Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
He's a skeleton.

It just goes straight through.

That would explain it.
All is not well for the Ring Bearers. This is their first crisis of faith, I think. Amy is still dealing with being a Bearer, and Annatar is undergoing withdrawl from something that will never really heal. not until she forges -her- ring, at least.
It's moments like this that truly test people's resolve. Even with all the secrets and hurts, they are still coming together to help each other. I believe the Ring Bearers will come out of this all the more stronger for their trials.
The most popular interpretation of a recent Wildbow WoG is that Gallant was a Cauldron cape, though there are certainly people who will dispute that interpretation.
Hmm. Would explain why I hadn't see anything for it.

It totally makes sense though, Rory was in a similar social bracket and assumed pre-trigger personality and he's a Cauldron cape. Weaker end of Cauldron powers, which seems to match with other Cauldron capes who were not super important characters. Like the Triumvirate.
I think I get why they all dislike the idea of bottle capes, its the same reason that anatar had instinctive revulsion to arms masters Nano forges. Normal capes suffer for their power, they break. It's a weighty personal thing that brings them power, something that fits how it works in saurons neck of the woods. Power has significance, personal or otherwise. Cauldron does not work like that, they cracked open a mystery and scraped out the wonder juice. It's power without narrative significance , power entirely out of proportion with the story of "here drink this." so it feels wrong to anatar and those who are influenced by her.

This is not to say that she's necessary mind controlling others. but those who are bathing in the power from the same source as her might start picking up some of her feelings on how the world should be. You'll note in cannon they did not react nearly this strongly to finding out about bottle capes.
Didn't they perform a witch hunt to identify all the cauldron capes and either arrest them or put them on probation? I mean they went after the Vegas cape leader for that.
Because people guessed they were at the beck and call of Cauldron, I think. It was an horrible disruption of the fidelity of an international organization on the heels of finding out the Chief-Director was high in the hierarchy of Cauldron and was infact hiding their involvement. Or something like that.

Last 2 chapters don't feel right. I personally feel people getting powers from a container isn't a big deal inface or regardless of the alternative. I figure I'd be happy. It is pratical. Stable and trained agents can have a drink and wake up with the power to police parahumans. I suppose I can see why someone would be upset. Not like this, but the sort of jealous or angry feeling you get momentarily, but you realize you're not being fair really (Missy even did this about Victoria this chapter, sort of).

What we saw this chapter though, it's like Gallant admitted to having betrayed them deeply or something. Imagine though. What was he even supposed to do? Realise how wrong his powers were way back and sabotage himself? Stop outright? Tell each parahuman he got powers from a bottle instead of other more personal and deep traumas? It doesn't click.

In my experience, people can't really empathize with traumas without having gone through a similar event, or they will empathize but to hear it and to live it is very different. So let's assume parahumans would just have this sort of reaction, but it's still too uniform a response. From people to people we should have different thoughts on the matter. Betrayal from Missy, anger from Sophia, nonchalance from Dennis, some sort of hidden vindication in Amy, praticality from Taylor or Aegis, or any sort of acceptance along the way because this isn't going to change really and Gallant didn't do some horrible thing because of this.

This wall of negativity though. Are we to assume it's an effect of the rings? Missy's perspective colouring other people's reactions in her own POV? But Amy just reacted so badly too. I understand that there might be more than is shown, hiding or keeping info to build mistery or anticipation, but having read this it just feels unsatisfying having to guess and contrive reasons for odd human behaviour.
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Missy's perspective colouring other people's reactions in her own POV? But Amy just reacted so badly too. I understand that there might be more than is shown, hiding or keeping info to build mistery or anticipation, but having read this it just feels unsatisfying having to guess and contrive reasons for odd human behaviour.
This mostly. Missy is pretty damn young and her emotions will color her perceptions heavily.

As for Amy? Well her relationship with Vicky and Gallant is a mess. This is sorta icing on the cake, and also the way he was talking about Vicky is like basically pounding on her open wound(I'm pretty sure the only reason she isn't screaming is Nenya). Additionally telling a parahuman you are trying to trigger is one of those moments of "WTF dude" among them. Then well... you have Amy who loved her sister and then you have this dude coming in swaggering around trying to trigger and he gets her sister's attention.

