[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.
-[X] Maybe knock first.
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[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.
-[X] Maybe knock first.

Ohohoh, if you think the outside look bad, Misato, wait until you see the inside.
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[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.

For some reason I had thought we had gotten her out of that place already.
[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.
Maybe knock first. Fuyutsuki definitely planned this, the old bastard... but at the same time, it gives us an opportunity to get her out of there and into somewhere nicer.

Also: holy shit Rei's letter was adorable, and a step in the right direction. Definitely worth it.
[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.
-[X] Maybe knock first.

Not a trade-off I'd normally make, but every principle breaks down in extreme situations, and this seems extremely unsafe.
[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.
-[X] Maybe knock first.

"Rei, I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your guardian by coming in anyway!"
[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.
-[X] Maybe knock first.
[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.
-[X] Maybe knock first.
[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.
-[X] Maybe knock first.

Daughter, you live like this? Also! I think that letter was almost refreshingly honest. I do appreciate Rei's art too. It's kind of giving me Junji Into vibes at this point.
The Third III: Apartment 402
[X] Snoop. Open the door to Rei's apartment. Her safety is more important than her privacy.

You hesitate for a minute or two, thinking about how much you valued your own privacy when you were Rei's age. Everyone has their circumstances after all, and the fact Rei hasn't told you about this means she doesn't think it's your business to know.

But still! This isn't right. You knock on Rei's door. Rei does not answer. You put a shaky hand on the door handle. Sorry, Rei. You pull down.. It feels stiff and in need of maintenance. You step inside. A crumpling sound under your feet alerts you to a pile of mail on the floor. Most of it is junk, though there are a few past due notices. That said, there are no eviction notices you can see. NERV must pay her rent. It just pays it late. The letterbox on the other side of the door is absolutely overflowing. You gently close the door behind you, and the room grows dark. Rei hasn't turned on any lights.

The floor is covered in dirty footprints. Rei never seems to take her shoes off in the house, which is borderline sacrilegious to you. You may be a slob, but you don't track mud into your house. Everything in the apartment is a dull gray color. The air is stale and smells fusty. You don't bother removing your shoes as you venture further in. There's a little kitchenette by the door, which is positively filthy. The sink is filled completely with dirty dishes, which emit an unpleasant smell. The walls are a dreary pockmarked concrete.

You enter the main room of the apartment. There's three pieces of furniture within. A bed with a lamp attached to the head, completely unmade. There's old bloodstains on the pillowcase. A bunch of dirty laundry is thrown haphazardly on the bed. To your right, there's a mini fridge with several blister packs of pills and bandages on top of it, and a beaker full of stagnant water. A bag of garbage hangs from a hook on its side, mostly cans of vegetable juice and empty ramen packages. It smells. A box of used bandages sits to its side. A beaten-up old dresser sits at the foot of the bed with a cracked pair of glasses on it, along with some of Rei's books.

Rei emerges from behind a curtain off the kitchenette wearing only a pair of white panties and the shoes she arrived in. Captain, is everything alright? Did you need Rei for something?

You gape at her. The first thing she was going to do after coming here without locking the door was take a shower? You push past her and check the bathroom. It's pretty decrepit and you can see mold growing on the ceiling. The tub is fairly grimy, and one of the faucets for the shower is broken off. A layer of dust coats most surfaces. The smell is pretty awful.

You step out of the room and resist the urge to gag. Rei seems somewhat distressed by your reaction. You take her gently by the shoulders.

What will you do?

[ ] Move Rei into your apartment immediately. You will fight tooth and nail to get this girl out of here.
[ ] Make arrangements to move Rei into her own apartment in better accommodations. It may take some time, but she can't keep living here.
[ ] Talk to NERV and see if they can't remodel the place to make it more habitable for her.

Is there anything you want to tell Rei?

[ ] Write-In
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You enter the main room of the apartment. There's three pieces of furniture within. A bed with a lamp attached to the head, completely unmade. There's old bloodstains on the pillowcase. A bunch of dirty laundry is thrown haphazardly on the bed. To your left, there's a mini fridge with several blister packs of pills and bandages on top of it, and a beaker full of standing water that looks unhealthy. A bag of garbage hangs from a hook on its side, mostly cans of vegetable juice and empty ramen packages. It smells. A box of used bandages sits to its side. A beaten-up old dresser sits at the foot of the bed with a cracked pair of glasses on it, along with some of Rei's books.
You push past her and check the bathroom. It's pretty decrepit and you can see mold visibly growing on the ceiling. The tub is fairly grimy looking, and one of the faucets for the shower is broken off. A layer of dust coats most surfaces. The smell is pretty awful.
When people who watched Evangelion said the apartment would be bad, I didn't expect this. This sounds freaking uninhabitable.

[X] Talk to Rei about why these accommodations are unsafe (and could compromise her health, and hence ability to fight Angels), and ask if she wants to move in with you or what

Seems better than just moving her in without asking. But my god, something needs to be done.
[X] Talk to Rei about why these accommodations are unsafe (and could compromise her health, and hence ability to fight Angels), and ask if she wants to move in with you or what
[X] Talk to Rei about why these accommodations are unsafe (and could compromise her health, and hence ability to fight Angels), and ask if she wants to move in with you or what
[X] Move Rei into your apartment immediately. You will fight tooth and nail to get this girl out of here.
-[X] Talk to Rei about why these accommodations are unsafe. You care about her and will not see her life and living situation abused through negligence.
--[X] If Rei needs further convincing, reiterate the dangers this place poses to her health and, therefore, her ability to fight Angels.
-[X] Find out who approved this.

In this case, I believe we shouldn't be asking about this. This is legitimately dangerous to Rei and, much as she should get a say in her home life being uprooted, she's also being abused through the system... and whatever douchewaffle signed off on this place. And worse, Rei might actually be in a mindset to just sit there and take it if given an option. And that is, frankly, not acceptable.

We can try to convince her to come of her own initiative. First through personal rapport, then by poking her in the Duty to Kill Angels if necessary. But she must leave this place.
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[X] Move Rei into your apartment immediately. You will fight tooth and nail to get this girl out of here.
-[X] Talk to Rei about why these accommodations are unsafe. You care about her and will not see her life and living situation abused through negligence.
--[X] If Rei needs further convincing, reiterate the dangers this place poses to her health and, therefore, her ability to fight Angels.
-[X] Find out who approved this.


[X] Move Rei into your apartment immediately. You will fight tooth and nail to get this girl out of here.
-[X] Talk to Rei about why these accommodations are unsafe. You care about her and will not see her life and living situation abused through negligence.
--[X] If Rei needs further convincing, reiterate the dangers this place poses to her health and, therefore, her ability to fight Angels.
-[X] Find out who approved this.
[X] Move Rei into your apartment immediately. You will fight tooth and nail to get this girl out of here.
-[X] Talk to Rei about why these accommodations are unsafe. You care about her and will not see her life and living situation abused through negligence.
--[X] If Rei needs further convincing, reiterate the dangers this place poses to her health and, therefore, her ability to fight Angels.
[X] Move Rei into your apartment immediately. You will fight tooth and nail to get this girl out of here.
-[X] Talk to Rei about why these accommodations are unsafe. You care about her and will not see her life and living situation abused through negligence.
--[X] If Rei needs further convincing, reiterate the dangers this place poses to her health and, therefore, her ability to fight Angels.
-[X] Find out who approved this.