Regulate bodily functions? What? The NerveGear/Amusphere doesn't muck about with the brain beyond feeding false sensory data to it, everything else works as if you've got the helmet off and are experiencing stuff normally. Your heart keeps beating, lungs inhaling air, etc.
And the NerveGear must completely fake the conscious brain into thinking it's doing that despite not needing to. The brain is super complex.
The SAO wiki lists the kanji for her name, both in reality and ingame, but I dunno whether it has any special meanings or not:
Ayano Keiko (綾野珪子)
Silica (シリカ)
I was referring to the japanese that's by her name on twitter, looks like that's just Silica.

Nevertheless, that still leads to the issue that, in the flashback in the current episode, Yui's voice actress again does a great job of selling me on her sense of despair -- only this time, I'm supposed to laugh at it for some reason.
IMO, if they didn't immediately show that Yui's more angry about him ruining her joke I'd agree with you.

But they do, so I don't really see it. She was already trapped in basically the same state (unable to contact anyone, only able to watch) for the ~1.5 years before that, so I guess she was able to adapt. Yeah. It is definitely extremely dark humor though, and Yui humanized herself enough that I can see your point.
She does express her frustration with him several times after that, but it's all little things that show she's not really that angry with him (being a bit curt with his questions, flying him like a puppet into the ground, etc)

And this last one is a bit of a stretch, but the woefully incompetent rescue attempt might've actually saved her from the ending of SAO when everything was being deleted, since he somehow managed to save her locally on his NerveGear (ah, player-authoritative online. How you're so incredibly broken)
Regulate bodily functions? What? The NerveGear/Amusphere doesn't muck about with the brain beyond feeding false sensory data to it, everything else works as if you've got the helmet off and are experiencing stuff normally. Your heart keeps beating, lungs inhaling air, etc.
It feeds false data to all of your many senses and disables motor function. Presumably only your conscious motor function. It might disable all motor function and then manually stimulate your heart/lungs to keep going but that doesn't seem likely. Still, it provides fake visual, audio, taste, balance/motion/proprioception, and probably lots more. It's definitely not cheap.
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2) @SilicaAndPina
60m ..."dea? from where? who did I steal it from? plz tell me."

Silica AND PINA!!! I'm really wondering what's going on there. Anyone with Japanese knowledge know what the text for her name is? I doubt it'll reveal much, but might as well ask.

Honestly, I just kinda assumed that

since they killed Pina off, they were going to do a Running Gag of Silica constantly getting new pets and naming them Pina, only for them to die tragically yet again.
One thing revealed in this epsiode is that apparently Kirito is not some obscure username, but a pretty famous one.

Also, Kirito pronounces RCT as "rekt". Not as "RECTO" in the original.

Rekt vs Recto may be a translation thing. Japanese does not like ending syllables with a non-nasal consonant usually. It's why you get loanwords like Biiru for beer.
IMO, if they didn't immediately show that Yui's more angry about him ruining her joke I'd agree with you.

But they do, so I don't really see it. She was already trapped in basically the same state (unable to contact anyone, only able to watch) for the ~1.5 years before that, so I guess she was able to adapt. Yeah. It is definitely extremely dark humor though, and Yui humanized herself enough that I can see your point.
She does express her frustration with him several times after that, but it's all little things that show she's not really that angry with him (being a bit curt with his questions, flying him like a puppet into the ground, etc)
Thank you for your understanding :)

I guess the difference in our perspective might be that, for me, the flashback kind of soured the gag about her being more angry about him ruining her joke.

So, at least from my perspective, this is kind of a weird inversion of the "show, don't tell" rule -- showing her reaction when she got trapped in the crystal was a little bit too effective at conveying how bad of a situation it was, which made it really difficult to laugh at it after the fact.

And this last one is a bit of a stretch, but the woefully incompetent rescue attempt might've actually saved her from the ending of SAO when everything was being deleted, since he somehow managed to save her locally on his NerveGear (ah, player-authoritative online. How you're so incredibly broken)
One thought I'd had before this episode was that, when Yui showed back up, it would turn out that she was never in any danger and had just been trying to con Kirito into loading her onto his NerveGear. The gist of the thought was that she knew that SAO's servers would be shut down eventually, so this kid with both a level of hacking skills and a convenient complex about girls with long black hair dying in front of him could prove to be her ticket off.
Where'd this come from? Sachi has short black hair, the opposite of Yui, and the same goes for Suguha. Were you referencing someone else and I didn't realise?
The truth is . . . I don't even remember anymore.

Kidding aside, I goofed and misremembered Sachi's haircut -- probably should have said "girls with black hair and dark* eyes" instead.

