Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
When Madcap became Assault and joined the Protectorate, I'm pretty sure they moved him to another state, since Legend was there with Battery when Madcap was captured and now they're both in Brockton Bay. If they were serious about hiding Brian's past then they would move him and his family to another state. If they want to keep him in the city then announcing that he used to be Grue and that he's trying to turn his life around and be a hero is the only way to go about it. After all, his career can't have been longer than a year and only consisted of some minor crimes where nobody got hurt, and having a villain turn around and go hero is the kind of good PR that the Protectorate's always looking for. But yes, fabledFreeboota is right, it's really about not removing him from the story.

there is a ready-made justification though. BB is in desperate straits. While the ring bearers are indeed mighty there are only seven of them, and relying on wards rather than adult heroes has issues. Due to cauldron fuckery, Piggot can't get new transfers in, and anyone who leaves won't be coming back. So someone whos less than a year from being an adult?Piggot will cut a motherfucker to keep him. A line about typically they would have grue move, but for some reason, no one will swap in a replacement cape piggot found a way to keep him in BB because she needs all the capepower she can get.
They have Gallant wearing power armor made by Kid Win and are trying to pass him off as a Tinker, so it's not the first time they've tried this.

Grue needs a new identity, which means the villain who just disappeared and the new Ward can't have the same powers or else it would be really obviously what's going on. Personally, I think they'd be better off rebranding him but not trying to keep his past a secret, so at least they aren't sending him out without his powers. Just tell the public that he's seen the error of his ways and surrendered voluntarily, so they're putting him on probation. It's not like he'd be bound for the Birdcage or a kill order or something.
Basically this. It makes no sense to try and pretend he's not Grue. And his record as a villain was so short and small-time (and harmless) that rebranding him as a reformed hero is easy as hell.

But the difference with Gallant is twofold: Gallant was never prevented from using his powers at all, and I don't think they ever explicitly told him to act like a Tinker or pretend to be one. Additionally, Gallant's power armor is apparently pretty simple/basic--no special functionality, just good armor that carries its own weight and gives you extra strength. With both Armsmaster and Kid Win on the team, doing it for one Ward wasn't much of a strain. Doing it for two, on the other hand, is a little ridiculous.

That said, Gallant having the power armor is kind of dumb to begin with. He's already got built-in ranged attacks. If anyone should get the tinkertech armor, it's Clockblocker--he has to get in close to use his power at all, which exposes him to a lot of danger (and makes him a lot easier to take down/keep away).

Grue has tons of potential if used properly--hamstringing him to such an extent is unbelievable. It was plausible with Weaver, when she had a whole very public and well-known history as Skitter (including killing Alexandria), and it wasn't so much as "use only butterflies" as "use butterflies to disguise your swarm...and try not to use swarms where the public can see them").

Taylor has acknowledged that Oracle joined the Empire because of what she did to Emma, which is not the same as acknowledging that Oracle is Emma. It seems like a pretty obvious conclusion if she would stop and consider it, but for some reason she's just refusing to do that or even give a solid reason why she's not. She kind of skirts the edge of addressing it when she says that she'll just treat Oracle as Oracle, but... yeah. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a character subconsciously avoiding thinking about something and a character who just happens to not think about something.
Yeah, this kind of confuses me as well. Has Taylor made the extremely obvious conclusion that Oracle is Emma? Or is she that dumb?

Because Oracle apparently and overtly hates Annatar more than any of the other E88 capes they encountered that night. That wouldn't make any sense if it was just Emma telling Oracle Annatar's identity. That unique hostility only makes sense if Oracle is Emma, and Taylor is way too smart of a person to not make the blatantly obvious connection.
That said, Gallant having the power armor is kind of dumb to begin with. He's already got built-in ranged attacks. If anyone should get the tinkertech armor, it's Clockblocker--he has to get in close to use his power at all, which exposes him to a lot of danger (and makes him a lot easier to take down/keep away).
I'm not sure if its canon or fanon, but I was under the impression that the reason Gallant had the armour was because his family was rich enough to commission Armsmaster and/or Kid Win to build an maintain it.
I'm not sure if its canon or fanon, but I was under the impression that the reason Gallant had the armour was because his family was rich enough to commission Armsmaster and/or Kid Win to build an maintain it.
I don't think so. Protectorate Tinkers don't do commissions.

Also, in Drone 23.5 Armsmaster said that Kid Win made Gallant's armor, but in the cast list it says that it was maintained by Armsmaster. Tinkers maintaining each others' gear is not normal, so it's possible that this is just limited to the simple stuff (which is what Armsmaster called Gallant's armor), or WIldbow screwed up. Probably the latter; Kid Win would be able to do maintenance on a suit that he created, and Armsmaster's time is more valuable, so it wouldn't make sense to have him do it.

