@Bitterman Got inspired by the latest update and how they showed off the Ambrosia candidates, which made me want to write about my own despite me not being a writer. I'd like to thank @LucidProp and @Kermie for feedback they gave me in writing this.
Kasumi Sato Tsubame Kikuchi Age:23 19 Stats: HIT 1, ESP 5, REP 3, OP 5 Tolerance: 4-5 Chaucer's Notes:
Ms. Sato was one of the few lucky survivors who managed to escape her former home of New Industrial District in the midst of Monarch's takeover. Along with her 2 younger siblings, they had since been moving around Horizon till they took refuge in the Apiary. I'm surprised they managed to get that far with a preteen, a 5 year old boy, and Ms. Sato herself being wheelchair-bound. Since then, she's been what she can to help the community with logistics and tech safety in order to make Apiary a safer place for her siblings.
Before the Movement, she was apparently a scholarship student in one of Horizon's prestigious elevator school. While a notable expert in programming, she has also tapped into many field related to tech. I imagine she might have a field day with Dr. Ibis or John Henry on that matter. Aside from that, she has requested to speak and shake hands with you, Lady Leizi. Seems to be a fan of yours. Lady Leizi's Notes:
I'm familiar with this little troublemaker. Her real name is Tsubame Kikuchi, an underground hacker and info broker who goes by the handle "Kuro". She faked a lot of her papers including her real name and age, as well as her siblings'. Aside from those, everything else written in your notes are real, Chaucer. A paranoid one she is, though this might also just be her way of showing off to me, the brat. It also explains the increased number of bugs and listening devices aside from my own planted all over the Apiary over the past month, all of which I've removed. She has the makings of a spymaster, one I could assist in her development.
I should warn however that she has a more pragmatic disposition compared to other heroic candidates, or say, our Black Swan. Moreover, her mischief aside, we should especially keep an eye on her in missions related to Monarch. Her parents died in the midst of that chaos and she's been nursing a grudge ever since. While she's grounded for now by her two remaining family, we should still tread carefully on that topic.
EternalObserver's Notes:
Well, here's my first one, a ESP/OP spec character. I decided to make her into a morally gray and self-serving character compared to the few other candidates I've read so far, which could provide an interesting dynamic to the team. Also wheelchair-bound and a weak stature, which made me consider giving her HIT -1, but didn't since I already know that isn't a thing in the system. There were several things I've had to remove on her section. I started feeling like it was too long, and had to revise it several times. So there may be a few details unmentioned here and there. Chaucer's section might've given me the hardest time since I don't know how much to reveal. There's also a few things unmentioned in LL's section like her acquaintanceship with Moon River. I don't know how clear her character is written in both notes since I'm unsure of the arrangements so I'll try to put a few unmentions here: Her number one reason for joining is making Horizon a safer place for her siblings to live in, not just Apiary. As conniving and mischievous the notes make her out to be, her loyalty is already kinda secured by placing her siblings under Apiary's protection, so don't expect her to be the backstabbing sort. As strong as that protection is however, she also cynically believes with the current ongoings that it will not last forever, especially if she just sits there and do nothing. She's aware that something's going on in the politics of Horizon and while she could easily pitch and join in any other organization that could protect her, she's decided after a bit of contemplating to hedge her bets on Project Prometheus and put her trust in Justice Unlimited. Speaking of, while I'll leave the details up to Bitterman, Tsubame does have potential of gleaming stuff about PP pre-recruitment (i.e. Dr. Ibis game show, goldnine transportation, recruitment staff, etc), though she'd not be able to get to the most important one.
Grana De Iglesias (Fake name: Garnet Reverie) Age: 29 Stats: HIT 3, ESP 1, REP 4, OP 3 Tolerance: 7 Chaucer's Notes:
A referral from Miss Naught and Arc. Moving into Horizon 9 years ago, Ms. Reverie is a nurse who has participated in several disaster relief operations in the aftermath of fights between metahuman heroes, villains, as well as behemoths. Moreover, she is a student practitioner of mixed martial arts, having participated in several different classes for self-defense. She is an admirer of Uiara and possesses a strong sense of justice, having a penchant of attempting to stop crimes happening in front of her, whether they are mundane or metahuman, and a tendency of putting others before herself. This has earned her a bit of a reputation in her area. All traits integral to becoming a hero, though I'd recommend keeping an eye on her for recklessness. Other than that, while it may not be my place to comment, I notice she has more than a few scars on her; I suspect they are not just from her reckless ventures. Lady Leizi's Notes:
Took a bit of time tracing her history beyond her 9 years in Horizon. I noticed her official history beyond that are forged, handiwork of a certain little birdie I may be familiar with. It seems she has a tragic history she does not wish to speak about. She was the daughter of a doomsday cultist who heavily subjected her and the rest of her family in physical abuse every other day. That is until one day he attempted a suicide pact ritual using his whole family, starting with his pregnant wife. Garnet, or should I say Grana, her real name, came out as the only survivor of the incident. Since then, she has been suffering heavily from survivors guilt, which I suspect is part of why she's quite driven when it comes to helping others. She also lives in fear of her father's associates coming to get her, which explains her flight to Horizon. As someone with a history of a terrible father, I sympathize with her and hope we could assist her in finding peace.
EternalObserver's Notes:
A HIT/REP spec character this time. She was originally Tolerance 6, but when I saw Cain's, I got a bit kerfuffled and thought maybe it was okay to bump her up a tier. Compared to the last candidate, this one is a lot more straightforward, where the only thing I worry about while writing this is whether I worded something good or not. Also for the identity of the "little birdie", it's Tsubame. She was already web-surfing and hacking at 10 years of age, yes. I considered mentioning her directly, but considering the randomness of the selection, I think it's best to have her just be an oblique cheeky reference.
I have another one still cooking in the oven. I think I want to wait till I know more about Horizon's current situation and poltics as a whole, before presenting her. Another potential one that could help would either be Apiary or Interlocutor's Fill In Issue
It twa's a dark and foggy night, the world had been consumed by an ethereal dusk as many slept, dreaming of things to come. Some dreamt of a warm meal, some of visiting far off vistas, some of magic and powers and some were just dreaming of what they would do in the coming morrow. But for a chosen few, they were still awake during this time, night owls that preferred the moonlight, insomniacs that could hear the Call of Hypnos, Scoundrels moving throughout the Dark and Heroes Constantly vigilant of any incidents that may occur. Yes, this Tranquil Romanian night was truly calm… but not for much longer, for one those previously mentioned scoundrels was about to meet a rather unfortunate end. A pair, 2 males of distinct height, scarred and batter, decided to enter the Hoia Baciu Forest, a piece of Romanian Land that was considered Haunted by the locals, due to the many peasant lives lost within in ages past, and while there are no ghosts in this tale… monsters… oh monsters are a completely different story.
Bram: C'mon Nikolai we need to go deeper, once we reach the rendezvous' point, we can plan how we are going to spring the rest of the boy's from than jail.
Nikolai: Aye' hear ye. Just give a second, never liked these kind of places… makes me instincts blare.
These two fellows were Bram and Nikolai, a pair of lieutenants in one of the many criminal groups that fester the region Transylvania. They, alongside many others, were part of a group of Thieves that stole throughout the various Transylvanian States, Stealing anything that they fancy. Money, food, Wheat, electronics, you name it, they've taken it. The groups of petty crooks have been fearing rather well the past few moons, but much to their chagrin, just a nary few hours ago, they were intercepted and foiled by the Hero Team Blood Moon led by the Heroine Twilight Beast, an Umbrakinetic of infamy within the Transylvanian Territories, and Her pet Jack, an animal with "Meta Human" abilities (Not truly, for he was but an aspect of one of Twilight Beast's powers, a fact unknown to both her and much of the Public, due to not being able to truly scan Jacks Skeletal Frame). Either way the Vampire and Skeleton Duo had managed to intercept the bandit group mid robbery, easily capturing over a quarter of the group, with another quarter being capture once the Rest of her team arrived on the scene. Those that evaded capture promised to meet up deep within the forest, with plans of recuperating their wounds and perhaps saving their captured allies. Not knowing of the Dangers within…
Bram: Bah, you and your superstitions, you are to paranoid mate. Read to many horror stories when you were small. There's nothing out here, but us, the bugs, and the moon.
Nikolai: Perhaps, but me instincts have never led me wrong, and they will continue to do so. Something… just doesn't feel right.
Bram: Maybe your "instincts" need some good ol' alcohol to calm ye nerves. C'mon we burning moonlight, and I don't want to get an earful from Alexander, the old grouchy ass. The base is just ahead, hopefully the idiots are being quiet… at least the lights are off.
Nikolai: Aye, aye, I hear ye. Hopefully, we can grab some rations before heading to bed. I'm bloody starving…wait, something not right. Its quiet…too quiet, those lugs know to pipe down, but not THIS much…
Bram:*Slowing down, noticing what his friend has said* …You're right…*grabs a gun he had holster to his side* Behind me, and prepare to book it.
As the Duo neared their groups base of Operations, a cave with a small array of Tunnels, leading to various exit points, They notice a lack of Guards outside of the Main Entrance, a serious breach in protocol, even if they were half in number, they all been trained in the various aspects in order to keep the base secure, including guarding it. Anybody could guard the entrance, if there wasn't any guards it was already a Red Flag, and both were about to turn tail and leave, until they heard a scrapping sound slowly coming from the interior of the of the cave.
*Sree… Scree*
As the two froze upon hearing the sound they notice a figure leaving the mouth of the cave. A pair of fuzzy antennae, black and red chitin, many legs, a pair of pinchers for a mouth and two beady alien eyes greeted them. An Ant stood at the mouth of the cave, slightly deformed and the size of Great Dane, the creature stood still as it observe the duo. Before quickly moving towards them! As it approached the sound of *Bang* echoed in the forest and the ant fell, a smoking hole littering its head.
Bram: What in the Devils name!? Was... Was that a bloody ant?
Nikolai: Worse… it was most likely a Behemoth a weak one, but one non the less. What's worrying is that it was an Insectoid Behemoth, those always have a trick or three of their sleeves, and if it came from inside the base… we need to go NOW.
As those words fell of Nikolai's lips, the duo hear more *screes* emanating from the cave… and from the surrounding wilderness. The gunshot had done more than just slain a foe… it madethem realize that there were MORE of the Bastards, and they we heading straight for them!
Bram: RUN!
As the two ran in the only direction they did not here the insects coming from, they would narrowly succeed in not becoming a meal to the insects, unlike the rest of their team, who met a grisly demise at the mandibles of the Behemoth… the Queen that laid inside.
???: Are you sure they are going to come Celeste? We really can't delay much longer. We managed to quell their numbers, but it's a matter of time before some of them manage to escape.
Celeste: Don't worry Stefan, I'm aware. I've been told our guest have arrived into town recently, Adrian and Elena went out to escort them back, we will soon be able to mount our counterattack.
The two speakers were two of the five members of The team Blood Moon, Celeste Andelean and Stefan Popescu, aka Twilight beast and Tide Bite. They waited in a massive meeting room inside of the team's base, waiting for the rest of the team and guest to arrive, speaking off…
Short Circuit: Yo Twi, We're back and we brought guests!
Dragon Fly: "Brought" is an interesting way to say it, BF pretty much told us we were contacted for a job. Who would have thought we were being hired by a HERO Team of all people? Things just got interesting.
At those voices we can see 6 people plus skeleton dog enter the room. Among them where the missing members of Team Blood Moon, Adrian Black, and Elena Rivets , also known as Gargoyle and Short Circuit Respectively. Behind them stood the members of the Nomadic Behemoth Hunting team The Fabled. Carmine Jaeger the Blood Fang, Edelweiss Margare the cold tactician or General White, George Russel the puppet master Geppetto and on top of Jack, stood the diminutive fairy and Demolition Expert Azalea' Le Moon or Dragonfly.
Blood Fang: Indeed. Hello Twilight Beast, it's been a while.
TB: Quite so. If everyone could please take a seat, I' would like to explain why I contacted all of you. For you see, much like your team member has surmise; I have requested your appearance in order to request your services and to ask for a temporary team-up.
General White: A Team Up? That's quite the surprise, considering your mix of powers I would think you would be able to deal with pretty much anything that wasn't a city destroying threat. Also considering you asked for US; I'm guessing your problems are Behemoth Related?
Twilight Beast: Got it in one White. Last week we have discovered the disturbing news of a Behemoth creating a nest in the Hoia Baciu Forest. This discovery is thanks to criminals that are currently in custody, having their wounds tended to after nearly dying from blood loss due to the creature or creatures found withing their old base.
Geppetto: Creature's? As in Plural?
Tide Bite: Aye. After receiving the tip from the two we went towards the coordinated thy gave us and found a cave and near it were a bunch of ants, ants the size of big dog. They took one look at us and threw themselves at us, they were easy to beat, one hit and that was that, a normal civilian could probably do so as well, but the problem was as we went in the cave more and more just kept coming, FAR to many, we were force to leave before we were overwhelmed.
Dragonfly: The F*** you mean you were nearly "Overwhelmed" !? If there were that many Behemoths we need to leave Now!
Gargoyle: Calm your wings Dragonfly. Theres only ONE Behemoth, the problem is that the damn thing has a special ability.
Geppetto: A…Special Ability?
Short Circuit: Yup. While Behemoths cant Exactly "Breed" as it were. This Thing has the next best thing. We were lucky to see it outside of the caves one day, Ugly Thing, Looks like a disfigured Queen Ant. Anyway, we saw it hunting and killing a full-grown bear; after finishing its meal it went near a mount of dirt and release a Purple like sludge near it. Apparently, it was an ant hill, because a couple of minutes later we saw Ants growing near the damn thing, until they took the appearance of the ones inside the cave, damn things collapse for a bit, probably not accustomed to their weight and size, before the Behemoth released a pink smoke from her antennae and ensnared the new giant ants under its control, probably Pheromones, if the Books Celeste got from the Enthomon's is any indication. So yeah, one behemoth and a small army of mutated ants, squishy, but there's a metric F*** ton of them. Far to many for us to tackle solo, especially once the acid spewing mutants rear their ugly heads.
Blood Fang: And That's probably where we come in.
Twilight Beast: Yes indeed. If I were to show our cards, for sake of transparency. We have a quite sizable contract with the exact purpose of eliminating the threat. These drones have been leaving the forest on occasion and have targeting animals or crops in nearby farmlands, so the city has given us a sizeable bounty for the Queens head, with smaller bounty's for the mutated ants. In addition should we succeed, we would get a contract that would expand our patrol range. So in exchange of your services we get some territory while you gain the equivalent of a Named Behemoth's Bounty in pure Cash, with some extra thrown on the side. So how about it, would you care for some Bloody cooperation?
Blood Fang: …Hmm. I can tell you being honest with your intentions, but if it weren't for the fact that you've done your homework AND the fact that we agreed to help each other in the future, I would feel slightly annoyed…But Those are a lot of zeroes and there hasn't really been that many tough behemoths running around. I'm game at the very least. El, Geo, Lea, how about you?
General White: I can admit that I'm slightly annoyed at the assumption that we would be just ok with this, but the rewards are worth it, and its not like we are heading in alone.
Geppetto: I'm ok with it. Might be a good time to use a new Puppet I've been working on with Lea on our Spare Time.
Dragonfly: May need to limit my explosions and fire if we are heading into a cave, but I can adapt, sure!
Blood Fang: It's unanimous then. Alright Blood Moon, The Fabled will Accept the Contract. Now when do we begin?
Twilight Beast: *a small smile appears on her face* Wonderful, let us fill you in on what we've found out.
Authors note: Hey, I'm making stuff again! So yeah, say hello to a small crossover between my own Omakes. Featuring two hero teams from my Behind The Hero Series. The Fabled and The Blood moon's. These two teams need to confront a Behemoth that's been slowly amassing an army in the Romanian Wilderness, while Behemoths cant "Breed" (If I remember right) This Creature has circumvented that little tip bit by just growing normal ants to a huge size and mins controlling them to due her bidding. Most ants don't survive the procedure, and most are easily killed, but the Behemoth has been slowly getting better in its craft and getting stronger, eventually it can reach the Level of a Named Behemoth and Really cause some damage, but its currently a Silver slowly reaching Gold in power level. So the teams need to breach its "Fortress" and slay it. Making sure it doesn't escape, so they will probably divide into squads in other to lead most of the army outside (Dragon Fly gets to shine) while an elite strike team goes in and kills it dead.
[ ] . . . talk. Fuck this, the only way to win is not to play.
. . . aren't going to play ball. Monarch's presented you with a false binary: either you let her do as she pleases and attend the memorial like an honored guest, or you attack her and feed her public relations machine. Either outcome will suit her just fine.
However, when someone is trying to force you to pick between two bad choices, they're usually doing everything they can to keep you from seeing the third option hidden just out of sight.
Monarch will not be permitted anywhere near the Apiary or the civilians. You will not throw the first punch. These ideas are not in conflict.
You need her to voluntarily leave on her own. And to do that, you have to convince her that leaving is in the best way to get what she wants.
So, what does she want?
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: OPERATIONS 10. Valiant Gold has OPERATIONS 9.
You rolled: 3.
The Audience has granted you +2 on this roll.
3 + 0 + 2 = 5. Minor Success!
Calm down and think.
Legitimacy. You know that much. She doesn't want her metahuman organization to be viewed as a problem to be solved, but a "peer" to Justice Unlimited, Powers, New Dawn, and Crusade. That will lend weight to her claims that Crusade is going too far, and hopefully put pressure on them to stop taking action against her. Or, to at least keep the conflict limited to fights between metahumans—fights she'll likely win.
The only problem is: her "metahuman organization" is made of violent murders and sociopaths.
However . . . the difference between a Marrow Spider and Acid Rain is more their willingness to limit collateral damage than any kind of inherent morality. Powers was filled with monsters, but polite monsters who could largely be ignored. Now that you think about it, there is depressingly little daylight between the "heroes" of Powers and Monarch's forces.
A fact of which Monarch must be aware. Which is why she's taking this risk—she's trying to blur that line even further. If she can force the monsters under her to demonstrate some level of decorum, then a not insignificant percentage of people will be happy to ignore the problem she poses rather than pay the cost of dealing with it.
So what do you do? You remind everyone that the line exists and Monarch is on the wrong side of it.
"How?" you ask her dryly, "How exactly do you believe you are a 'peer'?"
You make a great show of sighing, crossing your arms, and tapping your foot expectantly. You then disable the external speakers in your helmet for a second.
"Everyone, follow my lead. Be ready for combat if this goes south."
"Roger, I'll be ready on barriers."
"My pretties will be prepared. Shelob thirsts for her first blood."
"Confirmed. This is Justice Unlimited's op."
"Uhh, I have more spiders with Coach J's head on them ready . . . I hate them so much.
Handyman doesn't reply verbally, but he clicks his comm twice in acknowledgement.
Monarch laughs imperiously at your question and sweeps her arms at her lieutenants.
"Asking me this, girl, all by your lonesome? We must commend your bravery, if not your common sense."
"There's no guarantee of what the outcome would be if a fight broke out," you agree, "But surely you're not a 'peer' just because of strength of arms? Or were you suggesting you're a 'peer' the same way The Defiance Unit or Supplication were?"
That doesn't throw her off.
"You are correct of course," she says, nodding, "We have as much in common with those barbarians as an alley cat has with the majestic lion. We have responsibilities to those we govern. To keep them safe from a world that would do them harm."
"Interesting choice of words," you say, rolling your eyes. The motion is mimicked by the eyes on your helmet. "I don't believe Justice Unlimited takes it upon itself to 'govern' anyone."
"Oh? And what do you call those who live under the aegis of your 'Apiary'? Again, we are disappointed. We thought you had more loyalty to your people."
She shakes her head, tutting.
