It's like when it turned out that ShadyVox from Yugioh GX Abridged was a member of the "alt-right" and responded by blocking anyone who asked about it while his co-creator did the same.

Wait, what!? Oh COME ON! It's only now that I learn of this!? And to think, I was holding out hope for another episode of Yugioh GX Abridged! And he voiced Button Mash for the Button's Adventures short!

What's with all the betrayal of my favorite fanworks these days?:(
Wait, what!? Oh COME ON! It's only now that I learn of this!? And to think, I was holding out hope for another episode of Yugioh GX Abridged! And he voiced Button Mash for the Button's Adventures short!

What's with all the betrayal of my favorite fanworks these days?:(
Little Kuriboh has made it clear he has no plans to work with ShadyVox again, so that's another piece of evidence against him. And it looks like Shadyvox used his co creator's account as a sock puppet.

The moral of the story is to always check an account's subscriptions and look to see if the person in question has anything against them. I learned that lesson after the Channel Awesome fiasco.
Wait, what!? Oh COME ON! It's only now that I learn of this!? And to think, I was holding out hope for another episode of Yugioh GX Abridged! And he voiced Button Mash for the Button's Adventures short!

What's with all the betrayal of my favorite fanworks these days?:(
Then: your fav celeb is dead.

Now: Your fav celeb is dead to you ... because he's a rapist.
"Quality-of-life game design? What the fuck kinda hippie bullshit is that?"
I dunno, man, MapleStory worked like that. And tbh, depending on what the theme of the server is it could easily make sense for the game - if you want to encourage people to think of the world as a real world, where getting from city to city is a pain in the arse even without the risk of attacking bandits and monsters...

At the very least, I wouldn't let people teleport places they haven't personally reached on foot yet.
Something Witty Entertainment has responded to the whole Azure Crow controversy.
Until I see evidence to the contrary, and considering the wording and specificity of the original claims, let's just say I have doubts.

It's unfortunately quite common for victims to be pressured into recanting their claims, even if it's just for the simple reason that they don't want to deal with all the hassle their accusation caused.
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Until I see evidence to the contrary, and considering the wording and specificity of the original claims, let's just say I have doubts.

It's unfortunately quite common for victims to be pressured into recanting their claims, even if it's just for the simple reason that they don't want to deal with all the hassle their accusation caused.
We must also take into account that, as far as the law is concerned, innocent until proven guilty is truth. Claims alone are rarely enough to prove anything. And I am not justifying any rape, merely saying that we as the internet are too quick to say "Yes, this happened" and are willing to ruin an innocent's life before truth comes out.

So, for the moment, we keep things as they are. There has been claims but no supporting evidence yet. Therefore Crow is innocent but may in the future not be.
We must also take into account that, as far as the law is concerned, innocent until proven guilty is truth. Claims alone are rarely enough to prove anything. And I am not justifying any rape, merely saying that we as the internet are too quick to say "Yes, this happened" and are willing to ruin an innocent's life before truth comes out.

So, for the moment, we keep things as they are. There has been claims but no supporting evidence yet. Therefore Crow is innocent but may in the future not be.
That's not how 'innocent until proven guilty' works at all. Due process doesn't apply to public opinion and accusations ARE EVIDENCE.

Real life isn't a court room and if there's a credible accusation there's every reason to believe the person making it. So until evidence is supplied that Crow's accuser retracted her claim AND something similar for the other accusation then Crow is as guilty as he needs to be for the public to demand accountability.
We must also take into account that, as far as the law is concerned, innocent until proven guilty is truth.
I study law. And bluntly, I don't need to wait several years until filed charges are finally adjudicated by a judge using a standard of evidence that is intended to ensure that someone isn't unduly thrown into prison. The standard of evidence we use for criminal law should not be the guideline we use to manage our habits as responsible media consumers when we decide whether to give our patronage to artists.

I have seen enough evidence given by sex assault victims that I feel reasonably confident that the original claims were believable enough, and knowing of the pressures that results in false reports of sexual harassment being generally suppressed by society... unless something major comes up, I will keep voicing my doubts.

Also, a second-hand report that an accusation was retracted made by the people who have an interest in this controversy being swept under the rug and forgotten means pretty much jack and shit.

Frankly, SWE's insistence on defending this guy has significantly soured me on any future enjoyment I may have of SAO Abridged. Perhaps that's unfair to them, but as a responsible consumer of media, it's my duty that if I even suspect that a media production may be harbouring a sex offender and giving him cover, I need to re-evaluate giving them views and thus money.
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I study law. And bluntly, I don't need to wait several years until filed charges are finally adjudicated by a judge using a standard of evidence that is intended to ensure that someone isn't unduly thrown into prison. The standard of evidence we use for criminal law should not be the guideline we use to manage our habits as responsible media consumers when we decide whether to give our patronage to artists.

At the same time I feel that accusation =! guilt even if the accusation seems reasonable the person could have just looked up real stories to guideline a fake one. If the accuser brings this to court then yes I'd fully believe it was true cause then they'd show commitment to the case.

Also, a second-hand report that an accusation was retracted made by the people who have an interest in this controversy being swept under the rug and forgotten means pretty much jack and shit.

Again at the same time I'm pretty sure they wouldn't make a statement they didn't think was true. If it was proven completely true they'd get a massive cut to their funding as they're a successful abridging group reliant on community funding.

Frankly, SWE's insistence on defending this guy has significantly soured me on any future enjoyment I may have of SAO Abridged. Perhaps that's unfair to them, but as a responsible consumer of media, it's my duty that if I even suspect that a media production may be harboring a sex offender and giving him cover, I need to re-evaluate giving them views and thus money.

