Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
...You know what, that's actually a fun idea. Mairon got to rant at us. This wasn't an actual discussion. And then the arguing was across forumites. Therefore, in defense of love, justice, and running commentary,
am going,
to argue with Mairon.

*cracks knuckles*

(I have no clue if doing this is allowed in any way, shape, or form. If it isn't, please be kind and notify me; this is meant to be a joke.)


Speaking seriously, for the nontheists among us, imagine how stressful this has to be. Eru, and the audience to boot, is a constant panopticon. There is nothing Mairon can do, nothing he can be, that will not immediately be judged by a silent but all-important audience. And he is a doubter. A doubter who never, ever, gets a straight response to his doubts or questions.

That's horrible.

Six-ish months here. And yes, you seem to be trying your damnedest to overtake even Worm canon in escalation speed. Kind of an achievement. Taylor would be proud.

It's the perk of existence as a being from the outer planes. Don't look at me like that, you're the one who chose to let go of that point of view and volunteered to go down to Arda. You weren't pushed out the door of the Timeless Halls.

Though I do feel for you for what must have been a harsh realization, that moment of understanding that this was forever. That you had once been part of an infinitely large whole, an artist painting on the canvas of an entire multiverse before an audience of all that was and would ever be, and that you would never, ever, get to be anything so grand again.

An eternity of waiting, with your greatest day right at its start. That's an incredible weight to bear.

It's a heady feeling, isn't it? To no longer just be Pygmalion, loving the image of their own mind given reality by creation, but to be loved back. To be gazed upon by your own work, and adored for having crafted it. It's the ultimate validation, in a way.

The thing is, it's supposed to be followed by a letting go of one's self-importance, and a focus on the well-being of one's children. So either you think your children are ashes and rust, which makes you a serious pessimist for a smith, or you are having a serious case of being way too self-absorbed to look after children yet.

You should have gone to Aulë. Aulë would not have laughed, ignored, or looked down on you. Aulë would have understood.

Dude, you have, like, no idea. That bank is cursed. Nine chances out of ten it was built over ancient burial grounds.

...Shit, maybe once Ungoliant's merry crew began to rain in from the Void, Mandos and Manwë began to worry they might accidentally free Melkor, and they buried him under the bank instead. That'd explain everything.

And you're totally eclipsed by Manwë and Melkor and Eru. Yet for some reason, I don't see you stopping. I wonder why that is. Could it be... could it be... that individuals only have a limited point of view?!

...Nah clearly it's that the tiers above you don't exist.

Also shut up you literally thought you were important because you could forge cool bling. How about you come back to us once you start getting other results than ashes and rust and getting thrown over a cliff at the end?

Mairon I kind of respect you and am a great lover of meta debates but even I am not going to touch that one with a ten-foot pole with Iphannis glued on the end.

Shut up, Eärendil is okay, Eärendil is just fine, Eärendil is vacationing on the goddamn moon I swear to god--

Mairon we need to talk about your undertanding of what constitutes godhood.

Is he going to get a clue? Is he?

No fucking shit you don't fucking say
, bring out the confetti and streamers Mairon is having a moment of self-awareness over here!

It's almost like you pulled that one thing you keep projecting on your dad and dropped her out of sight out of mind like a sack of old potatoes the second you didn't need her instrument playing.

I wonder why that happened?

Ah, thinking about the consequences of one's actions, the bane of Worm protagonist existence...

...Actually, thinking about it, no, no it hasn't?

She was already a bitch.

They were doing that themselves.

Lung lost Oni Lee because Oni Lee had been shrinking ever since. Old news.

And then he disappeared because you got off on a wild bling chase, for all we know he's taken over the city by now.

...Okay, granted, that one was a change.

Bakuda did it first and with better FX.

I mean, yeah, but in the defense of mostly everyone they kind of live there?

Technically you're at the center and they're aiming inwards, so it's pulling. Not pushing. As you should know, mister Pushed-Off-A-Cliff-By-A-Bunch-Of-Hobbits.

I admire your boundless sense of grandstanding, but I'm pretty damn sure that's Zion, not you.

Also, Arda is getting real tired of your fetish for setting fires so you can play fireman. Let the Balrogs go. Take up knitting. It's like that perfect midpoint perfect crafting and composing.

You mean like it was on Mount Doom? Still waiting on you to self-reflect on how the fuck you can have lost your One Ring and still be standing to talk about it, by the by. How's that coming along?

You make everything about you, by projecting your own doubts and flaws onto everyone. Every last word you say is always about you.

Pretty sure if it was it'd be a discussion rather than a monologue.

You're monologuing. It's about you. I had to literally break the laws of literary rules and insert myself into the text to make it about us. I had to make myself god to get in reach of your ears.

Talk about meta.

"I'm sure", says the doubting doubter who doubts.

We are mostly begging for you to get a clue. I'd rather you didn't get defeated; that happened the last time, and all the world got to show for it was, well, Brockton Fucking Bay.

