Post-Mortem Activities (Undead!Taylor, Slight Crack)

This would have some absolutely massive impacts in the medical community regarding the terminally ill. Among other things the ethics of Euthanasia would have to be completely reconsidered as all of a sudden death is no longer the end and Euthanasia could be legitimately used as a method of improving ones quality of "life".
How dare u make a meme:cool:
Now we need an omake of a commercial from a chainsaw salesman about how you should buy this chainsaw to guarantee your escape from the afterlife. Armsmaster can be the spokesperson, Emergency Afterlife Escape Chainsaw, now with nanothorn upgrades to reduce you reanimation time for better time efficiency!
Oh man this is what I figured would happen, like that tv show where the afterlife is verified and everyone decided to go there and there are less people every day. And the way Bet is a hellhole, the afterlife is going to be looking better for a helluva lot of people who are tired of their suffering. 🤔 👻👻👻

Also harder for people to intimidate folks if they know they wont disappear. Wonder if the barrier really gets weaker around Halloween?
"so wait, you're telling me that the inevitable destruction of this fragile sack of meat that I call a body isn't really all that big a deal, and all the different things that you can do to what's left behind won't be noticed at all? that's a relief."

Right there with you. Would quite happily accept digital uploading of consciousness also.
There's a lot of stuff here. So, what Taylor did was always possible, it's just that she's the first to try and succeed? A lot of people are going to have to face the fact that their loved ones didn't come back because they didn't want to come back (enough.) And now villains know that even if some hero gets lucky, they don't have to stay dead.

Taylor mentioned trying to convince her mom to at least visit the living world. I wonder how many people would be inspired by that. Imagine people visiting the afterlife to talk with or even try to retrieve their favorite historical figures, which could mean anyone from philanthropists to serial killers. There may be a scramble to exhume and cremate the corpses of criminals. (And what would happen if someone whose body was destroyed returned? Would they be a ghost as opposed to a zombie, or what?)

Also, what about Scion? If I remember correctly, the goal of the Entities wasn't about stopping the end of the universe, it was figuring out how to survive it. Now that he knows he doesn't have to survive the end, he just has to come back once the dust settles. More importantly, would he be able to go get Eden? (If it turns out that Taylor's trick just wouldn't work for Entities, that would be a hilariously anticlimactic way to remove Scion as a threat.)
And she had no problem with it and all she did was watch?
We won't know till later chapters if there is fallout from notifying official offices of the breach. I'm thinking that it depends on how much that interviewer wants to make visits of their own to the live world.

Right there with you. Would quite happily accept digital uploading of consciousness also.
Who needs a digital upload when you can just haunt a piece of tech? Doesn't even really need to be an advanced robot for you to haunt it! Just has to have enough capacity to function as some kind of vessel for your haunting pleasure. :p

I would imagine that a wooden dummy would even be easier than a tech robot of some kind. No electronics needed. Only reason you would go with a robot body would be so that it could do things when you were busy in the afterlife. hehe

EDIT: And suddenly life becomes more like the computer network project "Second Life" and everyone is designing bodies for themselves that they can interact with everyone with! ;)

Life imitating Art! Or would that be afterlife imitating art? I'm sure Taylor will find out for us! Go Hebert, go!


EDIT2: I decided to make a more clear idea of what I meant by "Second Life". I think there may be a comic out there but couldn't find any info on wiki (didn't look hard). I read a crossover with Harry Potter recently that referenced one, but the Harry in the story was emo., and I don't like reading stories like that. Well, maybe not emo, but had problems anyway.

The story was "A Prince? (Rewrite)" by exaigon over on FFn. That is more of the idea I was thinking about, and not the internet project I found on wiki.

Even if it doesn't fit with your story @I just write, you could use it as a future possibility and have those in charge of the afterlife become the system administrators of the new "Second Life" on Earth Bet involving deceased wanting to go back. Could even be a more successful system than the entire PRT and Protectorate! hehe
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So, what Taylor did was always possible, it's just that she's the first to try and succeed? A lot of people are going to have to face the fact that their loved ones didn't come back because they didn't want to come back (enough.)