I'm not gonna stop supporting SAOA even if the accusations turn out to be true. They could just be being fooled by trusting a direct friend over their direct friend's ex. EDIT: (I misread your stance as you're saying harboring not involving sorry about that. That still means you shouldn't ever watch a Hollywood produced movie ever again as a good amount of people had to have known which of the many allegations are true before the actual allegations happened)

Also I really don't like this whole discussion as it is only barely related to SAOA on the fact that it is one voice actor that can be fired not a core team member. If these accusations were against say YamatoSFX or Hayabusa449 or this thread was about Blazing Azure Crow's series then yeah I could see the last few pages being about this stuff but this is starting to feel like thread derailment.
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Yeah, we get it, people like you will continue right on not believing women cause that shit makes you uncomfortable when you want to be a media consumer.

Like, you know that you can still watch SAO Abridged even if the dude's a harassing putz, right? That's a choice you can make.
Yeah, we get it, people like you will continue right on not believing women cause that shit makes you uncomfortable when you want to be a media consumer.

Like, you know that you can still watch SAO Abridged even if the dude's a harassing putz, right? That's a choice you can make.
I don't know how not believing women factors into this. If a female voice actor was accused of something, I still wouldn't care. I enjoy the show either way.

Also, @ZubZub May I suggest asking them for a link? Fastest way to prove if it was really a fake claim.
Yeah, we get it, people like you will continue right on not believing women cause that shit makes you uncomfortable when you want to be a media consumer.

Like, you know that you can still watch SAO Abridged even if the dude's a harassing putz, right? That's a choice you can make.

Well that's a straw-man and a half. Where did I say I don't believe women cause it makes me feel uncomfortable? I said that I have a reasonable amount of doubt cause of the fact that he has someone accusing him of rape, salutatory rape and other crimes and he isn't, as far as I know, currently in a court case(If he is being prosecuted for these crimes the that's egg on my face for not being able to find it). Stuff like this should be brought to police and court first and social media second(unless you're dealing with someone actually famous cause then you might need social media to get the ball rolling). At the same time the 'harassing putz' is a minor voice actor in the show this thread is supposed to be about. Would you instantly dislike your favorite movie and never support its franchise again if a minor actor with 5 minutes screen-time total, who could be instantly written out of the story, turned out to be a rapist? For me, if he was still involved then yes I probably wouldn't go, but If he wasn't in it anymore then I'd gladly go to future installments.
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I don't know how not believing women factors into this.
Because there isn't a middle ground with this kind of thing. Claiming Crow is innocent means claiming the woman is a liar. What we're seeing here is the culture that's resulted in sexual predators being protected for so long.

Rather than admit that and justifiably be called out on that or just out of ignorance, people instead throw around terms like 'due process' and 'innocent until proven guilty' despite those not having the slightest thing to do with it. It's why movements like MeToo are so important.

I have a reasonable amount of doubt cause of the fact that he has someone accusing him of rape, salutatory rape and other crimes and he isn't, as far as I know, currently in a court case
"They didn't have enough evidence to prosecute, so she was probably lying." is one of the Myths about false accusation Stanford put out.

And one of the voice actors being an abuser/sexual predator is in fact important enough to discuss.
"They didn't have enough evidence to prosecute, so she was probably lying." is one of the Myths about false accusation Stanford put out.

And one of the voice actors being an abuser/sexual predator is in fact important enough to discuss.

I'm not saying I refuse to believe that he did what she said he did! Why does it always break down to 100% believing either side without any doubt? And as for that statistic in the link there is a difference between allegations and charges. Allegations(in the non legal context we're using) is saying something happened. Allegations become charges when brought to court.(might be misinterpreting something so don't jump down my throat about it.) So while only 2% of charges are false only a fraction of allegations become charges

As for the actor he voices Asuna's dad. You know the character who's only presence in the series is the scene in the hospital and who's canon role is so minor they could have just skipped him. And he is played entirely as a joke throwaway character and they can do just that now, throw him away. If he played an actual character in the show then yes the last few weeks of this thread would make sense but to me its to much for the role he's played in the series.
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Why does it always break down to 100% believing either side without any doubt
Show me where the grey area is in "did/didn't."

Allegations become charges when brought to court.
And as has already been pointed out there is no need for a court case for the public to make a decision.

As for how large a role Crow played, that's irrelevant if SWE either hired him despite knowing this and/or lied to ZubZub about what happened.
Show me where the grey area is in "did/didn't."

Don't see how that follows. You're asking for a grey zone in a true false statement where I was saying I don't know for sure and I'm not sure which side to believe.(leaning slightly towards azure just because I like being contrarian and hate echo chambers(someone has to state a differing opinion))

And as has already been pointed out there is no need for a court case for the public to make a decision.

And that's my biggest issue. People instantly deciding their view the moment an allegation is made before all the info is gathered(such as that supposed retraction which need explaining as well as the fact that the post seems to have been removed from tumblr(or is so buried I can't find it)).
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Show me where the grey area is in "did/didn't."

Yes, the situation is binary: either the guy did it, or he didn't. However, there are THREE valid responses to the claim. You can believe that the claim is TRUE and that he is a rapist. You can believe the claim is FALSE, and that it is just an attempt to ruin the guys reputation. And then there is the NULL state, where the claim is considered neither true not false until is is proven to be one or the other. Personally, I am in the third category, as to my current knowledge it is one person's word against another.
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