Cleaning up the apartment or buying groceries seems rough, impossible, and honestly boring. But Rei needs at least some role modeling. Misato will do her best to battle the beer cans and take out trash.

Actually I like this one better, will be changing my write in for this one.
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[X] Home
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Arts program

[X] Write-in: Cleaning up the apartment or buying groceries seems rough, impossible, and honestly boring. But Rei needs at least some role modeling. Misato will do her best to battle the beer cans and take out trash.
[X] Home
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Arts program

[X] Write-in: Cleaning up the apartment or buying groceries seems rough, impossible, and honestly boring. But Rei needs at least some role modeling. Misato will do her best to battle the beer cans and take out trash.
The Third V: Distrust
[X] Talk to Rei about Home

You catch Rei sitting on the couch in her school uniform watching television with Pen2​. She's never owned one before, apparently. She's been flipping back and forth between a documentary on life in the Patagonian Sea and some crappy romance film from pre-Second Impact. She doesn't take her eyes off the screen while you talk, but she's listening.

She says that you're right, your apartment is an improvement over her old one. She didn't know how nice it was to take a hot shower, or to sleep on clean sheets, or to have carpeting was. It feels…warm here. Rei does something you've never seen her do before. She smiles. It's very small, and disappears after only a second, but you know she smiled. You feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Rei hopes she can be of use here. When she's not at NERV or school, anyway.

Pen2​ says wark, by the way. In case you were wondering his feelings on the matter.

Investigation Results

You dig around in some old files trying to figure out who the hell ordered Rei's old living arrangements. It's difficult work. For reasons unknown, almost all of Rei's records are blank. You can't find when she started living in Apartment 402, when she started working at NERV, anything about her parentage, when Gendo adopted her, her blood type; you can't even find a birthday on file. The only clue you can find regarding her entrance into NERV is the earliest of the expunged records being dated 2005. It's unnerving, given the amount of detail in your file.

You cannot find any details regarding who approved it, but you can work out that at least three people knew about Rei's living situation prior to your own discovery of it: Gendo Ikari, Ritsuko Akagi, and Kozo Fuyutsuki. So whoever approved it, it is most probably one of them. You find yourself wanting to avoid all three of them having learned this information. Especially Ritsuko.

Will you tell Rei about their neglect of her?

[ ] Tell Rei
[ ] Do not tell Rei

[X] Synchronization training

Rei's sync rate has risen to 46.2%, almost 8 points. Ritsuko is baffled at the change. Rei's range has always been fluctuating in the 30% range her entire time here at NERV. That said, Rei's range isn't exactly stable, and it dips occasionally into the high 20s. Ritsuko notices that her psychograph outputs show some irregularities similar to those that appeared during the Angel's sonic attack. This worries her. Rei is eventually taken out of the simulation plug and whisked away for some sort of special testing.

When Ritsuko returns, she shrugs at you and says she isn't sure what's wrong with Rei. There's no evidence of mental contamination or organic brain damage. The issue must be psychological in nature. Have there been any major changes in Rei's life lately?

You hesitate. You're having trouble trusting your old friend. It feels...awful, to be honest. For the time being, you keep Rei's move quiet. Ritsuko looks at the both of you questioningly, but doesn't press the issue. Rei, to her credit, also keeps quiet.

[X] Arts program

Rei's art remains Rei's art. Some of her pictures are at least slightly more normal looking, though. She seems to enjoy drawing pictures of Pen2​. You notice that in addition to her pictures of human silhouettes, she seems to draw the Third Angel in various states of injury or crossed out. But seemingly for every picture of the Angel she draws, she draws a picture of herself crossed out instead. You tentatively ask why she's crossed out the Angel. She tells you that it's because she…wants it not to exist. That she…h-hates it. That's the correct word, right, Captain? It's the first time she's ever used an emotion word to talk about her feelings.

You tell her that you hate it too. Rei seems to relax a little after you tell her that.

But what about the crossed-out drawings of Rei?

Rei doesn't answer.

[X] Write-in: Cleaning up the apartment or buying groceries seems rough, impossible, and honestly boring. But Rei needs at least some role modeling. Misato will do her best to battle the beer cans and take out trash.

You reluctantly try to step into the role of a parental figure for Rei. You have some misgivings about this, but what Rei needs in her life is some structure and routine. Rei has for the most part spent her time in her room reading her books or watching television on the couch with Pen2​. Neither of you have been doing many chores, and it's not very long before your apartment reverts to the state of disarray typical of it. This has to stop.