You could be truly great. You were, once -- and it wasn't when you were standing atop a pile of ash and rust. This rolling down into soot in defiance of your father is below you. It's below all of us.

Nah man that's the sound of our heads hitting our desks mostly.

Third time's the charm?

...Man, how dense does one have to be, to require three literal and highly cinematic divine interventions to notice that perhaps eventually maybe god is still there? Tip to Eru, from one (momentary) god to another: your smiths are there to shape metal. Not there to be made of it. You might want to reorganize those atoms a bit before your next big symphony, your angels sink way too fast.

I mean, if we're you in this hypothetical situation, then what we have is a moment of profound realization that perhaps we shouldn't think we can take away everything people care about in front of their eyes, and that perhaps we shouldn't twist our fathers' words into what they don't mean? But that's us, I guess.

See, that's the thing. For most of us, we'd never have been there, because we wouldn't have given our vulnerable friends mind-bending artifacts. Because we actually value our friends as sapient beings, not as tools, and so try to respect that sapience.

Yes you fucking can you bunch of overgrown spikes on a lump of coal get your wannabe divine ass down here so I can yell at you for being a jerkfuck to Little V

Like what, gone full evil twin of herself, without half of the accomplishments she got all by herself in canon? Such a feat. I'm so proud.

Tanking human kids along to fend off Silmarils, yes, you should really be proud of yourself there. There's no way this could have been a complete and utter catastrophe and left everybody and a half dead.

She's like twelve you moron

Her Ring
has respect, power and strength. What Vista has is a band of metal welded to her finger into perpetuity lest she die of literal soul withering. I know you're a smith, and I fully sympathize with wanting all of the extra limbs and extra senses everywhere, but don't go Defiant on our asses just yet. Vista was scared by transhumanism. She'd never want this to happen to her.


I feel that only the above smiley can possibly convey the full amount of the side-eyeing I am sending in your general direction.

You yourself just said that you pulled them there on purpose. The only reason the alternative is worse is because you're actively making it worse, so you can then proceed to rationalize it as a justification for your own actions.

This is circular reasoning. You are an Angel of the Lord. This is below you.

Then I stop holding back, and strike with literally anything other than a lightning bolt followed by a miniature fire storm?

Because if I'm still you in this hypothetical situation, diregarding the fact that I'm no great fan of murder, then my house is right there? Also my father? And the aforementioned friends? The fuck would I want to risk dropping heavenly wrath on my house and father and friends?

Mairon what the fuck?

Challenge accepted.

You're a teenager on a self-righteous power trip, because you think you have glimpsed weakness in your father and are trying to establish a sense of who you are in contrast to him. And you've been that teenager for, like, seven or eight millenia. I know this because I am an actual external observer who didn't trap herself into Arda and then complain she could no longer see out of it, and so can literally go take a look at the sheets of the Ainulindalë to tell you that you're wrong. Take a page out of Ciara's book and sit your ass into therapy, you need to talk about those father issues.

There done.

Yes. We've noticed. Now maybe stop making the whole of Arda proxies for the anger you bear towards your father?

How the fuck do you think you survived Mout Doom you dark spiny numbnut in denial?!

Mairon. Mairon my man. Mairon my bro. Mairon my Archangel of Being Really Really Fucking Dense.

Arda didn't ask for your help.

Damn straight, we need rescue from you over here!

That's the other thing about being literally sitting outside of the universe, you unparalleledly self-deluded hedgehog with a soot layer on top. You're outside. You don't get to come in willy-nilly, because that defeats the purpose.

Like, you know, your dad.

Effing Mairon I STG.

This is why I liked the omake, Tayron completly missed the point about everything she has done she has blinded herself to her own mindset. Very Sauron like and very in character for her.

Good rebuttal.
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So does anyone remember the time Sophia almost let gangbangers use some a young teenage girls face as a human scratching post until she struggled a bit, and afterwards took advantage of her frightened and emotionally traumatised state to push some bullshit world view onto her psyche?

While this does not excuse Emma for all the cruel and hurtful things she said and did to Taylor (and lets be honest, she both needed and deserved the talking to that Sophia gave her) at the very least Sophia had to be railroaded onto the path of redemption by Taylor, Emma however outright confesses to Rune that she truly regrets what she did and wants to fix what shes broken and at the very least didn't need someone by her every step of the way or be given a magic lie detector to realise what she did. Hell if she'd gotten any other power she probably given Taylor a tearful heartfelt apology and joined the wards which may or may not have resulted in some weird love triangle between her, Taylor and Sophia.

Also does no one think its strange that Emma's power is essentially an extroverted version of Sophia's ring, given that Sophia's ring reveals and forces her to acknowledge the truth within herself whereas Emma's power forces her see the deepest self of others?