The flight pack Armsmaster (then Defiant) gave Taylor was at least partially an apology for his past dickery, which is when he explained that it isn't normal for Tinkers to do this and mentioned that Kid Win made Gallant's armor.

"It's not customary for tinkers to design things for teammates. If they do, it's on a relatively small scale, simple. Kid Win making Gallant's armor, for example. Any device requires a great deal of upkeep. Time is spent tuning, calibrating, repairing and identifying problems. Each device created is something the tinker then has to take time to maintain, and mass production means the tinker becomes tech support more than an innovator. Dragon and I don't sleep, or sleep very little, but even for us, it isn't effective. Far better to invest our time into the artificial intelligences and the ships."
I just showed you Armsmaster explaining that it's a serious draw on their time and effectiveness, which is why they don't normally do this even for teammates, and you want a citation that they don't do it for randoms waving money?
He says it's not customary. They don't do it casually - you don't get Tinkertech gear being thrown around just because you're on a team with a Tinker. That doesn't mean they can't do it if it's worth their while - say because a rich family is offering a lot of money to keep their son protected on the field. I'm pretty sure it's canon that budgets are a significant concern for Tinkers, even in the Protectorate.
He says it's not customary. They don't do it casually - you don't get Tinkertech gear being thrown around just because you're on a team with a Tinker. That doesn't mean they can't do it if it's worth their while - say because a rich family is offering a lot of money to keep their son protected on the field. I'm pretty sure it's canon that budgets are a significant concern for Tinkers, even in the Protectorate.
These people are government employees in law enforcement, not mercenaries. You can't just assume that they are available for hire until somebody else proves that they aren't.

So not only is this fanon, it's stupid fanon. We have a canon example of a Tinker explaining that everything they build takes a lot of time to keep it functional, and that too much stuff turns them into tech support instead of innovators. The government letting its employees sell black box tech for cash would be a pretty ridiculous assumption even if it didn't involve diminishing the capacity of the employee in question into the indefinite future through demands on their time that would otherwise go toward the shit that the government is paying them for.

Gallant gets tinkertech armor because the Protectorate thinks it's a good idea, not because somebody was waving money at them. "I'll give you money if you allocate some more resources to my kid" is indistinguishable from a bribe no matter what the Protectorate's budget looks like. It's reasonable to expect that they will have regulations against this for the exact same reasons that police departments do: you can't donate to the police department to have them dispatch a few cops to hang around your place of business because even if you're just boosting their budget so they can pay the overtime, it still looks like a bribe (because it kind of is).
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Damn it Lithos, you mad genius of a writer, stop making me root for Sophia GODDAMNED Hess to have a happy ending.:confused:
*puerile giggle* I root for a LOT of people to have happy endings, personally.

"Yes," I said. "Probably through the new cape, Oracle."
"Who is my former best friend, even though I've boneheadedly decided to pretend she isn't. Because I'm stupid honorable like that."

Piggot nodded slowly. "You realize this is one of the worst things that could have happened, don't you?"
Annatar: *slowly turns to stare out Piggot's window at the Leviathan-wrecked landscape beyond*
Annatar: *deadpan* "Oh, yes. Definitely. The worst."

"Okay. He didn't reveal your identity to the public—just to us. Standard procedure would be to relocate both you and your father through witness protection. Change your identities, down to physical appearance, and put you up in another state with a new cape identity. And then Alexandria comes by and punches someone's spine out their asshole."
You forgot something there, Piggot. So I fixed it for you.

Because, as has been pointed out... repeatedly: Threatening/blackmailing a Ward is the kind of thing they would take seriously. Kaiser had to have known the crap that would come down on him if he tried it. ESPECIALLY since he just tried it against the girl who lead a charge against Leviathan and LIVED. That's... not a winning strategy for him and I can't help but feel like he's got some sort of hidden motive for it beyond "Get her out of the city." I mean, he KNOWS that one good weekend is all it'd take for Alexandria to wreck his shit. And, with the city kind of fucky thanks to Leviathan, it wouldn't be as bad to the balance of power between the gangs that had been being maintained. Heck, having one of the Triumverate pop by and nail Kaiser's face to the floor wouldn't even raise an eyebrow once they made it known that he'd discovered and threatened a Ward's civilian ID.

Of course, the PRT is a big organization. So... their response might be a little slow in coming here. But... they WILL have a response. They basically have to. And I don't think it's going to go well for Kaiser when they do.

And because he didn't reveal it to the public at large, he doesn't want to escalate into an open war. It's harder for us to escalate if he doesn't do it first.
You're ABSOLUTELY right, Director. You don't want to escalate. So... only reveal HIS name and no one else's in the E88. That way, it's a level playing field! Even stevens. About square.

"I knew I'd made enemies after Leviathan, but this is insane. I'm just a Ward."

