Post-Mortem Activities (Undead!Taylor, Slight Crack)

Revenant 1.1
To their credit, the medical examiners recovered quickly from my sudden reanimation. One of them almost immediately replied with "Certainly, miss Hebert. We'll get right on that."

As the man left the autopsy room, I yelled after him "Also, could you please get my dad on the phone? I need to let him know that I've reanimated."

Forty minutes later, I was about as cleaned up as I could get, my rotting carcass thoroughly hosed down with disinfectants and bandages applied over most of my open wounds. I was also sitting at a table directly across from Armsmaster, a man from the CDC, and a couple grumpy-looking detectives. Notably, all of them were wearing breathing masks, with Armsmaster's suit being locked down in full hazmat mode.

The detective on the left asked the first question, "Are you in fact Taylor Hebert?"

My answer was an incredibly blunt "Yes, yes I am. Deceased as of probably eight hours ago, I think?"

Another question, this time raised by the same detective "Why did you reanimate during the autopsy, rather than at any point prior?"

I decided to once again be extremely blunt, saying "Well, it was about half an hour at the Afterlife Processing Center to get some paperwork in order. After that I could tell my corpse was still in the locker and I really didn't want to be stuck in there, so I killed some time by going to visit mom before I came back. Oh, then I had to break a hole in the barrier between life and death, which took a little while. Wasn't really keeping track."

To my surprise, it was Armsmaster who spoke up next, noting "You seem oddly well-adjusted for someone who just spent several hours in a locker full of biohazardous waste."

To this, I responded "Well, yeah. A lot of that can be chalked up to seeing mom again after being separated for three years. Also, I'm rather looking forward to haunting the shit out of Emma and her gang of cronies."

At this, the second detective asked "Please, tell us more about this Emma person, and why you're interested in haunting her in particular?"

I nodded, before I replied "So, some context is required. Until high school started, Emma Barnes and I were absolute best friends, sisters in all but blood. Then she changed over the summer, started hanging out with Sophia Hess, and made it her personal mission to make my every waking hour hell. This culminated in her, Sophia Hess, and Madison Clements murdering me by locking me in my locker after filling it with used, rotten feminine hygiene products."

This caused Armsmaster to straighten up immediately, as he asked me "Could you please repeat those names?"

I shrugged, before saying "Yeah, I was murdered by Emma Barnes, Sophia Hess, and Madison Clements. Why?"

Things moved quite quickly after that; dad had already retrieved the notebooks detailing the bullying I underwent, and that coupled with a video of me getting stuffed in there recorded by some idiot and posted to the internet was more than enough to get a warrant for Emma, Sophia, and Madison's arrests. Since I wasn't a member of law enforcement I wasn't invited along for the ride, but I did ask for an opportunity to visit the three of them in their cells once they were taken in.

Much to my surprise, the police actually agreed to let me visit Emma and Madison, but they refused to let me see Sophia. Something about her needing extra security. Eh, two out of three isn't so bad. Either way, soon I was walking down the hallway towards Emma's temporary holding cell, lingering just outside her sight long enough to hear her retch, followed by an exclamation of "Eugh, what's that awful stench!?"

In response, I walked in front of the bars and noted "Oh, that's just MY ROTTING CORPSE, Emma." watching with barely disguised satisfaction as the redhead stumbled backwards in shock.

After several moments of incoherent gibbering, Emma managed to respond "You're dead! I saw them pulling your corpse out of the locker!"'

In response, I just finger gunned and spat out a couple particularly enterprising maggots before saying "Got it in one! You and the rest of your bitch brigade are the ones I've got to thank for that. Though honestly, between me dying and you going to jail for decades I probably got the better deal. After all, thanks to you I not only got to see mom again, but I also got an opportunity to tell dad that she's doing fine, and is waiting patiently for him to arrive."

Emma snarled, before she remarked "Just like a weakling like you to go running back to your mother! You probably didn't even try to get out of that locker we shoved you in."

In response, I just grinned and noted "Thanks for confessing in front of the security cameras! I'll be seeing you in court later." Then, I spun on my heel and walked right out of there.