I don't think it is so much being first to succeed then it is first to do it then go on the internet. Think about stories about zombies and various undead forms. It could just be the crumb of truth in legends and/or events. It just died out because fewer and fewer future generations believed them and the dead simply forgot it could happen. Get to the new age where it is caught on tape, mentioned on the internet, and said escapee wasn't berserker level angry and we get a new myth for the ages. Angry teenage girls will be known to revive if their schoolyard bullies manage to get them killed and then will haunt said bullies.
It could be that Ziz isn't planning to kill herself and is instead just planting the right kind of suicidal ideation in people's heads to get them to kill themselves. What's more of a Simurgh plot than killing thousands across the planet with a single anonymous post?
It could be that Ziz isn't planning to kill herself and is instead just planting the right kind of suicidal ideation in people's heads to get them to kill themselves. What's more of a Simurgh plot than killing thousands across the planet with a single anonymous post?
We don't yet have confirmation that Winged_One is the Smurf in this fic. I know one fic at Ziz die, and then Winged_One got a (Told You I Wasn't the Simiurgh) tag.
I don't think it is so much being first to succeed then it is first to do it then go on the internet. Think about stories about zombies and various undead forms. It could just be the crumb of truth in legends and/or events. It just died out because fewer and fewer future generations believed them and the dead simply forgot it could happen. Get to the new age where it is caught on tape, mentioned on the internet, and said escapee wasn't berserker level angry and we get a new myth for the ages. Angry teenage girls will be known to revive if their schoolyard bullies manage to get them killed and then will haunt said bullies.

so, let's have a bit of a history lesson here. stories about the undead go back at least as far as the most primitive forms of human writing, and burial grounds even older than that have been found where the deceased were restrained in some way, shape, or form, presumably to prevent or discourage reanimation.

beginning at some point in the medieval period, the spread of Christianity throughout Western Europe led to such stories almost universally being written off as either witchcraft or demonic activity. in other traditions (Shinto being a big one here (consider the Yuki-Onna and Hone-Onna, among others) but nearly everyone had similar issues) the undead tended to be extremely dangerous, and were typically shunned.

and then we come to the late Renaissance to the Modern period. first off, not only did premature burials become a fairly known issue, along with improvements in medical knowledge leading to the discovery of many diseases, poisons, and chemicals that could cause necrosis (death and decomposition of tissue). on top of this, reports of supernatural phenomena repeatedly turned out to be hoaxes, and people eventually stopped paying attention to them. although such reports persist to this day, they tend to be written off all the same, and very few researchers or investigators will look into them without presenting an explanation that AVOIDS the supernatural, as not doing so tends to ruin one's career, no matter how thorough or compelling the research is.

to top it all off, modern (1700's onward) burials tend to use fairly deep graves, and to prevent those graves form collapsing, burial vaults tend to be employed, which are extremely difficult to break through without heavy equipment (as are caskets, when working from the inside, as was demonstrated quite effectively on Mythbusters). also, cremation has become extremely popular in the last century, primarily due to it's cost-effectiveness.

Taylor revived on the Autopsy slab, in the morgue, well after brain death occurred. Master-Stranger tests were (presumably) performed, the whole incident was well recorded and documented, and she has repeatedly died and revived since then. not only that, but another person has since performed a similarly documented repeat (no other way to get the Verified Undead tag), and confirmed her story. this is less a case of Taylor being the first, and more a case of Taylor being the first to have her case extremely well documented, her actions repeated, and all other plausible explanations exhausted.

It could be that Ziz isn't planning to kill herself and is instead just planting the right kind of suicidal ideation in people's heads to get them to kill themselves. What's more of a Simurgh plot than killing thousands across the planet with a single anonymous post?