"He clearly doesn't see it that way," said Piggot in clipped tones.
inb4 it turns out that Emma has a Master rating, too. ...which would actually explain Rune's reactions last chapter! HA! There we go! Emma has a Master rating! Bam! No-Prized that bitch! It's not that Kaiser's stupid, it's that Emma's Mastering him and the... entire..... E88. ...ooooooh, right.

Um. ...sorry, Taylor?

"Yeah. So what do we do? I'm not letting Kaiser win this."
Ahhhh... there's the Taylor we know and are more than a little bit terrified of love.

"I know," she said quietly. "It's really up to him. He definitely has the right to witness protection… but if he wants to stay, I'll do my best to accommodate that. We can assign him a protection detail, make sure he's guarded, at least in the short term. There's only so much we can do, though."
*narrows eyes*
A reasonable Piggot who I DON'T want to hit in the face with a Buick? What weird voodoo did you do, Lithos?!

Sophia was breathing heavily, her wooden sword gripped tightly in both hands.
WHULP. To the scotch we go!

She was looking away from me as I entered the room. I shut the door quietly behind me. It might have just been a teacher's instinct, but I wanted to see this.
So... Taylor wanted to watch Sophia work on her... swordsmanship. Got it. Absolutely nothing pervertable about that. *pours more scotch*

Sophia lashed out with a crushing blow to the dummy's shoulder, then delivered a thrust into its gut with a wordless cry.
Was it wordless, Taylor? Was it? Or did you just not UNDERSTAND the "NOTICE ME, SEMPAI!" in it?

Presented without additional commentary: Taylor, seen here admiring Sophia's form.

"Taylor," she said, blinking, raising a hand to pull the hair out of her face. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you," I said. "Are you all right?"
It's... it's just so beautiful. *sniffs, wipes eyes*

"Fine," she said, idly twirling her blade. "Just thinking about something I have to deal with.
Now... do I make the perverse joke about Sophia stabbing things with her sword... or the far more likely implication of impending (and promised) murder?

"Something she said got me thinking," I said. "Sophia, I—I need to apologize."

She did a double-take, staring at me. "What, to me? What for?"
*crosses fingers* For never having taken you on a PROPER date before putting a ring on you?

Every word was true, and each needed to be said, but forcing them out and actually facing up to my problems was harder than I'd expected.
Yup, that's still Taylor in there. Charge at Leviathan with a sword and a hankerin' for stabbing? NO PROBLEM. Apologizing? DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! DANGER!

I have suggestions! Many, many suggestions! Diagrams! Explanatory pamphlets! Audio-visual aids!

Also, I'm pretty sure that should be "How do I do this?".

I didn't want to apologize for giving her an opportunity. That wasn't what I was ashamed of.
And you shouldn't be! I and The Chart agree on that point most vociferously!

I had done the right thing—for all the wrong reasons.
I get that reference! 'cause it's like Worm's original tagline... but all reversed and stuff!

"I wasn't thinking about you," I said finally, looking away.
Uh...huh. Suuuuuure. Because i-it's not l-like you l-like her o-or a-anything, right?

I was—you were just a tool to me, then. I know I could use you, as long as I could bring you around, and that was all that mattered to me.
...oh. your. god. It's full of INNUENDO. ...and I'm going to be to full of SCOTCH.

I don't feel that way anymore," I assured her quickly, glancing back at her face. "That's why I—that's why I needed to say this. I owe you an apology, for thinking of you like that. I'm sorry."
HNNNG. Look at it. LOOK AT IT.

M-maybe she WANTS you to think about her like that, Taylor. As a tool you can use. For... whatever needs you might have. Any needs at all. A-anything. J-just say the word. Anything? Anything at all? Murder someone? Back massage? ...model a wedding dress for you?

She was staring at me, mouth slightly open, and for a moment I found my hands shaking in something like fear. Would she be angry? Worse, would she be fearful?
I'm just... gonna point out how Taylor's concerned a great deal about the emotions of JUST a teammate. Just... pointing that out. *underlines something on The Chart*

I shook it off. I knew Sophia better than that. I didn't know exactly what she'd say, but it would take more than this to break the bond between us.
So... you and Sophia have... a bond. Well, that would explain all the searches on Sophia's computer about bonda*burbles into scotch glass*

"I…." She hesitated. Sighed. "Please," she said, and her voice was rough. "Please don't apologize."
...you are doing this to TAUNT me, Lithos! Don't you deny it!

"That day," she said, interrupting my half-formed protest, "was the best thing that's ever happened to me, Taylor. I don't care why you did it. I—" she swallowed. "I'm just grateful to have had the chance at all."

I smiled. "And I'm glad I could give it to you
*scrambles for more scotch*

Sophia barked a single peal of laughter, almost hysterical. "What the fuck kind of standards are you holding yourself to, Taylor? You're only human.
Speaking of hysterical laughter....

