[X] Plan Let's get this started V3
-[X] Work this amount of segments in this order until a Story Interupt +3/ (*2,-1) /-3/+3/+2/+2 . A day is in between each "/"
--[X] (+) Means the general work backlog, (*) Means Normal Quality Bronze Hammer (1 segment, 1 gold each), (-) means Normal Quality Silver Jewelery with Gold Enhancement (4 segments,4gold).
-[X] Fate Point: Goblin has a primer on magic that he's selling for 'cheap'
-[X] Find out where people could afford buying better weapons and jewelry and the reasonableness of getting someone to sell on our behalf/ move to someplace new
-[X] Reassure Leon that <a> He's not getting a fancy sword because it's a time waster and a target for thieves, <b> It's a sword that's meant to keep him alive and will be spec for such, gold trimmings won't keep him alive and <c> we'll work on it after we finish our backlog of orders.
--[X] Ask him to give us his money in advance, so we can buy expensive and high-quality materials in order to make it great sword.
"Could get you a few bronze hammers whipped out quick, an' maybe a silver necklace if you want. Would take a few days." You finally state after thinking about it.
The goblin nods. "That will work just fine. A gold for the hammer, and maybe four for the necklace."
"Ya tryin to gyp me again?" You give the goblin a mullish look. "Ya that don't even cover the cost of the materials."
"Heyy, a goblin has to make living." He holds up his hands. "You do good work kid, but you are still learning. And unless you have some hidden talent you've been hiding, I'm gonna have to work to sell em. A gold and two silver for the hammers. And if the necklace is good I will give you four and forty silver."
"Make it a gold three for the hammers, and add another twenty silver for the batch, and you got yourself a deal." You cross your arms.
"Deal." The goblin nods. "I'm going to be here for two days, so if you can get them to me then I'll give the gold. If you can't, you will have to wait till I make the rounds of this area."
You nod and then glance over his wares. The man tends to carry mostly metal when he comes out this way. It's a serious trade good here, and more often than not he's sold out of that by the time he finishes his round and makes a return trip. He picks up a lot of skins from the hunters on the way too, and you see them in back. Right when you are almost done browsing, you see a book peaking out of one of the skin piles.
"What's tha book?" You are curious now.
"Oh that?" The goblin pulls it out. "Almost rubbish really. Can give it to you for a gold. It was supposed to be a magic primer for novices, but whatever numbnut wrote it dithers for half the book, and has the rest of it too technical for beginners."
You look over the thing, and flip through it. And almost immediately wince. You have a fair amount of grounding in magic. That's in Enchanting though. Technically you could pick this up, but it would be a slog. Basic combat magic. Not really your thing, but you suppose it would be interesting to try sometime.
"One gold then. Be back with tha goods later." You flip the goldpiece, and the goblin takes it.
"All right. Glad to be rid of that." He shrugs and pockets the gold. "If you ever want to get out of here let me know kid. You got a good head on your shoulders and are wasted here. I got a good deal where I can get you a solid job, and even better opportunities."
"And a contract for a year." You drawl. "I 'member the paperwork."
You do actually. It's not the worst deal in the world, but it would basically lock you under a goblin merchant's thumb for the duration of the contract. You would get paid a decent amount, and there were several 'safety' clauses, but you aren't certain about the lack of freedom implied. Something to think about though.
"Hey, everyone has start somewhere. You get a year of work, and keep up your skill and you would be set." Is the reply from the goblin, and you laugh just a bit.
Back to your forge though. Time to get back to work. You see Leon waiting nervously at the entrance, and you sigh.
"Listen man." You rub at your forehead. "I've got a decent idea of what I can do fer you on this. But I'm gonna need that gold you have for the base."
Leon nods enthusiastically. "I can do that." He peers at you. "It better be a good sword tho'."
"It's not gonna be pretty." You state flatly. "I aint doing somethin' fancy. I'm doin' something that will stand up to you using it to chop wood like you did wit' that axe your momma had."
"Hey, that was a shitty axe!" Leon scowls at you. "Not my fault it snapped."
"Ya were trying somethin' fancy." You roll your eyes. "Get the money here, and I will see what I can do. Gonna take time though."
Leon nods. "So long as you can get something before the month's up, I'm good for it. I wanna leave 'afore the cold snap starts."
With that you go into your forge, and start to heat it up. You have enough time to finish some of your backlog, and then get those hammers knocked out.
You barely notice when Leon comes by with the money. You do roll your eyes at the pile though. All in copper and silver. Once you have some time you get it organized and counted. You are probably the only one in the villiage that handles money every day, so you know how to get it arranged.
You see your mentor trot in while you are working, but the dwarf doesn't say much, so you keep at it.
Arrowheads first. Pour the copper into the mold, and then pound them into a rough shape. That's the easy one. The next is a harness for one of the oxen. That requires a fair amount of leather-work. Not your strongest point, but something you can handle once you get the proper metal segments retied.
Your mentor walks out while you finish that up, and you realize it's night. So you just crash near the forge after cooling it down.
Up in the morning, and working on the stupid hammers. That's an easy one thankfully. Just get the hammerhead poured out, and then be certain that the shaft is solid. It's fortunate that this doesn't take long, cause you are on a bit of time limit.
It's the necklace that's the big issue. This is delicate work that you can't rush. It has to be pretty too. A bit of gold inlaid, and using your little tools is what's needed.
In retrospect, you realize you need better tools if you want to do better. You know you could do better, but your smallest tool is a pair of pliars that you would use for chains.
Your mentor comes in when you are trying to do some frustrating parts, and finally actually does soemthing aside from shout out advice.
"Here." You see his dirty fingers come into your view, and he casually bends the delicate area into shape. "You ain't gonna get it done with that bludgen."
You frown at the casual way the dwarf ignores the near white hot metal. "Not everyone has stone hands."
That gets a guffaw. "Well, your delicate little human hands can be saved at this point. Go ahead and get the rest I'll hold down the framework."
With him handling the more delicate areas you are able to finish just in time. The resultant gold and silver necklace isn't the most fantastic thing you've seen. It is a solid work though, and pretty enough to sell or gift.
Burin gives a snort as you look it over. "I'd be ashamed to call that dwarven work."
"Thanks." You state sarcastically.
"Tellin' it like it is lad. You still got a long while to go." Burin takes the necklace and grabs your hammer. A few tangs later, and a hissing sound as he adds more gold and cools it. "There, that's tolerable now. You are almost there though. Another year or so, and I could call you a passable craftsman."
You take the necklace back. You swear the dwarf had magic hands if you didn't just watch him do that. It actually looks very pretty now.
"Hah." You chuckle. "All right, I suppose that will get me the gold."
"Better. Otherwise I'll take me hammer to that idiot goblin."
You get to the goblin right before he leaves and make your sale. The necklace gets a bit of a bonus too since he likes what was done with it.
Sold - 2 hammers, 1 necklace.
Backlog now at 4 jobs 7 segments
Gained: Arcane book. Studying will give you the following: -6 segments: Arcane magic -12 segments: Glowing enchantment 16 segments: Glowing enchantment can be enhanced to flame enchantment. 20 segments: Glowing enchantment can be enhanced to frost enchantment.
Gained: 11.5 G total
Added to front page: Current workplace status.