Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Would you believe I haven't decided? I'll answer the question at some point. There's a few things to consider.
A lost Silmaril, some things never change.

But how fitting that the Oath of Feanor being yet still incomplete might give pause for reflection to those who swore it and have been reembodied, would they pursue it again?
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A nice break from the 'easily redeemable Rune' fanon. She wants to do better, but mostly just so she'll get out of prison and not out of genuine change. Not yet, at least.
@BeaconHill and I iterated on that first scene more than almost any other scene in this story. I am forever grateful that none of you will ever see the first version.
EDven if Rune wants to redeem Emma's question shows the issue:

"You have no intention to hurt anyone in the world as it is right now," said Emma, "but the world isn't always going to be the way it is right now. What you're planning doesn't matter nearly as much as why you're planning it. And, Janice, I think we both know why you're not planning on hurting anyone."

Solitude. Exposure. Fear. Janice looked away. "So that's it then?" she asked. "You're giving up on me?"

"Did I say that?" asked Emma gently. "Janice, you're my friend. You were there for me. I don't want to abandon you. I haven't abandoned you."

"Sure feels like you have."

"I've been"—Emma gestured at the silver building beside them—"a little busy. But I never for a second forgot about you. I just… needed to figure myself out first. How could I help you if I hadn't even helped myself yet?"

"And now you have?"

Emma grimaced. "Million-dollar question, isn't it? But I'm further along than I was. Far enough that I can maybe help you get your feet back under you."

Hope. Admiration. Fear. "What does that look like?" Janice asked. "If you're not getting me out of here, then what?"

"I don't know," Emma said. "Let's talk about it."

It will take time,and effort, and none better than Emma, because Emma was in the place Rune was, and eventually came to the decision Rune must come to if her healing it to be completed: I was wrong. There was no excuse. I have done wrong and I cannot undo it, but I must do better.

Rune regrets a lot of stuff--but a lot of it has that bit of "I regret it because my life sucks now." It will be some time before she can say: I regret it because I hurt others, and I would still regret it even if I paid not one bit for it.
Constellation E.4
Many thanks to @BeaconHill for betareading.


Celebrimbor soon became as much a fixture in my workshop as Colin or Dragon. He had been honing his craft over millennia in Aman, and was now the greatest craftsman in Elven history save Fëanor himself. We settled into an easy rhythm—Colin offered Tinkertech ideas, Dragon translated the esoteric pseudoscience his Shard provided into physics more comprehensible to the rest of us, I provided Song, and Celebrimbor optimized the materials. Soon we had established printers capable of rapidly producing sheets or struts of mithril, and Celebrimbor began working them into every design we came up with.

Flying vessels, each a work of art, began to take shape around the Vingilot. Some, like the original, were sailing ships designed to cross the sea of stars. Others were more modern designs, starships like those from science fiction, bristling with turrets and propelled by heavy thrusters.

As the Silver Flight (as we had taken to calling our new fleet) began to take shape, the Valar left Aman for the first time in millennia and came to Earth Bet. The first was Tulkas, whom Eärendil carried on a special trip back to and from Aman. The first thing the Wrestler did when he arrived in Brockton Bay was visit our workshop.

"Incredible," he said, examining our work. "Truly, you do Aulë proud. This puts many of his works to shame."

I flushed. "I am flattered to hear you say so," I said. "I doubt I can truly compete with the Lord of Smiths, who created the Dwarves with all their cunning, but I am honored nonetheless."

He laughed at me. "Such humility!" he exclaimed. "Take pride in what you have done here, Taylor!" He gestured out the window at the glimmering silver hulls hanging in the sky above the Bay. "You have created the armada which will take us to the field of Dagor Dagorath! No other has done such a thing. No other could have done such a thing!"

"It's not as though I did it alone," I said, glancing around at the others. Dragon grinned at me from her screen.

"Where would you be without us?" she joked.

"Still hammering wooden hulls together by hand, most likely," Celebrimbor chuckled.

I expected Tulkas to join in the laughter. He did not. I turned to face him and blinked.

