Yes, the situation is binary: either the guy did it, or he didn't. However, there are THREE valid responses to the claim. You can believe that the claim is TRUE and that he is a rapist. You can believe the claim is FALSE, and that it is just an attempt to ruin the guys reputation. And then there is the NULL state, where the claim is considered neither true not false until is is proven to be one or the other. Personally, I am in the third category, as to my current knowledge it is one person's word against another.
False. There are least 2 accusers and the detail given makes it much more credible that they're true. Given the level of evidence and the details surrounding it there's every reason to believe Crow guilty until proven innocent. Or at the very least that all evidence should be made available and he should make a statement.
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False. There are least 2 accusers and the detail given makes it much more credible that they're true. Given the level of evidence and the details surrounding it there's every reason to believe Crow guilty until proven innocent.
Wait, there are two accusers? Huh, I honestly didn't realize that. I straight up can not make any sense of Tumblr as anything other than a source of original content. So yeah, if there's two people making the claim that the guy's a rapist, I won't say he's Guilty, but I will say I am highly incredulous about his clam of innocence now.

Edit: That said, I still stand by my statement earlier that NULL is a valid response to believing if the claim is true or not.
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What about the other woman? And where's the evidence the first one retracted her claim?
Just to get some clarity on who is accusing him of what -- looking back over Squeaky Chiona's original post, it looks like her primary accusations are that he emotionally manipulated and cheated on her. She also relayed Noshcore's/Emma's accusation that TheAzureCrow/Laidlaw had raped her. Noshcore/Emma then responded to affirm the accusation.

(Side note: Have misunderstood the situation?)

If my reading of Squeaky Chiona's post is correct, then Something Witty Entertainment may likely be referring to Noshcore's/Emma's accusation of rape, and not necessarily Squeaky Chiona's accusation that he was psychologically and emotionally abusive.

As a side note, here's a search everything on Squeaky Chiona's channel about TheAzureCrow: The Rabbit Hole Of particular note is this post, which provides a link to several Imgur galleries of messenger conversations that she and Noshcore/Emma had exchanged with TheAzureCrow.

Notably, there does not appear to be any sort of retraction.

As for Noshcore/Emma, her Tumblr account appears to have disappeared. That seems particularly unusual, because I am reasonably certain that I was able to access it yesterday. If I am recalling correctly, I could not find anything on her account about TheAzureCrow (although that may be because I was searching for "Blue Azure Crow"). Thus, so far as I can tell, no evidence of a retraction from that corner.

We must also take into account that, as far as the law is concerned, innocent until proven guilty is truth.
So, others have noted that the standard for imposing criminal liability is not necessarily the correct standard for judging truth in general. It's also worth noting that, although criminal trials require that guilt be established beyond a reasonable double, civil trials require that liability be established by a preponderance of the evidence (i.e., whichever side seems more likely wins).

Also I really don't like this whole discussion as it is only barely related to SAOA on the fact that it is one voice actor that can be fired not a core team member. If these accusations were against say YamatoSFX or Hayabusa449 or this thread was about Blazing Azure Crow's series then yeah I could see the last few pages being about this stuff but this is starting to feel like thread derailment.
The problem with this stance is that the "official" stance of SAOA's creators is "We're defending him because he's a good guy who's been unfairly maligned." Also, the fact that he has a brief acting role does not mean that he doesn't also have some backend role in production.

Show me where the grey area is in "did/didn't."
As @spaceman1997 pointed out, we're talking about the issue of what we know and believe, although I think that the "Know Is True/Know Is False/Don't Know" trichotomy is maybe a little bit oversimplified and it may be useful to consider things in term of how sure we are that they are true/false.

In this instance, I haven't waded through all of the available evidence. However, what I've seen suggests that TheAzureCrow is, at best, a serial philanderer who is psychologically and emotionally abusive towards his partners (conquests?) and that quite a few people who have interacted with him do not believe that it would be out of character for him to have raped someone.

I am aware that most of the information that I am getting is from one side of the issue (Squeaky Chiona's tumblr history), but part of that is because the other side has been trying to keep the issue under wraps rather than addressing the issue.

