[X] Random Event: Tell Rei that Gendo is coming to inspect the appartment in 10 minutes and that he may send her elsewhere if he thinks that this place is too dirty, then tell her to get dressed, clean her room and the kitchen while you clean the lounge and hide/clean up the trash.

[X] Shinji: Ask him if he wants to try to have a relationship with his father, maybe open up about how Misato didn't have a chance to. Agree that it's unfair, and point out how Gendo is generally bad with people.
[X] Random Event: Tell Rei that Gendo is coming to inspect the appartment in 10 minutes and that he may send her elsewhere if he thinks that this place is too dirty, then tell her to get dressed, clean her room and the kitchen while you clean the lounge and hide/clean up the trash.

[X] Shinji: Ask him if he wants to try to have a relationship with his father, maybe open up about how Misato didn't have a chance to. Agree that it's unfair, and point out how Gendo is generally bad with people.

Right not much we can do here but clean up the best we can and hide the rest and put on our best poker face we have, and I honestly think this is the best reply we can give Shinji at this point.
[X] Random Event: Tell Rei that Gendo is coming to inspect the appartment in 10 minutes and that he may send her elsewhere if he thinks that this place is too dirty, then tell her to get dressed, clean her room and the kitchen while you clean the lounge and hide/clean up the trash.

[X] Shinji: Ask him if he wants to try to have a relationship with his father, maybe open up about how Misato didn't have a chance to. Agree that it's unfair, and point out how Gendo is generally bad with people.
Sariel I: Der Engel des Mondes
[X] Shinji: Ask him if he wants to try to have a relationship with his father, maybe open up about how Misato didn't have a chance to. Agree that it's unfair, and point out how Gendo is generally bad with people.

You decide to be a little vulnerable around Shinji and tell him about your father. You leave out the circumstances by which you were parted (civilians by and large have been told the Second Impact was caused by a hyper-speed meteorite impact; details about the Contact Experiment are classified), but you tell him that you never really had a chance to get to know your father. He was always busy with his work, and left your mother and you behind. You hate to make excuses for him, but you say that your father was a weaker man than you thought, and couldn't connect to others the ways other people wanted him to.

You agree that it's unfair Gendo has dragged Shinji back into his life only to demand total obedience from him. You, if you were in Shinji's position, would not feel like Gendo had really earned that. Nevertheless, you tell Shinji three things. One, that Gendo may be weaker than he looks and struggle to connect to others (you refrain from comparing him to Rei; Rei doesn't deserve that sort of insult); two, that this is probably the only way Shinji will ever have a chance to reconnect with his father; and three, you ask him what he wants to do. He has that choice to reconnect or to not reconnect.

Shinji tells you he needs some time to think about it. He seems more focused than when you started talking to him.

[X] Random Event: Tell Rei that Gendo is coming to inspect the apartment in 10 minutes and that he may send her elsewhere if he thinks that this place is too dirty, then tell her to get dressed, clean her room and the kitchen while you clean the lounge and hide/clean up the trash

You inform Rei of the imminent arrival of Gendo. Rei's eyes widen just barely perceptibly. She turns the television off and scoops up Pen2​, who warks in annoyance, and shoves him into his refrigerator. Her face is one of calm determination, but you can tell that she's also panicking inside. She looks to you for direction.

You tell her to first get dressed. Rei's always been a little…lax about the amount of clothing she wears in the evenings, but it's never really bothered you that much. It's not like you're much better. It's her home, she can lounge around in the nude if she wants to. That said, Gendo doesn't need to know this.

Rei rushes to her bedroom to get changed. You tell her to tidy her space as much as she can while she's in there, and then to handle the kitchen. Meanwhile, you tackle the living room and toss as much of the garbage as you can into your bedroom. You really hope Gendo has no reason to look in there. You figure he's mostly going to be concerned about the spaces Rei spends her time in. You also put the funky-smelling garbage in your bedroom for now.

You check your watch. Gendo will be here any minute and Rei is still in her bedroom. You pull open the door to find a thankfully dressed Rei trying to put away her mahjong set, which is strewn across the floor. Rei is attempting to put each tile in its exact correct order. The rest of her room is covered in crumpled balls of paper, empty blister packs of medication, dirty paintbrushes, and some fish bones that evidently Pen2​ coughed up. You tell Rei to handle the garbage while you stuff the mahjong tiles into their trays in random order. Rei's lips part slightly in apparent mortification, but she dutifully grabs the paper, fishbones and medicine packets, and in accordance with your will, throws them into your bedroom. The paintbrushes get thrown into the bathroom sink.