Much WTF is going on right now.
Missy's reaction will be stronger than the others because her ring is paired to Dean's. I do agree that the reactions were a bit too uniform, but this IS just after he told them, and their opinions on the matter will get explored in much more depth in later chapters, I expect. A large part of it is that they all suffered a lot to get their powers, and now they find out that some people gained powers just by paying for it and never really had to suffer, but lied to the others and said they had. They had to go through the worst parts of their lives to get to the best parts, and finding out that some people skipped all of the bad stuff is going to cause some resentment, whatever happens.
The most popular interpretation of a recent Wildbow WoG is that Gallant was a Cauldron cape, though there are certainly people who will dispute that interpretation.
When asked about Gallant's trigger, he just replied with '$=C'
I find it hard to believe that anybody could argue against Gallant being a Cauldron cape.
You sure know how to draw out the feels, man.

More mention of the One from the peanut gallery here, got me thinking. Wasn't the writing on the original the "One Ring to Rule Them All" poem? If I'm not misremembering that, well, I doubt Taylor would put the same lines on there, and maybe that's all that needs to be done for things to turn out differently.
More mention of the One from the peanut gallery here, got me thinking. Wasn't the writing on the original the "One Ring to Rule Them All" poem? If I'm not misremembering that, well, I doubt Taylor would put the same lines on there, and maybe that's all that needs to be done for things to turn out differently.
The original poem went as such:

Three Rings for Elven-Kings, under the sky.
Seven for the Dwarf-Lords, in their halls of stone.
Nine for Mortal Men, doomed to die.
One for the Dark Lord, on his dark throne.
In the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all.
One Ring to find them.
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Needless to say, even if/when Taylor does make the One, she won't be inscribing it with that.
I suspect that she could make her own version of the One using a different legend, even different materials. Designing it to look more like the New Ring from Shadow of War could be interesting. And a different poem is mandatory. I don't personally have the literary skills to come up with a completed one worth anyone's time, but I do have a vague impression of what the theme would be.

Unifying Purpose.
Empowering Will.
Intertwining Fates.
A Burden Shared.
The First of Equals.
One Oath to Hold.
One Path to Follow.
One Ring to bring them all, and through the darkness guide them.
I am simultaneously relieved I'm not the I my one who thinks this and disturbed that I'm agreeing with Datcord on something. As long as I don't start shipping everything with a pulse (and some things without) I should be fine.
Look, Mr. Door is obviously in love with Ms. Wall. I mean... he bangs her EVERY CHANCE he gets! You're not suggesting he's just using her, are you? ...you MONSTER.

Sounds uncomfortable, swallowing an entire glass bottle like that. Especially a vibrating one. *narrows eyes* You... unless you've been practicing, maybe? Not that I'm judging.

"It's fucked up," Vista finished for him. "Triggers are the only common ground we have—and now we don't even have that?"
Oh, c'mon! That's not the ONLY thing, right? I mean... we all kinda liked Breakfast at Tiffany's, right?

"It can't be real," said Clockblocker. "It's gotta be bullshit."
I see you, memetic Clockblocker.

"It's real." Annatar's voice cut through the hubbub like a knife. They all instantly subsided and looked at her.
Momma cracks the whip and the kiddies LISTEN UP.

"Vilya was practically screaming at me to listen to Skidmark," she continued.
*shudder* Ugh. I think you should check your Ring, just in case it's faulty or something.

"What he was saying was important.
The first, last, and ONLY time this has ever been said RE: Skidmark.

"I can't even…" she found herself saying,
Huh. I didn't even know Earth Bet HAD Tumblr.

"And if there are… who's used them?" Browbeat asked. "Do we know someone who got their powers from a vial?"
Meanwhile, back at the Mall, Battery and Triumph both sneeze at the same time.

"Yes, you do."

Vista blinked. Slowly, her head turned to the young man sitting beside her.
Oh, goodie. I'm sure THIS won't cause any kind of thread shitstorm at all! Surely. Excuse me, while I get some bathtub gin to numb myself so I can read this thread. ...a LOT of bathtub gin.

"No way," breathed Clockblocker. "No fucking way."
Um... Clock? I'm checking your Mandatory Fanfic Lines sheet and... you're screwing up, man. That's supposed to be "bullshit." In fact, that's pretty much ALL you ever say, besides terrible puns.

Dean? Wonderful, kind, honest Dean?
Yes. Surely we'll get a nice, unbiased narrative viewpoint from the thirteen year old girl with a MASSIVE CRUSH on the guy who's about to confess something dark and secret. Surely.