If anything I just feel sorry for her, I mean imagine triggering as a result of your best friend and the person you respect most and then coming face to face to the person that's changed her for the better and just seeing some incredibly charismatic eldritch evil that wants to take over everything! double whammy when you realise that you helped create said situation and then realise said evil is part of the wards, and given that they made Sophia of all people do complete 180 its not too much of a stretch to think that maybe the PRT is compromised. So that leaves the question of who to turn to, given your pretty sure you by your self isn't going to cut it against that. so its obvious you need powerful allies and stat, luckily there is a parahuman group in Brockton that fits the bill. so lets pro con this situation, Pros, they have a lot of powerful and skilled parahuman members as well as quite a few good connections, so if shit goes sideways you've got a good power base, there's also the fact you can tell apart which of them don't share the groups unsavoury ideals one of whom happens to be their charismatic leader. Cons, They are criminals and nazis, nazi criminals, if that doesn't sum up the fact that these guys are absolute dickbags then nothing will. so Join really horrible people and have a decent chance to stop what you perceive to be ultimate evil or salvage what little morals you have left and be able to do bugger all when shit inevitably hits the fan. Add in the fact that you are young, impulsive and desperate to fix your absolute fuck up of a mistake and you get one of the crappiest stuck between and rock and a hard place kind of situations.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that in just a couple of chapters and one interlude and next to no screen time Emma has some how become one of more interesting and saddening characters for me and because of that I am really looking forward to when we next see her, or at least that's my opinion anyway. I would be very happy to see what others think and then civilly debate. Thank you and have a nice day!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that in just a couple of chapters and one interlude and next to no screen time Emma has some how become one of more interesting and saddening characters for me and because of that I am really looking forward to when we next see her, or at least that's my opinion anyway.

Agreed - while canon Emma isn't really interesting to me at all, this one definitely has potential.

After seeing Sophia's 'redemption' arc manifest (after Annatar made nice with her after ringing her, it was pretty obvious where things would go - especially after the second trigger), Emma is honestly the person I'm most interested in this fic for, as she's not fully adhering to either of the 'good' or 'bad' camps that have been framed.

Some of that ties back to the risk of 'selective' redemption being a fear of mine (where Sophia would get her shot, but Emma wouldn't) when Emma (unlike, say, Smeagol --> Gollum) was a victim who didn't have the appropriate support system (be it due to Alan, Taylor not being around at the time, or what have you) and spiraled out of control to become what she is now....only for her trigger to force her to re-evaluate her past actions, and what she honestly feels needs to be done to protect the whole world.

But then take in the questionable decisions she's now making for what she thinks are the right reason, but then not having her be present at all for nearly all of Sauron's current downslide...honestly, her upcoming chapter is probably my biggest potential 'nope' factor, for fear of setting up her getting mace'd or master'd by Sauron's pet heartbreaker (even if I think neither is immediately likely, compared to angry Dragon intercept)
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Sorry for the lateness. My insomnia acted up last night, I slept in, and the SB mods were kind enough to delay the thread unlock until I could be online for it.

The omake has been reinstated on both sites. It will not be going down again.

I apologize for not being here all day. Things remained pretty calm on this thread, at least in comparison, but I still would have liked to be here to respond.

Anyway. Let's summarize what's happened in brief. People felt actively attacked by something I wrote. That's new. I've had people dislike my writing before, but never feel like I was targeting them. That's not something I intended, nor something I ever expected to face. I took down the omake partly because I had to make a snap decision, since I was leaving in about half an hour after posting it, but also partly because I didn't know what to do in that situation. In retrospect, I should have put it in a spoiler and nothing else. In taking it down, I valued a vocal minority over the feelings of the majority; and it seems like taking it down wasn't even what most of that minority wanted. I apologize for my overreaction.

I'm still not sure what that minority wanted. If they haven't gotten it yet, I don't think they will. If they were hoping for an apology, they're not getting one. I stand by that snippet and its contents. It was not intended to be offensive, and in my honest opinion one would have to be looking for offense to see it that way. I'm not apologizing for writing it or for posting it.

That being said, something needs to change. This story has been bad for my health. I was on the edge of a panic attack for a couple hours yesterday, trying to work while this nonsense was happening on the thread. It's not the first time I've been put in that situation either. It's started to feel inevitable that everyone I respect will eventually lose respect for me and jump ship. This story has been bad for my stress level and for my sense of self-worth, and that's not how it's supposed to be.

And yet I love Ring-Maker. I care about Annatar, and about Sophia, and about the story and the themes and ideas I've spent a year now working to build and express. I love that this thing I'm writing has spawned over a thousand pages across for venues of intricate, sometimes very deep discussion. I love that I've written something which has brightened so many days and helped some people through hard times. And I want to keep writing it.

This thread has only been toxic to me once or twice. It's much smaller, and thus much less dangerous, than SB's. But it still has that potential—especially with the influx of new readers jumping ship from SB after this fiasco. So my response applies here too.

This is not a call to my readers to change. You shouldn't have to change. I am one person faced with the Internet; if I can't deal with the way it works, it's far easier for me to adapt than the whole collective. So you all go on being the responsive, analytical, sometimes hypocritical mess that you are. I love you for it. But I can't deal with it as well as I need to keep responding to it the way I have been.

