Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ugh, if it's as bad as it sounds I'm not even gonna go look. People get so offended over the smallest things these days and cause them to get blown out of proportion. I personally thought it was nice little exerpt that further clarified Taylor's current state of mind to the readers.
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Okay. I've talked to SB's mods, and then intend to unlock the thread in about 10 hours. I'm going to sleep on all this, and I'll post my plans to both threads then. I've already decided that Interlude 10a will be posted here on Monday, as scheduled. Whether it also goes up on the SB mirror is still under consideration. More information coming tomorrow morning.

Let me be clear: I was not innocent in this. In some sense, I put the feelings of a small minority over the desires of the vast majority of my readership. For that, at least, I apologize. It wasn't my intent, but I'll get more into that in my post tomorrow.

Thank you for all the supportive comments, and thank you for not making this place as toxic as SB.
Ugh, if it's as bad as it sounds I'm not even gonna go look. People get so offended over the smallest things these days and cause them to get blown out of proportion. I personally thought it was nice little exerpt that further clarified Taylor's current state of mind to the readers.
Outrage addiction. Some people just want to get mad about shit, and if their lives don't provide them with legitimate grievances, they'll get mad about stupid shit instead.

I enjoyed the omake. Nice to get a little peek in Annatar's head. I'm glad it's been put back up.
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I have to ask though, what was the problem? I don't understand what happened.
In brief:

The omake, which has now been reinstated here in case you haven't read it, was seen by a few readers as being a direct attack on them from me, rather than an exploration of Annatar's perspective on events and a refutation of their judgement from her perspective. They felt that Annatar was "calling them out" in some way.

I took the omake down temporarily in response. I wasn't sufficiently clear about the fact that this was a temporary measure, however. As a result of all this, the thread on SB exploded into conflict over whether the people who were offended had a point, and whether my response was justified.

After all of this had been going on for several hours, the SB thread was locked. It is to be unlocked in about 9 hours now. At that time I'll reinstate the omake onto SB and make a post detailing my future plans on both threads.
In brief:

The omake, which has now been reinstated here in case you haven't read it, was seen by a few readers as being a direct attack on them from me, rather than an exploration of Annatar's perspective on events and a refutation of their judgement from her perspective. They felt that Annatar was "calling them out" in some way.

I took the omake down temporarily in response. I wasn't sufficiently clear about the fact that this was a temporary measure, however. As a result of all this, the thread on SB exploded into conflict over whether the people who were offended had a point, and whether my response was justified.

After all of this had been going on for several hours, the SB thread was locked. It is to be unlocked in about 9 hours now. At that time I'll reinstate the omake onto SB and make a post detailing my future plans on both threads.
Yeesh. That sucks. Just in general.
The omake, which has now been reinstated here in case you haven't read it, was seen by a few readers as being a direct attack on them from me, rather than an exploration of Annatar's perspective on events and a refutation of their judgement from her perspective. They felt that Annatar was "calling them out" in some way.
Well it hasn't been threadmarked here from what I can see, do note as well that Beaconhill's Spider thing is split between sidestory and apocrypha.

I also took a moment to reread that Grendel omake, which I think was a sign of things to come, and is utterly amusing given that Grendel DID get a story.

Back to the omake, I think it was possibly the most tactless thing I've seen you do against a backdrop of drama so bad that it ceased to be fun to watch at the same time as the betaing ceased to.
Back to the omake, I think it was possibly the most tactless thing I've seen you do against a backdrop of drama so bad that it ceased to be fun to watch at the same time as the betaing ceased to.
So he wrote an omake from the character's perspective, which is worthwhile for the glimpse it gives us into her head, but people are just not fucking getting it and think it's just the author attacking them with the character as a mouthpiece.

After all of this had been going on for several hours, the SB thread was locked. It is to be unlocked in about 9 hours now. At that time I'll reinstate the omake onto SB and make a post detailing my future plans on both threads.
I would understand completely if you didn't want to keep throwing posts into the sea of stupid they've got going on over there, but if that's the case, I'd like to suggest that instead you continue to post there and just ignore all the responses, otherwise they'll come over here and recreate the same shitshow.
So he wrote an omake from the character's perspective, which is worthwhile for the glimpse it gives us into her head, but people are just not fucking getting it and think it's just the author attacking them with the character as a mouthpiece.
It wasn't even that many people, literally only two or three thought it was offensive. The rest were praising it.

