Whether they like her or not has nothing to do with whether she can pilot Eva. Rei's expression noticeably darkens as she says this. You feel a sense of foreboding.
It's probably fine.

Shinji's feeling stressed out. He feels like he should not have come here, and you're the only person who has even spoken to him all day.
Maybe we should have Rei live on-site, too, so he has someone to talk to. I mean, Misato would still probably be the only person who talked to him, but it's a start. /s

It's no wonder she hasn't spoken to him this week, right?

Do you have anything you want to say to Shinji?
"It's not your fault, Rei barely speaks to anyone."

Hikari proceeds to explain that Rei decked one of her classmates in the face. She doesn't sound angry, or anything, but she thinks you ought to know about Rei's behavior at school. Rei misses class a lot, and often doesn't pay attention at all.
When you put it like that, she sounds like an unusually quiet (and blue-haired) delinquent.

You decide to throw Rei a surprise birthday party/celebration party for her Angel kill. Who are you inviting? (select three):

[ ] Shinji
[ ] Hikari
[ ] Ibuki
[ ] Aoba
[ ] Hyuga
[ ] Ritsuko
[ ] Fuyutsuki
[ ] Gendo
...you're joking, right?
Part of me wants to suggest we invite Gendo just for the lulz, but I'm afraid other people would agree.

[Q] Congratulate Rei on her CQC improvements.

Hey, ability to express anger! Good for you, Rei!
I mean...you're not wrong, exactly...

Since she's already concerned it may be useful to enlist Hikari in the Make Rei Friends squad.
Agreed. It would be good for Rei to have a friend at school...and more than one friend her own age, for that matter.

[X] Tell him that Rei doesn't dislike him and also told her that she's unsure if he enjoys her company, she's not very good with people but is less cold than she looks like.

[X] Ask Rei to tell you her version of the events and explain that while being offended is an healthy reaction to an insult she should understand that her classmate was hurt by the angel's attack and his reaction while unfair was understandable too.

[X] Shinji
[X] Hikari
[X] Ibuki
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Awkward and cute.
[X] Tell him that Rei doesn't dislike him and also told her that she's unsure if he enjoys her company, she's not very good with people but is less cold than she looks like.

[X] Ask Rei to tell you her version of the events and explain that while being offended is an healthy reaction to an insult she should understand that her classmate was hurt by the angel's attack and his reaction while unfair was understandable too.

And these three.

[X] Shinji
[X] Hikari
[X] Ibuki
[X] Tell him that Rei doesn't dislike him and also told her that she's unsure if he enjoys her company, she's not very good with people but is less cold than she looks like.
[X] Ask Rei to tell you her version of the events, congratulate her for defending herself, tell her that next time she should leave physical violence against humans as a last resort because she could get in trouble if she does that too much.
[X] Shinji
[X] Hikari
[X] Ibuki
The Third IX: The Birthday of Rei Ayanami
[X] Tell him that Rei doesn't dislike him and also told her that she's unsure if he enjoys her company, she's not very good with people but is less cold than she looks like.

You try to build Shinji up by reassuring him that Rei does not dislike him. You tell him that Rei is bad at reading people and is somewhat shy. Not entirely true, but close enough for Shinji to understand that Rei isn't ignoring him because of something that he did. You actually tell him that Rei is having some of the same worries about him that he is about her. Shinji looks relieved. Did she, um, say anything else about him? You tease him and say he's going to have to ask her himself. Shinji's expression sours a little, but he seems a lot less stressed out than before.

[X] Ask Rei to tell you her version of the events and explain that while being offended is an healthy reaction to an insult she should understand that her classmate was hurt by the angel's attack and his reaction while unfair was understandable too.

You invite Hikari inside and have the pair of them sit at the kitchen table. Hikari sits quietly and looks expectantly at Rei. Surprisingly, Rei gives her version of events without prompting from you. She informs you that Suzuhara physically grabbed her by the collar and began shouting at her about his younger sister, who was apparently injured in the flooding of the waterfront. Rei informed him that the N2​ mine was neither her decision nor executed by her, and he began directing his ire towards you. Rei felt a violent urge and so hit him in the face. He was being irrational and did not appreciate the necessity of defeating the Angels at any cost, nor the personal sacrifices that Rei may have to make in the future to ensure that happens. Rei sounds surprisingly bitter as she relates this.