You make a chores list and do your best to divide it fairly. You consider playing rock-paper-scissors for each day, but you feel like Rei would just experience a freakish stroke of luck or read your mind or something and make you end up doing everything. You show Rei how to clean dishes (she initially tries to use bar soap rather than dish soap), clean the bathroom (she tries to use the toilet cleaner on the bathtub), sort and take out the garbage (she considers all garbage "flammable" because in theory everything you throw out does have an ignition temperature), and teach her how to cook some basic meals. Mostly for you (so far). Rei, thankfully, does not have any problem with other people eating meat. She considers it her personal choice. The thought of eating meat makes her feel nauseous, apparently. Oh, and she can't have dairy, either. Not because of any philosophical stand, but because it gives her a stomachache. She doesn't seem averse to cooking eggs. She can't eat them, but she's fine with making them when she's on breakfast duty. You take some time during the week to find some vegetarian recipes.

Rei's cooking isn't bad, but it's mediocre. She's inflexible and not great at problem-solving, so if anything goes wrong, she has difficulty correcting it if it's not written in the recipe. It's something to work on. Your cooking is also fairly mediocre, but mostly because any time you try to get creative you invariably overseason whatever you're attempting. Whatever, you're not on Iron Chef.

After a week of eating actual real food, Rei's complexion seems noticeably improved. She's still incredibly pale, but she looks more alive than she did before.

You also make some plans to introduce Rei to Shinji, under your supervision, of course. You're going to try to take them out of the very narrow world they currently inhabit without the entire encounter lapsing into protracted and awkward silence. After that you're going to multiply some loaves and some fishes. Good luck!

Where are you taking them?

[ ] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
[ ] Aquarium (apparently this one got blown up by the N2​ mine, sorry. You probably shouldn't tell Rei about this.)
[ ] Mahjong parlor (you want vengeance)
[ ] Fishing (You-Know-Who was really into this)
[ ] The beach (it would give you an excuse to buy Rei literally anything that isn't a school uniform)

You will make them talk to each other and they will participate in some activity together. Neither of them are very talkative, but there's no way you're going to let them sit there in silence. You're filled with dread. You kind of half-hope an Angel attack interrupts your plans.

Anyway, what are you trying to accomplish here?

[ ] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[ ] Romance. The matchmaker in you definitely sees this as a potential opening for Rei to expand her emotional horizons. Maybe having another person to fight for will help Rei's obvious self-esteem issues.
[ ] A working relationship. They are coworkers, and they've never met. They need to be able to trust each other if they're going to be backing each other up. Not exactly going to be easy to manage them the way things are now, either.
[ ] A friendly rivalry. Pushing both of them into a friendly competition will help them improve faster.

You spend a good part of the week procrastinating telling Gendo about Rei's new living arrangements. Yes, you promised Rei you'd talk to him right away, but, uh, you were busy. Yeah. With um, moving Rei in. Rei has not asked you about it yet. In fact, you think she probably assumes you've already done it. You've been pacing up and down the floor his office is located on.

[ ] Break the news to Gendo
[ ] Pretend nothing has changed for now
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You catch Rei sitting on the couch in her school uniform watching television with Pen2​. She's never owned one before, apparently.
Took me a moment to realize you meant "never owned a television" and not "never owned a penguin". Though I imagine the second is also true.

You dig around in some old files trying to figure out who the hell ordered Rei's old living arrangements. It's difficult work. For reasons unknown, almost all of Rei's records are blank. You can't find when she started living in Apartment 402, when she started working at NERV, anything about her parentage, when Gendo adopted her, her blood type; you can't even find a birthday on file.
Well, this is unusual. And unfortunate.
[Q] Ask Rei when her birthday is.
-[Q] If Because she doesn't know, get a cake for her. And some kind of gift. Does NERV sell model Eva kits?

You tentatively ask why she's crossed out the Angel. She tells you that it's because she…wants it not to exist. That she…h-hates it. That's the correct word, right, Captain? It's the first time she's ever used an emotion word to talk about her feelings.

You tell her that you hate it too. Rei seems to relax a little after you tell her that.

But what about the crossed-out drawings of Rei?

Rei doesn't answer.
I'm so glad Rei hasn't figured out lying yet.

Rei's cooking isn't bad, but it's mediocre. She's inflexible and not great at problem-solving, so if anything goes wrong, she has difficulty correcting it if it's not written in the recipe. It's something to work on. Your cooking is also fairly mediocre, but mostly because any time you try to get creative you invariably overseason whatever you're attempting. Whatever, you're not on Iron Chef.
Oh hey, they're bad at cooking in diametrically opposed ways. I wonder if there's some kind of thematic significance to that.

[ ] The beach (it would give you an excuse to buy Rei literally anything that isn't a school uniform)
If we take this option, there is a distinct risk that Rei will occasionally wear her new swimsuit to school or NERV or something as if it were regular clothing.