You've done more for me—more for everyone—than anyone else in the fucking city.
*pours another glass of scotch*
Whulp, my liver has had a good run....

"Oracle. If I hadn't done what I had to Emma, she might not be with Empire now."
Yeah, or she might be with the Merchants. Or smeared across a city block because of Leviathan. Or in jail. Or....

Emma is the sum of HER choices too, Taylor. You can't take all of her bad choices upon your shoulders. She could have gone to the PRT. She could have decided not to destroy your life. She could have sacked up and gone after you DIRECTLY once she Triggered. Her decisions are HERS, not yours. You can only take responsibility for YOUR screw ups. Any more than that is foolishness.

Sophia looked pale. "This is my fault, Taylor. And I will set it right."
"Via murder. Horrible, horrible murder."

"It's my responsibility. And I don't… I can handle this, Taylor. You don't have to. Please, let me."
*narrows eyes*
Is... is this reading as "I don't want you to take the fall, so I'm going to do something horrible without your knowledge so you don't have to." to anyone but me?

"I just—this is something I want to do myself. If anything, it's selfish.
Selfish. To want to do something yourself. Where that "something" is "Emma."

Just... pointing that out, is all.

"Are you sure she doesn't?" Sophia asked, and there was something raw in her voice. "She might have reason."
"Like her former best friend threatening horrible vengeance upon her, as a random example. Totally random. ...totally."

"You know who she is," I said. It wasn't a question.
As other people have already noted... this seems like it was pretty clearly established already? But... I think maybe this is Taylor, making sure there's absolutely NO doubt. None of the usual dancing around the subject or half statements. Just... "You know. I know. And now we BOTH know that we know."

"Yes," she said, without looking at me. "I'm so sorry, Taylor."
Hey! She FINALLY said "I'm sorry"! ...I mean, it's pretty much for the wrong reason, but it has to give at least half credit, right?

...also, seriously, this entire scene plays off with a HEAVY undertone of "I'm about to go do something myself so YOU don't get involved." The classic "I'm about to protect you from yourself by doing the evil things you can't." trope.

"Please, Taylor. If I can't do it, you'll be the first to know. But I—I have to try."

It was hard to curb my curiosity.
*salutes with scotch glass*
*puerile giggle*
Canon: Taylor is curious RE: Sophia.

It was harder to curb the sense that I should be part of this—the need to be involved, the need to insert myself into the problem and its resolution.
So... just to be clear here: The "problem" is Emma. And the "resolution" is, most likely, Sophia. And you have a need to... well. Time for more scotch!

She blinked, surprised, and then gave me a smile. "Thanks."
...look, I know this is going to end in fire and screams. But I'm really, really hoping I'm reading it incorrectly and I've completely misunderstood the subtext that Sophia was broadcasting there. (And you KNOW it has to be bad when *I* am the one trying to ignore subtext.)

Also, I wonder what Emma's vision will get off Sophia? Like... she sees the reason someone is doing something, right? So... when Sophia confronts her, what's she going to see for that reason? A sense of responsibility? A 'I made a promise, I'll carry it through' determination? An actual heroic resolve? It's going to be interesting to see how THAT confrontation shakes out. ...before Sophia attempts to violently murder her.

"Please tell me I can do things again," Brian begged.
Oh, if this were any other story....

Carlos had called me in to discuss the patrol schedule for the next week,
I like how Carlos isn't even TRYING to pretend that Taylor isn't running that shit nowadays.

Brian was here to hear news from our leader's recent briefing with Piggot.
But... I thought Carlos was the one who attended that briefing?

"Annnnd that's the bad news," Carlos said, his face falling. "You can't keep Grue."
"But he followed me home!"

Brian turned to me, a pleading look in his eyes. "That's literally my entire power. I thought you wanted someone useful, not a meat shield!"
Notice, again, how Brian turns to TAYLOR... not Carlos. Because they all know who's actually In Charge in the Wards these days.

Shadow Stalker can synchronize with those, and use you as a delivery mechanism.
...now that just SOUNDS vaguely dirty. ...I approve! *salutes with scotch glass* Salud!

"Pretending to be a brute almost got me killed," I said. "No. We're not putting Brian at risk like that."
*glances at Sophia*
*glances at that statement*
*glances at The Chart*
...screw it. Sophia, this is Brian. Brian, this is Sophia. I hope you learn to get along, because I'm TOTALLY shipping both of you with Taylor.

"Does this mean I have to sit with my thumb up my ass for another week?" Brian grumbled. "I'm bored. I thought heroes were always understaffed."

"Not if I have anything to say about it," I growled.
Okay, so... which part of that do you disagree with? Is it the thumb part... or more the... specific person it's located within?

Amy walked over to the coffee machine, took a mug.
..Amy. I don't care if you DID write your name on it with a sharpie, the ENTIRE POT does NOT count as "a" mug!