Hikari listens quietly to all this and asks her to consider that Rei may not be fully appreciating the sacrifices Suzuhara's family has made in service of defeating the Angels. Rei opens her mouth, and your intuition tells you that Rei is going to say something very inflammatory about Sakura. It's not hard to guess what it is: that Sakura wouldn't have gotten hurt had she evacuated properly. Being hurt in an accident isn't exactly the same as getting hurt in the line of duty. But you empathize with Sakura's situation. You were hurt for being in the wrong place at the wrong time before. Probably the worst time and place in human history.

You head Rei off by agreeing that Suzuhara's reaction was unfair and inappropriate, but understandable. He must really care about his younger sister. Rei became angry because he was saying hurtful things about you, right? Suzuhara is feeling exactly the same, if not more intensely, for his sister's sake. Rei's own urge to hurt Suzuhara was driven by the same irrational urges. Rei considers this and does not argue further. She hadn't…thought of that.

Hikari gently requests that Rei consider apologizing to Suzuhara for striking him. She will see to it that he does not do this again. She bows politely to you, seemingly having gained some respect for you and your words of wisdom, before taking her leave.

Rei excuses herself and secludes herself in her bedroom until suppertime. You exhale in relief. You're secretly a little proud of Rei for expressing her feelings and being able to punch a boy out. You've punched a few boys out in your time. It's a delicate time now, but you hope you can laugh about this with Rei someday.

[X] Shinji
[X] Hikari
[X] Ibuki

You invite Shinji and Hikari to a little get together at an upscale restaurant to celebrate Rei's "birthday". You also invite Ibuki, as she and Rei seem to get along. At least, you're pretty sure Rei had fun playing her in mahjong. You consider Ritsuko, but you're still feeling awkward about the whole "knew Rei was living in squalor and never thought to tell you" situation, so you refrain.

Rei seems shocked when you bring her into the restaurant. Hikari, Shinji and Ibuki pull some party poppers that Ibuki smuggled in, scattering confetti everywhere. You explain that you're making up for all the birthdays Rei never had. Rei doesn't understand. Is today her birthday? You shrug at her. Does it matter? You're going to show her what a birthday party is like. It's kind of sad she hasn't had one, isn't it? Rei gives you a blank stare, but sits at the table anyway. She's learned to stop questioning this kind of thing from you.

She greets Shinji politely and nods at the girls. You tell Rei to order whatever she likes, who obliges you by ordering the most expensive item on the menu that fits her dietary needs. Your wallet is crying. Hikari expresses her surprise at Rei's vegetarianism and asks more about it. The three of them make polite conversation about food. Rei doesn't speak much, but she seems interested in the conversation. Apparently, Hikari and Shinji do a lot of cooking. For your part, you make some small talk with Ibuki. You ask vaguely how Ritsuko is doing. Ibuki says she's been under a lot of pressure lately. Rei's move, the psychograph results, Jet Alone, a bunch of churn at NERV Germany…it's a lot. Is everything alright between you two? You shrug and say you've just both been busy. You know Ibuki really looks up to Ritsuko and do not want to open that can of worms with her.

At the end of the dinner, you return to your shared apartment for cake. It was a little hard to find a vegan one, but you somehow managed. It took four hours and a dozen phone calls. Rei blows out her candles after some brief confusion, and then receives a gift from each of the guests.

From Shinji, a set of watercolor paints. From Ibuki, a mahjong set of her own. From Hikari, ever practical, a fancy notebook and set of expensive pens. And from you, a charcoal art kit. Rei, in her subdued way, seems happy.

It's a good night.

Select one of the following for each:
Talk to Rei about:
Talk to Shinji about:

[ ] General well-being
[ ] Mood
[ ] The past
[ ] The present
[ ] The future

[ ] Yourself
[ ] Friends
[ ] Romance

[ ] NERV
[ ] School
[ ] Home
[ ] Tokyo-3
[ ] The World


Select two of the following (Rei only):

[ ] Combat training
[ ] Synchronization training
[ ] Physical training
[ ] Study
[ ] Arts program
[ ] Go out

Special Activity

You may do one special activity of your choosing each week. It won't raise Rei's stats, but you can use it to bond with her, affect her mood, or solve her problems. Additionally, you can also use this slot to pursue your own projects, if any. This is not controlled by majority vote. The QM will merely choose the most entertaining one. Note that this activity does not have to include the pilots.

