Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
Scarlet Justice - ep. 46

A yawn escapes me as I return from the bathroom. Today is the second day. Visiting hours have just begun, and I get my first pair of people.

"So. You overcame your thirst for each other long enough to visit," I say to them.

"I can see that you're recovering nicely, Miss Lilith," Luna replies with a bit of snark.

"She is. And she's not wrong about that part."

"Lady Midoriko, please..."

They're dressed casually today; Luna with a flowery blouse and long skirt that hugs her curves, and Midori wearing a red sundress that looks like it could awaken every young man and woman within a hundred miles of her.

"Hello again. Did you ladies want anything while you were here?" Ruki asks as she returns.

"Any sweet tea, by chance?" Midori asks.

"We have some, yes. It's quite good."

"Two glasses, then. Please and thank you."

"Understood. Lili, anything?"

"The usual," I say to her.

"One bottle of milk, coming up. I'll be back in just a bit, ladies." Ruki bows her head before leaving again. The ladies seat themselves around my bed, and I roll out from under the sheets to sit and face them.

"How are you feeling?" Midori asks me.

"Good. Nothing unusual. I just have to do a lot of tests before they let me go."

"Miss Ruki was telling us on the way up," Luna says. "You're here for a week...I hope it isn't too lonely."

"Not at all. I'm used to this sort of thing, as you know. Things haven't changed too drastically...I do miss the company of friends, but I can survive perfectly well in isolation. This much is fine."

"Mm. You've always been a composed sort of child, it seems," Midori says. "It's no wonder you did so well the other day. And why Sarutobi chose to promote you so quickly. Traits like those are rare, even in the shinobi world."

"I've heard as much. Luna, did my stepmother talk to you yet?"

"She did, yes. Mistress Emi knows about my orientation now. I don't know what logic she used to figure it out, but she did. And she's fine with it, which surprised me. I thought her to be more old-fashioned due to her upbringing."

"Believe me, she's quite liberated," I say with a dry tone. "And the part about your raise?"

"That was a shock as well. I'm grateful for it, though...perhaps I can do something for my Papa in the coming months. Maybe visit him in person. He never says so directly, but he longs to see me."

"If you need time off for that, just let me know," I say to her.

"Thank you, Miss Lilith. I will keep that in mind. Was the Mistress the only one to come here so far?"

"Yes. I can only assume the others have their own engagements, and are working to help clean up the village in their spare time. There's also the matter of missions, and administration...a lot is going on at the moment. I can't blame anyone for being too busy to visit right away. Have you heard anything, Luna?"

"Nothing aside from the usual," she answers. "The ladies from the painting and dance groups are all okay, and things in the village have slowed down socially as a result of the attack. There has been some chatter about captured enemies and the like, but there's some sort of investigation happening that I'm not quite clear on."

"Orochimaru was posing as the Kazekage. I assume they're looking into where the real one has gone."

"Likely dead," Midori says. "It wouldn't make sense otherwise. I don't think he would consider death any sort of drawback, as he planned to crush the Leaf and then maybe return for the corpse with all its secrets. His personal vendetta with Sarutobi was far more important."

"Yes, as we saw. I know that...I reminded the old man of Orochimaru in a lot of ways. Not in any direct sort of way, but...I think it was those possibilities that slipped away so long ago. Those came to mind and he saw a chance in me to make the right choice this time."

"A sense of power to placate you, then?" Luna asks.

"Nothing like that either. A second chance, more than anything. To guide someone with great potential the right way this time. I don't know what hardships Kakashi went through, exactly, but I know that the Hokage must hold regrets about Itachi Uchiha, along with Orochimaru. There are certainly other names lost to time, but those were two of the brightest lights that disappeared from the village itself."

"Sarutobi is very deliberate like that. He's definitely backing you, and taking a big chance," Midori says. "And he knows full well not to put you in danger just to please me. I can't stand suck-ups."

"Yes. It seems to be a sensible decision, from what I've gathered," Luna follows. "Miss Lilith is a very strong kunoichi with a solid foundation."

"I won't let him down any time soon, believe me. So there hasn't been much happening since we've last talked, then. Midori-nee, you've removed yourself from village concerns as promised."

"Yes, it's as I said. What I wanted was accomplished, and in a swifter manner than I could have guessed. The removal of Orochimaru on its own would have made some things easier overall, and then taking down Manda could have come at a later date. But the opportunity was too great to pass up, and goading him into calling out Manda was incredibly simple," Midori explains. "Things are wide open now, and we've started on securing our positions. If anything needs to be dealt with on this end, JPC will take care of it."

"I've heard that name in passing, JPC. What is it?" I ask.

"Ah, forgive me, Lili. I should have talked about that a long time ago. JPC is Jakari Programming Corporation, a relatively new and fast growing business in this world. They're located a few miles from Tanzaku Quarter, presently. The Jakari Family is one of the Ryuuchi Family's branches, and their two heads are the talented young ladies that I mentioned after our battle concluded. Twin sisters, Sana Jakari and Sanae Jakari. Sarutobi is acquainted with them, and the Leaf has a good working relationship with JPC as a company. Quite a few transport and security operations are handed out. You probably won't be getting too many missions dealing with JPC personally because of our relationship, but the girls are constantly keeping an eye on the village for any abnormalities that will cause trouble. There's no intervention unless it's extremely relevant to our interests, like this was, or it's an imminent threat to the entire world. The politics of the animal kingdoms can get very complicated."

"I see. I suppose I'll learn about that more as I grow," I say.

"You will. The girls will be out to help you at your first request, if you would like to do anything ambitious within the Leaf. There's plenty to cut your teeth on here, if I remember things correctly...but get yourself settled in first. Building a foundation with not only your finances, but your reputation will get you very far in this world."

"Hm. Was this what the old man meant for me?" I ask.

"I doubt it was his direct intention. But he'll enjoy the surprise," Midori says with a smile. "So get creative when the time comes. As Emi has said, it's just a matter of simple prayers with your genius doing the rest."

"Well. If you believe in me that strongly, then there's nothing else but to make it so. I'm Lili, after all."

"You certainly are. And what a blessing that has been."

Midori always knows how to say the right things, somehow.

We talk a bit more, about things like the miracle of avoiding noise complaints, Emi's strange habits and Midori considering her "off-limits" for my sake, Luna's combat maid status and being infected by my chunni syndrome, and general gossip. In the meantime, Ruki delivers two glasses of sweet tea as promised, and a cool bottle of milk for me. Midori has been out of the loop on village matters ever since she delivered me to the hospital, and says that she's been heavily focused on the next steps she needs to take as leader. That explains why she's been devouring Luna early and often, as tension is certainly high on her end.

"I think we'll leave you for now, Lili. I have things I need to do...well, not just things," Midori says with a light laugh.

"You two really are sisters," Luna mutters. "Never missing a chance to harass me."

"I'll do more than harass you later, you know."

"Yes, I know. You really should slow down some, Lady Midoriko."

"I should, but that would mean less quality time with you. You're not tired of me, are you?" Midori says, pouting playfully.

"N-nothing like that...I just worry about you at times. I'll be here to relieve your stress, as long as you'll have me."

"Thank you, Luna. I promise not to work myself too hard. But today...well, I have some plans for us. There's a little thing I want to show you when we get home."

"Is that so...well, then we should depart for now. Miss Lilith, it was lovely to talk, and to see you doing so well. I'm counting the days that I can go back to serving you with all of my strength."

"I'm looking forward to that. Thank you, Luna." We share a hug.

"Make yourself comfortable and let Ruki take care of you, okay?" Midori says as she strokes my head. "There's no rush to get back, I'd say. Be good."

"I will. Please take care, Midori-nee."

"For your sake, and Luna's. I certainly will." She hugs me tightly before letting go. I wave them both off, and soon I'm left alone again in my room.

There's not much to do before the next round of tests. "I suppose I'll-"

"She's not sleeping, right?!"

"Well, she certainly wouldn't be after that."

"Oof-! Sorry, sorry..."

I can't mistake that for anyone else. Ruki opens the door and a bouncing orange blur reaches me in short order.

"Oh! Medic-sis! Is it okay-"

"It's Ruki, you know. And yes, I told you it's fine to hug."


He smothers me in a hug, more chaotic than I'm used to, but wonderful all the same. My arms go around him and hug back, calming him down.

"Lili...I'm glad you're okay!"

"I'm glad to see you, too. You don't look any worse for wear."

"Hehe, yeah! But I'm here to see you! How are you doing? What happened? I heard you got poisoned and I was super sad but then Ruki-nee said that the poison was gone and you were just tired! And then Chief Toad and Pervy Sage said that you were the coolest and that you saved Grandpa Third from the creepy snake man! And I heard that you used the super cool chakra mode, and then an even more super ultra cool finishing move, something like Snake Flash Destruction Border Fang Attack or whatever, the point is that you were awesome and I didn't want anything to happen to you and and and-"

"Naruto. It's okay. I'm okay now," I say gently.

"Y-yeah. Sorry."

"It's alright. I'm...really glad that you care so much about me. I'm happy that you came to see me. Thank you for that. I really appreciate it."

"Yeah. Lili, I was kinda scared, you know? I didn't want...to lose someone like you. You're way more than just a friend to me," he says quietly. "Everyone hated me because of the stupid fox, but the first time you heard about it, you said you didn't care. That you just cared about me. I didn't...couldn't ever forget that, you know?"

"I know. I wished for that much. I wanted you to remember that you'll always be valued by me."

"Thanks...for that. It means a lot to me, too. Um, sorry for being so bouncy. I just got off a clean up mission and it was the last one for Team Seven, so I checked on Iruka-sensei and asked about the old man, then I ran to see you."

"Sit down for a moment," I say to him. I leave my bed and gently settle him into one of the chairs nearby, then sit on one of the arms. "It's fine to relax, Naruto. Tell me how things have been outside."

"Sorry to interrupt again. Naruto, did you want anything to eat or drink?" Ruki asks.

"Whatever Lili's having!"

Ruki looks at me, and I shrug. "Strawberry milk this time, then."

"Two bottles, coming up. I'll be back shortly."

"Ruki-nee is super nice, yeah?" Naruto says as she leaves.

"She works at a shrine."

"Oh, yeah? Hmm. And she smells a bit like flowers. I should ask her some stuff later." I have to wonder what he means by that. Some sort of spiritual question? Unusual, I'd say. "Anyways, a lot of stuff happened..."

He hurriedly talks about the invasion, and using his clone arts to try and help out against the invaders. I can't make heads or tails of it from his perspective, but he's clearly navigated it all well enough. The initial thrust and attack from the Sound and Sand was countered relatively quickly, with genin pulled into the fray to help out as much as they could. Naruto was tapped by Kakashi for assistance, while Sakura and Sasuke stuck by each other for the most part.

"How are they doing?" I ask.

"Oh...it's complicated, I think." He rubs the back of his head.

"Gather your thoughts. First of all, you did well. You were very brave," I say as I pat his head. "I'm proud of you for keeping your composure."

"Thanks...but that must have been nothing compared to what you had to go through! That creepy snake guy, we met him in the forest before and he was trying to go after Sasuke, I think...he was really freaky and scary. Something happened while I was out of it...to Sasuke, I mean. I didn't know what it was before, though. Lili, weren't you scared?"

"I was."

"Then how'd you do so well?"

"Overcoming fear is what it means to be brave. You don't need to be fearless. In fact, I would argue that throwing away your ability to feel fear is the worst thing that you can do."

Naruto thinks a moment. "Is it...thinking of people?"

"Yes. I considered the consequences of not giving my all, and willed myself to move based on that. If you can keep in mind the reasons you fight, the people you fight for...I think that no matter how scared you might be, you can overcome any obstacle in your path."

"Hmm..." He nods slowly. "I think I get it. I wanted to protect the village and everyone in it, because I really like this place. And I like the people who care about me. Like you, Lili! I wanted to be as cool as you, at least...eh. Sasuke, right." Naruto lets out a breath and his expression changes. "We met back up at one point, and there were these guys...these two guys from that Sound village place. One was a girl, and she cursed a lot and called us trash. The other was a weird guy who was in some costume, I think. Coz it looked like he had another head on his back. I didn't get it...but they attacked and they were really strong and junk, even after I did my best. Sasuke...he got really angry and then these black marks showed up on him, and then the other guys had black marks on them, and we weren't doing so hot until Kakashi-sensei showed up and saved us."

"..." Sasuke gave in to the temptation of the curse mark. "What happened after that?"

"They ran away. Kakashi-sensei wanted to give chase, but Sasuke really wasn't doing well. The black marks went away, and I thought that was the end of it. I dunno what happened. Sakura said she didn't know either."

"I understand." Sakura is trying to protect him from the truth, either thinking it's too dangerous to know about, or that he wouldn't understand. But Naruto seems to understand more than she thought.

"It was the creepy snake guy's fault. I think maybe the mark will go away now that he's gone, like a curse or whatever. I hope so, anyways."

"You can ask Kakashi-sensei about it, maybe," I offer.

"Maybe. I dunno. I just...he looked really bad, and he wasn't talking for a long while, and when he did he sounded like he was gonna cry. Not...like in a funny way, either. He looked really hurt. I don't want to see him like that, but I don't know how to fix any of it. And Sakura was the same, sorta."

"You encountered the Sound attackers right away?"

"Nah...I ran into them in the middle of their fight with Sasuke. Like I said, they were super strong and there were two of them. Sasuke's pretty strong, and he looked like a kid compared to them, you know? We made it through, though."

I don't know what happened, but from the wording that Orochimaru gave, the Sound goons were there for more than just a fight. Did they get to Sasuke somehow? I can't really tell from Naruto's report if he was just hurt from the battle, or it was something deeper.

"He's at home resting and stuff, Sasuke, I mean. Sakura goes over to see him. They've been hanging out a lot lately, and it's pretty gross," Naruto says with his tongue out, trying to lighten the mood.

"That sounds about right. Naruto, he'll be okay soon. I know you care about him enough, even if I...have my own feelings about him. Suddenly getting thrown into a war, especially against strong opponents, isn't an easy thing. Especially for children who have largely known peace. There's no shame in being afraid, okay?" I say to him.

"I'll try and remember that, Lili. Thanks, I needed that, I think." He looks up at me and smiles. "I'll be okay! And I know that Sasuke's not a total crybaby, so he'll be back on his feet in no time! Sakura, too!"

"Right. Believe in your comrades," I say with a nod.

"It's too bad, though. If I remember right, after I beat Neji, he was supposed to be my opponent! Gah!" Naruto rubs furiously at his head. "That creepy snake guy was the worst! He just had to set things off early!"

I laugh a bit at that. "You were looking forward to that fight, eh?"

"Both of us were!"

"Both...?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah! Sasuke said...he wanted to fight me. So he had to be looking forward to that one, you know!"

I remember Sakura's words from the other day. It wasn't that I thought her a liar, but I had almost forgotten how close Naruto and Sasuke had become. Aside from his affection for me, he had been chasing Sasuke for a long time and competing with him. Perhaps for Sakura as well, in a way. Naruto for a long time had been alone, so having someone so close in age and like him, another boy who had his own goals to reach and was willing to drive himself towards them...something like that, it makes sense how they would eventually bond. And Sasuke, as much as he tries to front...he wanted someone to bond with as well. Was it those feelings that pushed him into using the curse mark, or something more selfish?

"Ah, well. Maybe Kakashi-sensei will let us have a fight later, once things settle down. I dunno much about what's going on, but he said something about 'keeping up appearances'. Whatever that means. There are a bunch more people going on missions than usual, him too."

"Power projection," I say to him. "Or, put simply, the Leaf has to prove that it's still tough after this recent attack."

"Oh yeah! Like how gangsters put on a front to scare other gangsters off, even if they don't have the numbers! Right?"

"A little...on the nose, but you have the idea." It seems that Chief Bunta has been imparting his wisdom on Naruto...him and Jiraiya, the aforementioned 'Pervert Sage'. I shudder to think what that kind of person might get up to if he knew about the 'Sexy Technique'. Guaranteed to be gross, if his ogling of Luna was any indication. Isn't he nearly three times her age? Gross, super gross.

"So how long are you in here? Tell me about the fight and everything, it must have been really wild and crazy and everything, especially if Chief Toad was there and Pervy Sage too! Is Luna really a battle maid?! Did your big sis punch a giant snake in the face and then cut him into sashimi?! And Kabuto was really evil the whole time? And and and-!"

"Here's your milk, you two." Ruki interrupts us and gives us each a bottle of strawberry milk. "Lili, we can schedule your tests a little later if you'd like."

"I would love if you did that, Ruki. My friend and I have a lot to talk about."

"Consider it done. I'll buy you a few more hours. Call if you need me, as always."

"How come you drink milk all the time?" Naruto asks as Ruki leaves.

"I'm a growing girl and it's a part of my development."

"Hmm...I don't really get it. Is it one of those beauty things?"

"Sort of."

"Oh. I mean...you're really pretty as you are, Lili," he says.

"Thank you for that. But I'm looking to grow upwards, for a lot of reasons." I sip my milk while looking at him. "You should think about working out some, in your spare time."

"Really? Don't muscles make you big and heavy?"

"Did you get that from watching anime?"


I sigh. "Excessive bulk creates problems, but you don't need to do that much. A bit of strength training and conditioning does wonders. You already have a lot of energy, but I can tell that you don't use it efficiently. Some focus helps. And as far as you're concerned, because you have so much energy to throw around, you can get a lot out of relatively simple exercises." I think for a moment. "Mm. And the girls are into that sort of thing, you know."

"Yeah?" he says, perking up.

"Mm-hm. Building up your body just a bit makes a big difference. Ladies like a man who looks fit, too. Even if he is a ragamuffin of sorts," I finish with a smile.

"Hmm...I'll think about that some. Thanks, Lili."

