Well, just as I expected, it was great when it was trying to be funny, and tripped on cringe and fell flat on its face when it was trying to be serious. It's kind of surreal that writers that can come up with memorable shit like "I want you to fix it so Asuna can't kill herself." "Oh you think I would kill myself over you!? Go suck a dick!" "MmmIbelieve that's your job now honeh~" yet fall back on trite cornball cliche about how Kirito totes cares now. They almost seemed self-conscious about it with Klein shrieking over the top of it constantly, but it still wasn't enough.

Their comedic dialogue and their plotting's great but man do they need to work on their dramatic dialogue if they're gonna go forward with this.
I had...conflicted feelings over this episode.

First off was "Yeah go Kirito!...wait why am I cheering for this guy I don't even like him wtf." like I actually found the fight scene enjoyable and was really pulling for Kirito to win there. Then I remembered I already had read shockz iwiw watched SAO so I knew what was going to happen. I got mad at myself for spoiling the ending which was pretty hilarious to me that I would get upset I spoiled myself for an abridged show.

Wished they explained a bit more and yes I agree with Zerban's points here n' there but overall it was a damn fun ride and here's hoping for Season 2!

dat poor fish tho.
I rather liked Kirito's massive emotional state myself, partially cos it feels more real than solemn dignity and well spoken dramatics often used inmedia, but also cos it fits his character. He tries to be a super tough badass, can even be exceedingly callous, but he's also very emotional, like, remember his reaction to Klyne calling him an asshole?
I'm hoping they play with the fact that Avatars in subsequent games don't have to match their players to given people entirely inappropriate voices for their characters.

Eugene sounding like a 13 year old, for example, would be great.
The end was hilarious. Asuna's just as tsundere as Han so it works on that level too.

Well, just as I expected, it was great when it was trying to be funny, and tripped on cringe and fell flat on its face when it was trying to be serious. It's kind of surreal that writers that can come up with memorable shit like "I want you to fix it so Asuna can't kill herself." "Oh you think I would kill myself over you!? Go suck a dick!" "MmmIbelieve that's your job now honeh~" yet fall back on trite cornball cliche about how Kirito totes cares now. They almost seemed self-conscious about it with Klein shrieking over the top of it constantly, but it still wasn't enough.

Their comedic dialogue and their plotting's great but man do they need to work on their dramatic dialogue if they're gonna go forward with this.
Overcompensating is a comfortable fallback coping mechanism for them though. And going too far with sarcasm before he realizes what he said works for Kirito.
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Could see her freaking the hell out about how that hurts and also trying to stabilize so she can get a good shot(hence why she's flipping).

The performer to kirito's technician if you will.
I just want to see the bit where Kirito gets Yui back. That bit... Well, there's so much potential there.

Equally importantly, I want to see the Finale where Kirito goes "Kayaba you dick, your choice in admins sucks!" with the response being "you think my taste in admin is shit? Hold my beer!" and makes Kirito a superadmin.

And then the snark train leaves the station...
I just want to see the bit where Kirito gets Yui back. That bit... Well, there's so much potential there.

Equally importantly, I want to see the Finale where Kirito goes "Kayaba you dick, your choice in admins sucks!" with the response being "you think my taste in admin is shit? Hold my beer!" and makes Kirito a superadmin.

And then the snark train leaves the station...

If the problem is Kayaba picked lousy admins, how on earth is making Kirito an admin going to help? He'd be better than creepy whatshisname in terms of treating Asuna, but he'd be awful at making the game fun for other people.
Equally importantly, I want to see the Finale where Kirito goes "Kayaba you dick, your choice in admins sucks!" with the response being "you think my taste in admin is shit? Hold my beer!" and makes Kirito a superadmin.

If that happened I'd like to see him go "Fuck off Kirito I didn't pick him, he bought it."
If the problem is Kayaba picked lousy admins, how on earth is making Kirito an admin going to help? He'd be better than creepy whatshisname in terms of treating Asuna, but he'd be awful at making the game fun for other people.

The Joke


If that happened I'd like to see him go "Fuck off Kirito I didn't pick him, he bought it."

That would work beautifully, actually. He's part of the Oversight Committee put together by Bethesda and whoever made the NervGear, he never used his admin access before, and now he's fucked everything up. Obviously, Kayaba has been pulling another work-until-fixed, and he needs sleep or everyone's going to get stuck. Again. Until then, Kirito has the helm with eight hours of Admin Access. Don't fuck it up worse, ok?
That would work beautifully, actually. He's part of the Oversight Committee put together by Bethesda and whoever made the NervGear, he never used his admin access before, and now he's fucked everything up. Obviously, Kayaba has been pulling another work-until-fixed, and he needs sleep or everyone's going to get stuck. Again. Until then, Kirito has the helm with eight hours of Admin Access. Don't fuck it up worse, ok?

They'd have to change what happened to do that. He was part of the company that bought everything from Kayaba's bosses after the SAO incident caused them to go bankrupt.
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They'd have to change what happened to do that. He was part of the company that bought everything from Kayaba's bosses after the SAO incident caused them to go bankrupt.

Well, that's not a difficult change. Just make SAO a joint venture between Bethesda and EA. After all, you can't spell steal without EA.
Abridged series exist on a scale, ranging from basically loosely tied comedic gag scenes with a script of a crack fanfic, if that, to multi-seasonal series that retell the story with a better continuity and less plot holes than the source material. Something Witty's SAO Abridged is clearly in the latter category. In fact, I would say it's one of the derivative works that define the latter category's upper border, along with Team Four Star.

It's a matter of taste which end of the spectrum you prefer (like how I don't usually like Code MENT and its style imitators type of full throttle crack abridges very much). Both have it's advantages, the first don't really have a proper plot and story, can overdo the jokes or throw you off into confusion, but, if done well, can be almost continuously funny all the time, because of how much freedom it has to make humour. The second, that tries to shape the source material into a comedic, but proper, story, can end up popularly nominated as "better than the actual series" and "the real dub for me", but is much more dependent on the material it's working with.

For example, in SAO, while I appreciate the more dramatic episodes mostly for their story (though there's still always something very funny even in those episodes), this season finale included, the actual funniest part of the series for me still remain the two crime investigation filler episodes, 05 and 06, that Something Witty could really afford to run wild with.
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Is Episode 11 up anywhere with Captions? The Facebook upload doesn't have captions unlike the rest of the youtube uploads.
Is Episode 11 up anywhere with Captions? The Facebook upload doesn't have captions unlike the rest of the youtube uploads.
Youtube killed the captions feature, because they realized that they'd never get it working on mobile.

Now it's impossible to add captions to new videos, but existing captions can stay. New subs need to be hardcoded into the video now.