It's after it got pulled that set the storm off and lead to everything going haywire. Then people started getting on the bandwagon that the few angry people possibly had a point which then lead to a runaway debating session that burned itself out after a while.

It was just a messed up snowball all things considered.
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Okay. I've talked to SB's mods, and then intend to unlock the thread in about 10 hours. I'm going to sleep on all this, and I'll post my plans to both threads then. I've already decided that Interlude 10a will be posted here on Monday, as scheduled. Whether it also goes up on the SB mirror is still under consideration. More information coming tomorrow morning.

Let me be clear: I was not innocent in this. In some sense, I put the feelings of a small minority over the desires of the vast majority of my readership. For that, at least, I apologise. It wasn't my intent, but I'll get more into that in my post tomorrow.

Thank you for all the supportive comments, and thank you for not making this place as toxic as SB.
Lithos, if you're unwilling or unable to notice the feelings of those around you... I don't know why or how you were able to let things progress, but I feel the way that you were getting yourself involved in your fic's discussion was wrong. I felt you overstepped in places, and understepped elsewhere

There was a time when I was happy to help with Ring Maker. There was a time when it was fun to read it. There was a time when it wasn't fun to read it, or to beta read it. I left once, because I'd found myself becoming some disgusting lamprey hoping to cling to your success. I came back, because I felt that I owed you more than that. The second time, I left the Beta team as abruptly and rudely as I had in the hopes that it might be a wakeup call, or a sign of the way things had gone, but the way that you were content to let it be until I commented again is a sign that you and I are very different people. There were talks behind your back, not about insulting you or belittling your fic as much as the environment you let surround yourself, and I never felt comfortable talking to your front.

I used to feel sorry for what you had to deal with.

And I'd like to apologise for what was said and done, because I'm the type of person that can't let there be bad blood between himself and someone he used to call a friend, and I can't leave things unsaid.
"I'm sure a lot of you have doubts. I'm sure a lot of you are gritting your teeth and begging for me to be defeated. I'm sure many of you are recoiling in disgust at what I've been doing."
I would never wish for Taylor to be ruthlessly defeated for what she believed in. I AM however begging for her to be HELPED to see the that there is no error in mercy and no weakness in forgiving.
But if there is no one left who even wants to try? Well maybe we really are beyond saving as she says. I for one do not want to judge, I want someone to reason with her.

just to be clear after reading the sb thread, I DO NOT feel personally offended. If anything I found it rather refreshing to read what taylor had to say to all of it.
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I've read the omake now. It is -powerful-, and demands a response, good or bad. That's -rare- to be able to write, Lithos, and I can't praise it enough.

I have enough self-awareness to realize that it is a character in a fanfic, not the author talking through them to the audience. Then again, I've been utterly unable to see the "deeper meaning" in most literary work my entire life, so take that with a grain of salt.

I look forward to this fic, wherever it goes, because it's going in some directions that I find interesting. I admit, I would like to have assurances that this isn't going to wind up with Taylor as villain-protagonist, but note that I am not -asking- for such assurances. If this fic morphs into something I no longer wish to read, I'll vanish into the Internet, quietly and without fuss.

Until and Unless that happens, however, you have my tacit support for whatever it is your doing, and I'll continue to read this fic, regardless of where it goes.

I... I don't understand how someone would feel especially hurt by that.

I mean, any gripes I have are at her, as a character, side stepping the fuck out of addressing the actual concerns over her actions towards the allies.
I want to say 'not all Spacebattles users are like that', but after what I saw of the "discussion", well, even being part of it by association makes my skin crawl. Jumping ship/forum.

Thank you for putting in countless hours of your own time and labour for a cause with no material benefits. Thank you for bringing us this level of intricate characterisation, for being able to make me love and hate and just stand in awe. Thank you for writing stories that force me to actually think. I'm incoherently sleep deprived, so I'll cut myself off here - just, thank you.
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It's a nice introspection into Taylor's current mindset. There's no need to pull the omake down, though having her admit that her talk with Bakuda was a bluff turned reality is nice.
good omake!