For now, all I'm doing is giving myself explicit permission to unfollow my own thread if the discussion is becoming problematic. Even if it's all just criticism rather than anything actually hurtful, if I'm being stressed out, I leave. End of story. However, what with my addictive personality and slot-machine problem with this thread, I don't expect this to work as a long-term solution. If I can't stick to this and get a real, concrete improvement in my well-being, I will permanently unfollow Ring-Maker's thread, only stepping in to provide updates.

It's important to me to keep writing this story. It's also important to me that people be able to discuss it. But I may be unable to continue taking part in that discussion, and I'm sorry for that. It's my weakness, not yours, but that means I have to be the one who deals with it, and this is how I plan to do so.

Interlude 9a: Emma will be arriving tomorrow at the usual posting time. I hope you all enjoy it.
Look after yourself. If ignoring the thread is what it takes, then by all means. No respect lost for you over this decision, or the omake. Your writing is consistently high quality, and while reassurances from some random person on the Internet probably won't help much to stop the feeling that people you respect are going to lose interest and jump ship, I offer them anyway. I'm not going anywhere.
Lithos, I have to say this, I -have- to.

As someone who will never ever ever publish her first work of fiction in any format ever (it was that horrible), I understand the place you're coming from. It wasn't that my work was actually all that bad, it was just lacking in most of what makes a fic a fic, but the fact that I got loudly and -creatively- shat on for it that turned me off writing for a good twenty years afterwards.

I have, to some degree, gotten over that. I know where you're coming from on this. I know what it's like to have people shitting all over what you -thought- was a masterpiece, and then that dawning horrible realization that -they are right-.

[Note: this fic is, in no way at ALL, horrible. It's some of the best LOTR fiction out there, and I -Adore- where it is going, I just want to make that part very fucking clear.]

So I can only give you what advice I only wish I had gotten at the time:

You can't please everyone. You can't even please just yourself some of the time. You can only keep doing as you have done, but do it for the joy of creating. As Eru, the joy is in the making, not the music itself. Have fun. Do it because you want to, and you feel the inspiriation. You should never feel -pressured- into doing more, or doing it differently. See where the road takes you, but don't try to take detours just because some fuckwit on the internet said it was an interesting diversion to see what's in the heart of the Great Forrest.

And above all, take care of yourself. You can't write more, if, you burn out.
You are being very mature about this. I'm so sorry that you have those bad feelings, and I understand being at the mercy of something like that. Thank you so much for deciding to put abandoning the fic off the table, you have no idea how sad it makes me when I see an author intimidated from their own story. Just remember, regardless of criticism or corrections, the VAST majority of us fucking love you and this tale you're spinning. Remember that the great majority of us cares and likes what you're slamming down in this thread.
Interlude 10a: Emma
Many thanks to @BeaconHill for betareading.

Trigger Warning: This chapter is written from the perspective of a Nazi, and contains a racial slur.


Sunday, June 5; One day before Valefor's attack.

"So, Emma, how's the Medhall internship going?"

Emma almost choked on her mouthful of soup. After a brief coughing fit, she worked it down and looked up at her dad. "Fine," she said. "It's a lot of work, but it's interesting."

Her father smiled across the table at her. "I'm glad," he said. And he was—there was genuine joy, paired with immense relief, behind the words. She didn't bother to follow the chain further than that. She knew where it would lead.

"Are you thinking of going into medicine, then?" her mother asked. There was concern behind the question—Is she capable? Med school is hard. Should I try to dissuade her?

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mom,
Emma thought sourly. "Not really," she admitted. "I'm more interested in the business side of things."

"There's a lot of money in that," said her dad casually, and Emma had to bite down on the disgust at his naked avarice. "It's a good field."

"Could even lead to law, right?" Anne asked from her seat beside Emma. Her tone was perfectly light, but Emma could see the disgust and hate behind it.

"It could," their father said with a shrug. "But you shouldn't even major in business if you want an MBA. A friend of mine who taught at Harvard thinks the best MBA students come from majors like statistics."

"It's a bit early to be planning out the next ten years of my life, isn't it Dad?" asked Emma dryly. After all, I may not live to graduate high school.

"It's never too early to plan ahead," her father said firmly. Regret warred with self-loathing behind him.

"But you certainly don't need to make any decisions right now," her mother put in. A faint flicker of annoyance colored the words, tempered by affection. "You have time."

I wish. "Yeah. I'll think about it." Emma looked at her dad. "May I be excused?"

He nodded, smiling at her. There was worry under it. "Of course. See you tomorrow."

She stood up and took her plate into the kitchen. As she passed him, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow, Dad."

She carefully walked up the steps, opened the door to her bedroom, and shut it softly behind her. Then she closed her eyes and fell back against it. God, she loved her family, she really did, but they were so draining. Anne's… problems weren't making it any easier. Can she go back to college already? I get that she's here for me, but she's not helping.

