to arrange my hair properly so that it's not all trapped inside, and open and close the zipper a few times to make sure things are working properly. Should I wear an extra shirt underneath? Hm...no, it's fine. Not like anyone will be peeking under there any time soon. Checking my toes and fingers one last time, with light pink nail polish from yesterday.

I already have ideas for when I'm older...something much more daring that will get everyone's hearts racing at the sight of me. For now, I can settle for looking a little mysterious and deadly. I definitely feel confident, and confidence will be key to this mission's success. My weapon holster with Midori's butterfly knife goes on my left thigh today, secured with a bit of black bandage. I work on my drawing speed and weapon movement for a little to get used to the new material around me...it should be good now.

Yes. Definitely ready.

"Miss Lili?"

"Luna, come in. I'm awake."

My door opens, and I present myself to Luna as she steps in. "So? What do you think?"

"It's a dynamic look, very dashing. And definitely you," she says. "I like it."

"I figured this was a good new image to go with my promotion. I'm glad you think it looks good. And I love this jacket already, thank you for helping me with it."

"I'm happy that I could be of service to you. Breakfast is already cooked, do you need help with anything else?" she asks.

"I have everything I need by now, but thank you. There's a stop I need to make, though...it's the hospital. Definitely before I leave the village. I want to see how Ino is doing," I say as I clean up and leave my room.

"I see. I hope she's recovering well...what a horrible thing to have happen to her. And for what..."

"From what I've heard, she should be awake by now. We're getting those bastards back for what they did," I say as I sit down at the table. Today's meal is a full course: pancakes, sausage, eggs, ham, toast, tomatoes, and more. I quickly and neatly eat everything, then gulp down a few glasses of fortified milk for good measure afterwards.

"Your appetite is growing," Luna remarks as she clears my plates.

"It's interesting to see. I think I'll need to eat like this more often...seems like I'm moving into a growth spurt soon, if my habits are any indication. But my mission pay combined with our normal allowance will be more than enough to take care of that." I wipe my mouth with a napkin. "That makes me think about moving from this place, too..."

"There are good homes near the Uchiha District, and the prices are low."

"Lots of superstition, I'm guessing. Hm. We could make purchases and flip a few of them if we don't end up moving in," I say. Luna tosses me two bottles of milk and I catch them without looking, putting them into my small pack. "Give Mother a call and see what she thinks."

"I'll remember to do that, Miss Lili."

"Good. I'm off, Luna. Take care of yourself, and give Midori-nee my love as always."

"Yes, I will. Be safe."

I hug her tightly. "I will be. I promise to come back to you soon. I love you, Luna."

"I love you, Lili."

I pull on my sandals with one hand while shouldering my small bag. With one last nod to Luna, I step outside, jumping the short distance from the stairs to the ground below. The warmth of the morning sun kisses my cheeks.

A pleasant day in the Hidden Leaf...a good day to set off on the adventure of a lifetime. For now, it's time to make an important visit.

Things are busy and vibrant today. The scheduled missions to the Hidden Sound bases have already started, with some teams moving ahead of the others. It doesn't seem particularly tense, but that won't stop me from taking my mission seriously. A few looks are thrown my way on account of my new outfit...I feel like I enjoy the attention, a little bit. I don't stop for anyone, but it's nice to be noticed.

Yamanaka Flowers is open, and I decide that I'm going to pick up something for my friend. The temp they have is a nice girl, and she knows her stuff. She does all she can to be helpful. But I did ace flower arranging at the Academy.

"These should be good," I say.

"Oh! Those are all nice, yes. You have a great eye."

"Yes, I do try my best." I pay her and wish her a good day after picking out my arrangement. Next stop, the Leaf Hospital. I find Ino's room easily and make my way up. Room 306, moved recently from intensive care.

"..." I take a deep breath and open the door. The room is just about empty right now, save for the expected patient. She's staring at the window outside.


"Hey," I say to break the silence.

She turns her head to look at me, and a smile lights up her wearied face. "Hey. Long time no see."

"Yes. I'm sorry that I couldn't drop in sooner." Ino is sitting up halfway in her bed, the sheets pulled over her legs. I can see that her hair has been cut very short, and there are strips of bandage on different parts of her head. They had to cut away her hair to operate properly, it seems...possibly because of blood as well. Her left arm is bandaged, and her right is in a cast up to the elbow. Everything about her looks...so different.

"It's okay. I've been getting plenty of love since I woke up. Choji..." She sighs. "What a big heart. Just as big as his gut, probably bigger. He went on some sort of extreme diet 'till I woke, just sitting at my bedside and doing nothing else. Shikamaru would have parked himself here too, if he weren't so busy because of the under-staffing. Same with Asuma-sensei, who was out on missions until recently. They were all here 'till late last night with my parents. My dad's been struggling with work, so they gave him time off to tend to me." Ino nods towards the table that's near the window, and the windowsill itself. There are several bundles of flowers, and vases filled with daffodils. "Gifts from my many admirers," she says with a grin. "I got old man Hokage sending me stuff, too. Grand, ain't it?"

"Heh. Well, I grabbed this for you on my way here. You can add it to the collection." I hand her the wrapped bouquet, and she sniffs it once before opening the paper.

"Let's see what we've got." Her eyes change a bit; I know that flowers are her thing, and she's quite interested in what I've done for her. "These smell really nice. Stopped by the shop?"

"Mm-hm. Your stand in is solid."

"Handpicked by yours truly, so she'd better be." The layer of paper comes off, and I see her eyes widen at the display.

Daisies and daffodils with white cherry blossoms mixed in. Three irises in the middle.

"For sympathy and faith," she says quietly. "Kindness...and a reminder of her. And then good tidings three times over." She smiles and notices the last flower I snuck in, hidden in the very middle beneath the others. "A Morning Glory, huh..."


"Thank you. I..." Ino thinks for a moment before looking at me. "Can...I show you something, Lili?"

"What is it?"

"Sit here a moment," she says, patting the side of her bed. I do as she asks, and she takes one of my hands in hers. "The nurses will kill me if they find out I'm using techniques...except Ruki, she's so cool. She looked after me this whole time...today just happened to be her day off, so I've been by myself a lot. But...I really want you to see this. My mind is fuzzy, but my body remembers..."

"I understand. As long as you're not straining yourself...I'm here."

She nods and makes a single seal, transferring her mind into my body. I find myself floating in a blue-tinged void with Ino, who looks just like she did before the attack. This Ino, this fragment of her...she raises her hands silently, and I understand what she wants. I raise mine in return, floating towards her. Our palms touch, and the exchange of information begins.

Everything on that night is revealed to me.


"Sakura...she's really been out of it. Maybe just a quick visit..."

Ino walks through the night towards her friend's home. But there is something amiss.

"Hm? Sakura...that can't be her. Where's she going?"

I can feel her concern as she trails Sakura, taking cover behind buildings and making sure not to be too loud. The other girl is wearing a backpack and is meeting with...Sasuke.

"What the hell...no. No way, they're not...no. They won't!"

Ino breaks her cover and calls out to the two ahead...her best friend, and the boy she used to have a crush on. That was over and done with in this moment, but she didn't want to lose him to the darkness, or her.

"What are you two idiots doing?" she yells. "Why are you sneaking out of the village?"

"Ino, calm down-"

"I will not fucking calm down, Sakura! How dare you! And you, Sasuke! What are you thinking?!"

"I have nothing to say to you, Ino."

"She was right...Lili was right, you're fucking trash! Garbage!" Ino screams. "You're trying to leave the village and turn yourself into a missing-nin, getting yourself and Sakura killed! Sakura, you don't need this guy, he needs you. Snap him out of it, call this whole thing off!"

"Ino...you don't understand."

"What don't I understand, Sakura?! What is it?! Huh?"

"Sasuke...he's not going to succumb to the darkness. We have a plan. We put our heads together, and figured something out. But staying in the Leaf...it won't work out. And if Sasuke goes, I need to go with him. I need to help him, protect him in any way that I can."

"By betraying the village...? Sakura! Listen to yourself...!"

"If I let him go by himself, he'll truly be lost. I can keep him healthy, and he can keep me safe. We've learned to work as a team, finally. We can support each other."

"That's not it! That's not what that means! Tell me if he's blackmailing you, or-"

"He's not! Sasuke would never force me into coming with him!" Sakura said angrily. "Sasuke would never hurt me, I was-"


Ino looked over her friend's shoulder to see Sasuke's guilty face.

"She...she forced you?"

"I don't have a choice...if I didn't take her, they..."

"They? Sasuke, wait..."

"There's no time. Goodbye, Ino." He disappears into the night. Ino moves to go after him, but Sakura slides in front of her.

"Sakura...what did you do..."

"What I had to. I said it before, it's all for Sasuke's sake..."

"He said he had no choice...ugh, no! He's getting away...I can't catch up to him like this."


"Shut the fuck up! Stay put if you want, I'm getting help!" Ino is running, dashing through the village even as she knows that Sakura has taken off after Sasuke.

"I need to get back and tell Dad, or anyone about this...they won't get far trying to run around at night. Still time-"

But something happens. A chill runs through Ino, and she stops as four figures appear, surrounding her. I recognize them, even from these darkened, blurry images. And then...without warning...

It starts.

They attack, all at once. These memories are sharp, too sharp...but I have to watch. I have to endure and feel the weight of Ino's memories. She's beaten, and I feel myself filled with rage. Over and over again, the Sound scum laughing and having the time of their lives. She gets up only to be pummelled again and again, trying with all her might and failing to fight back against four attackers. It's cruel. It's unfair. It's despicable.

And they only stop, only feel satisfied after one last kick to the head. They leave her beside a stream. She's broken and bleeding, life ebbing from her. All alone...nothing but sadness...despair...then a futile anger at herself, for not being good enough, for not being able to stop Sakura and Sasuke, for her failures as a kunoichi, for all the things she didn't do right. And then...a terrible fear.


Lying in the dirt, unable to move. She cried, so desperately for her parents. For the people she loved so dearly. Even me...

Sinking into that abyss, helplessly. Just falling. The world going dark, and accepting that she would never wake up again. Even if...it was so unfair...

And then, the memory ends. Our palms come apart. The other Ino fades away, disappearing into the void.

"Lili...I know that I have no right...none at all...to make such a selfish request..."

I hear her voice breaking.


The technique is released, and I find myself in the real world again. Holding her trembling hand.

"But please...please...forgive her." She clutches at her sheets, tears dripping down her face. "Please bring her back...even after all that she's done...please. She's my friend, and I still love her. Please, Lili...bring Sakura back to me."

I place a hand under her chin, and wipe away her tears.

"That's what the Morning Glory is for, Ino. A promise, made with strength of will. My promise to you. On my soul...I will bring her back to you, Ino. Believe in me."

She nods, sniffling. "Yes. I will."

I nod and smile back.

"I...in those fragments of your mind...in your memory. I saw Naruto...making that same plea for Sasuke. Sasuke means that much to him..."


"And yet you promised him...even though..."

"Yes. It's about more than my feelings. It's more than him being a comrade that should be brought home." I brush back my hair with one hand. "Naruto is precious to me. I want to protect his smile."

"Of course...that's just like you."

"It might be. I feel as if I'm far more suited to playing the villain, but this time...I can put that aside."

"Is that why you have the whole sexy get-up on? You're totally slaying it, girl."

"Well, it might be," I say with a smirk.

"Hey, I'd show off my bod like that too if I got the chance. Your legs are right up there with Temari's."

"You jest," I say playfully.

"I do not," she says with a laugh. "I mean it, seriously. I guess I can work on mine once I get out of here...listen, you'd better smack that stubborn bitch Sakura around a few times for me," she says with a suddenly cold look. "Nothing less than a 16-hit combo will get through to her thick skull. Got it?"

"I'll remember that."

"Good. And I've got something special for her when she gets back and settles in. I don't care who it is from now on, nobody fucks with Ino Yamanaka and skates off into the sunset. I guarantee you that." She lets out a breath and returns to normal. "Take care of yourself, Lili. Even if things don't work out the best...I'd rather not lose you, too. Come back home, alright?"

"I will, Ino. Get better soon," I say as I stand up. "Be strong."

"Like I could be anything else, sweetie." She grins and flexes her good arm. I leave and bow to the incoming nurse before making my way out of the hospital.


I can feel something in one of my pockets. I pull it out, and note that it's a small flower with a disc shape. Small, rounded white leaves around a yellow-orange flower-head.

A daisy. I close my eyes and smile.

"Thank you, Ino. Your faith in me will not go to waste."

I delicately flatten the flower against some paper, and place it in my back pocket. I can feel my heart swelling...all of these feelings, all of these dreams and hopes making me burn up inside. There's no way that I can fail now.

It's time to do this.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 54
[Sasuke Recovery Mission: Pursuit]

"Thanks, Naruto."


Naruto hands two headbands to Shikamaru. Shikamaru then hands them to me, and I chomp down once on the metal and the surrounding fabric to get their signatures down properly. After that, Shino takes Sasuke's headband and Lee holds on to Sakura's.

It's 1 pm at the Hidden Leaf main gates. The Sasuke Recovery Team is now officially assembled.

"Given what I remember of Sakura's combat data...they shouldn't be too far ahead, unless Sasuke's ditched her. But that's doubtful given how dependent they are on each other. There was a good reason they left at the same time, but I don't know exactly what it was," Kakashi says. He's gearing up to go on his own mission soon, and the same is true for Naruto; my friend is going to be travelling with Jiraiya to find the legendary medic, Tsunade.

"Yeah, Pervy Sage says it's gonna be an easier sell to bring her back as a medic," Naruto chirps. "Apparently she wasn't too hooked on the whole Hokage thing. But I can fix all that."

"You think so, huh?" Kakashi asks.

"Well, duh! Once the Number One Hyperactive Ninja gets a hold of ya, there's no escape! Hehehe!"

"Hopefully that holds true, for your sake." He sighs. "Well, I'm off. I wanted to say at the meeting that I should take point, but...Lili was right. The people of his generation should be the ones to talk some sense into him. I tried my best before you, and it didn't work out..."

"Kakashi-sensei, it's not your fault. Seriously, you did everything you could, Sasuke's just a stubborn ass!"

"Thanks for that, Naruto. And good luck to you kids."

"Yeah, same from me! Knock 'em de-....or, unconscious, I mean," Naruto says with a silly grin. "And come back in one piece, yeah? I mean it!"

"We'll be okay, and we will succeed," Hina says. "Count on us, Naruto."