seeing as death isn't as big an issue now as it used to be, why would she bother?
Maybe she's trying to trick her dadversary into trying undeath as a solition for fading powers?
Possible repercussions:
  1. Governments around the world scramble to "ensure public order by discouraging suicidal behaviour" (or just ensure the dead doesn't start blabbing national secrets and cover-ups) and hiring every flavour of exorcist, spiritualist and spirit doctor (real and fake) for "national security", only to later be informed that the dead are mostly apathetic to mortal matters.
  2. Those in charge of the afterlife deliberating on whether to take control of the soon-to-be-rapidly-exploited loophole or to just designate a specific region with a revolving door policy so as to not damage the wall between life and death too badly.
  3. A whole lot of seance/communication attempts to contact the dead, with actual assistance and advice from the bureaucracy of the afterlife, to the point of an actual Tinker-boosted "Hotline to Heaven/Hell/etc." is developed.
  4. Questions on the validity of "eyewitness testimony" from the actual murder victims, and what kind of mind-bending logic criminal defence councils will develop.
  5. The reaction of people when it turns out that there is an Afterlife for just about everything, including trees, pets, etc.
  6. Real-life Zombie Runs/ Zombie Survival Games with actual shamblers and walkers.
  7. The development of "real world conveniences" for undead. Like self-mobile portable mausoleums to haunt, personal skeleton-ization home bath kits, tacky overpriced "I went to Heaven/Hell and all I got was this lousy ___" branded merchandise and the like.
I've always liked the thought that intelligent undead weren't the result of some prissy wizard with a corpse fetish, but rather someone who looked God in the face and declared "I Am Not Done!"
Possible repercussions:
  1. Governments around the world scramble to "ensure public order by discouraging suicidal behaviour" (or just ensure the dead doesn't start blabbing national secrets and cover-ups) and hiring every flavour of exorcist, spiritualist and spirit doctor (real and fake) for "national security", only to later be informed that the dead are mostly apathetic to mortal matters.
  2. Those in charge of the afterlife deliberating on whether to take control of the soon-to-be-rapidly-exploited loophole or to just designate a specific region with a revolving door policy so as to not damage the wall between life and death too badly.
  3. A whole lot of seance/communication attempts to contact the dead, with actual assistance and advice from the bureaucracy of the afterlife, to the point of an actual Tinker-boosted "Hotline to Heaven/Hell/etc." is developed.
  4. Questions on the validity of "eyewitness testimony" from the actual murder victims, and what kind of mind-bending logic criminal defence councils will develop.
  5. The reaction of people when it turns out that there is an Afterlife for just about everything, including trees, pets, etc.
  6. Real-life Zombie Runs/ Zombie Survival Games with actual shamblers and walkers.
  7. The development of "real world conveniences" for undead. Like self-mobile portable mausoleums to haunt, personal skeleton-ization home bath kits, tacky overpriced "I went to Heaven/Hell and all I got was this lousy ___" branded merchandise and the like.
1. is going to be a big issue, seeing as it means that "Disappearing" or otherwise killing spies/defectors/people who know to much will no longer be a valid way to shut them up, as even if you destroy their body, they can just pass the information on to someone else when they're in the afterlife, who then carries it back to the land of the living.

2. might just be a case of dusting off old policies (see my above post about the history of supernatural phenomena).

3. might become a thing at some point, although all the frauds out there are gonna be getting pretty nervous soon.

4. this one's gonna tangle up the various supreme courts of the world for quite a bit of time. although murderers are gonna be getting pretty scared for the same reason as 1. don't matter how well you hide the body if your victim can still get a word in to the cops.

5. should be pretty spectacular.

6. might not be possible. remember, the CDC (Center for Disease Control, IIRC) skeletonized Taylor due to her being a "Walking disease vector", and Cattyness only avoided that by getting embalmed (read: preserved), and that's not likely to end up a permanent state of affairs.

7. Tacky undeath-themed merchandise looks like it'll be a thing (humans gonna human), but it seems that everything to do with the actual storage and handling of corpses is gonna be a Bio-hazard issue, and therefore will be dealt with by trained and certified professionals. again, Taylor was mostly confined to quarantined clean rooms until after the HazMat guys from the CDC were done turning her into a pile of well-cleaned and disinfected bones.
You ever heard of trainwreck syndrome?
My reading of all this is, there's no overarching plot. There's no god, or at least none that still cares to take a hand in matters. There's life, and there's the afterlife, and there's a barrier -- but nobody around whose job it was to maintain it.

Nobody was able to break into the world of the quick before. This doesn't mean that the person who's currently enjoying helping out the just-deceased would mind a revolving-door policy. There's a good chance she's there specifically because she's a nice person.
Possible repercussions:
  1. Governments around the world scramble to "ensure public order by discouraging suicidal behaviour" (or just ensure the dead doesn't start blabbing national secrets and cover-ups) and hiring every flavour of exorcist, spiritualist and spirit doctor (real and fake) for "national security", only to later be informed that the dead are mostly apathetic to mortal matters.
  2. Those in charge of the afterlife deliberating on whether to take control of the soon-to-be-rapidly-exploited loophole or to just designate a specific region with a revolving door policy so as to not damage the wall between life and death too badly.
  3. A whole lot of seance/communication attempts to contact the dead, with actual assistance and advice from the bureaucracy of the afterlife, to the point of an actual Tinker-boosted "Hotline to Heaven/Hell/etc." is developed.
  4. Questions on the validity of "eyewitness testimony" from the actual murder victims, and what kind of mind-bending logic criminal defence councils will develop.
  5. The reaction of people when it turns out that there is an Afterlife for just about everything, including trees, pets, etc.
  6. Real-life Zombie Runs/ Zombie Survival Games with actual shamblers and walkers.
  7. The development of "real world conveniences" for undead. Like self-mobile portable mausoleums to haunt, personal skeleton-ization home bath kits, tacky overpriced "I went to Heaven/Hell and all I got was this lousy ___" branded merchandise and the like.