The doorbell rings. You haven't even started on the kitchen. You tell Rei to do her best in there while you stall with Gendo. Rei's on it.

You answer the door. Gendo, and to your unpleasant surprise, Fuyutsuki, step inside before you can even open your mouth to invite them in. You greet them and hurry them into the living room. The two of them pace the room and inspect most of the objects in it. It'd be comical if you weren't terrified out of your wits. Gendo makes some remark about how the room is cleaner than he'd expected it to be. He had heard certain rumors that you were a bit of a slob. You laugh awkwardly and dismiss them as malicious gossip, all while secretly wondering who was telling him this. A few weeks ago, you'd worry it was Rei, but you're fairly certain she's too attached to this place to do something that could potentially get her moved elsewhere.

Gendo asks if he and Fuyutsuki can stay over for dinner in a way that suggests that he's not really asking. O-of course he can! You look nervously towards the kitchen where a clattering sound emanates from within. What the hell is Rei doing in there?

Rei sticks her head out of the kitchen and greets the Commander and the Subcommander. They exchange pleasantries like nothing's wrong. Rei seems a little happy to see Gendo, which makes you feel…angry. Gendo rises and makes for the kitchen. Oh no. You try to call out to him but the words stick in your throat, and he enters beyond the curtain. You quickly rush in, preparing to apologize.

The kitchen is…not clean, but it's better than it was. Most of the party debris is gone, but the counter is messier, somehow. You realize Rei has started cooking dinner. You're not sure it's her turn, but it creates an alibi for why the counter is so messy. You hastily apologize and tell Gendo that Rei's still learning how to cook, so things can get a little messy in here. Gendo gives you a long, very Rei-like stare before sitting at the table and quietly watching Rei's cooking. He asks about the beer can pyramid. He does not sound happy.

What beer can pyramid? You look to your left to discover Rei has somehow assembled one from both discarded and still-cold cans she pulled out of the fridge. You look at Rei in stupefaction.

It is a sculpture of the Geofront, Rei informs the two of you. Rei is trying to recycle. You are unable to respond beyond nodding vigorously. You sit in extremely uncomfortable silence with Gendo while Rei cooks dinner for you. At one point, Gendo offers Rei some advice about putting away ingredients as she goes, rather than leaving it for the end. Rei smiles and begins to do so.

Rei's dish is a bland and inoffensive stir-fry that's terribly underseasoned. The vegetables are a little soggy, but it's not the worst thing you've ever eaten, nor the worst thing Rei's ever cooked for you. You shudder at the memory of that particular omelet.

The actual dinner itself with your two superior officers has to be in the bottom five though. The dinner is eaten in almost total silence. Even Fuyutsuki looks uncomfortable. After the meal, Gendo rises without thanking you for the meal and returns to the living room. Fuyutsuki is more gracious, at the very least. You decide to wash up to show you're not making Rei do all the housework, while Rei joins them in the living room. You hear them talking, though it's too quiet for you to make anything out.

You emerge to find Gendo and Fuyutsuki preparing to take their leave. Everything appears to be in order, Captain. Gendo's not exactly pleased, per se, but he seems to find Rei's living conditions satisfactory, perhaps even better than expected. Mercifully, he never asks to see either of your bedrooms.

Your bedroom stinks of fish and trash for the next three days.

[X] Special Activity: See a romance movie with Rei

Against what is probably your better judgment, you take Rei to see some romcom you'd been wanting to see. You prefer action movies most of the time, but the leading man in this movie is seriously hot and you've religiously watched all of his films. So obviously you have to see this one. You're mostly curious about how Rei will react to it, and the whole cinema-going experience in general. You're pretty sure she's never been to a movie theater, and your suspicions are confirmed by her visible confusion upon entering the lobby.