There was an ache, deep inside me, where the Ring's absence was still felt. I was trying to accept it, trying to move on. Amy was a better bearer for it than I could ever be, and she'd needed it more than I ever had.
You know, if there's an ache deep inside you FOR the Ring and Amy's currently WEARING the Ring, I... uh... have certain solutions that I might suggest. ...elsewhere. Away from the mods. And their wrath.

"I should think so," I said. "Give it a try. Reach out. Reveal it."
Seen here: Taylor, suggesting that Amy reveal... things. In the Ward's common room.

I'm... starting to have certain... suspicions about the REAL purpose behind that "all seeing eye."

"They're doing that thing where they light trash cans on fire. It smells awful."
Yes, but Amy... consider this: Without the trash fires, you'd be able to smell THE MERCHANTS. I think we can all agree the trash fires are a step up.

I nodded. "We need to take a stand," I said.
Ah-HA! It's a surprise JoJo crossover! Lithos was just playing the long game!

"If anything, they might not let us come," said Carlos dryly.
Well, yes. That WOULD be a result of not c-*mumbles into scotch glass*
*sighs, casts Regenerate Liver on Datcord* Damnit, man, not only do I have to invest in an Endless Bottle of Single-Malt Scotch for you, but at the rate you go through livers, I might as well figure out how to turn you undead so you won't -need- one anymore!

Seriously though, dying of laughter here. halp
The Chart is a vile, five dimensional Thing. It contains multitudes of Taylor's at the center of ever growing webs of shipping. It connects and documents every instance of text that can even tangetially be considered evidence of affection or innuendo a cross the breadth of the Worm fanbase. It has driven many to madness untold.

Do not seek to understand it, lest ye be lost forever.
The Chart is a vile, five dimensional Thing. It contains multitudes of Taylor's at the center of ever growing webs of shipping. It connects and documents every instance of text that can even tangetially be considered evidence of affection or innuendo a cross the breadth of the Worm fanbase. It has driven many to madness untold.

Do not seek to understand it, lest ye be lost forever.
Understanding is not required, only shipping.
We have a canon example of a Tinker explaining that everything they build takes a lot of time to keep it functional, and that too much stuff turns them into tech support instead of innovators.
You seem to have missed the part where Kid Win did, in fact, make the armour. He invested all that time you say is so unreasonable for him to invest. The ony question is whether he did that because the PRT, for some reason, decided they needed to pretend Gallant is a Tinker, or because his family payed for it.

The government letting its employees sell black box tech for cash would be a pretty ridiculous assumption
If he were seeling off his laser guns to strangers? Sure. Unarmed armour to a fellow Ward? Not so much.

"I'll give you money if you allocate some more resources to my kid" is indistinguishable from a bribe no matter what the Protectorate's budget looks like. It's reasonable to expect that they will have regulations against this for the exact same reasons that police departments do: you can't donate to the police department to have them dispatch a few cops to hang around your place of business because even if you're just boosting their budget so they can pay the overtime, it still looks like a bribe (because it kind of is).
"I want my kid to have better gear than standard issue and I'm willing to cover the costs", on the other hand, just looks like good parenting.
Blaze 7.6
Many thanks to @Assembler, @themanwhowas, @fabledFreeboota, @Skyrunner, @BeaconHill, and ShadowStepper1300 for betareading.
Many thanks to @MugaSofer for fact checking.


"Annatar. Did you find the Merchants?" Piggot's question came immediately after I opened the door to her office.

"Amy did," I said. "With Nenya. They're at Carpenters Shopping Center, setting up now. Who are we sending?"

"Protectorate and Wards," said Piggot. "Grue's been through console training, so I'm thinking of keeping him on mission control—with supervision, of course."

I shrugged. "Seems reasonable. I wanted to talk to you about him, though. Aegis told me about Image's plans for his identity."

Piggot smiled thinly. "The brute thing?"

"The brute thing."

"I'm working on it."

"You can't let him be fielded when he's got that big a target on his back." My voice was hard. "It's ridiculous. He's not a meat shield."

Piggot nodded. "I agree."

I blinked. "You do?"

"I don't want him dead. It's a waste, if nothing else." She sighed. "Like I said, I'm working on it. My current plans, if I can't make progress, is to let the press conference happen as planned, and then refuse to let Grue into the field until they give him more leeway—or at least a cover that won't get him killed. That's not ideal, though, and they know that. I have a feeling we'll get something changed before the conference."

I considered her, and found myself smiling. "You keep surprising me, Director," I said.

She grinned mirthlessly. When she spoke, her words were bone-dry. "Glad I have your approval, Annatar. Now get your team together. We're moving in an hour at most."


"Shadow Stalker, are you in position?" Aegis' voice came through my earpiece, as clear as if he had been standing beside me.