Well. There was work to do.

She stood up, crossed to her desk, and sat down. She pulled the phone Kaiser had given her out of her pocket and checked her messages. Two from Janice and one from Auxiliary. Nothing from Kaiser, Krieg, or Hookwolf, which probably meant she didn't need to sneak out tonight. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. On the one hand, she was tired. On the other…

Annatar's out there. She's not stopping. I need to be doing something.

She opened the messages from Janice.

Hey, want to hit the mall tomorrow?

I wanna get a couple books

Emma smiled slightly. Winning Janice over had been hard, but Emma had learned a lot about herself in the past few weeks. Without someone she could be herself around, she would have broken by now. Again.

Sure. Which mall? The one on Bark?

She sent the text off and then glanced at Auxiliary's.

New upgrades to HUD. Need you for testing. Tomorrow?

Emma sighed. Tomorrow was getting busy; she still needed to meet with Immaculata's principal, too. I'll be around 1, she typed, and then added in the afternoon because Auxiliary was the type to ask for clarification.

Her phone pinged just as she was sending the message. Janice had replied. She was about to go look at what she'd sent when she heard a throat being cleared behind her.

She froze. Jerkily, she turned around.

It was a scene out of her nightmares. Sophia's mask was off, but she was otherwise in full gear. She was sitting on the foot of Emma's bed, her crossbows laying across her knees. Her green eyes were hooded as she studied Emma. "Been a while," she said quietly.

Emma didn't answer, and tried to ignore the shame and regret which hung heavy on her former friend's words.

Sophia sighed and looked down. "I came to apologize," she said, and oh, how Emma wished she was lying. That would have made things so much simpler. "I never meant to hurt you like I did. I never wanted this."

"No," Emma agreed flatly. "Annatar did. And you're just her lapdog now, aren't you?"

Sophia didn't answer for a moment. "Annatar didn't ask me to approach you that day," she said quietly. "And she wasn't happy when I told her."

She wasn't lying. How could she not be lying? How could…? "Then…" Emma whispered, and she found her voice was shaking. "Then why?"

Sophia looked up at her. She swallowed. "Your power lets you… what? Read minds?"

"No," Emma growled. "No, you don't get to worm out of this! Not with the power you gave me!" She stood up furiously, her voice rising. "Why, Sophia? We were friends! I thought you cared! I thought—"

"I did care!" Sophia exclaimed, standing up as well, and Emma could see the hurt and pain, and above both the overwhelming regret behind the words. "I did! But I…" She stopped.

"Annatar's mastered you!" Emma said fiercely. "Can't you see that? You'd never be like this otherwise! If you could see the pull she has on you—"

"Of course she has a pull on me," Sophia hissed. The world seemed to freeze for a fraction of a second as Emma stared into her eyes. Were those… tears? "Of course she fucking does—I'm in love with her!"

Silence fell. Emma tried, tried with all her might, to convince herself that there was something other than direct honesty behind those words. She couldn't.

"You're deluding yourself," she said. It sounded hollow even to her. "She's made you feel that way."

"You know that's not true," Sophia said dryly. "I know you know. Taylor's a hero, Emma."

"Taylor is dead!" Emma's voice broke on the terrible word. "And Annatar is only a hero for as long as it suits her! You wait, Sophia! I saw under her façade—I saw what she really is. It's only a matter of time before she throws off the hero routine."

Sophia's fists were clenched. "You're crazy," she said, her voice uneven. "What the hell could even make you think that? That's not who she is!"

"I looked at her and I saw a monster," Emma hissed. "I saw fire and ash and ruins, Sophia. Annatar's a liar. She's fooling you!"

"Taylor saved me!" Sophia exclaimed. "She took a monster and taught her to be human again! She's more a hero than anyone else in the Protectorate. And even if you were right—and you're not—why the fucking Nazis, Emma? There's no version of this where that's the right thing to do!"

"What else was I supposed to do?" Emma asked. "Go to the Protectorate? Legend likes Annatar already. It'd be her word against mine, and who would he believe? The shining hero, or the petty schoolgirl with a grudge?"

Sophia stared at her. "So you went to the Nazis? Emma. Nazis."

"Kaiser's the only person in this city with the power and the balls to make himself into Annatar's enemy," Emma said flatly. "I'm not apologizing for doing what I have to."

"And it has nothing to do with me?" Sophia asked, and there was a choking hurt in her voice, audible even without Emma's power. "You're just there because you have to be? Don't make me laugh."

Emma opened her mouth to respond. No words came out.

Sophia turned away, picking up her crossbows and holstering them at her sides. "I'm sorry, Emma," she said. There was a cloud of regret hanging over her, ready to burst. "I'm so sorry. But you're wrong about Annatar, and you're wrong about me—and as long as you're with the Empire, we're going to be enemies." She glanced back. "Let me know if you ever want to be a hero," she said, but there wasn't even a flicker of hope behind the offer. "I'll make sure you get the chance."

