Hey @Bitterman can you explain why no one but Nora was analyzing metahumans powers?
Or why no one has been researching how to make a power Nullifier like Nora has?
Seems like with 13 Algernon in Horizon alone and like what at least 1 per country every decade or so someone would have researched metahumans powers and someone would have started researching power Nullifier even before movement.....
I guess the real question is why did Nora succeed where others didn't?
On the other hand Brass Shield.... Continue the good fight
My guess? A combination of that pre-existing research, good luck and that IIRC, Bitterman has stated that Nora was a natural genius even without her powers.

Edit: Like, for example, Osanyin's specialty was medicine, while Lethal Anodyne's is drugs. I'm confident to bet that Loser Asshole's drugs are as good as they are in part due to the advancements Osanyin made, while if Osanyin was provided with the same resources and preexisting knowledge, they'd be better at, maybe even if they kept to having the broader "medicine" as a specialty.
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You are Yara Oliveria. At night, you dream.

But in your dreams, you don't feel the cold of The Frozen Throne. You don't feel the scratchy sheets on your skin or Katie sleeping next to you. You don't feel the anxiety that won't go away despite Lady Leizi and Châtelet's assurances.

You feel safe.

You . . .

[ ] . . . hear the sound of crashing waves.

[ ] . . . feel the warmth of a well-tended hearth.

[ ] . . . breathe in the scent of flowers.
Does anyone have... any idea whatsoever what exactly we're voting for here?

(I like that we have no clue, fits a dream and fits Yara, but I'm curious if anyone has any speculation!)

If not, I'm going to go with flowers. I like flowers.

Or maybe waves, it's a little Yasmin-coded!
Speaking of parallel timelines, I think the 8th Hour's power is some sort of version of what Stockpile did in his fight with Ellie: weaponized uncertainty.

He is able to be anywhere as long as he's not being observed, and he also appears to be able to change his glasses and book at will.

Between that and the bagel, I think he might be doing something similar to the characters from Everywhere Everything All At Once.

Edit: Unrelated, but we also have confirmation that Dreamcatcher's power appears to be psychic in nature.
Ironically I think He has some supped up version of Phasewalker or Intangilitiy with side effect of not having as much control over it.

Which makes Yara having a similar power to him hilarious.
There's the elemental focuses, but also: Each one focuses on a different sense. Sound of waves for hearing, warmth of hearth for touch, scent of flowers for smell.
oh fuck please dont tell me mystery box was loss of sense compensated by Clairvoyance.
Ohhhhhhhhhh this is a great catch!

Loss of sense, except in her dreams..? That really does sound beautiful and a fitting side-effect. Especially when clairvoyance/psychicness should cover most of the day-to-day impact?

EDIT: Though hm, loss of touch doesn't really work with "You don't feel the scratchy sheets on your skin or Katie sleeping next to you"
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Man you guys I love scarlet & Wolong

Pride and regret that you're just "Uncle" Gabriel to her.
Ooooo love this can be taken at least two ways to the daedalus board it goes
So I think this update brings us to what, four different people who are theoretically doing timeline stuff? Augur, 8th Hour, 11th Hour, and WiB? (Noooooot great that two of those are on the Horae Guard...)
Nah we can see splinters in the Guard from the little we have of bird boy

I know Augur is an antagonist, but I want to cope that he at least he has a "greater good" (even if corrupted) motivation in mind with his golden path scheming nonsense.
To paraphrase at least two quotes
" there's always some fool who wants to save the world" & " everyone wants to save the world but nobody can agree how"
There are very few groups we have clashed with so far who do not believe what they are doing is just

In the end we must put faith in both might & right and be more
Though we don't know if his savescumming goes back to a set position or if he can manuever his points of interest around like they're fucking savestates. If that's the case, we might as well give up now, because the only thing stopping him from doing a TAS of the entire setting is his patience.
Nah imagine given what has been said and generally what save sucming would be in a non video game formated world he is retiring to x points so him doing to our setting now would just be him erasing himself from our perspective
I suspect he's stuck in an AP Hell deeper than any other. Which is exactly why he delegated this and used the implication that "Yeah bad things will happen to your loved ones if you piss me off" to try and get what he wanted out of us without putting any of his personal attention in it. He needs this shit now, and he's too busy to use his information to try and butter us up for it, so he's just using the stick because that's faster and doesn't require him to put any of his personal attention on it.
Me thinks this is a good spot to call his bluff on
Well, unless Augur's savescumming is parallel in nature, where every iteration thinks it's the prime iteration and there's potentially billions--if not trillions--going on at the same time, which just creates such a fucking causal mess that I don't even want to try to wrap my head around it.
Nah don't worry with those numbers your gonna get a Kang situation, where they start killing each other off
Other than him wishing he had pursued the feelings he and Heavenly Astrologian shared, so he might be a father and not an Uncle, what do you think the second possibility is?
It might be a cold freaking with my rest schedule but as far as I know Eli & we don't know who her bio-dad is
But also the general wish we had got to geither is good enough to get it on my board
[ ] . . . hear the sound of crashing waves.