"Yes." Sophia sounded a little nervous, and no wonder. She was alone, just as she had been against the Empire. As our only stranger—at least until Amy learned to use Nenya—she was our only means to infiltrate the meeting and take stock before rushing in.

"What do you see?" Brian asked.

There was a pause. "More than I ever wanted to." Sophia voice was low with contempt. "There's—ugh. Lot of different things going on. Drugs, sex, loud music. I can already feel a headache coming on."

The Merchants had never been a particularly powerful or significant group. They didn't appeal to anyone with even a shred of dignity left to them, and half their members were forced in by addiction. It didn't make for a healthy or large group. After Leviathan, however, with half the city destroyed or crumbling, membership in every gang had gone up as people looked for any help they could get—even if, in the Merchants' case, it was just enough drugs to forget their problems for a while.

"Any sign of Skidmark?" Miss Militia asked.

"Not yet. Still working on it."

I drummed gauntleted fingers on my leg, trying to relieve some tension. The waning half-moon reflected off my armor and set the alleyway in which I waited aglow.

Even from here, several blocks away, I could hear the hedonistic celebration. Screams, hysterical laughter, and the thudding of heavy electronic music echoed over the rooftops. It must have been deafening from where Sophia stood, hiding in the rafters of the mall.

I miss Nenya.

"Annatar? You got anything?"

I blinked at Brian's interruption. "Hm?"

"With your precog. You got anything?"

"Let me try." I closed my eyes and extended my perception.

Using Vilya was often an exercise in frustration. It seldom gave me detailed information. I generally had to try several approaches until I got some glimpse of a future I could use.

I tried to get a location for an upcoming conflict, first, but all I got was a sense of location which encompassed the entire city. Brockton Bay, the site of a conflict? Who would've thought?

Then I tried to think of the Merchants. Where would they face adversity? All that question gave me was the general direction in which I knew the mall lay.

At last, I thought of Sophia, alone and in the middle of the enemy. Where was the greatest danger to her?

At last, I had something. "Shadow Stalker," I said. "They're north of you, and they're coming your way."

"Shit," she said. "They must be coming through the security office. I'm going to move. I'll keep you posted."

"Okay," said Miss Militia. "Be careful."

There was silence for a few moments. My fists clenched and unclenched repeatedly, rhythmically.

"She'll be okay," Kid Win said from beside me.

I nodded. "I know," I said. "I'm just tense."

Before he could answer, my earpiece crackled back to life—but it wasn't Sophia's voice I heard. "You quim-jockeys up for the main event? It doesn't get any better than this!"

As the cheers began, Sophia murmured over them. "Skidmark, Squealer, Mush, and another cape I don't recognize. They've set up a podium at one end. I think this is all of them."

"Then let's move in," said Vista. "Shut them down."

"Wait a moment," I said quickly. Vilya was practically screaming in my ears, shining like a blue star. "I have a feeling we want to hear this."

"He's creating some kind of… ring," Sophia reported slowly. "Using his power. Like a skating rink, or…"

"Or a coliseum," I finished. "Gr—Console, are you seeing it?"

"Yeah," Brian said. "He's forcing people into an arena of some kind. I don't like this."

"Blood sports?" Miss Militia asked. "We can't allow that to go on, Annatar."

"We won't need to," I promised, and knew it was true. "He's going to talk first. I want to hear what he says."

Suddenly, Skidmark's voice cut in again. "You scum-suckers know what the red armband means! Bloodshed! Violence! We've got ourselves a melee, every man for himself!"

The cheers rose in pitch. I could even hear them through the air around me now, from outside the building and several blocks away. It made me sick.

"Last five standing get a prize! No rules! Use a weapon, jump in at the last second, whatever you want! I don't give a fuck!"

A pause for cheering, and then he continued. "Oh, our contestants don't seem too excited! Well, here, let me tell you dickbags what you stand to win!"

"He's bringing out a box," said Sophia, as quiet as she could while still being heard over the cheering. "What is this, Annatar?"

I didn't know, but Vilya was practically vibrating. This was important.

"Some kind of canister," Sophia said.

"Before, we gave the winners the cream of the crop! The best our boys have been able to get from the rich fucks with their fancy-ass houses and jobs! But tonight is special, because we won the motherfucking lottery when we found this shit!"

"It's a vial," said Sophia.

"Superpowers!" Skidmark crowed. "In a can!"

I froze.

"No fucking way," said Brian.

"That's not possible," Miss Militia said.

"It's true," I said. Vilya would not let me believe otherwise. "And we're out of time, unless we want to let that fight happen."

"We're not letting it happen," said Aegis darkly. "We're shutting this down, and we're getting those 'canned powers' out of his hands. Miss Militia, is the Protectorate in position?"

"They are. Wards, move in now!"