"Thanks, Hinata. I trust you a thousand percent!"

She blushes, but still nods firmly to acknowledge him.

"They'll both be home before you know it," Shino says.

"Yes! With the power of youth, we can do anything!" Lee says.

"It'll be a real pain in the ass to see a knucklehead like you in despair," Shikmaru adds in, yawning. "More than that, I've got vengeance on the brain, too. It's all gonna be okay, and I'll stake my life on that. I can't show my face to the old man if this goes too far south."

"And you've got your own matters to take care of, right? Don't slack off while on the road, or I'll kick your ass when I get back," I tease.

"Heh, you can come and try! I'll have a badass new jutsu waiting, count on it!"

"Looking forward to it," I say as we bump fists.

"Oh! And I like the new outfit, it's hella cool!"

"Isn't it? Thanks. You take care, alright? We'll be back soon."

"Got it!" He gives me a quick salute before following Kakashi back into the village. Now it's just the five of us.

"Alright, we'll check supplies before we go and figure out our formation," Shikamaru says. "Hand everything you got here." We all hand him our equipment, and he does inventory on the spot.

Hina has decided to borrow from my old look for the mission, replacing her usual pants with grey cargo shorts and leggings underneath. Her sweater is opened up revealing a bright white shirt, and her headband is around her neck as always. The longer hair she's sported since the exams swings freely with her movements, and she has a pair of black fingerless gloves on her hands.

Shino has one subtle change, a new pair of sunglasses. I assume they have enhanced light filtration since we don't know exactly what we'll be running into this time around. Other than that, he looks very much himself. Lee is also dressed the same as always, in green spandex, though he seems to be filled with more vigor than I remembered.

Shikamaru is wearing his usual outfit, with his headband tied around his shoulder. It's topped by the standard issue flak jacket that comes with entry into the upper ranks of shinobi. I left mine at home and went with the current outfit for mostly aesthetic reasons.

"Interesting look, Boss," Shino says. I slip on my armband and rub at the metal with the Leaf symbol on it a bit, then put on my own pair of fingerless red gloves. They have small metal plates just below the knuckles - the same as Kakashi's. I asked him the other day where he got his from.

"It's very striking," Hina says with admiration. "I never truly noticed how fit you were, Lili."

"..." Lee gives me a curious look, but is otherwise quiet.

"I bet she's not wearing anything under the sweater," Shikamaru quips. He hands everyone back their tools before crouching lazily. "Not the type of person to understand restraint."

"Well, you're wrong this time. I could give you a peek, if you're so curious."

"We don't need any more distractions on the mission," he says while giving me a look. "Are you trying to lure the enemy with those clothes or something? Or were you flirting on the way here and forgot to change?"

"Well, pardon me," I say with mock indignation. "These clothes aren't just to look cute, they're built for freedom of movement, durability, and improved aerodynamics. To answer your question directly, I'm trying to pull in anyone that I might fancy. It could even be you."

"You're not into guys. I already know that much," he says bluntly.

"Yes, well. I don't have to be into you to torment you. You should know that much too," I shoot back.

"Tch. Let's cut the banter for now, at least. I need your expertise as our squad leader. Even if you're a wicked minx."

"Rude," I pout. "Do you have our formation down?"

"Yup, all set. We just have to figure out how we want to tackle this mission first. Your go, Chief."

I nod and pull out a blank scroll. "Let's get everything written down. You talk, I write."

"Okay. We'll start with this..."

I quickly notate the appropriate positions and data as relayed to me, then lay down the scroll for everyone to see afterwards. Our team memorizes the information, which includes battle power, abilities, team strengths and weakpoints to be considered. Shikamaru rolls up the scroll when we're done, and I place my hands on my hips as I address the group.

"Alright. It's now 1:30 pm. Here's how we're going to do things," I announce as I shift into work mode. "I have the final say in all matters. Shikamaru is going to be in charge of operations. Please speak to him first if you have any concerns. If there is something that he cannot immediately resolve, I will take over. Ultimately, every one of you here is my responsibility. Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno are our mission objectives. We are to escort them back to the Hidden Leaf as soon as we encounter them. Use any means at your disposal to have them return alive, including restraint and more violent actions - injury to their persons is permitted, even if it might be extreme. If you cannot do any of this, stall until another person can assist you in these matters. Sasuke is a highly skilled shinobi with the Uchiha bloodline limit, the Sharingan. Our current data on him is limited because of the variable of the Cursed Seal of Heaven. Do not engage him alone unless absolutely necessary...I will be taking measures as group leader to ensure that I fight him first. Shikamaru, do you have anything to add to that?"

"Nothing," he says.

"Understood. Please start your report."

"Based on the information provided to me by various sources, including our captain and Ino Yamanaka, we've determined that Sasuke and Sakura are not alone," Shikmaru starts. "If Sasuke means to approach one of Orochimaru's bases, he would more than likely have escorts. There's no way that he has knowledge of where to go, and even if he did, making that journey alone is suicidal. We're looking at a group of at least six, pretty large considering the circumstances. Thanks to the diplomatic work done by Lord Hokage, we have full authority to chase these guys all the way into Sound Country and beyond if need be. That means there's no immediate burden of a time limit. All of these guys escorting Sasuke are dangerous as well, since they also have their own curse marks. And since they're Orochimaru's elites, they'll have experience using those curses. They also seem to be proficient in barrier arts, and might use that to trap you. Keep your eyes open at all times."

"Next, we will detail our formation," I say. "Shikamaru, please outline each role."

"Got it. Hopefully you've memorized the info on the scroll; you can ask to see it whenever you want, and we can go over it together as needed. The basic thing you need to know is this. We have firepower coming out the ears, but we need to react to sudden attacks as quickly as possible. We're in a vulnerable position as the pursuers on this mission. Our numbers are also short of theirs, as you can see. As a result, I've chosen a single line formation to maximize our team efficiency. This is what we look like in order. Shino, you're the forward scout. I'm expecting traps all over the place as soon as we lock onto their trail, and your insects can trigger them remotely as soon as they're found, if needed. Your detection skills are strong, and you have the luxury of your clan's jutsu. You're also highly observant and can stay focused. Lastly, you can provide us a feint with your insect clones if we take an attack from the front, then smother them for a quick advantage if the attack is physical. Your synergy with Lili and Hinata is high, which also helps our team coordination immensely."

Shino nods in response. "Understood. I won't let you down."

"I'll be second in line as operations leader. I can relay commands to the forward scout and everyone behind me easily. My vision will be at a slightly wider angle than Shino's, focused at the front. I'll relay anything from behind to Shino, and anything from ahead to the people behind me with hand signals." He nods to me. "Third in line is our jounin leader, Lili. She has the fastest reaction time out of anyone here by far, and also the fastest jutsu outright with her Lightning Release techniques. Her tracking and sensing abilities are also extremely high, meaning she has the ideal 360 degree awareness. Putting her in the middle allows her to assist, defend, and attack whatever crosses our path. She'll be covering both the left and right sides while in the formation. As she said, she's responsible for us, so this is also the best way for her to ensure our well-being. And since Shino and Hinata are on either end of us, she'll be extra vigilant."

"Well said," I reply. A definite slacker, but he's absolutely brilliant. He's the perfect advisor for the next Hokage, whoever that might be. I might very well get roped into that nonsense...well, at the least it would mean that I could show Naruto the ropes properly before it's his turn. Hmm.

"Fourth is Lee. It's understood that your ninjutsu and genjutsu are...lacking, to say the least. But that's not a problem with us. Your main role is as our striker, or sweeper. Shino and I are set-up men, and Hinata deals mostly in taijutsu. Lili is the real all-rounder out of everyone here. With your speed and skill, you can land power attacks when necessary to assist us. You also have our absolute trump card: the Inner Gates. If we get into a pinch, we'll burn that card from our hand and have you go wild. Your last important role is as our dummy."

Lee frowns. "Shikamaru, I might not be a genius like you, but-"

"Oh, shut up," I say with a sigh. "He's talking about your role, your role. Being a dummy means that you stall in case of emergency. Your taijutsu is effective enough to keep people busy, and you have a high level of resilience. If it comes down to an undesirable scenario we will either escape and wait for you to catch up, or I will use the opportunity to eliminate the threat with Mobius. I hope that much is clear now."

"Ah, I see! Very well, I shall do my best!" Lee says with a smile.

I let out another frustrated breath. "Please continue, Shikamaru."

"Right. Last, but definitely not least...Hinata is our rear scout. This is probably the most difficult position, placed right on the group's tail. Your job is to cover our rear and check for any blind spots as we move forward. The main reason I assigned this role to you is because of your bloodline limit, the Byakugan. Hopefully I don't have to explain that in detail."

"It's not necessary, I completely understand. I accept this role," Hina says confidently.

"Cool. I guess that's all there is. We want to move quickly but cautiously."

"Might I make a suggestion?" I ask.

"Not a problem," Shikamaru says. "What is it, Chief?"

"I wonder if we could make a better time of it by trying to cut them off before they reach their destination. If we do make one or two mistakes, we will lose some time...but we do have permission to chase them all the way down to whatever base they're trying to hide in, as mentioned before. Do you think it would be prudent to attempt such a strategy?"

"It's a bold idea," he replies, hand cupping his chin. "But I'm more than willing to try anything once as things are now. They're in a group of six, and I think I have a good grasp of Sakura's limitations as a shinobi. If they mean to make proper traps, they'll also be slowed by the time needed to build them. Risky proposition...but we're working with a loaded hand here ourselves. Okay, let's do it."

I nod and produce a small card before tracing a seal on it with my finger. There's a map that appears on it, and it then pops up as a larger hologram that everyone else can see.

"We're still at the Hidden Leaf, which is here. Just at the edge of the forest," I say. "Sasuke and friends have had about two days' headstart...Sand is three days travel at normal speed, so using the proper calculations...mm. I would say they're halfway to the border by now if they're going to the Sound, and maybe a quarter way there if they're going to the Grass."

"Shino and I might be liabilities if you're trying to move as fast as possible," Shikmaru points out.

"Then we'll look for an efficient route that we can take breaks on. I'd rather not run at full speed the entire way myself. There's going to be fighting at the end of it."

"The Hidden Grass hideout is underground, according to Kabuto, so it might be a good place to conceal themselves," Shikamaru continues. "But getting there will take a little bit more time than usual. My thought is that they'll be so focused on getting to safety that they'll take the shorter route to the Hidden Sound after all. If we guess wrong, we lose time...not a massive setback in our pursuit, but we might end up having to fight through a ton of mooks if that's the case. They'll defnitely throw reinforcements at us the moment they can."

"And Sasuke might find a way to strengthen the curse mark in that time, if he truly is lusting for power," Shino adds.

"We should vigorously pursue them to the Hidden Sound!" Lee suggests. "And if we are mistaken, I will pull a cart with all of you on it back in the proper direction!"

Shikamaru sighs. "Lee, even if you do that..."

Shino folds his hands together, thinking. "Perhaps...Sasuke isn't as impulsive as we think. I believe that he might be heading to the Hidden Grass just to bide his time, then he will transfer over to another available base when things settle down. I can only assume there are safe houses set up by Kabuto and Orochimaru for extreme circumstances."

"Shino does make a good point," Hina says. "And the longer distance would give them more chances to erase their trail if they're taking their time."

This is good. Everyone is engaged and thinking about this properly.

"Heh...looks like you're the tiebreak, Chief," Shikamaru says with a smile.

"Shut up...you damn slacker," I say with a yawn. "I already know what I want to do. Is everyone ready and listening?"

I get a nod from my group.

"Good. We're going towards Sound Country. Sasuke might be the guest of honour, but as far as leading the team, that's not likely to be the case. Remember that he has no real idea of the situation or the best route to take. But he does have awareness of something that I should have caught earlier."

"And that is?" Lee asks.

"The village's mission load, and the plans to strike the Hidden Sound bases."

"Right...shit, I completely forgot. It's no wonder he took off when he did," Shikamaru says. "Kakashi-sensei out on missions, and the village short on manpower from now until the situation with Sound was resolved. It made our forces that much thinner."

"He didn't come up with that one. That was Sakura's doing. From Ino's memories, she seemed to be doing things to help force Sasuke's hand, so that she would able to stick close to him on his journey. Coordinating the breakout time must have been one of those things. Getting Ino involved was a mistake...she doesn't realize what happened to her friend. I'll be sure to let her know once we catch up," I say. "Getting to the Hidden Sound before anyone else is the most logical thing they can do. They'll have access to protection and resources, even if it's only for a little while." But that's trouble in and of itself. Hopefully Kobayashi Rice isn't wrapped up in this at all...I wonder about my father for the first time in a while.

"So we're going through the forest towards Sound Country," Shino confirms.

"I'm going to put a little twist on that, my friend. They're expecting us to chase them at full speed through the forest, but we're going to do something else entirely. Have a look at the map again. Do you see these roads?" I ask. "They have intersecting points. Travelling on these roads means that we're visible, but the main benefit is that they're all straightaways that we can dash along at speed. Shikamaru can pace the group as we move. We can disregard formation unless we have an encounter or until we enter the forests again."

"Checkpoints...okay, got 'em memorized." I nod and make a seal as Shikamaru finishes, the map disappearing and the card turning blank again. It goes back into my pouch.

"Are we ready?" I call out.

"Ready," everyone replies in unison.

"We follow the main path out, and take the first service road north. Lead on, Shikamaru."

The group accelerates down the main road, through the first part of forest and towards our destination. There's no chatter going on, so it seems like everyone is focused on the mission. I wonder what things will be like when we finally catch up.

Shikamaru cuts left through the trees and towards the first smooth road we see. He keeps an even, quick pace as our feet pound on the dusty trails, with everything seeming to be clear ahead of us. Eventually he accelerates and we all fall in line behind him.

The air has started to cool since this morning, making the wind feel cold as it streams by my face. There are relatively few civilians travelling, and I can guess that they've only picked up a glimpse of us as we stream past. After a few hours, we reach a small rest stop and pause for a break outside. There's a bench on the side of the nearby building and I take a seat, opening a bottle of milk and sipping on it. Hina has slices of grilled fish that she prepared at home, along with a few round buns. Shikamaru takes out a sandwich and Hina shares some of her food with Lee and Shino.

"Looks like we're making good time," Shikamaru says to me. He crouches in his usual manner, arms resting on his thighs.

"We should be. I don't think we're terribly far out...I've been stretching my technique out to an inadvisable distance, just to see what I might pick up. There's a very faint feeling that they're there."