[ ] Write in
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[X] Rei: Romance
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Go out
Going out is probably a good social activity and I would like to get 60+ Synchronization.
[X] Special Activity: See a romance movie with Rei
Introducing her to the concept of romance would be funny.
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[X] Rei: Romance
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Go out
Going out is probably a good social activity and I would like to get 60+ Synchronization.
[X] Special Activity: See a romance movie with Rei
Talk to Rei about:
[X] Yourself
It's interesting that she only got violent when Misato was insulted. Also, cute.

Talk to Shinji about:
[X] Home
What's his actual home life like - i.e. the place he was living before this? Maybe it's bad enough we can sort of say "hey well we're doing okay with Rei..."

[X] Synchronisation training
Gotta keep the grind going.

[X] Go out
- [X] To see a romance movie
Two birds, one stone! We can introduce Rei to the concept slowly and surely.

[X] Special activity: Get some more tactical information on the Evangelion. Can it neutralise an AT Field far enough away for a rifle to be useful? That sort of thing.
[X] Rei: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Physical Training
[X] Special Activity: See a romance movie with Rei

I think we should at least do a little bit of physical training sooner rather than later. I don't think we even picked it once, and given how demanding and injury-prone the job is, I feel like it's important to be in as good a shape as possible.
Suzuhara physically grabbed [Rei] by the collar and began shouting at her about his younger sister, who was apparently injured in the flooding of the waterfront. Rei informed him that the N2​ mine was neither her decision nor executed by her, and he began directing his ire towards you. Rei felt a violent urge and so hit him in the face.
That's kinda sweet. I'm not happy with how Rei's expressing her...affection?...but I'm glad she cares about Misato.

Rei doesn't understand. Is today her birthday? You shrug at her. Does it matter? You're going to show her what a birthday party is like. It's kind of sad she hasn't had one, isn't it? Rei gives you a blank stare, but sits at the table anyway. She's learned to stop questioning this kind of thing from you.
...yeah, that's about how these things tend to go.

Special Activity

Note that this activity does not have to include the pilots.
Well what's the fun in that?

I think we should at least do a little bit of physical training sooner rather than later. I don't think we even picked it once, and given how demanding and injury-prone the job is, I feel like it's important to be in as good a shape as possible.
I wouldn't have thought of mecha piloting as being an activity reliant on your physical fitness, but I wouldn't have thought mecha pilots would be blinded by weird noises the Angels made either.

[X] Rei: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Physical Training
[X] Go out
[X] Special Activity: See a romance movie with Rei

I do think that introducing Rei to the concept of romance could be fun, but using a movie instead of a conversation instead of along with a conversation seems like a better idea. Less...blunt? overwhelming?
Probably best that we leave Shinji out of it...they'd get the wrong idea.
[X] Rei: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Physical Training
[X] Go out
[X] Special Activity: See a romance movie with Rei
[X] Rei: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Physical Training
[X] Special activity: Get some more tactical information on the Evangelion. Can it neutralise an AT Field far enough away for a rifle to be useful? That sort of thing.

Yeah, I don't think Rey will get anything from watching a romantic movie right now.
[X] Rei: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Physical Training
[X] Special Activity: See a romance movie with Rei
Our little bluebird is beginning to like us, keep forming a connection with Shinji, maybe try to see where he wants to go moving forward from here, I am a little skeptical on the physical training, compared to combat training, but better safe then sorry, if security should fail somehow, or the need to hoof to the EVAs becomes critical, also backing the romance movie plot, looking forward to that journey.