"No problem." Using Sakura as bait should work out, all so that Hina can reap the benefits down the road. Hmhm...that's perfect. I outdo myself sometimes. "Now, I'll tell you about what happened. Just don't spread the news too far right now, alright? It's very early on."

"I promise I won't tell anyone until it's okay! Oh, what about your, uh...thing. Did you tell your stepmom yet?"

"Not yet."

"Okay. I kept a lid on it, but the other day I asked one of the old ladies if they knew anything about...lesbians, right? Is that the word?"

"Yes, that's it," I say.

"Yeah. She said it was a 'deviant culture' and that people who did that stuff were bad for society." He frowns. "Not sure I get it. And I don't like how it sounds. It sounds worse than calling someone a pervert."

"It is, in many ways."

"You're not bad for society, Lili. You protect and love a lot of people. Is kissing girls really that bad?"

"Some people tend to think so. It's because they think it violates the natural order. Girls are supposed to love boys, not other girls. They're not supposed to fall in love with each other, and they're especially not supposed to do naughty things with each other."

"Hm. I don't get that either." He shakes his head. "I dunno if I want to understand it, since it might make me think like that old lady and other people."

"Knowledge is valuable. If you can understand why people think the way that they do, you can develop counterarguments. Like studying a person you're about to fight so you can dodge and interrupt their blows."

"Ah, that makes sense."

"You're not exactly strong in that area, but you'll grow stronger. And I suspect that you'll gain more friends that will help you with that sort of thing, if I'm not around. I'll do my best to help you along, Naruto."

"Thanks a whole lot, Lili. You do a lot of things for me, you know."

"It's all out of love," I say sincerely. "Well, let's get to telling you about my day yesterday..."

I start to speak, and Naruto looks up at me from his seat, eagerly absorbing every word. It makes me think about our relationship, as I often do. I don't know if it's something like...guilt, perhaps. A thought that maybe I'm not the 'right' person to be guiding him through this stage of his life, that it really should be someone else. It lingers in the back of my mind sometimes.

It's because I realize what I am, and because I realize that he's a pure child. Sasuke, even if I can't let go of that bitterness towards him, is the same way. I really was touched when Naruto accepted my dark half, the girl who slaughtered enemies without a second thought and returned to her normal life as if it were nothing. I wonder if it's right that I'm this close to him, influencing him like this. The more I think about it, the more I realize just how much I hold over him. And I would never manipulate him. I couldn't stomach doing so, hurting and using him for my own ends. But even so, those possibilities stay with me, hovering in some distant corner of my mind until these moments when we're together.

"Whoa! So Hinata can do all that? I can't believe I ever thought she was just a weirdo, haha! That's super cool!"

But...I can see the happiness in those bright blue eyes when he's near me. And I decide, as I've decided before, that 'right' and 'wrong' don't matter here. Because I'm the one who has chosen to love and accept him. More than anything, this boy that I once saw as just a nuisance...I want him to keep growing stronger, and eventually reach his dream. I can help by being as strong as I can, and giving him a path to his ideal world. The boy who wanted to be acknowledged, who wanted to change the hearts of others, who rails against destiny...I want to support him. I want to be there for him, no matter what anyone might think. I will keep that promise I made, the day he became a shinobi.

I said that I would accept him. And that I would love him, always.

"Man...I can't believe it. A double promotion?!" he exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air. "I can't believe that! You're a jounin now, that's way too far ahead of me, even if the old man promotes me 'coz I whooped that genius Neji! That's the same level as Kakashi-sensei! That's...higher than Iruka-sensei! So crazy! Aaaaah!"

He grumbles and folds his arms.

"I'm super super suuuuper jealous! But even more than that...I'm...I'm...!"


He gives me the biggest, brightest grin that I've seen. "I'm proud of you!"

"H-huh...?" I find myself taken aback...so sudden. I thought he would...

"Don't get me wrong, I'm still uber jealous, ya know. But I'm more proud than anything, hehe! Grandpa Third likes everyone, but he's got an eye for quality! I believe that! So, it only makes sense that someone who did all of that cool stuff without breaking a sweat should be a jounin! Kakashi-sensei's like that too, you know. Always knows what to do and junk, even when things get tough. Remember when I told you about the bridge? Hey, I bet with that laser thingy you could have beat Zabuza in no time flat!"


"Hm? What's up?" he asks, concerned.

"I'm just...surprised. Maybe I shouldn't be, but I thought you would be a little more bitter. Just thinking about everything," I say.

"Oh. Maybe. I think if it were anyone else, I'd definitely be a bit saltier, haha!" he says as he rubs the back of his head. "But because it's you...I can't feel much of anything but happiness. You're my friend and everything, and you've helped me figure out a lot of stuff. I still wanna fight you one day soon, obviously. But seeing you all happy and successful makes me happy, too. It's hard to explain."

I smile and nod. "It's okay. Even if you can't explain it well, I understand what you mean. It's the same feeling I get from seeing you do well."

"Really? Eh~! That's awesome! So, you're gonna get to go on super cool secret missions when you leave the hospital! I guess you won't be able to tell me about them, though...hmm. I can settle for the non-secret missions. Also, I saw Kurenai and Asuma on one of their dates and junk, and Kurenai said...what was it." Naruto furrows his brow in thought. "'The true S-Class opponent is paperwork'. I sorta get it. Paper tests and stuff are the worst."

"It might be so," I say with a laugh. "You'll definitely have to wrestle with it as Hokage."

His eyes brighten. "Yeah? I think I should be able to blow through them with some Shadow Clones! Eh...actually." He sighs. "My handwriting sucks, and there's no jutsu to stop hand cramps, is there."

"We can work on one together. Maybe lightning or water style?" I muse.

"I can study medicine! And...eh?"

I shake my head. "Don't get ahead of yourself. I don't even think you could be a janitor for the animal clinic with your grades."


"I bet you're not even getting promoted. That fight between you and Neji was sloppy," I nag playfully.

"Sloppy! Sloppy, she says! Oi, let me tell you something!" He gets to his feet and points at me before going into one of his rants. But there's a smile on his face the entire time.

It's a smile that I would give anything to protect.
"But what if...I were to build Hina a hot boyfriend, and disguise it as a healthy lifestyle? Oh ho ho ho. Delightfully devilish, Lilith."
Scarlet Justice - ep. 47

The past two days have been filled with tests of all kinds. As a result, I have not had any visitors.

Ruki obtained some more samples and delivered breakfast before I traveled downstairs. A room full of equipment and with space to run around as desired. It was there that small pads with wires were stuck onto my skin, and I exercised as various uniformed shinobi watched. Interesting tastes on their parts, but I kept my mouth shut as they likely wouldn't receive such banter well. They measured my vitals and asked me to do simple tasks, but the sheer number of them meant that I was down in that room for most of the day. Not a terrible hassle, but a bit of an annoyance considering that I was relaxing so well earlier.

Today is the second day, and it's slightly different. I follow my normal routine, exercise, and perform for the old men again. This time they would like to see how I use my chakra. I display a few basic manipulations of water and lightning chakra, boost my movements, and fire off one or two techniques. I don't feel like using Mobius today for several reasons, and Ruki reports their grumbling back to me. Condolences to them, but this is supposed to be a fitness test, not a showcase for the viewing pleasure of lechers.

"Maybe you could have obliged them," Ruki says as we walk back towards my room. It's evening by now, and I'll probably be heading off to bed early after another shower. "But then, it's my fault for cramming in everything over two days. I just wanted to get them done faster, for your sake."

"I thank you for that, Ruki. And I do understand your sentiments...I simply don't agree with them. Not only am I uninterested in giving out free shows, I highly doubt the hospital would take pleasure in having to replace an entire wall suddenly."

"That much is true, yes. Well, they can complain to the Hokage if anything. I've done my job, and so have you. Some milk to round out the evening, Miss Kobayashi?" she asks with a smile.

"You know what I like already. Perhaps I should take you home with me when the week is up," I tease.

"Hmm...it's a tempting offer. I'm sure you treat your employees well. Let me deliver these reports and I'll come back up with some milk and a few treats. Hopefully, I won't be too long for you."

"You never are. No rush, my darling. I will see you soon."

"Of course. See you in a bit." Ruki gives me a wink and starts on her way down the hall. As always, I watch her form with admiration. If I could grow up to look that good...

"Ah, well. Patience," I say to myself. "Good things come to those who endure, after all. Stay the course." Since I know the way back to my room, I continue on my way. There's a girl down the hall, unsteady on her feet. Her long hair is supposed to be black from what I can tell, but has lightened considerably from what looks to be stress.

Her feet slam into each other and she trips...

...right into my chest as I appear before her.

"My apologies," I say to the people nearby. Running around like a shinobi in the halls must be a taboo at the hospital, but I'm reassured and thanked by people for my quick action. The girl is groaning and her brown eyes suggest dizziness, or some sort of disorientation. Her room number is printed on her bracelet and I take her back down the hall along with another nurse who was passing by. He checks her over and then puts out a call to her assigned keeper, who arrives quickly.

I stand and watch to make sure she's truly okay. And...because there's something I noticed when I was looking at her bracelet. A name that I've heard before, from what seems like so long ago because of this recent strife.

"Is it okay if I ask a question or two?" I ask the girl's nurse before he leaves.

"If she's okay with it, yeah. Call me if anything happens, alright?"

"I will. Thank you," I say with a bow. He closes the door and the two of us are alone. She's lying down, her breathing more controlled than earlier.

"You wanted to talk to me?" she asks. Her voice is gentle and light.

"Yes. Is it alright if I come closer?"

"Of course it is! You can have a seat on the bed if you want, there's room."

"Thank you." I do as she asks and sit next to her on the bed. The sheets are drawn up to her chest, and her face is still red with exertion. She really needs to rest, so I plan on leaving as soon as I ask her this question.

"Before anything...thank you for earlier. It's not often you get saved from a concussion by a kunoichi," she says with a smile. "Or worse. Those floors are pretty hard, you know. As I keep finding out when I fall on my butt..."

"You seem to be having a rough time of it."

"To say the least. There are days where I can't even bathe myself...it's so embarrassing, you know. I feel like the worst."

"It's not your fault, whatever this might be," I reassure her. "I saw on your bracelet...your name is Tamayo, isn't it?"

"Tamayo Kasuri."

"My name is Lilith Kobayashi. You can call me Lili if you would like."

"I'll do that. I've heard your name in passing...ah, right. The number one rookie from this year's academy class, right? My brother mentioned you once or twice, and he was quite jealous...I still remember that."

"What...happened to your brother? Is he okay?" I ask, knowing the answer.

"He died. It was during the Chuunin Exams, we just...didn't get the news until after the invasion. Yesterday, though it...seems like forever since. I guess there's good reason to call it the Forest of Death." Tamayo is quiet for a long while. I don't like that she's sad, but...I can't bring myself to feel remorse for what happened. I think about telling her what her brother pulled, what he did to me, what he made me go through.

But that would be a torture too much for anyone to bear. She loved him...I can see it. She believed in him. The least I could do is leave her with a pure memory of him, even if it means he gets to escape further judgement and rejection in this world. He didn't die a good person, but I can leave Tamayo with those good memories.

"What was your brother like?" I ask, looking out towards the door. "I mean to say, if it's not too hard of a question, and you feel alright."

"I'm fine. The dizziness is wearing off, anyways. His name was Mamoru. Not a terribly creative name on my parents' part, but he took it seriously enough as the first-born. He wanted to protect me no matter what, and so...when I got sick a few years ago, he kept pestering my parents to become a shinobi so he could help with bills."

"Did they let him?"

"They waffled until he got to the age where most kids need to go in or else they'll fall behind, or so the other parents told them. During that time, they worked extra long hours at their jobs. My father helped make things like protective equipment, and my mother worked as a waitress. The money was just barely enough to cover my treatments, and...sometimes we couldn't afford them. My brother did what he could to help out, but he thought that the only way to get enough money in time was to become a shinobi. So...eventually my parents caved, and gathered together enough money to send him to the Shinobi Academy."

I see. A less fortunate child, trying to make it through. Wanting to do his best for someone he so dearly loved.

"I told him," Tamayo continues, "that he didn't need to be reckless. Enough money to support Mom and Dad, taking some pressure off the payments they needed to make. The regular medicine wasn't doing it for me, and everyone was trying to save for the big procedure that would help me get a lot better. My parents were doing what they could, and figured at the current rate they could coast for about two years. I didn't want them to hurt themselves at work, but they insisted they were fine. Mamoru...he thought differently."

Tamayo shifts a bit and pats down her sheets, letting out a breath.

"He was upset with my parents for a lot of reasons. Stress from his classes because he thought he wasn't doing well enough. The mission pay he thought was too small, and the missions were pointless - our parents, they were okay with his progress, but he thought they were coddling him. And then the matter of my treatments. It was explained to him that the more aggressive solutions would cost too much for us, but he was angry anyways. It was then that...he made that mistake."

"Entering the Chuunin Selection Exams," I say.

"Yes. He got his sensei to agree to submit their names, and his teammates were willing to help him reach that goal. I wasn't entirely sure of their...motivations," she says bluntly. "But it was sweet of them to support my brother. So...off they went. He promised me that morning that when he came back, he would be a chuunin, and that everything would be better from that point onward. That my pain would come to an end."

She closes her eyes.

"He didn't come back. I...thought he might have been in the hospital, badly hurt and unable to talk to us. But...when they announced the final tournament, and his name was nowhere to be found, I knew something had happened. I prepared my heart for it."

"I'm sorry, Tamayo." I really am sorry for her. Not for what happened, but for the pain she's experiencing.

"Thank you for that, Lili. It's comforting having you nearby, somehow. He should have...waited. Taken the time to get stronger. I wasn't going to waste away, and our parents were doing as well as they could. I get the feeling he didn't care about much else other than...no, it's awful to say."

"It might not be," I say as I look to her. She opens her eyes.

"I know...my brother loved me. He would do so much for me, even if it meant dying. But...I had my own feelings, and he kept trampling over them. I just wanted him to be safe and happy, and I said that over and over again, but he wouldn't listen. He just had to fix me. He had to cure me, and he had to do it himself. It sounds awful, like I'm slandering him after he just gave his life to see me well."

"It's not awful. He was a human being too. Flawed, simple. Somewhat misguided." He gave away her name in the forest, and seemed proud to do so. She was a noble end, I realize. The person that he had gone on that heroic quest for. But I still shouldn't talk about those parts on my own.

"I think so, too. It's...more than possible that he crossed someone, and that was how he met his end. His body is in the morgue, and my parents are trying to decide what to do next. I think we might cremate him, for many reasons."

"What about that person?" I ask. "What do you feel towards them?"

"It's entirely possible that I've passed by them in the halls a few times. Maybe they were fighting at that tournament. Or maybe they died themselves in that forest. I don't know. I don't think I ever will, but...there's no anger there. I'm so tired, and it wouldn't be worth it at all. To hate someone for trying to survive, for completing an objective like shinobi are taught to do...no, I can't really make sense of that. Not as I am, anyways."

"Would you like to become a shinobi one day?" I ask her.

"No, no. I know enough about that life now...it's not the chance of death that scares me, though it is still so scary. It's...not suited for me. I have dull reflexes and panic easily outside of a controlled space. I might want to become an accountant...one of those office ladies, maybe?" She giggles softly. "That sounds nice. I like the idea of routine, even if others call it boring."

"To each their own, as is said. Every chosen path in life is valid."

"That sounds nice. I just have to get over this sickness, somehow. I don't want my brother to have died in vain." Tamayo smiles at me. "Thank you for listening to me, Lili. I've always wanted to talk to another girl about these sorts of things."

"That's amusing. I'm...not a very good person, to say the least."

"You were good to me."

I can't help but smile at that. "I'll leave you to your sleep, Tamayo. Be well from now on."

"Thank you. I hope you recover well yourself."

I get up from the bed and start on my way out. For a while, there's something that I've meant to do for this girl. I decide that I will do it after all. It's barely any cost for someone like me. "Tamayo. If...someone were to offer you help, without any condition...would you be able to accept that?"

"Without condition? It sounds like a dream."

I walk back towards her bed. "It does. But if it were truly real, would you grab hold of it?"

"I would. There's always a small bit of pride nagging at you in these times," she says as she turns her head towards me. "But I wouldn't need much time to think on it. I would take that opportunity. You wouldn't be happening to offer me such a thing, would you, Lili?"

"I would be, yes."

"Because you took pity on me?"


Her brown eyes widen. "I...didn't expect-"

"An answer like that. I know. I did take pity on you. I thought your story was tragic, in a way. I also think that you're worthy of this assistance. Not everyone would be. You are more than just a drone, just a good daughter or sister waiting to be rescued. So I want to give you the strength to decide your own fate."

"Hm." She wipes the tears that come down and rolls back over to face the ceiling again.

This isn't some sort of repayment for what I did. I would do it again. I would erase that trash, even if it made Tamayo sad all over again. Because I have dreams and people that I need to protect. It's because I see something in this girl. Something bright, and potentially strong. She doesn't need to be tethered to her brother, dragged into the abyss because of those guilty feelings lying just under the surface. She is braver than that. She is better than that.

"Please. Lend me your strength, Lili. I want to live."

"You have it, Tamayo. I will take care of everything from here on." I turn and start on my way out once more.

"If this works out...I wouldn't mind working for you, you know."

I grab the door handle and twist, smiling.

"I see. Then I'll be looking for a secretary in a few years. Make sure you're ready for me to scoop you up."

Finally, I close the door behind me as I leave, and head back to my own room. Ruki hasn't returned yet, so I sit on my bed and wait for her. She arrives with a good sized bottle of milk and two glasses.

"Whew. Okay, that took a while longer than expected. Sorry about that, Lili."

"It's no trouble. I kept busy in the meantime."

"Good. I wanted to sit down and have a discussion with you about these results. They're all good, but it always helps to be clear about what's going on. Is that okay?"

