Putting the Craft in Warcraft

Sorry, but that would also be a bit too easy for you too :p
Not that big a problem

In particular I want the Enchantment book since it should make it easier to improve our skill in some way shape or form

Edit: BTW Lost, can we learn magic/ use a Fate Point to get a wandering Adventurer looking to repair his/her gear and being willing to offer to teach magic in exchange
Magic in WoW is a bit more time intensive than that really. I would allow you to find a primer on it though. You would be novice at it. This would be actual combat magic.

Technically you already know 'magic' in enchanting. That's actually a different field than the Arcane, and while it uses arcane it can be rigged to use other sources too.
Magic in WoW is a bit more time intensive than that really. I would allow you to find a primer on it though. You would be novice at it. This would be actual combat magic.

Technically you already know 'magic' in enchanting. That's actually a different field than the Arcane, and while it uses arcane it can be rigged to use other sources too.
So like an enchanted lantern that uses water as fuel.

Or a motocar like device that runs on ambient heat.
Something like that. What do you think engineering uses half the time?
Blood, Sweat, Tears, Virgins and Coffee

[X] Plan Let's get this started V3
-[X] Work this amount of segments in this order until a Story Interupt +3/ (*2,-1) /-3/+3/+2/+2 . A day is in between each "/"
--[X] (+) Means the general work backlog, (*) Means Normal Quality Bronze Hammer (1 segment, 1 gold each), (-) means Normal Quality Silver Jewelery with Gold Enhancement (4 segments,4gold).
-[X] Fate Point: Goblin has a primer on magic that he's selling for 'cheap'
-[X] Find out where people could afford buying better weapons and jewelry and the reasonableness of getting someone to sell on our behalf/ move to someplace new
-[X] Reassure Leon that <a> He's not getting a fancy sword because it's a time waster and a target for thieves, <b> It's a sword that's meant to keep him alive and will be spec for such, gold trimmings won't keep him alive and <c> we'll work on it after we finish our backlog of orders.

Quite frankly Enchantment Skill book has limited value in that it's biggest advantage will take a long time before we see anything. A primer on Magic on the other hand is useful on account for the fact that we need minimum equipment to use it and this is Azeroth (or similar enough to not matter). We'll need some way to protect ourselves that we can carry around everywhere conveniently
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:V We need more votes

Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Plan Let's get this started V2
-[X] Work this amount of segments in this order until a Story Interupt +3/ (*2,-1) /-3/+3/+2/+2 . A day is in between each /
--[X] (+) Means the general work backlog, (*) Means Normal Quality Bronze Hammer (1 segment, 1 gold each), (-) means Normal Quality Silver Jewelery with Gold Enhancement (4 segments,4gold).
-[X] Fate Point: Goblin has a hereditary (who knows how he got it) skillbook of Enchantment that's so over his head he thinks it's Random Gibberish. He's willing to sell it to us along with some random books for something 'cheap'
-[X] Find out where people could afford buying better weapons and jewelry and the reasonableness of getting someone to sell on our behalf/ move to someplace new
No. of votes: 2
Algalon, notmi
[x] Plan Trying Something New
-[x] Finish your backlog using an alternating workweek of 3/2 which should finish your work in 4 days.
-[x] Take a break for one day once you finish your backlog
-[x] Make 2 normal quality bronze hammer's for the Goblin for 2 segments a day which should be finished in 1 day.
-[x] Then go about making that sword for your friend, Make a steel sword of green quality (11 segments, 4 gold) and make it using a workweek of 3/2/1 which should be finished in 5 days.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Let's get this started V3
-[X] Work this amount of segments in this order until a Story Interupt +3/ (*2,-1) /-3/+3/+2/+2 . A day is in between each /
--[X] (+) Means the general work backlog, (*) Means Normal Quality Bronze Hammer (1 segment, 1 gold each), (-) means Normal Quality Silver Jewelery with Gold Enhancement (4 segments,4gold).
-[X] Fate Point: Goblin has a primer on magic that he's selling for 'cheap'
-[X] Find out where people could afford buying better weapons and jewelry and the reasonableness of getting someone to sell on our behalf/ move to someplace new
-[X] Reassure Leon that a He's not getting a fancy sword because it's a time waster and a target for thieves, b It's a sword that's meant to keep him alive and will be spec for such, gold trimmings won't keep him alive and c we'll work on it after we finish our backlog of orders.
No. of votes: 1
[X] Plan Let's get this started V3
-[X] Work this amount of segments in this order until a Story Interupt +3/ (*2,-1) /-3/+3/+2/+2 . A day is in between each "/"
--[X] (+) Means the general work backlog, (*) Means Normal Quality Bronze Hammer (1 segment, 1 gold each), (-) means Normal Quality Silver Jewelery with Gold Enhancement (4 segments,4gold).
-[X] Fate Point: Goblin has a primer on magic that he's selling for 'cheap'
-[X] Find out where people could afford buying better weapons and jewelry and the reasonableness of getting someone to sell on our behalf/ move to someplace new
-[X] Reassure Leon that <a> He's not getting a fancy sword because it's a time waster and a target for thieves, <b> It's a sword that's meant to keep him alive and will be spec for such, gold trimmings won't keep him alive and <c> we'll work on it after we finish our backlog of orders.
[x] Plan Trying Something New
definitely want to make the sword for our friend. even if we aren't making quite what we could off it.
Blood, Sweat, Tears, Virgins and Coffee