And then, in a burst of smoky shadow, she was gone.


One week later.

"You sure this is the place?" Janice asked in a whisper.

"Yes," said Emma, opening the passenger side door of the car and stepping out onto the sidewalk. "I'll be right back."

She felt oddly half-dressed as she strode up the path to the door of the seemingly abandoned warehouse, wearing only jeans and a blouse. It was incredible how quickly she'd gotten used to the robe and mask. But this wasn't that kind of job. Especially since I haven't told Kaiser I'm here.

She raised her fist and knocked on the tinted glass window of the metal door. "Open up!" she called. "I know you're in there."

There was silence. It stretched, but she wasn't worried. They were here—she'd seen enough in the minds of the people who lived around here to be sure.

She knocked again. "Open up!"

The door opened a crack. The dark eyehole of a mask stared out at her for a moment. There was a familiar sigh. "Should've known you'd show up," said Sophia, and opened the door wider. "Come in."

Emma followed her former friend inside. As soon as she crossed the threshold, the sound of whirring machines filled her ears. "Don't mind the noise," Sophia said. "Armsmaster's just tinkering." She shut the door behind Emma and turned to her. "So. What do you want? Come to gloat?"

Emma winced. "No."

"Mm. Then what?"

"You know why I'm here, Sophia."

"Don't call me that." Sophia's voice was low. There was pain and anger and a sea of hurt buried beneath her words.

Emma flinched. "Fine," she said. "Shadow Stalker. You know why I'm here."

"I really don't. I'm not in the habit of asking useless questions."

Emma grimaced. "Annatar has to be stopped," she said. Sophia didn't answer, so Emma continued. "You broke away from her—you know something's up. You've seen what she is, now! You're here to fight back! Soph—Shadow Stalker, we need to work together! She's too strong to face otherwise."

Sophia didn't move for a moment. Then she turned and walked away without a word, into the next room, towards the sound of machinery. There was an implicit refusal in the action, but she hadn't said no. And why would she refuse? It didn't make sense.

"Shadow Stalker!" Emma hurried after her former friend. "Look, I know this isn't easy, but—"

Stars exploded in her vision. When they cleared, her face was throbbing, she was on the concrete floor, and Sophia was wringing out her right hand. Emma clamped down on a sudden rush of anger. "No, Oracle," Sophia said coldly. "No, you really don't know."

"Stalker?" A man's voice called from on the other side of a column. There was the clang of metallic boots on concrete, and Armsmaster emerged from around the corner, his blue armor dusty and slightly scratched. "What's—who's this?"

"Oracle," Sophia said flatly, turning away. "Offering us an alliance against Annatar."

Armsmaster's helmet turned as he looked between the two of them. "…Why is she on the ground?"

"Because I hit her," Sophia said matter-of-factly as she began walking away.


Sophia stopped. Turned back. "…Because she's a Nazi?" she suggested. "Because she's a hypocrite? Because if Taylor sees me working with her, she'll burn us alive and never look back? Because without her bright idea to give Taylor's identity to Kaiser none of this would have happened?"

"Wait," Emma said, blinking. "What? How is this my fault?"

Sophia's mask turned to her. For a moment she was silent. "Where do I start?" she said finally, and her voice was cold and furious. "There was the two years of bullying, which you and I were both part of. There was the locker we did together. There was the not letting go when I tried to get you to stop—and that's partly on me, too, since I could've done better."


"Different?" Sophia interrupted, and Emma clenched her fists. "Maybe. But then you gave Kaiser her identity. How do you think Heartbreaker got it? How do you think he knew to go after her dad?"

The bottom dropped out of Emma's stomach. "Heartbreaker went after Mr. Hebert?" she asked weakly.

"What, did you think Annatar went crazy over nothing?" Sophia asked caustically. "Of course you did—anything to make this her fault. Newsflash, Oracle—it isn't." She kneeled down, looking at Emma. "You hurt her again. Just like old times. I bet you're proud of yourself."

"I didn't—"

"Yes, you did," Sophia's voice lowered to a whisper. "When Annatar second-triggered, she was trapped and helpless and disgusted with herself. Disgusted that she still didn't have the power and the will and the control to stop it from happening again. So now she's determined to take that control, no matter who she hurts to get it. And she's not going to stop until she's taken over everything." She turned away and hugged herself, and behind all the rage and pain was overwhelming shame. "And I fucking abandoned her, because I knew if I stayed, she'd take control of me too. I'd lose her, and myself with her. I was too weak, too fucking weak to be there for her."

"Sophia," Emma whispered, "Annatar's insane."

Sophia nodded. "Yeah. So was I." She sighed. As she stood back up, her hand lowered to her hip, squeezing the hilt of the sword that Emma only now noticed hung there. "She saved me. I need to repay her."

"I understand how you feel, Shadow Stalker," Armsmaster said, and there was an unaccustomed gentleness in his voice. Emma could see a real empathy there, the sort that came with a similar experience. "But we can't put ourselves above the entire city."