The ride was silent after that, and Vista's only company was the circling, half-formed thoughts in her head.
"Is it still wrong to check out his butt if he's been lying to us all this time? ...what if his butt is part of his powers? Why am I thinking about his butt?!"

"Several years ago," he began in a hoarse voice, "I was… well. You know the type. The spoiled rich kid, who thinks he can have everything in the world. It's not malicious—it's simply that he doesn't know better. His parents have money, power, influence, and no time to really teach him about things like temperance and entitlement.
"No, actually," Grue drawled in the most sarcastic tone the planet had ever seen, "I went to Winslow. The closest *I* got to knowing those types was dodging their cars as they joyrode through my part of town."

I wanted to be the center of everyone's attention. And—and I still do, I think.
So... out of all the jerks with powers, you wanted to be at the center of their circle. Got it.

I knew powers came from hard moments
And that's why there's so many teenaged boys Triggering! *dodges rotten fruit*

And, yeah—I see now that I wasn't trying anything that would have come close to a real trigger. But I didn't know that.
Ehhhh... that's debatable. I mean... EVERYONE'S Trigger event is their own and they're all terrible in their own way. There's no... ranking system for them. There can't be. Every single person who Triggered had a different reason. Heck, Taylor even said in canon that her Trigger was the SECOND worst thing to ever happen to her. I mean, look at Sophia's "This guy won't leave me alone!" and compare it to Sabah's "This guy won't leave me alone!" I mean... cosmetically, the SAME THING, but... if you asked them, they'd tell you they were horrible for two totally DIFFERENT reasons (and that's why their powers aren't even close to each others). Vicky gained hers from being fouled in basketball, Amy from watching her sister get hurt, Vista from her parent's divorce, Brandish and Photon Lady from kidnapping.... On the surface, some of those are... tame compared to the others. But each and every one of them was DEVASTATING to the person involved. You can't say "Oh, mine was worse because BLAH." because to the people involved... they were ALL the worst.

So... getting a Trigger from the continual attempts to Trigger and fail and the crushing depression and so on caused by knowing that he'll never be a hero, he'll NEVER be good enough, NO ONE WILL EVE-[DESTINATION]

Yeah, I could see that. (But that's not how it happened here. So.)

Point is: "Your bad wasn't as bad as MY bad!" is horseshit. Just because someone else has it WORSE doesn't mean this other person doesn't have it bad, too.

And it's an odd thing, but the more you risk, the more goes right. They say you should live every day like it's your last, and I don't know if I went that far, but…" he swallowed and looked down. "I asked Vicky out for the first time back then."
Confidence is a thing, man. People react to it. (The problem is, a lot of people mistake "being an asshole" for "being confident" and that... doesn't work out well in the end.)

"I had to promise not to tell anyone the rest of this," he said. "I was told that there could be… really serious consequences, if I did.
Oh, god! They're gonna key your car, aren't they. YOUR DAD JUST BOUGHT YOU THAT!

I'm just ashamed it took the cat getting out of the bag for me to come forward.
There was a cat involved? Why would Cauldron put a cat in a-oh! OOOOOH, I got it. Never mind. Whoo, I was worried for the kitty, there for a second. I mean, it's Cauldron, maybe forcing a kitten to take a burlap nap IS part of their recruitment process.

They're called Cauldron, and you don't go to them. They come to you. I don't know how big they are, or how much influence or money they have.
...and now I'm listening to the Taken speech on repeat again. God damn you, Dean.

Also: *wild, hysterical laughter* Oh, don't worry, Dean! They're not THAT influential! I mean, it's not like the Triumverate are under their thumb or anything!

The other was white, wore a suit and a fedora. Didn't say a word, barely even looked at us. I was thirteen, and she made me feel like a kid barely out of diapers, scared of the dark.
"I have disturbingly blushy dreams about her. I mean HAD! I HAD dreams."

I feel like I should be able to remember better, but that woman in the fedora was looking at me right then
"And I was too busy trying to figure out the right way to ask what she was doing the next night...."

I was knocked out, and when I woke up, I had powers.
Spoiler: It wasn't the vial that did it. It's just that Contessa is SO GOOD at koshing people, she can make them spontaneously grow an active Corona Pollenta and Gemma.

and for all I know I'm going to be killed in my sleep tonight for telling you this.
Don't be silly, Dean. You're gonna trip down an elevator shaft and... like... fall onto some bullets or something. Total accident.