"That sounds perfect."


"I have a question unrelated to this," I say as Ruki sets her folders down on the nearby table. "It's regarding another patient."

"Oh? Did something happen?"

"Nothing bad. I had a chat with a young girl, and...I've decided I want to help her. She has some sort of illness that I'm not very well versed on, but it causes her dizziness and the like, and makes her terribly weak. A proper diagnosis and aggressive treatment would likely save her life. The problem is that she and her family can only afford the bare minimum."

"That's unfortunately a problem I hear far too often. So you want to personally help, then?"

"I was thinking that the hospital could take care of the connections, and I could arrange payments for the treatments and care directly," I say.

She nods and pours out two glasses of milk. "That's about how it works. Most people request a certain level of care according to what they can afford, outside of standard treatment of course. Extra procedures cost a bit more, with costs being offset by family status. Shinobi get all their sicknesses and injuries treated at no cost, of course. Family members of shinobi get discounts and the like, but complicated procedures still cost a lot of money. The hospital is billed, and then the bill is sent to the patient. It can get complicated." Ruki sets the bottle down and closes it before sitting. "But if you can pay the physician directly, that removes a lot of hassle."

"If possible, I would like the highest level of care for her."

"Understood. What's the patient's name?"

"Tamayo Kasuri," I say.

"Ah, Tamayo. I've seen her around...she's very sweet. Her brother recently died during the Exams...it's always sad to hear. Twice a year, listening to grieving parents and siblings..." Ruki sighs and writes Tamayo's name down. "I'll make the arrangements and take care of the paperwork. A call will be put out tomorrow. Would multiple people be fine?"

"As many as it takes. Money is no object."

"Okay." Ruki writes down a few more notes before nodding. "Done. I'll take care of it. Now, we can go over these results together...and see what exactly we're dealing with. The last few tests are still being processed, so by the end of the week we'll have an even clearer picture. It should satisfy the old pols."

I slide down from my bed and take a seat in the chair beside her. She pulls out an image of my chakra pathway system, with notes written on various parts of the page. I pick up the milk glass and sip from it as she starts to speak.

"So as we can see here, everything is all clear. The points that were focused in on are here, around the heart..."
Scarlet Justice - ep. 48

"This should be the last one. With the delay for results, we should be done just before we send you home."

Ruki draws what is supposed to be the last vial of blood from my veins with the vacuum tube needle, the same as she's been using the whole week. She's as delicate as always and holds the cotton ball against my skin herself before releasing it. Shinobi have different physiology, and deal with needles faster than civilians do. Ruki works with all of us, and is very skillful in doing so.

"Thank you for your patience," she says with her lovely smile. She really is kind...I really would take her home if I could, but I couldn't deprive this hospital and the world of such a treasure. Not yet, anyways. Mm...if I find something substantial for her to do in the future, I could still steal her away. But that's a while yet, I think.

"I'm going to miss you in a few days, you know," I say while sitting in my bed.

"I know you are. And as dangerous as it might be to say it, I'll miss you too."

"I'm going to come back for you one day," I say half-seriously.

"Well. I'll be here waiting," she says with a playful smile of her own. "If it's you, I don't think I'd be able to resist the first serious offer you made, Lili. Look after the village for me until then."

"Of course."

"Oh, right. I got those notes for you that you wanted," Ruki says as she sets the tube down safely and grabs a red folder for me. "You seemed pretty alert when I was talking about the CPS yesterday."

"Mm-hm. I've been thinking about something for a long while, and wanted to see if there was any research done to that end. The Chakra Pathway System...it should be able to carry certain effects through it if I focus on that sort of use, no?"

"It could do that much, yes. Sounds dangerous, though. Make sure you're not doing anything reckless, especially after spending so much time here," she says with a frown.

"I promise I won't. This research is precisely so that I don't hurt myself."

"I see. Well, as long as you're not doing anything dangerous. You have access to that chakra mode, right?"


"Then a lot of those notes should be relevant to you. I wouldn't go too deep into it, though...there's a consensus that development of those sorts of things has hit a dead end."

"Is that so...well, I haven't hit the peak of my personal development yet, so it would be helpful as a means of exercising caution. Thank you for your concern, Ruki."

"My pleasure. I'll be back in a bit with your breakfast. Nothing special as usual?"

"Mm...I'm feeling like steak and eggs today."

"Oh, that's interesting," she says with a smile. "I can accommodate you for sure. How do you like them done?"

"Medium, eggs scrambled."

"Understood. See you in a while, Lili."

I nod and watch as she leaves with the blood samples, then start flipping through the notes she grabbed for me. Things about the Lightning Release Chakra Mode...the scroll didn't contain any detailed information about limitations or the like, which I suspect isn't a great concern for shinobi in general because of the precautions they're supposed to take. Training accidents happen, but they're not a regular occurrence and are generally preventable, a result of lack of caution on the part of the user. In my case, I don't think even the most detailed scroll would contain this sort of raw data, for the sake of brevity at the very least. An overly detailed technique scroll is just as bad as one with too few details to it. Picking through the useful, relevant data is a waste of time and can even be dangerous.

One day when I have time, I'll do a write-up with the relevant formulas and form it into a technique scroll for future generations. But what techniques it contains will depend on how well turned they are to my body specifically - there are certain techniques that require specific conditions to be met, and in that case I might as well keep them to myself until I get to advanced age. Time will tell.

"Let's see...chakra mode increases physical parameters with coating of lightning chakra. Appreciable increase in all relevant physical parameters...things I already know. Something here...version two with greater increases..." I flip through more papers, past information I already have from my personal training. Ah, here. Something interesting. "Stimulation of CNS leading to increase in speed, reaction time...reflexes sharply increased. As chakra level increases, consumption increases...yes, obvious. What else. Testing of extremes...reveals that increases fall back to linear growth levels past certain threshold. See chart thirteen." I find the relevant chart and look at the graph.

That's...annoying. So there's no appreciable increase past a certain point, and with my chakra levels and body type...it could even be damaging if I push things too far for too long. But this also confirms a few things. The solution isn't more chakra. I can't get a bigger boost without running myself ragged and wasting the opportunity for more techniques. So, what is it that I can do to make this more efficient?

This is where my clever idea comes into play. The CPS moves chakra around the body and is vital to human survival, in the exact same way that the circulatory system is important for moving blood to and from internal organs. All living beings have the CPS in them, but the vast majority will never consciously access it in their lives. The few that do are people like me - those called shinobi. Things get more complex from there, but the gist of it is this...instead of projecting power and using it as a layer of stimulation from the outside, I can start from the inside and work my way out. Nothing as stupid as trying to convert my regular chakra flow into lightning - that would likely kill me, if not end my career in an instant. No, it's something else. I pull out the chart from yesterday, detailing my own pathway system. CNS or central nervous system...there are the pressure points along that area, which are activated by the chakra mode each and every time to allow for the extreme increases in chakra, speed, power, and perception. Passive stimulation of other areas is observed as well, by myself and the notes in front of me. I can do better than that.

If I can properly stimulate certain meridians with a more compact system, chakra flow will be increased further than previously, I can achieve direct stimulation by boosting the peripheral nervous system with the activation of relevant pressure points, and I'm also not wasting as much chakra by forcing the energy from the outside layer back inward. This more direct control also means that I can provide a proper layer of protection for my heart at the least. Also, since the PNS works differently, needing some extra material to transmit signals at an acceptable rate...boosting this part of the nervous system will result in a dramatic increase in motor function. Of course, this is dangerous if I get it wrong. The possibility of activating too many points at once is a complicating factor, and indeed the studies I'm looking at talk about this. They've talked about activation of the entire body, and have seemed to travel in one direction - that of the Eight Inner Gates.

"Hmm." The fine focus from before has changed to a rush to unlock the true secrets of the Inner Gates, and if they can be manipulated by things like a chakra mode to achieve greater power output. These studies are also relatively old, from a few years before I was born. Considering the turmoil that's happened since then, with the Uchiha and the Nine-Tails, it's little wonder that projects like this might have been suspended for other types of research. But it's a little concerning how these people went straight for the solution that gave them the most power...well, it's not any concern of mine, not right now. I have a path that I need to create on my own, and I have the tools to start.

"Here we are. Your steak, eggs, potatoes, and two bottles of milk," Ruki says as she comes in. She sets the tray on my bed and looks at me curiously. "You've been busy."

"Yes. I think I've come up with something after looking through these notes. A bit daring, of course...but I should be fine. If anything, I can have Kakashi look after me while I train."

"Kakashi, huh." Ruki's tone is a bit scornful. "Make sure you're the one looking out for him, if he's using that Sharingan."

"An interesting bit of commentary from you, my dear." I organize my notes and put them away before grabbing my tray of food.

"Ha. Sharingan Kakashi checks in here like it's his personal hotel. He has an interesting habit of picking missions that might be too much for him and then ends up exhausted because that doujutsu drains his chakra like crazy. He can't turn it off, so he's supposed to keep it covered. I appreciate that he's saving lives, of course..."

"You just think he's a bit reckless."

"More than a bit. Again, I don't hate that side of him. Or him, for that matter." She smiles to herself. "He stops by the shrine from time to time. It's nice of him. Not sure about those books he reads, but he's a good fellow."

I finish chewing on my steak and swallow. "Do you tend to him often?"

"Ah, often enough. We know each other by name."

"Have you considered him?"

"Mm...a few times," she says as she twirls her silver braid around her hand. "I think it would be nice. But...he doesn't seem very interested in finding a woman, I think. Perhaps that tragedy in his past has a lot to do with it."

"I see. Maybe you should apply a bit of pressure and see where it goes. No harm if he says no, right? You'll always have me to comfort you," I say.

Ruki giggles at that. "That sounds good. You know...I'll think on it. I could always give it a try, outside of the hospital, I mean. Not very ethical to hit on your patients."

"But getting hit on is okay," I point out.

"Exactly. Not desired, but technically legal! Well, undesirable barring certain exceptions," she says with a wink. "A bit of charm goes a long way, as you've proven."

"Thank you kindly for that."

"You're welcome. I'll be off for now, though I suspect you'll have quite a few visitors for the day. Till then, Lili."

"Until then. Thank you, Ruki." She leaves and I cut into another piece of my steak. It's delicious...though from what I've heard, hospital food usually isn't so savoury. "..."

I wonder. Is that woman...?

"Well, it would be just like her," I say with a smile. "Going the extra mile...you really are kind, Ruki."


As predicted, the floodgates have opened. My first visitor is someone I've been looking forward to seeing for a while.



She smiles and hugs me tightly, saying nothing else as we hold each other for what feels a long time. We separate long after Ruki leaves us alone, and stare into each other's eyes.

"You're safe." Hina places her hands on the sides of my head, pushing some of my hair out of the way. "You came back to me."

"As I promised."

"All I want today is to be here with you. I don't want to hear about anything else right now. Is that okay? Is that too much?" she asks gently.

"It's more than fine. We can do that for as long as you want. If I see nobody else for the day, I can live with it." I place my hands over hers. "You can have me all to yourself."

"It's selfish. I want to do it...but it's selfish." I feel her gently press her hands against my cheeks. "A few hours...it's not enough, it never could be after this time. But...I can live with that much."


We sit on the edge of my bed, facing the window and the light shining down through it. As I look out towards the village, I feel Hina take my hand in hers, meshing our fingers together. I squeeze back after she does, and feel her lean against me, her head on my shoulder. Her breathing is so gentle and calm that I would feel immensely guilty for moving even an inch. Just being here...she's put my heart completely at ease.

"Father has reported many things from across the village...great things that you've done on behalf of all of us. But I only cared about seeing you, and knowing for sure that you were safe. It was hard going to sleep the last few nights...hearing that you were in the hospital for some reason that was never explained."

"I'm sorry to have worried you," I say to her.

"It's not your fault. And it doesn't matter, now that I know you're okay."

"I should be out in a few days."

"That's wonderful to hear. We can talk about everything at that point. Right now, it's as I've said, over and over again. I just want to be here with you, Lili."

"Hina...it's probably not the best time, but I have to ask something."

"Anything you would like."

"I have to wonder...are you getting through everything well enough without me?" I ask.

"Not...as well as I would like. I still have those lingering thoughts...that sort of nervousness that makes me freeze in place when confronted, or the low self-esteem that makes me stay away from certain people. I still need your support for things like that, I think. I know that I'm getting a bit stronger, but some help to move forward on my own...unfortunately, I'm still in need of it."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of. I just wanted to know how you were doing. Hina, I'll be here to help you for as long as you need. All you have to do is ask, or at the least let me come to you in times of trouble."

"It makes me feel a little bit guilty."

"I know. But you're not a burden. I made a promise to you that I intend to keep. I'm glad to hear that you're making progress, and that you're not trying to move through the world too quickly. It's good that you're cautious and aware of yourself. That's the sort of quality a mature woman has, you know."

"That's a bit much, Lili. Mature...someone like me."

"Someone just like you," I say as I pat her head with my free hand. "Growing up is a process, something we all have to do in our own ways. As much as it might surprise you, I'm still growing myself. Being good socially is just one side of the picture, you know."

"If...it's what you say. I'll believe in it. Thank you for encouraging me...like you always do."

"Nothing to thank me for. Now relax a while, like you wanted to..."

She does so, eventually falling asleep against me. I decide not to move, instead closing my eyes and listening to the sound of her breathing.


The next time I open my eyes, I feel a blanket wrapped around me. I must have drifted off, even if I didn't mean to. Hina stirs beside me, so it wasn't her doing...it must have been Ruki, then.

"That was...so nice."

"Was it? You know, I don't think you're supposed to feel that comfortable around me," I tease Hina.

"Maybe not...at this rate, we might as well start a relationship, right? That must be what you're thinking," she says as she stretches.

"Something like that. But I know you have someone you're aiming for, and I want to respect that."

"I appreciate that." She lets out an adorable yawn and rubs her eyes. "It really was refreshing...we should do this more often. I think I can take on the rest of the day like this."

"You see? You keep talking like that. It makes me want to snatch you up, since Naruto wouldn't even notice if I did at this point."

"You're terrible."

"And you're worse. Stop being cute," I pout playfully.

"You shouldn't worry about me getting away. I bet you're flirting with Miss Ruki."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask.

She sighs and shrugs off the blanket. "It's time for me to go before you say something too silly to take back. That, and if I stay too much longer, I won't want to leave."

"I'm sad to see you go, but I always am. Take care, Hina. We'll catch up on everything soon over tea."

"Yes. There's much to talk about." She kisses me on the cheek. "Congratulations, Lili."

"Thank you," I say with a tender smile. "Remember that I love you always, Hina."

"And I will always love you, Lili."

We look at each other once more before she leaves. The door clicks closed, and I wrap the blanket around myself, feeling her lingering warmth.

Then the door flies open again, and I hear an unwelcome, characteristic grumbling.

"Seriously, I have work to do..."

"What, you mean observing cloud movements? Shut up! Lili is our friend, you know!"

"We shouldn't be so loud, you guys."

"Yes, that's right. You shouldn't be so loud," I hear Ruki say. She herds the three members of Team 10 into my room. "Here's three more. I'll be back in a bit, Lili."

"Take your time."

Ino hops onto the bed and hugs me tightly, looking me over. "Everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. Hina was just here...we spent some quality time together."

"That sounds so cute. Heh, you really are sisters. I think she's been worried about you a while...I've been thinking about you, too. Especially after all the wild stuff that I heard from my dad and uncles! And Shikamaru, I guess."

He sits in a chair and grumbles, waving Ino off.

"You actually went toe to toe with the First and Second Hokage! And saved the Third Hokage from certain death! And on top of all that, got a double promotion to jounin! Lili, you're...you're...there aren't any words! You're so incredibly cool, just to start!" Ino says happily.

"You really think so..."

"Uh, duh?! Seriously...I dunno what the right word is. Just this sort of strength I get from you...a sort of feeling that makes me admire you a whole lot. Maybe even worship you, maybe?" she says with a giggle. "It wouldn't be too strange, I think. It's complicated...seeing you bounce back from all of that stuff in the Academy, and then being friends with you, and then after that watching you tear through that Gaara kid...speaking of that, you must have realized you went overboard just a little, right?"

"Well...you're right to think that. I agree with you. I might have gotten...carried away."

"You definitely did. But...n-never mind. It's awkward to talk about in front of others," Ino says quickly. "The important thing is that you're okay, you're alive, and you're totally a super elite shinobi now. How does it feel?"

"Strange, in a way. There are a lot of old men interested in me, for one."

"Come on, stop. I'm serious," she says as she gently hits my arm.

"I am too. But...it doesn't feel that different yet. I still have my regular objectives, guiding my team to greater heights and serving the village with all of my strength. I don't see much changing, and paperwork doesn't seem like a significant enough issue to worry about."

"Yeah, your grades were pretty sharp back in the Academy. You sound like you'll be okay. Unfortunately, with the village still in rebuild mode, there isn't much to talk about on the outside. You might have heard that they're investigating the allegations of the fake Kazekage, and they've pretty recently sent those three orphans back to the Sand under heavy guard. There are preparations being made to strike the Hidden Sound, now that their leader in Orochimaru is dead and gone. And then a bunch of unconfirmed rumours."

"Orphans..." I think about Temari and Gaara. Kankuro, I've interacted with a lot less...but the fact remains that they've lost both of their parents before they could even become adults. That has to be a heavy weight on them. I wonder what will happen as a result. But if Temari is as resolved as she said she was, and Gaara's change of heart was for real, then...I think they will make it in the end.

"Yeah. Shinobi life can be so harsh like that..."

"It's something we have to learn to deal with," Shikamaru says.

"Seriously? You don't just 'deal with' losing both of your parents before you even turn sixteen," Ino protests. "What if it was your mom and dad?"

"I don't know. I don't want to think about things like that."