Tulkas was gone. In his place stood a young man—human, by his rounded ears. He wore a fine blue uniform with two lines of buttons down the sides of the chest, which was sopping wet and torn in places by battle damage. His hair was startlingly black and gray, oddly old for one who looked so young, and waved about his head in a furious wind I could not feel. He held a short spear in one hand. There was an ornate sword through his chest. The four-foot blade was an iridescent silver and thin as a rapier, but it was double-edged, and the metal was covered with a spiderweb of glowing, blue-white cracks.

His teeth were gritted, and his dark eyes—almost black—seemed to be smoking slightly. He met my gaze, looking bewildered, and in a shock like lightning I knew exactly who this was. I reached out a hand, his name on my lips, but before I could say more than "Cu—" the sword in his chest shattered like a detonating shell, and both he and all of the blade's fragments vanished.

Tulkas reappeared, blinking. "What in Eru's name was that?" he asked blankly. "I blinked, and suddenly I was somewhere else!"

"—rumo." I whispered. I turned and met Celebrimbor's stunned gaze.

"He lives," he whispered. "He is undergoing transformation, just as you did."

"If he survives," I said. "You saw that sword in his chest."

"He will," Celebrimbor said, certainty in every syllable. "We must tell Olórin. He will be overjoyed."

"Can we find him?" Dragon asked. I turned to see her looking speculatively at Tulkas. "Is there a way we can trace whatever that was, find where he is? I assume he's in some other world. Could Fortuna and Doormaker find him?"

"We can try," I said. I activated the Queen Administrator's powers, splitting myself apart to give simultaneous mental commands. Celebrimbor, go tell Olórin what has happened. Dragon, get the instruments Fortuna asked you to make for Clairvoyant over here. Tulkas, stay here and describe what you—

I found all my selves suddenly frozen under the weight of Tulkas' gaze. "Do not presume to command me," he said in a voice which, though quiet, reverberated with power.

"I—I'm sorry," I said, returning to my singular self. "I was just…" I shook myself. I hated giving excuses. "I'm sorry."

"I forgive you." Tulkas looked thoughtful. "I will remain, of course. I, too, wish to help our wayward cousin. And it is… good that you are so dedicated to the search. You need only remember yourself, and not grow so consumed by one drive that eclipses your better judgement."

That rebuke was pointed. It was also painfully accurate. "I will… do my best, Lord Tulkas." I cleared my throat, trying to regain my train of thought. "I was going to ask if you could describe what you saw. If Curumo was standing in your place, perhaps you were standing in his."

"It seems likely." Tulkas' brow furrowed as he tried to remember. "I had only a moment, but… I was in a stone corridor. Part of one wall had been cut away, as if a blade had shorn through the rock. Outside a storm raged, wind and rain like a hurricane billowing into the passage. A man in white was stumbling back from me, terrified.

"To my left was a young man in a blue uniform, carrying an enormous sword like nothing I have seen before. To my right another man in blue was reaching for me, looking stricken with grief. Beside his head hovered a girl composed of blue light, perhaps four inches high." He put his tongue between his teeth, trying to remember. "It was night… but what little I could see of the land outside, through the gap in the wall, looked blasted. There was no grass, no greenery, only a flat expanse of bare rock."

"There are a few rock shelves on Earth that might match that description," said Dragon. "We can start by looking at those places on alternate Earths."

"Those blades were distinctive," I said. "We should keep an eye out for any world where they use weapons like that. Or creatures like the little blue girl Tulkas saw."

"I'll pass the description on to Fortuna and our explorers," said Dragon.

We did not find Curumo that day. But we kept looking.
Of Many Colors announcement

Colors, many of heroism, yield envy and fear. Time passes over passing time. Fear and envy yield, Hero of Many Colors.

I can finally announce Of Many Colors, a Cosmere/Lord of the Rings crossover fanfiction. I have started the outlining/drafting phase and expect to start releasing chapters sometime this fall if all goes well. When that happens I will post links to it on the forums where this story is hosted, as well as tying it as a sequel on ArchiveOfOurOwn.

