Pokemon Ranger: Crimson Dawn (No SV You are a Kanto Warlord)

So looking at the map we do actually have a lort near us. So we could possibly get Surge as an ally in the future.
So looking at the map we do actually have a lort near us. So we could possibly get Surge as an ally in the future.

So, by boat, we can get to Vermillion, Celadon, Fuchsia, Cinnabar, Seafoam, and technically Lavender Town and the Kanto Power Plant. I don't know if the Sevii Islands are in play here. And that's not including anything from Johto, which the map seems to imply is connected via the ocean, but I'm not sure we're going to get much, if any, help.

Good news is, Giovanni does not have us trapped. We will need to check on the sea route before we send any ship we have out blind. But we have options.
Also true it is a fun time to be a trainer.
As long as you luck into the right crowd, given the warband era we are in...

Speaking of, roughly what age would Nemona be right now? Would she still be finding her feet so to speak like the other 3 known Champion Trainers, or has she plowed her way through to champion Rank yet?

And of course, how are the dice looking for her and the other canon champion level talents running around? :V
Canon Omke: The Pokedex by themarineguy New
The Pokedex
The pride and joy of Professor Oak and the mark of prestige among trainers. The pokedex is a digital multitool, serving as an ID, research device, digital encyclopedia, and many other uses. In this new era where the national infrastructure broke down, this has become a frighteningly powerful tool from the sheer information it provides, on top of being a mark for fellow trainers sponsored by oak to find each other, and even talk to each other if close enough. And if anyone thinks of acquiring one for themselves, these pokedexes are registered directly to the trainer it was given to, and will refuse to function for anyone else, so mor most anyone, the only way is to basically find one unregistered, or be given one by Oak himself.

The Pokedex is said to be linked to a special database to facilitate the Dex Holders role as researchers, gathering Pokémon to help further study and giving tools for the Dex Holders themselves to gather data directly. A fact, which when paired with Professor Oak being the foremost expert in all things Pokémon, means that short of products of recent science, there is very little knowledge involving Pokémon a dex holder isn't in relatively easy access of. It's so advanced, with enough data, a dex holder could acquire a loose estimate on the strength of a Pokémon not their own from the device, especially powerful even if there is limited knowledge on it's function.

The pokedex is also a tool of identification and communication, between it's ability to detect other pokedexes being nearby, and even has limited ability to communicate longer distances, although mostly through recordings. At relatively close distances, the Dexes can function sort of like radios, though the exact method is unknown. This encourages networking between them and enables a degree of coordination, even at a distance that would normally not be feasible, something that will only be emphasized by the type of people whom received it, people whom caught the eye of Professor Oak himself.

There is a saying that Knowledge is Power. And, well, the Pokedex is as close as it gets to absolute knowledge about Pokémon. Knowledge on their own team and conditions come easy with it's analysis abilities, they can pull up information on nearly any pokemon they encounter, and with a bit of effort, get info on the specific pokemon. They can connect and communicate with possible allies with comparative ease, and given their own skills, assuredly exceptional enough to get Oak's attention in the first place, will only serve to amplify the advantage.

A/N: Yes, I am running with the pokedex being ridiculous, why? Blame Celibi giving Oak an idea of the crisis way before it happened, influencing design to be warring states proof, and also in part the canon features becoming way more valuable thanks to infrastructure breakdown. :V

Honestly, I have a feeling, there is a chance activating the Lab might have boni besides research, given there is probably a network of pokedexes out in the wild, between canon features and the whole blend of all timelines and Prof Oak's time adventures which inspired said pokedex. That thing in the manga is basically a multitool, and the anime has one version being able to analyze and extrapolate the abilities and strength of Pokémon without capturing it. Only feature mentioned here without much direct basis, is the communication one, and I extrapolated it as a possible feature between features like the dex detector, recording ability, and other points.
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....So, part of the pokedex design was basically Oak developing a tool to aid in survival in a situation like this one?
More or less, the guy's a pretty forward thinking guy.
Though, how many pokedexes are in circulation if it has been complete enough for it to be handed out to at least, more than just the three aspirants like the scene from the games/manga/anime?
Oak completed one for Kanto to have a "Original" Prototype.

How do you think the Ranch got stocked.
Oak completed one for Kanto to have a "Original" Prototype.