"But we are hardly the first to take a more hands-on approach to protecting the territory that has been entrusted to us. For how many years did the people of the Foot give themselves over to Justiciar and her 'Edicts'?"
"That's another interesting word choice," you say, "They 'gave' themselves over to Global Justice. They wanted her there. Do you people want you there?"
"They need us," she sneers, "Were you there for the chaos after the Movement? Did you witness how close the NID came to utter annihilation? We saved them from that."
You can't hide the disbelief in your tone. "You believe they need you. . . because you saved them from the Wonderland prisoners you let out?"
"Is that what you believe happened?" she says mockingly, "Well, you may think whatever you wish. It does not change the reality of my duty."
You nearly bite and ask what she means, but you can't afford to let her distract you.
"Whether they need you or not, they haven't consented to your 'governance'," you shoot back, "There is an easy way to resolve this. Set up a plebiscite. Let the residents of the NID vote. If they elect to have you remain, then who could ever challenge your rule? Justice Unlimited would be happy to oversee the process."
You can feel Lady Leizi wincing somewhere in the distance. It would be difficult and costly . . . but it is something you could theoretically do.
If Monarch would let you, that is. She sneers again and throws back her head with a mirthless laugh. "Oh, we have no doubt you would. Just as we have no doubt what the result would conveniently happen to be. We are no fools, girl."
"Sounds like you wouldn't accept any answer you don't like," you say shaking your head, "Which begs the question? Why are you doing this?"
"Are you deaf—"
"No," you interrupt, "Why are you doing this? With your power, you could run away to anywhere in the world. Wonderland must have been one of, if not the only, prisons that could hold you. You could be free. Instead, you're here. Why?"
Her face is like stone. You see her glance at the hooded figure with her flag and back up.
"As we said, we have responsibilities. We are finished running for crimes whose punishments have long been meeted."
You see her eyes flicker back to the hooded figure. She's been very careful to not let it away from her side. She sees you looking and then stares you down.
You don't back away.
"Like, I said. You don't seem to be willing to accept any answer you don't like. Well, here's one you have to take: You are not welcome here, nor are we obligated to welcome you. You are not a peer. You are a warlord. If your intentions are truly peaceful, take your thugs and leave."
DC 15.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 10. Valiant Gold has REPUTATION 6.
You rolled: 5.
5 - 2 + 3 (Previous Minor Success) = 6. Failure!
As soon as the words are out of your mouth, you realize your mistake.
All of her lieutenants turn to Monarch, watching her intently. You can see the calculation on her face. While Monarch would like to be seen as legitimate, she cannot afford to be seen as weak. You just spat in her face and challenged her directly.
There can only be one response.
"You shall find that we step where we please, girl. We will not invite violence upon this occasion, but neither will we meekly accept offense either!"
With a wave of her hand, a spot on the side of the drill changes. You have just a second to see the ceiling of a dingy room before a metal ball the side of your head rockets forwards at terminal velocity. It punches through Doctor Silver's barriers and shatters them like glass.
Doctor Silver loses 1 charge! 2 charges remaining.
Then, the forces of Wonderland march forward.
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: HIT 45. The Security Team and Valiant Justice have a collective hit 47.
You don't dodge the projectile. There's too much danger of it hitting an innocent person. Instead, you stick an arm out and catch it.
The impact makes your shields flair and drives your feet into the ground, but you don't budge an inch and you don't fall. You never take your eyes off Monarch.
Available Shields: 2 (Module Rock, Advanced Energy Shielding).
You crush the ball in your hand and let it fall to the ground with a thud. And then, you give the order.
"Justice Unlimited, unite!"
Spiders with a human face pop into existence and begin leading the remaining civilians to safety.; your attempt at talking Monarch down gave Dreamcatcher enough time to get in position. A cowering man suddenly transforms into a fifteen foot platinum blue giant. Handyman has four arms in this form and tackles Heracles from behind. Handyman restrains both of the gladiator's arms while trying to choke him out. Heracles is stronger than Handyman, and slowly pulls free. In response, Handyman shoots jagged spines of bones out of chest and into Heracles' back.
The spines fail to pierce more than an inch or two into Heracles' skin, but it gives Handyman the leverage to put Heracles in a submission hold. Behind him, Acid Rain takes aim with a hose connected to a tank of some foul substance, but Doctor Silver blocks the nozzle with a barrier. Acid Rain seamlessly switches to a sidearm and fires, but Handyman has enough time to dodge out of the way. The acid washes off Heracles like bathwater and melts the ground where it touches.
Doctor Silver loses 1 charge! 1 charge remaining.
At the same time, Marie Marionette and Warpstar fend off a horde of shadow creatures. Marie Marionette fights with long tendrils of blood sticking out of her stump, as well as beads of water she conjures and fires like bullets. Warpstar tears through the clones of Barkavious and Mitten while sobbing.
"WaAaAaAaAaAaH! i HaTe KiLlInG aNiMaLs! ThErE's NoThInG fUn AbOuT iT! iT's SaD! WaAaAaAaH!"
Palisade attacks Marie Marionette from behind, her barrier around her body. Marie Marionette curls her remaining hand and Palisade's body seizes. But, the canny heroine has learned from their last encounter and immediately launches her barrier like a missile and smashes the heinous hydrokinetic.
Warpstar turns his head to look at the fight, but you strike before he can do anything.
Activate Module: Paper.
Four drones fly from your waist as your HUD changes to include a targeting reticle. Your right hand disappears as the armor extends and engulfs it, leaving the end of a canon sticking out. You feel your hand wrapped around a bar, in the center of which is a depression that acts as the trigger. In one smooth action, you aim and fire at Warpstar.
But you're a second too slow. He sees you, and his head disappears before it's hit. It reappears on your shoulder, sprouting like a mushroom.
"Oh, ThAnKs, I rEaLlY aPpReCiAtE iT. i HaTe HuRtInG aNiMaLs."
His arms sprout from your shoulder blades and reach back to grab your head in a reverse camel clutch. You feel your shield flare to life as he tries to break your neck.
Valiant Gold loses 1 shield! Valiant Gold has no shields remaining!
"I wAs OnCe KiLlInG tHiS cHiCk AnD, aLl Of ThE sUdDeN, hEr DoG lEaPt OuT aT mE! i WaS lIkE 'WoAh' aNd I aCcIdEnTaLlY hIt ThE pOoR tHiNg WaY tOo HaRd AnD iT dIeD! iT wAs So SaD! i CrIeD fOr LiKe TwEnTy MiNuTeS. eVeR sInCe ThEn, I'Ve BeEn TrAuMaTiZeD oR sOmEtHiNg."
You can feel your spine breaking. But you keep calm and focus on your HUD. Tag his right arm. His left arm. His left leg. His right leg. His head. . .
"So AnYwAy, I aPpReCiAtE yOu BlAsTiNg Me LiKe An IdIoT sO i CaN jUsT kIlL yOu InStEaD. tHeRe's NoThInG sAd AbOuT kIlLiNg PeOpLe! ThEy'rE lIkE aNiMaLs WhO sUcK—WoAh!"
The instant you finish, you activate Module Paper's pyrokinesis and light yourself on fire. The flames don't harm you through your armor, but Warpstar withdraws with a yelp. Without missing a beat, you fire where you know his head will be. Your timing is perfect and it impacts Warpstar right as his head reappears on his body.
"Ow, FuCk Me! ThAt WaS cOoL aS sHiT, bUt It HuRt! AnD—AwW, cRaPbAsKeTs."
Your drones swarm Warpstar, each one firing at a different limb. He teleports them before they're hit, but you drones instantly follow each limb to its new location. They do nothing to actually hurt him, but they keep Warpstar pinned down.
"I'm PiSsEd At HoW aWeSoMe ThIs Is!"
You have a second to breathe and you take in the rest of the fight. Heracles is engaged with Echidna, seemingly amused at the chimera's inability to seriously harm him. He catches Echidna by the throat, ignores her snake-tail as its bite draws blood from his arm, and squeezes her throat until she dissolves into a black mist and the red light around her fades.
Menagerie Witch's HIT drops to 4!
Doctor Silver gains +1 charge! 2 charges remaining!
Menagerie Witch shrieks in rage over the comms. "Pestilence and sick! For that, I'll tear off your di—"
"Focus," you bark.
The clones of Shelob swarm Heracles, doing little more than slow him down. Handyman and Palisade continue their battle against Acid Rain and Marie Marionette. The puppeteer seems frustrated by her inability to control Handyman's blood, and Palisade is using her barrier to keep the acid off them. Handyman lands a solid hit that drives Marie Marionette back, but she quickly smiles and kneels, creating an umbrella of blood over her head. At the same time, Acid Rain pulls out a metal stake and throws it into the ground. From the top of the stake, sprinklers emerge and douse the area in a colorless, fuming liquid. All of the grass immediately dies, and the ground melts into a muddy sludge.
Palisade pulls her shield back in just enough time, while a nearly opaque barrier of light surrounds Handyman as they're both drenched.
Doctor Silver's barrier absorbs two injury levels for Handyman!
Doctor Silver loses 2 charges! No charges remaining!
Palisade's barrier absorbs two injury levels!
Palisade loses 2 charges! 2 charges remaining!
Acid Rain moves to spray them again, but Stockpile does something and cuts the space between him and the Algernon-type. Acid Rain suddenly finds himself spraying empty space as Stockpile slashes open the hoses connected to his tanks at a distance without moving closer.. A horrific sludge drips out and burns the ground before the emergency valves kick in and seal the tanks.
"VG, I'm tapped on barriers," Doctor Silver says panting, "And that thing underground will be here any second! It's massive!"
"Link up with Menagerie Witch. Get the Hustle on some of her clones, as fast as you can," you order. You spy Monarch calmly striding through all the chaos, standard-bearer close behind her, walking as if she were on a Sunday stroll.
"What are you going to do?"
"Buy time," you say as you switch to Scissors and dash in front of Monarch.
Activate Module: Scissors.
You don't have superspeed—not exactly—but Module Scissors makes all of your movements efficient. There is not a wasted step, your balance is perfect, and you more dance across the ground than run. There is a faint red haze around your armor as it helps you move.
You race in front of Monarch just as Warpstar realizes your drones are no longer active and pulls himself back together.
Luck Check: 1. Unlucky!
The hooded figure shifts behind Monarch and says nothing. You realize said figure is short—maybe four feet tall with odd humps on their back.
"Yes?" Monarch asks imperiously, "You are in our way."
You glance around. "Strange actions for someone who vowed to 'not throw the first punch'."
DC 15.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 10. Valiant Gold has REPUTATION 6.
You rolled: 2.
2 - 2 + 0 (Moderate Success) = 0. Failure!
She laughs in your face. "I was merely removing the obstacle obstructing us. It was Justice Unlimited who escalated and began this childish brawl. However, we are magnanimous."
She claps her hands twice and all her lieutenants instantly respond. Warpstar appears next to her, arriving piece by piece. Acid Rain and Marie Marionette disengage from a panting Palisade and Handyman, while Heracles merely strides forward while crushing a Coach J-Spider in his hands.
"There, I have spared your brutish allies. Stand aside and they will remain unharmed. Persist in this action and face destruction."
You exhale in your helmet. Pivoting. She's pivoting. You rejected her peerage and challenged her authority. There was no way for her to gracefully exit after that. So, if you will not directly or tacitly give her the legitimacy she craves, she will ensure she is seen as mighty. So mighty that she was able to bend Justice Unlimited to her will.
Mighty enough that a small-time corp looking to undermine a competitor might come to her under the table. Mighty enough that the criminal elements might seek to ally with her. Mighty enough, that it's easier to leave her alone. Crusade won't go for it, but it would be a step in the right direction.
You see her smile as she waits for you to make your choice. Heracles crosses his arms menacingly while Warpstar shadowboxes the air.
"CoMe On! RuN iT bAcK! rOuNd TwO, rOuNd TwO!"
Your mind is racing, but you're stuck between two seemingly impossible choices. You wish the EXCEED-BEYOND had a module that made you smarter.
"They're animals," Stockpile says as he walks behind you, "The only thing they're going to understand is force."
You see a blue aura start to shine on him as energy gathers on his arms. There's another pulse from his suit and, again, your HUD pings.
Psychic Interference Detected. Counteracting.
"We just managed to get every civilian out of harm's way," you say through gritted teeth, "If this fight spills over to the Apiary, hundreds could die."
"And how many people are going to keep suffering if we don't stop them here?" he shoots back, "You tried diplomacy and it failed. We end this now and we can save the NID!"
"Do not," you warn him, "Whatever you're planning, do not do it."
But . . . is he right? Should you fight? Can you even stop her if you do? Would you just be leading everyone to their deaths? Do you let Monarch pass? Will this thief even let you make that decision?
You feel your breathing getting heavy as time runs down and you have to make a call. Stockpile tenses his legs—he's going to act. Do you join him? What do you do?!
And then, all of the sudden, your choice is made easy as you hear a sound that is sweeter than any music.
A sonic boom.
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: HIT 45. The Security Team, Black Swan, and Valiant Justice have a collective hit 55.
You rolled: 20.
20 + 5 = 25. Critical Success! Natural Crit!
Stockpile teleports several yards forward, charging Monarch. But you're not far behind, the red glow from Module Scissors clashing against his blue shine. You shoulder check his back and catch the swing of his glowing arm with a blade of psychic energy that extends from your wrist and engulfs your hand. He leans forward to overpower you, and you grab his free arm with your open hand to keep him from pulling away.
All the while, his armor pulses with light at quick, regular intervals.
Psychic Interference Detected. Counteracting.
Psychic Interference Detected. Counteracting.
Psychic Interference Detected. Counteracting.
You tune out the alerts on your HUD as he snarls at you.
"What are you doing?!"
"Saving your life—!"
Palisade and Handyman race past where you and Stockpile are, just as nuclear fire from the heart of a star blasts from the heavens. A beam of pure, white light carves a furrow deeper than you are tall between you and Monarch's forces. You go blind for a second, but, once the light disappears, you see Black Swan drift down from the heavens like a fallen angel.
"You heard the lady!" she shouts at Monarch, "No admittance for bad guys! No ifs, no buts, no coconuts!"
Never have you felt so relieved to hear such nonsense in your life.
Stockpile leaps back from you and glares at you with hatred. In that instant, you know the two of you will always be at odds. The world could burn and he would be fighting you in the ashes.
Meanwhile, Black Swan's presence has given Monarch actual pause. And with good reason—Black Swan was immune to Maire Marionette and Acid Rain, and Monarch had no fliers with her. Black Swan was free to float in the air and fire on them with impunity. Monarch's best play would be to get Heracles to the gardens where the civilians would provide cover, but he would have to get by you, Stockpile, and the rest of your team.
. . . not impossible, you suppose, but what would stop Black Swan from firing on everyone else in the meantime?
You see the same calculation playing out on Monarch's face. And then—
Luck Check: 18. Lucky!
—the hooded figure drops the banner and eagerly tugs on Monarch's cape.
"Look! Look! It's Black Swan!" a young, female voice says, "It's really her! Look, Mom—!"
The world grinds to a halt. The figure—Monarch's . . . daughter?—freezes in place as she realizes her mistake.
"Umm, uhh, I mean . . . I . . . I m-mean . . ."
Monarch's face is a mask of ice, but she's ever so paler. Her eyes scream promises of violence at all who behold them.
Black swan drops down next to you, mouth agape. You two speak at the same time.
"You brought your . . . daughter?"
"Your daughter is my fan?!"
You look over at Black Swan and instantly know what she's about to do. Your expression under your helmet tells Black Swan what exactly will happen if she gives into impulse. You know Black Swan knows this, and she knows that you know that.
You can not be held responsible for your actions if Black Swan does what she's thinking.
She does it anyway.
Faster than the eye can see, she zips across the trench and stops in front of Monarch and the hooded figure. The wind from her sudden deceleration knocks the hood back, revealing a severely dysmorphic metahuman girl, maybe ten or eleven.
DC 15.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 10. Valiant Gold and Black Swan have REPUTATION 16.
Who is staring at Black Swan with a look of undisguised awe.
Her skin is like a leathery bark—dried and cracked with rubbery sheen to it. You notice how the edges where different sections of skin meet have been carefully moisturized, and how a few have split and are weeping blood. She only has a few, thin strands of hair that do nothing to cover her head, and she's hunched over like someone many times her age with two large humps on her back.
Her face is especially strange. Her eyes seem unnaturally large, and are especially prominent given that she doesn't appear to blink. They are a foreboding, golden color that makes your armor look dull. She has no nose—just a hole where it should be—and no lips. However, her expression is unmistakably a smile, displaying all of her teeth.
"W-wow. You're so fast!"
"Yep," Black Swan says polishing her nails on her tunic, "Fastest girl in the west! And east! north too! Dunno about the south, but I'm coming for them!"
She giggles, a sound like rustling leaves. Monarch looks apoplectic.
The girl raises her hands eagerly. "C-can I see the Apiary? Can I? Apiary was always my favorite!"
Black Swan clutches her heart. "Not me?!"
"No, no!" the girl says quickly, waving her hands, "I only heard about Apiary! You're my new favorite! You beat Scarlet Maturity!"
"Darn tootin'!"
Black Swan is really hamming it up . . . is she like this with every fan? Why is she so nice to everyone but you?!
It's at that moment, Monarch's patience runs out. With another wave of her hand, a hydraulic piston of some sort erupts through a portal in the ground to strike Black Swan. She effortlessly moves out of the way, only to have Warpstar's upper body emerge from arm.
"BaCk OfF, bItCh!"
"Language!" Black Swan chides and then fires a massive blast into the sky out of the arm to which Warpstar is attached. When the light fades, her arm is gone and Warpstar's body is back in one piece.
Until he teleports to her other arm.
"DiD yOu JuSt BlOw OfF yOuR aRm To GeT rIdE oF mE? tHaT'S hArDcOrE."
"It'll grow back!" she shouts, and then she turns to the girl with a sad smile.
"I'm sorry . . . but with everything sooo . . ." She gestures to Warpstar sticking out of her, "I don't think you can see Apiary today."
"Oh." The girl looks crestfallen.
"Buuuuut, if you and your mom wait right here, I'll go get a pen and I can give you my autograph! And I'll grab us some funnel cakes! How's that sound?"
"Is funnel cake . . . yummy?"
"The yummiest!"
"HeLl YeAh, I cOuLd MuRdEr SoMe FuNnEl CaKe RiGhT nOw."
"You dare order our daughter," Monarch snarls, "Presumptuous—"
"Yeah, I do," Black Swan says, flying right in her face, "And if she and her mother aren't here when I get back, then no one is getting funnel cake."
The rest of Monarch's lieutenants arrive and surround Black Swan. You feel Stockpile try to move towards them, but you refuse to let go of his arm, even as your own heart pounds in your chest.
Black Swan will be fine. If anyone could be fine in this situation, it's her. She'll be fine.
The air is thick with the threat of potential combat, when the girl chimes in again.
"Umm, I'm sorry," she says looking down, "Don't worry about me. I don't need funnel cake. I wasn't even supposed to be here. Mom didn't know I was hiding in her throne room until she opened the portal."
She twiddles her fingers.
"I knew it would be too late to send me away then. I just . . . I just really wanted to come." She looks at the white dome in the distance. ". . . I just wanted to see what it looked like."
Black Swan softens her stance and sighs. "Maaaan, this is a mood-killer. I don't feel like fighting anymore."
She turns to Monarch.
"Just go? You didn't mean to put your daughter in danger, we don't want to hurt her, let's just call the whole thing off? I'll kick your butt later."
"You . . .!"
"My liege," Heracles says, speaking for the first time. His words trail off, but his protest is clear.
You can see Monarch internally wrestling with her conflicting desires, though her face is neutral. But everyone knows what will win out in the end and the tension has disappeared.
DC 15.
Stat Check: ESPIONAGE 10. Valiant Gold and Black Swan have ESPIONAGE 7.