Once you settle in and the movie starts, you spend more time watching Rei's face than the very hunky pleasantly proportioned male lead in the movie. You're not really sure what to make of it. She seems…bored? Not like, "every femtosecond I have to spend here is a tiny knife through my brain" bored, but more that she's looking at the film with the same kind of polite detachment you'd look at a tank of aquarium fish in a dentist's office with. Rei doesn't really seem to get too much out of the experience, and you're a little disappointed. She doesn't seem to "get" romance yet. And you missed looking at some pecs for this! You're going to see this movie again with Ibuki or something next weekend. You hope that at least making her aware of romance has done something for her, as part of your devious plan to turn Rei into a regular teenage girl.

Of course all these thoughts take a bit of a back seat as you step out of the theater and see a long, glowing white thread slowly extending from the first quarter moon. That's not normal, right?


~Der Engel des Mondes~
The Angel is a glowing thread. It is stretching down from the moon. It is the same color as the moon. It is making a low buzzing noise like a dying fluorescent light. It is accelerating.

The early warning system was successful. Evacuation has successfully completed, and the shelters have retracted.

Your combat readiness is Good. The Geofront is Fully Intact.

The JSSDF is prepared to assist with the battle. Their combat readiness is Good. Their attitude towards you is Begrudging.

~Eighth Night~

You and Rei do some creative driving to get to NERV. Just as you park, you hear a loud boom from overhead. Great!

You and Rei part ways as she gets suited up and ready to deploy, and you head for Central Dogma's bridge. When you get there, you're greeted by three very baffled looking technicians and a frantic Ritsuko reading through some printouts at lightning speed. You demand to know what the situation is.

Well, uh, the Angel seems to have disappeared, Aoba informs you. The others confirm that the Blue Pattern detected by the MAGI computer system has vanished without a trace. The "thread" from the moon collided with the city directly above Central Dogma at high velocity before quickly reversing course and receding into the moon. The moon's surface itself, according to the latest data, does not have an Angel on it. It's very odd. It's as if the Angel has ceased to exist.

Ritsuko tells you that the MAGI supercomputer have calculated the odds of the Angel being annihilated spontaneously. The number is 0.00000000000000000002%, apparently. It is likely still out there, somewhere.

Evangelion Unit-01 and Rei are standing by, awaiting your orders.

What will you do with Rei?

[ ] Deploy Rei now.
[ ] Do not deploy Rei yet. Wait for the Angel to reappear.

What will you do with the JSSDF?

[ ] Tell them to stand by along the perimeter of Tokyo-3.
[ ] Tell them to move towards where the Angel attacked.
[ ] Tell them to withdraw for now.

And what of Shinji?

[ ] Bring him to Central Dogma.
[ ] Bring him to the Evangelion cages where Rei is standing by.
[ ] Leave him in his quarters for now.
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Hmm. Right now the only choice I'm feeling reasonably confident in is to bring Shinji to Central Dogma. My first instinct would be to deploy Rei straight away - if this Angel is engaging in some sort of hit-and-run tactics, having her on standby might mean we won't be able to react in time - and as for JSDF... probably holding position for now? Moving forward without knowing anything seems bad, and withdrawing might have them be off-position for when we need them.

Hard to gauge what this Angel is trying to do right now, so that doesn't help.
Nice to see we managed to help Shinji out a bit, poor kid. well dinner went better then I expected to, let it never be said that we can not handle something in a crisis, with a lot of help from or bluebird of course, good food, sculptures that are totally sculptures and nothing else, have to wonder what they were talking about while we were cleaning up though, also make a note to find out who has been spreading slanderers rumor's about us being a slob.

Also not sure what to make of romance movie attempt, does it count as a negative 1 or did we at least actually open Rei up to the concept of romance, oh well, will just have to keep trying.

Anyway a lot concerns here, the angel being a thread has a lot implications about its combat abilities but the disappearing act it pulled at high velocity nullifies some of those and multiplies more of the them, is the kinetic energy it could have or did pull with it sill on approach? is it swapping places with something else to bombarded our position? to many questions not enough answers so with that in mind.

[X] Do not deploy Rei yet. Wait for the Angel to reappear
No point in deploying if we do not know where it is, or worse we deploy her straight into its kill zone.

[X] JSSDF: Stand By, observe the Angel.
- [X] Send a scout to... scout... the Angel's impact area.
Like this one better, get some more eyes on the impact area.