Then Amy spoke in a low voice. "Did you ever tell Vicky about this?"

Dean swallowed, not looking at her. "No."

"Didn't think so."
"I mean, I kept trying to, but every time I started to bring it up, she did this thing with her tong- I can tell by your face that now isn't the time. Right? ..right, I'll just be quiet now."

Amy stood up. For a moment she seemed to struggle with herself, fists clenching and unclenching.
Like... legit? I was expecting her to give Dean a faceful of knuckles right there. (And, for what it's worth, for Dean to let her.)

Then she turned and walked out of the circle and out of the room, headed for the bathroom.
Ahhh, I get it. When you gotta go, you gotta go. See, Amy? I told you not to get food from that taco truck. It didn't look trustworthy. Waaaaay too clean.

She was leaning over one of the sinks. Her hands were resting on either side of it, and she was looking down into the basin. Her hair shrouded her face. Nenya was glimmering on her hand like a flickering candle.
And, again... I was expecting some stupid "punch the mirror/wall" thing here, too.

"He's not a bad person," said Amy. Her voice was perfectly steady.

"No," agreed Missy. Hers wasn't.
Amy and Nenya are becoming SUPER good friends, as we can see here.

Her eyes were sad, and her lips were turned down in a frown, but there were no tears.
Super DUPER BEST friends!

Amy smiled slightly. It didn't reach her eyes. "It seems like everyone Vicky loved was lying to her," she said.
*wince* OUCH.

Amy reached out and took her in her arms. "I know," she whispered, and now her voice was shaking. "I know."

Missy cried, and Amy held her.
Look, do I even need to make the comments about my being a truly horrible trash person for getting The Chart? (The answer is, incidentally, "No." Because Missy fails the Half Plus Seven Rule, so she's safe! I mean, I'm a complete shit of a human being, but I have SOME standards. ...somewhere. What? Look, it's not important WHERE I got them from, it's just important that I HAVE THEM.)

"Sometimes," Amy said lowly, "someone you love hurts you.
Amy? Uh... I don't think NOW is the time to give Missy the talk on... uh... "alternate lifestyles"?

...okay, they're not GREAT standards, I'll admit.

"He's supposed to understand," mumbled Missy through her tears. "Isn't that his fucking power? I always thought he understood. But he didn't understand at all."
I... well. For what it's worth, I think he kinda DOES understand... and that's why he was so very, very careful about never letting anyone know.

"Even the best people can't be perfect all the time," Amy murmured, stroking her hair.

"I thought he would be."

Amy chuckled. It came out like a strangled sob. "I know."

Okay, so. For the record... while I think Dean's little talkaroo was... eh, at best... this entire chapter was worth it for the Amy/Missy interaction, because HOLY SHIT WAS THAT GOOD. Also, I think the portion with Dean's chat is going to be redeemed in later chapters when we start to see it and it's repercussions from viewpoints other than Missy's... and I am looking forward to THAT like a dog to a meaty ham bone. Mmmm-MMMM. Gonna be tasty!
Oh, look. Datcord is at it again.

Anyhow, while power without sacrifice/narrative weight isn't very Tolkien, I can't say I'm terribly bothered by the existence of powers-in-a-bottle.
So... getting a Trigger from the continual attempts to Trigger and fail and the crushing depression and so on caused by knowing that he'll never be a hero, he'll NEVER be good enough, NO ONE WILL EVE-[DESTINATION]

Well, that's an interesting thought experiment. Let's use this story's canon as a basis, so Dean wanted powers, deliberately went out to try to force himself to trigger. On that path, he asked Vicky out. She seems the most likely source for him to get a budded shard, since this story's version has her already empowered.

So, from, "I have tried everything I can think of. I've pushed and pushed. I've looked for ways to make myself miserable, to put myself in danger, to scare, horrify, and crush myself down. I want to be a hero, and heroes are self-sacrificing. But...I'm just not good enough to push myself far enough. I can't... I'm worthl--[DESTINATION]," combined with Vicky's shard as a parent, what kind of powers might he get?

Ironically, actually, I could see him getting something very similar. Master/Blaster from Vicky's Aura, maybe flight instead of emotion sense. If he were around Amy, he might get a small bud of hers that gives him Striker-ranged empathy and mastery of his own biological responses to emotion (giving him his canon immunity to Glory Girl's aura).