Or at the very least that all evidence should be made available and he should make a statement.
Potentially worth noting -- Squeaky Chiona addressed an unlisted/private non-apology apology video that TheAzureCrow/Laidlaw posted to Youtube.
Jesus Christ, I have no idea if I expected all this or not. I just figured that with the rise #MeToo and #TimesUp, combined with the stuff that came out from Channel Awesome's end, we could get something going.
Jesus Christ, I have no idea if I expected all this or not. I just figured that with the rise #MeToo and #TimesUp, combined with the stuff that came out from Channel Awesome's end, we could get something going.
The best thing to do is spread this information as far as possible and force a response. Make it so that it can't be ignored. Signal boost it and ensure that this doesn't die down until it's addressed properly.
Information: Official Staff Communication
official staff communication Nobody wants to try and navigate the weird, complicated labyrinth that is copyright law as it pertains to parodies of this type, in this particular situation. I've moved the post in question, and its link.

If and when it becomes available from the creator, that is one thing. This is another.
nnnnnnnoooooooooo thank you

hoooo that was... that was a rough one. Between the retcon of the Yui thing that somehow made it even less funny than Played Completely Straight and what felt like 20 minutes of cringe-comedy with the shitty LARPing I like... I only laughed once, when Kirito said "oh no Mommy's fair game" all matter-of-factly. Everything else was a flatline or total nonmedy. Definitely not worth the wait.
nnnnnnnoooooooooo thank you

hoooo that was... that was a rough one. Between the retcon of the Yui thing that somehow made it even less funny than Played Completely Straight and what felt like 20 minutes of cringe-comedy with the shitty LARPing I like... I only laughed once, when Kirito said "oh no Mommy's fair game" all matter-of-factly. Everything else was a flatline or total nonmedy. Definitely not worth the wait.
Wait, what did they retcon?

(Hasn't watched the Twitch vid yet)
I didn't think it was too bad, Zerban. The joke about Kirito not being able to use his username felt accurate to MMO in general, and while the explanation for Yui returning was a bit weird - not that it wasn't silly in canon either, both her surviving ingame deletion and being compatible with ALO - her decision to control Kirito like a puppet when he was flying got me to forgive her. The roleplay between Sylph and Salamander players was an interesting twist, though, and makes them out to be more than just bullies and jerks as in canon.

Although the fellow who wanted to RP him and his goons assaulting a female character was a bit weird. Rather surprised they actually got anyone to take them up on the request, in fact.

Wait, what did they retcon?
Yui. She died in the Abridged series, unlike how she was saved and compressed into an item in canon, IIRC. Hence they had to retcon that in this episode because she features prominently in... everything in the series post-SAO, really.
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Oh no, they retconned the dumbest moment in SAO. Truly an unforgivable sin.
Indeed truly sao abridged is unwatchable garbage now.

In all seriousness abridged Yui not dying is 100% belivable remember she is trying to be the daughter of what she explicitly stated were two entities that were less people amd more a collection of character defects. So in her mind doing a death joke i belive that.

As for the roleplaying considering the insanity i go through with roleplaying in destiny1-2 and dnd yeah i found that halarious
Oh no, they retconned the dumbest moment in SAO. Truly an unforgivable sin.
They retconned it into Yui being trapped in a gem for however many months screaming for help and begging and sobbing for her parents to let her out by promising to be good.

The execution rocketed straight past black comedy and into flat out uncomfortable for me.
They retconned it into Yui being trapped in a gem for however many months screaming for help and begging and sobbing for her parents to let her out by promising to be good.

The execution rocketed straight past black comedy and into flat out uncomfortable for me.
You see that would bug me if it wasn't clear that Yui was at best mildly miffed by it now. She was more annoyed that her Joke was ruined.
Yui. She died in the Abridged series, unlike how she was saved and compressed into an item in canon, IIRC. Hence they had to retcon that in this episode because she features prominently in... everything in the series post-SAO, really.
I don't think that's right. Roselia died, Pina died. I'm entirely sure Yui survived. IIRC Kirito said 'when we get out of this game we can bring her back and tell her how we really do want her as a daughter' or something like that.

Edit: Ah, 'how we really feel'.
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