You rolled: 17.
17- 1 = 16. Success!
You don't know what it is, but some instinct in the back of your head screams at you to look up. The sun is now positioned so it is slightly behind Monarch's forces, and for a second it blinds you. But then your helmet automatically polarizes, and you can see them.
Three figures, floating in the air, hidden in the sun for cover. Seraph, Sunlight Knight atop a fiery steed, and White Hawk who is racing toward Monarch.
No . . . not Monarch. He's racing toward the girl.
Like his namesake, White Hawk swoops from the sky and snatches the girl, taking back to the air before anyone can react.
"Princess!" Marie Marionette shrieks.
"GiVe HeR bAcK!" Warpstar shouts at the same time, emerging from White Hawk's back. He rains blow after blow on White Hawk's head, but merely shrugs it off, grabs one of Warpstar's arms, and breaks it with a great crunch.
"FuCk!" Warpstar cries as his upper body appears back on his legs. Already, the broken bones are twisting and resetting, but White Hawk zips away.
"H-help!" Princess sobs, "Moooom!"
But White Hawk is already too far away for anyone to catch him.
Anyone but you.
* * *
It is said that no two heroes are exactly alike, but one trait is common to all of them: when someone cries for help, they move without thinking. As if their body has a mind of its own.
That day, Valiant Gold was in the sky before she knew what she was doing. The armor on her right arm had changed, growing larger, thicker, and with the top of a great spike sticking out of it.
No matter how her armor let her challenge gravity, a person jumping could never catch someone flying. Unless another hero, also acting on instinct, created a blue barrier in the sky for her to land on and push off of.
As Valiant Gold drew back and prepared the strike, words she heard earlier in the day echoed in her ears:
I will be the justice lacking from the universe.
Ah, she thought in a timeless moment, That's why I'm here.
* * *
You don't take time to think about what you're doing. About the repercussions of striking a publicly-acknowledged hero to save the daughter of the most hated person in Horizon. About how you're only mostly certain this won't kill White Hawk. About how you're going to land.
You just think about the timing of your jump and the movement of your arm.
DC 15.
Stat Check: HIT 10. Valiant Gold has HIT 9.
You rolled: 19.
19 + 0 = 19. Success!
Activate: Pilebunker.
White Hawk doesn't have time to be surprised as jets fire out of your elbow and rocket your fist forward into his face. Right as you make contact, the great spike on your arm discharges with the force of a gunshot. You can feel the sheer kinetic energy rippling out from your blow and into his perfect face. The force sets you backward, him down, and Princess free from his grasp like a shucked oyster. Her robe flys off entirely, revealing a shirt and shorts underneath.
Module: Scissors Temporarily Disabled. Module: Rock Activated.
You can feel yourself become slower as Module Scissors leaves you ,your body suddenly unbearably heavy and clumsy. You lunge forward to try to catch Princess, but someone is ahead of you.
Stockpile. He followed you and has teleported in front of you. You see his hands reaching for Princess—
When Black Swan arrives and pulls her out of his grasp. Princess clings to her like a frightened barnacle, and Black Swan grabs your arm and helps lower you safely back to the ground.
The whole time, Princess is sobbing incoherently. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll never do it again! Mom! Mooooooom!"
"Hey, it's okay! The cute soldier of justice has got ya!" Black Swan says, trying to sooth her.
But that's not what you're looking at. The two humps on Princess's back . . . they aren't humps—they're additional heads.
They remind you of pictures you once saw of a girl born with her twin partially embedded in her body. Neither head is fully formed—they're more raised lumps of flesh than extra limbs. One is blood red, glowing, and shaped like a cow skull. The other is little more than eyes and a scalp filled with curly brown hair.
Princess catches you staring.
"Don't look! Don't look! Please, don't look at meeeeee!"
You avert your eyes while Black Swan tries to stop her sobs. As soon as you're back on land, Black Swan takes off her cape and drapes it around the girl.
"There, there . . ." she coos, "No one saw anything . . . it's okay."
You're on the opposite side of the ditch from Monarch, hundreds of yards from everyone. You can see your team and Monarch's forces converging on your location from different directions. As you move towards Handyman and the rest, a figure blurs into view in front of you.
White Hawk.
He's uninjured, the only sign of your attack a bruise that is rapidly swelling on his cheek. His expression is beatific, a serene smile on his lips with his eyes closed.
"We will take custody of this innocent child," he says mildly, "She's clearly suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Crusade is best equipped to help her find her real parents."
". . . that's not going to happen," you reply evenly as Black Swan huddles Princess closer, "Justice Unlimited is more than capable of caring for a single girl. Your concern is noted."
"Oh?" he says, tilting his head, "The events of today would beg to different. A memorial hosted by Justice Unlimited, attacked without warning? If it weren't for Valiant Red, White, and Blue, innocent people could have been killed."
"Oh, that's bullpoop!" Black Swan shouts, "Stockpile nearly—annnd there he is."
Sure enough, Stockpile flickers into view as Black Swan speaks. He confronts White Hawk, his expression unreadable through his helmet.
"Hawk, what's going on? Why didn't you hit Monarch? We could have ended this!"
White Hawk just shakes his head without taking his eyes off Princess. "I'm afraid I prioritized an innocent life over a decisive blow. Forgive my inexperience."
"Don't feed me that," Stockpile shoots back, "Who's the girl and why do you want her?"
"All will be explained in time," White Hawk assures. Then, he turns back to you, "But first, the girl?"
Seraph and Sunlight Knight float down behind him. Black Swan hisses and clutches her head as your armor pings.
Psychic Interference Detected. Counteracting.
In the distance, a great porcelain doll's head erupts from the ground as a gigantic effigy of a child walks towards you with unnerving precision. Space bends and Monarch and her lieutenants appear on its shoulder.
In the opposite direction, you can see Joules, Plasticity, and Perspective racing over, closely followed by Lady Leizi, Châtelet, Gentleman James, and Miss Naught. With so much confusion and competing motives, if everyone arrives at once, there will be a fight.
Black Swan looks at you, worried, as Princess clings to her chest. You feel your heart start to hammer in your ears again, but you grit your teeth and push down the rising panic. White Hawk reaches out his hand expectantly, his expression ever so less full of grace. His wordless demand rings loud.
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: OPERATIONS 10. Valiant Gold and Black Swan have OPERATIONS 13.
You rolled: 12.
12 + 3 (Saw Her Full Form) + 1 = 16. Major Success!
White Hawk and the rest of the former Horae Guard members came for this girl, that much is certain. How they knew Monarch would crash the memorial or that Princess would be with her—especially since Monarch didn't seem to know that—is beyond you. But they purposely stayed out of the fight until they could swoop in and snatch her; only Black Swan and yourself prevented them from getting away scot-free.
Additionally, if the looks Stockpile is giving them are any indication, there's a clear division in Crusade. Seems "Valiant Red, White, and Blue" is a leader in name only.
But who is this girl? You turn and look at her and something that's been bugging you clicks into place. She's at least ten, probably older. Monarch was only in Wonderland for approximately eight years. She's too old to be Monarch's biological child.
You think people would know if New Dawn had shoved a two-year old in Wonderland. Which means Princess was probably born there . . . Wonderland was segregated by gender, so was her biological mother pregnant when she was imprisoned? How did no one notice?
You and Uncle Gabriel are going to have a very unpleasant chat if you survive this.
But something else makes sense now. Why doesn't Monarch just run away? She can't if she has a daughter who looks this distinct. Everyone will know Princess is Princess, no matter where Monarch goes. And if people like the HoraeGuard are after her . . .
No place would be safe for her. Unless Monarch made one.
Monarch needed legitimacy and power so her daughter could have a safe place to live. You don't have time to totally process how you feel about that. Honestly? If Monarch's plan didn't involve releasing violent murderers upon the world and taking a borough hostage, your sympathies would be with her.
But if this all was for Princess? There was no way Monarch was leaving without her. Maybe if you had connected more or she had a reason to trust you, she might believe you would keep Princess safe for now, but that chance has long gone up in smoke.
Which makes your decision easy. But, first—
"Princess," you say without looking away from White Hawk, "Has your mom ever hurt you?"
"What?" Princess says, honestly baffled, "No! She's the one who makes the robot-man stop!"
You nod. Good enough.
"Black Swan, take her home. Tell Monarch to leave and never come back."
"Uhh, VG—"
"Who's to say we'll let you?" White Hawk says affably, "I'm again disappointed by Justice Unlimited, but it's hardly a surprise at this point. Valiant Gold, I cannot let you sell a little girl's safety for peace."
The four in front of you are ready for battle. Black Swan readies herself to fly. The rest of Crusade, Justice Unlimited, and New Dawn are nearly here. Monarch is seconds away. Your finger hovers over the trigger of a module that you're not entirely certain what it does.
Module: Dynamite. Nora's notes had just said, "Dang, I really cooked with this one!"
Luck Check: 12. Lucky!
Just as you're about to activate it, a voice splits the air.
"Fighting a memorial? Even I find this tasteless."
Scarlet Maturity rumbles into view, looking visibly annoyed. He is now wearing a baseball cap with Menagerie Witch's logo and has a championship belt slung over his shoulder that reads "#1 Strongman Contest Winner!". One hand has a bag filled to the brim with stuffed animals, the other he uses to munch on funnel cake.
You . . . guess he's been enjoying the carnival games and food stalls, you think a tad hysterically.
"Begone, worms," he growls, "Black Swan, as the most powerful here, why have you not just vaporized your lessers?"
"Uhhh, there's a child present?" she offers.
Scarlet Maturity growls again. "Fair."
"Excuse me, Mr. Marlow," White Hawk begins, "But this matter is not for Powers—"
"Enough, boy. I know your Horae Guard well. I'll tell you what I told them when they tried to recruit me so many years ago: those who try to reach the peak of the mountain without climbing it are little more than stains in the dirt. Now, begone. If you are still here by the time I finish this funnel cake, I will take offense. No matter if I am 'on suspension'."
You see that threat make everyone hesitate and seize your opportunity.
"Black Swan, now!" you order.
In a flash, she's gone.
"You waiting for an invitation?" you say to Crusade, "Get lost."
White Hawk holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Very well. I hope Justice Unlimited can abide by the consequences of its actions."
As he begins to fly away, Stockpile grabs your arm.
"What is that armor?" he demands, "Did she make it? Are you insane?! Do you know what powers it?"
"Yes," you reply, shoving him off, "What powers your armor?"
You see his posture grow rigid. "This isn't over."
"Yes," you disagree. You see the doll withdrawing toward the drill and Monarch teleport away, "It is."
Without another word, you turn and walk away.
* * *
You are Lady Leizi.
". . . didn't know, Ellie. I was not privy to the inner workings of Wonderland, even as a council member. You can ask Lady Leizi; the opaqueness surrounding Wonderland was one of the major reasons NuGen split from New Dawn and became Justice Unlimited."
Gabriel holds his hands up in a placating gesture to the agitated Valiant Gold. Ellie stalks around the room, furious. You're in your office; it's been a few hours since Monarch withdrew.
Honestly, it's been a blur. The spatial distortion on the drill disappeared as soon as Monarch stepped through it, leaving the doll and digging implement behind. Dr. Ibis and Doctor Silver had badly wanted to examine them, but you thought it better to be wary of traps and had Black Swan vaporize both.
Then, you somehow made it through the funeral rites. There were several dozen religious ceremonies performed as well as a secular "prayer", but your mind was not on any of them.
To be honest, you were still a whirl at the revelations. Monarch's daughter? Divisions in Crusade? The unexpected debut of Valiant Gold?
Speaking of the inheritor of your best friend's will, she had blamed herself for the whole mess. You had reassured her that she did as well as anyone could have possibly hoped given the situation, but she still seemed dissatisfied.
Which made Gabriel the target of her ire.
"How? How did anyone let Wonderland operate like this for so long? Steelheart just did whatever he wanted with the place?!"
Gabriel sighs, a deep, defeated sound. "Yes. He was resistant to any interference and Yelena was more than happy to throw problems in Wonderland and forget about them. Many people were."
"Then how does a little girl end up in Wonderland?!"
"Yeah!" Mona echoes from the couch where she sits, "Princess was super sweet! And . . . she said the robot-man had been 'hurting her'. . ."
Gabriel puts his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, truly. I knew there was rot, but not how deep it ran. I have no excuses."
His honestly contrite behavior brings Ellie up short and she furiously throws herself onto the couch next to Mona. She looks at the ceiling.
"Lady Leizi . . . did I do the right thing, giving Princess back to Monarch?"
You close your eyes.
"I . . . I don't know if I would have made the same choice, in your position," you admit, "But no one died, and they were safe because of your decisions. That is what is most important."
Ellie huffs, but doesn't argue.
In the ensuing silence, you take the opportunity to skim through the dozens and dozens of messages you have in your inbox, a great deal of which are from Chihiro.
Luck Check: 7. Unlucky!
Most of them are requests for statements from various news agencies. You set those aside and resolve to answer them later. Some are expressions of condolence or outrage.
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 40. Justice Unlimited has a collective REPUTATION 37.
You rolled: 2.
The Audience has granted you +2 on this roll.
2 + 5 (No Civilian Deaths) - 3 (White Hawk's Interviews) - 1 + 2 = 5. Minor Success!
Focus on the good.
But most were expressions of gratitude from those who had attended the memorial. White Hawk had done a circuit of television spots after the events of today, doing much to play up Crusade's role in the defense of the Apiary. He also "complimented" Justice Unlimited while also wondering how this all was allowed to come to pass and if the "innocent child back in the hands of a monster" was okay.
This set off an immediate backlash online from those who were actually at the event and disputed his characterization of what happened. The upshot is no one knows what to think about what happened. Which might be for the best.
No loss in REPUTATION!
You rub your head in frustration. Leviathan's Blood, how you hate public relations! Still, it all could have been so much worse. You look at the two girls on the couch and smile.
"One thing I am certain of, Ellie, is that you are a worthy successor to the title 'Valiant'. We did well the day you were given that armor."
Gabriel hums in agreement.
You see Ellie flush and sink into the couch. Mona slaps her on the arm.
"Yeah! You were doing a great job until everyone started fighting! And don't worry, Black Swan will always be by your side to clean up your messes!"
Ellie takes a deep breath and holds it in, visibly counting to ten.
"I'm just gonna let that one go."
Gabriel leans next to you and whispers. "My word. And she's not doing it on purpose?"
"No," you sigh, torn between amusement and despair, "No, she isn't."
Tomorrow are the interviews where your team is to be introduced to the world. Lady Leizi must attend an interview. But not everyone else needs to be interviewed if you do not wish. You can assume anyone interviewed will become known to the world at large with a general understanding of what their power is.
Anyone who is interviewed has a chance of gain at least +1 to the REPUTATION, possibly more. Finally, the more people you bring to the interview, the higher the DC 10 ESPIONAGE check you must pass to ensure no covers are blown. The ESPIONAGE check will start at 10 and increase by five for each additional person you choose to bring, not counting Lady Leizi.
[ ] Black Swan
[ ] Handyman
[ ] Menagerie Witch
[ ] Châtelet
[ ] Doctor Silver
[ ] Valiant Gold
Next, each member will be interviewed in pairs. Each interview pair will roll the REPUTATION check for the interview with their collective stats. Special bonuses will be awarded for interviewees that pair together nicely or have a good dynamic. Lady Leizi will be interviewed solo. If there is an odd number of interviewees, then someone will have to be interviewed solo as well.
[ ] Pair 1
[ ] Pair 2
[ ] Pair 3
You suspect Crusade will interrupt during Lady Leizi's interview, which is scheduled last.
The sun was slowly rising on a new Texan day, most of the people where yet sleeping dreaming of their daily lives, about the blistering heat, about patrols among different territories, about the upcoming harvest, of delicious food and BATTLE! Yes… the lattermost is truly important, for as a pair of eyes opens a new, greeting a new day, they turn towards a calendar with a great red circle on it, the words "Festival" Embezzled on its surface and as the individual saw this words… they smiled a wide toothy grin.
John Chavez: Hehehe…Show time.
Ah yes this is one of our main actors in todays play. John Chavez, otherwise known as Burstfire of the Barnyard Rangers was awaiting this day for many moons. Today was the day he, alongside his beautiful wife Marygold Basil Astraud, would show the all of Texas, just why they are known as the Kings of BBQ!
Well yes! You see dear guest, today at around 12 PM the Annual "Soul Daze" festival is going to begin. This festival is a celebration of Texan cuisine and its culture, while an educational festival meant to illustrate the various cuisine found in the city, this Festival is also one of the biggest Economical events around. Due to celebrating all things food and drink, many different restaurants and Orchards duke it out for a chance to cater in the event, not only there's a wide variety of food stalls and food-based competitions, Drink offs, Pie Eating/ Baking, Cooking lessons and One of the Main Events: "The Twin Sun's BBQ War" a couple-based cooking competition where groups of 2 (usually couples) compete in order to be crowned The Lords of BBQ. Everyone is allowed to participate, INCLUDING Metahumans, In actuality the purveyors of the event especially like when Meta's join on the activities since 9 times out of 10, they really lighten up the festivities, bringing music, games and expertly made confectionaries to the masses (It makes A LOT of money). Its for this specific reason that The Barnyard Rangers are going to be attending the event. Part Relaxion-Part Work, Burst Fire and Copper Serpent will be participating on BBQ War as a Metahuman couple in order to bring a lot of attention and revenue for the event. Meanwhile, Breeze Hoof or Marybelle Anderson Astraud, will be catering for the event, providing a massive quantity of various fruits from her Orchard in order to supply a good chunk of the various participants in various events, mostly concentrated on the Baking Events including Pie Making, The amount of Income she was going to gain during the next few days of the Festival will line her and her teams income for a gooood while. The rest of the team will swap between enjoying the sights and serving as Security in case of emergencies. All these factors exemplify why most of the Team, especially the Married duo are ecstatic for what's to come… and they aren't the only ones. Since in a hotel a couple of miles from their base…
???: Are all things prepared? *said a baritone male voice*
???: Yup! We've gathered everything, we have our tools ready, and I've confirmed that all our equipment will be set by the time we arrive. Ready to show these Texans what Double Bubble is made of!?
Chris Flamberge (Flame Cut): He, I was born Ready. Let's go Lei.
Leilani Pueo (IronSight): *Giggle* Right behind you "koʻu aloha"(My Love).
Oh my! I do believe Burst Fire and Copper Serpent may be in a bit of Trouble. Double Bubbles "Mightiest" have joined the scene. Things are without a doubt about to heat up!
The festival was in full swing. People came and went in droves, the avenue spanning a huge swat of land with stalls as far as the eye could see. There where games, information kiosk about various nutritional facts and small-time sellers who were lucky to grab a slot in the festival grounds. Among the various people moving about we can see a Certain Cowboy and Lamia sampling various snacks as they made their way towards the Mains Section of the Festival, "Apollo's Cooking Grounds" as it was coined by the locals, a massive indoor building the grounds has converted into a massive stage where all competitors will cook their various dishes. Air Conditioned and with some extremely High-quality air filtrations tools (Rumors of Algernon tech involvement included) many spectators and the very Judges themselves will do everything to dissect the competitors every move.
John: *Chewing on some Kabobs* *Swallow* Man that wasn't half bad, a decent 7 out of 10, what you think Hun?
Marygold: Hmm… a good blend of sssspices, but the sauce was slightly weak for my tasssste, but it was a good-sized portion…hmm, I agree 7/10. So have you seen the competition, any interessssting individualsss?
John: A good mix of Decent, Newbies and Old Guard running around. The decent ones will probably pass round one if things go well but may falter during round 2 onwards, The Newbies will depend, Haven't seen them all, but Who knows, maybe they'll surprise us. As for the Veterans…Hmm we got Lorenzo and His Kid, the Coldflowers seem to be concentrating their efforts in the Brewery stands, making bank it seems, so they probably are not going to join, Last Year Runner ups the Santos are back with a vengeance, seems they went all out in getting some high-quality steel and it seems Arman and his Husband Cielo (Last Year's Champions) are going to be Judges this year, so they can't compete.