[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
Aside from sounding like fun (as previously mentioned)...I can't imagine Shinji would enjoy fishing (Rei probably wouldn't complain), the beach has issues (the N-2 debris and needing to explain to Rei when it's inappropriate to wear a swimsuit), and I suspect the best we could hope for from the mahjong parlor would be Rei just getting banned for her "cheating".

[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
Rei needs some more...warm relationships in her life, and from what this Quest has taught me about Mitsuko, she probably shouldn't act as matchmaker.

[X] Break the news to Gendo
Probably safest in the long run.
[X] Do not tell Rei
Let's not create trust issues.
[X] The beach (it would give you an excuse to buy Rei literally anything that isn't a school uniform)
Getting her some clothes would be good.
[X] Romance. The matchmaker in you definitely sees this as a potential opening for Rei to expand her emotional horizons. Maybe having another person to fight for will help Rei's obvious self-esteem issues.
Friendship is fine but it's a little more fun.
[X] Break the news to Gendo
Better to say it now than later.
[X] Do not tell Rei
[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo
[X] Do not tell Rei
[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?) [X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo. (We should probably try to associate the changes we made in Rei's life with her elevated sync levels to appeal to Gendo's pragmatism.)
Telling Rei about the parental neglect by Gendo and the others is sure to shake her faith in him, for better and worse. Personally I think that telling Rei the truth is the morally right option, but not telling isn't a bad option. Shinji is a stick in the mud who's idea of fun is centered around staying in his room listening to classic music, so putting him, and Rei, in an arcade with light and sounds might be overwhelming. If Asuka was here I'd probably argue against it because her competitive spirit would abrasively push Shinji around, but Rei's curiosity and mutual inexperience with arcades should encourage a tentative positive relationship.

Talking to Gendo is tricky. As a character Gendo is fascinating, as someone to interact with he is terrifying and infuriating. He possesses a need to be in control, maybe not complete control, but enough so that his plan is guaranteed as much as possible. He needs Rei, and he needs Misato, but two big reasons he needs them is because he can control them, manipulate them into doing what he wants them to do while fighting the Angels. And ultimately they are replaceable, though ironically I would say Misato is the more-so of the two. Gendo would order the current Rei be decommissioned if he had to, but her connection to Yui is enough that he wouldn't do so unless he thought there was no other better option. I don't think he wants to kill Rei.

Another thing to keep in mind is that I refuse to believe that Gendo isn't aware of Rei staying with Misato. Rei is one of three key parts of his plan and Section 2 should be ordered to be aware of her movements. I think it's likely Gendo won't bring it up until Misato oversteps the boundaries that he has set for her, allowing him to reveal that he's known the entire time how Misato has 'kidnapped' Rei and been taking care of her. He can then threaten to remove Rei from her care to force Misato to back down from whatever it is she's doing or just do it as a punishment. Going to him now doesn't prevent either option being leveraged, but it does prevent the surprise or shock of the reveal and I think levels the playing field between Misato and Gendo.

[X] Tell Rei
[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo
[X] Do not tell Rei
[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo
[X] Do not tell Rei
[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo
[X] Do not tell Rei

Yeah, I don't think we're ready to open this particular can of worms right now.

[ ] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[ ] Romance. The matchmaker in you definitely sees this as a potential opening for Rei to expand her emotional horizons. Maybe having another person to fight for will help Rei's obvious self-esteem issues.

Given the emotional issues of both members, I don't think we should be pushing them into it. Plus, you know, Misato herself isn't particularly good at it, and her meddling isn't necessarily going to help. It's probably much better if right now we try to create at least a working relationship between them. If we can even do that, over time they will probably be able to befriend each other without us forcing them to.
Although I'm also curious about the rivalry option. This will likely give Rey the most personality development of any of the options, but it will also likely make the fights more risky.

[X] A working relationship. They are coworkers, and they've never met. They need to be able to trust each other if they're going to be backing each other up. Not exactly going to be easy to manage them the way things are now, either.

[X] Break the news to Gendo
We promised Rey we'd do it.

[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
I suspect Rei might already know who ordered her to stay in that apartment, or at least can figure it out. In the case she doesn't... I'd like to be honest with her, as much as possible. It might go badly - especially if Rei rejects the premise outright - but she deserves to know, if not now then later.

Other choices are part bandwagon, part because they're a good idea. We get to do the arcade after all, Rei does need a friend, and there's a promise hanging over our heads to tell Gendo. We do have a synchronisation score improvement to point at and say "hey look turns out neglecting the girl was holding her back" if he complains, so that's helpful.

[X] Tell Rei
[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo

Also seconding this write-in:
[Q] Ask Rei when her birthday is.
-[Q] If Because she doesn't know, get a cake for her. And some kind of gift. Does NERV sell model Eva kits?
(It's March 30th IIRC, officially? Obviously subject to change.)