[X] Bring him to Central Dogma
Central Dogma is the most safest for Shinji at the moment compared to having him remain in his quarters.
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Of course all these thoughts take a bit of a back seat as you step out of the theater and see a long, glowing white thread slowly extending from the first quarter moon. That's not normal, right?


Well, I was hoping the esoteric Angels would take a while to show up. Still, we can deal with this... hopefully.

Loved the apartment cleaning scene, we seem to have pulled one over Gendo there. Or, more likely, that's what he wants us to think. It's not paranoia if he really is out to get us! Rei also perhaps needs a conversation about romance, but it's still early days.

Votes, in my usual lack of order - I'm somewhat pressed for time today so I'm making this quick:
[X] Bring him to Central Dogma
He's safe where he is, but Central Dogma is somewhere where we can keep an eye on him... and pull the ol' "Get in the Eva" trick in an emergency.

[X] JSSDF: Stand By, observe the Angel.
- [X] Send a scout to... scout... the Angel's impact area.
[X] Rei: Do not deploy.

We have no idea what this thing does, or why it's acting in the way it is. I'd preferably like a detachment of JSSDF to scout out the area which the Angel touched - that seems significant, somehow.
[X] Deploy Rei now
Yeah, I can't imagine that he will not reapear very soon.
[X] Tell them to stand by along the perimeter of Tokyo-3
Better safe than sorry.
[X] Bring him to Central Dogma
You tell Rei that you joined NERV for the sole purpose of destroying the Angels.

At the very least, Rei seems to like staying with you immensely and likely considers you the closest person to herself (apart from perhaps Gendo).
How unexpected.

A pilot really needs to keep in shape. The greater their physical capabilities, the easier it is to imagine the Evangelion performing those same feats. Of course, a high synchronization rate helps, but there's a limit to unrefined talent.
...I realize most people here probably already knew this, but hush.

You're sure Rei absolutely hates you after every session, because after a certain point during each session she fixes her gaze on your face like an annoyed cat. You'd rather not think about what she's imagining about you.
Well...at least we spent the goodwill on something worthwhile.

Detritus from Rei's "birthday party" still remains scattered around the kitchen; you were both meaning to get rid of it, but working out takes so much out of both of you, you know? There's a weird smell coming from the trash. Your fridge is stuffed to the gills with beer. Pen2​ is walking around with one of your less socially-acceptable undergarments caught on one of his weird little claws, warking pathetically. Meanwhile Rei is lounging on the couch in nothing but a towel, flipping through the channels with a bored expression. Also, both your and Rei's bedrooms look like bombs went off in them. You've been keeping the communal areas of the apartment clean, but each of you took your own rooms as chores assigned to their respective owners and whoops! You suck at keeping your room tidy!
So it's about an order of magnitude better than Rei's old apartment. I don't see what the problem is.

One, that Gendo may be weaker than he looks and struggles to connect to others (you refrain from comparing him to Rei; Rei doesn't deserve that sort of insult)
I'd say I appreciate this joke, but that might imply I don't think it's accurate.

She turns the television off and scoops up Pen2​, who warks in annoyance, and shoves him into his refrigerator.
Sometimes I wonder what goes through our girl's head.

You pull open the door to find a thankfully dressed Rei trying to put away her mahjong set, which is strewn across the floor. Rei is attempting to put each tile in its exact correct order.
I mean, yeah, that's not great prioritizing, but my house is awfully glassy in this regard.

What beer can pyramid? You look to your left to discover Rei has somehow assembled one from both discarded and still-cold cans she pulled out of the fridge. You look at Rei in stupefaction.

It is a sculpture of the Geofront, Rei informs the two of you. Rei is trying to recycle.
You can't fault Rei's creativity.

She seems…bored? Not like, "oh god every femtosecond I have to spend here is a tiny knife through my brain" bored, but more that she's looking at the film with the same kind of polite detachment you'd look at a tank of aquarium fish in a dentist's office with. Rei doesn't really seem to get too much out of the experience, and you're a little disappointed.
Oh well. I'm sure Rei will get something out of talking about her experience with—

Of course all these thoughts take a bit of a back seat as you step out of the theater and see a long, glowing white thread slowly extending from the first quarter moon. That's not normal, right?

—oh yeah, that's a thing that happens.