I always thought the "he's immune to Glory Girl's aura" claim was spurious, as a side note. How would he know, for sure? If he and she wanted to believe it, then her aura would definitely let him convince himself, and she'd believe him because she wanted to.
Victoria's aura is a result of her triggering in the vicinity of Dean. If she hadn't triggered in his presence, she would have only had the flying brick package.
In this story, we're told Dean triggered after Vicky did. Hence what I was going off of. I do understand that WoG is that it's the other way around.

Which is interesting, because it means Dean was already empowered and wanted to date Vicky Dallon despite seeing her every emotion. Their canon relationship seems, initially, based on mutual immunity to each others' emotion powers.
Blaze 7.7
Many thanks to @Assembler, @themanwhowas, @fabledFreeboota, @Skyrunner, and @BeaconHill for betareading.
Many thanks to @MugaSofer for fact checking.


Dean stared after Missy and Amy as the door shut behind them. His face was lined with helplessness and shame. He looked like he was about to cry.

No one else spoke. No one seemed willing to look at him, besides me, and my gaze he avoided.

I stood up. Dean looked down, and everyone else's eyes snapped to me.

I waited for a moment, but he didn't look up.

"Look at me," I ordered.

His head came up. He met my eyes. His jaw was set, and his eyes were bright with mingled shame, fear, and despair.

"Do you understand why trigger events are important?" I asked.

He swallowed. "They give us—give you—common ground. Your powers are all poisoned to you. You can't use them without remembering that—and you can't not use them without feeling like you're playing into it all over again."

I nodded. "Two parahumans can understand each other better than two people who don't have a shared experience like that," I said. "It's our greatest strength, even as it's our greatest weakness. As long as we have that foundation, we can foster understanding—and work together, when the situation calls for it."

"And I don't have that."

I raised an eyebrow. "Don't you?"

He blinked.

"Your powers drove your family apart. Your powers prevented you from being blind to their issues—and, I'm sure, to others'."

I saw his eyes flicker to the door through which Missy and Amy had gone.

"And I'm certain," I continued, "that your powers didn't make losing Vicky any easier."

He flinched.

"That," I said quietly, "is what it feels like. So rather than piling more pain on pain, take this as some cold comfort. You have as much grounding in this as the rest of us do. You may have started out differently, Dean—Gallant—but you're one of us now." I stepped forward, and held out my left hand. Vilya glimmered bright and blue. "And that's more than enough for me."

He looked down at my hand. His lips were twisted in an odd mixture of hurt and gratitude. I had reframed the issue in a way that cast him in a better light, but I had also reminded him of Vicky, of Amy, of Missy, and of his family. The duality was as intended as it was harsh.

But, at last, he reached out and took my hand. Araya flared at the contact.

I gripped his hand tightly. "I gave you that Ring for a reason," I said. "You haven't let it down yet, but these past couple weeks have tested you. I know it's been hard. I know it's tempting to falter—but you won't falter. You will carry on, you must carry on—because you can, Dean."

His eyes were bright. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because I know you," I said. "We all do."

"Yeah, none of us are about to tell you you've had it easy," said Dennis firmly. "We know better. You had it easier at the start, but we've all come a long way since then."

"And that's not even the point," said Carlos. "None of us are jealous that you didn't have to go through a trigger, Dean. We're not..." He shook his head. "I don't think any of us are that petty."

I smiled at him. "Maybe you're not," I said dryly. Then I shook my head. "But that's not the point. Look, you've all seen me work by now, right? At least once. Talk someone down in a crisis."

"Like you did to me," Sophia said.

"Exactly," I said with a nod in her direction. "Part of what I do is find common ground. It's easier to win someone over that way. And if I can't count on them having triggered…" My hands spread in a shrug. "My job just got a lot harder."

"But it does mean we have some capes who are more stable, right?" Chris said. "We have to overcome our triggers. A cape who didn't trigger is, well…"

"Sane?" Sam asked. There was an edge to his voice.

"A cape who didn't trigger has less baggage," Dean said quietly. "It makes it easier to be a hero. I'm not going to pretend otherwise."

I nudged his shoulder. "Stop," I commanded. "Baggage is not something to be proud of, and you have plenty. Worry about that, not piling more on." Then I sighed. "But this is the point, do you see? We're all arguing now. There are seven people in this room, but at least ten opinions."