Ino means to say something else, but notes the look on his face and lets it go. It's heavy on his mind as well, even if his wording was insensitive.

"You're all doing okay?" I ask.

"Pretty good. Dad's been working overtime 'coz of all the POWs that are piled up at Torture and Intelligence. He says Ibiki-sensei has been having the time of his life, though. I've met him a few times, and I don't really get it...he always seems so laid back, but then he enjoys himself making grown men cry." She gives me an amused look. "Actually, I should get it. Maybe it's that he's a guy...because you two are a lot alike."

"You think so?" I ask innocently.

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah. You definitely have to squint to see how you two are the same. My apologies, princess."

"Choji, how is your nose doing?" I ask.

"Just like new," he says as he reaches into a bag of chips. "They took care of it as soon as I got to the hospital. Thanks for asking, though. I was surprised that you could hit that hard, but that'll teach me to assume things the next time, haha!"

"You weren't a bad opponent, you know."

"Oh, thanks! Asuma-sensei's been talking about getting me some more training, and I've been wondering if it was worth it...but this helps with the decision."

I nod. "There's really nothing I could have done but overcome my fears and attack through that small gap. Part of my fighting style, using speed to take advantage of openings for critical strikes. As a more conventional fighter with more strength, I might have taken on a different approach."

"But you planned it, right? Don't give him the wrong idea."

"I'm trying not to, you twat," I say to Shikamaru. He groans and leans his head on a closed fist. "I suggest you not try to dictate how I give out advice. Damn slacker."

"You'd think that a stay in the hospital would've made you a bit more humble."

"People think a lot of things. They're usually wrong."

"I knew I shouldn't have come down here. You're a huge pain in the ass, and I was hoping they would at least have you on sedatives," he murmurs.

"No, I'm fully recovered by now. More than well enough to put my foot up your ass. How's that for pain?"


"Heh. Should Choji and I leave the room so that you two can make out like you want to?" Ino asks with a smug smile.

"With this asshole?!" Shikamaru and I yell in unison.


Eventually Ino and her merry men leave, and are replaced by Shino who quietly arrives and sits in one of the chairs near my bed.

"Kurenai-sensei is doing a few mandatory tasks. She sends her greetings, Boss."

"Ah, that's fine. Tell her that I miss her. I was really hoping for an opportunity to do some light bullying, but I suppose that can wait a while longer. How have you been, Shino?"

"I've been well. Father and I helped defend the village along with the other members of the Aburame Clan."

"Is your mother well?"

"Yes. We escorted her to the evacuation point, and she has the ability to reliably defend herself as a member of a shinobi household." He pauses. "I'm sorry to report that information through the village has been limited."

"Ino said as much. It's fine."


"Shino. It's alright."

"It seems rude."

"Appearances are one thing, but feelings are another. I understand what yours are." I leave my bed and walk towards him, giving him a hug as he stands up. "Thank you for coming to see me, Shino. I'm glad you're safe."

"Thank you."

"Whether you become more outgoing or not, I will always appreciate your friendship." I release him and pat his shoulders. "The day is calling to you. Be well, my comrade."

"Thank you, Boss. I'll see you soon."

I nod and he makes his way out. Ruki enters soon after with a bottle of milk for me.

"He wasn't here long. I take it he's not a fan of social gatherings."

"Not at all."

"And of course, you're quite sensitive to that fact. Hm." She smiles. "It's interesting that you have all of these good qualities, while at the same time being a combat junkie and unrepentant flirt."

"Such is the way of the world," I say lazily. I take the bottle of milk from her and sip.

"Well, you would say such a thing. It's time for one of your favourite events. I'm going to check your height and weight again, among other things."

"Oh, good. I was wondering when I could strip for you again."

Ruki laughs as I fold up my blanket and place it on top of my pillow. I drink down my milk and hand her the bottle before we leave together.
Normally I have good things to say about this story - at least in my head because lurkin' - but this entire chapter read like a first season Star Trek: The Ninja Generation episode.

The three paragraphs of jutsu-based technobabble (the solution is reversing the chakra polarity of the tachyon array, captain), the oddly too-mature stilted verbosity of the dialogue between Hinata and Lilith, the kind of uncomfortable-to-the-reader "twelve-year-old girl flirting with an adult" with Ruki.

Feels like it needs an editorial pass, and some pruning.
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Normally I have good things to say about this story - at least in my head because lurkin' - but this entire chapter read like a first season Star Trek: The Ninja Generation episode.

The three paragraphs of jutsu-based technobabble (the solution is reversing the chakra polarity of the tachyon array, captain), the oddly too-mature stilted verbosity of the dialogue between Hinata and Lilith, the kind of uncomfortable-to-the-reader "twelve-year-old girl flirting with an adult" with Ruki.

Feels like it needs an editorial pass, and some pruning.
S'fine. Things to chew on are good and not everything will go over well when I type it out. The commentary is appreciated.
Hmm. From an objective standpoint, I can see those criticisms being valid, but I personally disagree. I absolutely love it when that sort of theorycrafting happens, it's usually pretty interesting to read and it also adds to the worldbuilding by fleshing out a system that didn't really get much explanation in canon. Though, I will admit that it might be kind of nonsensical for anyone who can't or doesn't want to follow along with it.

For the "too-mature" conversation, I agree that it was kind of stiff, but that's it. You have to remember that these are not normal children from the real world. These are child soldiers, born and raised in a feudal society. Both of those factors already contribute significantly to early maturation, but Lili and Hinata in particular have even more. Lili basically raised herself, in a home where she wasn't wanted, and then went on to basically be an adult by the time Midori came around. Hinata has been raised basically since birth to become the head of what is arguably the most powerful clan in the Elemental Nations, and she did so while experiencing a kidnapping as a toddler, the death of her mother and uncle, and little more than scorn and hatred from practically the entire clan due to her "weakness". The idea that they would act "too mature" is thus kind of silly.

As for Lili and her unrepentant flirting, well. I could point to her maturity again, maybe make mention of how she was dragged around to brothels all the time growing up, but instead I'll just point this out. She's a teenager. An incredibly sexually knowledgeable teenager, who knows what she likes and is currently going through puberty. It would honestly be pretty unrealistic if she didn't flirt with pretty girls all the time.

Again, I can see how these things would be off-putting to some people, but they're honestly perfectly fine if you think about it a bit. Keep up the great work, friend, the story is getting better and better.
It's not too bad, really. There's a few sentences here and there that could be more concise, removing unnecessary words and/or combining parts. Especially in the first few exchanges, like Hinata mentioning how rough her sleep has been, or her dissatisfaction at how long she gets to spend with Lili. Those definitely read a little clunky.

On the other hand, it's Hinata and Lili. It kind of makes sense for their speech to be a bit stiff, and for Hinata to be a little harder to follow because of how she pauses and considers her words.

Additionally, something I only noticed because I spend the last handful of hours reading similar, it occurs to me that some of the stiffness comes from it reading like translated Japanese. Which actually makes a lot of sense, because of how that language is so nuanced. Probably not what you are going for, but it works surprisingly well from that angle.

I'm rambling. Basically it's not too much of an issue.
For the examples I mentioned, "It was hard going to sleep the last few nights...hearing that you were in the hospital for some reason that was never explained". For this, you could use the second half as the first, then tack on some variation of "made it hard to sleep/get any rest" as opposed to just swapping the positions of the two halves. "Hard going to sleep" is made clunky by "going", and the qualifier of "the last few nights" is completely unnecessary because it's already implied by the context.
"A few hours...it's not enough, it never could be after this time." This one does work, both in general and because it's Hinata, but it reads a little oddly because it isn't usually used in quite this way. For better flow, you could change "it's not" to "isn't", reverse "never could" to "could never", and slip an "all" between "after this". Again, it works fine as is, but I admit I mostly recognise that fact because I read almost 24/7.
In Lili's response just before that, "If I see nobody else for the day, I can live with it." also works, but can be changed just slightly for better flow by reversing the order of the parts before and after the comma, and adding "even" before the "if".

There are obviously other small parts that could be touched up, but they're basically all like that from what I saw on a quick re-read. Perfectly fine, but with small changes able to clean them up.

One more thing I saw while scrolling back and forth that doesn't actually need any change, but that could seem weird to people, is when Ino called Gaara a kid. It's amusing, and perfectly Ino, but they're practically the same age.
Thanks @AgelessCharade. That helps a lot and those are things I can definitely try to tweak as I keep going.

You've actually hit on a few things that I've been doing, like for instance trying to match the sorts of contours of the Japanese language and what I remember of good translations that I've read. There's a distinctive sort of stiffness there when going back and forth with the languages and I lean into it a bit. It doesn't always hit perfectly but I sort of like the feel. This is most of the reason I slip in untranslated stuff and go back and forth with some terms - it's not best practice but the aesthetic works for me. I still use as much English and translated terms as possible (side note: Viz jutsu translations suck. I hate almost all of them).

Hinata has a unique flow to her speech and I try to capture that, then blend it a bit with her "new" self that we're seeing more of because of Lili's influence. The commentary though is making me aware of some more things with that. Shino is a bit the same, though more straightforward.

And the last part is intentional, yeah. Ino I imagine as precocious, much like Lili is, so they're going to say interesting things like that. You might have noticed Lili going around calling other kids and animals children, not necessarily to look down on them but as a highborn way of speaking.

And I think the last thing that I've been accused of in the past is adding a bit too much dramatic flair in Hinata/Lilith interactions, which affects how those scenes read. So that's something I will also pay more attention to when writing, as their relationship is continuing to change. I have a better idea of where I'm going at the least.
Happy to help! I'm actually really glad you were doing all these little things on purpose, both because I rather enjoy them and because giving a work a particular style is something I've noticed a lot of the better writers tend to do. Honestly, following "best practice" and writing in a particular way is kind of boring. Reminds me of being forced to write school papers to some arbitrary specifications, and nobody wants to read that, not even the teachers. Giving your writing flair and individuality will almost always be better across the board, from simple enjoyment to being able to feel the creator's passion as you read, and that will always be nice to see.
Also yes, Naruto is one of those cases where pretty much everything is better in Japanese. Sure, emotional speeches can be better in English like in other Jump works, but things like ranks, nicknames, and catchphrases? People who prefer "Believe it!" and Shikamaru constantly going on about what a drag everything is will always be weird to me. There's just something to their Japanese counterparts, an extra sense of emotion and realism. Instead of just being obnoxious or complaining, it's Naruto developing a verbal tic just like his mother's despite his circumstances, Shikamaru developing a reflexive response shared by his clan and tending to immediately try to get shit done when it happens. Then, like you mentioned, there's the jutsu names. Sure, some of them can sound pretty cool in English, but the Japanese almost always sounds better both practically and thematically. Because of how the languages work, the translated names are almost always a mouthful, and it's literally a series about ninja. What ninja is gonna go around shouting technique names in English? That's not to say translating them for written works is bad, obviously, because of course helping reader comprehension is a good thing, but there's definitely something lost in the translation.

Yes, Hinata is admittedly a bit rough lately, but it makes perfect sense. She's becoming her own person, growing up, and relying on the people she loves and trusts to help her decide how to speak and act. It's just like real people, and how they'll pick up phrases and mannerisms from their friends, or even just from media they watch a lot. Shino is much less of an issue, by virtue of him having such little presence in canon. Here, he started with the weird way he and his clan sometimes speak, and after having it explained how odd it is and observing his friends and the people around him, he gradually made a shift and grew into himself. He's still quiet and concise, and he still gets to be a showy dork, but he's become much more open and leans into it when something "cool" is going down instead of being cold and stoic.

Oh yeah definitely, if anyone is going to be similar to Lili it'll be Ino. It's easily part of the reason they get along so well, they can just talk and gossip and all that, and really understand each other. Also yes, Lili speaking like that sounds natural, though to be fair who doesn't speak and refer to animals as children?~

I'll admit that the drama is a little much sometimes, particularly when centered around Hinata and all that nastiness, but it's really not bad. Especially when you consider the fact that Lili is a drama queen on the level of Naruto and the Uchiha. I see it sort of like a comfort for the girls. If they're being dramatic, things are good and they can relax and indulge in each other's presence like the best friends they are.
...Seriously though, what is it with Uchiha men and their need to make things so damn complicated? The fuckin' losers.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 49

"Heart rate and blood pressure are good. Breathing is good...chakra is stable. Everything seems great. You're ready."

Ruki puts the stethoscope back around her neck. This is the final check, and it seems that I've passed with flying colours. The last of my results came back yesterday, and as expected, they were all green. My week in the hospital is over.

"One more bottle for the road?" she asks before presenting me with a serving of milk. I smile and take it from her, putting it into my bag. It should make for something nice, since I'll be taking a short detour before going home.

"Thank you for everything, Ruki. Especially my clothing, since you didn't have to go that far."

"It seemed right, like a lot of things." She's washed and properly repaired my damaged clothing from the fights a week earlier, and procured a new pair of tights for me. I was planning to retire this outfit after my exam performance for posterity anyways, but the gesture is still lovely. I really will miss having her tend to me each day. It was a good experience.

"Thank you either way. Please be well, and think about what I've said. I think you two would be nice together."

"Yes...I'll have to gather my courage first, but I promise that I'll give it a try. Thank you, Lili. Hopefully we don't see each other too soon in this sort of setting."

"Of course." I slide down from my bed for the last time, and shake out my hair.

"Oh, a few things before you go. I wrote up some extra notes to help with your understanding of the CPS, and the relation of the pressure points to parts of the central and peripheral nervous systems. I'm not totally sure how much it would help, but I wanted to do that much for you before you left. There's other stuff in the folder, including copies of those research notes you asked for earlier."

"That's wonderful. I can't express how much of a help you've been," I say as I take the folder from her.

"Just padding my resume," she says with a smile. "I really would like to work alongside you one day, if at all possible. There's a lot about you that I like, honestly...I think you can change this village, and the world if you put your mind to it."

"Mm. My older sister has said as much. A lot of people have put their faith in me, and I think that many more will in the future. I don't want to let any of them down," I say. "So I'm going to work as hard as I can. I will be sure to call on you, Ruki."

"Then as I said before, I'll be waiting here for you. Good luck, Lili."

We share a warm hug, and I give her a wave as I leave the room for the last time. Passing by Tamayo's room, I see that there's a pair of doctors standing by her bed and talking to her. As per my instructions, she's been receiving the best care possible, and will be getting a proper procedure done soon. Ah, right...there's something I forgot.

"Oh, good. You were thinking about it too."

Ruki has caught up to me, and she holds out a card. I take out one of mine from an inner pocket, and we exchange our information properly. The location of her home shrine, and some contact information...good. We'll be able to properly connect like this.

"Copy that down for Tamayo, won't you?"

"I will. Thanks, Lili. See you around."

We give each other another wave, and finally I end up leaving the hospital for the first time in a week. It's around noon, and the sun is high in the sky. Summer...it's slowly fading into the autumn season as I speak. New things arriving...new adventures to be had. And a new sort of life to deal with as a jounin of the village. Kurenai is right there, so I can ask her a lot of questions and she'll answer them faithfully. But being an ace is different, in quite a few ways. So I'll need to ask Kakashi about expectations as well...a lot to do, but there will always be time to do it.

I start on my way through the village, taking a longer, slower way home than usual. The Leaf is just about back on its feet for the most part. Some ruined storefronts have been replaced by tents or portable stalls in the case of food shops. And people are out to support them, with gatherings and queues all over as I walk down the streets. The mood isn't as heavy as I thought it would be after the attack, which is nothing but a good thing. I feel myself straighten up a bit more at the thought that I helped. Things could have been a lot worse, but because I put my back into every action I took, the future really did change. And with this new position, I can do even more. I just have to figure out how best to leverage it...be clever, like Midori said a few days ago.

"It seems that you've surfaced in good health. Very pleasant to see."

A cool and familiar voice calls to me from ahead. Erika hasn't changed from the first time we met, and she tilts her head downward to acknowledge me. In the light of the sun, she looks even more beautiful. Her skin is well cared for, and has a lovely glow to it.

"Thank you. Have you been well, Erika?" I ask politely.

"I have been. The village has been successfully defended, and that was my greatest concern. More importantly, I have heard many things about your heroic actions for the sake of the Leaf. I humbly thank you for everything that you've done, Lilith Kobayashi."

"Lili is fine," I say to her.

"I understand...my apologies, but I don't feel worthy of being so familiar with you yet."

"That's alright. Please, address me as you feel most comfortable."

"Thank you for accommodating me. And another gesture that I hope doesn't make you feel too uncomfortable." Erika gets to her knees before taking my hand and kissing it gently, her head pointed downwards. "Thank you for your sacrifice. Your actions to save the Hokage went above and beyond what many other shinobi would have done. Not only putting yourself in harm's way, but acting to help defeat a powerful enemy. Showing exemplary skill and spirit at the same time. I cannot stand before you without praising this effort of yours, Scarlet Viper."

This really is a lot. I'm blushing, even if it's all true...I didn't expect to be praised so gently and sincerely as this. Really...

"Thank you, Erika," I say quietly. "I truly appreciate your praise of me."

"Of course. You deserve much more than this, but I decided that I would express my gratitude to you at the first opportunity." She gets to her feet and smiles. "I look forward to the heights that you will reach in the future."

"Speaking of good things, I assume you were the one who stopped Kabuto?"

"Yes. He was preparing to cast a certain genjutsu over everyone in the stadium. The first technique I thought of with such a quick activation time and wide area of effect was Temple of Nirvana."

"I've heard of that technique in passing," I say. "Hm. So it could have been a much worse situation."

"To say the least. Enough shinobi would be caught off guard to create a massive disadvantage, not to mention the amounts of civilians that would have been vulnerable to the ensuing crossfire. Thanks to your timely heads-up, we could locate Kabuto and the other operatives, then neutralize as many of them as possible before the invasion began in earnest. Unfortunately, I lost track of Kabuto during the ensuing chaos, and was forced to confront enemy forces before they could penetrate the perimeter. Tactical summoning can turn into a large problem. Also, I encountered cursed seal users from Orochimaru's faction."