Otherwise, Rei's interactions continue to be adorable, so props to Sutekh. I'm going to run out of words to say that with at some point. The crossed-out Reis are a bit worrying (okay, they're very worrying) so we'll just have to try to work on that.
[X] Tell Rei
[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo
Telling Rei about the parental neglect by Gendo and the others is sure to shake her faith in him, for better and worse. Personally I think that telling Rei the truth is the morally right option, but not telling isn't a bad option.
I would have agreed if I'd remembered that was a question.

Shinji is a stick in the mud who's idea of fun is centered around staying in his room listening to classic music, so putting him, and Rei, in an arcade with light and sounds might be overwhelming.

[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
I realize you had a second sentence about Rei's curiosity and how it's good that Asuka isn't here, but I still don't see how that makes this into an argument for going to the arcade.

I think it's likely Gendo won't bring it up until Misato oversteps the boundaries that he has set for her, allowing him to reveal that he's known the entire time how Misato has 'kidnapped' Rei and been taking care of her. He can then threaten to remove Rei from her care to force Misato to back down from whatever it is she's doing or just do it as a punishment.
Yeah, that sounds like what a manipulative bastard would do in this situation.

Also seconding this write-in:
[Q] Ask Rei when her birthday is.
-[Q] If Because she doesn't know, get a cake for her. And some kind of gift. Does NERV sell model Eva kits? seconding, do you mean "This is a funny joke and I want to point it out" or "This is a good idea and I want to vote for it"? Because if it's the second one, the Q's are a problem?

[X] Tell Rei
[X] The beach (it would give you an excuse to buy Rei literally anything that isn't a school uniform)
[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo
[X] Tell Rei
[X] The beach (it would give you an excuse to buy Rei literally anything that isn't a school uniform)
[X] Friendship. Rei needs a friend that isn't you. You know, if she considers you a friend. You're not sure about that.
[X] Break the news to Gendo

[X] Ask Rei when her birthday is.
-[X] If Because she doesn't know, get a cake for her. And some kind of gift. Does NERV sell model Eva kits?

I vote for telling her, either way it has the possibility of being painful but in the long run I think it will be better to just tell her now and get it over with, rather then our bluebird being told by (cough Gendo) cough) that we knew and never informed her later on, I think the beach is a better option then the Arcade, sure your normal happy go lucky kids love the place but we are not dealing with your average teenagers but two introverts here, who are just starting to get more familiar with the world at large let alone different people, best to ease them into it, the beach is a nice spot to just relax and take in the sights for some and maybe a good place to paint for someone else, and the crossed-out drawings of Rei could mean so many things, most of them either bad or painful for her, should probably look further into that.

Friendship first, this will be their first time meeting after all and don't want to ruin something that could have been or set it back by pushing the two together to hard, and I give it a almost 100 percent chance that Gendo already knows full well we have taken our bluebird in, will be surprised if she has not already told him at some point and our digging into her past as well, so might as well come clean, after all we have not done anything wrong here, being her Guardian and all, it would be strange to not have someone under our care to room with us, also never even thought of asking her when her birthday was, love it, will be backing that as well.
Last edited: seconding, do you mean "This is a funny joke and I want to point it out" or "This is a good idea and I want to vote for it"? Because if it's the second one, the Q's are a problem?

The latter, more to highlight it - though, yeah, I should X it.

[X] Ask Rei when her birthday is.
-[X] If Because she doesn't know, get a cake for her. And some kind of gift. Does NERV sell model Eva kits?
[X] Ask Rei when her birthday is.
-[X] If Because she doesn't know, get a cake for her. And some kind of gift. Does NERV sell model Eva kits?
I realize you had a second sentence about Rei's curiosity and how it's good that Asuka isn't here, but I still don't see how that makes this into an argument for going to the arcade.

Well, my thought process was built off of previous posts on fishing likely not being something Shinji might be interested in, though now that I think about it a quiet, boring, introspective hobby like fishing might actually be something he'd enjoy, and how taking Rei to a gambling hall was kind of weird enough to get called out on it by Gendo and so it's not something we'll want to repeat often. I also think that Shinji and Rei being mutually awkward in an arcade would be good for building their relationship, whether or not they both actually enjoy the arcade itself. They can both explore and experience something that's new to them both without the pressure that a more serious or competitive person would put on them to enjoy the games and attractions themselves. At worst they might not enjoy the arcade, but they would probably come to that conclusion as a pair, which would still be good for their relationship.

I hope that makes my reasoning a bit more clear.
[X] Tell Rei
[X] Arcade (kids like that sort of thing, right?)
[X] Romance. The matchmaker in you definitely sees this as a potential opening for Rei to expand her emotional horizons. Maybe having another person to fight for will help Rei's obvious self-esteem issues.
My OTP lol
[X] Break the news to Gendo