"How far is that?"

"Hrm...they're at least fifty kilometers ahead by now."

"That much? Wonder what they've been doing the last two days...think we should cross back into the forest?" he asks.

"Not yet. I want to confirm their numbers before they can register our presence. It works out better if we surprise them."

"I get it. Well...I'm ready to get this show on the road again," he says as he stands up. "We're closing in."

I put my milk bottle into the proper bin, and Lee finishes up the rest of his food. Shino and Hina are already on standby. We confirm our route again, and Shikamaru leads us forward. With this, our second run, afternoon has already bled into evening. Evening turns into night as we continue to move, the stars shining brightly in the clear skies above our heads. I take a moment to admire them as the air grows colder around us. I can see my breaths as I run.

Shikamaru uses his impeccable navigation to guide us down the smaller branching roads that cut around the edges of the forest, giving us more cover while not sacrificing our advantage. Instead of being pressured into a situation where we would have to be on a constant lookout for traps, slowing us down, we've flipped things around with this little gamble. It's definitely paying off, as I can sense what seems to be Sakura in the upper bounds of my technique. I remember Asuma bullying Kurenai every so often by telling her to work smarter instead of harder. She would get annoyed and whine about how that didn't make sense when it came to paperwork. Thinking of her...we really need to have a girls' day out soon, just the two of us. It's been too long since we've properly talked, and I miss my favourite bullying target. She always appreciates the attention, even if she says otherwise...hehe.

Night marches on, and I light a fire as the group takes another break. Hina hands out snacks for us. It seems like she's considered everything, which is just like her.

"Let's have a proper rest, yes? From what I can tell, the group ahead has either slowed, or stopped moving. The night hours are a toss-up in regards to travel - sometimes it's best to forge ahead, other times it's better to stay put. But they will need to sleep eventually as well. Three hours, and I'll keep watch."

"Are you sure, Captain Kobayashi?" Lee asks. "I can stand guard for the night while you and the others rest!"

"Even youthful ones must close their eyes and rest once in a while. I said it before, you are my responsibility. That means you children need to do as you're told. It's time for bed, Lee," I instruct. "Please go to sleep."

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry."

"It's alright. I'll rest a while myself eventually."

He nods and leans back against one of the trees nearby. Soon everyone is drifting off except for me. I'm far from tired, and I have a few solider pills to perk me up if needed. But I want to take a power nap later on and rest my eyes a bit.

Sakura and Sasuke...they're devoted to each other. It's unhealthy, but they're just children. Just two kids trying to find their way through this world. Sasuke needed someone to help move forward, past the crippling despair he felt. And Sakura was always there for him, even as it meant stripping more and more of herself away. I should feel sorry for them.

But I don't.

What they've done...the pain they've caused through their selfish actions...that is unforgivable. Making my friends cry and hurt, fall into despair, begging to have their loved ones brought back...I can't forgive it. I won't forgive it. When they pay penance, it won't just be to me. It will be to those they hurt so callously, and to the village itself. My job isn't to make them see the light, it's to bring them back to the people who can do such a thing. Naruto's mysterious strength, and Ino's confident affection. Those are things that can change people properly. My job is to be violent. That's why I presented myself to those two as a great sword of justice. A power that when combined with strong leadership can cut through the bounds of time and space to change the world, and destiny itself.

The world will bear witness to my strength. And all will tremble before me.


I stare into the flame burning between the five of us, and smile. I know my path now. All I need is time to execute properly.


I perk up and glance at my timepiece. A few hours have passed in silence, and Lee is already up, saluting me. I nod and pull my hood over my head, zipping it up completely before I close my eyes and go to sleep.

My body wakes me from my formless sleep at the right time. I pull the zipper down and reveal my face again, breathing in the fresh dawn air.

"Exactly thirty minutes. I told you," Shino says.

"Wow...incredible," Lee comments.

"Is everyone feeling refreshed?" I ask.

"Yes, ma'am," I hear them all reply.

"Good. I have a gift for you. We're not far behind, but we're also getting close to the border. I would like to end this mission before then. I have provisions saved that will help with this." I pull out a small sack that's filled with small and round dark pills.

"Military Rations Pill," Shino notes. "Also called the soldier pill. These aren't easy to obtain in such amounts."

"Guessing you got a hook-up from the Akimichi Clan," Shikamaru says.

"Yes. They were most generous. I made sure to give them appropriate compensation, but that alone isn't enough. More is being done, as I have Luna ordering high quality steaks in bulk to be delivered shortly."

"At this rate, you're gonna have every major clan in the Leaf wrapped around your finger. Is this you campaigning for Hokage early?" Shikamaru jokes.

"It might be. After all, someone will have to lead the way. I'll complain loudly, but a few nominations would make me consider the job."

"Heh. That would have sounded terrifying about a year ago, but it's slightly more relaxing now."

"Hmph." I turn my nose up at him impishly. "Alright, everyone grab a good amount for later, and take one of them right now. The idea is to surge ahead on that excess energy and close the gap on our prey before they can react. We move in strict formation. Ready!"

"Ready!" the group calls back. Everyone swallows a pill each, and we take off in a single line through the forest. The enemy isn't moving as quickly as they should - it means that they either didn't rest, or took a later break than we did. Either way, it's great for us. We're well within ten kilometers now with this boost.

"Keep your energy steady, we just want to bleed off the excess and leave your normal reserves topped off," I instruct. "We're gaining ground fast."

"No traps in the area," Shino says.

I flick my tongue at the air. "I can smell them for sure now...seven people."

"They added an extra member along the way. Not ideal...we're outnumbered by too many now," Shikamaru says.

"Lili...I can't see him. Sasuke isn't in their formation."

"See him?" I ask Hina. "What do you mean?"

"Sasuke...isn't there. I can see Sakura, and the other members...but there's a large container of some sort that is blocked from my vision."

"Does that mean Sasuke is dead?" Lee asks.

"No. That would make their trip completely pointless," Shikamaru points out. "If they wanted to kill him, the Leaf would be the best place to cause chaos and make an impact. And dragging a corpse all the way to Sound in this kind of elaborate scheme...not to mention that Sakura would want no parts of it. She'd end up like Ino after trying to stop them. I just have no clue what they could be plotting with Sasuke in some kind of container. And it's one that blocks out the Byakugan, too..."

"There's a clearing some distance ahead of us...it's a grassy field, and I think beyond that is the border to Sound Country," Hina says. "We can cut them off if we speed up a little bit...I can't see anyone around us in any direction, but I'll continue to keep watch."

"The report is the same for me," I say. "We're looking at a six on five at the very least if we move ahead and engage. How well we do will depend on the enemy's battle strength."

"We need to make a play soon. There's no telling if they have sensor types on their side," Shikamaru says. "We're going to have to break formation once we figure out what's happening. Chief, your move."

"Last thing we want them to do is coordinate with their barrier arts. Only one good option...isolate and pick them off. One man, one kill. We still have some time, and they think they're getting away as long as they keep moving. That's not happening. Everyone, huddle in."

I turn over the data in my head quickly, over and over and over. These are my comrades...I don't want to make a mistake and send any one of them to their deaths. The risks were agreed upon, but that doesn't give me the right to relax, or to stop worrying. Everything...is in my hands. That's what it means to be a leader.

We fly through the trees, my four teammates forming a circle around me. A lot of important things, but little time. Let's begin.
I've been turning it over in my head the past few days and thought I might as well mention it before I lose the idea completely (which happens). So as far as the story is concerned, the idea of a measured number of interactions or even a condition that needs to be met for affection or camaraderie or the like is something that Lili, as a character, flatly rejects. My feelings aren't terribly important.

Within the story I've tried to portray Lili as the kind of person who isn't tapped into society in the way that a lot of people are. Part of it is social isolation, part of it is trauma, and then part of it is how she's been recognized and acknowledged through the story from the beginning. The first lesson she learned was that love and faith don't have to be conditional things. Midoriko gave her both and placed a lot of faith in what used to be a little human girl that happened to have talent. Experiencing that over and over, and seeing the unfairness of the world and how people would act would create a sort of rift.

Naruto is an interesting case. By volume of interaction, it's not the same as the original story. We don't see the direct actions he takes to make people believe in him. We don't follow all of his determined efforts, or the sorts of things he does to inspire confidence. And even if the story showed all of these things to us directly, it wouldn't matter at all. Lili quite literally does not care, and I had a few indicators of her thinking with the "relatively" few interactions that she's had with Naruto throughout the story. Her values, and the qualities she values in each person, are different. The expectations she seems to have for each person vary. Neji is going to be held to a higher standard than Kiba, people she both knows. Ino is going to be held to a different standard than Inoichi or Kurenai. Kakashi is expected to have a handle on more things than Shino, even if the latter is proclaimed to be her right hand. Those are the sorts of thoughts that fly around in her head.

So there are different meanings to what we might think as common things. And the value she sees in people like Naruto or Hinata is different, and she expects different things from each of them within the same amount of time. Encouragement and understanding of potential are two things that have been running back to back. But I think it was @AgelessCharade who brought up earlier that there's also trying to follow in the footsteps of people that Lili has interacted with and admired within her 'family'. Or simply put, adulthood before physical adulthood. That sort of blurred line is part of what makes Lili, Lili.
Just in case there are people who don't want to read a long post from the author, for some unfathomable reason, it basically boils down to: This is not a System story, nor is it a dating sim. There are no affection meters, or reputation scores, that arbitrarily affect people's opinion of the protagonist, or vice versa. This story, like most good stories, treats its characters like real people. They learn, they grow, they live their lives. Please keep that in mind when offering criticism, for a number of reasons.

One of which, at least in my opinion, is that to do otherwise is at least a little insulting to just about any author's hard work.
I think the critique came out a little heavier than intended, but I was being honest before when I said I didn't take it too hard and was encouraging some of it. Aside from that, the people commenting admit that I'm a solid writer, and appealing to my ego always helps :V

I might be a little vague sometimes because I don't want to give the whole game away, or seem like I'm instructing people on how to enjoy the story. As I said before, there's some social wiring and series expectations that change the viewpoint on some things. I think it's fine if people want to just ask what's going on sometimes.
Oh absolutely, I was speaking more in general with that last bit. Like I've mentioned before in this thread, I do basically nothing but read, and so I've seen all kinds of drama. I've seen authors completely scrap stories because not everyone agreed with their decisions, as well as authors who took feedback and claimed they'd take measures to make things more enjoyable only to do the exact opposite and infuriate basically everyone. Hell, I've even seen authors get pissy because they didn't get any criticism at all, it was kinda wild.

Point is, it's never a bad thing to really think things through, even more than once, before offering opinions on stuff. I would claim that's the reason I'm a chronic lurker everywhere I go, but that'd be a terrible lie.~

Anyway, yes, most authors do tend to have big heads. Gotta put those brains somewhere, after all. More seriously, asking questions is definitely always a good thing and people should do it more. Though, saying that might inspire others to magically read your notes, and I realise I'm not sure I really want the competition!
There's no real formula for it unfortunately. I just go along as usual and try not to come off as...I guess hostile when it comes to answering questions, because I worry about that and just end up wanting to write and leave it alone. At the same time I like sharing things here and there or experimenting in the text beyond what I might have planned for a chapter or two.

Most of all, I just try not to look at it as work. I'm writing for an audience, but not for them more than me. At the same time I want to improve and some commentary helps with that whether I absorb all of it or not. It's complicated to explain.

One thing I don't like doing is trying to flip expectations too much for the sake of it. People might have noticed me dithering about when it comes to certain things but the payoffs are sort of slow in coming down. As long as everyone can agree that it's well crafted then it's all good. I just really don't want to take away someone's moment of realization or discovery because those are good.
Winning Run
Scarlet Justice - ep. 55
"Winning Run"
[Sasuke Recovery Mission: Battle]

"Final orders," I call out. "You'll be getting your targets and instructions for them. And...one more thing, a personal message for everyone. Take these words with you and keep them close. You'll be protected by them. I know all of you by now, and I'm responsible for all of you. The last thing I want is for anyone to pass on. So...I want you to lend me your ears."

I look to my right and start from there. "Everyone will rotate clockwise to meet me. Since you're here already, I'll start with you, Rock Lee."


"There's an unknown enemy ace up ahead, at the front of the group. You'll have to take them on. If you cannot win, stall as much as you can until one of us arrives to help you...this is a strong chakra that I'm feeling."

"Yes, of course!"

"Also...one more thing. I know why you're fighting. And I understand that you're not very fond of me, Rock Lee. But none of that matters. I said that you were our dummy, meant to stall. But you need to understand this much...don't you dare roll over and die for the enemy. For any reason. To me, you were never some azure beast or whatever it is you call yourself. You're far too annoying for that sort of title."


"What you are is a white knight. Your motivation is pathetic as far as I'm concerned, but your resolve is strong like no other. Sakura is your light, the princess that you are meant to rescue from harm. So don't worry about what anyone thinks, even if it's me. Raise your blade to the heavens, and cut down anything and anyone that gets in your way. Embrace your title. For today, you are the Leaf's Shining White Knight. Got that?"

He smiles and gives me a thumb up. "Yes, ma'am! I will not let you or Sakura down!"

"Good. Rotate in," I call out. Shikamaru is up next.

"Now you're doing motivational speeches?" he asks smugly.

"It seems so. That effeminate looking one, with the two heads...Sakon, he's called. I'm sending you towards him. Whatever strange ability he has, you'll be able to deal with it. You're also the best at buying time for others, and the way I have things planned out means that you'll be getting backup from Hina first. Think you can work around that?"


"Good. Then here, have these."

"Oi, your equipment-"

"Shut up and don't complain." He grumbles anyways while taking the extra tools from me. "I probably won't need all of it as much as you, and either way you'll make better use of everything."


"Just re-calibrate, fucking slacker. Oi, and you better not get yourself killed, or I'll bother you with an ouija board every night and ask you the stupidest possible questions. I won't let your lazy ass get any rest in the Pure Land, got it?"

"Damn, you're always a pain in the ass..." Everyone laughs a bit at our exchange.

"There's a lot you have to worry about, I realize. Being the next clan head, a not so secret genius anymore, responsibilities as a chuunin...all of that. Everyone is expecting great things of you, Shikamaru. People will want more and more out of you as time moves forward. That's why...I'm going to make a simple, selfish little demand instead."