[ ] . . . feel the warmth of a well-tended hearth.

[ ] . . . breathe in the scent of flowers.

Ohhhhhhhhhh this is a great catch!

Loss of sense, except in her dreams..? That really does sound beautiful and a fitting side-effect. Especially when clairvoyance/psychicness should cover most of the day-to-day impact?

EDIT: Though hm, loss of touch doesn't really work with "You don't feel the scratchy sheets on your skin or Katie sleeping next to you"
It's not touch, perhaps, but the ability to feel temperature? Probably comes with an unnaturally cold body as well, to make it a real side effect.

Smell is the one that is the most subtle in the price you pay for it. But it is insidious - smell and taste are deeply interlinked, so cripple smell and your sense of taste is heavily reduced as well. And that loss is unpleasant.
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"You can't be serious!" a Brazilian man in his 30s laughs, looking incredulous
Also I love that Simão (I'll have to adjust to that name, though it was nice to see the transition in the course of the chapter!) also has the first thought that it's ridiculous that he's being considered for Project Prometheus.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the him, Scarlet Maturity, and Black Swan triple date. Like wow, what a recipe for a good time.
omfg my head hurts after that 8th hour and Augur revelation. Okay, I had an inkling that they might've been separate organizations, but I wasn't completely sure considering the time associations. Now this whole conversation has made that a sure thing. Granted, the 8th hour seem to have an agenda of his own that's good for us, likely due to Uiara's past deeds that has made him in favor of us.

And yeah, I think I'm agreeing with others here that Augur may be a time-looper who can only spend so much AP similar to us.

I may need to contemplate more on what's going on with the vote considering it's the first non-straightforward one I'm seeing in this thread.
And yeah, I think I'm agreeing with others here that Augur may be a time-looper who can only spend so much AP similar to us.
Here's what I don't like about time looping — how does it fit with the mine threat?

Like what, he's going to loop until he finds the collection of nudges that make that all happen? Or has already looped to that point?

Surely the man isn't wasting that much subjective time on this…
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Also I love that Simão (I'll have to adjust to that name, though it was nice to see the transition in the course of the chapter!) also has the first thought that it's ridiculous that he's being considered for Project Prometheus.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the him, Scarlet Maturity, and Black Swan triple date. Like wow, what a recipe for a good time.
Dont forget the reveal hes meant to be equal to BS thats gonna blow hos mind even more even if explains some things.
My price is simple: a dose of Ambrosia, designed to the specifications below. Deliver it to the location below at the specified time and in the specified manner.
I think dependent on whose DNA is designated here may reveal to us how up-to-date the Augur is with Project Prometheus considering we've been occasionally picking up DNA here and there.

It doesn't make it a certainty, mind you, but I'm trying to grab straws here.
Actually, wouldn't we know what he's requesting? I assume that will be in the choice.

'Cause it's fairly hard to hide what the request is when it's so technical in nature.
He says he's 'the Eighth Hour of the Horae Guard'.

Apparently!" The Eighth Hour says brightly, taking another bite of bagel, "Oh, Leviathan's Blood that's good. I usually can't stay stable in one place long enough to actually eat anything, and, man, this bagel is like sex right now."
I like him.
I've already failed her sister, and I want to make good. The long version?"

It's probably related the fact Osanyin seems to have died waaay after his date of death.

Also I wonder what the dose he wants is made of.
It's not touch, perhaps, but the ability to feel temperature? Probably comes with an unnaturally cold body as well, to make it a real side effect.

Smell is the one that is the most subtle in the price you pay for it. But it is insidious - smell and taste are deeply interlinked, so cripple smell and your sense of taste is heavily reduced as well. And that loss is unpleasant.
There's also the flipside to notice: Daggermaw's in the set, and his Enhanced Senses are a part of the Battle Precog (or stronger Double Clairvoyance variation) that we said Yara should have. It might be choosing the vector of how her power, uh, 'gathers the information' to predict other people's actions.
Yohanne Oliveira either who Yazmin was suppose to be until 11th hour changed things or a 3rd sister. Hell a twin to Yazmin.
Bleh, I remembered the wrong O name, yes, her. The person that apparently existed that we have no evidence of at all aside from that single comment - and the fact we know the woman in blue exist(s)(ed).

I'm imagining she was an older sister, as that makes the most sense with what we already know, and that these things seem to have happened some time ago.
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