I caught Kid Win's arm and he pulled me up as his hoverboard rose into the night. "Is this real?" he asked me as the wind whipped past us. "Superpowers in a can? That's…"

"It's horrible," I said shortly.

He glanced back at me. "…Yeah."

There was a boom as a wall came down. A cloud of dust rose from the shopping center ahead of us.

"Assault has breached the building," Miss Militia said.

"We're coming in through the second floor," said Kid Win, carefully steering his hoverboard. The building was coming up fast. "Preparing to breach."

I took hold of his shoulders.

In one vertigo-inducing motion, he lifted the nose of the hoverboard up so that it was perpendicular to the ground and pushed forward. The mithril-plated underside burst through a window of the shopping center.

As soon as we were properly inside, I was diving off the hoverboard and rolling, my hand going to my back. Iphannis came out and extended, narrowly missing a shelf.

One guy was blinking at me. There was a pistol in his hand, but it was shaking. His other hand was fiddling with a headset in a display case, and all around him were strewn various cords and computer peripherals. His eyes were glazed, and a faint sheen of sweat coated his face.

"Oh, you can't be serious," I said, standing up.

"Hey!" he said, finally. "You're not—"

Iphannis' haft came up and struck him in the chin, and he was out. "Their security is on drugs," I said exasperatedly. "You've got to be kidding."

We were in an electronics storefront. Phones, computers, peripherals, and other equipment lined the walls and shelves. One wall was glass, and through it, I could see the crush of bodies and conflict. There were Assault and Battery, fighting their way through the scattering, drugged-up partygoers.

I couldn't see any of the Merchant capes, though.

"Where is Skidmark?" I asked into my radio. "I can't see him."

"They went back through the security hub," Sophia said. "I'm following them, but I need backup."

"I'm on my way," said Miss Militia immediately.

"So are Kid Win and I," I said, beckoning him. "Come on."

He hovered overhead, pistols at the ready, as I jogged along the balcony, ignoring the squealing mess below. I slashed through the lock of a door with Iphannis, and pushed through.

Now I was in the portion of the mall inaccessible to the public. The bright paint and decorations were gone from this hall, in favor of a rather ugly off-white paint job and yellow linoleum floors.

My boots squeaked against the floor as I barreled down the hallway. "Are they outside yet?" I asked into the radio.

"Yes," said Sophia. "Headed for Squealer's truck. I'm engaging."

There was a wall ahead of us. I reached out to Vilya: Will continuing lead me outside?

Vilya thrummed an assent upon my finger.

Good enough for me. I clenched my left hand, and the Dominant Ring burned with clear light. I pointed, and lightning burst forth, crashing against the wall ahead of us. It crumbled, drywall bursting outwards in an explosion, and I leapt through the hole, Kid Win hot on my heels.

As I fell the fifteen feet to the asphalt of the parking lot, I distinctly heard Skidmark's voice screaming, "What the fuck!?"

I landed rolling, came up, and immediately took stock. Sophia was on a roof—I could see her framed against the night sky, crossbows at the ready, firing bolts towards the four Merchants taking cover behind a van. On the other side of that van was a monstrosity of a vehicle, at least ten feet high and seemingly comprised entirely of scrap metal, bolted and welded together haphazardly. Bits of machinery that might have been guns were mounted on the hood.

Skidmark was slowly creating a barrier along the roof of that vehicle. I saw Sophia's bolts slowing as they passed through it, each one more than the last. Soon, in order to prevent them reaching their ride, she'd have to engage at close range, putting her at a disadvantage.

Of course, that was before I arrived.

"Get the slut, Mush!" Skidmark roared, and Mush surged forward, charging me. His pink-skinned, squat body was enlarged and augmented with bits of garbage and clumps of gravel, which grew around him in a tangled mass of mingled tendrils and blobs.

It was one of the most disgusting things I'd ever seen, barring the locker.

I swung Iphannis once, and severed a tendril of garbage. Then I was forced to dive aside as another long arm struck at the ground where I was standing, pounding the ground with a heavy crash. I spun Iphannis around me, deflecting another strike, and then stabbed the luminous point into his rotund belly. The thrust didn't dig deep, and I was sure I'd hit nothing more significant than fat, but he screamed. The little bit of pink skin I could see behind the trash and gravel paled around the cut. Frostbite.

He staggered, and I withdrew the spear, spinning it around. A blow to his temple, and he was down.

Then I found myself pushed back by one of Skidmark's fields. "Whirlygig, you keep her back!" he said. "Squealer, let's—"

Then he gurgled, took a single step, and fell over. Sophia was there, a tranquilizer bolt at the level of Skidmark's neck in one hand, the other reaching for a crossbow.

Kid Win was overhead, firing downward with lasers onto the remaining capes. Squealer was just covering her face and cowering in cover while the last remaining cape did her best to defend her.