I look into his eyes. "I want you to take me out for a drink. That's all I'm going to ask of you, Shikamaru. Will you do that?"

"Yeah. I will."

I smile. "Thank you. I'll be waiting until then."

He nods and the group rotates once more for Shino.

"The uncouth sounding woman with pink hair, Tayuya...she seems very much like a distance fighter, someone who makes heavy use of chakra-based attacks. And someone from the Sound could very well have sound-based genjutsu," I say to him. "Because of your physiology, you're the perfect counter for her. If you can capture her, great. Killing her is even better if you can manage it. Anyways, you know what to do. Go all out from the start and finish that loser off. That's an order from your boss."

"Right. I'll do exactly as you've asked."

"I know you will. Come back to us soon, my friend. I'll be waiting as always."

And finally, the group moves one last time so that Hina is beside me.

"Your opponent will be the fattest one out of the Sound trash, called Jirobo. You're faster and much more skilled than he is. He would be a big problem for anyone else because of his strength. The Gentle Fist is perfect for neutralizing him."


"There's not too much to say. Hina...please keep these words close to your heart," I say as I look at her.


"I will always love you. Forever and always, Hinata. Come back to me soon."

"I will, Lili. I promise."

I see the determination in her eyes and nod.

"Everyone has their orders," I say as we organize in a line. "Recovery Team...scatter!"

Lee accelerates to the front. I take off through the trees to my right. Shino goes left and Hinata drops to the ground, running forward. Shikamaru gives me one last nod before disappearing into the trees himself.

"It's finally time," I mumble. I can feel my dark half stirring, but calm her down. Not yet...just a bit longer. That time is coming soon.

I accelerate towards my target, who has already passed the barrel containing Sasuke up ahead to the ace from earlier. They're moving ahead with Sakura, and Lee has already closed the gap; at that speed, they'll reach the grassy field for a proper showdown. Lee should do well enough in that type of environment, instead of getting tangled up in the trees.

As for me, terrain is a small trifle at best. It doesn't matter who or where it is...I'll devour my prey. The arena this time is a small clearing in the forest, with trees spaced around me and grass poking up in places along the ground. It's quiet for a moment before I hear movement.

"I guess I got the good looking one, eh? What a shame..."

"..." I remain where I am, noting the movements of my target as he glides through the trees.

"Long range fighter. Good with her speed and has fast lightning type jutsu. Not too much for taijutsu, it seems...uses her smarts and summons to mask her deficiencies. Very good at finding and exploiting weaknesses. And of course...you've got a thing for violence."


"We've got a fair bit of data on you, little girl. All I really have to do is stick to places where you can't reach me in time, and stay out of your line of sight, just to start. Though...you should put away that hair of yours, if you really want to stand a chance."

He stops to glare down at me from a branch, and I slowly raise my head to look up at him. Hair pulled back into a ponytail. Brown skin and black eyes. An arrogant smile, along with two extra arms. And that same sort of purple rope belt that Orochimaru wore. Definitely one of his special pets.

Kabuto called this one...the group's intellectual. Kidomaru. Someone who can quickly form a strategy with limited information and wear down his opponents. A strong sense of tactics...the ability to find and exploit weak points, and to refine all of the information he takes in for deadlier attacks with each successive wave.

That makes my strategy a simple one.

"Did you dye it to look exotic? You know only street rats and whores do things like that, right? Doesn't matter to me...it just makes you a nice, bright target to tear through at a distance."


"Oh, a silent type. Don't worry, you'll be screaming nice and loud when I'm done with you." He reveals two more arms and begins making seals. "Let's get started!"

I clench my fists and glare up at him.

"As you wish...we will begin."

"I'm not taking any chances with a monster bitch like you...whether those rumours about you defeating Lord Orochimaru have anything to them or not, it doesn't matter. Three minutes...I'll play with you for that long."

He chews vigorously before firing a barrage of webs rapidly at me from his perch. I easily slide to my left and past them, continuing to run as he tries to catch me in one of his attacks. His fire then becomes scattered, but it only makes it easier for me to see the trajectories and weave past them with little effort.

"Not bad! Here's the next level!" He spits up several golden daggers and throws them at me in a wave, making me flip backwards to avoid them as they hit the ground. From what I can see, he's using his saliva to create them. Possibly with any type of bodily fluid...this could get a bit tricky if I'm not careful.

I whip a shuriken at one of the webs, and it bounces off like it hit a steel wall. Troublesome. The web flies past me and I dodge several others as he swings through the trees. In the next moment, he jumps down from above and draws a gold sword from his mouth to slash at me.


Then he fires a web and pulls himself away from me. He doesn't trust his speed against mine, even after crowing about how weak my taijutsu was. I'll try something, then. He stops firing webs for a moment and I race up a tree before jumping into the air, floating towards him as he swings underneath a branch. My right hand tenses and makes a shape.

"..." Kidomaru notices it and again swings away, landing on another branch safely. I come down towards another tree and land solidly on the trunk, sticking to it with chakra. That confirms it...he doesn't want to get hit by Mobius either, and is keeping it at the front of his mind. The slightest chance of me firing it, indicated by a hand movement, was enough to make him back off.

He has a lot of my data, it seems. But not all of it.

Something about those webs, though...they have a lot of chakra running through them. I can sense it every time they get close. It explains why they're so strong; enough to support his body and enough to use as transport. If they're made of chakra, then...

"Can't do anything if I don't hit you...you're more annoying than I thought!"

His chakra is changing. Seems like the curse mark has been activated...but this early? I suppose he really isn't playing around, like he said at the start of this. I see him climb higher into the trees and bite his thumb to draw blood.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

A giant black spider appears above my head, already attached to a massive web that stretches above the canopy and casts a large shadow downwards. It squeezes out a lump of web, and my enemy cuts into it with another one of his self-made daggers.

"Time to spread out! Get a load of this one...Rain of Spiders!"

It's a mass of small spiders that drops down like heavy rain. I hear the snap of wires as a trap is activated, sending sharp spears at me from all sides. It's a tight situation now...


"Your time's up with this, Red! Game over! You should have never challenged Kidomaru of the Sound Five!"

The spiders are all spinning webs as they drop down...even if I were to shoot every one of them, it might not be enough to escape. The trap that's been sprung is avoidable if I try to run out of range, but he's definitely accounted for that and will use the opportunity to press me. There's a lot to deal with at once...

"But this isn't too difficult for me."

Only one thing to do. Time to activate the full power of my tracking technique...Crimson Depths, locked on. I can see everything clearly. Next move is to bend my legs, push chakra into my feet, and...


"Stupid!" Kidomaru's cheeks bulge with chakra in my vision before he fires an arrow from his mouth right at me. At this speed and trajectory...2.5 seconds cut in half is 1.25 seconds. Math was always one of my better subjects...and it helps with paperwork immensely.


"Mobius...!" I fire a shot at the incoming arrow with my right hand as I rise, knocking it well off course before it shatters into fragments. "Second Barrel!" The second shot from my left hits him dead on, sending him flying upwards. Gold fragments crumble from his skin as he recovers.


The same substance as his weapons, then? So he really can emit it from any part of his body. I curl into a ball and pull myself through the air, falling towards a nearby branch safely. Not wanting to end my pressure, I run up the trunk and jump into the air at Kidomaru as he falls, throwing a kick that he blocks with two arms. I spin and stretch my opposite leg out, feinting before trying to get him from below with another kick as we fall together. But he uses two more arms to block, grabbing hold of my foot firmly. I twist around in his grip, my back turned to him, and make seals before aiming with one hand behind my head.

"Water Shark Bullet."


The attack hits him dead on, making him release his grip as I'm thrown downwards. I see that the spiders have landed on the ground, coating it in a layer of darkness. That's trouble that I need to take care of; I tighten my core before flipping myself into position, making seals and gathering water in my mouth.

"Colliding Wave!"

A torrent of water bursts forth from my open mouth, hitting the ground and washing away the spiders along with their threads. The shadow that was on the ground from the giant spider's appearance darkens considerably...I turn my body in midair to see that the spider is falling rapidly towards me.

"Trying to crush me...no, you're not that simple, are you? This one's got too much familiar chakra in it..."

I let the spider slam into me as it falls, and substitute with a log as we hit the ground together. Instead of the expected crater, the log I switched with is now covered in a mass of sticky threads. Seems like it was a prudent move, that one.

"Damn. Doing a lot of unexpected crap, aren't you? Didn't expect the difficulty of this game to increase so sharply...you really might be a secret boss after all..."

Kidomaru sneers at me from his hiding place. I stand calmly in another tree, waiting for him to attack. He's confused by the new rhythm of Mobius. A half power shot at double speed was enough to make him put up those sorts of countermeasures. He's gained distance again, though...so I should remain cautious.


His...chakra is shifting again. This pulse...

"This is...a new level?" I mutter to myself. It's a sinister sort of feeling...making me...ugh. "What is this...I feel like I'm losing my grip..." My hand goes to my head. 'She' is making a lot of noise all of a sudden, dragging my bloodlust out in the open. Annoying...something like this is really annoying. I can feel where this idiot is, but he must be able to track me, too. Cursed seal...second stage?


I body flicker to one side and jump as a large golden arrow passes right beneath me, blasting apart the trunk that was behind me before.

"Alright! I'm gonna put an end to this game! There's nothing special about you other than your gimmicks! I feel like a loser for getting scared of you!"

"Ending the game...repeating that over and over, aren't you? What happened?" I taunt as I land on the ground. "You said that you were going to finish the game in three minutes, but we're still here."

"Every once in a while, a scrub gets lucky and progresses to a stage they shouldn't have. But now it's over! Weak idiots should realize when they're outclassed, take their loss, and die!"

Oh, he's terrified. This is delicious. "Ufufufu...weak. Calling me weak isn't very nice of you, you know? I'm sure you know all about how I took out your worthless master in the invasion. Mm...I'll tell you what, little spider. Since your game is long over by now, let's play one of mine."


I let my special smile come to my lips. "You heard me. It's my turn to play now...and I'm itching to have some fun, you Sound trash." I'll swallow him up properly, but there's a time limit to consider. I don't want to get carried away like I did with Gaara...it's not just my life at stake here.

Let's take him a bit more seriously than usual, even if this power is wasted on garbage. I shift into the first stage of my chakra mode, blue lightning swirling and crackling around my form. I already knew where he was, but the experimenting over the break helped me discover that my tracking and sensing states are also enhanced while in this form. Very useful.

His chakra is shifting again, which means that he's going for another attack from distance. How boring.

"Accuracy one hundred percent...power max! Time for you die, bitch!"

"Bitch? Who is?" I ask.


I smile and drive a kunai into his back, making him scream in pain as he falls from his branch. He recovers from his fall with threads, quickly pulling himself into a tree. I watch as his chakra slowly steadies, and he gets ready to prepare another attack. He forms another arrow from his mouth, sets it on the string, and turns on his branch...

...to face me.


"How-aaaaaaaagh!" This time, I land a slash across his chest before he leaps away. He's nervous. Hesitating. Now this is what you call a fun game, hmhm.

"Miscalculation, then? That's not your fault, since you could only observe so much. But those new cursed seal forms are something, aren't they?" Dark red skin now, and monstrous black eyes with yellow insides. Three of them, in fact - the other one must have been hidden under his headband before. He has horns like a demon, and a much wider mouth which allows him to make things like that war bow and those terrible arrows. A bow is a sensible weapon...the ability to make weapons that are like steel with nigh-unbreakable string. Multiple arms for superhuman pulling and arrow tension. I did a good job drawing such a menace away from the others, Hina especially.

I lick at the blood on my kunai and grimace. What a horrific taste...what is this flavour? It's awful!

"What is it you call that sort of form?" I say, trying not to gag. "Something lame like...Cursed Seal Level Two?"

"W-what of it?"

"Eh. It just speaks to a lack of imagination, I would say."

"You little...! I'll kill you!"

"With this," I start.

"Next shot!" He continues.

"One hundred twenty percent accuracy. Maximum power!" we say together.


I smile and gently place a hand on his shoulder. He turns his head, looking at me with absolute terror.

"I have a question. Can you see the future...with that third eye opened?" I ask.

"No...what...what the fuck ARE YOU?!"

"Oh, me? I'm just...mm." I smile for him, nice and wide. "A really, really big bully."

I shove my hand into his stomach, paralyzing him with the lightning flowing from my body.

"No...fucking dammit, no...!"

"I wonder if you knew this...but when you play games, you should have a cool special move in reserve to end everything. Just makes everything more fun, you know? And it looks like we've hit that time, so I'll show you one of mine. Turns out the only scrub here was you. Sad times." My head tilts to one side as I charge my technique. "I'm sorry to forget at such a time, but...what was your name again?"


"Mobius: Double Barrel."

I fire through his stomach, the burst ripping apart the tree trunk behind me in a brilliant flash of light. Kidomaru flies into the air a good distance before falling, making a crater in the ground as he lands.

"Yeah...I don't have an easy time remembering losers," I quip as I drop to the ground. He lies face up in his crater, a large and nasty hole in his body as he bleeds out. He's returned to his natural state, looking upwards into the sky as the life flows out from his form.

"You see, Double Barrel is when I use two fingers on one hand, instead of the one normally used for Mobius. The attack power goes up by a lot, and using the chakra mode helps increase it further. Cool, huh?" I sigh and look up at the trees. "Turns out I was the worst possible match up for you. Hina might have been in trouble against you, thinking about it...mm."

"S-Sasuke...won't return to you...or your village..."

"Oh, of course. I didn't expect him to do so on his own."


"Because someone I love asked me to rescue him. And then my friends all committed to this mission, with their hearts and lives on the line. I don't know anything about pulling him out of the darkness, but I'm going to drag him home. If there really is someone that can reach him, they'll be able to do so there. I really can't identify with someone like him, someone with such a weak will...but he is and always will be a part of the Leaf. That's how it is."

"Ugh...you..." He hacks up blood.

"Enjoy your last moments...knowing that just like your worthless master, you and your dreams are dead," I say with a cruel smile. "Game over~."

Kidomaru groans before closing his eyes, and his breathing stops. Finally. It's done.

Every group has an intellectual of sorts within...seems like it was him for their side. Oh well. None of that matters now.

It's time for me to head to the next place as soon as possible. Lee might need my help.


I tear through the forest and across the grassy field. Hina has already linked up with Shikamaru, and Shino is still battling from what I can sense. They all should be done very soon, as I planned...the extra chakra signatures that I don't recognize tell me that things are working out as I thought they would. Always some sort of complication to factor in...