Well, uh, the Angel seems to have disappeared, Aoba informs you.
Well that's good. I say despite not believing that at all.

Slight modification because rubbish flying out the window might be a bit suspicious.
It would have been suspicious, but also hilarious.

[X] Bring him to Central Dogma
I'm trusting the people who have presumably watched Evangelion for now, as far as Shinji goes.

[X] JSSDF: Stand By, observe the Angel.
- [X] Send a scout to... scout... the Angel's impact area.
We know nothing about the Angel, let's see if we can learn one thing about it before the fight starts.

[X] Deploy Rei now
She's probably safer deployed than not deployed. Probably. I assume. And if the Angel shows up again, she'll maybe be able to react before it decides to hide on the dark side of the moon again or whatever.
[X] Bring him to Central Dogma
[X] JSSDF: Stand By, observe the Angel.
- [X] Send a scout to... scout... the Angel's impact area.
[X] Rei: Do not deploy.
[X] Do not deploy Rei yet. Wait for the Angel to reappear
[X] Tell them to stand by along the perimeter of Tokyo-3
- [X] Send a scout to... scout... the Angel's impact area.
[X] Bring him to Central Dogma
[X] Do not deploy Rei yet. Wait for the Angel to reappear
[X] Tell them to move towards where the Angel attacked
[X] Bring him to the Evangelion cages where Rei is standing by
[X] Do not deploy Rei yet. Wait for the Angel to reappear
[X] Tell them to stand by along the perimeter of Tokyo-3
- [X] Send a scout to... scout... the Angel's impact area.
[X] Bring him to Central Dogma
Sariel II: 'Ole ku lua
[X] Do not deploy Rei yet. Wait for the Angel to reappear
[X] Tell the JSSDF to stand by along the perimeter of Tokyo-3
- [X] Send a scout to... scout... the Angel's impact area.
[X] Bring Shinji to Central Dogma

You take control of the situation once you realize everyone's eyes are on you. You're just as confused as they are, but it's your job to make the decisions. You instruct Rei to remain on standby in the cages. You don't know what this thing can do, and you'd rather not send your most valuable asset into the potential kill zone of an unknown entity. You also instruct the JSSDF to hold their positions, though request a small detachment to go get a better look at the point of impact. You're pretty sure you hear the generals play rock-paper-scissors to determine whose unlucky men get to move into the impact zone.

Gendo mutters something about a lack of professionalism, with which Fuyutsuki concurs. You ignore them and continue to watch the monitors. The detachment moves towards the impact zone slowly.

While you're waiting for them, you also order someone to bring Shinji up to Central Dogma. Gendo objects to letting a civilian on the bridge. Fuyutsuki and him begin what you can best describe as "calmly bickering" about the pros and cons of bringing the kid up there. You argue that Shinji is going to be safer in Central Dogma where the majority of the anti-Angel defenses are located than anywhere else. You add, only half-sincerely, that in an emergency they can sortie him in the event that Rei becomes unusable.

Gendo says fine. Some intelligence goons go down to his quarters to fetch him. They return with the boy, flanking him and yanking him by both arms. You glare at them for the roughness of their treatment and apologize to Shinji. In spite of everything, Shinji apologizes to you, for some inexplicable reason. Shinji takes a moment to take in the bridge. Most of the personnel are looking on in curiosity. Gendo barks at them to pay attention to their monitors. They do so reluctantly.

The JSSDF report that the area where the Angel impacted is partially melted. It managed to pierce one of the twenty-two plates of armor between the surface and the cavern where the Geofront lies. A tittering spreads through the bridge. With just a single attack, it was able to pierce one of those plates instantly. Fuyutsuki grumbles about overestimating the defensive power of their materials. Hyuga conjectures that the Angel plans to directly attack the Geofront from above. The JSSDF relays some more data and withdraws from the impact zone. Luckily, the Angel seems either disinclined or unable to attack them.

You and the bridge wait for the Angel to return. And…it doesn't. It's the damnedest thing. Shinji asks what's going on. He seems awfully confused. Why did you bring him up here again? You reassure Shinji that everything's going to be alright to the best of your ability and move the main bridge staff, along with Shinji, into the operations room. You figure that maybe seeing that there are procedures and well thought-out discussions behind orders given to the pilots might help him feel like he's in better hands, should he decide to pilot Eva.