Marygold: Oh…? That'ssss interesssting. We might have a straight shot for the top this year.
John: Maybe… cant be too cocky though; you know what they say: "Overconfidence is a slow and Insidious Killer." Too bad Marybelle is stuck with the Baked good side of the event, she would have loved to see what woods the competitors where using, she wanted to compare it to the orchards personal Apple Tree wood.
Marygold: The ones that were Grown using the Sssap from "The Dryads Circle's" Leader's vines?
John: The very same, its safe for use and really intensifies the wood's properties, damn things can take a kick from Breeze Hoof and not have a dent. Still can't believe she's taken to kicking her own trees to get apples down, if it weren't for her control over air, they would definitely bruise… makes for a fast harvest though. Anyway, we might as well go closer to the avenue and wait for the-
Marygold: Honey? Something wro-
Both of the heroes cut their words immediately as a tantalizing aroma enters their nose. As they follow the scent to its source and its there were they see THEM.
A tall man and a beautiful woman were among the stalls leading to the main Avenue. This particular stall had a Challenge for any aspiring chefs, compete against its owner and make a better dish with the allocated ingredients and win a prize. While much smaller than the main event, it served as a good way to eye the competition as many competitors took their shot as a warmup. The reason the duo stopped talking was because of the skills the Male was showing, he was making precise cuts with the ease of an expert, and it was as the flames of the grill danced to his every movement, not only that, but the woman was rapidly taking a huge quantity of orders as some other competitors tried to confuse her, but to no avail. The shear speed, precision and skill showed they were professionals, and VERY talented pros at that. The fact they were new faces did not matter at the slightest. As the Duo finished their task (their slaughter) the left easily winning the stalls prizes. Just as they left the woman notice them John and Marygold who had subconsciously began to analyze their every movement and notified the male about them, who in turn took one look at them and Grinned, waving at them as they entered the main arena.
John: *As a tooth filled grin slowly appears* ….Mary, do you mind getting the Orchard Wood, The special ones? Because it looks like we have some ~competition~.
Announcer: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO THE ANNUAL "TWIN SUN" FESTIVAL! In today's main event, we re here on the Cooking Grounds in order to find out who is the best of the best when it comes to BBQ! Competitors will aim to cook the most mouth-watering dishes this side of American Soil, next to me are our Trio of Judges. First is last year's winners Arman and Cielo! Next to them is the Owner of the best BBQ joint in all of Texas, the Dark Wing Master Onyx Shade! And Finally, from among our lucky contestant of today's judge raffle, we have the lovely Catherine Rodríguez! Also with special guest appearance from the Helping Hands, Gustatory! Here to help the judges digest the food they are eating. A pleasure to have you all here.
Arman: The pleasure is all ours MC, we can't wait to taste what the many competitors are cooking today.
Cielo: Hmm, yes. I can already tell that there's going to be a tough fight this year.
Onyx: ….*Nods*
Catherine: OMG I can't Believe I'm here! Can't wait to see what the chefs have prepared for us today!
Gustatory: A pleasure as well, Eat and Drink safely folks! Your body will thank you later.
Announcer: Nicely Said Everyone! Why don't we tell the audience what to expect from this little hoedown? The Competition will be divides in 3 stages, Collection and Preparation, Cooking and Judging. During the first stage the pairs will divide their task equally, as one half preps the Tools and Their workstation the other half will enter our adjacent building, containing a Huge variety of ingredients including meat, veggies, fruits, and spices! Once that phase is done, both individuals will work in tandem in order to create a spread of Texan Cuisine in hopes that they will wow our Judges during the third Phase! Will our competitors have the ability to show their Speed, Power, Ingenuity and Skills? Well why don't we Find Out?
As one half of the Competitors made a dash towards the Warehouse containing the ingredients the other half prepared their workstation's. Knives were sharpened, Grills and Furnaces were set alight, and prep work was quickly made, Meanwhile the ingredient seekers have reached the inner sanctum where their bounty awaited. Most competitors went to grab the necessary ingredients for their dishes, while simultaneously eyeing what everybody else grabbed. Some grabbed ingredients quickly, some took their time, and other competitors tried to sabotage their competition grabbing the ingredients they were eyeing. It was an all-out war, as the audience saw them go tooth and nail from a huge array of cameras lining several the venue, making sure the competition didn't get Too heated. But the main thing everyone was doing? Keeping a WIDE berth from two specific contestant's Marygold and Leilani. Both competitors moved in a leisurely manner, not showing any stress during the competition as they eyed the ingredients assembled in the building. Marygold's years of experience with BBQ and Texan Cuisine making it easy for her to envision the best way to cook the ingredients and what would pair well with them, she easily browsed the quality of everything she picked as her bag and cart of ingredients grew, easily moving with her strength and her tail. Meanwhile, Leilani needed help from the various assistants provided for the event, but her years of experience working in a restaurant seeing everything the chefs have done and saving it to her perfect memory have given her a confidence matched by very few, not only that, but her eyesight let her see even the smallest blemish in any of her ingredients, letting her grab the highest quality ingredients every time. Everything was going well for both until…
Marygold: Oh sssorry dear I will be taking that if You don't mind?
Leilani: Oh don't worry to much, I was planning on using that brisket, would you mind picking something else?
Oh bother… it seems the 2 metahumans in this competition have decided to grab the same ingredient, and are not letting go. This… might get ugly.
Marygold: *Raises Eyebrow* Oh? Iss that sssooo? I could never imagine such a cute small thing being able to handle something so…big and meaty.
*Record Scratch* (AYO!?)
Leilani: *A cute demure smile entering her face* Oh, this is nothing. I can handle this meat with ease, but can you? Meat needs a tender touch in order to bring out all the juices. It needs a soft and slow approach, you cant just… guzzle it all the way down… you know?
Marygold: *eyes becoming slits, as she slowly moves her tongue over her lips* oh… such expertise? I would never have thought that such a delectable package was capable of handling such weight… such girth. Aren't you jusssst a treat?
Leilani: *Moving her face inches from Marygolds* oh, I am full of surprises "nahesa nani" (pretty snake).
The avenue was silent as a tomb as EVERYONE looked at the back and forth between the two competitors, mouths suddenly VERY dry. Well, almost everyone, Flame Cut and Burst Fire took one look at the screen then at each other, nodded, and kept preparing their stations.
Marygold: *Notices an Identical Quality Brisket being brough and moves to take it* Oh you are delightful, too bad I have to crush you. Maybe later we can meet up and exchange pointers?
Leilani: Oh the pleasure would be all mine; too bad I have to stomp on your hopes and dreams, the competition will be mine. Later "nahesa nani."
Marygold: Hasta luego pequeña flor. (See you later Little flower)
As both competitors finished grabbing their last few ingredients, they quickly made their way back to the main stage before time ran out, all the while all the other competitors suddenly realized they were losing time and quickly grabbed what they needed before they were late for the second phase of the competition, costing them precious cook time.
John: Had fun, didn't you?
Marygold: *giggle* Quite so, she's a tough cookie, took everything I ditch out and didn't bat an eye. This is going to be fun.
-Phase Two: Cooking-
The second stage of the competition tested just how much the competitors knew their way in a kitchen and grill. Some competitors started preparing their ingredients in a somewhat slow manner, others measured and cut everything in neat proportions and the most experience where already grilling many tasty treats like Burgers and Hot Dogs. As for our main duos? John and Goldmary were fast at work, as the male half quickly ignited his utensils with his powers scoring the meats slowly priming the meat for the grill, meanwhile the copper lamia quickly diced vegetable with ease as she used her sound-based abilities to pound some of the tougher cuts until they were smooth and soft to the touch, with the aim of making the final dishes melt in the mouth. Every so often the couple switch with each other maximizing their preparation time, Marygold Used her strength to move some of the larger meats like the briskets, while slowly massaging the meat with her sound while it cook, John Seard and cut the veggies and meat on another table, prepping for when his wife would return to make a mouthwatering chili, using her own unique blend of spices. The duo was a well-oiled machine, only matched by the professional movements of the Double Bubble Chefs, Chris, and Leilani.
The Hawaiian pair tore through the assembled prep and meals with the expertise of individuals who have dedicated their lives to the gastronomical arts. Chri's control over fire and heat gave him a control over the kitchen matched by almost no one, raising and lowering heat and making the flames dance around his meals, in one occasion he even spelled COME ON! With fire above his head, intentionally taunting his competitors and successfully distracting them for a few seconds, causing more than one team to make several mistakes in the interim round, a heel in its his favored arena. The eagle-eyed wife of the pair was not far behind, using the knowledge she gain from her husband and years in the Double Bubble. With unmatched precision she quickly diced vegetables, fruits, and meats, immediately skewering them with an assassins precision, before handling them towards her husband, and returning to make potent sauces for each dish. From time to time, if you were especially observant you could see her analyzing the competition, and suddenly returning to her cooking, somehow being better at what she was doing a second before. For those that were aware of her abilities they would realize she was using her self-named [Flash] technique, observing the various movements her competitors used, memorizing them, and adding it to her repertoire, slowly but surely refining her technique to further optimize her preparations.
The two competitors where neck to neck and as the timer slowly winded down…
Announcer: TIME! The final Phase will now Begin! If your name is called you have 5 minutes to bring your dishes to the judges or you are Disqualified! Those that are called later have the advantage of some extra time to finish, but suffer the risk of giving their dishes too late, when the judges will be FAR stricter with their judgements. Let's see how it goes with competitor 12! The team is bringing their dish aaaand oooohh that isn't pretty, a 7 out of 30? Ouch, the judges are out for blood! Next is…
And so it went, competitor after competitor, some not even reaching 10 pts and some reaching the 20-21 range. The stage slowly began to shrink as we suddenly end with our two teams spreads as the final dishes of the day.
Team Flame Sight: Hot Dogs, Ribs, Brisket, Kabobs (Vegetables and fruit variants), Frito Pie, Margaritas, and cocktails (Personal Blends sold in their Restaurant)
Team Copper Fire: Burgers, Chicken Fried Steak, Brisket, Chili con Carne, Texas Caviar and Apple Cider (From the best apples in their Orchard).
Announcer: This is it folks…The last two teams in the venue, for this final section of the competition the Judges have decided to test BOTH competitors spreads at the same time, Since Both teams have a total of 6 items each the judges will judge one item at a time, given a total of f points per item for a total of 30. Let the Testing commence…
Item 1: Hot Dogs Vs. Burgers
tem 2: Ribs Vs. Chicken Fried Steak
Item 3: Brisket Wars
Item 4: Kabobs Vs. Chili
Item 5: Frito Pie Vs. Texas Caviar
Item 6: Alcohol Vs. Apple Cider
Audience: *Murmurs* *Murmurs* *Murmurs*
Announcer: The Judges have made their decisions! With a total of 30 points We Have Team Flame Sight! And with…30 POINTS!? We… have… team…Copper Fire…?
Everyone: ………………………………
Announcer: Uhh…umm… QUICK CUT TO A COMERCIAL! CUT! CU-
~Mister Hunch! Mister Hunch! Work with him to save a bunch!~
~Oh don't be out of touch, come one and all, time to give a call~
~To the spectacular, Mister Hunch!~
*Ost ends* 2 Hours Later…
John: … So you guys are from Hawaii, and you work in a restaurant? Neat! That explains how good you two were, you ARE genuine professionals.
Chris: Thanks for the compliments, I can't believe you two only have a basic education when it comes to cooking, the way you two worked in tandem, I would have thought you were professionals.
Marygold: You flatter us darling. John and I are only good with Texan cuisine, and we definitely could not keep up a constant pace like it would be required in an actual restaurant. We just know how to cook what we love really well. Thats all.
Leilani: Could fool me, Ms. Astraud, The way you moved during the cooking phase? Incredible, some of the chefs back home would have been impressed.
Marygold: "Gracias pequeña flor" But it was a joint effort, John and I have been cooking together for a couple of years now, we just click, and with some practice…well you saw.
It was much later in the afternoon, the competition after much debate, ended in a draw. With both teams taken half of the 1st place price, 5000 income each. As the two pairs left the avenue they began to talk and drink from some of the alcohol stalls in the festival, getting to know each other better. Cris and Leilani had heard of the competition from one of their regulars while on vacation, since the restaurant is in the middle of an expansion/remodel, they decided to check the festival and compete. John and Marygold where preparing for the contest for almost 2 months and wanted to see how far they could go with their BBQ Knowledge, especially since starting tomorrow they will switch places with some of their other team members for security duties, while the others enjoy their free time and peruse the festival themselves. As the talks calmed down and the Cider was being consumed, the following hours would be remember by these 4 because of set of words that soon came out of Copper Serpent's mouth.
Marygold: Oh I just remembered. Leilani love, didn't we agree that we were going to exchange pointers?
The Other 3: *Choke on their drinks*
Marygold: *Devious smile*
Author Notes:
Crossover number 2, This Time between the Hero Teams Double Bubble, and the Barnyard Rangers. Otherwise known as I watched Food Wars like 3 years ago, and as I wrote I couldn't help myself. Megumi would be disappointed. Hopefully, the soundtracks work, and this is a palpable little side distraction from the inevitable Fustercluck that is going to be Meet the Rookies…
*Pops Piggy bank* I am ready…
Last edited:
The Journal of Jane Doe (rewrite) -- ChickenBouillon (canon)
The Journal of Jane Doe: By ChickenBouillon TW: Murder. Violence. Body Dysmorphia. Entry 1:
I have a journal now.
I'm not too sure about what to put inside, but it's kind of nice. Having somewhere to store my thoughts.
..I could talk about school, or life. Or Darcy Myers. But I think I'm gonna talk about myself.
I think I've got powers. Superpowers or whatever.
When I'm mad, I can.. punch things really hard. Far beyond what should be expected of me.
I could use it, but honestly I'm just tired.
Superpowers or not, I'm still a loser. Maybe that'll never change. But at least it proves something. Maybe God hasn't forsaken me yet.
Entry 2:
Today was more of the usual.
I got away pretty nice. They just poured milk on my books. Mom was in a good mood too, so I didn't get hurt.
..I had a group project with Rei and Mona. God, they're so cool.
I wish I could be like them!
..I wish I could be anyone else really. Anyone else but me.
That's just wishful thinking though.
Entry 3:
I've been getting really hungry lately.
God, I feel kind of like a pig?
Like.. I eat and eat, but it's not really enough. Mom caught me ransacking the fridge last night, so she hit me really hard. She made sure not to touch my face though, so I didn't have to explain the bruises.
I'm just really hungry.
Somehow, I'm not getting any fatter. So that's what I'm proud of. I'm just skinny. That's something that I'm proud of. Being skinny.
Maybe I'll actually be pretty one day.
Entry 4:
Dear Journal, what do you think about superheroes?
I think they're.. pretty cool honestly.
If I was like.. that loved, I think it'd fix ninety percent of my problems.
I think?
Well, someone would probably say that's not true.
Anyway, Darcy was talking about how her parents hired a bunch of heroes from Powers. I bet she's really rich. No, I know she's really rich.
I can't even really hate her anymore? Hating her is like despising a hurricane. She's so much better than me that I feel like fighting back is unthinkable.
It is what it is.
Entry 5:
I haven't really thought about it, but I'm kind of invisible.
I don't really think anyone perceives me.
I used to feel like that's fine.
But for some reason, I've been feeling more annoyed by that lately.
I don't know why.
Entry 6:
Some things in this life are just not fair.
I think I realize that now, and somehow it really makes me upset. I thought that I couldn't hate Darcy, but nowadays my feelings for her are.. complicated. I should hate her, but I want to be her.
She has skin that's soft. Hair that flows. Her teeth are so pearly white. I want to take Darcy Myers and disassemble her until I can find out her secret.
But I was born as myself.
Can I really do it?
Entry 7:
I've been following her home lately.
Darcy, I mean.
I think she notices, because she's gotten a lot more scared and jittery.
It makes me feel strong for some reason.
Yeah. That's me.
I'll do something soon.
Entry 8:
I sent her a letter.
Now we wait.
I can feel it under my skin. Like a second me. Just waiting to be released.
I'm going to bloom soon. Just you watch.
Entry 9:
i did it
she fought back a bit. i just wrote a letter telling her to come to school at night if she wanted to know who's been following her home and she believed me. didnt even bring anyone.
shes pretty but shes not very smart so
it happened
i broke her. she tried to run but i was faster.
i grabbed her, and i tore at her skin. and it was soft and smelled like soap. and then i broke her in two. and she was screaming the whole time. and for some reason that just made me feel even better? i just ripped at her until she stopped screaming.
i felt hungry. my mouth was watering.
so i put bits of her into my mouth. just tore out chunks, bit by bit.
dont know how to feel about this. i think im changing now. i can feel it.
but my life has been an entire string of "i cant do this" so the first time in my life, i can do something.
Entry 10:
I'm Darcy now apparently.
That's not metaphorical either. I woke up and I was wearing her appearance. Wearing her skin.
So apparently that's my metahuman power. I change into people I eat.
..I have a lot to think about right?
But I didn't really do anything wrong? If they don't appreciate their lives, they should give it to those less fortunate. Like me.
I'm not dumb of course. I'll probably get caught and they'll toss me into Wonderland or something. But I don't really care.
For these few months, I'll just keep living the way I want to. Finally being alive at last.
I think I'll throw away my name too. People call corpses they don't know the names of "Jane Doe" right?
You stare at the screen of your screen. The screen stares back, mockingly.
After the whole debacle with Monarch, and learning that Steelheart had apparently been behind some extremely shady shit, you'd stomped off, seeking your bed. Resting is also an important part of being a hero. You… still have mixed feelings about your mother, but the least you can do is not be a hypocrite. You must not overwork yourself. So you took a shower, got into your sleeping clothes, organized your room (you actually have a new room all to yourself now) and then realized you had nothing to do. Normally you'd exercise a bit to tire yourself to sleep more easily, but you just can't be bothered after... everything.
So you did the only thing you could: you started doomscrolling.
This has proven to be a mistake.
It feels like every news regarding the memorial and Monarch's appearance can't help but interject White Hawk's interview spiels, and beneath every single forum topic or social media post regarding this, there's ongoing fights about what 'really' happened. Why is the world like this? Why are people inclined to believe an asshole who protects the richest bigwigs in the world over the people who were actually there in the Movement? PR machine or not, why are you just barely fending off Crusade's attacks?
…Admittedly, of Justice Unlimited, only Chatelet and Lady Leizhi came back alive from the QZ. The rest of the current team wasn't present there - you're all quite literally newbies. Perhaps that's why their speeches being talked about more than the rest of the memorial's incidents? Looking at it that way, you can feel better about it all. Just a bit.
Having rationalized your cope away, you type your way to the Hero for Hire website, sighing as you do.
@Ellie_Starfish23 got banned on Hero for Hire a while back for reposting some of Valiant Silver's epic-scale smut. Annoying though that may have been, it's just as well - you need a different account for official PR stuff anyway.
Tomorrow you're all getting interviewed. You don't really like it - you'd prefer being out in the field, doing something more productive - but just like the rest of the team, you can recognize a necessary evil when you see it. The longer you have before you are forced to reveal Project Prometheus, the better, but that'll be harder the more Crusade and its PR team bangs on the drum that Nora caused the Movement and Project Prometheus is continuing Leviathan-experimenting research.
To fend Crusade off, you need as much goodwill as possible, and on top of counterattacking their claims, that means you must all appeal to as much of the public as you can. You all have a lot of variety, thankfully - you appeal to several age groups, several of you are gay, and perhaps most importantly, you all still have a soul, not a chain leading to some impersonal set of PR quotes.