But Lee...he's in trouble. He's clearly used the Inner Gates in his bid to stall, and I can feel a monstrous chakra as I approach. This ace, whoever they are, is a very dangerous opponent. Enough so that Sakura is able to put her full power into protecting the barrel containing Sasuke, which seems to be getting agitated for some reason...

Now Lee's chakra is surging upwards at an incredible rate, and the other chakra is shrinking slightly...I can see a large impact like some sort of meteor strike in the distance before Lee's chakra drops like a lead weight.

"Shit," I say under my breath, moving faster towards him. The other chakra is shifting wildly again, and it feels similar to Kidomaru's Level Two state...so whoever this is also has access to the curse mark. This isn't good. I come within visual range and Lee is on the ground, hacking up blood onto the grass.

"...admirable...Rock Lee. I wish you...in the next world."

The enemy charges Lee with something that looks like a giant drill attached to their arm...they look like some sort of miniature dinosaur. A body flicker won't make it. The normal chakra mode won't cut it either, not even the second stage...

But I have something that will make the impossible reality.

"Here! Now perish!"

I do as I have done hundreds of times before, on that practice field in the Leaf. Form my right hand into a claw shape, and press it over my heart. Flow the chakra through to my fingers, positioned on top of those specific pressure points. Feel the feedback...connect, and push more chakra in.

And with the chakra network activated...feel the flow...twist...and burst! I rotate my hand and make the chakra rush through me, sparking a new explosion of power. Flowing around me like a wicked flame is a shroud of crimson lightning. It's only for a few seconds, but that's all I need in this form!

With a step like lightning itself, I reach Lee and scoop him into my arms, then quickly accelerate to my left and slide to a hard stop in the grass. The earth throws up smoke ahead of us as my shroud disappears, having served its purpose.

"Incredible...that sort of speed," the ace mutters.

"T-that's...Lilith...?" Sakura says, trembling.

"Am I...alive?"

"Yes," I say as I look down at my comrade. "You're alive, Lee."

"I...I see. I...could not-"

"You have nothing to apologize for," I say as I hold him close to me. "Absolutely nothing, you foolish boy. You were a splendid knight today."

"I wanted to save her...both of them...but I..."

"..." I can only look at his body, battered and bruised. There are fragments of what looks like bone lodged in his arms and legs...they're not his own, so they must have come from the freak I just saved him from. I don't know what kind of ability this is...

"Please...please rescue Sakura..."

I look at him sadly. "Battered and broken...filled with regret and despair...and you still think of her."

"I...even if she comes to hate me for this...please...help me save her..."

"I will grant your wish, Rock Lee. In return, you will promise me one thing."

"Yes...whatever you name..."

"Become a wonderful shinobi, no matter what happens. Promise me that much."

"I-I promise."

"Well done. And...even if I am not the princess you sought out, I will give you a just reward for your bravery." I lean my head down and gently kiss him on the cheek. "Rest now...we will bring your beloved home. Praise be for your glorious sacrifice, my faithful knight."

"Captain...thank you..." He passes out in my arms.


"Hina." I look up to see my comrades returning. "Shikamaru, Shino. You're all safe. Thank the heavens above."

"Lee is..." Hina's expression changes as she looks at Lee.

"He fought with all that he had. I won't let his sacrifice go to waste. None of us will. Hina, I have something to ask of you."

"Awaiting your orders."

"Watch over Lee for the time being and treat his surface wounds. I suspect that he won't be able to move properly for a while yet."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I don't believe it...all of them failed, huh. Then it really was a good thing that I came out here. I'll have to finish this soon," the enemy says as he transforms back to a normal looking state. "There's not much in the way of time for me..."

This is trash who again dresses like Orochimaru; the same sort of loose-fitting shirt only in lavender, the black pants with bandage around the calves and ankles, the same stupid purple robe belt around the waist. His eyes are green, reminding me a bit of Gaara, and he has silvery hair with two ornaments helping to frame his face. Curiously, I can see that his hair is divided into two halves by a zig-zag parting. I have to wonder if these attempts to look cute are just more elements of Orochimaru's brainwashing.

"It's four on two. The odds aren't in your favour," Shikamaru says menacingly. "The first thing you're going to do is let Sakura go. And the second thing is that you're going to keep away from that barrel."

"No...I won't need to do any of that. The time has come."

Everyone's eyes lock onto the barrel as it rumbles. The paper seals tear themselves apart before the barrel explodes outwards, the lid flying high into the air and out of the cloud of black smoke. I watch as someone emerges from the dark shroud slowly.

"Hahaha...so...it's finally started. This power...with this, I'm on my way. I can finally hunt him down and end him..."

"Sasuke!" Sakura squeals.

He emerges fully from the smoke and smirks at us, his Sharingan active. There are three commas in them now, and he's looking down on everyone as if he can't be stopped. His eyes linger on the white-haired Sound shinobi before focusing in on me.

"Well, isn't this just perfect. Too fucking perfect! Great! I get to test my powers on Kobayashi, the number one arrogant bitch of the Hidden Leaf! You chased me all the way out here, and I'm going to make sure you regret it!"


It's not about me. It was...never about me. Keeping it together is what will allow us to succeed. I keep my head level and address him with the amount of passion he deserves...none at all.

"I'm not here to fuck around any longer," I say tonelessly. "You want to dance with me, but you're going to have to wait your turn. Someone like this ace in front of me is dangerous, enough to do what he did to a strong fighter like Rock Lee. I think he should be dealt with first."

"Don't...don't you talk about me like I'm not-!"

"Boss. What's our next move?" Shino asks, interrupting Sasuke.

"This is the endgame. As I said before, someone strong enough to take out Lee at his best is no joke. But I have a score to settle for Naruto's sake..."

Even so, I can't let myself get pulled into an emotional spiral. Looking at him like this, acting so smug as if he's made the right choice and knows it somehow...it's taking a lot to keep myself from exploding. Slowly and calmly...I have to analyze this situation.

This guy here is fast enough and strong enough to beat back any terrain changes. His chakra levels are high. He's resilient and durable. Hina can't...Shino can't...Shikamaru can't. Sasuke is waiting for me to commit to something. Sakura is hiding behind him, scared.

I know what it is I have to do.

"Recovery Team...new orders. Listen well."
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Hard Road
Scarlet Justice - ep. 56
"Hard Road"
[Sasuke Recovery Mission: Duel]

Okay. It's time to begin the next phase.

"Looks like the scarlet bitch is scared of me," Sasuke sneers. "We'll go, Sakura. We've got somewhere to be."


"I'm taking the dinosaur here," I say to my team. "Lee will stay here with me. Hina, how far along are you with the treatment?"

"All of the bone fragments have been removed, there are none lurking any deeper," she calls back. "His muscles have been torn apart and damaged due to the use of the Inner Gates. There are also fractures in his right arm and leg bones. Otherwise...he's stable, and will be fine for now. I've replaced his bandage and disinfected his wounds."

"Good work. Please join Shikamaru and Shino," I order.

"Yes, understood."

"Team, fall in." They do so at once.

"We're stalling until you get there, right?" Shikamaru asks.

"Right. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't get any dumb ideas, you fucking slacker."

"Don't know what you're talking about."

I grab him by the collar of his jacket and pull him close. "Don't you bullshit me. I know what's going through your head. Everyone here needs you, so I'll repeat myself: don't do anything stupid."

"The Boss is right," Shino says. "And we've agreed from the start that I would be the decoy if anything got too rough."

"And I will defend you after that," Hina says. "Shikamaru, you're the only one who could take on those two by yourself and hold your own in an emergency. You are the most valuable member of our team right now."

"You guys...you're seriously a pain."

"Shut up. Tch, I can't go and bait you with something dirty, since I have no interest in men..."

He smirks. "Yeah, right. Wasn't it you who said you could bother me despite all that?"

I roll my eyes. "I can't control you properly like that, so...I'll ask you as a friend, then. Shikamaru...please. Make sure you come back to me," I say softly.

"I promise, Lili. I won't...do anything too reckless."

"You'd better not." I release him gently. "I'll be there soon. Do your best."

"Yeah. Shino, Hinata. We're going." Sasuke glares at me for a moment before taking off with Sakura, my team following. I glance at Lee, safely resting against a tree in the distance. Since everyone has done their jobs...he should be safe where he is. This dinosaur guy also seems to have a sense of honour, if what I heard before he attacked Lee the last time was correct.

A duel, then. I can easily work with this.

I take a quick step and position myself so that I'm in front of him, a fair distance away. There's a strange mark on his chest, just under the collarbone...that seems to be the form of his cursed seal, then. Is that the 'Gaia' that was mentioned earlier? Kabuto mentioned the Sound Four, but this one makes five, doesn't he? Was this one of the things he was withdrawing? No...whoever this is wasn't in the village, for whatever reason. Was he ill? Unsuited to the mission? It doesn't really seem like it...there's an odd waver in his chakra that I can't decipher the meaning of. But he did mutter about 'not having much time'.

Whoever he is, he's an obstacle that I need to erase. All of the other questions don't matter right now. Getting through him and towards Sasuke is priority one. I felt the increase in Sasuke's chakra levels from the last time we met each other, and it's concerning. None of my comrades could stack up on their own, but together they have a good chance at taking him down. But...if that ritual was for increasing Sasuke's power...

"You're here to retrieve Sasuke, I'm guessing," the ace says plainly, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes, I am. And you?"

"Sasuke is part of Lord Orochimaru's ambition, his dream. I was at one point as well, but this is all that I can do now. I will bring him to the Sound."

"Orochimaru is dead, if you haven't heard. And Kabuto is in our custody right now, being fed three square meals a day. Feel free to try and bust him out if you want."

"I know that it's not over...there is a way to bring Lord Orochimaru back into this world. I can feel him living on, inside of me. Inside of this curse that I draw power from. Calling to me in my dreams."

"Ah. That's pretty creepy." And delusional. I don't know what he's babbling about, and don't want to know. This one is clearly brainwashed. Just a puppet with no other purpose. With his master dead, he's dead set on following the program to the letter, even if it makes no sense to do so. "Could you just die, please?"

"I will not. This body will never tire until Lord Orochimaru's dream is fulfilled."

"That's annoying," I say. "You know, I have strange dreams sometimes. Lewd ones."

"Why are you telling me about this?"

"Mm? I'm going to kill you and I want to vent, so it won't matter what I say right now. But yes, I wonder about my place in society. About liking girls and thinking about them so often, especially in the way that I do."

"So you're a deviant."

"That's an interesting way of putting it." I pause and realize something. The two markings on his forehead...red dots. I remember this from my studies. "You're a member of the Kaguya clan, right? That power...it's called Dead Bone Pulse."

"So you know of my clan. I am the last scion."

"Mm-hm. Warmongers who got themselves killed by being bloodthirsty idiots. Interesting that you'd remark about deviancy...I'm sure you're familiar enough with it on your end. You know, brothers and sisters and cousins all fucking each other endlessly to keep the bloodline pure, just so you could go out and kill some more later. For the sake of the clan, of course."


"And Orochimaru found you all alone. He gave you purpose. He saw your potential and nurtured it. Do you know about the Uchiha?" I ask, putting a hand on my hip.

"Yes. I have heard the stories."

"They were wiped out as well. Do you relate to Sasuke on that end?"


"Mm. Interesting. But yes, I'm supposedly a menace to society. Or will be soon enough. I wonder if it would be wise to try and build a harem. Or maybe I should just pick out a girl with exotic flavour and run off to the mountains with her. That sounds nice. Or a platoon of maids that I could have fun with, like my stepmother does. She's terribly raunchy, that woman. Has quite a few kinky videos out for sale, more than she admitted to me the other day."

"This conversation isn't very ladylike," my opponent says. "I wonder if you're trying to distract me, or conduct some sort of psychological warfare to gain an advantage."

"Not really," I say with a wave of my hand. "I just wanted to talk about that a little, like I said."

"I see. Naturally, your teammates would not be receptive to such a thing."

"Hm? No, that's not the reason. I tell them about other lewd things all the time. I just felt like sharing that one with you today."

He narrows his eyes. "You're clearly unhinged."

"Ah. I see now." I let out a breath and flex my hands. "You know, it's been a while since I could bully someone freely like this."

"Bully?" he asks, confused.

"Yes. The other one...I forgot his name already. The scrub loser who tried to couch everything in terms of games and shot webs like a spider. Boring for the most part. One track mind. Let's see...Hina killed the fat sack of trash, Shikamaru took care of the pretty boy with two heads, and Shino must have stuffed his bugs down the throat of that trashy, filthy mouthed little bitch. Then there's you. Lee did quite well against you, seeing as you're practically a human cheat code."


"But that's what a few extra years of growth and experience will do for you. Leaves a sizable gap, especially with your shitty master and his enhancements."

"I suggest you not talk about Lord Orochimaru that way."

For someone who was so confident about his composure, it sure was easy to find a way in. I exhale audibly and split my legs easily to stretch them, sliding all the way down to the grass.

"Lord Orochimaru," I reply lazily. "Very interesting specimen. My sister and I helped do him in, you know. The Third Hokage delivered a magnificent death blow. Using things like the Edo Tensei...a man like that truly is trash. It's no wonder garbage like you and Sasuke cling to him and his memory so much."

"Lord Orochimaru is not trash," he says firmly.

"I wonder what you think you are?" I ask as I look up at him. "You said that this was all that you could do...mm. With that ability, and the original plans for Sasuke...ah, I see. You were the original choice for his new vessel. But you must be sick, or deficient in some way, correct? He must have kept you alive for your genetic material. For your powers...for your jutsu. Once you could no longer serve your original purpose, you were discarded, put into a box until the next time he wanted to play with you. You never meant anything to that man."

"Be quiet..."

"You're just another tool," I say as I lean forward and continue stretching. "Another means to an end. And Sasuke is like that too, now. Do you enjoy your brainwashing, Mister Kaguya?"

"Shut up..."

"You're unable to believe that you're worth anything unless your Lord Orochimaru wills it. That's why you cling so desperately to his final orders," I say as I stand up again.

"Shut up! What would you know-"

"Everything," I interrupt. "Everything. I know what loneliness is. Even if the person is despicable...even if we say we hate them...we cling to them as our hope. As our anchor. That's how I know. It doesn't matter if the person is good or bad. Loneliness isn't something you can defeat on your own."