She was a girl with long hair covering her face, and she was charging Sophia. A windstorm of sand and gravel was whipping around her, and Sophia was forced back to avoid being slashed by the speeding debris. The girl was fast, though, and Sophia was starting to stumble as she was backed up.

Then the girl had to dive aside to avoid a burst of laser fire from above, and I was charging. The lasers were scattered by the sand, though, and beams glanced off my armor. I thrust Iphannis forward, but it was buffeted away by the whirlwind.

Then the girl threw herself at me, and I was forced to dive aside to avoid being shredded.

"This isn't working!" Sophia hollered over the wind. "Annatar, have you got anything?"

I looked down at Vilya. The answer was probably yes.

I clenched my left fist, and looked up into the whirlwind, bearing down on me. It was widening now--spreading outward, growing thicker and faster. I could barely see the girl on the inside.

Vilya was the Dominant Ring, but more to the point, it was the Ring of Air. I reached out and took the wind into my hands.

I immediately saw that it wasn't actually wind. The cape was using a telekinetic field, or something, to artificially create the effect. But that was no barrier.

I drew back my hand as if to throw something, and pushed forward. A burst of wind, as strong as a hurricane gust, pushed away the storm. Sand and gravel went flying, breaking free of the girl's power. I heard her shriek as she was cut up by her own debris.

The dust settled quickly, and she was on the ground, having caught herself with her hands. I stared at the girl, and she stared back, her face hidden under a curtain of tangled black hair. She was bleeding from cuts on her arms and legs. Sand was already starting to rise around her as her whirlwind reasserted itself.

Then a bolt from Sophia's crossbow hit her in the back of the neck, and her arms flopped bonelessly to the ground, her eyes closing.

Kid Win was already dropping. "I've got confoam," he said quickly. "I'll start foaming them--you secure Squealer."

I nodded and turned away, returning to the last Merchant standing. She was sitting hunched, her back to the car, staring at me with a hunted look in her glazed, unfocused eyes.

I stopped in front of her. I wondered what to say. Sorry we hurt your teammates and shut down your operation? I wasn't. They'd hurt themselves, mostly. I could ask her where the canisters were, but even as the thought occurred I saw them by Skidmark's prone form, still sealed and whole.

I had nothing to ask, no threats to deliver, and she had nowhere to run. So I said the only thing I could think of.

"You have the right to remain silent."


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This is a two-chapter week. Interlude 7b: Missy will arrive on Friday. In addition, my edits to Interlude 7a are currently going through betareading and should be posted today or tomorrow.
Nice action scene.
TBH, though, Taylor's repeated mentioning that she misses Nenya is making me a bit nervous. She has told others about how clingy the Rings are and tend to make their users, it's possible that even the Ring-maker can get attached to them. Especially since she bore the Three for a time. As Taylor gives away the Three, she could get lonely and want to create the One in order to fill that void. If a screw-up with the Nine occurs, that would likely be the nail in the proverbial coffin.
That being said, I don't think Taylor will go Sauron. As I've mentioned before, they are too different. And Taylor is displaying an awareness of how slippery her path can become. For example, her apology to Sophia last bit. Taylor knows just how far down she can fall, and is actively trying to avoid that.
Been thinking about the Silmarillion again. In particular the Narn i hin Hurin. And about a black-haired brother who always worried about his sister. If Grue gets his hands on a black sword...

Cuz Turin Turambar was definitely not a Brute, but was always fighting his cursed fate but always made the wrong choices... hmmm
Finally, a chapter without Emma! I can enjoy this fic again! The station of canon is making me nervous though...

/serious but playing it up for effect
I caught Kid Win's arm and he pulled me up as his hoverboard rose into the night. "Is this real?" he asked me as the wind whipped past us. "Superpowers in a can? That's…"

"It's horrible," I said shortly.

He glanced back at me. "…Yeah."

why though? I wonder what about that sets off anatr off about that? I also suspect she just told kid win how he should feel about this because I don't think he was going to say horrible. Super powers you can give to someone who's already been veted? that's a boon to society not a bane.
why though? I wonder what about that sets off anatr off about that? I also suspect she just told kid win how he should feel about this because I don't think he was going to say horrible. Super powers you can give to someone who's already been veted? that's a boon to society not a bane.
This will be explored. It is, in fact, a central conflict of the next several arcs.
I can't help but wonder what Cauldron is up to. I can't imagine Contessa allowed something like this to happen on accident...unless it's a Simurgh plot.
I can't help but wonder what Cauldron is up to. I can't imagine Contessa allowed something like this to happen on accident...unless it's a Simurgh plot.

Keep in mind taylor is mantling a fallen angel right now. PTV might not be able to model her with perfect fidelity. It's intended to deal with outside threats so it will be able to model her, but it may take it a while to figure out exactly how Taylor and sauraon will play off each other. Until then it might legit get some paths wrong because it didn't predict how sauron would react to something.