[X] Rei: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Physical Training
[X] Go out
[X] Special Activity: See a romance movie with Rei
I was kind of thinking watch the movie, then go for dinner or something (though Misato's bank balance is... struggling).
[X] Rei: Mood
[X] Shinji: Tokyo-3
[X] Physical training
[X] Go out
[X] Special Activity: Go fishing with both pilots
[X] Rei: The past
[X] Shinji: Home
[X] Physical training
[X] Arts program
[X] Special Activity: Ritsuko is right there and Misato has to talk to her about a lot. It's been years since they're been able to sit down, as friends, and actually talk. Which isn't even approaching the topic of Rei, or Rei's previous living conditions. Did Ritsuko know? Did she have say in it? If she didn't... Is she okay? Just what's going on with the intersection of 'Rei', 'Misato', and 'Ritsuko'? It's time to rekindle a friendship and stage a heartfelt investigation.

I should probably try to cut down on how long the special action is, but I'm verbose when I'm tipsy and today is late family paddy's day celebration 🎉

We had this opportunity earlier on and didn't go with it. That's fine, obviously, however uh. I want to talk about the stuff with Ritsuko. It's clearly something that Misato is carrying with her. Later on for Ritsuko, because if I remember correctly, doesn't she more or less get tortured and humiliated by Gendo? Which ends up going A Way for multiple Reis, and everyone.

Okay I wrote that half an hour ago and read her wiki page. WOW. Ritsuko goes FULL trashfire human. Jesus Christ. It was worse than I remembered.
Okay I wrote that half an hour ago and read her wiki page. WOW. Ritsuko goes FULL trashfire human. Jesus Christ. It was worse than I remembered.
Honestly, "trash fire" is where the full humans of the Eva cast start.

I mean, you could build a Stabbing Westward album out of the Eva cast's issues.

(How do I describe Stabbing Westward? Imagine an entire album that makes The Cure's "The Same Deep Water As You" and Tori Amos's "Me And A Gun" sound cheerful.)
Honestly, "trash fire" is where the full humans of the Eva cast start.

I mean, you could build a Stabbing Westward album out of the Eva cast's issues.

(How do I describe Stabbing Westward? Imagine an entire album that makes The Cure's "The Same Deep Water As You" and Tori Amos's "Me And A Gun" sound cheerful.)
Well yeah but see I roughly remembered the actions and why's and then... Get slapped in the FACE with the stuff I didn't fully remember. I was basically thinking it won't be impossible to get Ritsuko on Misato's team. But now I'm not even sure I want to bother. Like it'd be helpful to try and get her to spill her guts, and she's not as shitty in the rebuild timeline, but damn girl :confused::V

Fixing drunk typos lol
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The Third X: Hell Week
[X] Talk to Rei about You

You decide to tell Rei a little more about yourself now that you're a little closer. You're flattered Rei would punch a boy in the face for your sake. You briefly go over your service history and background; you gloss over some of the less pleasant details of your childhood (like being at Ground Zero for the ongoing mass extinction event and spending around three years in a quarantine facility). Rei doesn't really need to know those details. You tell Rei that you joined NERV for the sole purpose of destroying the Angels. You quickly add that this is, of course, to protect humanity and ensure world peace, blah blah blah, but deep down you know that those are abstract concerns to you. Rei looks at you blankly. You hope she didn't think anything of that little slip-up.

At the very least, Rei seems to like staying with you immensely and likely considers you the closest person to herself (apart from perhaps Gendo). She finds you a little confusing at times, but appreciates your efforts to expose her to new stimuli. It's very educational.

Well, okay then.

[X] Talk to Shinji about Home

Shinji tells you that he's living by himself in the Geofront. It's…okay. He's used to being by himself. He used to live with a teacher of his, but the teacher was pretty old, and they didn't really spend much time with each other. It's not like they were family or anything. It's fine. Shinji's used to it. Anyway, he's not allowed to live anywhere else right now until his father decides what to do with him. Shinji clenches his fists. He hates that his father has so much control over his life right now, after spending so much time not even acknowledging that he existed. It isn't fair. Shinji says he's going to just wait this situation out and keep out of the way. It's worked so far. Maybe his dad will forget about him soon. Shinji would like that.

How do you respond?
[ ] Write-in

[X] Physical training
A pilot really needs to keep in shape. The greater their physical capabilities, the easier it is to imagine the Evangelion performing those same feats. Of course, a high synchronization rate helps, but there's a limit to unrefined talent.