It was a bit touch-and-go for a moment on whether someone would be held back, though. Lady Leizhi was very clear that everyone who would be going would be coached by her on likely attacks on your characters, and how the more people got interviewed, the more likely it would be that someone would ask a question she overlooked. But in the end, she was persuaded to have everyone go.
Thankfully, everyone's covers are pretty solid. It would take a truly awful slip of the tongue or malicious question for someone to say something which Crusade could use against you or would investigate. Lady Leizhi seemed to think that your capacity to lie in particular is questionable, so you two rehearsed a partial truth: You do not actually have metahuman powers, you are merely the specialized wielder of Nora Kim's final armor, which no, does not run on the Leviathan, it runs off of a specialized connection with you and your own psychic potential. If forced to, you might have to give the excuse that because of the possibility of Monarch and other Wonderland escapees seeing the broadcast, you cannot give too many details about the armor. But you discussed the possibility of disclosing that the armor cannot be wielded by any metahuman, at least, as a safety measure.
Technically Dr. Ibis and Nora's manual say you are a metahuman, just one whose power is wielding EXCEED-BEYOND... but you feel like that's splitting hairs. What really matters is that you wield someone else's legacy to protect others, not powers which are wholly yours. And more than that, you are someone who strives to make this world right.
Perhaps one day you'll comfortably call yourself a 'hero' without feeling fake. Perhaps.
But for now, you put these thoughts out of your mind and make your new account - and you hurry a bit, because now that you think about it, it's possible that Crusade could end up stealing the username you intend if you don't hurry, or at least make the process of getting it back a hassle. And that will just not do.
This name, after all, is one you can call yourself without feeling fake.
Welcome to the Hero for Hire official message boards!
Thank you for registering, @Valiant_Gold_Official.
[X] Plan Silvery Barbs
-[X] Black Swan and Menagerie Witch
-[X] Valiant Gold and Handyman
-[X] Châtelet and Doctor Silver
Horizon, City of Leviathan's Rest–Corporate Playground– January 18, 2068
The program on the television in front of you is nearly breathtaking with its shamelessness.
. . . having already lost her sister, that day, Gwendolyn suffered two additional losses. First, her husband at the hands of Scarlet Maturity. Second, estrangement from her only other living relative, Justice Unlimited's Châtelet, Opale Houdin-Reyes.
Été appears on camera, speaking to an interviewer off-screen. There are dark circles under her eyes, and her once vibrant personality is muted. She looks like she's lost considerable weight, and her head lulls as if completely enervated.
". . . I wish I could tell Opale how sorry I am. I . . . truly said unspeakable things to her. I was bigoted, cruel, and not just because of losing Jean-Luc. I . . . I was a terrible leader and an even worse cousin. The last time she saw me, we were enemies . . ."
Coerced into a fight she never wanted by the metahuman Faust, Gwendolyn lost what remains of her family that day. Attempts to reach Châtelet for a statement were met with silence . . .
The narrator drones on. You watch it with Chihiro in disbelief. You two are waiting in Chihiro's personal dressing room at the OCN studio, the series of interviews that would introduce the new Justice Unlimited to the world set to begin in half an hour. They are going to be broadcast live, so you had arrived early to make sure everything was in order before cameras were rolling.
DC 10 - 3 (You are Lady Leizi) = DC 7.
Stat Check: ESPIONAGE 40. Justice Unlimited has a collective ESPIONAGE 40.
You rolled: 14.
14 + 0 = 14. Success!
You needed to ensure that everyone's cover was in place and well-rehearsed. Thankfully, everything went off without a hitch. Even Ellie's story was firmly in place—you didn't trust the girl to effectively sell any story that wasn't mostly true, so it was fortunate her cover required the least misdirection out of any of them: Valiant Silver had built the armor, and she happened to be compatible. Handyman was a long-term agent of yours, Doctor Silver was using advance technology, and Black Swan had been secretly recruited years ago under the guise of an internship.
Everything was airtight.
Chihiro even obliviously remarked how fortunate Justice Unlimited had been to recruit as many young metahumans as it had! You had laughed it off. You and Chihiro had been reviewing the broad structure of the interviews, when a production assistant had rushed in and told you to turn on the television.
"Those little shits!" Chihiro hisses, her eyes narrowed in hatred. Nora's old roommate was a short woman who only came up to your chest. Her hair was dyed a brilliant orange, the color of natural red-heads, and from her ears dangled her trademark green earrings. Takanashi Chihiro had tried to make it in Horizon's musical theater industry before it collapsed, and fate had seen her land on her feet as an extremely popular anchor on Ọ̀sanyìn's news channel.
You knew Chihiro to be an extremely bubbly sort, but her face was currently screwed up in rage.
"They're trying to scoop me! Me!" she growls, "The timing of these interviews has been set for a month! We've been advertising like crazy! There's no way this is a coincidence."
The three hour docu-series, "Starbright Crusaders", had aired unheralded this morning and took the internet by storm. It was an intimate look at some of the members of Crusade—mostly those who had previously heroic affiliations—and it was as striking for its production values as it was for its actual content.
"Yeah, I ran," Joules says, looking as uncomfortable as you have ever seen the arrogant man, "You weren't there, you didn't see what it was like! There were Bethemoths everywhere, real ones, killing everyone. We were barely holding and then, all of the sudden, King was gone. Then, Radiant Silvergirl goes down and only Scarlet Maturity is holding the line. I saw one tear the Captain in half, and I turn to Bella next to me and . . . and. . ."
Joules swallows, tears beading in his eyes.
". . . it got her too. Then it was just me. So, yeah, I ran."
"Do you regret it?" the interview asks, dispassionately.
"Of course I regret it!" Joules roars, "Hattie's gone, Bella's gone, the Captain's gone, even that lunkhead Lamar is gone! He's supposed to be invincible! Why . . . why'd I survive?! I'm a coward!"
He's violently bouncing his leg, jaw set.
"I should have stayed. . . I should have died too. I was going to disappear, never be a hero again, when Silvio found me. Uhhh, that's Valiant Justice or whatever stupid name the marketing guys want to call him. He told me I could either be a coward forever, or spend the rest of my life trying to make up for my mistake. That I never would, but I would have to try anyway."
He spreads out his hands.
"And, so, here I am!"
You frown. Joules is a disgusting pig of a man—he had tried to grab your ass every time the two of you met—and you have very little love for Été, but both of them at least sounded sincerely contrite for their past mistakes. Enough that the footage of Été's transphobic rant and eyewitness testimonials of Joule's cowardice you had obtained felt duplicative instead of like silver bullets.
DC 15.
Stat Check: ESPIONAGE 10. Ronin has ESPIONAGE 7.
You rolled: 6.
6 - 1 = 5. Failure!
Not that they would have been especially helpful today anyhow. Ronin hadn't been able to get in touch with you for longer than a few moments—apparently she was being hounded by the camera crew of Starbright Crusaders to appear on the show—but she had managed to let you know that there had been a last-second change in Crusade's plan for the interviews. Step One appeared to be airing their own dirty laundry before you could.
"There's nothing to be done," you say, putting a comforting arm on Chihiro's shoulders, "At least the programs do not overlap completely. Their show ends right as ours begins."
Chihiro blows a strand of hair out of her face. "It better! If they had tried to steal my audience, there would have been war!"
She sighs and sits down before perking back up.
"Thank you again, Zixuan! The new-look Justice Unlimited, filled with new metahumans, and I get to be the one to do their debut interviews!" Chihiro says, a giddy grin stretched across her face, "I'm gonna be the first to get all their autographs! The guys on Heroes for Hire are gonna lose their minds! Wheeeeeeee!"
You see Chihiro bouncing in her seat, nearly salivating at the thought, and you can't help but remember a conversation you once had with Nora. You had asked, given that her friend needed a job and you needed a communications director, why hadn't she just hired Chihiro?
"I love Chihiro—and literally owe her my life—but she's . . . a lot. She's so fucking much, Zi. She shits rainbows and sunshine and she never. Ever. Runs. Out of energy. She's like a puppy on coke and I don't want to go to Wonderland for strangling a puppy."
You can certainly see what your best friend had been talking about. Chihiro hasn't stopped moving since you came to the studio, always doing something or other and always, and always talking. She is also a gigantic metahuman fangirl. Her dressing is filled with enough merchandise to put Black Swan's hoard to shame. Most of it is from Justice Unlimited, but she has memorabilia from New Dawn, SLAYERS, Global Justice and even Powers. There is even what you are certain is a pair of your old sunglasses sitting in a display on a shelf.
Where had she gotten those? You lost those fighting the third Father Pious!
You have more patience than Nora, but you could see Chihiro being a tad exhausting. Still, needs must, and Chihiro is a consummate professional who is excellent at her job. She had arranged these interviews and devised the format in a little more than two weeks—even managing to account on the fly for the additions of Valiant Gold and Doctor Silver to your roster.
She finally stops squealing and picks up a clipboard.
"Okay, here's how we're doing this: Doctor Silver and Châtelet first. It will be good to start with an experienced hero and longtime employee of Justice Unlimited to establish some continuity with the old team. Then, Black Swan and Menagerie Witch—ratings are gonna spike with those two and hopefully we hang on to them until the end. Can't start with them though. Need to get a social media buzz going first."
"Naturally, darling," you say, deeply relieved that you're not in charge of this.
"Mhmm. Then Valiant Gold and Handyman—I'm still made you wouldn't let me put Nora's successor and Blacks Swan together—"
"Trust me," you sigh, "It's less entertaining watching Black Swan insert her foot into her mouth that one would think."
"You're underestimating the appeal of cute-girl frenemies," Chihiro tuts, "But as you like. Finally, you're at the end. As the sole member of the original Justice Unlimited, it will give us the ability to have you comment on your new team after everyone has already met them. Sound good?"
"Excellent," you say, nodding, "Chihiro, I cannot thank you enough for this. Truly, you are a lifesaver."
"No problem!" she chirps. Then her eyes sharpen. "Just make sure you make those little shits pay for dragging Nora's name though the mud."
"Oh, they will," you promise. And it's a promise you intend to keep today. Your guess is that Crusade will interrupt during your interview to ensure that they can ambush you, the leader of Justice Unlimited. Only, now you're expecting them.
You just feel guilty keeping Chihiro in the dark about Crusade's plans. But there was simply no way the lilliputian woman would have allowed Crusade to disrupt her carefully scheduled program. And you couldn't risk tipping Crusade off to the fact that you know they are coming, lest you blow Akane's cover. So, you hold your tongue.
"We're gonna use the vetted questions we discussed," Chihiro says, jarring you from your thoughts, "But the studio is making me take viewer-submitted questions posted online during the interview. There will be some filtering, so they should just be awkward at worst, but you know how the internet can be."
"All too well," you sigh. Rumors were nothing new to you, but vexing all the same.
"Goodie!" Chihiro says, clapping her hand together, "Then—oh, there's my cue! It's time!"
You see a green light flicker on as Chihiro rushes on set. Yes, you suppose it is time.
Ready or not.
* * *
"Kokekokooooooo! It's me Takanashi Chihiro, ace reporter for the Ọ̀sanyìn Central Network! And welcome to our very special program today!"
Chihiro sits in a tasteful, modern chair on set, speaking into a camera. She wears a seafoam green sweater that matches her earrings, with a plaid skirt and black tights. Her presence is magnetic as she delivers her trademark introduction. If she is furious that some of her audience has been lost to the ending minutes of Starbright Crusaders, it doesn't show on her face.
She smiles for a second longer before turning sober. "We all lived through the horror of the Movement. It was an event not seen in Horizon since the Susurration, and it would have been much worse if it were not for the sacrifices made by the heroes of our city."
The set is spartan, with only Chihiro's chair, a large couch, and a coffee table decorating the room. The holographic backdrop is a depiction of the Worker's Mitt skyline as seen through several brick archways, the dome of the Apiary visible in the distance.
"At the forefront of those heroes, leading the charge against the Looming God, was Justice Unlimited. Uiara's call rallied the city, and Valiant Silver's genius silenced the Leviathan. But the cost was high."
The backdrop began to change, showing the face of each hero as Chihiro spoke their name.
"Valiant Silver. Uiara. Adamant. The Red Huntress. Radiant Silvergirl. These champions died in defense of this world, and Justice Unlimited very nearly died with them. But, at the end, there was one lone heroine who survived. And through her, like the phoenix, Justice Unlimited has been reborn from the ashes."
The backdrop fades to normal, and Chihiro's expressions soften ever so slightly.
"But who is this new Justice Unlimited? Who has joined the venerable Lady Leizi on the premiere heroic organization in Horizon? We all know about Black Swan and her dramatic defeat of Scarlet Maturity, but who is she really? What of these shadow-animals that seem to follow Justice Unlimited everywhere they go? The heroine now known as Châtelet? How did she join? And, who is this mysterious new figure in gold? The true successor to the Valiant name?"
Chihiro says that last bit with a vindictive grin, sharp enough to cut glass.
"Find out today! As I interview the new Justice Unlimited, and we delve deep into who these new heroes are! Here, on HeroTalk!"
Chihiro relaxes as the intro plays and the cameras stop rolling for a moment. She has time to grab a sip of water and swallow before she's back on.
"Now, let's move to our first interviews! We have—oh wait!" she says putting her hands to her face melodramatically, "What's that up above?"
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 8. Doctor Silver and Châtelet have a combined REPUTATION 14.
You rolled: 16.
16 + 3 = 18. Major Success!
There's enough of a delay between her reaction and something actually happening that it's a tad awkward, but eventually a white pillar of light flickers into view. Slowly, from the catwalks above, a woman in silver armor descends down the pillar, her blond ponytail drifting behind her as she falls in the reduced gravity. As she sinks, she slowly moves forward, exiting the pillar. Just as she's about to leave it completely, it disappears and a new pillar catches her. This repeats several times until Châtelet touches the ground safely.
. . . several feet wide of her mark. She blushes and rubs the back of her head, rushing to the couch.
But her error in no way dampens Chihiro's enthusiasm. She gives Châtelet a quick hug as she walks by and holds out her arm to announce her.
"A woman who needs no introduction! Formerly of Les Quatre Saisons, and now second-in-command of Justice Unlimited, the mistress of gravity, Châtelet!"
Châtelet squeaks and seats herself on the couch.
"And can I just say, I love the new look?"
That draws a genuine smile from Châtelet. "Thanks . . . I lost some weight."
"And gained some!" Chihiro adds with a meaningful look. She eyes Châtelet up and down with approval, causing Châtelet to blush and let out a small chuckle.
"That too," she agrees, smiling.
Just then, a swarm of fractal constructs flow across the set like a storm and come together in geometric panes of light. They swirl and dance as a bald, powerfully-built man rides a blue platform from above, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes are unreadable behind his goggles, his expression serious. Then, as he touches down, a goofy grin spreads across his face.
"Man, I love these things!" he says, holding up his gauntleted arms.
"Whoa!" Chihiro exclaims, "Why are you so shredded?!"
"My wife demanded it!" he replies, as he sits next to Châtelet.
"Aww, cute!" Chihiro giggles, "But who are you? We all know Châtelet, but you're a new face here."
The man gives a broad grin. "You can call me Doctor Silver. I'm a long-time researcher for Justice Unlimited, who's finally found the means to contribute in the field."
"Ah. . . are you sure you should give that much information?" Chihiro asks.
Doctor Silver shrugs. "You could piece together who I am if you really wanted too—it's not really a secret. But I'm also not a metahuman."
He holds up his gauntlets again. They are now giving off the same glow as the barriers.
"It's all these babies. They're next generation shield generators designed by Valiant Silver. She never got to finish them . . . so I did for her."
"Oh," Chihiro says sadly, before perking up, "Wait! Does that mean anyone can—"
"They're so, so, so expensive," Châtelet says with a haunted look in her eyes, "And these are the only working prototype. Which is why Doctor Silver needs to be careful."
"Come on, 'Pale! When am I ever not careful?"
"Submit your expense report," Châtelet snaps back immediately.
"I'll finish it—"
"Submit your expense report, Doctor Silver." There is a dark violence in Châtelet's eyes, borne of weeks spent trying to make sense of accounting done by someone whose approach was "whatever, Yazy has more money than God" and then by someone who felt "I have people for that, darling".
Well, Châtelet was 'people'. Châtelet was now responsible for this mess. Châtelet was tired. Châtelet would ensure there would be changes.
"Oh, sorry," Châtelet says, blinking, "I let the darkness out for a second there."
"Ahem, yes, well." Chihiro clears her throat. "So, Châtelet, how have you found things working with Justice Unlimited as opposed to your time with Les Quatre Saisons? You have a unique perspective having been a member to two different hero teams."
"Uhh, it's like night and day, to be honest," Châtelet says, scratching her cheek, "I have a lot more responsibilities—in that I'm actually given responsibilities."
She starts ticking off items with her fingers. "Justice Unlimited does a lot more community outreach, we have a real base to maintain, we have a lot more resources available . . . there's so much more to keep track of and—wait, should I ask for a raise?"
"I'm pretty sure Lady Leizi is going to give you one whether you ask for it or not," Doctor Silver interjects.
"Wow . . . okay. Yay. Awesome. That's another huge difference," Châtelet says happily, "But I guess, in summary, it's all a matter of scale? Les Quatre Saisons was a four-person team and we were all related. Justice Unlimited already has nearly double that number of members already, and I know we're looking to expand."
Chihiro's eyes glimmer with excitement. "So what's it like working with all these younger heroes?!"
"Exhausting," Doctor Silver laughs, "It reminds me of Justice Unlimited way back at the beginning. The oldest person there was Lady Leizi and she was . . . twenty-two? Twenty-three? These kids are even greener!"
"They're a great group, though," Châtelet says, "Lady Leizi has done a fantastic job. Black Swan, Handyman, Menagerie Witch, Valiant Gold . . . they're wonderful heroes. Powerful, of a high-character, and just good people.
She gives a bittersweet smile. "Ophèlie would have fit right in . . ."
Chihiro's eyes soften, but then she presses a finger to her ear and minutely sighs.
"I know she would have," she says, touching Châtelet's arm, "And, I'm sorry, but I've been told we have some audience questions prepared. You two mind answering some questions from the public?"
"Of course."
"I'm game!"
"Wonderful!" Chihiro says, clapping her hands together. The questions fades in on the backdrop over their heads, visible to the heroes on the nearby monitors. "Our first question:"
JU seems to be moving into a new era. What's one thing you'd like to do differently than the team did before, and one thing you want to make sure stays the same?—arachaphobicangle
"Well," Doctor Silver says, rubbing his chin, "I want to make sure the kids get time to find their footing before the weight of the world comes crashing down on their shoulders. The original Justice Unlimited . . . they were abandoned by the people who were supposed to teach them. They had to learn a lot of harsh lessons on their own."
"I had to learn a lot the hard way too," Châtelet says with her eyes closed, "If I can, I would love to spare my teammates as much heartbreak as possible."
"And we will!" Doctor Silver says brightly, clapping her on the shoulder, "That's something I want to keep the same—Justice Unlimited is a family. We watch out for each other."
"Aww, yay!" Chihrio cheers, "And our next question:"
Are you planning to reopen shops and the PubTrans station in the Apiary, or is that being put on the backburner? — Piggie
"We've filed the application with Ọ̀sanyìn," Châtelet says, shrugging, "The ball is their court."
"Asked and answered!" Chihiro calls, "Next!"
Dear Chatelet, you've made quite a transformation! I've followed you for several years and I gotta say, you look more alive than you ever have! Tell us, how has Justice Unlimited treated you compared to, ahem, your previous team? — A Fan of the New Look and Name.
"Oh, t-thanks," Châtelet says, pressing her legs together and turning cherry-red, "Ummm, like I said, I have a lot more responsibility, but . . . it's also safer. I can be myself—the real me—without worrying for my safety. I can challenge Lady Leizi without being afraid of being humiliated or shouted down. The people . . . the team is happy. They want to be there. And they trust me."