*I looked up a picture of Sachi and, although her eyes are teal, it's a dark teal.
I think that's 'online right now'. Also, SAO only had 10,000 and it was supposed to be like the biggest game ever.
As far as Japanese MMO's go, 8k active players on one server is actually pretty standard for Japan at least. For example, FFXIV's Japanese servers have between 6-9k active players with a few exceptions (the two JP servers with the highest player count, Chocobo and Tonberry also are the unofficial English servers for the region).
I do admit, the muffin scene was a bit meh.

Rest of it was gold though. Glad to see SAO Abridged back in action.
I do admit, the muffin scene was a bit meh.
I actually liked the muffin scene a bit. Not only was the idea of Suguha trying to dislodge the muffin with another muffin kind of funny, it also seems to establish that Suguha isn't just a bully, she's also a bit of a stupid bully.

It wasn't really my favorite scene in the episode (that goes to the character creation bit), but it wasn't my least favorite scene in the episode (ignoring the Yui flashback, that dishonor would go to Kirito's conversation with Tiffany before the opening credits).


Stepping aside from discussion of the most recent episode for a moment, I recent found out something about Fallout 76 -- apparently, its anti-griefing system includes a system where player killers' map icons will change from green to red (mentioned here at ~18 minutes).

The relevance of that fact to this thread should be self-evident.

  1. That's almost identical to a system in Sword Art Online (the game), both in canon and in SAO Abridged
  2. In SAO Abridged, the game Sword Art Online is, like Fallout 76, a Bethesda title


On another note:

One thought I'd had before this episode was that, when Yui showed back up, it would turn out that she was never in any danger and had just been trying to con Kirito into loading her onto his NerveGear. The gist of the thought was that she knew that SAO's servers would be shut down eventually, so this kid with both a level of hacking skills and a convenient complex about girls with long black hair dying in front of him could prove to be her ticket off.
Side note -- as it turns out, I did, in fact, mentioned this prior to the current episode:
I mean, I suppose that that they could do some kind of retcon to say that the real reason that Yui sought out Kirito was because she was looking for a way off SAO's servers and he was the only player who was both smart enough to be able to use admin access to copy her code but also dumb enough to fall for her "I wish I really was your daughter" routine.
*checks date*
Huh, been a year or so since the last post in this thread. Well, it's nice we got a new SAO: Abridged episode, and I'm enjoying how they're handling Alfheim so far. The idea of it being a RP server solely due to some teens/adults taking a bargain-bin edutainment game and running their custom D&D-esque thing on it is pretty neat, as well as the fact it has a profanity filter despite being VR - guess it somehow works out whether you mean to swear via brain scanning?

Was surprised Leafa has no empathy regarding why kids were being prevented from playing Alfheim by their folks, considering her younger brother was a victim of the SAO Incident, but seeing how she bullies him at every opportunity I guess she just doesn't care about any of that. Another thing I was surprised by would be Asuna's snarking replies to Sugou interacting with her, with her fleeing the cage as soon as he turns his back being both entirely unexpected - in canon she couldn't do it due to the door being locked iirc - and quite amusing.

Oh, and Sugou's end goal being more than 'sell VR brainscans to foreign governments' is a neat twist, too.
I didn't get what they were trying to say about the hat, can someone explain? It's been so long
I didn't get what they were trying to say about the hat, can someone explain? It's been so long
The hat in SAO was a charisma booster, worn by the leader of the Black Cats, and made it so whoever listened to him did whatever he said without question. Sugou's plan is to basically achieve similar charisma in reality, by transferring skills he gains in-game back into his flesh and blood body.
The hat in SAO was a charisma booster, worn by the leader of the Black Cats, and made it so whoever listened to him did whatever he said without question. Sugou's plan is to basically achieve similar charisma in reality, by transferring skills he gains in-game back into his flesh and blood body.
I thought he was just going to use it in-game to turn players into his servants.
*checks date*
Huh, been a year or so since the last post in this thread. Well, it's nice we got a new SAO: Abridged episode, and I'm enjoying how they're handling Alfheim so far. The idea of it being a RP server solely due to some teens/adults taking a bargain-bin edutainment game and running their custom D&D-esque thing on it is pretty neat, as well as the fact it has a profanity filter despite being VR - guess it somehow works out whether you mean to swear via brain scanning?

Was surprised Leafa has no empathy regarding why kids were being prevented from playing Alfheim by their folks, considering her younger brother was a victim of the SAO Incident, but seeing how she bullies him at every opportunity I guess she just doesn't care about any of that. Another thing I was surprised by would be Asuna's snarking replies to Sugou interacting with her, with her fleeing the cage as soon as he turns his back being both entirely unexpected - in canon she couldn't do it due to the door being locked iirc - and quite amusing.

Oh, and Sugou's end goal being more than 'sell VR brainscans to foreign governments' is a neat twist, too.
Leafa here uses "For You See!" a lot like Kirito did. Basically they have pretty much the same personality and Leafa is showing Kirito just how much of an ass he was for a good year and a half in Aincrad.