"The four from the stadium?"

"Yes. Only two of them were present, unfortunately. I understand that the other two confronted Sasuke...a scan of his mind might help and has been scheduled, but there are restrictions on it as it is."

"Mm. I wonder if it really will help. But you've done much in the way of good work yourself, Erika."

She nods and bows quickly to me. "Thank you for praising me." She really is cute in her own way. One day, I hope I can casually pat her head like I do with Hina. "If you would like to be more familiar in the future...Rika is fine also."

"I was under the impression that you didn't like that name."

"It was the familiarity of it that bothered me...and the use without my permission."


"The crimson nightmare herself has awakened...rising from the depths of the underworld once more, to deliver vengeance unto her enemies."

Oh god. I forgot about him.

Erika frowns and looks up at the same time I do. Dark is floating in the sky above us, more specifically held up by his summon using his 'tactical hair spikes'. Eddie sets him down beside Erika before perching himself on his partner's head.

"The venomous legend returns. Rika, have you given her proper greeting?"

"That's no concern of yours. Also, please do not call me by that name."

"But the aesthetics..."


He sighs and turns to me. "How do you fare this day, Shadow Mistress? Have your wounds healed properly? Or...do you bear the scars of strife until the end of days?"

"I don't have any scars. I'm also fine," I say. "What have you been up to lately? You dropped out of the exams."

"An urgent summons from my Goddess. I cannot speak as to what took place, unfortunately. That information is a secret that must be kept in the highest confidence."

I look at Erika, who shakes her head.

"I am not privy to their activities myself. But the Hokage must have been aware and signed off on such actions. At the least, Dark performed admirably in his defense of the village."

"My power has grown considerably, thanks to my collection of dark essence from those enemies I felled," he says as he makes a fist. "I have brought honour to the Leaf, and to my Goddess."

"Your so called 'Goddess' wouldn't happen to be Kosugi-sensei, would it?" I ask.

"But of course."

"You do realize how creepy that sounds, right? It makes you sound like you're in some sort of illicit relationship."

He sighs dramatically, putting a hand over his heart. "I have no hostility towards you for such comments. You are simply unenlightened, Shadow Mistress."

"Unenlightened...I see. I'm not sure that I would ever be ready for the sort of enlightenment you've experienced."

"Not just yet, but at least you are aware."

"Yes. Unfortunately," I mutter. I also mean to tell him to stop giving me weird names, but that might be one of his weird reflexes at this point. Whatever. At least I have confirmation that Kosugi really is doing gross things with him. The extent of that however is unknown and it wouldn't be prudent to say anything without material proof. She might just be coddling him, and he's used his dramatics to make it seem worse than it actually is. Who knows for sure...but I do understand that they're just a bit too close for comfort.

Bothersome, that. The world of adults.

"I have purchases I mean to make for Mother. She's expressed her desire to create a feast, as part of our ceremony to call down healing spirits towards the Hidden Leaf."

"His mother is a very pleasant woman," Erika points out. "Somewhat excitable, but not...as imaginative as her son."

"Ah," I say with understanding.

"I must take my leave. Blood Serpent, we will meet again soon. Rika-"

"I will see you later, Koichi Nagano."

Dark shrugs as Eddie sits on his shoulder and tilts his head.

"Oh? You wish to speak to the Shadow Serpent, then."

"Scarlet Viper," I say, exasperated.

"Alright. I'll make my way home without you for now. Ladies, farewell." He throws down a smoke bomb for...seemingly no reason and disappears. The market isn't that far away, either...

"A walking disaster," I mumble. "No offense meant to you..."

"None taken, Princess." Eddie lands on my shoulder. His voice has a rich tone to it, deep and with character as it's projected into my head.

"Well, that's an interesting use of title. You seem to have some familiarity with the serpent kingdom. Do you know of my older sister?"

"News has returned from my own world, regarding the demise of the serpent lord Manda. We have been looking forward to a renewed partnership for a long while now. Your Empress has been gracious to us in the past."

"And she will continue to do so, I'm sure."

"Your name has also been spoken of, Scarlet Viper. The dark princess who challenged fearsome enemies and emerged victorious alongside her sister. My companion is not fully aware of this fact, however...those sorts of titles have come solely from his active imagination. I must apologize to you for any trouble he has caused."

"It's only a minor annoyance. Nothing to truly fret about," I say as I pet the crow's head. "Please allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Lilith Kobayashi, the Leaf's Scarlet Viper. Lili is also fine, if you would like."

"Very good. My full name is Edison Suneater, baron of the Suneater Family and squire of the Great Crow's Circle. Many call me Eddie, as my companion already does. For now, I am merely an apprentice within the kingdom. By gaining experience with Koichi, I hope to one day become a true knight."

"Admirable. And how did you come into your current...situation?" I ask delicately.

"The elders saw past my companion's eccentricities and declared him as one with great potential. As such, I was chosen to assist him because of my innate skill. Koichi is no doubt talented, but as you can see, he has many things he is distracted by."


"I cannot speak to his current relationship with his instructor, but as Lady Kotowari has mentioned, it seems to be an unhealthy type. Unfortunately, I am prevented from intervening for several reasons, including my code of chivalry."

"Really. I would think you could break that code if need be."

"It would have to be truly dire straits, I'm afraid. It is also embedded in the contract that I not bring harm to a lady outside of combat. Many of my countrymen do not have such a restriction, but I am under specific orders as a knight in training."

"Mm. It sounds like a complicated life. But worth it as far as you're concerned."

"That is correct."

"Well, good luck to you in dealing with your chuuni partner. I don't doubt that he will eventually become a capable shinobi, but I hope he at least tones down his antics some." I sigh. "Now, I am under the impression that you had more to speak with me about."

"Yes. I did have a message to deliver to your elder sister from the crow community. Do you have a scroll, by chance?"

"I have one for use," Erika says as she produces one.

"Thank you, Lady Kotowari. Please hold it there for me."

"Understood." Erika opens the scroll and Eddie hovers in the air, his feet glowing with chakra. He then presses them onto the paper, and a web of seals spreads outwards. I feel him land on my shoulder again as Erika closes and ties up the scroll.

I concentrate and call Crim to me, who appears in a cloud of smoke.

"Princess! It's good to see you again!"

"You as well, Crim." I smile and pat his head. "I have a message for onee-sama from Sir Edison of the Crow Kingdom."

"I will deliver it post-haste! Sir Suneater! The heavens be with you!"

"You as well, my friend. Thank you for your assistance," Eddie says. Erika presents the scroll to Crim, who takes it in his mouth.

"Sir! Ma'ams! Take care!" Crim disappears again.

"A very enthusiastic fellow."

"To be sure," I say to Eddie. "And reliable as well. It was thanks to him that I could overcome the most dangerous enemy. I sense you have something else you wanted to relay."

"Something of importance...a certain summoner made their appearance in the village briefly before disappearing. I do not know his motives, as they deal quietly with their summoned companions. But it was a strong energy that I could not ignore."

"Is it someone you know?" I ask.

"Not personally...Koichi and I made an attempt to discern the nature and identity of the summoner, but they seemed to exit very quickly, for reasons that I cannot begin to guess at. It might be possible that this person, whoever they might have been, was wary of your elder sister's presence."

"A summoner scared off by Midori-nee...hmm. It's someone with an intimate knowledge of the world, then. But a powerful presence that can slip in and out of the village so easily must be rare, and therefore known to someone like the Hokage."

"Village politics, then."

"Yes. It would be prudent to stay clear for now. Midori-nee has decided to do as much, since her main objective has been completed."

"As expected of your Empress, a wise decision. I will follow suit, then." Eddie flaps his wings and rises from my shoulder. "I will be on my way for now. Lady Nagano will appreciate having someone at home to calm her nerves. Koichi has an abundance of energy at times."

"I've noted as much. Until the next, Eddie."

"Yes, until then. Lady Kotowari, I will see you soon."

"Yes." Erika bows politely. We watch as Eddie rises into the sky, gliding along the currents towards home.

"I should be on my way as well. There is work that I can assist with while I have the time."

"Be careful not to burn yourself out," I say to Erika.

"Thank you. Your concern is appreciated, Lilith...I look forward to the day where we can properly work together."

"I feel much the same. You seem very reliable."

"Thank you again. Please, take care. And congratulations on your promotion." She bows one more time before disappearing in a swirl of leaves. Seems she has a flair for the dramatic as well, but that's not always a bad thing. I finish the bottle of milk in my hand and toss it into the nearest container before leaving.

The walk home isn't too long. I wonder what things will be like when I get there.

I ascend the stairs as I always do. Tug on the small chain in my pocket to bring out my key. Unlock and open the door. There's rush of cool air that hits me as soon as I move to step in, and I close the door behind me before standing silently for a while. It feels as good as ever.

"I'm home."

I sigh and take off my sandals, having been met with silence. It looks like everyone's out, which is just fine. They have their own lives to live, after all.

"Oh, it seems like she's come home ahead of us. Luna, I told you we should have gone earlier."

"I'm sorry. I just...needed some time to recover. This is your fault, in a way."

"Mm. Well, I have to admit to that much..."

I stand and watch as the front door opens. Luna and Midori are carrying bags in their hands, and both give me big smiles as they see me.

"Welcome home, Lili!"

"It's good to be home," I say to Midori with my own smile.

"Let's get these bags put away, so I can give you a proper greeting." I help her with the remaining items, putting them in the kitchen before she scoops me up into one of her amazingly soft and warm hugs.

"I've missed you," I say to her.

"Oh, but I've missed you more. It's good to have you back with us." She sets me down and pats my head. "Crim tells me that I have a message, but it doesn't seem urgent. I'll read it a bit later. It's very good that the nobility of other kingdoms are taking notice of you, though. It will help a lot with my future plans."

"Will it?"

"It will, my love. Remember when I said that you've done more than you could realize? This is just the start of it. And I'll be here to guide you all the way."

"Thank you, Midori-nee."

"Of course. Luna and I were out to grab a few things, since we wanted to make you a special welcome home meal. It's going to be your favourites, and a little delicacy that I think you'll enjoy."

Crispy curly fries and salmon. Those sound amazing, even after Ruki gave me such an excellent experience in the hospital. You really can't beat the classics. Although...I wonder about this delicacy she mentioned. Is it snake food? Snakes eat rodents and even larger animals. I wonder if this is what she's trying to get me used to...

"Here we are. Be careful, it's addictive."

"..." It's a cake. It has white frosting all over the outside. I don't quite understand.

"Hmhm. I'll let you have a slice, so that you can truly experience this heavenly flavour..."

"Lady Midoriko, you shouldn't. You'll spoil your dinner," Luna scolds.

"Just a little bite, Luna."

Luna grumbles and puts on her apron, muttering something about spray bottles. Midori grins and removes the covering from the cake, then takes a knife and makes two close cuts to tease out a thin slice of cake. The inside is...red. There are the two layers, separated by a thick line of creamy icing.

"Let's have ourselves a taste, Lili."

I nod and open my mouth as she places a piece on my tongue with her fork.


"Well?" she says with a smile.

"..." I chew and savour the cake. Luna was right. This really will ruin my appetite. And my figure, most likely. "It's good. You were right. I think this might become an addiction."

"Told you~! Here, just a bit more-"

"No! Bad! It's almost dinner!" Luna seals the cake and takes the rest of the slice away from us. "Out until I call you to the table. Out, both of you! Out, out!"

We arch our backs and hiss at her as she waves her spatula around.

It really is good to be home.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 50

The village continues to hum along steadily. Homes are restored, and those that could not be are demolished so that villagers can start anew. But the big damage has been fixed by the end of the second week since the invasion ended.

Emi comes around and we eat lunch together at various points, with her complaining about this and that. Some things she carefully glosses over, and I make a note of not pressing her at any point - she really is trying, and I want to reward that effort, even if it came after a series of painful missteps. I know that she cares, and wants to make amends for everything that's happened between us over the years. It will take time, and I'm more than willing to wait for her.

Luna and Midori seem even closer than before, and spend more quiet time together after synchronizing their schedules to some degree. As a gift for my promotion, Luna has procured a pair of studio quality headphones, and I make good use of them during their intimate hours. The sound quality is superb. Alongside that, I finish a few of my RPGs, some books, and two seasons of the anime I was waiting on earlier. "Mahou Shoujo Celica-chan", a once niche little show that exploded in popularity last year. The star is a ditzy young girl who travels with a machine doll, and chases after the typical cool protagonist - a guy with a giant sword who dresses in red, and has white hair. They're regularly bullied by my favourite character, a small blonde vampire mistress who dresses in gothic lolita outfits. It's very fun. Erika follows it, and so does Ruki. I lent the first volume out to Ino, who seemed interested.

General missions are suspended for the time being, and only teams handpicked by the Hokage are leaving the village. Everyone else is doing rotating patrols, clean up, and construction. Team Eight has a few conflicts which makes it hard for us to move. Kurenai is an established jounin and is being used as part of an investigative team, as well as for interrogations because of her skill in genjutsu. Hina and Shino are both important to their clans, and so have been kept out of the way of anything that doesn't immediately pertain to clan business until the Hokage's orders are lifted. And in my case, I'm strictly off-limits - deactivated until further notice by the Hokage himself. For reasons that I can't begin to guess at, possibly political in nature, he does not want me moving around.

There are also other things afoot.

"So I have some more info about what's been going down. There's finally stuff filtering in from the Hidden Sand. Dad and the other old guys have been talking about it."

I start on the top coat for my nails as Ino speaks from the other end of the phone. The receiver is placed comfortably between my neck and shoulder, as always.

"So is it anything shocking, from what you know?" I ask her.

"Not terribly. I think you can draw the lines yourself. But it's good to have confirmation. So. Our friend from the Sand with the nice legs, as you like to put it."


"Yup. She was at the hospital during the invasion itself, trying to protect her little brothers. Gaara couldn't move, but Kankuro helped out some. They got taken into custody, but it was just a formality at that point, and the Hokage saw to them himself. The new news is that the Fourth Kazekage was murdered, and they found his body in a ditch with his bodyguards."

"Hm. What are the details you know of?"

"It happened before the exams started. Seems like Orochimaru was posing as him for quite some time, and engineered the alliance with the Hidden Sound without anyone raising suspicion. Kabuto helped out. The conditions were right, anyways...the Hidden Sand was really in a bad way."

"Just as Temari told me, yes. It would have been all too easy to force the village into a position where they felt they had to act, or they would cease to exist," I say as I put a clear coat of polish onto my finger. "Tragic, in a way. Our Hokage is quite good at negotiations, so I hope that the problem is solved in a timely manner."

"We're sending manpower their way, from what I've been hearing. They came out with a formal surrender and stuff is being hashed out as we speak. What's most important though is power projection and village security. The last thing we want is a bunch of unsavory characters thinking now's a good time to waltz in and attack. Oh, and the Sand is probably going to be helping out with something big next..."

"Something big?" I think for a moment. "Would this be regarding the punishment for the Hidden Sound?"

"You got it," Ino says. "Worst kept secret in the village: a full scale blitz to tear the whole thing down. The hold up right now is with that Kabuto guy. My dad and Ibiki want to stock up on as much information as they can, so they're still working pretty hard on the guys they've captured from the Sound and Sand, less so the guys from Sand with the whole surrender thing. They're spilling their guts now that we've settled the worst of it. Kabuto, though...you wanna talk big fish? Ha! Dad's saying it's a major, major, maaaaajor hassle trying to get anything out of him, and worse is that there's a bunch of geriatric football-"

"Geriatric football? You really are full of colour, my dear."

"Calling it politics is plain and boring sometimes. Gotta spice it up, you know," she says with a giggle. "But yeah, bunch of old men holding up a bunch of stuff and making it hard to do anything. Far as Ibiki says, it really should be 'fuck 'em and dive in'. Direct quote, by the way."

"Good that you clarified. It sounds just like you otherwise."

"Heh. Well, it's not far off...just don't tell my dad that. He thinks I'm still a proper little girl."

"Fortunate for you, yes?"

"Definitely useful. But...yeah. That's where we are right now."

I nod absentmindedly and examine my fingers once I'm done painting them. "These are all things we can manage properly with time. Oh, has anything come back regarding the results of the exams?"

"Yep. I think you and Shikamaru are the only immediate promotions right now. I was listening in on the chatter during the fights. Shino has a good case for his promotion, but there are a bunch of outside circumstances to consider including the fact that Temari held back because of the invasion. Ironically, she might get promoted because of the loss of manpower in the Sand."

"Seems a bit unfair," I say. "Shino created a very good strategy...even if there were outside factors, should those be factored into what happened during the fight itself?"

"Right, that's sort of the debate going on. I think they're leaning towards giving him his vest, and the Aburame as a group aren't bothered by the deliberations. It's been a really complicated time in the village. Shikamaru got his promotion, as you saw. Naruto...nope."

"As I thought. It was a good fight on his part, but as far as leadership and critical thinking went..."

"That fight was way too rough on both ends. Neji was overconfident and Naruto was reckless. So neither of them are getting the call this time around. Neji, though...because of the skill he displayed, there have been more than a few people interested in his development. Since promotion also happens outside of the exam period, we might see something happen. Nothing right now, though. And of course, everyone else didn't get to have a fight because of the invasion."

"Hm. So it's potentially just the three of us."

"Yeah. Which is a pretty good number, honestly. Apparently there have been years where nobody got promoted, even with the tournament going right to the finish. Those must have been a sloppy bunch of fights."


"Yeah, what's up?"

I put a few foam spacers between my toes before starting to put the base coat on my toenails. "Have you talked to Sakura lately?"

