And all the continuity nods and call backs that make this better than the original are there too. Even if they get Kirito into serious trouble.
Them having sex? It was implied, and in the original novels IIRC they did.
It's actually where that stupid Glopping meme came from.

But that was in like the original web version of it or something.

Anyway, in like three months when the next episode comes out, I really do want to see how they deal with Yui, if that last bit was not a one-off joke (but Don Fluffles wasn't.)
It's actually where that stupid Glopping meme came from.

But that was in like the original web version of it or something.

Anyway, in like three months when the next episode comes out, I really do want to see how they deal with Yui, if that last bit was not a one-off joke (but Don Fluffles wasn't.)
I'm guessing they will actually have an explication for why she looks a lot like Sachi.
If the ending is at all accurate to what her character is going to be like, she might just be about the only person that could have a psuedo-healthy family dynamic with this series' Kirito and Asuna.
"You're a fanboy. Let me guess, you like their early works better?"

My sides. My fucking sides. This Abridged series is a murder on it. And speaking about murder, damn, Asuna actually killed Kuradeel. Hurray! Ah, this parody series is just beautiful. I mean, livestream? And freaking Death Battle of all things? Did not see that one coming alright.

"Ssh, shh, it's okay, she's dead now." Goddammit Asuna.

(If it isn't clear, I'm watching the episode again and again, finding more things to comment and laugh about. As usual.)
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"Suck it Rosalia!"

God, I laughed so damn hard I couldn't breathe.

You know, it actually means that Rosalia still managed to deliver a final dick punch (possibly a literal one) beyond the grave.

It was brilliant - if her insult remained true, it would burn forever, but even if/when Kirito actually had sex the first time it would activate a cleverly planted psychological trigger and ruin it.

That first year psychology student bullshit is really OP.
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Y'know, looking back it's really funny/almost-kind'a-heartwarming how Kayaba uses music to make fun of everyone and everything but during the ultimate blacksmithing minigame he set it to Big Blast Sonic. A heavy metal song about you being awesome.

I like to imagine he was watching and cheering lizbeth on. That and he laughed his ass off when he saw what the sword was named.
I don't know. He tweets about Nazis, knows enough to recognize and counter a tumblrite troll and is apparently a military jet plane otaku. That's pretty nerdy for over a half-millennium old vampire.
That's still not programming a complex VR MMO so that he can detach himself from the killing. The blackbird let him be right there as he killed in a visceral way, as opposed to sitting back while kids over the world died quickly from bursts of microwaves to the brain.
Man, this came out at the perfect time. I had just finished watching It's a Beautiful Day by the guy who did Rejected Cartoons and it was soul crushingly depressing. This popped me right out of it.
Pretty good episode, abridged series have come a long way since the beginning.

It kind of makes me wonder what the Japanese fan reactions would be of they were translated and shown over there.
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