I'm interested given that this is her response to the readers calling her out for turning into a monster, what are the readers response to her saying this to them? What would you in turn debate back?
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Like I said on SB:
BlackLantern2814 Thread's locked so I can't post there. I just wanted to say that Ring-Maker is one of the best stories I've read. I absolutely love it, and every update leaves me wanting more. Please don't abandon it. ...
Today at 1:31 PMEditDeleteReport

  1. BlackLantern2814
    ...(continuation of the post) You don't have to engage with the shit-posters, it's your story, and if they don't like it they don't have to read it. And SB isn't the only place for stories, if you feel like you just can't deal with people here, just stop posting here and post it somewhere else. Those who love your writing will read it wherever it is.
Alright let's drop the "what they said in SB", not only is frowned here, we already had a mod warning about it.

About the snippet. Lithos has said several times that he sees Annatar right now as a Villain.

That does not mean she does not have reasons ( some of them can be even quite good ) for doing what she is doing now. A good part of that is self-justification ( one of the most human-like things in existence ), but still her situation right now is between "I need psychological help right now" and "I recently gained a good chunk of memories of me being a frigging fallen angel", so between "being alright" a 10 and "bad situation" a 0, she is around -1999 more or less.

So yes I personally have no problem at all with the 1 year omake.

EDIT: I also want to say that a "sympathetic villain" (mileage may vary ) is a staple of fiction since a long time ago, at least since John Milton's Paradise Lost...

I understand why are a lot of people that wants her redemption, her loosing for what she has done, and even those who want her to fall all the way. But criticizing the author because she does not choose your option is useless and infantile.
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Hunger: "The Taste of Light"
Ring-Maker Omake (Major AU)
Continuation of Hunger: "Spider Sunrise"

It is VERY good, my one complaint is that it doesn't seem much like a Taylor, to me at least all Taylors have seemed out of touch, even resentful and distrusting of their own more basic nature and emotions and value self control(and for that matter control in general) highly, I'd imagine shed continue to be suspicious of impulses from her powers, not their motivations necessarily but simply that she is being influenced.
Also I must ask how does the light draining work? I mean it seems like the bulb is still receiving power, is it chemically altered to no longer be a luminescent material? If you ground the bulb up then remade it from the ashes would it work then? I mean the light is created and destroyed moment by moment, it's hard to do something to it that lasts. Is the bulb marked somehow? Such that all light produced by the bulb henceforth is claimed by Taylor immediately? Does she feel some mirroring sense of loss when a claimed bulb stops attempting to emit? Why doesn't Taylor farm her own light? Gas mantel lights are incredibly bright and easy to make, or if doesn't matter how long the light would have lasted could she snack on flashbangs? What happens to glow in the dark materials that absorb light then remit it?

Also what was that Omake? I'm curious now.
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I'm interested given that this is her response to the readers calling her out for becoming into a monster, what are the readers response to her saying this to them

...You know what, that's actually a fun idea. Mairon got to rant at us. This wasn't an actual discussion. And then the arguing was across forumites. Therefore, in defense of love, justice, and running commentary,
am going,
to argue with Mairon.

*cracks knuckles*

(I have no clue if doing this is allowed in any way, shape, or form. If it isn't, please be kind and notify me; this is meant to be a joke.)

Mairon said:
The light glared into my eyes as I sat there, in the center of attention. All eyes were on me. The dark beyond the invisible barrier was total, but I knew you were out there, watching me. As you always had been.


Speaking seriously, for the nontheists among us, imagine how stressful this has to be. Eru, and the audience to boot, is a constant panopticon. There is nothing Mairon can do, nothing he can be, that will not immediately be judged by a silent but all-important audience. And he is a doubter. A doubter who never, ever, gets a straight response to his doubts or questions.

That's horrible.

Mairon said:
"So," I said. "It's been a year, right? For you, I mean. It's only been two months for me. Hell of a ride so far, isn't it?"

Six-ish months here. And yes, you seem to be trying your damnedest to overtake even Worm canon in escalation speed. Kind of an achievement. Taylor would be proud.

Mairon said:
A tight smile crossed my features. "I envy your detachment. It must be nice to be able to look in on all this from the outside."

It's the perk of existence as a being from the outer planes. Don't look at me like that, you're the one who chose to let go of that point of view and volunteered to go down to Arda. You weren't pushed out the door of the Timeless Halls.