"So let's find common ground," said Carlos, and Laureya shone upon his finger. "We're a team. We're more than people who work together, more even than people who fight together. We're Ring-Bearers."

Brian lowered his head slightly in the corner of my vision.

"Maybe we didn't all get our powers the same way," Carlos continued. "Maybe we don't all feel the same way about them. But I know that any of us would die for any of the others. I know it'll take more than this to tear us apart--unless we let it."

"So don't," I said softly. "Maybe there was a time when Dean lacked that common ground, but he was still your friend, even then. And that time is long gone. He's one of us."

There was a round of nods and a couple exclamations of "yeah!"

I turned to Dean. He was looking down again. "We don't forgive you," I said softly. "There's nothing to forgive. Thank you for telling us."

For a moment he was silent. Then he jerked his chin in the direction of the bathroom. "Missy's still mad."

"She needs time," I said. "But you already knew that. Something like this has been coming for a while."

He looked up at me. His eyes were red. "I thought our Rings would help," he said.

I shook my head. "Some things," I said softly, "are beyond even Rings of Power."

"On the topic of Rings of Power," Carlos cut in. "Dean said that he might be in danger for telling us all that. Annatar, his future?"

I closed my eyes and reached out with Vilya, peering into the shape of Dean's future. "Nothing," I said. "No more than there is in store for the whole city." I grimaced. "There's bad things coming, though. I can feel it. But nothing directed at Dean specifically."

"Bad things?" Dennis asked. "I don't like the sound of that."

"Nor do I," I admitted. "But whatever's coming, we'll drive it back. That's our job." I looked around, meeting the eyes of each of my Wards--even Amy and Vista, who had just returned. "We're heroes."


It was my second PRT press conference. The first had been my own announcement, and I'd been nervous. I'd been afraid to stand in front of all those people and give an account of myself and my powers.

How strange that thought was now. Admittedly, I wasn't going to be standing up there today, but even so, the thought of stage fright of all things was somehow laughable now.

Piggot was onstage with Miss Militia. We could see them on the screen which was broadcasting the stage to the green room.

There were five of us in the room. I sat on the couch. Aegis was sitting in an armchair, half of a sandwich in one hand. In one corner, Battery was watching the screen. She was here as something of a chaperone.

Amy was leaning against the wall, her hands in the pockets of her long robe. In the end, she'd decided to stick with the identity of Panacea. "It's mine," she'd told me. "Not Carol's, not New Wave's, not even Vicky's. Mine. I decide what it means."

It was the first time since Leviathan's attack that I'd seen her in the old red-and-white hood and robe. She seemed to be as aware of that as I was, if the contemplative, mournful expression on her face was anything to go by.

Brian, on the other hand, was fidgeting with his new costume. It was charcoal grey, a spandex suit with dark red armor plates on the torso, shoulders, knees, and elbows.

"Is this really necessary?" he complained. "It's not as though everyone won't know I'm Grue."

"You'd be surprised," said Battery dryly from where she sat perched on a counter, a cup of coffee in her hands. "Just change your tactics, even if you're allowed to use your whole power suite. It'll fool more than you think."

"Even so," he said. "Couldn't I just… start doing the job? Why go through this whole thing? I'm turning eighteen in three and a half weeks anyway."

"And you won't be going into the Protectorate for a few months after that," Battery replied. "You understand how important a reputation is—you must, or you'd never have bothered paying for that helmet. You get the whole image thing. This is our version of that."

He grunted noncommittally under his new mask, a dark red helmet which revealed the lower part of his face. It was molded so as to resemble flickering flames, which gave way to deep gray smoke at the top. It almost seemed to move as it crowned him in fire and fume.

"A lot has changed in the past few weeks," Piggot was saying. "Leviathan's attack has left every part of this city struggling. No one got out unscathed. But the PRT remains committed to the protection of this city. To that end, we would like to announce some changes to the Wards ENE roster."

"You'd better get backstage," Aegis told Brian and Amy.

Amy was already opening the green room door. "Wish us luck," she said, without much enthusiasm, and stepped through. Brian followed.

"He's not half bad," said Aegis as the door shut.

I nodded. "Has he talked to you? About his reasons, his motives?"

Aegis shook his head. "Not yet. But I like him. He's professional. Not at all the psycho supervillain I was expecting."

