I'm a bit late to the Q&A but I still have questions.
- Can Mendicant use their powers on themselves?
- How old was Towarri when she joined Justice Unlimited ? She was said to be the same age as Automne, but she had also joined Justice Unlimited about a year after Apiary died, aka six years ago.
- What countries were the worst hit by the famines following the Leviathan's fall ? 4.
- What's the current geopolitical balance ?
- What year did the Leviathan fall ? We know that Osayin developed his powers about twenty years later, and that New Dawn formed after Osayin's death, which was more than 25-30 years ago because Nora was in the womb during the Susurration.
- How do Mendicant's powers work ? We know that their symbiotes are made from their bodymass and overuse can cause bleeding.
- Does Mendicant regularly give out their super-HRT symbiotes ? Did they give some to Dreamcatcher or Cisma for example ?
- What happened to Nora's dad ? What happened to Uiara and Yara's mom ?
- What was Valiant Red's power ?
- How did Uiara feel about Valiant Silver's fanart ?
1. They can. It's actually the easier application of their power.
2. 15. She was 22 during the Movement.
3. Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana all had large swathes of coastline completely obliterated.
4. America has gone full Christo-Fascist, China and Japan both invaded Korea, climate change and desertification have disrupted global food supplies, the EU is dealing with an energy crisis and Russian expansionism as the U.S. has pulled out of NATO. I also have notes that "Africa doing ok, research political subdivisions, it's a whole continent dummy".
I'm, uh, working on it.
5.I posted a timeline somewhere, but it was March 23, 2001
7. They lowkey supply them on the grey market anonymously. They're approximately 150x easier to make than a healing or anti-aging one, so they can hand the out like candy. Dreamcatcher used one of theirs, Cisma was before their time.
8. Nora's dad will come up in the next update. Yazmin and Yara's mom died in childbirth, despite her father in law's company being the most advanced medical company in the world. Ellie's dad was a one night stand who ran off because he was actually already married (her mom didn't know).
9. Algernon-type. Specialized in hard-light constructs.
10. She paid for it! The first time it was posted was a mistake, but it unleashed something in them both. Again, the really spicy stuff, or the stuff that revealed too much personal information, was kept private.