"You're wrong. You're wrong," he protests. "Lord Orochimaru wished nothing but the best for me. He still does. I know that he lives inside of me still, and I will help return him to his full glory. Even if it costs me my life. The first step to all of that is retrieving his legacy...Sasuke Uchiha."

"So you carry on Orochimaru's will."

"Yes. I see that you're not as much of a dim whore as I thought."

"Whore. That one has seen use already today. I guess the vocabulary in the Hidden Sound is limited, then? Unfortunate. So you say that you carry another will inside of you...well."


"What's two wills against seven, then?" I ask him.


"All of my friends. Not just the ones that have come with me, but the ones back home. Ino and Naruto. Lee and Hina. Shikamaru and Shino. And me. All of us together, backed by the faith of our Hokage and an entire village."

"Foolishness. My will and that of Lord Orochimaru together is stronger than anything you can name. Enough talk." He changes back into his Level 2 state, shifting into a stance. Large, thick bones grow up and out from his back, and his skin turns dark grey. He has a long tail that's topped with spiky bones, and strange markings under his eyes.

His chakra is gigantic in size, but it's also wavering even more than before, becoming increasingly unstable. This...is his health declining? It might be what he kept alluding to earlier. There's the possibility that he's dying as we speak. But if that's the case, it makes him even more dangerous. He doesn't have a reason to hold back against me. Now that I've wound him up, I need to take advantage of the opening and finish this quickly. This development makes me even more worried about what Sasuke might do.

"Once I end this...I'll send Rock Lee off peacefully, as thanks for his valiant effort in battle earlier. And after that, I will join Sasuke in slaughtering the rest of your friends. You will all pay for trying to destroy Lord Orochimaru's dream."

"I'm feeling good about taking your head right here. I already shredded another monster a while back, during our little tournament back in the Leaf. A so called beast...but in the end, he was just trash before me. Just like your worthless master."

"You...!" He charges me and I blow by him to the other side, leaving him to swipe through an afterimage. So he's not as fast in this form as I assumed...interesting.

"You should understand by now, boy. Trash multiplied by garbage equals rubbish. Do the math. You're fucking through. I won't allow you the pleasure of riding off into the sunset and dying once you've completed your holy orders. No...I'm going to tear you into chunks and swallow your essence."

"You're sick," he growls.

"Fuck you. You worship a creepy asshole who's spent his life kidnapping children and experimenting on them just for fun. A man who constantly lusted after pre-pubescent bodies, who stalked little boys and girls and exploited them when they had nowhere to go. A worthless, despicable fucking predator who deserved to die for the things he did. You talk about my deviancy, but you...you're lower than scum. I'm sorry that I even have to fight you. And I'm even more sorry that I have to run after that walking dustbin called Sasuke."

"Why, then?"

"Because I love that boy more than I hate Sasuke," I say plainly. "And I promised him that Sasuke would come home."

"That boy?"

"Why do you suddenly care about what I have to say? You're going to die anyways."

"Tch. Introductions are long overdue, but...I am Kimimaro Kaguya, loyal servant of Lord Orochimaru and the leader of the Sound Five."

"Lilith Kobayashi, number one deviant whore of the Hidden Leaf," I shoot back. "Oh...and I can also use jutsu, if you were curious."

"Cute." Kimimaro sprouts bones from his palms and takes a stance, his heavy tail thumping against the ground. "I'll try and give you a merciful death."

"Disappointing," I say with a smug smirk. "I really like it rough."

"I can accommodate you, little wench." He body flickers forward, but I can easily see him coming. My feet quickly take me backwards as I immediately make handseals.

"Water Shark Bullet."

The moisture from the air around me is pulled into the shape of a shark quickly, shooting forward towards Kimimaro. He runs forward and barrels through the attack without so much as flinching, then jumps into the air and starts spinning like a wheel. I flicker to one side as he lands, charging me again. I plant my feet and make the snake seal.

"False Darkness."

The arrow of lightning erupts from my mouth. He pushes off the ground and dodges the attack swiftly, whipping his hands forward. I toss a shuriken to deflect the incoming projectile and watch as his fingertips pull themselves together after being split. It looks like he has the same idea that I do. He's sizing me up and using ranged attacks to counter my own.

I'm figuring things out as he keeps me at a distance, firing pieces of bone from his fingers and toes rapidly. I move to dodge and draw a kunai to deflect as many shots as I can, running along the grassy plain. It's evident why Lee had so much trouble earlier. From what I can see, he's likely to be much swifter in his normal state...but his movements are still fluid, and as much as I hate to admit it, beautiful as well. I only wish my taijutsu looked as fabulous. Based on all of that, and the fact that I'm not as good as Lee in that sort of combat, I'm in big trouble if he closes in on me too quickly. I have to leverage my two clear advantages - my speed and sensing ability.

He stops, resets, and moves to charge me again. I body flicker out of the way and throw a lightning charged set of shuriken to buy more time. He shoots out more bone from his fingers to deflect them, and I take the opportunity to space myself again. I don't know if False Darkness can rip through his skin and bone, but he's wary of it as demonstrated earlier. That gives me confidence with Mobius. Water Release is only useful for stalling, unless I find some means of drowning him.

I watch as a bone extends itself from his upper back, breaking through his skin. This sort of bloodline limit is something...little wonder Orochimaru coveted it, with his need to jump into fresh young bodies every so often.

"Dance of the Clematis: Vine!"

In an instant, he pulls his spine from his body and fashions it into a whip. He flicks his wrist and launches the tip at me, forcing me to jump as it goes towards my legs.


"Have to..." My jump is purposely low, and the first part of the whip sails beneath me. I tighten up and quickly twist my body over to do a hand plant, lowering myself towards the grass as the whip flies overhead. I then rebound into the air and backflip to avoid the next part of the whip as it sails by, then draw my kunai again to spin and parry another attack as I'm floating upwards.


He's not slowing up. The whip stretches out and I slash at the segments as they try to tear into me while I fall to earth again. I flip over another segment as it goes beneath me and split my legs to avoid one more, tuck and spin, then untuck and arch my back to avoid one last set of spines before landing in a crouch safely on the grass. I take a quick breath and bounce backwards out of the whip's range, sizing up Kimimaro again.

What a troublesome enemy I've drawn today.

"Your taijutsu is sloppy, but I have to admit that your body control is incredible," Kimimaro says.

"And you worship a pedophile, but your taijutsu is close to immaculate," I reply.

"So it seems that you have a sense of honour and decorum after all."

"We're both surprised on that end. I didn't think I would have anything nice to say to you."

"Unfortunate...in a better world, we could have worked side by side to realize a wonderful dream. But in this world, your life ends today, Lilith Kobayashi."

"An interesting choice of words. But I told your subordinate with the missing stomach once before...your dream is dead, Kimimaro Kaguya."

I note his chakra shifting and his fingertips starting to split apart once more. It seems he's going to try and bring me back within his range. But as he takes off, his body changes and his skin lightens. There are now just the jagged black lines running all over him from his Level 1 state.

But I can see his plan already. His speed has gone up after leaving that heavier, more powerful form. No sense in taking too many risks, then...I'll push him to the limit with the chakra mode.

"Let's kick it up a bit...with some real speed."

I flick the shroud on and watch for his whip, accelerating through it as he attacks and hopping through the new space created. My hand goes to the holster on my leg and I draw my kunai once more, surging lightning chakra through it. My turn to move.


He stops his new attack midway and quickly dashes to my left, escaping with just a deep cut in his neck. It's already started healing by the time I face him again. I flick my tongue along the edge of my kunai.

"..." The same as before. He's been pumped full of drugs too, so I don't want any parts of his filthy blood. Kimimaro launches his whip at me again, and I parry the front of it before accelerating again past the rest. My hand rises upwards and he sprouts bones from his neck to defend in anticipation; I quickly move and slash away at his chest instead, drawing blood and making him stumble backwards. He recovers and has sharp spines of bone shoot out from his elbows and knees before going into a rolling attack. It's a fluid transition...he really is good.

I want to test the gap between us, and now is the best time. He misses with his first move and I shoot forward in the space he leaves me, ramming my kunai into the right side of his chest. Bone surges outward and manages a few shallow cuts on my arm before I can retreat. Thankfully, the chakra mode has done its job and provided some protection.

As I back away again, Kimimaro has changed back into his Level 2 form and has the now charred and crumbling bone on his chest break apart. He starts with his bone bullets again and I rush forward to meet him, slashing through his ranged attacks outright with the help of the chakra mode. He's slower to react and I slash at him rapidly, but his skin is incredibly hard to get through now, even with the help of lightning chakra.

I need something stronger, more concentrated. If I can force him to properly regenerate, it will take away some of his chakra, and thus the 'time' he has remaining in this fight.

"I'll try it," I say to myself. Mobius is already charging in my right hand, and Kimimaro doesn't hesitate, launching his whip at me while I idle.

"I've got you!"

The whip's movement...perfect. "Mobius!" I fire my attack right through multiple points of the whip, tearing it apart while blowing out his chest. Lightning bursts outwards from the impact and he's thrown back a fair distance, smoke rising from his body as he stands up. I watch as something crumbles away from his body...entirely too similar to that Kidomaru's gold armour from the last fight. But I can feel that his chakra level has decreased...

"Ah. Using bone to reinforce himself as the attack hit. He must have felt something coming and prepared, or guessed at the least," I say with realization. "But it's just like the other times. Our speeds were close in our normal forms...once I started to use the chakra mode, I pulled away from him. All it takes is a small edge at this level of combat, and you'll be on your back foot very quickly."

"That kind of Lightning Release...so that was what you were hiding all along. And that technique is similar to his..."

He's talking about Chidori. Hm. Now that I've made sure to carefully plan my movements, there's nothing he can really do to me. His attacks are strong, and his style of taijutsu is just about flawless. But now, I'm in a space that he can't control. Not with his whip, or his finger bone bullets, or anything in that arsenal of his that I can think of. The improved rate of 2.5 seconds for Mobius forced him to make a desperate effort to defend, and in his steel-hard Level 2 form at that.

"..." He's not liking his odds as much anymore, is he. And I doubt that he will change back to his normal state or even that first level of the curse, because I've revealed such a dangerous jutsu. But there are solutions to such problems, surely.

"What do I do now, I wonder..." I gather chakra again, taking a full three seconds this time just to be sure. Kimimaro body flickers towards me, and I jump easily over his head. He spins and tosses more of the bullets at me, and I do an extra flip in the air to float over them before landing. As I turn, I see that he was just buying time to pull bone from his shoulders, formed into sharp swords. He sprouts more bone from his chest and limbs as he charges me again, confident in his ability.

"That technique is useless against me!" he yells as I charge back at him. With his reinforcement, it would be trivially easy for him to absorb the incoming damage and destroy my arm in a trade by skewering it with his ribcage, or something to that effect.

"Sorry to say, but this technique isn't outdated yet. When the day comes that my jutsu isn't as strong as it should be, I'm going to spend time torturing people inside Intelligence." Well, I could also become one of those madams instead, keeping troubled girls off the streets in exchange for...relevant services towards the male populace. Yes, that seems to fit my image better. "As far as you know, there's still more."

"Then come, show me your pitiful technique!"


It's a silly thing. A technique that doesn't obey normal procedure, and transforms one type of thing into another. A technique that doesn't pierce; nothing like Chidori at all, or even what Mobius is supposed to be. In fact, it's bad at the thing that Mobius is meant to excel in.

But it does its one function extremely well. It cuts like something out of a dream.

Normal high speed attacks have bothersome tunnel vision, but it doesn't apply here, not to me. My natural speed, reflexes, and the boost in perception from my chakra mode maximize my ability and efficiency in close. It gives this technique the boost it truly needs as a split-second, last moment attack. The type of attack that fits perfectly in the hands of a long range shooting artist like me.

I accelerate towards Kimimaro and recall the training I did weeks earlier. The movements of those elite athletes burned into my mind, recreated through hours and hours of repetition until they became as easy as walking. This move, called the crossover step...by mastering it, I can step around my opponent with ease and punish their mistakes. I make the change of pace cut as Kimimaro's rib bones shoot outward, cutting lightly into my cheek as I rush through and underneath his right side. I swing my arm upwards, and at the last moment, I fire, just as I always do.

"Mobius Type 3..."

Ultra-high speed severing technique. The jutsu fires and solidifies into a short, rapidly vibrating blade of lightning that extends from my two fingers. Kimimaro moves out of the way.


I put as much force as possible into my arm, timing it with my firing and aiming for his neck as he moves past me. I slide to a stop and immediately turn, seeing that he's escaped his fate with a deep gash on the side of his neck. My technique disappeared moments after coming into existence, already having served its purpose.

"It's a miss, then."

My tongue reaches out to lick some of the blood on my cheek. It's mine this time...of course, that means it has a pleasant taste.

"But the test was successful. I can use this in the future, definitely," I say with a smile.

"So even this form is weak to it," Kimimaro mutters. His chakra drops again as his bones start to extend from his right shoulder, muscle and tissue forming around them. I walk forward and pick up his severed arm, looking at it curiously for a moment before throwing it over my shoulder.

"I wonder how you're feeling right now," I say to him. "Surely you realize that your odds are dropping by the second...so it would be nice if you just gave up and let me run after Sasuke."

"..." He focuses and bones grow around his left arm, wrapping themselves into a spiral shape that is formed like a drill. The same technique he meant to kill Lee with, then. If he combines that slow sort of attack with the 'vine' from earlier, it would be easier to land a strike...but otherwise, it's pointless. What is he thinking?

"This is my strongest technique...but it won't be just that. I'll make sure that you suffer and die, right here and now. This...is my final dance." He kneels down and punches the ground with his restored right hand.


"Dance of the Seedling Fern."

Chakra coming from...below. From the earth? Things quickly become clear as a wave of bones erupts from the ground and rumbles towards me. What the hell is this kind of technique? This is a bone power, too? Details don't matter, I'm as good as dead if it hits me. Coming from ahead, jumping up from the sides...he's going to turn every inch of this place into a field of piercing bones, and I unfortunately can't grow wings and fly.


Lee. He's going to get hit, too...attacking Kimimaro to try and end the technique is completely out. Time to move!

"Sorry, you bone blasting booster. I'm not dying in this place."

I force chakra through my body and activate the chakra mode's second stage, moving as fast as I can and heading for the tree line where Lee is. The bones are rumbling behind me, forming what looks like a forest in itself. I grab Lee and jump high into a tree, bouncing upwards on branch after branch to avoid the bones that are extending to try and reach me. I get high enough that they can't get to us, and eventually the movement of chakra stops, the bones ceasing to appear and grow.