Though I do feel for you for what must have been a harsh realization, that moment of understanding that this was forever. That you had once been part of an infinitely large whole, an artist painting on the canvas of an entire multiverse before an audience of all that was and would ever be, and that you would never, ever, get to be anything so grand again.

An eternity of waiting, with your greatest day right at its start. That's an incredible weight to bear.

Mairon said:
"It's amazing, isn't it?" I asked rhetorically. "That's all she was back then. An obstacle, and then a tool. I couldn't have predicted what she'd become. I never imagined I'd come to care for her the way I did. I certainly never imagined she'd end up falling for me."

It's a heady feeling, isn't it? To no longer just be Pygmalion, loving the image of their own mind given reality by creation, but to be loved back. To be gazed upon by your own work, and adored for having crafted it. It's the ultimate validation, in a way.

The thing is, it's supposed to be followed by a letting go of one's self-importance, and a focus on the well-being of one's children. So either you think your children are ashes and rust, which makes you a serious pessimist for a smith, or you are having a serious case of being way too self-absorbed to look after children yet.

You should have gone to Aulë. Aulë would not have laughed, ignored, or looked down on you. Aulë would have understood.

Mairon said:
"And so much else has happened, too," I said, remembering. "There's the bank—remember the bank? I've almost forgotten it, but really a lot of things started then, didn't they? That's where things started to fall apart for Coil, that's where Sophia first started to respect me, and that's where things changed for Fume, Regent, and the other Undersiders. A lot of things that have happened since would have been very different if I hadn't been there at the bank that day."

Dude, you have, like, no idea. That bank is cursed. Nine chances out of ten it was built over ancient burial grounds.

...Shit, maybe once Ungoliant's merry crew began to rain in from the Void, Mandos and Manwë began to worry they might accidentally free Melkor, and they buried him under the bank instead. That'd explain everything.

Mairon said:
"And then there was Bakuda." I snorted. "Bakuda, that poor idiot, who thought that because she blew up a couple buildings and killed a few people that she was important. All she managed to do was get a couple balls rolling. I never really meant what I told her—that her legacy would just get folded into mine. That was just supposed to hurt her, to leave her writing in fruitless despair as she died. But I guess it's come true, hasn't it? No one really remembers her anymore. She freed Lung, gave me my first kill, made me paranoid about my dad, and made Emma a little easier for Sophia to topple… and that's about it, isn't it? Sure, I gave the Seven out in response to her, but she can't really take credit for that, can she? Even the devastation she wrought has been totally eclipsed by Leviathan."

And you're totally eclipsed by Manwë and Melkor and Eru. Yet for some reason, I don't see you stopping. I wonder why that is. Could it be... could it be... that individuals only have a limited point of view?!

...Nah clearly it's that the tiers above you don't exist.

Also shut up you literally thought you were important because you could forge cool bling. How about you come back to us once you start getting other results than ashes and rust and getting thrown over a cliff at the end?

Mairon said:
"That was a turning point," I said softly. "Vicky's death,"

Mairon I kind of respect you and am a great lover of meta debates but even I am not going to touch that one with a ten-foot pole with Iphannis glued onto the end.

Mairon said:
"The inkling that the Endbringers aren't what they appear…"

Shut up, Eärendil is okay, Eärendil is just fine, Eärendil is vacationing on the goddamn moon I swear to god--

Mairon said:
"Everything changed with Leviathan. Suddenly I wasn't just the girl with the magic Rings anymore. I was Annatar, who strove with the sea-god."

Mairon we need to talk about your understanding of what constitutes godhood.

Mairon said:
"And I wasn't the only one who transformed that day. Aeglos became Iphannis, and Amy became… well. Whatever she is now."

Is he going to get a clue? Is he?

Mairon said:
"You know, she and I don't talk as often as we should," I mused, leaning back and looking away from you, up at the stars.

No fucking shit you don't fucking say, bring out the confetti and streamers Mairon is having a moment of self-awareness over here!

Mairon said:
"I sometimes wonder—does she still volunteer at the hospital? Where does she even live now? I know she doesn't talk to the Dallons anymore, but is she still in touch with the Pelhams? What are her goals, what does she want, now that Vicky is gone?"

