Purple Phoenix Reborn (Constantinople ISOT)

Better Heraklonas then a Justinian. As pointed out the empire would likely fragment in another generation or two if the expansion was not slowed down for consolidation. And even if it was not being even more thinly stretched would be a disaster once they actually had neighbors that were able to fight them. Be it the natives in the south or Europeans. And the faster they expand the faster that would happen.

Although with Heraklonas working out and good omens on Leo it does make me dread when Rome finally draws the short stick and gets a poor ruler.
Considering the massive distances, I wonder if war Will ever reach Constantinople once again
Being a Christian Kingdom so far away makes it unlikely any european power that goes to war with them gets to use everything they have to attack the capital

Also, oh boy
Wonder how someone will f*** things up

Finally, wonder if there Will be circumstances that allow the ascension of a regnant Empress.
There were 3 before, including Theodora Porphyrogenita, the last of the Macedonian Dynasty
This remind me a little of Yongzheng Emperor, or Emperor Shizong of Qing. His rule was also unpopular, mostly because he was harsh even with his supporter; his reign was much shorter compared to his father and his son, and less remembered - the Harmony Era of the time was named after the latter two and not him. However, it is undeniable that he was also the Emperor who consolidate the Qing Empire after Kangxi, and build the foundation upon with Qianlong would raise the nation to its highest point.

Well, the marked difference is that nowadays the opinion about him is unquestionably good though; it is quite widely accepted that without him there may not even be a High Qing era.
100% agreed on Yongzheng, but this is way too kind to Qianlong - Qianlong ripped apart the foundations of Yongzheng's tax reforms by arbitrarily retaining county money (the huohao taxes) forcing county officials to levy additional taxes just to maintain their region, causing infrastructure decline and tax riots. Qianlong failed to use the money well, not properly funding and managing the bureaucracy leading to Heshen and the vast corruption of everything from the yellow river management system to the post-exam appointment system. Then he wasted troops and treasure on vainglorious wars in Burma. And all that puts to the side the Dzunghar genocide, which was an unparalleled level of violence especially when compared to the contemporary post-Chingunjav treatment of the Khalkha who got debt relief alongside increased religious control instead of genocide.

Qianlong inherited the empire his grandfather expanded and his father consolidated and rode the glory into the ground in time for the British to show up. Arguably the worst of the Qing emperors. It seems like Heraklonas' heir will be much better suited thankfully.

Heraklonas is definitely an interesting character and rather sympathetic. Of course he's a bit messed up, he's an average leader in a family of figurative and literal saints. Not the sort of dramatic that makes history books but he fortunately he got to be messed up at the right place and the right time.
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100% agreed on Yongzheng, but this is way too kind to Qianlong

Well, there is a reason Qing under Qianlong was compared to midday noon - not only does the sun at its peak and cannot rise higher, but also what follow after is nothing but downfall.

I agree that Qianlong is absolutely not the Emperor he thought he is - hell, he invaded my country, failed, and still gloated about it being one of his military achievement - but he is still the face of the High Qing era together with his grandfather. Whether Leo is comparable to him or not is a matter of when Leo actually get introduced, but by bit and piece of what we already see I highly suspect there isn't going to be many common points between them.