"Shit...that was close," I say as I shut off the chakra mode and take in air.

"Then let me get closer!"

"Bastard-!" The trunk explodes beneath me, sending the upper half of the tree falling towards the sharp bones below. It crashes down as I jump off, quickly making a seal with my hands and firing False Darkness to shatter the bones in my landing area. "No good...where is he..."

"I've never been brainwashed...these things are what I think! They all come from my own reasoning!"

"!" I throw Lee from my arms.

"You don't know anything, you bitch!"


He thrusts the bone spear through my chest.


I gasp and disappear in a cloud of smoke, transforming into something familiar.


Three seconds have already passed. I stand sideways on one of the bone blades behind him, finger pointed towards his head.

"You were right. It is the end."

I fire, ripping cleanly through his skull with a focused shot. He sways for a moment before falling out of his perch and to the ground, reverting to his normal form as his healing struggles to work.

"You obviously love him so much...so you can go ahead and greet your shitty master in hell, Kimimaro Kaguya. Rest in pieces."

I stand over him and fire another blast of chakra, obliterating his skull for good this time.

"Sorry, Lee. That was cruel of me, even if it was to save you one last time." I make sure there's no activity coming from Kimimaro before placing Lee against one of the bone structures. He's sleeping pretty deeply right now...oh, never mind.


"Yes, it's me." I watch as he slowly stirs, opening his eyes.

"Did you...defeat that enemy?"

"I did. I have to go to where Sasuke is. You should be safe here." Even if I need my equipment, Lee needs it much more. I take as many tools as I can out of my bag, and leave myself with a handful of soldier pills so that he can have the rest. "Those will be of use to you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. The four of us will be back soon, okay?"

"Yes, I understand. Good luck."

"Thank you."

This is it. This is where everything will come to an end. I start my run through the forest of bones and get into the open field again, accelerating towards the border and the final valley that separates the two sides. The place called the Valley of the End, where the two titans Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha fought their very last duel. The valley was created by their battle...something that hasn't been replicated since by any shinobi in this world.

I can feel everyone's chakra...and things are not good at all. Shino's in some sort of trouble, and Shikamaru doesn't seem well...Hinata is the only one in any condition to fight-


What's happened...? Why is her...?

"Hina...?" I push chakra through my system and run as fast as I can towards her position. No. No, this can't be happening...Hina! She's not gone, she can't be!


I run past Shikamaru and Shino. And I can see it...

"Hina!" I scream.

She's falling from the top of the cliff, lightning trailing her. Not moving.

I won't...let it happen!

"Make it in time! Chaotic Movement!"

"At your will! FLOW!"

I jump with everything I have and reach forward, Crim extending his body as far as it can go. Please...make it in time! Make it in time!

"Secure!" Crim yells.

"To me!" I scream out frantically. And she comes, pulled back by Crim's strong jaws, slamming into me roughly and sending us both to the ground in a cloud of dust.


I can't stop crying. All I can do is hold her close to me, trembling. I can't...go on like this. I can't.

I will end everything today. I...will never...forgive him...
Outride A Crisis
Scarlet Justice - ep. 57
"Outride A Crisis"
[Sasuke Recovery Mission: Final]

"Sorry that we couldn't do more."

"Stop with the apologizing," I say to Shikamaru. "You did well. Don't worry about anything else..."

I lay Hina on the ground in front of me. She's awake and in pain, with her left shoulder bleeding. I pull her arm out of her jacket and cut away the sleeve of her shirt. It's not as bad as it could have been, but still awful...

It's difficult right now, but I wipe away my tears and hold my focus. One more time...for the people I care about. "Status report, please."

"My leg's screwed up from trying to dodge Sasuke's attacks," Shikamaru starts. "Shino's running super low on insects after Sasuke started hitting us with fire attacks, one after the other. Sakura didn't help with her traps and explosions. They've got good coordination, and beyond that...Sasuke is way too strong. Outside of any calculations that I had of him."

"It's the cursed seal. The power must be merging with his body, and making him that much stronger than before. It's a good thing I didn't bring Naruto out, he wouldn't have stood a chance as he was."

"We could hold them for a little while before I got hurt, and then everything started to fall apart, bit by bit. Hinata was doing her best, too..."

"I know. I could feel you guys from way out as soon as I finished my duel. Lee is back there, and he should be safe from harm for now. We...we need to finish this fight quickly and get back to him...and Hina..."

"We'll take care of her, Boss." He hands me a canteen and I drink water out of it. "Basic first aid...that much is within our grasp."

"I'm really sorry...my leg is shot and it's taking a lot to stand on it."

"I'll take care of the rest, Shikamaru. It's as you said...his power has grown at a terrifying rate, and with that being the case, it's up to me to take him on. I have things I need to settle..." I take a deep breath in. "Stay here with Hina for now. Watch out for Sakura's movements in the meantime...you two are enough to take care of her, even in your states, but stay cautious either way."

"Got it, Chief. You go get him...put and end to this for all of us."

"I promise I will." I rise to my feet, looking at my sister one last time. She's breathing softly, her eyes dimmed and halfway open.

My words were not just for show. I meant it...I will never forgive him for what he's done to us. To Shikamaru, and Shino...and to Hina. Especially her. Attacking her...hurting her like this. He's going to suffer for what he's done.

I race up the cliff, through the trees and towards the two statues on either side of the border. With a single leap, I cross the waterfall, going from Hashirama's upraised fingers to Madara's head.

Sasuke stands there, waiting.

"So it's you this time. Welcome."

I keep my face turned away from his. "Why did you hurt her..."


"Why. Why did you do such a thing. Tell me. Why. Sasuke. Why."

"Kobayashi...you should have left when you had the chance. All of you should have left. This is no longer your problem, and I have no time to play with you Leaf children anymore. It's time for me to move forward."

I finally look at him, and see the curse mark spreading across his face like black flames. One of his eyes is pitch black with a yellow center, and he smirks at me, arrogantly. It's too much to take. It's too much for my soul to handle, and I'm burning up inside. I can't feel anything...but anger. So much anger...it won't stop hurting me...



"I will...never...forgive you. Never. I will never do it," I say as I start to cry again. "It hurts...so much. Being here, in front of you, having to do all of this, having to suffer over and over and over. I love Naruto so much...but you are so worthless. I hate you so fucking much..."

"And yet..."

"And yet," I repeat. "It's because I love him so much...and I swore on my soul that I would bring you home. I will bring you back to the Leaf, no matter what it takes."

He laughs at me. Like nothing matters. "Will you? Then come and try it, bitch."

Everything hurts so much...so damn much...it won't stop hurting! It fucking hurts! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! I want to kill him! I want to tear him apart and it hurts me! Why won't this pain stop?! I'm trying, aren't I? Why?! Why won't it stop?!

It's going to burst me apart and I can't stop crying.


It has...to flow. From me. I have to let...it out. Or else I'll go insane, and I'll die. I'll tear him apart, and then I'll die for sure.

"I...will show you every terrible thing in my heart, Sasuke. Every disgusting emotion. I will drown you in them...I will make you understand."

He smiles and activates his Sharingan, charging me to throw a punch. I block it and jump before kicking him in the face, sending him flying down from the top of Madara's statue. He sails through the air and recovers, dropping downward into the valley. I watch as he bounces from space to space along the sheer wall of rock, then lands on top of the body of water below. I follow him down, landing with a wide space between us as the waterfall churns in the background.

"To sever my bond with the Leaf...and to put you in your place. This is the perfect way to do it," he says. "Everything...will begin here."

The heat keeps building up inside of me. I don't want to hear anything. I don't want to think about anything. But...I know which path I want to take. I know what I want to give into for this final battle. I'm shaking, like all of the other times. Scared...not that he would hurt me, but that I would lose control. That I would turn into him, that I would surrender to the voice in my head saying to choke his life away, just like he did mine. Retribution for the scars he gave me.

I want to be better than that. Because I am better than that.

I keep thinking of Hina...seeing her in that state. The rage that threatens to consume me. This mission, this fight...I wanted to believe for a moment that I could just put everything aside and fight for others. I tried...but that could never be all of it. It never could be.

This selfishness is a part of me. It's what makes me human.

I want to embrace something. I will...embrace the warmth that's inside of me, one more time. The dream that Naruto entrusted to me through his tears. I'm going to hold onto it with all that I have. I close my eyes and meditate, taking in deep, heavy breaths as I stand on the water. I want to find myself. Reclaim what was fading away in the midst of this fighting and anger.

The world slows, and a field of white light appears beneath my feet. I kneel down to the ground on instinct.


"I'm here," I say with a warm voice. The little child with blonde hair runs to me, and I take him gently into my arms. "Don't worry...everything will be okay. I will protect your dream."

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"Yes. It does. It hurts a lot. It's...a heavy burden. The weight feels like it might be too much sometimes."

"I...I don't want you to get hurt. Even if I...want my friend back. I don't want to lose you, Lili."

"It's alright. I can endure. Oh, but you really are a sweet child..." I let him go, looking into his bright blue eyes with a smile. "Let's work together. I need just one thing from you, my love."


I nod and rise to my feet. The small child becomes the boy that I fell in love with. He is brave and strong. But he loves me all the same.

"What is it?" he asks.

I take his hand. "Come with me. Let's bring him back together. I will become your instrument as I promised you, your sword of justice. But it can't be just me, moving on my own. My will, joined with yours...that is what will bring Sasuke back home."


"Yes...together. Both of us."

"I'll give you everything I have, then. I'm sorry, Lili."

"For what?"

"Using you...like this. Sasuke...the things he's done, and the pain he's caused you..."

"You have nothing to apologize for, my love. I chose this. I wanted to help you, because you have a heroic spirit. And I said it before...I am a weapon, beautiful and strong. To be used in battle is my joy. You are not taking advantage of me, nor are you degrading me. I can love you, and I can want this life for myself. You don't need to feel guilt...this is what I was made for."

"Yeah. Then...we can do this. I know we can." He smiles for me. "You're the girl I gave my dream to. I've always believed in you, Lili."


"I only needed that reminder. I do this because I love you. More than I could ever hate him."


The pain has disappeared completely. I am at peace.

As I open my eyes, the world resumes its flow. Sasuke stares at me with his Sharingan, the curse mark receding. I can sense his power, and he's about the same strength overall as I am. We have our specialties and differences to consider. It will come down to those things...how well we can execute and take advantage of the flow of battle.

My mind is finally clear. I know what I must do.

"For today, I put away my title as Scarlet Viper," I say to Sasuke.


"My name is Lili Kobayashi. I stand here on behalf of Naruto Uzumaki, as the weapon that will protect his dream. I am his sword of justice."

"What? Are you two fooling around, then?" he asks.

"A weapon is at home on the battlefield, where she can perform her duties without hesitation," I continue. "Today, I am proudly guided by his heroic hand. My leader, my master, my king. Whatever you might call him...I am at his command. Sakura is the one he loves...the one he yearns for even now. Even if she is unworthy of his love, I will return her to her rightful place as well. But even if he didn't ask for her to safely come home, another has."


"Yes. Ino loves Sakura, even after her betrayal. Even after she caused that tragedy..."


"We put an end to the Sound Five...and they tried to take Ino's life before leaving the village."


"You didn't know...but I doubt that even if you knew, you would care. You've delivered nothing but pain and hurt to those who called you comrade. Those who called you friend. Those who called you family."

"So what...I didn't ask anyone to get in my way. I never asked you to risk your lives coming after me. You've done enough...all you have to do is walk away, Kobayashi."

"I promised. And I keep my promises to those I love. It's time to put an end to this madness. Make your move, Sasuke Uchiha...give me everything you have."

He growls. "Fine! You'll get your death wish!" He weaves seals and breathes in. "Fire Release: Fire Ball Jutsu!"

He breathes out a large fireball towards me, at least twice my height. For the chakra cost, it's a very good opening move. But I'm not some loser contemporary. I'll make sure he learns who I am.

I make my own seals and push one hand forward. This is my world.

"Water Release: Water Shark Bullet."

Five sharks rise from the water around me, two slamming into the fireball and erasing it in a veil of steam. The other three race towards Sasuke and send up a cascade of water as they collide. Sasuke has already evaded and closes in on me. It's going to be close with a fully matured Sharingan.

He starts with a punch combination; I duck and weave through each blow easily. He draws a kunai and I keep weaving past his strikes, trying to give him as little chance to counter as possible. His face is calm as he keeps trying to connect with an attack, analyzing my movements with his eyes. I keep myself steady, remaining on the defensive and waiting for my own opening. He shifts and holsters his kunai, driving forward with strikes that are heavier than I remember. He's clean and technical, placing each punch and kick in places that will shatter my guard if I'm not careful. Methodical movement, similar to Kimimaro. My movements borrow from him, memories of the last fight flowing through my head. I remain fluid, moving with grace and dancing across the water lightly. Not as strong as him, but faster, enough that I can stay a step ahead of the Sharingan.

It's a tense, dangerous game, even if neither of us are showing it on our faces.

Sasuke shifts again, drawing his kunai and reversing his grip. Our hands quickly start to slap at each other, sounding out loudly as we jockey for position.


I feel it coming. Sasuke forces me into a parry with my right hand and takes advantage. He reads my movement and I make a desperation move, quickly tilting my head left as he changes grip on his kunai, and getting a slash across my right cheek for my troubles. He quickly chains the miss into an elbow strike to the chest, and it stings a bit more than I assumed it would...taking those sorts of blows will feel different as I keep growing, I suppose...

I slide backwards across the water and then accelerate quickly before he can properly react, kneeing him in the stomach before following with a spinning kick that he just barely blocks. I spin back in the opposite direction and throw a kunai that he dodges, then hit the water before jumping backwards and going into a roll while making the snake seal.

"False Darkness."

I break out of my tumble and open my mouth, the spear of lightning shooting from it towards him. He quickly strings together four seals, and activates the technique I thought he would...Chidori. Raising his hand, he absorbs the impact of the jutsu I fired, the lightning around his hand growing in intensity.

"Thanks for the boost, idiot! Now...you can just die!"

He puts his full speed into a shunshin, rocketing towards me with his left hand skimming the water below and throwing up waves in his wake. A full speed charge already? What could he be...

"Do it!" he suddenly yells.


Is that...Sakura? What is she...oh, hell. They're boxing me in! I turn my head to see what she's going to do...

...and what greets me is the most magnificent sight.