It's almost like you pulled that one thing you keep projecting on your dad and dropped her out of sight out of mind like a sack of old potatoes the second you didn't need her instrument playing.

I wonder why that happened?

Mairon said:
"I should try to find out."

Ah, thinking about the consequences of one's actions, the bane of Worm protagonist existence...

Mairon said:
"But everything's changed since then, hasn't it?"

...Actually, thinking about it, no, no it hasn't?

Mairon said:
"Oracle's with the Empire now."

She was already a bitch.

Mairon said:
"The Merchants have been destroyed."

They were doing that themselves.

Mairon said:
"Lung has lost Oni Lee, and the ABB have been shrinking ever since."

Lung lost Oni Lee because Oni Lee had been shrinking ever since. Old news.

Mairon said:

And then he disappeared because you got off on a wild bling chase, for all we know he's taken over the city by now.

Mairon said:
"And then Heartbreaker."

...Okay, granted, that one was a change.

Mairon said:
"Suddenly the city is exploding."

Bakuda did it first and with better FX.

Mairon said:
"Everyone wants a piece, wants to carve out their little slice of the place."

I mean, yeah, but in the defense of mostly everyone they kind of live there?

Mairon said:
"It's almost as though something's pushing them, isn't it?"

Technically you're at the center and they're aiming inwards, so it's pulling. Not pushing. As you should know, mister Pushed-Off-A-Cliff-By-A-Bunch-Of-Hobbits.

Mairon said:
"Subtly driving them to throw themselves at the enemy they least understand?"

I admire your boundless sense of grandstanding, but I'm pretty damn sure that's Zion, not you.

Also, Arda is getting real tired of your fetish for setting fires so you can play fireman. Let the Balrogs go. Take up knitting. It's like that perfect midpoint between crafting and composing.

Mairon said:
"Poor fools. Heartbreaker's as good as dead, Coil is mine, and the rest will follow. It's only a matter of time now."

You mean like it was on Mount Doom? Still waiting on you to self-reflect on how the fuck you can have lost your One Ring and still be standing to talk about it, by the by. How's that coming along?

Mairon said:
"But this isn't about me."

You make everything about you, by projecting your own doubts and flaws onto everyone. Every last word you say is always about you.

Mairon said:
"I leaned forward, leaning on one of the armrests of my chair. "This is about you."

Pretty sure if it was it'd be a discussion rather than a monologue.

You're monologuing. It's about you. I had to literally break the laws of literary rules and insert myself into the text to make it about us. I had to make myself god to get in reach of your ears.

Talk about meta.

Mairon said:
"I'm sure a lot of you have doubts."

"I'm sure", says the doubting doubter who doubts.

Mairon said:
"I'm sure a lot of you are gritting your teeth and begging for me to be defeated."

We are mostly begging for you to get a clue. I'd rather you didn't get defeated; that happened the last time, and all the world got to show for it was, well, Brockton Fucking Bay.

You could be truly great. You were, once -- and it wasn't when you were standing atop a pile of ash and rust. This rolling down into soot in defiance of your father is below you. It's below all of us.

Mairon said:
"I'm sure many of you are recoiling in disgust at what I've been doing."

Nah man that's the sound of our heads hitting our desks mostly.

Mairon said:
"It must be nice to be able to convince yourselves that you're better. That there are limits, and lines we don't cross. I remember being that way, once. Well, twice." I laughed lightly again.

Third time's the charm?

...Man, how dense does one have to be, to require three literal and highly cinematic divine interventions to notice that perhaps possibly eventually maybe god is still there? Tip to Eru, from one (momentary) god to another: your smiths are there to shape metal. Not there to be made of it. You might want to reorganize those atoms a bit before your next big symphony, your angels sink way too fast.

Mairon said:
"But come now. Imagine for a moment. Imagine that it was your father. Imagine that it was you that night, staring down this boy, this child who thought he could take away everything you cared about."

I mean, if we're you in this hypothetical situation, then what we have is a moment of profound realization that perhaps we shouldn't think we can take away everything people care about in front of their eyes, and that perhaps we shouldn't twist our fathers' words into what they don't mean? But that's us, I guess.

Mairon said:
"Imagine it was you, trapped in that foam, unable to move, unable to act, unable to help as Vista's—your friend's—Ring was stolen, and you were left with the knowledge that none of this would be happening to her if you hadn't given it to her in the first place."