How do you think the Ranch got stocked.
...So, I guess Oak got himself two versions then? With one high value export module which is tied to the same system to a degree, in part because more research is always good, and another for those he chooses himself, with all the bells and whistles with no fear of some nefarious group using those to hijack the system? Or more or less akin to administrator and user, for both it's use as a research tool and security?
Yes, but its under lock and key for a reason.
Honestly was referring to like, most people who buy a pokedex not being able to use certain features, limited to mostly basic stuff with research from them mostly being data automatically collected, while the Dex Holders can and are encouraged to do so, along with certain features that are deemed too risky for general availability, either from what it does or the chance export availability might compromise it? Or basically a sort of tiered system where the ones running the whole thing is Oak and a few helpers like Bill, a second tier of the Dex Holders, and a third being the export module users?
, either from what it does or the chance export availability might compromise it? Or basically a sort of tiered system where the ones running the whole thing is Oak and a few helpers like Bill, a second tier of the Dex Holders, and a third being the export module users?
Pokedex's are still in development, or at least the really really good ones are in prototypes.



-Diplomacy: D20 => 9 + 3 = 12
Bill may be shy and a bit socially awkward, but there's an underlying charisma that shines through when he's passionate about something—usually technology or Pokémon. People are drawn to his genuine nature, even if he doesn't realize it.

-Martial: d20 => 13 + 3 = 16
Once a top Pokémon Trainer in Goldenrod City, Bill may have traded the battlefield for a laboratory, but his combat skills haven't dulled. He's still more than capable in a fight, both with his Pokémon and in personal defense.

-Stewardship: D20 => 8 + 3 = 11
While Bill knows his way around numbers and can manage a budget, it's not his strong suit. His focus tends to drift away from finances in favor of more interesting scientific pursuits. When push comes to shove, he can get the job done, but it won't be flashy.

-Intrigue: D20 => 3 + 3 = 6
Bill's trusting nature has gotten him into trouble more than once. His involvement in upgrading Team Rocket's base without realizing it is a testament to his lack of awareness when it comes to deception. He's just not built for scheming or underhanded tactics.

- Learning: d20 => 20 + 3 + 8 = 31
Bill is, without a doubt, the foremost expert in computer technology in the Kanto-Johto region. His genius in coding, engineering, and developing the Pokémon storage system is unparalleled. Whether it's creating groundbreaking tech or solving problems others deem impossible, Bill's intellectual prowess is legendary.

- Personal Combat Skill: D20 => 16 + 3 = 19
Despite his nerdy reputation, Bill stays in shape by frequenting the gym, where he reads tech magazines between sets. His combat abilities—especially in close quarters—are surprising, honed by years of working with Pokémon and staying active. Underestimate him at your own risk.

- Occult Potential: D20 => 2 + 3 = 5
Bill is a man of science through and through. He's skeptical of anything that falls outside the realm of hard data and empirical evidence, which is ironic given the strange occurrences and legends surrounding Pokémon. Despite being surrounded by mystical events, he remains a firm non-believer, leaving him disconnected from the more magical side of the world.


"Pokemon Enthusiast"-Bill is an enthusiast of all things Pokemon, and we mean nearly everything. (+3 all stats, +15 to all rolls related to Pokemon from an academic standpoint, +20 to all rolls related to Evee as he owns a lot of them)

"Computer Expert"- Bill is THE leading Computer expert in Kanto when it comes to Computers and their networks. He even designed the Johto-Kanto Connection that would build a united Internet…whatever that is. (+8 Learning and Bill gains a +35 to all rolls related to Computers and they're making up along with the ability to make his own independent System)

"I'm a Genius! OH NO!" - Bill is an undisputed Genius, he's also somehow turned his Sister into a Mew, and then back into a Human (A Very long story) by accident, the man's genius if not properly directed could kill us all. (Bill must Roll a d10 for if he's paying attention, on evens, he is on point and gains a +10 to his rolls on an Odd however he gains a -10 and must roll a d3 for a "Interesting" side effect of his exparaments)

AN: Enjoy Here's Bill, I'll add him into the Council Seat soon.
"I'm a Genius! OH NO!" - Bill is an undisputed Genius, he's also somehow turned his Sister into a Mew, and then back into a Human (A Very long story) by accident, the man's genius if not properly directed could kill us all. (Bill must Roll a d10 for if he's paying attention, on evens, he is on point and gains a +10 to his rolls on an Odd however he gains a -10 and must roll a d3 for a "Interesting" side effect of his exparaments)
Ah yes, and in multiple mangas/all games, he needed help after a mishap resulting in something kinda akin to a Detective Pikachu situation. With the Anime being a minor incident of wearing a suit that wasn't designed to be taken off without assistance, 😅

Accident prone indeed. Though the one manga that had himself and his wife turn into pokemon(with his wife becoming a mew) is probably the most ridiculous.