You, Ritsuko and the other three First Lieutenants pore over photographs of the impact crater and charts generated by the MAGI. Ibuki informs you that the attack was a simple concussive impact. A very forceful impact, but nothing fancy. Just brute strength. The temperature readings at the site also indicate that the Angel's body is also likely to be very hot. No ionizing radiation detected, thankfully. The Angel was likely traveling at thousands of times the speed of sound, on average around Mach 1013. It took around 18.463 minutes from its point of origin to reach the impact zone. Great. Worse yet, it took around a third of that time to fully retract. It was on the ground for less than five minutes. Not good.

The good news is you have some notice about an incoming attack. Only 1107.78 seconds' worth of notice, but notice nonetheless. The bad news? There's not enough to go on to figure out how to prevent another attack, beyond physically having Rei try to block it. The amount of force required to pierce one of those shields is immense, and nobody is confident that Rei's AT-Field is strong enough to absorb it without injury to the Evangelion or the pilot inside.

You're at a loss. Ritsuko suggests waiting for another attack. The data NERV collected wasn't very thorough. A more prepared research operation would be able to collect more data, and maybe reveal some kind of weakness to the damn thing.

You tell Ritsuko to do it. The Technical Division begins to place monitoring equipment on the surface near the impact zone. The entire operation takes until sunrise. Shinji watches with interest for a while before sleep overtakes him. You tell Rei to rest in the cage's quarters reserved for this kind of thing. Rei assents, sounding tired.

The next day is spent in a torturous state of listlessness. Once the equipment is in place, the only thing that can be done was wait for the Angel to come back. You don't think the thing is stupid or lazy enough to only crack one armor plate and then go back to wherever it came from. A clock counts the hours since the previous attack. You groggily sip coffee and glare at the numbers counting upwards. Somehow, Gendo is the only person that doesn't seem even remotely tired.

~Ninth Night~

At the 23:32:18 mark, something finally happens. The thread reappears and begins its descent towards the same impact zone. After 18.463 minutes, it still hasn't impacted. It takes 27.694 minutes. The boom from above is louder this time. The strike is at exactly the same time as the previous night's attack, down to the nanosecond.

The Research Division announces a few things. One, and most obviously, the Angel has slowed down since its previous night. Two, the Angel's body temperature is around 1900 degrees Celsius. Three, most of the Angel's mass is in its "head" (i.e., the "end" of the thread that impacts Tokyo-3). Four, the Angel is emitting UV-B and UV-C radiation.

One other thing. The Angel has destroyed another layer of armor and severely damaged the third. Its attack power is increasing. At the current rate of growth, the Angel will likely penetrate the shields in five more impact attacks. Also, it's still up there. What will you do?

[ ] Deploy Rei
[ ] Deploy Rei and the JSSDF
[ ] Allow the Angel to retreat and wait until the next attack
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...so the Moonstring is being very particular about knocking once a day at midnight, local time? How... considerate?

Would we be able to ask Ritsuko/The Magi if the time difference between today and yesterday is because of differences in where it's launch point/the Moon is now relative to the Earth is compared to yesterday orbital mechanics? Or is it again, because the Lunar yo-yo is being particular? Also did it touch down in exactly the same spot?
...so the Moonstring is being very particular about knocking once a day at midnight, local time? How... considerate?

Would we be able to ask Ritsuko/The Magi if the time difference between today and yesterday is because of differences in where it's launch point/the Moon is now relative to the Earth is compared to yesterday orbital mechanics? Or is it again, because the Lunar yo-yo is being particular? Also did it touch down in exactly the same spot?

It's not necessarily midnight, just exactly twenty-four hours after the previous attack. It's probably, like, 9:30.

The main factor as to why it took longer is due to its lower velocity. (also I can't be bothered to do the mathematics to figure out exactly how much more distance in kilometers the Angel has to travel with each passing day)

And yes, it impacted the exact same location: the center of the Null Zone of Tokyo-3, directly above Central Dogma.
[X] Allow the Ángel to retreat
Now, here's an idea. If it strikes in the same place every time, and is a long, white thread, would it be possible to somehow trap it in the impact zone and then have the EVAs grab onto it? Use the time between each strike in order to devise a trap.
[X] Allow the Ángel to retreat
Now, here's an idea. If it strikes in the same place every time, and is a long, white thread, would it be possible to somehow trap it in the impact zone and then have the EVAs grab onto it? Use the time between each strike in order to devise a trap.
After trapping it with say, a non Newtonian fluid which hardens when striked, maybe use the EVA AT fields to grab and YANK it from wherever it is, or try shooting it in half.
It's easy to forget, but every hour that we spend under siege by the Yo-yo is an hour that the citizens of Tokyo-3 spend in their evac centers, fermenting their fear or anger.