See, that's the thing. For most of us, we'd never have been there, because we wouldn't have given our vulnerable friends mind-bending artifacts. Because we actually value our friends as sapient beings, not as tools, and so try to respect that sapience.

Mairon said:
"And yet," I murmured, "you can't regret giving it to her."

Yes you fucking can you bunch of overgrown spikes on a lump of coal get your wannabe divine ass down here so I can yell at you for being a jerkfuck to Little V

Mairon said:
"Because look at all she's done."

Like what, gone full evil twin of herself, without half of the accomplishments she got all by herself in canon? Such a feat. I'm so proud.

Mairon said:
"She's stood with you against Leviathan."

Taking human kids along to fend off Silmarils, yes, you should really be proud of yourself there. There's no way this could have been a complete and utter catastrophe and left everybody and a half dead.

Mairon said:
"She's grown into the woman she wanted to be."

She's like twelve you moron

Mairon said:
"She has respect, she has power, she has strength."

Her Ring has respect, power and strength. What Vista has is a band of metal welded to her finger into perpetuity lest she die of literal soul withering. I know you're a smith, and I fully sympathize with wanting all of the extra limbs and extra senses everywhere, but don't go Defiant on our asses just yet. Vista was scared by transhumanism. She'd never want this to happen to her.

Mairon said:
"She and Histeya complement each other."


I feel that only the above smiley can possibly convey the full amount of the side-eyeing I am sending in your general direction.

Mairon said:
"So imagine yourself there, on that night, knowing that this is your fault, and knowing that the alternative is even worse."

You yourself just said that you pulled them there on purpose. The only reason the alternative is worse is because you're actively making it worse, so you can then proceed to rationalize it as a justification for your own actions.

This is circular reasoning. You are an Angel of the Lord. This is below you.

Mairon said:
"Imagine looking into that boy's eyes and knowing that you are stronger than him. Imagine knowing that there's more of you than he can hope to contain, if only you stop holding back."

Then I stop holding back, and strike with literally anything other than a lightning bolt followed by a miniature fire storm?

Mairon said:
"And ask yourself—why the fuck not?"

Because if I'm still you in this hypothetical situation, diregarding the fact that I'm no great fan of murder, then my house is right there? Also my father? And the aforementioned friends? The fuck would I want to risk dropping heavenly wrath on my house and father and friends?

Mairon what the fuck?

Mairon said:
"I defy you to judge me," I said.

Challenge accepted.

You're a teenager on a self-righteous power trip, because you think you have glimpsed weakness in your father and are trying to establish a sense of who you are in contrast to him. And you've been that teenager for, like, seven or eight millenia. I know this because I am an actual external observer who didn't trap herself inside Arda and then complain she could no longer see out of it, and so can literally go take a look at the sheets of the Ainulindalë to tell you that you're wrong. Take a page out of Ciara's book and sit your ass into therapy, you need to talk about those father issues.

There done.

Mairon said:
"I defy your righteous authority."

Yes. We've noticed. Now maybe stop making the whole of Arda proxies for the anger you bear towards your father?

Mairon said:
"I accept the rulings of only one judge, and He abandoned me long ago."

How the fuck do you think you survived Mount Doom you dark spiny numbnut in denial?!

Mairon said:
"In His absence, I remain. And I will help in the only way I know how."

Mairon. Mairon my man. Mairon my bro. Mairon my Archangel of Being Really Really Fucking Dense.

Arda didn't ask for your help.

Mairon said:
"God save us from the righteous,"

Damn straight, we need rescue from you over here!

Mairon said:
"God save us from their inaction."

That's the other thing about being literally sitting outside of the universe, you unparalleledly self-deluded hedgehog with a soot layer on top. You're outside. You don't get to come in willy-nilly, because that defeats the purpose.

Like, you know, your dad.

Effing Mairon I STG.
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...You know what, that's actually a fun idea. Mairon got to rant at us. This wasn't an actual discussion. And then the arguing was across forumites. Therefore, in defense of love, justice, and running commentary,
am going,
to argue with Mairon.

*cracks knuckles*

(I have no clue if doing this is allowed in any way, shape, or form. If it isn't, please be kind and notify me; this is meant to be a joke.)