"He's just a man. He had his reasons, and they weren't terrible."

Aegis cocked an eyebrow at me. "He was a villain. Maybe he didn't kill anyone, but he was still a criminal. Don't tell me you think he was justified?"

"I think he felt like he didn't have a choice," I replied. "Like the world was set against him from day one, and that the only option was to hit it harder than it hit him. That 'right' and 'wrong' are a lot more arbitrary than they ought to be. He just decided not to waste his time worrying about them when he could be worrying about the people in his life."

Aegis considered me. "Cynical of him," he said eventually.

"Yes. But he's not wholly wrong." I shrugged. "I'd just rather do something about the problems in the system than strike out on my own."

"Most of you already know our first new Ward. She needs no introduction: we're happy to welcome Panacea to the Wards." Miss Militia's smile was audible in her voice.

I glanced up at the screen. Sure enough, Panacea was walking onstage now. The crowd was audibly cheering, but her face was perfectly blank, as much a mask as any of us wore.

"She's not really selling the idea that she wants to be here, is she?" Aegis asked.

The question brought me up short. "Does she?"

"Hmm?" He blinked at me. "It's not like we forced her in."

"She didn't have many alternatives," I said. "I just… I realized I don't know what's keeping her going, now. I hope she's found something."

Aegis' eyes were inscrutable under his mask. "You should ask her later," he suggested. "Unless you want me to?"

"No, I will. I owe her that much."

Panacea had been talking while we spoke. "...I intend to contribute to the Wards more directly than I did to New Wave. I look forward to working with them."

"Please hold your questions until after we've finished our announcements," said Miss Milita, with a dry humor as she looked over the sea of hands. "We have another new Ward joining us."

"He's a new cape," Piggot took over. "His powers create what amounts to wood smoke, which he can use to obstruct sight, sound, and other senses. We're all looking forward to including him in the Wards' patrols. Please welcome Fume."

Brian—Fume—walked onstage. Oily black smoke trailed behind him—and, somehow, even though I was privy to the deception, the illusion still held. Grue had wielded darkness. Fume used smoke.

It wouldn't fool the most determined investigators, but such people were rare—and carefully kept from prominence. No one listened to conspiracy theorists on PHO, after all. I hadn't really cared whether the image department came through for Brian—the people could either believe the lie or accept the truth, and it didn't much matter to me which—but I did find myself impressed by the strength of the illusion.

Fume came and stood by the others. "Hello," he said. His voice seemed to surprise him. I imagine he had seldom if ever spoken to this many people without the comforting echo of his old helmet. "I haven't been around as long as most of my teammates, but I'm learning a lot from them already, and I hope to learn more. I'm excited to have the chance to help protect this city."

I hadn't been party to Brian's conversations with the Image department, but I imagine they had coached him pretty heavily on that persona. The eager and helpful presentation slotted into place so neatly that I would have had trouble detecting the cracks in his facade, had I not known him personally.

"He's a good actor," said Aegis appreciatively.

I nodded.

"Now, we can take some basic questions," said Miss Militia. "The Wards will also be running an AMA on PHO this afternoon. First, the woman in—"

Then, suddenly, the screen cut to static. In the same moment, the building was rocked by a thunderous explosion.

All three of us leapt to our feet. "That came from the auditorium!" Aegis exclaimed.

"Annatar, you take point," ordered Battery, her voice hard. "I'll be behind, but I'll need to build up a charge."

Narsil was already out of its sheath. "Understood," I said, and burst through the door.

Stage crew were running scared, but they made way for me. Soon I was onstage.

Miss Militia had a pistol in her hands, but it was held loose at her side. Fume and Piggot were also perfectly still. All three of them were staring out into the same point in what had been the audience.

A hole had been blown in the far wall. Bodies lay around it, and I knew they were dead, lying among broken recording equipment. The ground and walls were blackened with the force and heat of the explosion. In the middle of the crater stood a man.

He was tanned, and wore a white dress adorned with feathers. His arms were exposed, and were corded with wiry muscle. His eyeless mask was shaped like a woman's face, and it too was lined with feathers.

That mask had been pulled up, and his eyes were fixed upon the three standing onstage. I saw them flicker momentarily to me.

"Kill—" he began, but was interrupted by another explosion. This one came from under him. Strange, crystalline flesh, like a spider's leg made of diamond lattice, burst from the floor, and he was forced to dive backwards to avoid it.