Gendo doesn't actually give a shit, but I'm sure he'd happily blame us anyway.

Regardless, I think setting up a killzone / advantage mitigation area is our best bet. Have the JSDF on water/thermal coolant spraying duty, get 01 suited up with some heat resistant gear if possible (Yo-yo is hot enough to melt steel, and while I bet the EVA-armor is somewhat tougher, every bit helps our girl from coming back extra crispy).

Then have her try to cut through the string, and stab down into the Yo-yo head (where it's Core totally is, because if it's on the Moon we're kinda fucked. Also because the Core needs to be somewhat close to project an AT field, and it needs to project an AT field to survive re-entry at those speeds?).

I can't believe the Angel is just headbutting us -_-.
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Okay, seems to be a surprisingly simple method of attack, all things considered.

Regardless, I think setting up a killzone / advantage mitigation area is our best bet. Have the JSDF on water/thermal coolant spraying duty, get 01 suited up with some heat resistant gear if possible (Yo-yo is hot enough to melt steel, and while I bet the EVA-armor is somewhat tougher, every bit helps our girl from coming back extra crispy).

Then have her try to cut through the string, and stab down into the Yo-yo head (where it's Core totally is, because if it's on the Moon we're kinda fucked. Also because the Core needs to be somewhat close to project an AT field, and it needs to project an AT field to survive re-entry at those speeds?).

Seems solid to me.
Is its area of impact a populated area? My idea beyond what others have said above, is to put some powerful bombs around or perhaps even in the impact hole, with them set to go off exactly when it arrives since we know when it will. Depending on how slow it travels in atmosphere, and how long it stays at impact, it might be worth having the JGSDF set up some SAMs for hitting it on the way in, and artillery pieces for when it arrives. Obviously everyone's safe underground but it might damage some above ground infestructure if we do this, hence why I ask if area is usually populated.

Doing some research this angel is about 700° hotter than the conditions during the volcano episode. (Magma inside volcanos is roughly 1200° C). The heat itself is probably the trickiest thing about it, not sure how an Eva can deal with it when it's this hot. Maybe as others have suggested we could try a freezing plan a la Shin Godzilla.
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My idea beyond what others have said above, is to put some powerful bombs around or perhaps even in the impact hole, with them set to go off exactly when it arrives since we know when it will.

Assuming the area is deserted, I think the problem with that is... well, it means essentially rigging our own defenses. It might end up doing the Angel's job in its stead, and depending on how hard it is to repair the Geofront protections, it might leave more exposed to the next Angels that will show up.
Assuming the area is deserted, I think the problem with that is... well, it means essentially rigging our own defenses. It might end up doing the Angel's job in its stead, and depending on how hard it is to repair the Geofront protections, it might leave more exposed to the next Angels that will show up.
Well, being armor of likely considerable thickness, just for a single layer, chances are the bombs wouldn't do too much to it based on what I know. Usually with bombs if you have to deal with armor you want one that can pierce it and blow up inside or past it, not just brute force it. For example in WW2 the British aircraft carriers' armored flight decks stood up quite well to dive bombing attacks, despite likely being thinner than Geofront armor. So some modern bombs simply placed at the surface (as AP bombs generally get their penetritive force from energy gained on the way to the ground) around the crater probably won't cause damage to the armor. I would be more worried about the damage a N2 bomb might cause though, so in my suggestion I mean stuff more along the lines of a MOAB.
[X] Allow the Ángel to retreat

Going with the "fill the impact zone with non-Newtonian fluid and make it into a massive kill-pit" idea because... well, it's a good idea. Do we have access to those N2 satellites they used against Sahaquiel? We could try to hit it on the way down, set up an orbital minefield sort of thing, or seed a field before it can retract.