Speaking seriously, for the nontheists among us, imagine how stressful this has to be. Eru, and the audience to boot, is a constant panopticon. There is nothing Mairon can do, nothing he can be, that will not immediately be judged by a silent but all-important audience. And he is a doubter. A doubter who never, ever, gets a straight response to his doubts or questions.

That's horrible.

Six-ish months here. And yes, you seem to be trying your damnedest to overtake even Worm canon in escalation speed. Kind of an achievement. Taylor would be proud.

It's the perk of existence as a being from the outer planes. Don't look at me like that, you're the one who chose to let go of that point of view and volunteered to go down to Arda. You weren't pushed out the door of the Timeless Halls.

Though I do feel for you for what must have been a harsh realization, that moment of understanding that this was forever. That you had once been part of an infinitely large whole, an artist painting on the canvas of an entire multiverse before an audience of all that was and would ever be, and that you would never, ever, get to be anything so grand again.

An eternity of waiting, with your greatest day right at its start. That's an incredible weight to bear.

It's a heady feeling, isn't it? To no longer just be Pygmalion, loving the image of their own mind given reality by creation, but to be loved back. To be gazed upon by your own work, and adored for having crafted it. It's the ultimate validation, in a way.

The thing is, it's supposed to be followed by a letting go of one's self-importance, and a focus on the well-being of one's children. So either you think your children are ashes and rust, which makes you a serious pessimist for a smith, or you are having a serious case of being way too self-absorbed to look after children yet.

You should have gone to Aulë. Aulë would not have laughed, ignored, or looked down on you. Aulë would have understood.

Dude, you have, like, no idea. That bank is cursed. Nine chances out of ten it was built over ancient burial grounds.

...Shit, maybe once Ungoliant's merry crew began to rain in from the Void, Mandos and Manwë began to worry they might accidentally free Melkor, and they buried him under the bank instead. That'd explain everything.

And you're totally eclipsed by Manwë and Melkor and Eru. Yet for some reason, I don't see you stopping. I wonder why that is. Could it be... could it be... that individuals only have a limited point of view?!

...Nah clearly it's that the tiers above you don't exist.

Also shut up you literally thought you were important because you could forge cool bling. How about you come back to us once you start getting other results than ashes and rust and getting thrown over a cliff at the end?

Mairon I kind of respect you and am a great lover of meta debates but even I am not going to touch that one with a ten-foot pole with Iphannis glued on the end.

Shut up, Eärendil is okay, Eärendil is just fine, Eärendil is vacationing on the goddamn moon I swear to god--

Mairon we need to talk about your undertanding of what constitutes godhood.

Is he going to get a clue? Is he?

No fucking shit you don't fucking say
, bring out the confetti and streamers Mairon is having a moment of self-awareness over here!

It's almost like you pulled that one thing you keep projecting on your dad and dropped her out of sight out of mind like a sack of old potatoes the second you didn't need her instrument playing.

I wonder why that happened?

Ah, thinking about the consequences of one's actions, the bane of Worm protagonist existence...

...Actually, thinking about it, no, no it hasn't?

She was already a bitch.

They were doing that themselves.

Lung lost Oni Lee because Oni Lee had been shrinking ever since. Old news.

And then he disappeared because you got off on a wild bling chase, for all we know he's taken over the city by now.

...Okay, granted, that one was a change.

Bakuda did it first and with better FX.

I mean, yeah, but in the defense of mostly everyone they kind of live there?

Technically you're at the center and they're aiming inwards, so it's pulling. Not pushing. As you should know, mister Pushed-Off-A-Cliff-By-A-Bunch-Of-Hobbits.

I admire your boundless sense of grandstanding, but I'm pretty damn sure that's Zion, not you.

Also, Arda is getting real tired of your fetish for setting fires so you can play fireman. Let the Balrogs go. Take up knitting. It's like that perfect midpoint perfect crafting and composing.

You mean like it was on Mount Doom? Still waiting on you to self-reflect on how the fuck you can have lost your One Ring and still be standing to talk about it, by the by. How's that coming along?

You make everything about you, by projecting your own doubts and flaws onto everyone. Every last word you say is always about you.

Pretty sure if it was it'd be a discussion rather than a monologue.

You're monologuing. It's about you. I had to literally break the laws of literary rules and insert myself into the text to make it about us. I had to make myself god to get in reach of your ears.