She frowns, slightly. "It's a little terrifying, to be honest. I'm sort of a crowd control specialist. Our heavy-hitters are counting on me to keep them safe while they do their work . . . it's a lot."
"I know what you mean," Doctor Silver sights, "I've been in one fight and I can feel the weight of my team's life in my hands. Every decision feels heavy. Do I stop this hit and risk not being able to stop the next one? Do I let it though, knowing it will hurt someone counting on me? It's tough."
"I didn't know you felt that way," Châtelet says, looking over at Doctor Silver, "I know you're, uh, older and wiser than I am, but if you ever want to talk to someone who's been through this a lot . . ."
"I'd like that," Doctor Silver says, "We should hang out more."
"Yeah!" Châtelet says, smiling, "But, uh, will he have to tag along?"
Doctor Silver's face is pained. "I'll talk to him . . ."
"Ohhh, who, who?!" Chihiro demands.
"You're happier not knowing," Châtelet and Doctor Silver say in unison.
"Awww, okay. We'll, we're nearing the end! A few more questions!"
As Chihiro says that, an ultrasonic whine whistles through the set, only detected by the absolute most sensitive microphones. Chihiro doesn't react to it, but Châtelet frowns and Doctor Silver winces and grabs his head.
DC 10.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 8. Doctor Silver and Châtelet have a combined REPUTATION 14.
"Fine, fine. My bad. What was the question again?" Doctor Silver asks.
Châtelet, in your speech [during the memorial] you said much about Abigail and Ophelia, but not about the death of Printemps. Do you think it's fine to be so distant from Éte in such a difficult time for her? —BodyinaBag
Châtelet's face goes blank and hard as stone.
"What kind of question is that?" Chihiro says in disgust, "I'm so sorry—"
"Ophèlie," Châtelet says levelly, "My little cousin's name was Ophèlie."
She turns to the camera. "And I wouldn't know what Gwen is feeling. We haven't spoken since the incident. I understand losing her husband was a tragedy for her, but he was trying to kill me at the time, so my feelings are understandably mixed."
"What, wait?" Chihiro says, shocked.
"If it weren't for Lady Leizi and Justice Unlimited, I would be dead at my cousin and her husband's hands," Châtelet says without emotion, "And that's all I'm willing to say on the matter."
What the fuck? Chihiro mouths, before catching herself. "I am so sorry. These questions are supposed to be screened. We'll do one more just so we don't end on that note . . . okay, I'm told that this one is for Doctor Silver."
Doctor Silver, you were very close to deceased Nora Kim. Can you speak about the state she was in prior to the Movement? —BodyinaBag
Chihiro doesn't say anything, but her lips press together very tightly.
Doctor Silver, however, is visibly agitated. "What kind of brain-dead question is that? Do you think I'm stupid? I know what you're getting at—it's that same crap Crusade has been spouting—"
The defensive hero struggles for a second, but gets himself under control. He grits out, "Nora's power took a great toll on her. She had her good days and her bad days. But, before the end, she was perfectly lucid and sharp as a tack.
He blows out a breath through his nostrils.
". . . sorry. I watched her grow from an awkward kid into a true hero. She was like a little sister to me, or one of my daughters. I guess. . . the wound is fresher than I thought."
"Of course" Chihiro says, patting his hand, "We'll call it here. Everyone, the senior guard of Justice Unlimited!"
The sound of applause is piped in as the broadcast fades to commercial.
* * *
"What exactly was that?" you demand of Chihiro, once she's backstage.
"Some little shit who's going to lose their job!" she roars, "This is not what I had planned. I don't care who owns the network—I'm not a mouthpiece for corporate propaganda!"
"Someone planned this," you say, narrowing your eyes, "It's not a coincidence."
Especially since you know Crusade is planning to confront you. They want your team looking angry and off-balanced. You lick your lips and consider pulling out all together.
"Oh no, we're not running away, Zixuan," Chihiro says, reading your face, "Leave it to me. I'll handle this. I'm going to crush them."
You nod. "Very well."
Retreat wasn't a realistic option anyway, not without a massive loss of face. And the reception to the first round of interviews was overwhelmingly positive. Many found Doctor Silver's defense of Nora endearing.
Doctor Silver gains +1 REPUTATION! Châtelet gains +1 REPUTATION.
You would simply have to remain on guard and trust your team to maturely handle any unexpected challenge. You had every confidence as the next pair up was . . .
Oh dear.
* * *
"Welcome back to HeroTalk!" Chihiro says with a dazzling smile, all trances of anger hidden, "And welcome to those just tuning in! You missed out on hearing from the old guard of Justice Unlimited, but now we have—"
The lights suddenly flicker as a howl echoes throughout the set. Chihiro sits up straight as she feels something brush against legs.
"W-we have—"
Organ music interrupted the hostess, the haunting sound adding to the suddenly eerie-atmosphere. There were more barks and growls, punctuated by the appearance of glowing red eyes on the set. Chihiro pulls her legs onto her chair, wraps her arms around her knees, and is visibly shaking.
The sound of thunder splits the air, followed by a high-pitched cackle.
"Terror and trouble,
Fear and Hunger,
Thy peaceful days be gone.
Heed my warning—"
"Hi! I'm Black Swan!"
A platinum blonde girl zips into view wearing a black and white costume.
"O-oh," says the no-longer trembling Chihiro, "Hi! What's, um, what's all this?"
She gestures to the dark and shadowy figures.
"Oh, that's just Menagerie Witch! She's doing it 'for the aesthetic'," Black Swan confides, "I love you hair by the way!"
"Aw! Thank you! I love yours too!"
"Thankies! It's my natural color!"
"No way!"
"Ahem." Someone clears their throat off stage. The thunder sounds again and the organ starts back up.
"Terror and trouble. . . ah, forget it!"
A tiny witch stomps onto set, looking grumpy. She's trailed by a large mastiff and has a crow perched on her arm.A tarantula and snake ride on her hat, and Chihiro looks down and realizes there's a black twined around her legs. She squeals and pulls the cat into her lap, where it purrs happily.
The witch walks by Black Swan and swats her on the arm.
"Owww! What's that for?!"
The witch throws herself onto the couch and starts sulking. "You ruined it."
"Aww, no I didn't! You're tots spooky! Try again, we'll be ready this time—"
"Ruined. It." The witch growls. "Also, Shelob's in your hair now."
"Shelob's what—ohmigod. Get her out. Please. Please. Pleeeease?"
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 8. Black Swan and Menagerie Witch have a combined REPUTATION 14.
You rolled: 7.
7 + 3 + 5 (Like Sisters) = 15. Major Success!
"You guys are adorable!" Chihiro gushes as she pets the cat in her lap, "Can you introduce yourselves?"
"Of course!" Black Swans says as the witch pulls Shelob out of her hair, "I'm the cute soldier of justice—"
"You already introduced yourself," the witch snaps, "She's Black Swan, I'm Menagerie Witch, my bird is Nevermore, the snake is Apep, my dog is Barkavious Rex, you've met Shelob the tarantula, and you're petting Mittens."
Menagerie Witch turns to Black Swan. "And didn't we decide that the magical girl intro was insensitive now?"
". . . but I like it," Black Swan says, touching her index fingers together.
The witch shakes her head. "She's never gonna like you back if you keep this up."
"Menagerie Witch! I told you, I don't have a crush on her!"
"Who?! Who do you have a crush on?! Tell me now!" Chihiro says, nearly panting with excitement.
"No one! Menagerie Witch is just being a butt!"
Chihiro narrows her eyes. "You will tell me someday. But for now, can I ask about your powers?"
"Sure!" the bubbly heroine chirps, "I can fly, I'm super tough, and I blast real good!"
"And you can hit red assholes so hard they explode," Menagerie Witch mutters, putting her feet on Barkavious' back.
"Language!" Black Swan scolds. Then, to Chihiro, "But yeah, that's true too."
Menagerie Witch sits up, an evil smile on her face.
"I make copies of my lovelies here to do my bidding!" she cackles as shadows snakes and spiders erupt from under her hat.
"Aww, super spooky!" Chihiro says gamely, scratching Mittens under the chin, "So how'd you two join Justice Unlimited?"
Menagerie Witch goes back to sulking at Chihiro's lack of a reaction.
"I was an intern there when I first got my powers," Black Swan says, guilelessly, "Uiara discovered me and trained me in secret. I was about to make my debut when . . . the Movement happened."
Her face falls.
Menagerie Witch's eyes are cold from where she lounges. "Lady Leizi saved me from Le Petit Prince. I'm going to kill him."
"Oh, so she saved you—wait, Le Petit Prince?!"
Chihiro's jaw drops in shock and she mouths what the fuck again.
"Clovis Laurent, I'm coming for you. And that's all I'm willing to say on the matter," Menagerie Witch says, "Now, do the audience questions!"
"Wait, you can't just—"
"Audience. Questions."
"You should probably do what she says," Black Swan says, patting Chihiro's shoulder comfortingly, "She has so many more spider-clones."
"R-right. Well, our first question is:"
What do you think is the best thing about one of your fellow teammates? — Piggie
"Châtelet knows how to mind her own business," Menagerie Witch says with narrowed eyes, "And isn't constantly involved in some drama."
She glares at Black Swan out of the side of her eye.
"Yeah! Opale's the best," Black Swan agrees, "And, um. . . Lady Leizi has amazing hair."
"Anway," Chihiro says, pulling back from the 'so unfair' feedback loop. "Next question!".
What ways are there for the average person to help a hero team like JU? —Tangible Reviver
"There's lotsa ways!" Black Swan chirps, "Volunteer to help out in the community! Donate money if you can spare it! Don't be a butthead!"
"What Black Swan said," Menagerie Witch echos, "Also: stay out of my way!"
"I think I'm beginning to figure you out," Chihiro says, sagely. The teenage witch sputters in outrage, but Chihiro is already calling for the next question.
Menagerie Witch, can you tell us more about your animals? Is it hard to take care of them? Do they require special treatment in any way? — An Amateur Animal Aficionado
"It used to be pretty hard," she says, petting Barkavious, "But then my guardian hired a vet to help out in the Apiary. They all get a special diet to make sure they're nice and healthy. Apep needs lots of sunlamp time, Barkavious needs lots of walks, and Shelob is still learning the ropes such as: stay in the hat."
She glares at the spider crawling toward Black Swan, who yelps and starts hovering in the air.
"Nevermore and Mittens are easier, although they both like to wander."
"And she's such a good girl, yes she is!" Chihiro gushes, cuddling Mittens, "Next question!"
Dear Black Swan, now that you're one of Horizon's top heroes, tell us, what was your favorite hero while growing up? I have a betting pool with my friends regarding what you're going to say, no pressure, haha. —An Economically-Minded 12-Year-Old.
"Valiant Silver!" Black Swan answers immediately, "If you have the rare First Edition of her Fourth Anniversary Commemorative Figure with the wrong-colored scarf, DM me pleeeeeease!"
"Oh, I have that!" Chihiro says, a little too casually as she examines her nails, "What's it worth to you?"
"My liiiiiiiiiiiiife!"
The hostess lets out a wickedly evil grin. "I'll hold you to that. Mwhehehehehe. Now, next question!"
As the next question is queued up, a sound tech winces as something loud whines in his headphones before fading away.
DC 10.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 8. Black Swan and Menagerie Witch have a combined REPUTATION 14.
Menagerie Witch, you should be in jail. You are a murderer. How can you have the gall to show up here and ask to be treated like a hero!? — BodyinaBag
Menagerie Witch eyes go wide as she takes in the question. Something in her face shifts; until now, she had looked like a professional, if moody, heroine. Right now, she looks like a frightened child. She curls up on herself and starts shaking.
"I . . . I-I . . . it was . . . I-I'm s-sorry . . ."
"What is this bullpoop?!" Black Swan shrieks in rage, "You don't know anything about Maddie!'Body in a bag?' Sound about right, mister—"
Chihiro cuts off Black Swan's rant with a hand. Black Swan looks rebellious for a second, but a second sharp glance from Chihiro silences her for a second.
The No Spin Zone (Now with Spin!)
Once per mission, when Chihiro is present in a scene, or reasonably reachable through remote means, you may re-roll any failed REPUTATION check that relates to public relations. The re-roll is done with advantage and Chihiro adds +3 to the final result.
"Everyone," Chihiro says calmly into the camera, "I must apologize. I don't know how this question made its way onto air, but it seems specifically designed to cause this brave, young heroine as much emotional distress as possible."
Chihiro turns to the shaking girl. "Menagerie Witch, Lady Leizi told me about your past. Do I have your permission to share a little of it?"
Mittens hops out of Chihiro's lap and races over to sit next to Menagerie Witch and purr protectively. Said summoner gives a shaky nod and buries her face in Barkavious' back.
"Thank you," Chihiro says before turning to the camera, "Menagerie Witch has alluded to it before, but she lost all of her immediate family at the hands of Le Petit Prince. He led an attack on an apartment complex called Third North Tower, where Menagerie Witch lived."
Menagerie Witch's shoulders shake. Black Swan, oddly, isn't comforting her. She's pacing in the air, clenching and unclenching her hands, furiously.
"Le Petit Prince held the building hostage for weeks, where he systematically killed everyone inside except Menagerie Witch. Including her mother."
The only sound on set is Black Swan grinding her teeth and the hitching breath of Menagerie Witch.
"Le Petit Prince then decided he wanted Menagerie Witch as part of his court, and attempted to take control of her. She held out, alone, for weeks, with nothing but her animal companions and her power. Part of that involved the creation of hundreds of clones of those animals—who promptly went berserk in an attempt to protect Menagerie Witch."
Chihiro's eyes glimmer, but that is the only sign of emotion from her.
"As a result—without Menagerie Witch's knowledge and certainly against her wishes—numerous people were injured and three lost their lives. It was an accident, born of a teenage girl protecting herself from one of the greatest monsters in Horizon, but it torments her. I know from Lady Leizi that she has donated every penny she has been paid to the victim funds."
Chihiro leans over. "Is that right, Menagerie Witch? You don't have to answer out loud if you don't feel up to it."
She gives a furious nod without lifting her face.
DC 10.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 8. Black Swan and Menagerie Witch have a combined REPUTATION 14.
You rolled: 13.
The Audience has granted you +2 on this roll.
13 - 1 (Menagerie Witch ?? ??????? ????? ???????????) - 7 (Black Swan ???????? ??????? ????? ???????????) + 3 (The No Spin Zone (Now with Spin!)) + 2 = 10. Success!
Chihiro's the best at what she does because she cares.
"Thank you. I know how hard this must be for you. I'm sorry my carelessness let this happen. Everyone should remember, while heroes seem larger than life, they're also people. People with feelings who deserve the same respect as anyone else."
Chihiro's eyes are steely with contained rage. As are Black Swan's.
"I think we're done!" she snaps. She grabs Menagerie Witch's arm and pulls, "Let's go!"
"I think that would best," Chihiro agrees, "We'll take a break here—"
But before she can finish, the screen changes again to display a new question.
Where was Black Swan during the Movement? Why didn't she help? — Cubemube
"Because I couldn't!" Black Swan snaps, throwing up her arms, "That's it! We're outta here!"
With that she yanks Menagerie Witch off set and the interview ends.
* * *
You are Valiant Gold.
Your interview with Handyman is scheduled next, followed by Lady Leizi. Said leader is currently in make-up and not backstage at the moment. Which is unfortunate, because Black Swan is out of her fucking mind.
She nearly yanked Maddie's arm out of its socket and then, instead of comforting her best friend, she began haranguing Ms. Takanashi. The woman did what she could to calm Black Swan down, but she was eventually called away. Now, your teammate is growling like a rabid dog and snapping at anyone who gets too close.
It's . . . not like her. She's only mean to you, and she's never angry about it. This is . . . have you ever even seen her get mad before?
It makes your insides feel cold and, before you know what you're doing, you walk over to her.
"Black Swan," you say stiffly, and then stop. You have absolutely zero plan.
"What?" she snaps, taking you aback. You bristle at the challenge in her tone.
Well, if it's a challenge then . . .
"Calm down, right now," you order, "You acting like a lunatic."
"Don't tell me what to do," she snarls, "You saw how they treated Maddie."
"I did. And now you're scaring her," you say evenly, "Look. You hurt her."
"I didn't—!" Black Swan follows your eyes and sees Menagerie Witch rubbing the quickly-bruising spot on her arm where Black Swan grabbed her.
"I . . . I did," she says in horror. Tears fill her eyes, "Maddie, I'm so sorry—!"
You stop her before she can rush over. You pull Black Swan down into a nearby chair and crouch so you're level with her.
"Mona," you say, her name awkward and oddly tantalizing on your tongue, "What was that? I've never seen you lose control like that before. You used Menagerie Witch's real name, and, while it doesn't blow your cover, 'I couldn't' isn't the answer we rehearsed to why you weren't at the Movement."
She doesn't look at you.
"Mona, come on. We're fortunate people seem to feel bad for Maddie and actually like her more now. That was very nearly a disaster. What's going on with you?"
Menagerie Witch gains +1 REPUTATION. Black Swan has REPUTATION 10 and cannot raise it further without special action!
"I . . . I don't know," she says, her face in her hands, "My head really hurts."
That more than anything alarms you, considering that this was the girl that could shrug off blows from Scarlet Maturity. You impulsively take her hands in yours.
"Valiant Gold, on in five!" a production assistant calls.
"Shit," you swear, "Mona, I have to go. Just stay right here until I get back. Please?"
"Go," Châtelet says from behind you, "I've got her."
You see Doctor Silver hugging a distraught Menagerie Witch in the corner. Châtelet puts a hand on your back. You see the same concern in her eyes that you have.
"Okay. Mona, I'll be back soon. Okay? Mona?"
"Y-yeah," she says, not looking up, "Thanks, Ellie. I'm fine."
She's not, but you can't stay. Châtelet will take care of her, but the idea of not being able to look after her yourself is making you twitchy.
You get up and join Handyman, just as you're about to be called on stage.
"The fuck is goin' on?" he hisses, "When I find whoever wrote these questions, I'm gonna give them a real piece of my mind."
"I don't know," you say, trying to focus, "But something is seriously wrong with Black Swan."
"Mona? Why? Because she's ragin' worse than my ma did that time my dad blew our Christmas money at the racetrack?"
"No," you say, shaking your head, "Because that's the first conversation we've ever had that ended without her hurting my feelings."
* * *
Chihiro's face is like a placid lake when the cameras start rolling again, her expression smooth and unbroken by any disturbance. There is no sign of the furious woman who just called her producer and threatened to do unspeakable things to him and his stupid haircut if another "innocent mistake" happens with the audience questions.
She gives a warm smile and introduces the next round of interviews. "Well, we're back after some excitement! Again, I and everyone at OCN would like to extend a sincere apology to Menagerie Witch. But, Justice Unlimited has graciously agreed to continue with the show, so I'm thrilled to introduce our next guests! First, we have—AHH!"
Chihiro lets out a great shriek as a platinum blue blob falls from the catwalks and lands in front of her. As it hits the ground, it coils into a spring and bounces high in the air. Before it lands, the spring changes shape again into a muscular man, who lands on the ground on one knee. He has both arms flexed, showing off comically large biceps as he holds the post for a second and stands up.
He stares down the camera with a serious look for a moment before relaxing and rapidly waving at the camera.
"Hi, Ma! Look, I'm on TV!"
"Are . . . are you okay?!" Chihiro asks, her eyes wide.
"Oh yeah!" the clay-man says, "I'm real flexible!"
He illustrates this by turning his waist and neck 360 degrees.
"Oh . . . ehhh . . . wooooow," Chihiro says, "It's gross, but I sort of can't look away."