"Once or twice." She pauses a long while on the other end. "I'm worried. She hasn't seemed like herself ever since that fight against those Hidden Sound goons. Those guys who were supposedly their elites...they were pretty strong and pushed Sasuke to the edge. I don't know much else besides that. She keeps saying she's okay, but seems...I don't know if distant is the right word. But it's like I can't really reach her the way I used to, you know? Maybe she's dealing with some kind of trauma and doesn't want to talk about it, or she's just really worried for Sasuke."

"It might be that. Naruto was saying similar things to me at the hospital."

"Yeah. I've been talking to him here and there, too. A little inattentive, but not as bad as he used to be. He can stand still for like, a minute now. I'm sure that's thanks to you, Lili."

"Maybe. He's a good child, and tries his best," I say.

"Yeah. He and Sasuke have that whole rivalry thing going on...they seem to have mutual feelings now, not like it used to be when Naruto was just chasing after Sasuke. That little blondie's really grown since we left the Academy. And then Sakura..." I hear her sigh. The line goes quiet again as I paint.

"Ino?" I call to her.


"You have nothing to apologize for. It's alright, I'm listening," I say to her.

"I'm...I don't want to put this on your shoulders, Lili. I know how you feel about her, and about Sasuke."

"Ino. It's fine. I'm here for you. I want to help, so if you have something to say, then I'm listening, as I've said before. It's alright, and I'm not burdened by it."

"I just think that...I don't want to lose Sakura. I know that she's been doing her best, but it might not be the healthiest thing for her. She seems like she has a lot on her mind lately, and she's been hanging out with Sasuke a lot, and...I don't know. I want to see her grow up and be happy. Our rivalry over Sasuke isn't...a thing anymore, I would say. I don't care about that so much anymore. I want her to be okay. I don't want this spiral to continue, where she's getting so invested in Sasuke's well-being that she starts to stop caring about much else. In the forest, she...did that whole thing where she cut her hair, to try and be independent and not shackled by what she thought she had to do to impress guys like Sasuke. But I wonder if she's actually internalized any of it. I wonder if that determination is just being fed back into what she was doing before. I'm lost right now."

Not wanting to lose someone you care so deeply about...it's an understandable feeling. More than just understandable. Relatable. There's no easy solution.

"If you need any help, I'm here for you," I say.

"If...if you could help, that would be...good. I don't want to put anything extra onto you."

"You're my friend, Ino. I care about you. And if helping you means helping Sakura and Sasuke, then I'll do it without question. I can do my best to try and look out for Sakura, in my own way. I just need some guidance, since...my methods aren't the most delicate at times."

"Right. I can do that. I...thanks. Again. It's, um...it's awkward, this kind of thing. Feeling so lost when it comes to someone I know, or thought I knew."

"It's fine. As I said, as long as you can trust me, I can help you."

"Yeah. Thanks, I really mean it." There's a gap of silence again. "Did you pick up your new jacket yet?"

"Not yet," I say. "That might happen this week, though I suspect I'll have it in the closet for most missions."

"You've got something planned out, eh?"

"Mm-hm. Something cute I saw in a magazine. I had Luna place an order the other day at one of the local shops. It should be done soon."

"Nice, nice! Make sure you give me a call when you want to show it off!" Ino says, sounding happier already. "I've been thinking about outfits myself, but I dunno about changing too dramatically until I get my own promotion. Hopefully in another six months...I think the way it works is if you have a teammate or two that have already been promoted, they slot in some others so that you have a couple of three man units going. Of course, you can always opt to go in as a pairing, or even by yourself."

"I heard that's how Itachi Uchiha did it."

"Yeah. And he was ten years old. That's super crazy, I can't even imagine how you would do something like that."

"I don't think I could pull something like that off either," I admit.

"Now you're just laying it on thick. I bet you could have finished the Forest of Death in like, twenty minutes if you didn't have to worry about teammates. Lili, you're super good at this whole shinobi thing. Don't sell yourself short."

"I'm not that good yet," I insist.

"What's with you? Being all modest with me all of a sudden..."

"I'm not being modest, I'm being realistic. No need to puff myself up so much. Though it's just like you to take an opportunity to tease me," I say with a smile.

"We know each other a bit too well. Anyways, I'll let you go for now. I've got some stuff I want to look after, and I'm sure you have plans for later."

"Movies with Hina later on," I say. "Doing my nails so that they look nice. We're going to one of the smaller theaters, where they have those independent features playing."

"Indie films?"

"Hina's into them."

"No kidding...hm. The more you know. We totally need to plan a lunch date one of these days. Also, one more question."

"Anything you like."

"I've been wondering...what's Erika like? Have you talked to her much?" Ino asks.

"She has a very composed exterior, but is quite friendly from our interactions. Though she doesn't talk much, she responds politely to any questions or comments you might have. And she has a high tolerance for foolishness, as you might guess."

"Oh, she has to. Can't imagine spending more than five minutes with that weirdo before losing my mind otherwise."

"Did you need something of her?" I ask curiously.

"I...well, I wanted to get a better pulse on the village and thought she could help. So seeing if she was more approachable than I assumed would be good. And I'm just sorta curious about her in general. Nothing serious, really."

"Hm." I wonder a bit about that. Maybe I can bother her another time. "Happy that I could help. We'll talk later, yes?"

"We will. Lili, thanks for everything. Make sure to take care of yourself, alright?"

"As long as you do the same."

"You know I will. Love you~!"

Ino hangs up and I set the receiver down gently. Things will be okay...I want to believe that with all of my heart. But there's something tugging at me gently.


I really might have to pay Sakura a visit after all.

"Miss Lilith?"

"Come in, Luna."

She opens the door and steps in. "I hope I'm not bothering you. And you could have asked me to help with your nails."

"I wanted to do it myself today. It's a clear coat this time."

"Oh, lovely work. Would you mind lending me that bottle later?"

"I have a few unopened ones, so you can have one of those to keep. Did you need me for something, Luna?"

"I simply wanted to tell you that lunch is nearly ready. Will you be eating?"

"Yes. I'll be out as soon as the polish dries. Thank you, Luna."

"My pleasure as always. I'll see you in a bit."

I nod and hug my knees while waiting for the nail polish to dry.


The rest of the week passes with little fanfare. I get word that Shino's promotion is still being debated among the upper brass, which I'm sure will bother him just a little. But he'll get his chance soon, I know it. It's a bit unfair, as I told Ino, but there's really nothing that can be done other than waiting. We talk about it over the week as we meet up to play football at one of the local fields. The Aburame men like to use it to keep up their skills and socialize. There isn't a lot of talking, which is fine as far as I'm concerned. Shino seems okay with how things have ended up, and resolves to work harder so that he can prove himself.

Hina and I meet up a few times for dinner and movies. The 'indie' films are her favourites, with the generally lower production values that put more focus on the scripts and acting. They're tighter sorts of affairs, and I find myself getting drawn in as well - I was never a fan of big movies or the theaters they were played in. Dinners are light and fun, where we gossip and gush about girly things. It's all very refreshing, especially after the chaos that passed over us a week or two ago. The Hyuuga have taken note of me, and are straightening up after hearing of my exploits. Not enough to truly respect me, but enough to maintain a proper facade in public when they do see me. I resolve to do the same, at least for Hina's sake. An interesting thing is that Neji has also seemed to change considerably, according to Hina. He even went as far as apologizing for the things he had done to her in the past. Kind girl that she is, she insisted that he didn't need to beg forgiveness, but he's determined to make it up to her. It's such a dramatic change that I wonder if he's being blackmailed, or something similar. Very curious.

I haven't seen anything of Sasuke...the last time we were in proximity of each other was nearly two months ago now. That report from Naruto was worrying, and Ino's talk about Sakura more so. If I'm not going to see Sasuke, I might as well get some sort of information from his de facto girlfriend, since they're apparently very close by now.

Today is a painting day for Luna. She prepared lunch and dinner before leaving, and I will leave those for now while I take on my little errand. I find a silk shirt and some jeans to throw on, a pair of decent slippers, and a scrunchie to tie up my hair for the day. Nothing fancy, just a bit of simple work before returning home and resting for the day. Sakura should be midtown today, if Ino's predictions are right.

"Senpai. Pardon my interruption."

"Hm?" I've crossed through the village only to have someone call to me. I know that voice, though it's far more respectful than the first time we met.

"Oh. Neji Hyuuga, isn't it?"

"Yes." He bows to me. "I hope I'm not bothering you at this time, senpai."

"It's no trouble, I was just going out to look for someone today. Senpai is a bit much, you know. Lili is fine. Or Lilith, if you want to be fancier," I say as I put a hand on my hip.

"Thank you for that. Although, I feel that it would be better if I used a more proper form of address for you, senpai. I wanted to apologize for the way that we first interacted, at the chuunin examinations. It was entirely too bitter, and unbecoming of a member of the Hyuuga Clan. I beg your pardon for my unacceptable actions on that day." He bows very deeply to me, his head pointed towards the ground.

"Ah. It's fine," I say while blinking. He really has changed. It's...stunning, frankly. What the hell happened between the exams and now? Did Naruto's fist knock something loose in his head? Or...is it that I was right after all, and there really was more to that story than we heard? I'm very curious, but I'd like to catch up to Sakura while I can. That answer can wait a while. "Thank you for your apology. It's kind of you, and very humble."

"I appreciate that," he says as he lifts himself up again. "I've heard about your promotion, and your exploits in the battle to save the Leaf. I...admit that I had a certain image of you, senpai. I expected news of it to be more widespread."

"Fame is interesting...but not entirely for me. I have my reasons for keeping quiet about these things."

"Would it have to do with your...inclinations?"

"A good way to put it," I say with a smile. "But I imagine enough people know about that side of me by now. The elites do, at least. Tsume makes sure to note that she's watching me, for Hana's sake."

"Ah. I...sorry, I didn't think you would be so open about it. Interesting," he muses. "So Lady Hinata's recent boldness...hmm..."

"Is everything alright?" I ask.

"Yes, it's fine. I hope I didn't take up too much of your time, senpai. I wanted to give you my congratulations for your recent promotion, and apologize for how I acted towards you at our first meeting."

"Water under the bridge by now. I did take it personally, for many reasons..."

"You can rest securely from now on, senpai. I will devote my life once more to making sure that Lady Hinata does not come to harm. Even from Hyuuga itself."

I smile. "Well said. We will be wonderful allies with that alone. Until the next, Neji."

"Until the next." He bows once more and gives me a smile before leaving. What an interesting child he is...the darkness in his heart has seemed to clear. He's found something, definitely. I just have to find out what...maybe it's the key to changing Hyuuga for good. Something to chew on later. Right now, I should make sure that Sakura is still in the area. I track her scent down to one of the fruit shops, where she's out front looking over the oranges.

"Sakura," I call out. Her head turns, and she spots me as I approach.


"I was out for a walk and saw you. It's been a long while."

"It has been. Why...did you want to talk to me?" she asks. I note her hair is minimally taken care of, and there are faint lines under her eyes.

"Well, there are no ulterior motives, to start. Reports have been coming in from our mutual friends and acquaintances. I assume you know of these people."


I hand her my thin wallet. "There's one card in there to use. Buy what you need and come back. I don't want to hold you up."

"I don't..."

"I know you don't want to take advantage. But I would like to be of help. Think of it as an exchange for your time, if you would like."

"Alright...thanks." She takes the wallet from me and grabs a few oranges before heading back inside the store. It's another fifteen minutes before she returns. I take my wallet back and we split bag duties.

"Are you going to see Sasuke?" I ask as we walk.

"Later on. This was shopping for home...I volunteered to do it for Mom. Just needed to get out of the house for a while."

"I see. Are you alright? Have you been alright lately?" I ask.

"I...it's been rough."

"..." It won't be delicate, but I've never been terribly interested in that sort of thing. And I don't think Sakura needs delicacy right now. "I know about the curse mark."


"Kakashi must have told you there was one other with the same condition."

"..." She sighs. "Mitarashi-sensei."

"Yes. She doesn't have answers, either. Just a much greater willpower and comfort within the village. Sasuke, unfortunately...he's lacking in both. Because of his youth, and the mission he's taken on."

"You're...not wrong."

"How is he doing?"

"He's...quiet. Just not himself. Not low energy, but unwilling to do much unless I drag him outside. The curse mark almost took over his body the last time. We did a mind scan together, and it helped with identifying some of the Sound attackers. Not much to talk about, really..."

"I see."

"Is it...self-interest?" she asks.

"What is?"

"The reason why you called to me. Why we're talking."

"It's part of it, yes. People that I care about are concerned about you. It would be good to see you well," I say as I look into her eyes. "But my humanity compels me to help you as well. Feelings of dependency and helplessness aren't foreign to me."

We stop at an intersection, and she reaches out for the bags. I give them to her gently.

"It's...it was good that that you reached out. I just don't feel like talking much. Sorry."

I nod.

"See you around, Lilith." She walks down the street silently, bags in each hand. Her motion is steady and controlled, to the point where she seems like a moving doll.

I really do hope it's nothing serious...that it's something she can overcome soon. Sasuke may very well be counting on her. I don't have the tools to fix any of this...


I feel my stomach rumble a bit, and decide it's time to head home. Tomorrow is another day...another opportunity to make things right. Today...I'll rest.
Thanks for the chapter.

I am finding super funny how Midoriko and Lilith training regime is basically the same as Kakashi, Itachi or Minato, all Prodigies who barely seemed to train at all and still kept themselves on shape and improved with the years.

After all it is Canon that Kakashi spent a few years after ANBU pretty much roaming around and not training at all, and he was still Elite Jonin by the start of Canon, and 3 years later he improved 10 times more than the main cast, just not in "Nuke" Ninjutsu like both Sasuke and Naruto seem to get.

Hell, even Sakura could go into the Prodigy category, she learned Medical Ninjutsu to Tsunade Level in 3 years and also become a better fighter than Naruto and Sasuke, even if they had more chakra and basic stats (speed, strength, etc), but that was mostly the OP Bloodlines and Sasuke spending literally every waking moment training.

And Itachi was Elite Jonin at 13 and after running away and roaming around occasionally killing a few Missing Nin with no threat against him still improved and became Kage+ in Chakra alone by the Timeskip, while still having enough control to do Overpowered Genjutsu.

Lili training a few hours a day, then having fun and resting, still improved more than all the Genin combined. And the funny part is that she is completely Canon compliant to Kakashi/Itachi's progress.

In contrast we have the best example of the "0 Talent" Shinobi like Gai who can indeed overcome people like Kakashi, but Kakashi didn't train at all during all those excruciating years of 18 hours of training from Gai. And there is also Sasuke who in Canon spent every singly day training during the Time-Skip while Naruto was running after Jiraiya and bonding as family, no wonder Sasuke was stronger than Naruto/Sakura, but he still had a progression super slow compared to real prodigies, I bet Orochimaru was kinda pissed in Canon on how long it took Sasuke to learn things.

In this story Sasuke has a LOT of self inflicted pressure that seems to be dragging Sakura into even worse than Canon mentality, I never liked how Sakura as a character was wasted by her insanity and Sasuke obsession, he even abandoned her to raise Sarada alone in the end, so I hope at least Sakura manages to survive the Sasuke Explosion about to happen.

After all in Canon he could reasonably believe that he was the strongest of his generation, outside Naruto's randomness, but he only became a "threat" after the Chunin Exams, in this AU, we have Lilith, and Erika who are clearly stronger than Sasuke by a LOT, then even the "random chunni" guy has some impressive skills, and finally it seems like Hinata is on his level, the number of gut punches for Sasuke is a lot, and instead of asking for help from Kakashi he keeps closing on himself, so he is really going to crack at this rate, and Naruto despite his charm and instinct can't really help here since he is part of the problem (closing on with Sasuke's strength), if Orochimaru was still alive the conclusion would be obvious, but I think at this rate Sasuke will also flee away, maybe during the attack on Sound, either that or some event manages to help him somewhat, but I honestly don't care much about him unless Sakura is dragged into the mess, she really deserved better in Canon.
Lili training a few hours a day, then having fun and resting, still improved more than all the Genin combined. And the funny part is that she is completely Canon compliant to Kakashi/Itachi's progress.
It's also the best part :V
I've always held the viewpoint that every important character, or at least those most shown in the secondary cast, is some form of gifted. The only person that might have possibly been an 'underachiever' in comparison is Kiba, but seeing as he did that shadow clone combo fusion attack during the war he might be as strong as his mom and sister by part 2. Hinata was also stated at some point to just be a late bloomer, and that's not bad considering Neji's truly nuts levels of memorization. He was actually so far above the majority of Hyuuga at 12 that it really was gross, and makes it unfair for people to compare Hinata to him. At worst she's the Sasuke to his Itachi.

But uh, a lot of interesting points brought up wrt to the story. Either I'm doing things right with the setup or another precog user has manifested. :thonk:
TBH that's what I always thought of too. The characters that we focused on, even if they're minor ones, are a cut above the usual rank and file. But of course, when the series only focuses on the cool guys, it makes sense to point out the least cool of said cool guys. Despite the weakest cool guy probably being able to shred through a squad of normal genin to chunin with low difficulty.

Basically my point is that Tenten deserved better.
The Cold Corner
Scarlet Justice - ep. 51
"The Cold Corner"
[Sasuke Recovery Mission: Prologue]

"At last...it's here."

I feel my body burning up, my chakra starting to run low. It's shifting into night from evening, and I decide that I'm truly done for the day. Yes, it's enough. A satisfied grin spreads across my face.

These weeks without work have been an opportunity. Not just to rest properly, but to experiment in all the ways that I wanted to. My experiment that I started on in the hospital was a success, and I've reached a new level of strength. Beyond that, I've improved my killer technique even further with new options.

There's the log lying on the ground, cut cleanly into two pieces diagonally. The scorched earth of the training field, and marks from where the ground has been raked by bolts of lightning. All of that is my handiwork. Yes, I'm ready. Definitely ready to prove myself like never before. Though...I don't wish for an opportunity just yet. You tend to get more than you ask for in those cases. A peaceful life is more than fine, if it comes to that in the future.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back, Miss Lilith. I'll rewarm your dinner," Luna says as I step inside.