At the moment, you're trying to work on Rei's stamina and endurance, which is, based on her performance after you asked her to drop and give you 50, frankly pathetic. Granted, the girl was wheelchair-bound for almost a month and may have been slowly dying of malnutrition before you taught her how to cook stir-fry, but this is weaksauce. You're not sure how the Marduk Institute determines pilots, but it's clearly not based on any physical attributes, given how scrawny Shinji looks and how waifish Rei generally is. You feel some pity for the girl as the grunts with exertion, but this will not do at all.

You spend the week doing mostly cardio and compound exercises. Running on a treadmill, squats, jump rope, running up flights of stairs, that sort of thing. You're sure Rei absolutely hates you after every session, because after a certain point during each session she fixes her gaze on your face like an annoyed cat. You'd rather not think about what she's imagining about you. Regardless, she seems to improve with each session, so it's doing something. Rei takes to doing a few simple exercises in her room each morning as well.

You also make sure Rei remembers to hydrate herself. You're pretty sure her hydration routine was…erratic, prior to your intervention. It gets hot in Tokyo-3, and a lot of water is lost through sweat. The last thing you need is for her to get heat stroke.

[X] Go out

As a treat for putting up with your torture sessions, you take Rei out for shave ice after each session. Rei begins experimenting with different combinations of syrup. She doesn't talk much about her results, or really much at all, but she seems less annoyed with you after she takes the first bite. You assure her that it gets easier over time. She gives you a dubious look but doesn't object. She understands why she needs to do it.

In the remaining free time, Rei uses her new watercolor set to draw pictures of Pen2​ and some rather abstract pictures of what you assume are clouds. She also occasionally fiddles with her mahjong tiles and tries playing against herself.

Random Event

Gendo calls your apartment phone.

He is en route to your apartment to inspect Rei's living situation for himself.

He will be there in around ten to fifteen minutes.

You look around your apartment. Detritus from Rei's "birthday party" still remains scattered around the kitchen; you were both meaning to get rid of it, but working out takes so much out of both of you, you know? There's a weird smell coming from the trash. Your fridge is stuffed to the gills with beer. Pen2​ is walking around with one of your less socially-acceptable undergarments caught on one of his weird little claws, warking pathetically. Meanwhile Rei is lounging on the couch in nothing but a towel, flipping through the channels with a bored expression. Also, both your and Rei's bedrooms look like bombs went off in them. You've been keeping the communal areas of the apartment clean, but each of you took your own rooms as chores assigned to their respective owners and whoops! You suck at keeping your room tidy!

Oh god, oh no, oh shit! Rei notices your growing panic quickly and asks what's wrong, without taking her eyes off the television.

You have to triage this. You do not have time to make your entire apartment presentable in the remaining interval before Gendo's arrival.

[ ] Write-in
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I'm assuming he already knows everything that goes on in the house so we're probably fine? He didn't care about Rei's initial living arrangements, he's not gonna give a damn now.

But holy crap Misato is a slob.
[X] Random Event: Tell Rei that Gendo is coming to inspect the appartment in 10 minutes and that he may send her elsewhere if he thinks that this place is too dirty, then tell her to clean her room and the kitchen while you clean your own room and throw the trash out the window

Rei can be almost superhuman at times so motivating her is probably a good idea and Gendo already has a low opinion of us so it's probably better to just make the appartment look sanitary.

[X] Shinji: Ask him if he wants to try to have a relationship with his father, maybe open up about how Misato didn't have a chance to. Agree that it's unfair, and point out how Gendo is generally bad with people.
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[X] Random Event: Tell Rei that Gendo is coming to inspect the appartment in 10 minutes and that he may send her elsewhere if he thinks that this place is too dirty, then tell her to get dressed, clean her room and the kitchen while you clean the lounge and hide/clean up the trash.

Slight modification because rubbish flying out the window might be a bit suspicious, and our own room can be as messy as we want so long as the areas Rei's in are clean. Also, the beer cans are totally an art project that Misato is taking up. That's why there's so many, it's a commentary on... commentary. Yes, that's the excuse and she's sticking to it.

[X] Shinji: Ask him if he wants to try to have a relationship with his father, maybe open up about how Misato didn't have a chance to. Agree that it's unfair, and point out how Gendo is generally bad with people.

It's the best I could come up with for now. I'm open to better ideas.