"Yeah, I get that a lot!" he replies, stretching out on the couch. He leans back and puts both hands before his head. "Hello, everyone! They call me 'Handyman'! It's 'cuz a do a little of this—"
He changes his head to make it look like he's wearing a hardhat,
"—and little of that—"
He changes again, now looking like he's wearing a vest and sheriff's bag.
"—whatever you need!"
A chef's hat, made of the same platinum blue material as the rest of his body, sprouts on his head.
"What are you?" Chihiro says, fascinated. She starts poking and pinching his arm, feeling the texture of the material that makes up his body.
"Ms. Takanashi, please!" Handyman says, converting his chest, "There are children watching!"
"What? Oh, you little sh—" Chihiro stops herself from swearing as she turns bright red, "You!"
"Me!" Handyman agrees.
Chihiro rolls her eyes and huffs, but she's smiling a little bit. "Well, everyone: Justice Unlimited's Handyman! But he's not our only guest for this segment. Next, we have someone who has been the subject of much speculation. First seen leading the fight against Monarch's forces during her attack at the Apiary, the true successor to Valiant Silver—"
"Make sure she does the thing," Handyman interrupts.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"The thing," Handyman repeats, "Make her do the thing when she comes on stage. She's too embarrassed to do it, but it's awesome. So make her."
"What's the thing?" Chihiro demands, "I want to see the thing!"
"Hey, VG!" Handyman shouts to someone off-set, "You have to do the thing!"
". . . I don't want to," a voice calls back.
"Too bad, you have to!" Chihiro shouts.
"Do the thing, do the thing, do the thing!" she and Handyman chant together.
"Fine," the off-set voice growls.
"Ah-ha-ha!" Handyman says, wagging a finger, "And you have to say your catchphrase!"
"What catchphrase?"
"She has a catchphrase?!" Chihiro says, her eyes shining.
"Yes! She said it before the fight with Monarch and she thinks none of us heard, but we all did."
". . . I don't wanna—"
"Say it!" Handyman and Chihiro shout in unison.
There's silence for a beat and then a long, defeated sigh. Then, for another beat, nothing happens.
"Uhh, VG, ya gonna—"
A figure in a hoodie and jeans races on stage, a domino mask the only thing preserving her identity. She's very pretty with wavy, shoulder-length hair. A look of pure determination gleams in her eyes as holds up an arm with a golden watch that is glowing and slowly expanding down her arm. She brings up her other arm, perpendicular, and touches the face of her watch.
A slight smirk crosses her lips.
"It's showtime!"
Golden light swallows her body as her clothes are replaced by a dark blue bodysuit. Golden armor encases her body and a holographic, green scarf wraps around her neck. She raises her right arm, palm open, above her head and across her body.
"Valiant Gold, action!"
She pulls both her elbows in, fists tucked against her sides, and strikes a pose.
A third beat of silence passes, and then—
"Whoooooooooooooooo!" Chihiro cheers while applauding.
"Holy schnikes, VG!" Handyman shouts. He thumps her on the back. "I didn't know you had it in you!"
Valiant Gold drops the stance and the eyes of her helmet narrow. "If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this right."
She then sits down, hands folded politely in her lap. "Let's begin."
"Okay, wait, I need to recover from that," Chihiro says, fanning herself, ". . . could you do that again?"
"Let's begin."
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: REPUTATION 8. Valiant Gold and Handyman have a combined REPUTATION 8.
You rolled: 15.
15 + 0 + 3 ("Bros" is a Gender Neutral Term) = 18. Major Success!
"Ahem, yes, of course," Chihiro says, coughing into her hand, "So Handyman, Valiant Gold, what are your powers?"
"Well, I think ya got a pretty good look," Handyman says, "But I'm a shapeshifter. I can get big, small, and twist myself into all different shapes. Makes me handy in a scrap, I'll tell you that!"
"The armor is the real power," Valiant Gold says looking at her hand, "I was just lucky enough to be compatible with it."
"Who . . . who made it?" Chihiro asks.
"Valiant Silver," the armored heroine says softly, "It was her final masterpiece."
"D-did you know Nora?"
"I only met her once," Valiant Gold says sadly, "Right before the end. She made fun of me and then made me question my sexuality."
"That sounds like her." Chihiro's eyes brim with unshed tears. She wipes her face, "I'm sorry to ask, but there have been a lot of allegations made against the late Valiant Silver. Is your armor . . . safe, for lack of a better term?"
"Yes," Valiant Gold says at once, "I don't know what some others believe, but I am the power source for this armor. I am its wielder, and I will use it responsibly. I understand what it means to be 'Valiant'," she says.
The unspoken unlike some people echoes loudly.
"That's for damn sure!" Handyman says, pounding Valiant Gold on the back again, "This gal's a hell of a hero! Tough as nails, and a fantastic leader already."
"I think that's a stretch—"
"No, no, VG." Handyman wags his finger. "I'm not letting you put yourself down. No wallowing!"
He turns to Chihiro. "It was her first mission ever, she leads the fight against five of the toughest, scariest metahumans in Horizon, drives them off, and does it all with no casualties to boot! And now she's upset because she didn't do it 'flawlessly'."
Handyman expands his orbital sockets so everyone can see him roll his eyes.
"Perfectionists, amiright?"
Chihiro laughs. "You're very supportive!"
"Look, if she's not gonna talk herself up, I will—"
"What about you?" Valiant Gold interrupts.
"What about me?" Handyman shoots back, "I haven't done nothin'!"
"You call fighting a Named-Rank Behemoth, Heracles, and Scarlet Maturity bare-handed 'nothin'?" Valiant Gold deadpans.
"Hey, big, red, and ugly tore me in half! Literally! That doesn't count!"
"I'm not letting you deflect," Valiant Gold says, "Handyman's standards are too high for himself. He's an excellent hero and even better teammate, and I won't let him play himself down."
"Hello, pot, my name is kettle!"
"So," Valiant Gold says, "You're saying it's annoying when I refuse to give myself credit, and even a little insulting to disregard the opinions of those who try to compliment me."
"Yeah! It's—wait, I see what you're doin'."
Chihiro laughs again, and gives a big smile.
"You two get along so well! I can see why. You're very similar!" Chihiro shakes her head, still amused. "How about you both just accept the compliments and let's move on to the Q&A?"
"Sure, I'm game!"
". . . very well."
"First question!" Chihiro announces.
Name a hero, any hero, who you looked up to, modeled yourself on, or hold yourself to their standard? —TaurusKiss
Handyman answers first.
"Y'know, Epoxy, oddly enough. She was always ten moves ahead of her opponents. My power's pretty flexible; I gotta learn to think like that.
"Heavenly Astrologian," Valiant Gold says, looking away, "The reasons are personal, sorry."
What kind of hobbies do you have? —EarthScreamingRed
"I like sports!" Handyman says, cheerfully, "Boxing, swimming, I just got back into tennis . . ."
"I also like tennis!" Valiant Gold says, a little too quickly, "And, um . . ."
"Reading AAR's doesn't count as a hobby," Handyman says, cutting her off, "You gotta get out more."
Valiant Gold doesn't say anything, but crosses her arms and sulks.
"Next question!" Chihiro calls.
Dear Valiant Gold, I love your suit! It feels far more personal than your counterpart's. If it's not too presumptuous, I have to ask: do you have a motorcycle? And if not, when are you getting one? A Valiant needs a cool ride! I bet Stockpile would never get one. —Signed, a Fan of True Valiants.
Valiant Gold sits up excitedly, and looks over at Handyman.
". . . yeah, okay. Having a motorcycle would count as a hobby," Handyman admits.
Valiant Gold does a small fist-pump in victory.
"Motorcycles are cool," Chihiro agrees, "But not as cool as our next question!"
Handyman, if it's not too personal a question, how old are you? I imagine you're an adult given your name and behavior when you're out and about in the Apiary, but I guess we can't really know for sure. I think some people would love to know you better! —Signed, an Apiary Refugee.
"Resident," Handyman corrects, "You're an Apiary resident. And my exact age is a closely-guarded secret, but I can say I've started to win the only prize you get for aging."
"Which is . . .?" Chihiro asks. Valiant Gold leans over in interest as well.
Both women groan.
"Next question, next question!" Chihiro sighs, "You're lucky you're both so damn charming together.
Valiant Gold's head whips up and she leaps to her feet.
Valiant Gold, there is much discussion about your actions during the memorial, including your talk with Monarch. Is Justice Unlimited fine with your actions? You are very inexperienced, why not let the more experienced heroes take the lead? This was almost a disaster; are you sure you aren't being overconfident? —BodyinaBag
"What, this crap again?" Handyman says, annoyed.
"What. Is. Happening." Chihiro says, desperately hanging onto her facade of professionalism.
"I'm thinkin' I'm seeing the direction this is going. Sorry, Ms. Takanashi but we—"
"Shh," Valiant Gold hisses.
"VG? What's up—"
She jerks her head at Chihiro. Handyman turns serious and readies himself.
Then, in an explosion of red light, Valiant Gold leaps high up onto the set, stabbing a blade of psychic energy through the backdrop display. Chihiro gasps in shock as Handyman springs in front of her and guards her with his body. Valiant Gold raises her other arm, shoves it through the hole she just cut, and pulls—
Dragging out the hidden person flying behind it, Seraph of Crusade.
Valiant Gold and Seraph fall to the ground, where the angelic telepath tries to escape. But Handyman is on her in a second, wrapping an arm around her and rapidly solidifying it. Valiant Gold holds a blade to her throat.
"What. Did. You. Do?" she says with barely-contained rage. "What did you do to Black Swan?! Talk, now."
* * *
You are Lady Leizi.
You rush on set before your junior can execute another hero live on TV. You grab her shoulder, and she turns to look at you.
"Valiant Gold, status report," you order.
"Something pinged my suit's protection against mental interference," she says deceptively calmly, looking back at Seraph, "It was her. She's been here the whole time, using her power on us. Making us angry, trying to get one of us to make a mistake. It's why Doctor Silver and Black Swan lost their tempers, why Châtelet clammed up, and why Menagerie Witch was that devastated. She's been messing with our heads."
That last bit comes out as a furious hiss, and you realize the amount of self-control Valiant Gold is exercising at the moment. You pull her away from the Crusader.
"Stand down," you say gently, "I'll handle it from here."
". . . yeah. Okay. Right." Valiant Gold dismisses her blade and walks away.
"I don't suppose you have any evidence of what you claim?" a pleasant voice says from off-set. White Hawk walks into view, followed by Stockpile and Joules. Curiously, there's an ocean of space between them.
White Hawk tilts his head. "Seraph is well-familiar with the prejudice that telepaths are subject to. Every fleeting emotion is proof of some nefarious use of her power. So, please, either substantiate your claims or release my teammate."
"If she wasn't up to anything, why was she up there?" Valiant Gold demands.
White Hawk keeps his head tilted and smiles.
"Why, she was in position, waiting for her cue. Crusade was invited here today to have an open discussion with Justice Unlimited about our differences. In hopes we could overcome them and give the city confidence that there would be a united front against Monarch. Especially after Justice Unlimited's collaboration with them the other day."
"What?" Chihiro yells, "I never agreed to that!"
"But I did!" Juan Bonfim walks onto set. "Sorry, Chichi! The suits thought it would be more exciting to keep it a surprise! And to have me here to balance out your . . . conflicts of interest."
"Juan Bonfim, you little shit."
"Language, sweetheart!" he says with a thousand-watt grin, "We're still live!"
"Your team's emotional volatility can hardly be considered our responsibility," White Hawk says, "Destroying a set? Had we known you'd overreact like this, Seraph wouldn't have gotten in position for her entrance early."
"My, my, darling," you say to White Hawk, "You just have an explanation for everything, don't you?"
"Of course," he agrees pleasantly, "We've done nothing wrong after all."
This is your first encounter with White Hawk, and you can't say you care for him. However, the sheer force of his charisma is undeniable. You've caught Crusade red-handed, and somehow you appear to be the unreasonable party.
Yes . . . you don't like White Hawk at all. It's his bearing, his confidence, but most of all his sense of entitlement. Of course the world should bend to his whims. Of course you're wrong for resisting him. His eyes say it all.
And yet, you find you're unable to read him.
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.
Stat Check: OPERATIONS 10. Valiant Gold, Handyman, and Lady Leizi have a combined OPERATIONS 17.
You rolled: 20.
20 + 3 = 23. Critical Success! Natural Crit!
So instead, you examine the two behind him. Joules' face is an open book. He's confused and uncomfortable. He keeps looking between Stockpile and White Hawk, trying to figure out who's cues to follow.
He doesn't know who's in charge.
From the antipathy radiating off Stockpile, you'd say he doesn't know either. The thief is absolutely wrathful, but why is the the question. Honestly, you're beginning to feel angry yourself, just looking at him in the armor he stole from Nora—who installed psychic protections in all of her suits.
His suit protects him the same way Valiant Gold's protects her. He gets the same alerts. He knows Seraph was doing something. He knows what she was doing and wasn't told about it ahead of time. Now, he's been undermined by White Hawk in public again, and in such a way that he can't call the Elysium-native out without a massive loss of face.
No . . . it's more than that. He doesn't approve of what White Hawk tried to pull. He's sincerely committed to an idea of justice, as warped as it may be, and he's disgusted by this display.
There's a thread to pull on here. You could push this confrontation now and try to unravel this whole mess. Hopefully even driving a wedge between Stockpile and White Hawk. Of course, if it backfires you may just unite them against you.
You could also demand they leave. With Juan Bonfim, they would no doubt still have the opportunity to debate you, but you would be able to do your interview first. With enough momentum, you could easily embarrass Crusade and strike a blow against their public image. Of course, they could do the same to you.
Finally, you could pull out of the interviews all together. There would be no risk of damaging your team's individual reputations, but Crusade would probably fill the remaining airtime with propaganda for themselves and slander against Justice Unlimited.
Now, what to do?
[ ] Confront White Hawk right now.
Valiant Gold caught Seraph red-handed, and Stockpile can confirm it. Push the thief to admit what his team was doing and try to drive a wedge in Crusade. DC 15, REPUTATION 15 check. Rolled with advantage due to previous critical success.
[ ] Delay the debate with Crusade and have your interview first.
It will give you a chance to make an impression on the public before tackling this issue. However, it will give White Hawk time to smooth things over with Stockpile, eliminating the chance to divide them. Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15, REPUTATION 8.
[ ] Leave immediately. No chance for damage to Justice Unlimited's REPUTATION, Crusade will continue to push their narrative unhindered.
this would have been a heartwarming scene before the Movement.
He had been listening with half an ear, but the sudden sound of violence had gotten his attention.
He looked up from his newest wonder, shining a small but finally stable golden light.
It seemed violence was in the air.
Not good, but at least something he could help with.
...well at least somewhat.
He looked back at the small golden flower.
It was to weak.To young.
A little damage would kill it.
It would die, his assistance would make no difference.
Who should he- ah. They said Black swan was vulnerable?
He was wondering when he would be of help to her.
He left the room, grabbing a glowing pipette ,checking that his bottle was filled.
Yes, everything was in order.
He walked quickly down the stairs, halting for a moment to look at a shattered pot in a place of honor.
Its never enough.
He moved on, entering a larger room.
Standing inside were thirty potts, filled with flowers, alight in luminous colours.
The room was enough to hold ten times the number.
No time to get distracted.
He went to the pott furthest in the back.
A flower, young, but old enough to survive a bit of damage, especially with his assistance.
A bright, tinkling thing.
Like glitter, it was vibrant and tried to cling to all around it.
It brought a small smile to his face.
He opened the bottle, and poured the red liquid into the pott.
The flowers roots eagerly drank of it, for a time the plant would be sturdier.
He carefully placed the pipette on a petal, drops off clear, shining liquid fuse with the light from the flower, the light shining all the brighter.
It wouldnt last.
But that was fine.
There was always more.
He looked at the mostly empty room.
He remembered it, filled with potts.
So many colours. So much light.
He remembered the day, kneeling in a mountain of shards.
Cold, dry, unmoving.
He nearly died that day.
If he died, could he have saved one more?
He carfully filled his pipette with his tears.
There would always be more.
Name: He has forgotten
Alias: Survivor
Every person Survivor loves is represented as a flower he can plant.
The flower will grow with time and attention, until it reaches its full size in a few weeks.
When the person this flower represents is about to die, the flower takes on some of the damage that would have been inflicted on the person. Preventing death.
If the damage is too much, the flower dies, shattering the pott it is in.
A flower can be strengthened for a time by being fed Survivors blood and tears.
Survivor loves all that is good in humanity.
He once thought of his ability as a blessing.
The shattered pott has Uiara carved on it.
Last edited:
The Hunt is On! Bloody Fable Conclusion — SolarGemX (canon)
The Hunt is On! BloodyFable Conclusion
By Solar Gem X
Previously on The Bloody Fable:
Blood Fang: …Hmm. I can tell your being honest with your intentions, if it weren't for the fact that you've done your homework AND the fact that we agreed to help each other in the future, I would feel slightly annoyed…But Those are a lot of zeroes and there hasn't really been that much tough behemoths running around. I'm game at the very least. El, Geo, Lea, how about you?
*Sounds of Affirmation*
Blood Fang: It's unanimous then. Alright Blood Moon, The Fabled will Accept the Contract. Now when do we begin?
Twilight Beast: *a small smile appears on her face* Wonderful, let us fill you in on what we've found out.
A series of papers are shown, including diagrams of the interior of the caves, the different ant that has been discovered and an Image of the Queen itself.
Rolling OPS
*Auto Pass due to constantly fighting these Things for over a Week*
Twilight Beast: As you can see, we haven't exactly been sitting on our laurels for the past week, while we haven't been able to enter the cave system itself, we have made sure to take out any ants that have strayed to far from the caves. From our different confrontations we can confirm that there are a total of 4 species of ants inside of the cave, not including the Queen Behemoth. There are the standard (warriors) ones, not much to say about them other than they are giant ants, they may be easy to take out but they are plentiful, weve slain easily hundreds of them, but they never seem to be an end of them, from some of the books I collected its not much a surprise considering the amount of ants in a single ant hill, and considering they've had plenty of time to amass an army… we are probably seeing up to thousands of them.
Geppetto: O-O Leviathan's blood… ok now I'm starting to see why you need help… even if they can be killed in mass, that's a lot of bodies.
Gargoyle: Ye… doesn't help that pretty much all of us lack any form of AOE attacks. So once they come out in swarms we need to back off. Hopefully Dragonfly here has a lot of powder stored, she's probably our best shot at making a dent on this.
Dragonfly: Well shit, could I leave? If there's that many, I need to get started on mixing my powders… have a spare room I could borrow?
Twilight Beast: Take 3 Lefts and enter the first door to your right, there's a room that's currently empty, Jack will accompany you. We will fill you in once we hash out a plan.
Dragonfly: Thank you, c'mon flamey! We got work to so! *Jack Barks in affirmation and follows*
Twilight Beast: Ok… where was I… ah right the ants. The second species have a mutation that lets them spit an acid like substance from their mouths. This substance can cause rashes and swelling if it touches skin, and in high doses can even melt rock, no effects on metal though. We figure that little tidbit after Gargoyle's arm began to slightly melt, luckily there was no lasting damage. The third species are a Variation of Flying Ant, they are slightly weaker than their normal counterparts, but make up for it with their ability to fly for short periods of time.
Tide Bite: Ugh… I hate those things, luckily there's a lake somewhat close to the nest, so when those things came out, I was able to just dodge them by going under water and just fling water at them, seems they cant fly if their wings get wet. Also helps that they and the Acid spitters are FAR less in number, we barely seen more than 60 of them put together.