"Thank you. Oh, it's been a long day." I sit at the table and wait for my food to get warm again, tapping my fingers lightly on the top of it. "Any messages for us?"

"None today." Luna sets a plate in front of me. Tuna and rice with vegetables. "It hasn't been a terribly busy day here, in fact. Lady Midoriko is still away for the time being...though she's been quiet as to what it is she's doing, which is unusual."

"Hm. Might be something dangerous," I say as I pick up my chopsticks.

"It must be so. Still...I do worry sometimes."

"That's only natural. You've become a lot closer lately."

"We have, yes. I find myself having outrageous thoughts...not in the way you're thinking, just dreams, I guess you could call them."

"Those are fine, aren't they?"

"Yes. But you know how I am. I don't want to get ahead of myself."

I raise a brow towards her. "Those dips in self-esteem are what's concerning. Men would fight each other to the death for a taste of you."

"Miss Lilith, that's too much," she scolds.

"Oh, come off it. You saw the way that Toad Hermit looked at you the other day."

"It would be a lie to say otherwise...I didn't just see it, either. I felt it," she mutters.

"Exactly. And beyond that beautiful body of yours, you have a wonderful heart. You have every right to dream as big as you want. Don't feel so guilty about these sorts of things."

Luna moves to clean up the stove. "I shouldn't be leaning on you for things like this."

"Because I'm so young."

"That's most of it."

"Yes, well...we live in curious times. Relying on a young girl for relationship advice is no stranger than her being paid to kill men with her bare hands, far as I'm concerned."

"You have a point. Thank you, Miss Lilith. I'll remember your words."

"Try to. And I'll be here to remind you if you do forget. As many times as it takes, without question."

She gives me a smile. "Of course. You've always been gracious like that, and I'm forever grateful."

I smile back before starting on her delicious meal.


The restrictions are lifted. After a bit over three weeks, Team Eight can finally come together for a proper meeting. General missions are starting to resume, and we meet at the training field this morning. I dress in the standard Leaf outfit for the day, a dark sweater with red spirals on each of the shoulders, and pants that go down to my ankles before stopping. It's nice every day wear, so I made sure to order several more copies of the outfit to mix and match as I want.

"Ladies, gentleman. Today I am proud to announce my promotion to jounin. I am now officially an elite shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village."

My comrades clap joyfully at the news.

"Congratulations!" Hina says, her eyes sparkling.

"Hm. Good work, Boss," Shino says with an approving nod.

"Well done, Lili. We're the same rank now...that's amazing. But that's not the only thing...it also means it's my win against Kakashi!" Kurenai says with a smile. "Asuma accepted a draw on his end, but I might be able to drag something out of him for the difference in rank..."

"A year's supply of liquor, then."

"Yeah. I'm gonna make that scarecrow buy one item for each day in the week, just to be merciful. I don't think his wallet should take too much of a hit...not that I care," she says with a smirk. "I see you haven't picked up your vest yet."

"Oh, I have it at home. I simply didn't want to wear it today. It doesn't seem like we're going to be doing too much, and I want to see if it suits me."

"Fair enough. There's nothing scheduled for today, so you guys are free to do what you like after this. No sense in doing anything else...they're having us upper level shinobi running around because of the loss of manpower. We didn't take a huge hit, but people did die because of the invasion. There's also the goodwill effort with the Sand to consider." Kurenai closes her eyes. "The Fourth Kazekage might not have been the best father, but he was a hell of a leader. I don't think anyone else save for our Fourth could have held a village together with such thin strings."

"The Hokage is also sending aid, isn't he?"

"Yeah. All sorts of humanitarian stuff, basic food and goods...hopefully the Sand builds on this, because this is a big risk the old man is taking on the world stage. It's why we have to run so many protection missions. Kakashi was also muttering about something worrying, but I didn't get all of it. Must be above my pay grade."

"Sensei, are the rumours true?" Shino asks. "Apparently there's a search going on for the Fifth Hokage."

Kurenai shrugs. "Probably. Who knows how long that could take, though...it's possible that the Third could die of old age before a new candidate is approved. They would have to be someone extremely special to get in right away."

"It would be interesting," Hina says. "I wonder...who would be able to take up that role?"

"Kakashi's name has been bandied about in such discussions, which says a lot on its own," I reply. "But it's likely to be one of the remaining members of the Three Shinobi. Orochimaru was once a candidate, but Minato Namikaze was chosen over him. Maybe that made him bitter...who knows for sure. The remaining choices are Jiraiya, the Toad Hermit of Mount Myoboku, and Princess Tsunade Senju...the Founder's granddaughter."

"Ah...I see. She would be a great candidate."

"Her only problem is that she hasn't been around in years, and nobody really knows where she is now. Midori-nee said that if it came down to it, Jiraiya would track her down." She's also told me something else, but I can't talk about it to anyone other than the Hokage. That must have been what Kakashi was muttering about.

It turns out that Eddie had the right idea. The person who was affiliated with his kingdom and breached the Leaf's defenses so quietly and precisely was once a member of the village. An elite member of the ANBU. He returned to the village as a warning to the Hokage and the upper brass, to say one thing.

'I'm alive.'

Watching them, and all of us. But he was also no fool, and took note of Midori's presence inside of the village. Because of that, he backed away and did nothing else. That person...the one who Sasuke has been chasing after his whole life. The Shinobi Academy's all time second place scorer. The prodigy of a fallen clan.

Even as I am...I don't think I'm ready to take on him just yet. I have to work harder.

"Anyways, I've got a meeting to get to. Small thing, but necessary. You guys take care, alright?" Kurenai says. She takes off a moment later.

"Are you thinking about training, Boss?" Shino asks me.

I shake my head. "Nothing like that. I'd rather get some administrative things out of the way first. Apparently your promotion is still in limbo?"

"For now, yes."

"That has to be annoying."

"My father worked something out. I can accept higher grade missions as compensation, since they're convinced the debate will end in my favour."

"Oh, that's good. Sorry that you can't do the same, Hina."

She smiles. "It's alright. There will be other chances, and being rich has its perks."

"Heh. Good to see you're in high spirits. Yes, there's always tomorrow to climb into. Actually, as far as admin stuff goes...we can go over the basics together. It's terribly simple, and I don't understand what makes people whine so much."

"It might be the amount," Shino says as we start to leave the field.

"That can't be it. You can cheat really easily, and on the fly. You see, if you arrange the reports..."

"Oi, Kobayashi."

I turn my head to see Shikamaru approaching. He looks about the same as ever, save for the new flak jacket that came with his new position. But...his expression is oddly serious.

"Shikamaru. Something happened," I say reflexively. "What is it, what's wrong?"

He gathers himself and rubs the back of his neck. "A couple of people...found Ino lying near a stream this morning. She was there all night," he says evenly.

My head is filled with noise. "What...?"

"Right now, she's in stable but serious condition at the hospital. She..." He pauses. "She fought her hardest, but ended up beaten to within an inch of her life by what looks like multiple attackers. She was unconscious and lost about a quarter of her blood."

My throat feels so dry. I can barely speak. "Ino...but why?" I'm shaking. "Why...?"

"I have no idea...that's what I said to myself before I got here. But on my way, I ran into Naruto."

"Naruto. Is Naruto...?"

"He's fine, physically speaking. He told me that he hadn't seen or spoken to Sasuke or Sakura for the past week or so. They had barely interacted since the invasion. There's nothing to suggest that Sasuke or Sakura would do such a thing to Ino, but...there's no trace of either of them. Sakura would have been one of the first people at the hospital to see Ino. It has to be connected to them..."

"Fucking hell. They're gone."

"Gone?" Shikamaru asks.

"They left the fucking village. The only other option is that they were kidnapped, but it's not likely," I say.

"Why would Sasuke leave?" Hina asks. "Something...something isn't right. And Sakura, I understand her devotion to Sasuke...but even that doesn't explain..."

"Do you really think...what happened to Ino had something to do with that trash?" I ask Shikamaru, my voice shaking.

"From all the evidence I've collected, it really seems like it. Choji...he hasn't opened a single snack since he found out. He just sits there by her bedside, waiting until she wakes up. Not eating, nothing like that. It's scary. Asuma-sensei has been out on a mission for the past two days...he's scheduled to be back in a few hours..."

Who...just who would do something like this? What the hell...is this? Ino, I just talked to her, I was...I can't make sense of it all.

Sasuke...it's his fault. It's all his fault. Maybe he didn't put his hands on Ino, but it's just as if he did. If she was trying to stop him and Sakura from leaving the village, he caused this. He did that to her. But where the hell could he be going? Orochimaru is dead, we killed him. He was the one tempting...

'The legacy'. Did that toilet-mouthed bitch from the Sound really get to him? Lured him away from the village with some promise of power? I don't know...I don't know anything. I just know that I feel sick. And that I...I really want to kill something. Right now. I...it's so hard to keep my composure...

"I wanted to let you know about it as soon as I could, Kobayashi. She talked about you a lot...I just figured you were close," Shikamaru says.

"She's...a very good friend of mine," I say as the tears come down. I can feel Hina rubbing my back to try and calm me. "Something like that happening in the village...it's too much."

"I know."

"Shikamaru...we have to put our heads together on this," I say as I sniffle and wipe my tears. "I know you feel the same as I do...you want to get those bastards and tear them apart."

"Yeah. I do. We'll figure something out. Listen, I'm gonna go over to the hospital and check on Ino. I'll see you."

He leaves, and I take a moment to try and get the sorrow out of my system.

"Ino...something like that. It's so horrible," Hina says. "Who would do such a thing...?"

"Whoever these people are, they seem to have no regard for human life. The intent was to let her bleed out on the ground," Shino says. "Boss, I know you want to look into this right away. We shouldn't get so deeply involved yet, not until the promised time."

"Shino's right. We're not quite in the loop yet, and it might be distracting because of our clan responsibilities," Hina follows. "It's in another dimension right now...we will be here when you need loyal soldiers to put an end to this, Lili."

These two...they've gotten incredibly perceptive in the past while. I still feel numb, but I look at them with confidence and nod to acknowledge their thoughts.

"Yes. Thank you. I know what I want to do right now...we need to act with speed and figure out what's happening with Sasuke and Sakura. I'm going over to Intelligence so that I can mine some information out of a certain person."

"Please...nothing too rash," Hina pleads.

"I promise. I won't do anything too extreme."

"Okay. Good luck, Lili."

"We'll see you later, Boss," Shino says.

I let out a breath and make my exit, sprinting across the village to a certain area. The Torture and Intelligence Division, where many prisoners are being held and interrogated. It's not a building that looks particularly imposing on the outside, but that seems to be the point. I head towards the entrance.

"What's all this...what do you need, kid?"

I look up to see a few men congregating around the entrance. One or two are smoking. They're dressed in same sort of grey outfits that I saw at the Chuunin Exams...it seems that they're all part of Ibiki's crew. That makes sense.

"I would like to speak to your CO. Is he in?" I ask politely.

They're all silent for a moment before bursting into derisive laughter.

"What? Listen, just because you use some fancy terms doesn't make you a real soldier, little girl," one of them sneers. "Come back with your sensei and we'll see what we can do for you."

"She's busy. I would like to speak with Ibiki. It's important," I say.

"Oi, oi...don't get cocky. Maybe you're some rich brat who has a shinobi daddy, that doesn't mean you can act familiar. Beat it before we exercise our power as seniors," another man says.

"Scram, kid! This ain't a playground!"

"Ah...you're all hardasses, then. Interesting," I murmur. I don't have time for this, and my day is already ruined. I can't think of anything else but Ino as my murderous intent starts to flare up-

"What's going on out here?"

The door opens, and Ibiki steps outside. His gaze falls to me, and he looks happy.

"Hoh, great timing. I was going to ask someone about you."

I smile and let my anger settle. "It really is good timing. How have things been?"

"Ah, you know. The usual crap. These guys lately have been going down in one hit, just one after the other. We're making a lot of progress as a result, but...it's boring, you know? Little things."

I nod. "That's understandable. Hard to enjoy the work when you can't even get a rhythm going."

He points towards me. "Yeah! See, I knew you'd get it."

"Boss? What's...going on?" one of the chuunin asks. They're all confused by our exchange.

"Hm? What's with the look?" Ibiki asks. He then raises a brow while looking at his men. "Oi, don't tell me you were trying to bully her just now..."

"Sorry, we didn't know this kid knew you, and..."

"Kid? What's wrong with you? Show some damn respect, you idiots," Ibiki says.

"I guess they don't know. I must apologize, I almost cut loose on them myself."

He sighs and rubs the side of neck. "Damn. Then it really was perfect timing."

"Boss, even if she's some snobby girl-"

"Hah?" Ibiki makes a face. "Girl? Snobby? No, you dumbass. She's the Scarlet Viper I was telling you about. A jounin. She outranks every one of us standing here. That's why I said to show some goddamned respect."


"I have a favour to ask of you. Shall we go inside?" I ask Ibiki.

"Yeah, let's do that. I had something I wanted to ask you myself." I stroll inside past the stunned onlookers and follow Ibiki as the door closes. "Sorry about that. It's what happens when you try to make soldiers out of hooligans."

"It's alright. I know they work hard, or else you wouldn't keep them around."

"Heh. You really should join Intelligence."

"Perhaps when I get to the Hokage's age..."

We go through the building towards an elevator. Ibiki presses a button once we're inside, the doors close, and it starts downwards.

"I'm guessing you heard about what happened to Ino."

"Yes. It's why I'm here. I wanted to ask if you would let me see Kabuto Yakushi."

"Kabuto, huh. We've been at it for weeks with that guy...he's not an easy one to crack."

"I figured as much. Orochimaru's right hand."

"He wasn't at the crime scene. What kind of information did you want out of him?" Ibiki asks me. The elevator doors open and we step out, walking down a long corridor side by side.

"If Ino was hurt...I think it had something to do with Sakura directly, and subsequently would involve Sasuke. Those two haven't been seen in about a week."

"We've heard that much. Kakashi's been sidetracked with missions and won't be back until later today, unfortunately. Whoever did it knew how to defeat the security surrounding the village, which I'm guessing they learned from Orochimaru."

"We need to find out exactly what it was Orochimaru wanted with Sasuke," I continue. "He's dead, but from what Anko-nee told us the brands haven't disappeared. It wasn't just a bid for control, or else Orochimaru could have taken Sasuke, and he would have kept Anko by his side. It's something to do with compatibility...I just don't know what, exactly. I'm still missing pieces."

"I see...you've thought this out."

"Just on the way here," I admit. "It's nothing conclusive."

"You shouldn't be so modest, let your head swell up once in a while, eh?" Ibiki says with a smirk. "In any case...there's someone waiting for us up ahead. She's ANBU, so it's okay."


We stop in front of one door out of the many that we've passed in this quiet corridor. Standing beside it is indeed a member of ANBU, a woman with a cat mask and long violet hair. She removes the mask and shakes her hair out, revealing a pretty face with chocolate brown eyes.

"Good morning to you both."

"Good morning," we reply in unison. The woman extends her hand towards me.

"Yugao Uzuki." We shake warmly.

"Lilith Kobayashi. Lili is also fine." I feel like...there's something about this woman. Hm. Let's test it. "What do you think of Kosugi-sensei?"

"Kosugi...she's...mm." Yugao seems to be searching for a proper answer.

"It's alright, I understand. You don't like her either, as you reported to Hayate-senpai."

She looks to Ibiki. "Where did you find this girl?"

He shrugs. "Yeah. I'm wondering if she's from our world myself."

"Well, yes. Hayate and I are an item. And she really is a cradle-robber, doing those kinds of things with her student. That's really...really gross," she says while making a face. "But all that aside, it's nice to finally meet you, Miss Prodigy. I came out so that we could head off another shady character, so I wanted to gain your trust first."

"Understood. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thought you would say that," she says with a smile. "Ibiki's pretty discerning like that. It's Danzo Shimura we need to be wary of. Him and his organization, ROOT."

"Shimura...ROOT. An illegal army?" I mutter.

"Yes. He won't meddle directly if I'm here, but...with your proximity to the Hokage, you might be seen as a threat. We need to extract the necessary information from Kabuto and close this case up as soon as possible - this has honestly taken too long for my comfort. And for some reason, Danzo is very, very antsy about Kabuto. I first assumed, like anyone else here, that it was because of Orochimaru's history with the ANBU and ROOT back when it was under the purview of the Hokage's Office. But...it looks to be something deeper than even that," Yugao says.

"He hasn't said much of anything since we've put him in there," Ibiki adds. "Lili here thinks we should start with the plans Orochimaru made for Sasuke. He's on the run by now."

"So I've heard...the curse mark, and everything relating to it. So how will we do this? Genjutsu?"

"Not likely to work. We've tried a mind search already and it's a damn labyrinth in there. Inoichi is honestly the only guy who can crack something that complex in such a limited time, but there's no way he's coming back to work right now. Ino's fighting for her life...poor kid. Can't believe someone did that to her," Ibiki says angrily.

"Inoichi...that poor man. He must feel horrible, yes. I would rather let him heal before trying to take on something this difficult," Yugao says with sympathy.

We don't have much in the way of the usual options. But...if I play my cards properly, genjutsu and mind searches won't be necessary to deal with Kabuto. I need to think like Midori would...making power moves. No time for anything else.

"There's something odd. He seems to have gaps in his memories, but they're not all intentional from what Inoichi has mentioned in his reports. He's done work as a spy in the past, right? Before Orochimaru."

"Operating in other countries as a member of our ANBU, yes."

"..." Something to exploit, possibly. We'll see when we get there. "We're moving. I want Ibiki to follow me inside. We'll do this cleanly and look for the best solution. I have cards I can play...we did meet in battle a few weeks ago, after all."