[X] Plan Let's get this started V3
-[X] Work this amount of segments in this order until a Story Interupt +3/ (*2,-1) /-3/+3/+2/+2 . A day is in between each "/"
--[X] (+) Means the general work backlog, (*) Means Normal Quality Bronze Hammer (1 segment, 1 gold each), (-) means Normal Quality Silver Jewelery with Gold Enhancement (4 segments,4gold).
-[X] Fate Point: Goblin has a primer on magic that he's selling for 'cheap'
-[X] Find out where people could afford buying better weapons and jewelry and the reasonableness of getting someone to sell on our behalf/ move to someplace new
-[X] Reassure Leon that <a> He's not getting a fancy sword because it's a time waster and a target for thieves, <b> It's a sword that's meant to keep him alive and will be spec for such, gold trimmings won't keep him alive and <c> we'll work on it after we finish our backlog of orders.

Quite frankly Enchantment Skill book has limited value in that it's biggest advantage will take a long time before we see anything. A primer on Magic on the other hand is useful on account for the fact that we need minimum equipment to use it and this is Azeroth (or similar enough to not matter). We'll need some way to protect ourselves that we can carry around everywhere conveniently
I still prefer the book on enchanting. Studying the primer on magic will at least take as long as the book on enchanting. I don't think it's worth it.

EDIT: Frankly, right now I think we should focus on our craft and get away from this village once we've finished our sword for Leon. The only thing combat magic as an absolute novice (who literally just started) would protect us from are animals, and if savage animals can be found in the middle of a village then we're already boned, because whatever managed to penetrate even a tiny villages (probably pathetic) defenses will definitely not be scared by a novice mage.
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I still prefer the book on enchanting. Studying the primer on magic will at least take as long as the book on enchanting. I don't think it's worth it.
That depends.

Skill books of Enchanting could be less +Exp and more <Key Item> of enchanting for when we level from Journeyman to Expert***. Though that depends on @Lost Star 's Mood at the time of writing

At any rate I'm under the school of thinking that the entry cost of learning is higher than improving our enchanting for 1/2 ranks*.

*Assuming that it's not totally broken enchant book or a book that just gives us 'new' enchants**
**I presume more essoteric Enchants are too expensive both in time and Gold to make
***Some 'Special events' is needed to rank up as it were from one Rank or another.

definitely want to make the sword for our friend. even if we aren't making quite what we could off it.
Finally parse the sentence

Let me point out that Leon can wait for us and that Goblin is a time limited event
That depends.

Skill books of Enchanting could be less +Exp and more <Key Item> of enchanting for when we level from Journeyman to Expert***. Though that depends on @Lost Star 's Mood at the time of writing

At any rate I'm under the school of thinking that the entry cost of learning is higher than improving our enchanting for 1/2 ranks*.

*Assuming that it's not totally broken enchant book or a book that just gives us 'new' enchants**
**I presume more essoteric Enchants are too expensive both in time and Gold to make
***Some 'Special events' is needed to rank up as it were from one Rank or another.

Finally parse the sentence

Let me point out that Leon can wait for us and that Goblin is a time limited event
I just don't see what why we'd want to start studying combat magic right now? Assuming that we finish Leon's sword within the month and leave the village upon the goblin's return next month, I doubt we'd make any real progress with combat magic. Even so, we're a blacksmith, we are supposed to be in the middle of a town, if we ever run into danger there, then whatever it is, it won't be impressed by a novice mage.

The only time we can be at risk is during travel, and the goblin probably knows the land very well and has a lot of experience as a traveler, so I doubt we're going to run into bandits. If we truly want to learn combat magic, then we should convince the goblin to travel north, to Dalaran. It's a hotspot of mages, so there is probably a great market for gimmicks than can be bought cheaply there, and sold expensive everywhere else.

Alternatively we could always just save the fate point for later. Might run into more lucrative opportunities to use it.
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Let me point out that Leon can wait for us and that Goblin is a time limited event
Uh, I'm pretty sure both are "time limited" events.
Was probably a bit too subtle, but this would be IC knowledge. The Goblin has been hinting every now and again that he would like to 'sponser' your relocation. This is what his 'special deals' were about.