I like your first points, I mean questions to like who killed Kennedy could be answered, was there really a Atlantis, is there really a illumanati, is Cauldron real? I really expected the government to go more like, 'this person is a cape.....because powers are bullshit and you have that ward that turns to metal I forget his name.

If you can have metal statues around you sure could have skellies, tho the CDC having to scrape the meat off the bones might have legitimized the death theory. 👻 👻 👻 👻

And all the background groups assassinating people, would their victims com forth and expose them? And for people who just want out and were too scared to do do you keep your populations under control, before it was death but if they can escape you, how do you make them stay?

Taylor really let the zombies out with leaving a rip in the barrier between the living and the dead. And like someone else said for as long as there's been human history people have in almost every culture talked about the dead coming back and ways to keep them back.

Think about this when was the last time you saw a cemetery without a fence around it? Something to symbolically keep the dead in their territory.:eek2::eek2:💀👻💀☠
I like your first points, I mean questions to like who killed Kennedy could be answered, was there really a Atlantis, is there really a illumanati, is Cauldron real? I really expected the government to go more like, 'this person is a cape.....because powers are bullshit and you have that ward that turns to metal I forget his name.

If you can have metal statues around you sure could have skellies, tho the CDC having to scrape the meat off the bones might have legitimized the death theory. 👻 👻 👻 👻

And all the background groups assassinating people, would their victims com forth and expose them? And for people who just want out and were too scared to do do you keep your populations under control, before it was death but if they can escape you, how do you make them stay?

Taylor really let the zombies out with leaving a rip in the barrier between the living and the dead. And like someone else said for as long as there's been human history people have in almost every culture talked about the dead coming back and ways to keep them back.

Think about this when was the last time you saw a cemetery without a fence around it? Something to symbolically keep the dead in their territory.:eek2::eek2:💀👻💀☠

well, for the first, apparently Cattyness Pulled a Hebert and confirmed what she said. which goes completely against everything that anyone knows about powers. so any valid PRT theories would've only lasted 48 hours at the longest. within that timeframe, Taylor was well and truly dead and rotting. and unlike Weld (the Ward you're thinking about), Taylor demonstrates no signs of being a Case 53, nor does she show any signs of adapted/adaptable biology (like Aegis, who can survive a ridiculous amout of things that should kill him). In fact, according to the CDC people, she's still rotting. at that point, it became their issue.

hold on, tangent time 🤓 :

So, I'm thinking that there's probably a few different groups who were handling Taylor's body at different points. here's the possible chain of handoffs, based on what I've read so far:

  1. Winslow High School (WHS). sheer incompetency leads to disciplinary issued being so badly bungled that Taylor dies, leading to...
  2. Brockton Bay Police Department (BBPD) takes over the case, opening a Homicide investigation. CDC is contacted to clean up mess left behind due to it's nature as a Biohazard. the exception being Taylor's remains, as that's evidence which falls directly into the joint custody of the BBPD and...
  3. Brockton Bay Coroner's Office (BBCO) handles the Autopsy. fairly straight forward so far, until Taylor wakes up.
  4. Parahuman Response Team - East-Northeast Division (PRT-ENE) gets involved as a result of Taylor waking up, and is further involved as a result of Taylor identifying Shadow Stalker's civilian identity as a suspect. Taylor remains in the custody of the BBPD.
  5. Taylor is released into the custody of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on the grounds that her decomposing nature creates a serious biological hazard, which must be addressed before it becomes a serious problem. after she is fully skeletonized and disinfected, she is released.
  6. Taylor is released into the custody of Her Father (DAD), as she is not a suspect in any criminal investigation, her life is no longer in danger, and she no longer poses a risk to any member of the general public.
so the final chain looks like this:


basically, there wasn't any reason to bug her about the whole "no, you're a parahuman" thing, and no chance to do so, especially since the overwhelming evidence meant that such insistence without being able to demonstrate how it worked would've made them look like idiots.

On the second point, Two three words: Cremation and Concrete. let's see 'em try to move when their bodies are buried in concrete. (suicide rate in the most tyranical hellholes would still skyrocket the second the news breaks, though).

on the third point, how did you do those Emoji's? oh, that's how. nice selection these days. 👻 👻