A really good episode; they had a few little animation flubs with the eyes and I think the inner voices bit early on went on too long but damn if it wasn't great. The writers really should do their own marketable thing once this is done.
Something Witty really captured the spirit of young love here - getting married too early and then using the child as a weapon to try to trap the other into being at fault in the divorce.
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And lol. The video is down because of a copyright notice.

I think that's a record. Really fits ironically with this episode, though.

Yui: "No, actually. The definition of irony would mean that..."

Shut up, Yui. Sigh. Youtube. Amiright, guys?
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Someone in the latest comments about this episode in Something Witty's Facebook page, posted a Mega download link for the latest abridged episode. If you want to see it right now, then that's the only thing you can use right now.

I'm uncertain about the rules and laws in this case, so I won't post the link here directly.
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Yeah, that's the one aspect in which it unquestionably surpasses both YGOTAS and DBZ Abridged. You need some familiarity with canon to understand a lot of the jokes in those.

Yeah, I can still enjoy YGOTAS, but sometimes I can get a little confused about some things because I haven't watched Yu-Gi-Oh. While watching DBZA is greatly enhanced for me by being able to compare it with canon and see "ahah! Yeah, I can totally see why they are going with it like that!" (except with the characters changed totally, like Popo and Guru).

As someone without knowledge of canon I can confirm.

Shockz' In Which I Watch SAO is all the canon I need. :tongue:

Well, that and the light novel chapter 16.5

...Ahem, another thing the latest episode reminded me was this analysis of SAO. I don't know if I agree with all that, but it raises interesting points about Yui, Kirito and the original episode this was based on. I was very interested about how Something Witty would deal with the hacking scene and I wasn't disappointing.

"Little Baby Skynet"
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Wow, this is second romance I've seen between two sociopaths (The first being that one film where a woman pretends to die, but not really, gives her bf a blowjob and uses that to impregnate herself and at the end the bf looks at her and goes "Damn. GG WP.") and the only I actually liked.

For some reason, today's episode made me think Yui as Homura, although that's only because of the scene where she took down the Reaper. Yui is pretty adorable, my deadpan murder machine couldn't possibly be this cute! Hell, I can actually buy Yui being Kirito and Asuna's kid.

Anyways, have a rehost.

EDIT: Apparently it's up on Facebook now.
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well as far as I am concerned the abridged series of SAO is the cannon English dub and nothing that anyone says will dissuade me from that.

That said this most recent episode was actually really well done. they may be psychos but at least it didn't pass on to their dau..oh wait never mind.
Yui is pretty adorable, my deadpan murder machine couldn't possibly be this cute! Hell, I can actually buy Yui being Kirito and Asuna's kid.

I bought that she could be (like) their kid the same moment Kirito and Asuna did - when she started making use of her superior knowledge and intelligence for eloquent and condescending mockery to put somebody else down in a most insufferable manner.

...So cute. :oops:

At that table dialogue scene in the orphanage my thought was exactly: "OMG. There's three of them now!"
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Well, that was one way to make Yui's interest in them justifiable. Also, fuck, that was one Mic Drop wit by Yui at the orphanage.

And I suppose using Bloodborne music, while awesome, was not a good idea with the Sony takedown.

Whoever they got to play Yui was overacting really hard during the goodbye scene. Like, you know how sometimes a sentence is punctuated with a little voice-warble when you're nearly crying and trying to hold it in? She did it in literally every sentence. She sounded like a parody of 'almost crying' acting, except it wasn't a parody, because everything with Yui was played far too straight. Like, I get it, mostly this series has shot for verisimilitude within its own world. But this episode was fucking stupid and they did nothing to either fix or mock its fucking stupidity. It was played too straight and ultimately I can't call it their best work even if it had a lot of funny moments. Also Alifluro's character really wasn't funny.

EDIT: Playing it way too straight is also the problem I had with the Gleam-Eyes fight. In fact they made it even more cringe by having their sociopathic hero spout trite lines about being made to care. It's bad when a comedy series has scenes that are completely devoid of humour.
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Whoever they got to play Yui was overacting really hard during the goodbye scene. Like, you know how sometimes a sentence is punctuated with a little voice-warble when you're nearly crying and trying to hold it in? She did it in literally every sentence. She sounded like a parody of 'almost crying' acting, except it wasn't a parody, because everything with Yui was played far too straight. Like, I get it, mostly this series has shot for verisimilitude within its own world. But this episode was fucking stupid and they did nothing to either fix or mock its fucking stupidity. It was played too straight and ultimately I can't call it their best work even if it had a lot of funny moments. Also Alifluro's character really wasn't funny.
Agreed on Alifluro, that was rather weak. Hopefully they can fix this and the other issues in the later episodes.
Like, you know how sometimes a sentence is punctuated with a little voice-warble when you're nearly crying and trying to hold it in? She did it in literally every sentence. She sounded like a parody of 'almost crying' acting, except it wasn't a parody, because everything with Yui was played far too straight.
On the flip side, that could be them playing the whole "AI = imperfect imitation of humans" angle completely straight.

It sounds unnatural because it's strange for an AI to be able to show natural sounding emotions!
Agreed on Alifluro, that was rather weak. Hopefully they can fix this and the other issues in the later episodes.
I mean like, we know Ali can be really funny. She's as gut-busting as anybody else in Fate/Cero. But here her whole character and punchline is... she's horny? And stupid? Um... ha ha? For a series that's had fucking masterful zingers to have an entire scene have the equivalent of "lolcocks" as a punchline about four times in a row strikes me as a complete sleepwalk from the script.
You know the scriptwriting and storyline are decent when you praise that bit and nitpick the actress' delivery of the line.

What's sad about this? Well, SAO was originally just a novel - words on a screen or a piece of paper. The story and script were everything then, and it's getting quite clear that it wasn't particularly good, compared to what the writers for the Abridged series have come up with.
You know the scriptwriting and storyline are decent when you praise that bit and nitpick the actress' delivery of the line.

What's sad about this? Well, SAO was originally just a novel - words on a screen or a piece of paper. The story and script were everything then, and it's getting quite clear that it wasn't particularly good, compared to what the writers for the Abridged series have come up with.

This is true and honestly it is one of a few reasons as to why i consider the abridged series as the actual cannon instead of just an abridged series. It feels like these people are actual characters. In a way it reminds me of .hack where the characters actually have something to act on.
I mean like, we know Ali can be really funny. She's as gut-busting as anybody else in Fate/Cero. But here her whole character and punchline is... she's horny? And stupid? Um... ha ha? For a series that's had fucking masterful zingers to have an entire scene have the equivalent of "lolcocks" as a punchline about four times in a row strikes me as a complete sleepwalk from the script.
Eh, I found the cafe scene to be pretty funny. I definitely agree with your comment about Gleam Eyes though, that scene was dumb (although SPANISH GUITAR MAN!).

Also good lord, I just tried to watch Fate/Cero. That was painful.