There are two main 'paths' you can take right now if it's not totally obvious.

The sword or the Goblin :)
Though, for the Goblin thing.
Could the goblin wait? Or simply extend the offer when he visits our village again? I'm seeing the sword path as the opportunity to turn Leon into an adventurer, like, make a good/very good sword and Leon will become a knight's squire or something. If the sword sucks however, or we don't make one, Leon will die during his travels or not find any employment.
The Goblin's been offering this for the past year or so. He comes back roughly once a month, so it can wait.
I just don't see what why we'd want to start studying combat magic right now? Assuming that we finish Leon's sword within the month and leave the village upon the goblin's return next month, I doubt we'd make any real progress with combat magic. Even so, we're a blacksmith, we are supposed to be in the middle of a town, if we ever run into danger there, then whatever it is, it won't be impressed by a novice mage.

The only time we can be at risk is during travel, and the goblin probably knows the land very well and has a lot of experience as a traveler, so I doubt we're going to run into bandits. If we truly want to learn combat magic, then we should convince the goblin to travel north, to Dalaran. It's a hotspot of mages, so there is probably a great market for gimmicks than can be bought cheaply there, and sold expensive everywhere else.

Alternatively we could always just save the fate point for later. Might run into more lucrative opportunities to use it.
That depends.

Primer's for magic, as in actual Idiot's guide to Combat Magic that we can learn on our own, is not particularly common. And that we can't rank EXP in it until we spend some investment of time in some combat aspect. I concede the point that Dalaran is a good place to get a Primer (if potentially difficult) but the problem is that our main clients won't be mages since it was Black smithing rather than tailoring or leatherworking that we chose as our bonus (IE to make money requires us to grind until journeyman just to save time making the stuff to sell, to say nothing of the competition in then major cities).

That makes it unlikely for us to gain money in Dalaran and more importantly without the ability to gain money, there's no guarantee that we'll get a Primer (one that we can use from 0 to Novice) since price is ??? As far as we know

That said while we can work on the Forge in the middle of a City (we're not in one right now and thus is currently unsafe but I digress) and be totally safe, chances are that we'll go out 'hunting' for materials for Misc Enchantments objects for a safe way de-fatigue ourself productively (presuming that we don't stray too far from other Adventurers/city/guardposts/etc) since Travel time at a leisure pace would provide no fatigue and gives us the ability to roam low level areas for bark, leaves, trees, insects, etc of note.

Also a I want a combat option as soon as possible since this is Azeroth and I don't want to take chances.
Uh, I'm pretty sure both are "time limited" events.
The Goblin's hammer and jewelry offer will last for however long he'll stay here (3~5 days). His Sponsor offer will be available about once a month. I was refering to the former

Leon's sword will wait for the whole month. Considering we're going to enchant the shit out of that thing it'll be worth the wait for him (Ignoring that we're the only Blacksmith in town)

You've basically misread my intentions
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Shrug, Considering Lost noted that there were paths we can take. I'm not sure Leon will wait that long.
It's impossible to complete Leon's, Backlog, Goblin Commision in under a week. Nor can we finish Leon's and Goblin Commision in one update since Lost's prefer that each 'important' event be a seperate update where at all possible.

Leon needs a sword, he'll literally wait for us cause he NEEDS that sword what with having only one active blacksmith (us) in town .

Considering we're only taking a week and a half to finish everything it's rather reasonable to assume that Leon won't get impatient especially when we(at least in my vote) reassure him that yes we're finishing the rest before getting him his sword, and said sword is spec for survivability.

Goblin Guy on the other hand makes multistage trips and would be walking about everywhere. His time is limited in how long he can stay in one place. Hence why I want to finish him and Backlog first
Shrug, Considering Lost noted that there were paths we can take. I'm not sure Leon will wait that long.

He's been saving money for years. I think he can wait a month, especially if we can promise him a great sword.

Now, assuming that he's willing to give us his money first, this is my personal plan for the sword:

-Mithril: +4 segments - 8 gold
-Stamina enchantment: +3 segments - 4 gold
-Blue quality: +15 segments - 0 gold

For a total of 21 segments and 12 gold.

Now, I'm already hearing you scream about how long this will take, and that it's a net gold loss, but hear me out. I've already speculated that the sword might be Leon's chance at becoming an adventurer, rather than a common guard. By making it a great sword, we could essentially jump-start his career, that'd be something he won't forget easily, especially if we mention that we used some of our own savings to make it the best sword we could have done because we believe that he can go far. Should we meet Leon in the future, then he will certainly be a great friend and ally to us, and tell everybody he knows what a great blacksmith we are, and that we're the reason he came that far.