Thanks to @Phinnia, from whom I commissioned the artwork above.
"To my left was a young man in a blue uniform, carrying an enormous sword like nothing I have seen before. To my right another man in blue was reaching for me, looking stricken with grief. Beside his head hovered a girl composed of blue light, perhaps four inches high." He put his tongue between his teeth, trying to remember. "It was night… but what little I could see of the land outside, through the gap in the wall, looked blasted. There was no grass, no greenery, only a flat expanse of bare rock."
Sounds like he interrupted a Tragic Death Scene from a JRPG.
I can finally announce Of Many Colors, a Cosmere/Lord of the Rings crossover fanfiction. I have started the outlining/drafting phase and expect to start releasing chapters sometime this fall if all goes well. When that happens I will post links to it on the forums where this story is hosted, as well as tying it as a sequel on ArchiveOfOurOwn.
While I find the idea of a Curumo reincarnation story in the same style of this one fascinating, I'm afraid I know little of Cosmere as a setting.
Can someone tell me if the scene described by Tulkas was suposed to be a reference to an existing work? If so, wich?
But can you identify which Shardblade? :p
As someone who isn't even up to date on the Stormlight Archives (if that is even the proper name haha) and would consider myself a 'casual fan', absolutely not! I would guess Shallan's because of the rapier thing, but I suspect I'm a 4-hour youtube video, 6 hours of wiki-crawling, and some analytic rereads from having the info I need to actually answer the question :)
But can you identify which Shardblade? :p

Jezrien's Honorblade? It looks like the scene where Kaladin, Adolin, and Dalinar confront Szeth in Words of Radiance? That happened at the tail end of a Highstorm in the corridors of the king's palace at the Shattered Plains, and Szeth had cut his way through a wall to get inside...

If I'm wrong and there's a more accurate-to-the-description scene in Rhythm of War, please don't correct me, I haven't actually read it yet XD
I think I got it...

...Oh fuck.

I know who Curomo us.

Just from the description of the scene Tulkas saw...

...he is Moash...

The Shardblade is being held by Adolin.

The man in white is Szeth.

The other man with Sil, the blue woman/sprite, is Kaladin.

It has got to be Moash. It has just got to be.
"To my left was a young man in a blue uniform, carrying an enormous sword like nothing I have seen before. To my right another man in blue was reaching for me, looking stricken with grief. Beside his head hovered a girl composed of blue light, perhaps four inches high." He put his tongue between his teeth, trying to remember. "It was night… but what little I could see of the land outside, through the gap in the wall, looked blasted. There was no grass, no greenery, only a flat expanse of bare rock."
A Cosmere fusion is not what I was expecting, but I am certainly excited for that. Stormlight Archives is one of my favourite book series of all time.
Tulkas was gone. In his place stood a young man—human, by his rounded ears. He wore a fine blue uniform with two lines of buttons down the sides of the chest, which was sopping wet and torn in places by battle damage. His hair was startlingly black and gray, oddly old for one who looked so young, and waved about his head in a furious wind I could not feel. He held a short spear in one hand. There was an ornate sword through his chest. The four-foot blade was an iridescent silver and thin as a rapier, but it was double-edged, and the metal was covered with a spiderweb of glowing, blue-white cracks.

His teeth were gritted, and his dark eyes—almost black—seemed to be smoking slightly. He met my gaze, looking bewildered, and in a shock like lightning I knew exactly who this was. I reached out a hand, his name on my lips, but before I could say more than "Cu—" the sword in his chest shattered like a detonating shell, and both he and all of the blade's fragments vanished.
Hmm, a member of Bridge Four, considering the uniform and spear and dark eyes. Yeah, PrinceOfDoom has it right. The first confrontation with Szeth must have gone very differently.
@Lithos Maitreya - Is this the final chapter of Ring-Maker?

Colors, many of heroism, yield envy and fear. Time passes over passing time. Fear and envy yield, Hero of Many Colors.

I can finally announce Of Many Colors, a Cosmere/Lord of the Rings crossover fanfiction. I have started the outlining/drafting phase and expect to start releasing chapters sometime this fall if all goes well. When that happens I will post links to it on the forums where this story is hosted, as well as tying it as a sequel on ArchiveOfOurOwn.

Thanks to @Phinnia, from whom I commissioned the artwork above.
That should be an amazing story.
I can't wait for you to post those links.
On my first read of the chapter I actually missed the mention of the blue uniform, and thought that he had reincarnated as Elhokar. Honestly not sure how I drew that conclusion, looking back.