Twilight Beast: Yes indeed. The last of them seem to be builder ants, they have been seen carving pieces of rock from the cave, expanding it. They flee if spotted and alert the rest of the nest, we haven't had a confrontation with them, but its best to be careful, if we manage to enter the cave proper its likely they will attack like the rest in order to defend the Behemoth… speaking of which, while we haven't had many confrontations with the Queen Ant, we can confirm that's its borderline a Golden rank, if not outright a Gold in terms of power by now.
Blood Fang: Hmmm… I see, quite the spread. Do we have any concrete information on its whereabouts?
*Rolling OPS*
Major Success!
Short Circuit: We are almost sure of its location. The criminals that survived the confrontation were very amicable once we asked them a couple of questions. They gave us a very good map of the Base, before the ants at least. The cave system goes in a sort of Trident Shape with two entrances/exits. The main entrance is near a forest clearing, once you enter the next room was the Crews Living Quarters, following that, the next room splits in 3 directions. Left heads to another room where their Equipment was stored, followed by another exit to the cave system, this particular route leads to a more barren landscape with a lack of trees, but with a beautiful lake. The water even enters a bit into the Cave System, this is where Tide Bite discovered the Flying Ants as well, so its most likely they will emerge first from that location. Back in the Split, the left side leads to where they kept most of the ill-gotten goods the criminals collected, They were actually planning on making a third exit there and even made some headway into it, but failed to finish it, for obvious reasons…we could probably use it as another entrance, but we would need to finish the job ourselves. As for the middle path, it lead to the Leaders Chambers, it's rather spacious, so we assume the Queen its located there, since its also the most protected area.
Twilight Beast: And That's everything we've been able to collect, any thoughts?
General White: Hmm… I see. It was a good idea to get some backup for this if even half of this is true, an "army" is underselling it. Thankfully, you have collected a wide variety of info on the structure and the foes within, I can already think of some ways we can do this. It would probably be best to divide our forces into 3 groups. Group A would confront the forces in the First entrance, Group B would confront the Forces near the lake entrance and Group C would be a Strike Force that would use the near completed exit to bypass most of the army, heading straight for the Behemoth and attempt to eliminate it. If your notes about it controlling the rest of the Ants is true, once it is eliminated the rest of the army would fall like puppets without any strings.
Blood Fang: I Agree with White's observations, the main problem is dividing our forces, the most balanced approach would be to have 3 members in each team (9 heroes total), But we could lower or add to the amount depending on how you want to spin this. So tell me Celeste… what do you want to do?
Mission: A Wild Hunt!
A hidden cave system in the Hoia Baciu Forest has become the home of a Gold(?) ant like Behemoth and it has been slowly making an army using its mutated abilities. Your goal is to eliminate it and all of the mutated ants under her thrall.
Draw attention in the first two entrances and eliminate as many ants as possible to thin the numbers.
Entrance A will have a mix of all ants; however Acid Spitters are more likely to appear in droves in this entrance.
Entrance B will have a mix of all ants; however Flyers will appear primarily from this location. Additionally, there's a lake near this entrance.
The Potential Entrance C forces will depend on how much attention The other two entrances generate. If you strike to early or don't eliminate enough ants the Strike team will be noticed, take two long and you risk the other teams being overwhelmed, leaving you stranded with the all the ants alone, almost guaranteeing the teams death if unlucky.
Blood Moon
Twilight Beast: A powerful Umbrakinetic and Leader of The Blood Moon. TB can shape her darkness in a multitude of ways, from blast of shadow to tendrils and blades made of darkness. She can additionally cloak herself in darkness to evade attacks or move short distances via darkened areas, not only that she also becomes stronger when in a extremely dark environment. Unbeknownst to her and the world at large she has an additional power, which she has used on her fallen friend Jack (See jack's bio for more info).
Jack: A man (or girls) best friend. Passed away during Twilight Beast Earlier years as a hero, Jack is thought to be an example of an Animal with Metahuman Powers akin to Quick Gorilla. However this is not true, unbeknownst to Twilight Beast and the world at large, Jack is an Autonomous Creature made from one of Twilight Beast Powers… well sorta. While they are a construct, it IS Jack. TB's power uses Bones as a medium for its creation, it can be made using any amount of bones, but the more bones used in the creation the Stronger and Sturdier the Result. Since Jack was mostly intact after the fire that claimed him, TB's power made him an extremely sturdy puppy. Additionally, the more bones used in the process the more like the deceased individual the construct is. TB can only make a single construct, but with enough resources that revived individual will have all the memories, quirks and personality of the original (even humans). However if the individual was a metahuman, they will not return with their powers. In exchange the construct will have a variety of abilities depending on any bones added to the collective, also they are pretty much fireproof.
[Elemental manipulation (fire) (minor)], [Bone assimilation- Variable]
Key words will be added or taken depending on how many bones are active (Max of 3 at the time, not including the main mass)
Alligator Skull – [Enhanced Strength (Head)]
Rhinoceros Ribs- [Enhanced Endurance]
Albatross Wing Bones – [Flight (Gliding)]
Gargoyle: Main Ability is to transform himself into a Stone-like Creature with Claws, wings and tail made of pure stone. If parts of the body are broken, he can absorb stone from nearby sources to repair his body, protecting his human flesh.
Short circuit: A strong martial artist and electrokinetic, Elena Rivets could pass of as Lady Leizi lite, if it weren't for the advance metal prosthetics she has for arms, and the fact that her electric manipulation is weaker than the Horizon Heroine. Short Circuit is not capable of shooting lightning and can only generate her electricity a short distance from her body. Where SC lacks in power she makes up in pure control, her precision with her electricity in nigh perfect, and she was once capable of generating a constant stream of electricity that permitted her to power around 2 rooms inside of the Blood Moons base for over 8 hours, she also uses her power to charge her phone when low, and hasn't damaged any of the systems within. She uses her metallic arms to channel her electricity into her opponents when hitting, making it feel like you were hit with a point blank taser. Also carries a set of conductive Throwing Knives.
Tide Bite: The Dysmorphic member of Blood Moon and its certified Heel. Stefan loves to wow the crowd and like using his appearance to scare criminals when fighting them. Voted most popular member of Blood Moon, right behind Jack.
Blood Fang: Leader of the nomadic Behemoth hunting Group known as The Fabled. Carmen Jaeger uses her sharp claws to tare behemoths asunder, and if that doesn't work the special liquid her claws secret will make the wish they had. Thinning the blood of those slashed, increasing blood flow, and if they are still alive? Heating the blood where the liquid lies, boiling the opponents from within… yikes!
[Transformation], [Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Speed], [Enhanced Senses], [Blood Thinning and Boiling secretion in claws]
General White: Second in command of the Fabled and head tactician. Edelweiss Margaret can create up to 7 small constructs of around 3-4 feet in height that share her image, all carrying hammers that hit like a runway car. She uses these constructs, her ability to switch locations with them and the fact she can create a mark that drastically increases damage done in that area to help her teammates crush the opposition.
Geppetto: The shiest member of the Fabled and one of the more variable members thanks to his ability to create wooden constructs that have a variety of abilities. He can generate a weird energy that gives his puppets incredible endurance and range, letting him control them from a distance. The puppets will differ in strength depending on what role they were meant for.
[Energy Manipulation], [Construct Creation], [Hammer Space (puppets only)]
Champion- A Male Humanoid puppet wielding a Metallic Sword and Shield. Has [Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Endurance]
Steed: Wooden Horse Construct that never tires, mostly used for transportation purposes.
[Enhanced Speed]
Princess: A Female Humanoid puppet Dressed in a fine dress… also is carrying enough firearms to qualify as a gun Shop, also strangely has permits for all of them. (Geppetto is sort of Weird)
[Guns… just a lot of Guns, like Holy moly, how can it carry so many] [Enhanced Senses]
Dragon: A Hollowed Reptilian (Debates still out if it was a Komodo Dragon or some other lizard, Geppetto says it looked like an Armadillo girdled Lizard) Gold Rank Behemoth that was combined with wood and various other materials in order to make a potent puppet. A group project made by all members of The Fabled, Dragon is Geppetto's strongest puppet to date and big enough to carry the entire Fabled team. This thing is filled to the brim with a variety of Dragonfly's powders letting it use a variety o status effects and an igniter mechanism within, letting it spew a stream of fire on its opponents
Dragonfly: The Slightly dysmorphic and hand sized member of The Fabled, Dragonfly is probably their most destructive member, all thanks to the various powders she can generate and ignite into giant explosion or streams of fire.
[Elemental Manipulation], [Enhanced Speed], [Enhanced Senses], [Flight], [Very smol… will also bite your finger off]
These are your heroes…how do we carry out this mission?
It was silent today in the forest, well unless you were near a certain cave system, which was a buzz with the skittering of giant ants. The workers, hard at work expanding the inner cave system and making holes around the entrance of the cave were the only things that were heard. These creatures heavily mutated by their "Queen" were hard at work, following their base instincts, and were constantly making sure their home was protected from outside threats like the Shadowy one or the Stony one. Yes, things were rather peaceful for workers #231 and #165, everything was it supposed to be, and soon their Queen will expand her territory, just as they rid of the giant Furred ones and the other prey, they will expand their kingdom outwards, making sure none could stand the might of the "Marele imperiu". NO ON-
*Rolling Gargoyle Hit*
Major Success!
???: Hey whats hanging?
The workers stopped and turned to see a Stone like figure looking at them...ITS THE STONY ONE!!! Call for Back up, Call for *Splat*. That were the last thoughts of the drone before their heads were splattered by a pair of stony fists.
Gargoyle: And thats 2 out of a S*** ton. Things are about to get interesting, now... lets begin with the mission. OY INSECTOID FREAKS! YOUR QUEEN SMELLS LIKE ELDER BERRIES AND ALL OF YOU ARE GRADE A UGLY!
There was a moment of silence... and then a Torrential Screech filled the air, and the sounds of hundreds of feet soon after.
As the massive hoard came barrilying towards the Stone Faced (Literally) intruder that had dared come once more towards their territory, the numerous ants, hundreds in number and with a good amount of spitters, did not notice the Giant Shadow flying on high until it was too late. With flick of its tounge acting as a igniter, 70% of the first 2 waves of Ants were Burned to a crisp and from the Sky emerged a Giant Monster, and on top of the massive beast was Geppetto, The Champion, The Princess and Jack, who quickly jumped into the Fray.
Gargoyle: Woohoo, What an Entrance! Good Job Gepetto!
Geppetto: Thanks for the boost in confidence Mr. Gargoyle, but that was just the first wave, we need to get ready for the rest. Speaking of which, I think our little act caught the attention of the rest of swarm, Brace for impact!
*Due to a succesful Ambush and... well Burning the heck out of the initial Ant strike force, you have gained 2 units of taunt. These will attract bigger numbers to you (+1 to Ant HIT Dice for every 2 units), but will lower the chance of The strike team being discovered. (-1 to discovery rolls per unit)*
*Entrance B*
Tide Bite: HA! It seems like Gargoyle and the Boys have made an Impression on the Ants up front. Time for me to earn my keep.
As Tide Bite stealthfully swam into the cave from the nearby lake, he observed the walls of the cave he was in. It was littered with Flyers, easily reaching 30 members and there was also a large group warrior ants. As one of the workers came closer to the waters edge and as a Flyer observed a little bit from the waters surface, Tide Bite took his oppurtunity. He Jumped out of the water with incredible speed, slicing the Flyer in half before Stomping the warriors head into paste. As quickly as that happened he jumped into the waters surface once more, just as the ants began screeching, some following him and a small group of others heading into the caves, in order to to secure the paths that lead to the Queens Chamber.
Tide Bite: Tch... Didnt grab the attention of all of them, but I guess most is better than nothing. Also I guess its a matter of time before they come back with more. Alright, time to regroup! As the Dysmorphic hero swam towards the lake near the cave a proverbial swarm of Ants followed, with a symphony of wing flaps in hard pursuit. Once they reach the outside, the creatures were able to see two other figures close to the waters edge, The bright one and a unknown small one, prey most assumed. As the Flyers began to swarm above the intruders they prepared to launch themselves and...
*Roll Hit Dragonfly*
15+ 3 (Pollen Trap) = 18
Major Success!
Were Swiftly Exploded into Chunks, thanks to DragonFly's ignitable Powder/Pollen trap. Only 4 of the swarm of 30 remained, but with the injuries they suffered from blast, they were quicly taken down by Tide Bite Strikes and Short Circuits Throwing Knives.
*Team B has obtained 2 units of Taunt! Further lowering the Ants Detection roll (Current Total: -4) but increasing the ants HIT rolls (Currently +2)*
The Queen Has Been Informed of The attack and has been enraged! She Activates her skill [Agression Pheromones] adding a +3 to all Ant HIT rolls. (New Total +5 to HIT rolls)
Things have gotten harder for the 2 distactions teams, would you like to spend an additional round attacting more attention, or should the Strike Team enter as it currently Stands?
{X} Yes, roll to engage as it stands. (Roll a ESP Check with a +4 in order to reach the Behemoth).
{} No, we need more time. (Team A and B will continue fighting with the aim to attract more enemies towards them, imcreasing the difficluty of their fight, but lowering the Strikes Teams Chance of being discovered. Currently you have 4 units of Taunt, granting a Plus 4 to your ESP roll, but adding a +2 ant Hit Rolls, currently +5 thanks to the Behemoths ability).
Team C: Blood Fang, General White and Twilight Beast
*Rolling ESP*
11+4 (Taunt units)= 15
Major Success!
As the other teams made their assault towards the enemy forces, The strike Team that was composed of the Remaining Members of the Two Teams made their way into the newly made entrance of the caves. General White's Constructs and her Weiss Marking ability made short work of the wall connecting to the inner depths of the cave… and into a small duo of Builder ants that were standing near the wall of the cave, the last thing they ever heard being… HI HOOOOO!!!, HI HOOOO! HI HO, Hee Ho, HI HO! Before been buried in rubble.
Twilight Beast: *Raises Eyebrow*
General White: Not. A. Word.
Blood Fang: *Snort* C'mon we need to hurry.
As the trio of heroines made their way into the deepest part of the cave they meet little resistance, their team members managing to draw a large amount of attention with their nigh simultaneous attacks, just as the trio made it into the inner chambers.
On a result that is 15 or higher The Queen Ant Behemoth can activate [Queens Gambit], letting her roll a 1D6 in order to gain an advantage during combat.
2, 4
4 was Chosen
[Queens Royal Guard is Activated!]
Blood Fang:Merde…
Twilight Beast: Suddenly I'm very Glad I insisted in coming with you instead of joining Team B…
The Queen was NOT alone like they hope, not having hundreds of guards, but having a reasonable defense force of her own. 10 Flyers, 5 Acid Spitters and 15 Warrior ants, all looking at them with an alien-like hatred in their eyes.
There was but a second of silence… before all hell broke loose.
Blood Fang:*Transforms* (No lightning) It doesn't matter, we have a job to do, ready?
*Roll Hit Twilight Beast*
10+ 5 (Literally in a Dark Cave)= 15!
Major success!
Celeste Quickly shoots towards the enemy troops slicing 4 of the Flyers in a split second and quickly going for the rest of the Guard. As she went on the Hunt, Blood Fang and General White ran towards the Behemoth with the hopes of ending this fight quickly. The general launched a sphere of white light towards the Behemoth and…
*Roll Hit General White*
Medium success!
Managed to mark the Chest of The Behemoth with her power, increasing all damage and power effects inside of the mark. (Allies gain +3 Hit when attacking a marked Enemy). As the mark Settled Blood Fang Jumped towards the enemy and
*Rolling Hit Blood Fang*
7 + 3= 10
*Rolling HIT Ants*
7 + 5= 12
Both meet with a Moderate success
Nearly misses the queens chest as she dodges to the side, clipping the Behemoths arm and dealing superficial damage. But even a shallow cut can be disastrous when fighting her. (Behemoth Suffers a -1 to HIT thanks to Blood Fangs [Thin and Boil] Ability. This effect will increase in potency as the battle progresses or Blood Fang lands more Hits). She was quickly attacked by a group of ants who wanted to capitalize on her near miss (2 Flyers, 3 Spiters, 5 Warriors) and had to dodge before she was swarmed.
General White was using her constructs to weave through the battlefield, aiming to hurt the Queen Ant. As she neared 3 warriors launched themselves to her before…
*Rolling Hit Ants*
*General White Roll HIT*
Medium Success!
And they missed completely, the heroine switching with one of her small doubles, who was prepared to swing, decapitating all 3 at once. As the copy turned around, she was sliced in half alongside one her sisters.
*Queen Ant Hit Roll*
14+ 5- 1 = 18
Major Success! (FUCK!)
The Queen Screeched as she slew some of the interlopers, quickly moving in order to slay more of the white ones while evading the Red and Black ones, she noticed that the White one seemed to move in tandem with the other ones, and did not engage as violently as the other two. The Queen immediately pegged her as a commander, leading troops to battle instead of engaging, which meant that her death would lead to dissent in the ranks. So she lunged towards another small thing and…
*Queen Ant Hit Roll*
20+ 5- 1 = 24 Nat Crit!
The Queen Rejoiced as her scythes quickly dispatched 4 of the small ones, now one of the troops remained and she could smell the anxiousness In the Commander. Just a little more and…
*Due to The Behemoths Earlier Nat 20, both sides lose their Advantage for their next roll*
Blood Fang and Twilight Beast: I DON'T THINK SO!
The Scarlet and Black duo managed to catch the Queen off Guard, dealing a massive blow towards it, Blood Fang Left a massive Gash in its back While Twilight beast surfaced from the shadows beneath the Behemoth piercing the right side of her chest, where a piece of General Whites mark was placed. ( [Thin And Boil] activates! Queen Ant will suffer a -3 to its HIT dice due to blood loss, the next mayor HIT roll that lands from Blood Fang will increase it to -5 and begin the process of Boiling the Behemoths blood, causing injuries for as long as the battle last).
The Queen Screeches in pain, launching a wild swing towards Twilight Beast who managed to dodge in time. Trought the haze of pain the Queen Notices that the rest of her guard has been vanquished during the short time she was slaying the little ones. She quickly disengaged from the clash and began preparing to call for more reinforcements.
*Queen Ant REP Rolls *
1+ 5 (Queen Call)= 6
…minor success?
A group of 5 builder ants appear… and are immediately sliced to ribbons thanks to Twilight Beast.
Twilight Beast: Yeah... No. END IT BLOOD FANG!
*Blood Fang HIT Roll*
15+ 3 (Weiss Mark) = 18
Major Success!
Blood Fang: WITH PLEASURE!!!
As the heroine Voices her affirmation she manages to get inside the Monster guard and launches a devastating skywards strike with her right claw, leaving deep gashes into the Behemoths Flesh and even slicing its face. As the beast screeches in pain it falls into ground, and continues screeching louder amd louder still, as it feels the blood within her begin to boil, thanks to Blood Fangs Claws… and less than a minute later, it quiet's down… dead.
General White: That… was close. But we did it. We need to grab its head, but first lets head outside, we need to make sure the rest of the teams are still ok.
Twilight Beast: Agreed.
As the heroines went to confirm the status of their teammates, they find that both teams are ok, somewhat injured but alive. Most if not all of the mutated ants dropped dead the moment the Behemoth died, their strings cut as they could no longer function without its influence. As they congratulate each other for a job well done, Blood Fang Returned to the monster corpse and grabbed its body, dragging it to claim their well-earned rewards, plus extra.
The Fabled Gained 10,000 income! (Behemoth bounty (5000) plus extra for some of the ants(2,500) and from some of the residents of the nearby cities and farms (2,500))
Team Blood Moon has gained more Territory and 2 new contracts! They will Receive 2000 income at the start of every turn, from now on.
Authors Note: Tadaa! The conclusion to the Fabled X Blood Moon Crossover Event. Was in the middle of writing this when the latest chapter came out, so here's a little extra (Way lower Quality) words for y'all. Man I need a break, but with this I should be hopefully prepare for the next chapter of the quest.