"Not in your fucking life!"


Sakura turns her head, and her face is immediately pushed in by Hina's solid right hand straight as she flies in from the heavens above. They crash together into the water with a violent splash, Shino right behind them and Shikamaru hopping as fast as he can to catch up.

"We've got her taken care of, Chief! Go full throttle on that asshole!" Shikamaru yells.

"Underestimating me...underestimating us...you'll always be trash for that reason, Sasuke," I say as I return my attention to him. I narrow my eyes and focus.

My turn.



I push myself into the second stage of the chakra mode and burst ahead in a spray of water, grabbing Sasuke's left hand and sealing away his Chidori. I follow by kneeing him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. He recovers quickly from the shock and barely dodges my next punch, but he's still slow. I pull my fist back and forward in one fluid motion, hitting him with the second attack and sending blood and spit flying from his mouth. I'm in the game now.


I cut under his block and hit his stomach, then chain it to successive hooks to the head. My foot sweeps him off of his before I kick him into the air, then follow up with something I know he'll hate. I shift back and kick him high into the air, then land a drop kick that sends him flying away from me.

All of our hearts as one...I'll show him our strength.

"From me to you, Sasuke. Let's begin." I prepare a kunai and wrap it in a tag, then throw it at him. He dodges, only to see that the explosive note has done nothing; using the time I have, I flare up the chakra mode a bit and body flicker to meet him.

"First move is a feint, you know!" Shikamaru!

"What-!" He moves to start up Chidori, but I'm faster. I weave seals and spew out a torrent of water that washes him back towards the waterfall, then speed behind him to drive an elbow into his back.

"Give your best...never underestimate even the smallest opponent!" Shino!


Faster...! "Always keep advancing...never turn back!" Hina! I rock forward with a fast first step as he turns, and start my attack. "And when you hit a stubborn wall, knock it down with a big combo!" Ino! I drive my fists into him with the Hyuuga rhythm. Two hits! Four hits! Eight hits! Sixteen hits!

"That's Hyuuga's...! Gah!" Sasuke stumbles back on the water, and I'm still in control. Next move...I surge forward and kick him into the air, then follow at his back like a shadow.

"When you give chase, you have to do it with energy! That's what it means to be youthful!" Lee!

"There's no way...the Lotus?"

"Sorry...but it's still all original from here. I'll move...!"

"No!" He turns in the air and swings at me, only to miss. I flip in the air above his head and then come down with an axe kick to his back, sending him flying downwards.

"It doesn't matter how we feel...it never did. When he asked me to bring you home, when he made that wish...I've devoted myself to making it come true! Because I don't go back on my word!" Naruto! "Move and stretch! Chaotic Movement!"


Crim appears around my arm, stretching forward and pulling me towards Sasuke before disappearing. I pull chakra into my right hand, clenching it into a tight fist.

"This is a determination like no other! Sasuke! Grit those fucking teeth!"


"Hidden Leaf Secret Taijutsu...!"

And like a wave...I crash down on him. His eyes widen, and he has nowhere to go.


I wind up and slam my fist into his face, blowing the water around us away with the impact. A fierce wave of chakra throws me backwards, and I recover fast enough to slide across the water, just barely on my feet.


He rises from the water, coughing up blood and staring ruefully into me.

"Almost...it's almost..."

I don't know what he's talking about, but I'm almost there. I'll end it, right here. That jutsu charges in my right hand, and I quickly raise it to fire.


He scrambles and barely dodges the attack; it shoots forward and blasts away the stone behind the waterfall ahead of me. I weave more seals.

"Water Shark Bullet." I fire two sharks at his position and he body flickers before jumping over them, making seals as he comes down. My body tenses.

"Fire Ball Jutsu!" He changes the shape and forms it into a stream of flame this time, but I quickly dodge underneath it and make the snake seal once more as I line him up. This time...I have him. I can see it in his eyes.

"False Darkness."

"Damn...!" The lightning bursts from my mouth in a straight line. The attack explodes against him in a flash of light.

But...his chakra is shifting.


"I wanted to wait just a bit longer...but you've forced my hand. I'll end this before you become too much of a bother."

He...really did do it, then. This is just like the others I fought...the second stage of the cursed seal. A monstrous transformation, done solely to gain power.

Sasuke floats in the air a moment before coming back down to the water's surface. His skin has darkened, turning grey. He has wings on his back that look far more like grotesque webbed hands. His hair is much longer than before, and has taken on a grey-blue colour. On the bridge of his nose is something like a black pointed star, and his eyes are pools of darkness with Sharingan floating in them.

"Now...this is where our real battle begins, Kobayashi."

"You...you look absolutely disgusting. Like a fucking corpse," I say, feeling sick to my stomach. "You're...okay with this? Becoming a monster for the sake of power?"


"You would cast off your humanity so easily?" I ask. "Just like that trash Kimimaro..."

"I must admit, I'm impressed that you managed to kill him..."

"Yes. It wasn't much fun at all. Destroying garbage like that...waste of my time. If I had been here sooner, without him in my way, my teammates wouldn't be hurt right now."

"Hahaha...depressed, are you? Or are you angry with me for causing them pain?"

"I'm not sad. They followed my orders to the letter. They trusted me as their leader, and came through when I needed them."

"Leader? You?"

"Yes, that's right. I led them all the way here to chase you, Sasuke."

"Hmph. And what? Do you expect me to shed tears for you? Feel some sort of sympathy?"

"No. We didn't expect anything of the sort. We still don't. We're not looking to be hailed as heroes. Do you understand by now, Sasuke? My will is not just my own today. All of us here...we do this for a friend. Our friend."


"His name is Naruto Uzumaki...someone who calls you a brother."

"I will sever that bond and all others. It's the only way that my power will grow. It's the only way that I'll get strong enough to do what I have to do."

"That's nonsense. That's not how you grow stronger, and you know it..."

"Bonds only cause suffering...they only cause pain in the end."

"That's a lie."

"Again...again and again and again! Over and over! You arrogant bitch!" he roars. "What do you know? What do you know about anything, with your fancy life, with your mansion and being waited on hand and foot every day of your life? What do you know about pain, about losing people? What do you know outside of this world?!"


"What would you know...about suffering? You who lived with a barrier between the darkness of the world and comforts that many of us will never know...you could never-"

"You think you know everything about me," I reply. "But you're the one who knows nothing."


"I understand what bonds are. To have them severed violently. To feel so weak that you can't do anything but watch everything fall apart around you..."

I'm sorry...I was too weak, as your mother...sorry...

I remember when she could no longer speak. I remember her tears as she took her last breaths. I remember clinging to her. Feeling her life bleed away.

I hated myself...for so long.

"I'm going to sever that bond with Naruto...and every bond that I have with the Hidden Leaf," Sasuke says.

"Then I'll destroy the blade you intend to use, Sasuke."

"You're looking at it!" he says as he pounds his chest. "Go ahead! Kill me, then!"

"Don't say things you don't mean." I keep my chakra mode at Stage 2 and watch his movement as he charges me. He's faster than before. I block the first set of blows he throws at me, and they're heavy, sending me flying backwards briefly. Close range is a bad idea, then. His speed...in a straight line, he might be able to catch me off guard. He glides above the water quickly and swipes across my cheek, cutting into it lightly with a near miss. The skin that's been burned away by my chakra mode regenerates quickly on his hand.

Faster...but I still have the advantage when it comes to overall movement. He charges again, and I use a lateral step to dodge, then get behind him to kick him in the back before he can react. He slides across the water before recovering and turning, jumping into the air and going into a low glide with his wings to rush me. The water parts beneath him and his Sharingan are glowing. I watch him carefully, dodging another high strike and hitting him in the face with a fast punch. His head snaps back; I jump and throw a drop kick into his chest, twirling in the air and landing on my feet. He tumbles along the water, recovering and flapping his wings once to settle down.

"Heh...I wasn't expecting a tickle fight," he taunts. "You're as weak and useless as ever, you pathetic bitch."

I take a moment to figure out where I stand. Taijutsu and strength were his advantages in our normal forms, and that has only carried over here. With the major boosts of the curse mark, I understand that my physical attacks aren't going to do much as they are. I'll lose almost every trade. Water will be decent if it lands, but it's blunt force, something his body is better against in that form. I can use it to stop his Fire Release, and I'm standing on a river right now...it would be too easy to snuff out all of his attacks. Lightning Release is what he should be wary of, but he can negate it with Chidori. And it's probably a lot stronger in this new form of his.

Physically, he's significantly stronger than me...but I was already dealing with that much when fighting Kimimaro. His speed has increased in Level 2, unlike that zealot...and because of that, along with everything else, he has no reason to change back and forth. In fact, he's conserving his movements, trying to get comfortable with his new transformation. I can feel his chakra pulsing...it's a drain on him.

He will want to end this fight soon.


He's staring at my hands. Waiting for...Mobius. Has to be. He knows it's a long range, high speed attack. I've used Type 1 on him already, and the Sharingan hasn't given openings for Type 3. Type 2 is powerful, but I can't waste chakra so freely, especially if I want to keep this chakra mode on for the rest of the fight. Stage 2 can be held for longer because of my training, but I can't push it too far.

Sasuke's chakra is moving.

"I guess I have no choice. I said that I would sever my bonds with the Leaf..."

"..." What is he up to...?

He bursts forward before flickering from my sight. But I can feel his movement...I can see where he's going.

It's really come to this.

Sasuke hovers high in the sky above my comrades, just up the river from us and at the base of Hashirama's statue. Chakra bursts forth from his left hand, as a mass of black lightning. The sound is like that of birds flapping their wings, taking flight.

And the woman I call my sister stands defiantly in front of her teammates, right arm hanging limply at her side. She stares up at Sasuke, eyes bright with the strength of her inheritance.

"I can start with you lot..."

"Go ahead...fucking try it!" Hina screams back at him.

"I'll oblige you. Time to disappear," Sasuke says with a cruel smile. He flaps his wings and starts to dive, the technique blaring in his hand.

I only have...three seconds. That's all I have to save the people I love.

All the time I have to change the future in front of me.

And I know that I will do it. My hand goes to my heart, in that same position as before. I silently pray. I flow the chakra in...I twist it...and it bursts out.

The world freezes.

Everything at this moment started from a strange idea. How to take the chakra mode further? Stimulating my body the normal way wasn't enough. I read the material at the hospital, asked questions of myself and others. Trained to the point of exhaustion.

Something further. Not just more power, but precise power. The simple solution...push the chakra through my heart's meridians, amplify the power, and have it rush through my body again. The creation of a shell around the heart, made of lightning chakra to regulate output properly and protect it from harm. This is the level beyond Stage 2...it colours my chakra red. Stage 3, code-named "Full Boost".

Beyond that...something else. The hypothetical power created by two strong, opposing forces. Alternating currents, perhaps? Two types of chakra flowing through your body in different directions and clashing violently, throwing power up and outwards. That resulting energy would push Stage 3 to a new and fleeting level, something that would have potential as a desperation burst for the briefest of moments. But pushing myself towards that wall bore no fruit.

Today is different.

That power called Full Boost, the third stage...it too was incomplete, and it took this moment for me to realize it.

I flow and twist again. I create a second shell of chakra, making two of them rotating at different, mutually beneficial speeds, chaining energy efficiently and moving my chakra at unthinkable velocities, bringing me to an impossible height of power. Bringing me to something that went beyond what I knew, and beyond what humans were meant to know. The chakra flowing through my body in its finite, mortal flow has been pushed to an unspeakable level.

And so...the flow of time is nothing to me right now.

I can read everything around me. The flow of my comrades. Of Sasuke and Sakura. Of the trees, the falling leaves. The water cascading downwards in the distance. The traces of chakra in the rocks, the fish, the birds flying in the sky. I can see and feel the flow of the present, and the future yet to come. My mind is flying free. My eyes are marvellously clear.

This sight...this is what she sees when she eclipses the limits of mortals. This is her domain.


I whisper her name with supreme reverence.

"I see it now. I can see why your eyes are so distant when you look at humans. I can understand why you will become a great empress, the greatest ruler this and any world has ever known. Your place...I've reached your place at last, Midori-onee-sama. Yes...Empress. My Empress. My one and only."

I know what this is. This is the truth of the world. The field of heaven, filtering through my unworthy eyes.

A gift for my courage and recklessness.

My soul has truly changed.

In this moment...I have been given the sight of God.


"Lightning Release Chakra Mode, Stage Four. 'Twin Drive System'...activate."


The field of heaven.

I am running through the sky as Sasuke fails to move, suspended in space with his arm driving downward. I pull back my right arm, clenching my fist, and hit him in the side. I drive forward, but hold back at the same time...and I feel my arm shatter into pieces as I finally follow through.

It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

Time resumes its flow as Sasuke slowly leaves my shattered fist. He shoots forward like a rocket and disappears, the air splitting apart and bursting in a series of sonic booms as he slams into the middle of the waterfall. The rock is hollowed out and blown away as he tunnels through it, shooting diagonally upwards and causing an explosion a long distance away, water sent up in a shower.

I land softly on the water. I can't feel my right arm at all.

I tilt my head downwards, and a slow stream of blood pours from my mouth, staining the water red. My chest hurts. My mind is fuzzy, like static rumbling through it. And then noise stops existing.

But...there's one thing in my head.

I can't get rid of it, that thought, even as I feel my body collapsing, even as I feel myself hitting the water face first and sinking beneath the surface. The darkness...no longer bothers me. I can't bring myself to care.

All I can think of...


More than anything, I want to see that place again.

God's well kept field.
Very nice fight, especially with keeping it similar to canon in feel. Obviously there are major differences due to different people but the feel of the fight, especially with the flashbacks seemed similar without being identical.
Very nice fight, especially with keeping it similar to canon in feel. Obviously there are major differences due to different people but the feel of the fight, especially with the flashbacks seemed similar without being identical.
Was hella fun to write. Kind of draining so I won't be doing it again very soon but there will be other fights and junk.

Many references (in/out of universe), callbacks, everything. Tried to do it without interrupting the flow of the fight. Naruto vs. Sasuke 1.0 was interrupted by a whole (necessary) flashback. Also a surprising amount of the fight took place in the air and on the sides of the statues in the manga. But that makes sense - water walking is more chakra intensive than wall walking. So for a second I was worried about it being "boring" visually before saying "meh. write the punching worry about it later".

Also I realize I made it really hard for Hinata to end up as anything less than best girl after this chapter :V Got work to do.