That said, just as I was about to leave a pair of burly men in hazmat suits blocked my path through the hallway, their tags identifying them as being with the CDC. The one on the left asked "Where do you think you're going, miss?"

I fired back "Home, duh. I need to get ready for school tomorrow."

In response, the one on the left cracked his knuckles, and the one on the right said "Not like this you won't. Your ongoing decomposition poses a massive health risk to the public in general. You won't be leaving until we've thoroughly decontaminated you."

I paused for a moment, asking "Define thorough, please?"

Hazmat on the right answered "We'll need to reduce you to a skeleton, basically. Near as we can tell, you aren't using any of your organs or muscles anyway, so they all need to go."

I thought for a moment, before I replied "Alright, just let me see if I can grab verified undead status on PHO first. Also, don't expect me to be sticking around while you're scooping out my organs or whatever. I've got way more of the afterlife I want to explore."
Oh, God. She is going to be going back and forth?! Awesome, and not a idea I thought of.

Aw. No disbelief?
It would have been nice seeing the PRT try to prove she is a parahuman, and not actually dead.
Kinda hard to disbelieve the partially-autopsied corpse is not a parahuman. Especially because death is known to end parahuman abilities.
So while they are trying to remove stuff like her skin, she is running, think of the PR issues for the PRT from the sight of their employees chasing either a walking corpse around town or a skeleton while hauling a bag of organs
So while they are trying to remove stuff like her skin, she is running, think of the PR issues for the PRT from the sight of their employees chasing either a walking corpse around town or a skeleton while hauling a bag of organs
No, while they are taking off her skin, her corpse is inanimate as she explores the afterlife.
They actually had the full suite of proof of deadness. No pulse, no brain activity, total rigor mortis, all that stuff. Considering that none of that stuff reversed after she got back up, yeah, totally dead.
Rigor Mortis reversed, I would assume. Otherwise, she would have difficulty doing neat things like...walking, moving, talking, and anything else that involves bending a joint.
Basically, she's just brute-forcing her joints with sheer spookiness. Still stiff as a board.
So basically a brute power, where she resists movement of the joints she doesn't move herself? And she is only able to overcome that resistance herself because she has Undead Strength.
Can't wait for her to find out about Sophia..........then hit up PHO.
More surprised that there wasn't surprise about the Afterlife.
Getting Beetlejuice strong vibes here. Suicides, murderers, all flowing through the hole she left in the after life.

Brockton Bay its SHOWTIME!
Can't wait for her to find out about Sophia..........then hit up PHO.
More surprised that there wasn't surprise about the Afterlife.
Getting Beetlejuice strong vibes here. Suicides, murderers, all flowing through the hole she left in the after life.

Brockton Bay its SHOWTIME!
Only the living can sign contract. They terminate with death. NDAs are contracts. What are they going to do, bury her if she doesn't keep quiet?
So how does tailoring clothing work with a skeleton? I can't imagine any of her old things would fit, jeans with the belt tightened all the way down...maybe, sort of?

Crop top and a skirt with sandals? Probably the easiest to fit, and nothing to keep a shirt from blowing all over between the ribs and hips.

Edit: Or the classic cultist robe
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So how does tailoring clothing work with a skeleton? I can't imagine any of her old things would fit, jeans with the belt tightened all the way down...maybe, sort of?
Specially designed suspenders, maybe a ring of metal that passes through the belt loops? I mean, it would be pretty funny to imagine a hoola-hoop with suspenders attached to the ribs holding on her pants. A lot of the shape for men's shirts come from the color bone and rib cage, so she should be find on that front. Shoes also shouldn't be a problem, though socks might be.

But yeah, logically it has to be "clip it to a bone" or "bones provide enough shape". She could just wear a dress, if it is really that much of an issue.
Why would suicides flow through the hole back to life after they went through all the effort to get out of there in the first place?

Sorry I meant suicides mostly ghosts of what I mentioned invading the city.
BB has to have some of the most haunted spots around with the amount of murders and suicides around. Instead of a haunted house you have a giant haunted city.

With a hole in the sky letting more of the really angry spirits in. Sorry I should have been more coherent in my explanations. 🤔 🤭 🤭 😅