Talk about meta.

"I'm sure", says the doubting doubter who doubts.

We are mostly begging for you to get a clue. I'd rather you didn't get defeated; that happened the last time, and all the world got to show for it was, well, Brockton Fucking Bay.

You could be truly great. You were, once -- and it wasn't when you were standing atop a pile of ash and rust. This rolling down into soot in defiance of your father is below you. It's below all of us.

Nah man that's the sound of our heads hitting our desks mostly.

Third time's the charm?

...Man, how dense does one have to be, to require three literal and highly cinematic divine interventions to notice that perhaps eventually maybe god is still there? Tip to Eru, from one (momentary) god to another: your smiths are there to shape metal. Not there to be made of it. You might want to reorganize those atoms a bit before your next big symphony, your angels sink way too fast.

I mean, if we're you in this hypothetical situation, then what we have is a moment of profound realization that perhaps we shouldn't think we can take away everything people care about in front of their eyes, and that perhaps we shouldn't twist our fathers' words into what they don't mean? But that's us, I guess.

See, that's the thing. For most of us, we'd never have been there, because we wouldn't have given our vulnerable friends mind-bending artifacts. Because we actually value our friends as sapient beings, not as tools, and so try to respect that sapience.

Yes you fucking can you bunch of overgrown spikes on a lump of coal get your wannabe divine ass down here so I can yell at you for being a jerkfuck to Little V

Like what, gone full evil twin of herself, without half of the accomplishments she got all by herself in canon? Such a feat. I'm so proud.

Tanking human kids along to fend off Silmarils, yes, you should really be proud of yourself there. There's no way this could have been a complete and utter catastrophe and left everybody and a half dead.

She's like twelve you moron

Her Ring
has respect, power and strength. What Vista has is a band of metal welded to her finger into perpetuity lest she die of literal soul withering. I know you're a smith, and I fully sympathize with wanting all of the extra limbs and extra senses everywhere, but don't go Defiant on our asses just yet. Vista was scared by transhumanism. She'd never want this to happen to her.


I feel that only the above smiley can possibly convey the full amount of the side-eyeing I am sending in your general direction.

You yourself just said that you pulled them there on purpose. The only reason the alternative is worse is because you're actively making it worse, so you can then proceed to rationalize it as a justification for your own actions.

This is circular reasoning. You are an Angel of the Lord. This is below you.

Then I stop holding back, and strike with literally anything other than a lightning bolt followed by a miniature fire storm?

Because if I'm still you in this hypothetical situation, diregarding the fact that I'm no great fan of murder, then my house is right there? Also my father? And the aforementioned friends? The fuck would I want to risk dropping heavenly wrath on my house and father and friends?

Mairon what the fuck?

Challenge accepted.

You're a teenager on a self-righteous power trip, because you think you have glimpsed weakness in your father and are trying to establish a sense of who you are in contrast to him. And you've been that teenager for, like, seven or eight millenia. I know this because I am an actual external observer who didn't trap herself into Arda and then complain she could no longer see out of it, and so can literally go take a look at the sheets of the Ainulindalë to tell you that you're wrong. Take a page out of Ciara's book and sit your ass into therapy, you need to talk about those father issues.

There done.

Yes. We've noticed. Now maybe stop making the whole of Arda proxies for the anger you bear towards your father?

How the fuck do you think you survived Mout Doom you dark spiny numbnut in denial?!

Mairon. Mairon my man. Mairon my bro. Mairon my Archangel of Being Really Really Fucking Dense.

Arda didn't ask for your help.

Damn straight, we need rescue from you over here!

That's the other thing about being literally sitting outside of the universe, you unparalleledly self-deluded hedgehog with a soot layer on top. You're outside. You don't get to come in willy-nilly, because that defeats the purpose.

Like, you know, your dad.

Effing Mairon I STG.

I have to admit, that was by far the most hilarious and entertaining response to an omake. I love this. If anything, I welcome our new metafictional debates.
Warning: This is a good suggestion
Alright let's drop the "what they said in SB", not only is frowned here, we already had a mod warning about it.

this is a good suggestion While we have no Affairs of Other Boards rule, I will ask everyone here to move on and focus on story discussion. Keep any personal history related to this incident out of this thread.