Post-Mortem Activities (Undead!Taylor, Slight Crack)

well, for the first, apparently Cattyness Pulled a Hebert and confirmed what she said. which goes completely against everything that anyone knows about powers. so any valid PRT theories would've only lasted 48 hours at the longest. within that timeframe, Taylor was well and truly dead and rotting. and unlike Weld (the Ward you're thinking about), Taylor demonstrates no signs of being a Case 53, nor does she show any signs of adapted/adaptable biology (like Aegis, who can survive a ridiculous amout of things that should kill him). In fact, according to the CDC people, she's still rotting. at that point, it became their issue.

hold on, tangent time 🤓 :

So, I'm thinking that there's probably a few different groups who were handling Taylor's body at different points. here's the possible chain of handoffs, based on what I've read so far:

  1. Winslow High School (WHS). sheer incompetency leads to disciplinary issued being so badly bungled that Taylor dies, leading to...
  2. Brockton Bay Police Department (BBPD) takes over the case, opening a Homicide investigation. CDC is contacted to clean up mess left behind due to it's nature as a Biohazard. the exception being Taylor's remains, as that's evidence which falls directly into the joint custody of the BBPD and...
  3. Brockton Bay Coroner's Office (BBCO) handles the Autopsy. fairly straight forward so far, until Taylor wakes up.
  4. Parahuman Response Team - East-Northeast Division (PRT-ENE) gets involved as a result of Taylor waking up, and is further involved as a result of Taylor identifying Shadow Stalker's civilian identity as a suspect. Taylor remains in the custody of the BBPD.
  5. Taylor is released into the custody of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on the grounds that her decomposing nature creates a serious biological hazard, which must be addressed before it becomes a serious problem. after she is fully skeletonized and disinfected, she is released.
  6. Taylor is released into the custody of Her Father (DAD), as she is not a suspect in any criminal investigation, her life is no longer in danger, and she no longer poses a risk to any member of the general public.
so the final chain looks like this:


basically, there wasn't any reason to bug her about the whole "no, you're a parahuman" thing, and no chance to do so, especially since the overwhelming evidence meant that such insistence without being able to demonstrate how it worked would've made them look like idiots.

On the second point, Two three words: Cremation and Concrete. let's see 'em try to move when their bodies are buried in concrete. (suicide rate in the most tyranical hellholes would still skyrocket the second the news breaks, though).

on the third point, how did you do those Emoji's? oh, that's how. nice selection these days. 👻 👻

I agree! Just me ranting about how the PRT/Protectorate likes to keep information from the public, especially information that they feel the peasants shouldn't have, lest they get ideas of their own.

They like to grab anything/anyone who has any type of ability as a cape to try to gain control of them. Honestly Cauldron must've had blackmail on all of congress with the crap that goes on and you never hear a peep out of anyone in the federal authority.

But yeah...that. And all hail all of the new emoji's! 🤗🤗🤗🥳
Multiple court cases, that have gone both ways, disagree with you. The Government CAN steal. Also, in this case, they aren't stealing at all. While all the flesh on her bones will probably be studied, it will (eventually) be burned and either scattered or buried. It is Human Remains/Biological Waste, after all.
Can you call something human remains if that human is still walking around, in this case I think it does not counts as stealing because it counts asassault, could they not preserve the flesh somehow. This is like saying you do not need that kidney as much as this guy, here hold still so we can take it. Flesh protects the bones so it may be needed.
He turns out to have not had a soul. Cauldron finds this amusing.

Better, while it turned out that Scion did have a soul, he failed to take into account that as a gestalt entity every shard that made up his body also has a soul. Furthermore, that the way Entity shard 'loyalty' programming works is sort of an until death situation. Now all his shards are running around undead, many still hooked up to people, and not listening to him in the slightest. On the plus side, somehow this undeath thing removed the need to eat meaning that he has effectively solved the entities' entire goal of finding an unlimited food source. On the negative side, without any other shard he's only able to manifest a completely biologically normal human without any powers at all; and he sucks at actually pretending to be a human.
Not quite what I expected, but extremely amusing nontheless. Definitely crack though, cos if it wasn't labeled like that, I probably would have dropped after some of the... strangely easygoing reactions to the fact that Taylor The Corpse Hebert is around. I can imagine the prosthetics market is going to find itself a little bit overwhelmed, and everyone else dealing with a bad case of Uncanny Valley.