"No," Sophia agreed. "But—Armsmaster." She turned to him, shaking her head. "There are things that are wrong. Helping Nazis overthrow the Protectorate? I don't care how far gone Taylor is, that's wrong."

Armsmaster hesitated. "The two of us aren't going to be winning any battles on our own," he said slowly.

"You really think we can beat Taylor even with the Empire?" Sophia asked dryly. "She's got Alexandria, the entire local Protectorate, and Dragon on her side, not to mention eight Ring-Bearers. We're not trying to beat them, we're trying to save them." She sighed. "And we can't do that working with Nazis. We don't need an army. We need heroes. Real heroes."

"We don't have to make a public alliance," Emma said desperately. "But we need to work together, Sophia, can't you see that? We have to take every advantage we can! Annatar's too strong!"

"Every advantage we can, huh? The ends justify the means?" Sophia snorted. "You sound just like Annatar. And she was way more convincing."

"You're deluded," she said, finally sitting up to stare at Sophia. "You're going to kill us all because you couldn't make the sacrifices you needed to."

"Heard it," Sophia said, turning her back as Emma gritted her teeth. "You know, even now Taylor is trying to be a hero? She's doing all this to stop Heartbreaker and Valefor and Kaiser and you and everyone like you, until all the villains in this world are gone. Until no one ever gets hurt the way she once was... except at her own hands." She turned back to Emma. "You're a Nazi taking over Brockton Bay so you can pretend you have a reason to attack Taylor. Between you and her? I'll take her."

"Armsmaster?" Emma said, her head turning to him. "You know what Annatar is doing, what she's capable of. We can't let her win. Tell Sophia we have to do this."

"No." Armsmaster shook his head. "No, Shadow Stalker is right." He walked over to Emma and knelt down, offering her a hand. "We won't win this with numbers," he said gently. "Annatar isn't a monster we have to put down, she's a girl who's hurting, who needs help. We can't give her that by aligning with someone like Kaiser."

Emma stared at the hand, then up at Armsmaster. Then she forced herself to her feet, ignoring the offered hand. "I didn't want to work with Kaiser," she growled. "But I'll do it if it means saving everyone else."

Sophia nodded. "It's so much easier to pretend you have no choice than to admit you were wrong, isn't it?"

Emma stepped back. "It's not like that," she hissed. "I wish we could save her, Sophia. I wish I could have one last conversation with her. I wish I had a chance to apologize—"

"Liar," said Sophia, and there was a soft, dark amusement in her voice. "I can see you lying, you know. Even when you're lying to yourself."

"I'm not lying!"

"Enough." Armsmaster said, turning away and walking back towards his work. "You have our answer, Oracle. Leave."

"You're making a mistake!"

"I'm a black bi girl, you're a Nazi, and I'm armed," said Sophia grimly. "If you don't get out of here now, I won't be the one making a mistake."

Emma stepped back. "You wouldn't—" Yes, she would.

"I thought you wouldn't join the Empire," Sophia told her. "Guess we were both wrong, huh?"

Emma swallowed her anger. "Please," she said. "Please. I need help."

Sophia nodded, and sadness weighed down her shoulders. "Yeah," she agreed. "You do. Get lost."

The fury that had been building throughout the conversation finally boiled over. "Listen here, you nigger bitch," Emma hissed. "You can't just—"

She realized what she'd said an instant before the sword filled her vision. The blade shone cold and bright, drowning out the light of the fluorescents above. Sophia held it perfectly steady so that the point was mere inches from Emma's face. She looked to Armsmaster, but he too had drawn his weapon.

"Last chance." Sophia's voice was calm. "Get. Lost."

Emma turned and fled.


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Hah! I was worried there for a second that Emma would get to "help" but whew, saved, because Sophia and Colin get how to help her.
Hah! I was worried there for a second that Emma would get to "help" but whew, saved, because Sophia and Colin get how to help her.

Is it actually helping, though?

All it's gonna do is drive her further into the arms of the Nazis, and make things worse for not only her and Colin, but also Annatar - as Sophia states, Emma actually trying to fight Sauron is only going to make Sauron feel more justified in his actions, and make it harder for Sophia to reach her.

IMO, Sophia did what she thought was necessary (at least, according to her ring), in that as long as Emma wants to kill Sauron, she'll never be able to help.....but she failed on actually being heroic beyond the most basic sense of 'don't ally with Shelob to kill Sauron'.

I'm kinda really down about the way things went down, but I suppose that could just mean that Emma IS actually Annatar's demon to conquer (or heal, though I doubt that'll happen), and not Sophia's.

I'm also back to wondering on the nature of Emma's shard, and am backtracking the thought that it was eru-influenced - it seems more likely now that the Entities set her up as a do-or-die suicide attempt against Annatar to judge how much of her Maiar powers she retained.
Holy shit. Emma's actually gone over the edge and fallen to the Empire. It's not just "necessity" to her anymore. I didn't expect that.