From the base of that tentacle a furrow ran along the ground. I followed that furrow to its source. Panacea knelt there, one hand upon the ground. Nenya shone bright and terrible, practically forming a nimbus around her.

"They're mastered!" she called to me.

I raised my left hand. Narya burned like fire, and the light fell upon the others. As if emerging from slumber, Miss Militia, Fume, and Piggot shook themselves into alertness.

"Not anymore, they aren't," I said.

"Bravo." The man's voice was clear and snide, if a bit muffled behind the crystalline limb. "I'd heard you could counter masters, but I wanted to see it for myself." He was setting his mask back down onto his face as he walked around the pillar of crystal flesh, but it failed to hide the sly smirk on his lips.

"Who are you?" Panacea called, still kneeling with one hand to the floor.

He bowed. "Valefor of the Fallen, at your service," he said. "And, for the crime of standing against Leviathan, I'm afraid you, Annatar, will have to be punished."

I smiled thinly. "You're welcome to try." I was already sheathing Narsil and reaching for Belthronding.

"Oh, I shall," said Valefor. "But not now."

He stepped back, but Miss Militia was already raising her gun. "Surrender," she ordered, and there was a cold fury in her voice—and under it, a shuddering horror at what she had nearly been made to do.

"I think not," he chuckled. "Eligos?"

Another figure stepped out from behind the crystal spiderleg. His hand was already scything through the air as he emerged, and I heard rather than saw the blade approaching. A whistle of air on air, speeding towards us like a thrown knife.

"Get down!" I shouted, and dove.

Not a moment too soon. Almost immediately after I hit the ground, the curtain behind me was sliced cleanly in two, the cut fragment falling to the ground with a muffled thud.

There was a thudding sound. I looked up. The crystalline leg had stabbed into the ground, nearly skewering Eligos as he followed Valefor out, but it had only barely missed. By the time I had picked myself back up, both villains were gone.

There was a strange, gurgling sound to my left. I looked. Piggot was lying against the podium, clutching at her throat. Blood was blossoming from the deep cut there, seeping out from under her fingers. Her face was starkly pale against the red.

"PANACEA!" I barely recognized my own voice as I screamed and dove towards the Director.

Amy was just behind me. "Please try to relax," she said, and I wasn't sure whether she was talking to me or Piggot as she put her hand on the Director's neck. The blood stained her hand red, but the wound quickly began to close.

"The Fallen," said Miss Militia, practically spitting the name. "As if we didn't have enough to deal with."

"Do we have anything on Valefor?" Aegis asked. "A master with that kind of power is going to be a real problem, even with Annatar."

"I've heard the name," said Miss Militia. "We'll look it up when we get back to base."

I stood up, turned, and looked out at what remained of the audience. Most of the crowd seemed to have evacuated, save for those few who had been injured or killed by the initial explosion. I could already hear the sirens of police and paramedics approaching.

I remembered Vilya's premonitions, over and over again, in the past two weeks since Leviathan's attack. Again and again, the ominous cloud that hung over the future had shown itself, and I had been unable or unwilling to probe it in detail.

Now it was too late. Valefor, I was sure, was only one part of it, no matter how terrible he was alone.

I looked over the corpses left by the explosion, and knew with the cold certainty of a seer that they were only the beginning.

End Arc 7: Blaze


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Friendship and understanding prevails again!
Oh, and crazy cultists party crashing.
Friendship and understanding prevails again!
Oh, and crazy cultists party crashing.
If you ask me, there only one way we should deal with the master. In the most ironic and shadenfreude way possible, while also highlighting her gradual corruption by the Rings.



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If you ask me, there only one way we should deal with the master. In the most ironic and shadenfreude way possible, while also highlighting her gradual corruption by the Rings.



I've been imagining that phrase being used against so many hated characters it almost isn't funny.
You will carry on, you must carry on—because you can, Dean."
Dean, like Aperture Science, will do what he must because he can.

"We're a team. We're more than people who work together, more even than people who fight together. We're Ring-Bearers."

Brian lowered his head slightly in the corner of my vision.
"We're Ring-Bearers. And Brian."

"But whatever's coming, we'll drive it back. That's our job." I looked around, meeting the eyes of each of my Wards--even Amy and Vista, who had just returned. "We're heroes."
"...and Brian."