[X]Chromie and the Bronze Flight
Time was funny when you got down to it. Even the normal mechanics of it without magical interference could be quite disturbing. But when you added magic, it was nearly impossible to really properly describe what it was like.
It looped, it twisted. To her perspective each day in the timeline was never the same twice. Even the same day.
Bronzes existed outside time for more reasons than one. Sometimes it was the only way to really remain sane.
"I do believe that's the last large event in that timeline for another decade." Nozdormu muttered as he closed off the spell displaying the battle of Blackrock.
Chromie kicked her little gnomish feet and looked up at the large dragon at her side. "That was an interesting one!"
"Prince Varian will able to evacuate the majority of the Black Iron populace surprisingly. Assign a drake to be certain that none of them remain. I'd rather head off the headache that having the burning legion corrupt something more there." The aspect of time made the order almost absentmindedly as he flicked through the timelines.
"So this one's going to be shifted to the prime line?" The dragon in gnomish form asked.
Nozdormu hummed. "I'll be checking the lines for the next century. So far it seems viable, and the split of the Earth Aspect doesn't appear to have weakened the old god's prison substantially."
"That's good at least." Chromie shivvered. She had peaked into one or two of the timelines where they had managed to get close to escaping. They weren't pretty.
An amused look from Nozdormu had Chromie duck. It was almost a right of passage for whelps to look into one of those, and the aspect knew it. Reguardless, the aspect let it go and continued to view various areas.
"That man was quite the butterfly." Nozdormu finally stated as he looked at the child. "One in a million genious, in the exactly right areas. If I hadn't seen it happen myself, I might have suspected interference."
Chromie stayed as silent as possible.
"The beginning is particularly suspect, but I have checked it several times. Such a strange thing. I wonder if the goddess Elune touched a few more areas?" The dragon shook his head and dispelled the image of Wayland as a child. "But with the new aspect, and line of steel dragons, I suppose I won't object. It's going to be chaotic for the next few years, but after I do a check, I think I can have this timeline become the primary one."
"Really?" The gnome blinks up at the dragon at her side. That was incredibly rare to do. Not the least because it was incredibly hard.
It wasn't like they had a choice in doing it per say. The primary timeline was the anchor. Each change in time thanks to magic just shifted the anchor, and left an echo behind. To fix it the bronzes usually had to remove the change through a very specific counterforce. Too much and the timeline shifted incorrectly. Hence why they usually used adventurers. They had a lot of power, but very little 'time weight.' Keeping this line as the primary one was simply the bronzes letting the changes go.
"The people aren't as united as they would have been." Nozdormu sighed and continued. "But the dragonflights are stronger, and the various races have their own strengths and weaknesses. Better still we have a line of champions growing up now. Cinder, the Red Engineer. The Flower, Serenity. Tyrande's twins. Prince Varian's children. And Golden Black." The dragon chuckles at that last one.
"I like the twins myself. It's nice to see that Illidan has at least a small bit of something that isn't madness and hatred." Chromie gave her own input.
"There are of course still things that need to be addressed." Nozdormu gave Chromie a look. "I belive that's your new duty."
"Yes, yes. I've been weaving the timelines to have Deathwing die properly." The bronze in gnome form ducks her head. "He's managed to weight himself fairly heavily into the timeline. I'm still not certain how he managed to escape the Blackrock battle."
"That creature has always been capable of evading the best of us." The aspect of time mused as he brought up the battle in question. "Even temporal spells tend to slide off him. It makes sense in a way. Out of all of us, he was the greatest at creation and innovation."
Chromie frowned and kicked her tiny legs again. "I've still got a few tricks to pin him down. Being part of the scourge hasn't made him particularly stronger."
Nozdormu nodded at his assistant. "It's given him different options. And made the Black Dragonflight remnants hate him beyond anything you could believe. That is the strongest threat in the future. Aside from what's happening thought the dark portal."
"That one's nasty." Chromie agreed. "Do we have a plan for it? It was bad enough in the original timeline. I don't want to see what Gul'Dan can do."
"Madness has started to overtake him." Nozdormu shook his head. "That will have to be up to the mortals. Having one of us intervene will make things far worse. Gul'dan's madness does no one any favors."
"Always something." Chromie muttered, and the aspect of time couldn't help but agree.
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