Another point is our motivation. We strive to create great weapons and armors. Going to the very edge of our capabilities to create a master-crafted sword is certainly within it. There's a chance we could get a fate point for it, because that sword would be our very first master-piece, and thus the beginning of our legend. It be certainly an important event for our character, and hopefully worth a fate point.

Now, as for the stamina enchantment. Leon was shown to be strong and tall, but not very smart. Considering that he has 0 experience outside of "playing soldier", he won't be able to do much with the sword at first. As such damage enchantments are lost on him. Another character trait of his is being stubborn, add this to his physical features and you can get yourself a pretty good tank. The stamina enchantment will help him survive for now, and hopefully increase his endurance too, so he can train longer and harder than anybody else.
That depends.

Primer's for magic, as in actual Idiot's guide to Combat Magic that we can learn on our own, is not particularly common. And that we can't rank EXP in it until we spend some investment of time in some combat aspect. I concede the point that Dalaran is a good place to get a Primer (if potentially difficult) but the problem is that our main clients won't be mages since it was Black smithing rather than tailoring or leatherworking that we chose as our bonus (IE to make money requires us to grind until journeyman just to save time making the stuff to sell, to say nothing of the competition in then major cities).

That makes it unlikely for us to gain money in Dalaran and more importantly without the ability to gain money, there's no guarantee that we'll get a Primer (one that we can use from 0 to Novice) since price is ??? As far as we know

That said while we can work on the Forge in the middle of a City (we're not in one right now and thus is currently unsafe but I digress) and be totally safe, chances are that we'll go out 'hunting' for materials for Misc Enchantments objects for a safe way de-fatigue ourself productively (presuming that we don't stray too far from other Adventurers/city/guardposts/etc) since Travel time at a leisure pace would provide no fatigue and gives us the ability to roam low level areas for bark, leaves, trees, insects, etc of note.

Also a I want a combat option as soon as possible since this is Azeroth and I don't want to take chances.
Alright, you got me with the argument to use our spare time (time not spend 'smithing) more productively.

[X] Plan Let's get this started V3
-[X] Work this amount of segments in this order until a Story Interupt +3/ (*2,-1) /-3/+3/+2/+2 . A day is in between each "/"
--[X] (+) Means the general work backlog, (*) Means Normal Quality Bronze Hammer (1 segment, 1 gold each), (-) means Normal Quality Silver Jewelery with Gold Enhancement (4 segments,4gold).
-[X] Fate Point: Goblin has a primer on magic that he's selling for 'cheap'
-[X] Find out where people could afford buying better weapons and jewelry and the reasonableness of getting someone to sell on our behalf/ move to someplace new
-[X] Reassure Leon that <a> He's not getting a fancy sword because it's a time waster and a target for thieves, <b> It's a sword that's meant to keep him alive and will be spec for such, gold trimmings won't keep him alive and <c> we'll work on it after we finish our backlog of orders.
--[X] Ask him to give us his money in advance, so we can buy expensive and high-quality materials in order to make it great sword.

EDIT: Added a subvote to ask Leon to pay us in advance.
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-Mithril: +4 segments - 8 gold
-Stamina enchantment: +3 segments - 4 gold
-Blue quality: +15 segments - 0 gold

For a total of 21 segments and 12 gold.
Pokes head out.

Something interesting is that it's impossible to make this sword with our current golf reserve. So either Leon gives a substantial deposit or we finish the Goblin Commision first
Pokes head out.

Something interesting is that it's impossible to make this sword with our current golf reserve. So either Leon gives a substantial deposit or we finish the Goblin Commision first
I've already stated that it's under the assumption that Leon is willing to give us the 10 gold he's saved for the sword in advance. Considering that this sword is the key to his dreams, I doubt he's going to say no.
I've already stated that it's under the assumption that Leon is willing to give us the 10 gold he's saved for the sword in advance. Considering that this sword is the key to his dreams, I doubt he's going to say no.
Missed that entirely.

I'd disagree with the choice of Mythril though that is more my capitalist side than anything else.

But for the best possible outcome a Mythril sword of the level you're positing is brilliant on account of being functionally free advertisement to everyone else that wants a sword
Missed that entirely.

I'd disagree with the choice of Mythril though that is more my capitalist side than anything else.

But for the best possible outcome a Mythril sword of the level you're positing is brilliant on account of being functionally free advertisement to everyone else that wants a sword
Yeah, the sword is supposed to be an investment, rather than a immediate source of wealth.

It's likely to give us quite a bunch of skillpoints too, due to working with high quality materials as well as making a blue-quality item. So we might unlock a new perk for blacksmithing.

Try to convince your capitalistic side by mentioning the possibility of earning a fate point. :p
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I think if we give him a good sword and he does well enough he can recommend people to us if we're in the area.
How about this, we make him a sword with the money he has given us even if it doesn't profit us much. In return he promises to recommend us to people he encounters.