"Understood. I'll keep watch out here," Yugao says as she puts her mask on. "Good luck, Lili."

"Alright, let's do it. I'll back you up if you need anything, but it's your show, Scarlet Viper," Ibiki says.

"Understood. Let's begin." I nod and Ibiki unlocks the door. I stare straight into a small room with a table and three chairs that have arm rests. Nothing else but concrete walls and a single hanging light. Ibiki closes and locks the door behind us while I move the table to one corner and position the remaining chair to face my subject. Close enough to properly see each other, far enough for room to react in a emergency.

Kabuto raises his head, a smirk etched onto it. His limbs are bound to the chair he sits in, the exact same the rest in the room. Aside from his messy hair and a few bandages, he doesn't look too bad. The only thing missing is his pair of glasses. He wears a set of plain grey clothing with slippers on his feet.

"To what do I owe the honour?" he asks in that smooth, disarming tone of his. "Ibiki Morino, head of Torture and Interrogation. And the Hidden Leaf's Scarlet Viper herself, Lilith Kobayashi. Or...is Lili fine?"

"It certainly is," I answer with as little tone as possible. "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet," he answers. "And I am getting a bit hungry."

"I see. Ibiki, I'll have what he's having."

"Oh? You're sure about that? It's prison food, you know."

"I am quiet sure. They've fed you pretty well, I know that much is a fact," I say as I observe his skin and limbs.

"Heh, perceptive. The food here is pretty nice, actually...what was the reasoning you gave the other day, Ibiki?" Kabuto asks.

"Feed a man well, and he'll sing you an opera. Can't expect someone to cooperate with you if you feed them garbage all day," he replies.

"An interesting strategy. Good way to gain trust."

"Ibiki," I say. "Do you have this man's glasses with you?"

"Yeah. You want them?"

"Yes, please." Ibiki hands me a cloth case, and I take out the glasses. I use the small cloth inside to clean the lenses properly, then place them on Kabuto's face gently. He takes a moment to adjust his eyes as I sit down, arms on the rests and one leg crossed over the other.

"This is nice. Was this also to gain my trust?" he asks.

"No. I just want you to see me clearly...Kabuto."

He tries to catch himself, but I can see his eyes widen and his body tense at the sight of me. I let my murderous intent slip out slowly, making it wind around his form. He can feel the weight, like a serpent set to bite into his tender flesh.

This isn't a videogame. I don't have time to deliberate or guess at the right strategy. Inoichi is out, Ibiki has been stumped for a long while, and I doubt Yugao, as skilled as she is, would be able to make any further breakthroughs. Kabuto is our best shot for so many different things, but I need this. I need to get Sasuke and Sakura back...I need to pay the human garbage that hurt Ino, tried to kill her, back a hundred thousand fold.

Be decisive, like my older sister. Tear straight through, like I did to Orochimaru.

"Let me get straight to the point," I say as I keep my pressure up. "Last night a girl named Ino Yamanaka was found bleeding and unconscious near a stream. She died this morning of her injuries...this is why you probably haven't seen Inoichi Yamanaka today."

"The Yamanaka kid...?" Kabuto's brain is moving.

"She was beaten by unknown assailants. But that's not the end of it," I continue. Straight ahead. "The body of Sakura Haruno was found just outside of the village later in the morning with the same kind of blunt trauma. Her cause of death was reported as internal bleeding. She and Sasuke Uchiha had been reported as missing by their teammate-"

"Naruto Uzumaki," he finishes. "The Nine-Tails kid."

"So you know them."

"We met during the second round of the exams. Sakura...she was intelligent, but lagging behind her teammates. Sasuke and Naruto would continually push each other. Even then, I could see they had built up a bond with each other. Naruto was definitely influencing Sasuke, and vice-versa." He pauses before looking at me. "You think Sasuke did these things? To Ino and Sakura?"


"So why come to me?"

"Because everything is connected."


"That's what you're going to tell me, Kabuto. I want to know what your master was planning to do with Sasuke. That brand was not for a pointless reason, and he could have spirited Sasuke away at any time. But he elected to have 'the legacy' secured instead. What reason was there for that?"


The only thing I can do now is wait. I don't have a hand to play that will definitively force him to give anything up...it's going to be dependant on him and how he wants to go along with it. Shattering him here might make it easy to probe his mind later, but that might take far too much time for one session, and Inoichi is in no shape to work. My best bet is to grab the information now and track down Sasuke and Sakura before it's too late. Enough time has passed.

The bait with Ino and Sakura's deaths has been set, and it seems like he's chomped down. There's a lot to consider...with the Yamanaka head out, it could mean more torture or worse treatment. It might mean hell to pay when Inoichi does come back. And then there's the fact that Orochimaru is dead, and he has nobody to go back to. He might very well die in this place if he doesn't speak.

But the biggest threat...the one he's most afraid of...is me. Ibiki's playing his part well, and seems more than willing to let me cut loose if things start to escalate. I pull up more anger and Kabuto starts to sweat, knowing that there might be trouble coming. I helped put an end to Orochimaru, the S-Class criminal who terrorized the Leaf and conquered countries, who assassinated Kage, who brought the dead back to life, who was on his way to becoming an immortal.

Playing these cards is all I have, and I'm going to bluff the ever loving fuck out of this boy until he folds in terror.

I hear him let out a faint breath before returning his attention to me.

"Lord Orochimaru told me that the best way to become myself...was to absorb knowledge and build on it," he says wearily. "It seemed perfect. I was really good at what I did, and a strong soldier. But...in the end, I lost to love and justice and something silly called 'fighting spirit'. I lost...hahaha. I lost to a combat maid. A woman with two butterfly knives and murderous intent."

"..." Luna. Yes, I remember. The woman who performed a stunning, blessed dance for the village, all for my sake. An angel above all else. Even now, she is providing me strength.

"Lunamaria Daidouji. A name etched into my memories," Kabuto continues with a wry smile. "I realized, then and there, that Lord Orochimaru's method for me was meant to make me nothing but a doll. A plaything for his amusement and a tool for his whims. That's all it really was in the end." He sighs. "He had no real use for me as an individual, as a human being. So...I've got nothing better to do. Ask whatever you please, Scarlet Viper."

I did it. Thank the heavens above, it's done.

"As you say, Kabuto. I want to give you a chance. We should let the Hokage decide what to do with you," I say to him calmly.

"No...if there's anything that I want...it's to see that woman again. The red-eyed killer who felled the strongest colossal serpent...Princess Ryuuchi."

"..." I turn my head to Ibiki. "Would that be possible?"

"I can run it by the Hokage. He'll most likely OK it, anyways. You know how he is."

"Indeed. Then it can be arranged, Kabuto Yakushi. With my blessing, you will be able to see onee-sama."

"Ah...haha...hahahahaha! Really! You're her little sister, for real! No wonder your murderous aura is so pure...to be honest," he says with a smile, "you're more oppressive than Lord Orochimaru ever was."

"Don't compare me to that trash," I growl, leaning forward in my chair. "Never in your life compare me to him..."

"Hahaha...you see?" he laughs nervously. "You're really terrifying when you're angry. Definitely terrifying..."

"..." I pull back and let out a breath. The light above us slowly swings before Ibiki moves to steady it. Kabuto is an interesting child. Pushing my buttons like that...perhaps he's the scary one here. "I suppose we can end the banter and get to important matters. Shall we begin?"

A knock on the door interrupts us. "Looks like the food's here," Ibiki says.

I sigh. "Rough timing on their part. Send it in, we can continue after a break."

"Alright." It's easy to forget that I'm not just making requests from this position, I'm giving out orders unless clarified. But maybe that sort of quality is why Hiruzen picked me for this position. Ibiki and Yugao are following me faithfully, and Kabuto seems to respect my authority enough to start spilling his guts. I'm getting things done under pressure. Hopefully that continues.

"Kabuto, you can't move your hands as you are. Maybe I can sit on your lap and feed you as a courtesy," I say to him.

"Hehe...I would rather move my own hands, if possible. I don't stand a chance against the two of you in here either way, and my chakra's been suppressed," he says with another smile. "And beyond that, it's unfortunate...I'm not into little sister play, or things of that nature."

"Mm. Shame. It's always nice to expand your horizons," I say in a dry tone. Ibiki sets the food on the nearby table and locks the door after the other guard leaves.

"True. But I heard about some of your other exploits, and of your nature. As much as I would try to resist, you would break me eventually. There's a lot you can do when you're liberated from social norms. Some illusions, some subtle touches, a whisper in the ear...I think you can put any man or woman under your spell as you are. I'd hate to see what you could do to someone once you became a full-grown woman."

"Observant, aren't we."

"It's part of what I do. This conversation's refreshingly casual, considering you could kill me at any moment."

"Go figure." Ibiki delivers our trays to us, and I dip my spoon into the bowl of stew. "You're sure you don't want me to feed you? Last chance."

"Maybe another time," he jokes.

"I meant it when I said it was the last chance. You're aware that I like girls, aren't you?"

"I noticed that aura about you."

"Have you heard of something called the 'lesbian aesthetic'?" I ask.

"Briefly." Ibiki undoes the restraints on Kabuto's hands, and Kabuto takes the opportunity to adjust his glasses. "It's something popular among upper-class women over thirty. Apparently it's how they keep themselves safe from the emerging 'lesbian sexual predators' out in the sticks." He stirs his bowl of stew lightly. "It's as stupid as it sounds. There's no such thing."

"I thought as much. What about you?"

"A wife would be nice, one day. I have my doubts about it happening."

"Heaven has its whims," I say. "You shouldn't count yourself out just yet."

"Heh. Calling me handsome?"

"Don't read into it too much. I'm just saying that a girl desperate to have a dick put in her could do a whole lot worse than you."

"Vicious, isn't she?" Kabuto says to Ibiki.

The older man chuckles. "Now you see why I like this kid."


Today's meal is a bowl of fresh beef stew with vegetables. It's complemented by a sandwich made from a warm, soft bun. There's a small bowl of tangerine slices, yogurt, and juice on the side. The two of us eat in silence. I offer Ibiki my sandwich, but he politely declines.

As we finish, the trays are removed and set on the table. I dab at my mouth with a silk cloth.

"That really was good," I say. "Well...shall we begin now, Kabuto?"

"We can. I should reward your restraint and general hospitality."

"Losing two of my comrades has made me very numb," I say. "I just want to get to the bottom of this so that I can vent my frustrations properly."

"You mean on Sasuke?"

"I don't mean him...but he'll get his at the promised time."

"Heh. Alright..." Kabuto folds his hands and leans forward in his chair, considerably more relaxed than before. "Those brands on Anko and Sasuke are called the Cursed Seal of Heaven, one of our two strongest seals. The other is called the Cursed Seal of Earth, and only one is in use at this time...maybe. Simply put, those seals operate by taking chakra from the user and converting it into a special type of chakra that transforms and empowers them. They're made from the enzymes of a certain young man who underwent frequent transformations himself, and came to Lord Orochimaru willingly for a cure. As you can guess, there are risks...the seals erode the user's sanity with each use. The only way to exercise more control is to advance the seal to its second state. Only a select few of us know the method."

"What else?" I ask.

"Lord Orochimaru's goal was ultimately to learn the secrets of jutsu...all jutsu. No human being has enough of a lifespan to do all of that, so he created an immortality jutsu of sorts. By taking over the body of another, he can transfer his soul and all of his memories whenever needed. But there was a perpetual problem. Every three or so years the bodies would reject him, and he would have to find a replacement. More than anything, he wanted a special body...the prime candidate we had before was willing, but he has a terminal illness. With that body, Lord Orochimaru might have been able to kill even that woman...possibly, based on rough projections. In any case, he changed targets. Think about it for a moment, Lili...a sturdy body with an ability to read all types of jutsu at a glance."

"So that's why. He wanted to tempt Sasuke to come to his side. Sasuke's obsession for power is slowly consuming him. And his mission...he wants to kill Itachi Uchiha," I say.

"That's exactly it. Itachi was also a thorn in our side, so it would have been like killing two birds with one stone. Furthermore, Lord Orochimaru believed that even if Sasuke's body rejected him for some reason, he would have gathered more than enough data to replicate his genetic material for continued use. But our projections showed us that Sasuke had the perfect body for our needs. His compatibility with the Cursed Seal is proof of that."

"It explains why he left. A lust for power, for revenge...he would go that far because of his fear and hatred. The news that Orochimaru died must have reached his ears...but the only other person to contact would have been you, as that man's right hand. Where would he go?"

"That's your dead end...yes, I see." Kabuto straightens up and adjusts his glasses. "They were here with us. The Four."

"The Four...?" I think for a moment before it clicks in. "The four freaks that tried to set up the barrier. The ones that were sent to 'secure' Sasuke during the invasion."

"Yes, them. They're known as the Sound Four, and they also have curse marks. Since they're alive and escaped the carnage from what I know, they must be behind this on Lord Orochimaru's orders. I wouldn't know exactly what they were sent to do."

"From what I've been hearing, they were planting all sorts of suggestions in Sasuke's head."

"They're your best shot when it comes to tracking him down. Given that they were the Sound village's elites, they would have knowledge on how to get in and out of the village without being detected. It's likely that they came upon Ino and Sakura, and decided to eliminate them so that the authorities wouldn't figure anything out until it was too late. Sasuke leaving...they wouldn't just kidnap him, since they need to gain his trust for the ritual to advance his curse mark, and to participate in any further research. But with Lord Orochimaru gone...their endgame is unreadable. I suspect they would have come back for me at some point, since I have a lot of valuable knowledge that would help advance Sasuke's development."

"So they're responsible for what happened to Ino and Sakura," I say.

"Yes...it must be so."

I close my eyes and think for a moment. Sasuke is probably leaving for the Hidden Sound with Sakura. Ino tried to stop them, and was beaten by the Sound Four. Sasuke is trying to gain power, so he's been tempted by a promise to advance the curse mark. Ino's condition is bad...Kabuto is a gifted medic from what I know. But...I also know he's the enemy, and will be looking for any opportunity to escape, even if he has cooperated thus far. He must know it, too. Using that as bait won't be helpful, even if it means Ino recovers that much faster.

Play another card.

"Kabuto. There's more than one base. The Hidden Sound is spread out over several different areas," I say confidently. That I can't know for certain, but it's a good guess with Orochimaru being an S-Class criminal who frequently dabbled in forbidden research.

"You really are a genius. Yes...I suppose there is. What leads you to think such a thing?"

Easy does it. "Human experimentation isn't looked upon kindly, especially not in a capitalist-dominated area like the former Rice Country."

"You're right about that as well. I'm still planning to get out of here at some point, but...well, I've given up plenty already, and you promised me a meeting. I'll tell you about a few of the bases we had set up. Probably not all of them, though. I have research materials that are pretty precious."

I nod. "I can live with that. Science is your romance, I suppose."

"Something like that. Well...are you ready?"

I'm on my way. With this breakthrough...I can take everything back.

And I swear on my life...I will take all of it back. No matter how much blood I have to shed.

I focus and stare into Kabuto's eyes.

"I'm ready. Go ahead."
wow neat, got through that intro part okay. wonder why I feel so tired.

>7034 words
>38888 characters

well this editing pass should be fun [internal screaming intensifies]
Not gonna lie I've always hated the trope of new hotshot coming in being unrecognizable to the asshole subordinates when the hotshot outranks them. Luckily it was only a short one. Also, good chapter overall, but I can't believe Sakura is dead. Damn...
Not gonna lie I've always hated the trope of new hotshot coming in being unrecognizable to the asshole subordinates when the hotshot outranks them. Luckily it was only a short one. Also, good chapter overall, but I can't believe Sakura is dead. Damn...

No, that was a lie. Sakura's whereabouts are currently unknown, suspected to be with Sasuke. Ino's still alive too. When dealing with Shinobi, always remember to look underneath the underneath.
Ok I have returned and after a short break from most of SV

He sighs and turns to me. "How do you fare this day, Shadow Mistress? Have your wounds healed properly? Or...do you bear th
"Oh? You wish to speak to the Shadow Serpent, then."

"Scarlet Viper," I say, exasperated.

"Alright. I'll make my way home without you for now. Ladies, farewell." He throws down a smoke bomb for...seemingly no reason and disappears. The market isn't that far away, either...

"A walking disaster," I mumble. "No offense meant to you..."

Well dark is still the right kind of entertaining cringe
The rest of the week passes with little fanfare. I get word that Shino's promotion is still being debated among the upper brass, which I'm sure will bother him just a little. But he'll get his chance soon, I know it. It's a bit unfair, as I told Ino, but there's really nothing that can be done other than waiting. We talk about it over the week as we meet up to play football at one of the local fields. The Aburame m

American football, Aussie football or Football?
"She was beaten by unknown assailants. But that's not the end of it," I continue. Straight ahead. "The body of Sakura Haruno was found just outside of the village later in the morning with the same kind of blunt trauma. Her cause of death was reported as internal bleeding. She and Sasuke Uchiha had been reported as missing by their teammate-"

Well that's an interesting lie to make to Kobuto, and I do wonder how he will react if he ever sees Sakura again but.

And well Im thinking that he will align with lili or pretend too for awhile before deciding to try to surpass her or join back with Orchimaru since he should know how the curse seal works and then still join with Obito unless he undergoes massive character development before then.
Ok I have returned and after a short break from most of SV
Radical. Welcome back.

American football, Aussie football or Football?
Soccer :V
Though the other flavours of football do exist in-universe.

Also, good chapter overall, but I can't believe Sakura is dead.
No, that was a lie. Sakura's whereabouts are currently unknown, suspected to be with Sasuke. Ino's still alive too.
Yeah Kabuto got bamboozled. It was manipulation not to make Kabuto care (since he like, was a double agent traitor) but to put his brain on a treadmill ASAP.