Edit: since taylor's now dead... assuming she even gets a chance so, would she legally be allowed to drink? Or drive? would it even do anything for her? i'm curious on what happens to undead capes, given the whole 'superpowers come from brain tumour' angle.
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"so wait, you're telling me that the inevitable destruction of this fragile sack of meat that I call a body isn't really all that big a deal, and all the different things that you can do to what's left behind won't be noticed at all? that's a relief."
Somewhere several memebers of the S9 are having some pretty serious existential crisises.
Somewhere several memebers of the S9 are having some pretty serious existential crisises.
I wonder if Jack is going to second-trigger when he learns this? IIRC, he triggered when he learned that everything he thought he knew about the world was wrong....

S9 stuff! So I figure Mannequin offs himself basically instantly, since he was driven mad by the Simurgh killing his family. The second he hears that he can actually go see them again he's probably going to. Manton... I don't know enough about his headspace, but considering the death of his daughter is tied up heavily in the birth of the Siberian it's possible he'd do the same. Crawler I figure will just be kind of disappointed considering his whole quest to find something that could actually kill him. Shatterbird, and Burnscar, and Cherish/Hatchet Face (depending) have murder more of a side effect of what they're actually in the 9 for so I honestly don't think they'll care much. Bonesaw would probably just be fascinated at the new possibilities of post-mortem cognition, and curious as to whether she can drag a soul back into its corpse. Jack, though. I think he'd view it as a challenge. He wants his art pieces to stay art pieces after all, and it's clear that returning to life is a voluntary thing, so a new goal for him would not only to be making his art, but making it so horrible for the people involved that they won't want to come back even after he's left.

Changing topics entirely for a minute. There's a hole in the afterlife now, and many myths about various heroes entering to try and rescue one of their loved ones. How long before somebody tries to figure out if it can be done in the modern day, and who do you think will do it? Is it possible that the Triumvirate/Cauldron is planning on trying to raid the afterlife to get Hero back?
Thus, my verification video prominently featured me carving out my own heart and using it to do yoyo tricks.
I'm pretty sure most of those are physically impossible, as in, yo-yos don't actually work like that. It still really made me laugh, though.
Changing topics entirely for a minute. There's a hole in the afterlife now, and many myths about various heroes entering to try and rescue one of their loved ones. How long before somebody tries to figure out if it can be done in the modern day, and who do you think will do it? Is it possible that the Triumvirate/Cauldron is planning on trying to raid the afterlife to get Hero back?

Not so much raid, as have one of them commit suicide to find Hero and enlist him to return.
Not so much raid, as have one of them commit suicide to find Hero and enlist him to return.
I think Path to Victory is going to have divide by zero errors when asked how to make a Path to do such a thing. Now, if they were to find one of The Undead who have come back from Death and ask them to try and find Hero it might work. I mean, if Alexandria appears this early in the timeline and asks if you can find and bring back Hero ... Would any normal person say no to that?
There isn't even really a reason to say no, even if it is Alexandria who is asking. The world would probably be objectively a better place if it had Hero back in it. He sounds to have been that sort of person.
The problem is, is Hero's body still intact? Remember, the Shard connects through the corona and gemma, and Hero's brain has likely rotted into uselessness by now. Of course, if enough DNA exists, Blasto or someone could presumably make a clone body for him to inhabit...
The problem is, is Hero's body still intact? Remember, the Shard connects through the corona and gemma, and Hero's brain has likely rotted into uselessness by now. Of course, if enough DNA exists, Blasto or someone could presumably make a clone body for him to inhabit...
Even without his Tinker powers, he would presumably still be a great symbol, a powerful moral influence on his old friends and just generally an all-around decent person invested in making the world a better place. You don't always need to have superpowers to be a worthwhile guy to have around.
-decay would be incredibly mild for less than a day, as would maggot development.-

-Same issue. Plus initial disinfection would probably have killed them.-

Of all the OOC behavior and various other things that would be serious problems in a regular story but were included for comedic value, you take issue with the spoopy fiery-eyed undead girl being more rotten than she's supposed to be?
Of all the OOC behavior and various other things that would be serious problems in a regular story but were included for comedic value, you take issue with the spoopy fiery-eyed undead girl being more rotten than she's supposed to be?
-I don't particularly care. All I do is point things out to the author, either provide a suggestion for a replacement or a reasoning why I think something does not fit. It is completely up to the author whether or not to impliment the changes.-
-I don't particularly care. All I do is point things out to the author, either provide a suggestion for a replacement or a reasoning why I think something does not fit. It is completely up to the author whether or not to impliment the changes.-

Yeah, but we can tell the author we don't think it's a needed change too. The maggots are not that big of an issue, and removing them would make the moment less funny.
It does make the timeline feel a bit wonky, I suppose. Then again, it's not like this story is trying all that hard to be serious.