Didn't she give Rune shit over the whole Nazi shtick just a few chapters back?

Though admittedly, Emma's pathological need to see herself as something "better" than those she is in conflict with obviously would make her susceptible to the whole ideology. I shouldn't be surprised after all.
Is it actually helping, though?

All it's gonna do is drive her further into the arms of the Nazis, and make things worse for not only her and Colin, but also Annatar - as Sophia states, Emma actually trying to fight Sauron is only going to make Sauron feel more justified in his actions, and make it harder for Sophia to reach her.

IMO, Sophia did what she thought was necessary (at least, according to her ring), in that as long as Emma wants to kill Sauron, she'll never be able to help.....but she failed on actually being heroic beyond the most basic sense of 'don't ally with Shelob to kill Sauron'.

I'm kinda really down about the way things went down, but I suppose that could just mean that Emma IS actually Annatar's demon to conquer (or heal, though I doubt that'll happen), and not Sophia's.

I'm also back to wondering on the nature of Emma's shard, and am backtracking the thought that it was eru-influenced - it seems more likely now that the Entities set her up as a do-or-die suicide attempt against Annatar to judge how much of her Maiar powers she retained.
Ah no, not help Emma I didn't mean that. When Sophia said that Annatar seeing Sophia and Colin working with Emma was a really bad thing, she was absolutely right. That's what I meant, and I also meant that Sophia and Colin get how to help Annatar. Emma's problems are for someone else to solve, if they even are solvable, which I don't think is in the cards given this latest thing.
Holy shit. Emma's actually gone over the edge and fallen to the Empire. It's not just "necessity" to her anymore. I didn't expect that.

Didn't she give Rune shit over the whole Nazi shtick just a few chapters back?

Though admittedly, Emma's pathological need to see herself as something "better" than those she is in conflict with obviously would make her susceptible to the whole ideology. I shouldn't be surprised after all.
Also, all her friends are Nazis, which has a fairly predictable effect.
Narsil glows for nazis? Thought they only glowed for orcs?

That's Sting.

Narsil glowing here implicitly giving Sophia the automatic 'win' feels....a little distasteful to me, but Narsil was never really about redemption as an archetype.

Anduril might have been, but...that's not what's here.

Ah no, not help Emma I didn't mean that. When Sophia said that Annatar seeing Sophia and Colin working with Emma was a really bad thing, she was absolutely right. That's what I meant, and I also meant that Sophia and Colin get how to help Annatar. Emma's problems are for someone else to solve, if they even are solvable, which I don't think is in the cards given this latest thing.

While I don't think it is either (and am considering bowing out due to my own issues with giving Sophia 'redemption' via forced charisma-fu, yet letting Emma tread her own path despite the factors that led her there being utterly dismissed as inconsequential by Annatar), if Mairon is capable of redemption, anyone is.

The bigger issue is that Sophia didn't actually try to get past Emma's new bullshit, and as Emma can only see Sauron, she's never going to stop unless something 'makes' her.

Only that 'making her' is likely going to involve ringing her, charisma-fu'ing her, or just killing her.

Also, all her friends are Nazis, which has a fairly predictable effect.

She's only friends with Janice, that we know of.

Now, if she saw that Janice really 'did' believe the Nazi stuff, and chose to make friends with her anways....yeah, that's pretty shitty.
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If anything I just feel sorry for Emma, she's drowning in an ocean of fear due to seeing how messed up the evil in Taylor is and no one is giving her hand up. Also Sophia. You utter hypocrite. You are the reason that Emma is who she is (again this does not excuse how Emma acted), you were the one that warped her and you are the prime mover that has caused this mess. Fix. Your. Mistake!
The scene felt... Right. The actions of characters felt natural, including Emma using a word she knew would hurt Sophia deeply because she's upset with her. Which is stupid, but definitely teenaged and not terribly unexpected.

Armsmaster felt like he was playing devil's advocate for a time with Sophia, before conceding that an alliance offered no advantages. He felt like a real human being, grappling with a distasteful idea to make sure he wasn't discarding it simply because it was unpleasant.
I love when Sophia first saw Emma she wouldn't help her until she did something that aligned with her current worldview, and here she is doing the same thing.
We're not trying to beat them, we're trying to save them." She sighed. "And we can't do that working with Nazis. We don't need an army. We need heroes. Real heroes
God fucking DAMNIT!!!!!!!!! please lithos, I BEG of you: please please let me stop rooting for MOTHERFUCKING SOPHIA GODDAMNED HESS, why has SHE got to be the voice of reason.

"No." Armsmaster shook his head. "No, Shadow Stalker is right." He walked over to Emma and knelt down, offering her a hand. "We won't win this with numbers," he said gently. "Annatar isn't a monster we have to put down, she's a girl who's hurting, who needs help. We can't give her that by aligning with someone like Kaiser."
now THAT is a properly HEROIC Armsmaster, did you replace the stick up his arse with humanity?
Rambling aside, your writing is as amazing as always.