Pokemon Ranger: Crimson Dawn (No SV You are a Kanto Warlord)

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Kanto has fallen into warlords and chaos, as the fires settle from the end of the "Kanto Katastrophe" new boundaries, new powers and new ideals are in play.

Who will survive, who will rule this brave new world.
Intro and Hero Selection New
Pokemon Ranger: Crimson Dawn (No SV You are a Kanto Warlord)

Intro and Hero Selection

The Fall of Kanto was an unprecedented event in the history of the Modern United Regions, a calamity that reshaped the landscape and sent ripples through the very fabric of the region's society.

The exact causes of the disaster remain shrouded in mystery, as no single factor has been pinpointed as the definitive trigger. Instead, the event is described as a "Cascading Event," a complex interplay of multiple crises that unfolded simultaneously. This convergence of factors included a series of devastating natural disasters, ranging from catastrophic storms to seismic upheavals, each exacerbating the impact of the others. These were compounded by systemic failures in regional response mechanisms, which struggled to cope with the scale and severity of the unfolding catastrophe.

In the midst of this chaos, the Ranger Union made the decisive and controversial move to sever Kanto from the rest of the Modern United Regions. This drastic measure was implemented to prevent a broader environmental disaster and to mitigate a burgeoning refugee crisis. The Ranger Union's action, while aimed at containing the immediate fallout and stabilizing the situation, left Kanto isolated and its inhabitants grappling with the harsh realities of their new, precarious existence.

The decision to cut off Kanto was driven by the urgency to prevent the spread of environmental damage and to allow the surrounding regions time to prepare for the potential influx of displaced individuals. The surrounding regions faced the daunting task of mobilizing resources, coordinating relief efforts, and preparing for the long-term implications of the crisis.

-Operation Report "Kanto Katastrophe"

Well, you were alone and cut off from the world.

Time to figure out what is going.

KINGS: These Characters control the Most Territory based on the Reports of the Union.

Giovanni stands as a towering figure in the tumultuous landscape of the post-crisis world. Known as the Powerbroker, Gym Leader, Political Guru, and Leader of Team Rocket, his influence stretches far beyond the confines of Viridian City. With a charismatic and iron-fisted rule, Giovanni has transformed Viridian into a bastion of order amidst the chaos. His reign is marked by a unique blend of authoritative control and political acumen, making him a formidable force in the new era.

Under Giovanni's leadership, Viridian City thrives in a state of relative stability. Team Rocket, his clandestine organization, and Officer Jenny's patrols work in an unusual yet effective partnership to maintain order. This alliance, while unconventional, has proven effective in keeping the city secure and managing its daily operations. Giovanni's governance ensures that his land remains under tight control, a testament to his strategic brilliance and ruthless efficiency.

However, Giovanni's ambition extends far beyond the boundaries of a single city. His vision is grander, aiming to expand his influence and control over the entire region and possibly beyond. The stability he has crafted in Viridian is merely the foundation upon which he intends to build his empire. Giovanni views the city's current state not as an end but as the beginning of his next and greatest phase—an era where his dominance could reshape the entire landscape.

As he looks towards the future, Giovanni's plans are shrouded in secrecy and strategic complexity. The groundwork laid in Viridian is just a prelude to a broader agenda that seeks to consolidate power and expand his reach. His gaze is fixed on the horizon, where he envisions a world restructured under his rule, a world where his influence knows no bounds.

[]Sabrina Natsuma
the Psychic Warlord of Saffron City, stands at the pinnacle of power and ambition within the Kanto region. Her reign over Saffron City marks a new era of psychic dominance, where her formidable abilities and visionary leadership shape the future of the region.

As a Psychic-type Pokémon trainer, Sabrina wields powers of immense strength and precision. Her psychic abilities are not only a testament to her own formidable skill but also serve as a symbol of her unyielding control over her domain. Her presence in Saffron City has brought about a transformation, elevating the city to new heights of influence and power.

Sabrina's grand vision extends far beyond the walls of Saffron. She harbors ambitions of ruling the entire Kanto region, positioning herself as the ultimate trainer and the strongest being within the area. Her strategic acumen and psychic prowess make her a nearly insurmountable force. Under her guidance, Saffron City has become a central hub of power, unifying its inhabitants and forging a path toward regional supremacy.

With a devoted following that reveres her as both a leader and a figure of almost mystical significance, Sabrina has cultivated a loyal base of supporters who are instrumental in advancing her grand designs. Her ambition is relentless, driving her to seek not just local but regional and potentially even global dominance.

Sabrina's rise to power and her formidable psychic abilities combine to create an imposing figure whose influence is both profound and far-reaching. Her strategic vision and unshakable resolve position her as one of the most powerful and ambitious leaders in Kanto, with little that could hope to challenge her dominance.

Dukes: Those who's Region of Control is comparable to a lesser warlord.

[]Clan Leader Koga
With the tumultuous fires of the Collapse now extinguished, Koga stands poised to usher in a new era for Fuchsia City and beyond. The devastation wrought by the upheaval has cleared the path for the revival of the Old Ways, a return to the ancient traditions and values that Koga and his clan hold dear.

As the dust settles from the Fall of the New Way, which also heralded the downfall of Kanto's government, Koga's ambitions come into sharp focus. The disarray left in the wake of the collapse has created a power vacuum that Koga and his clan are uniquely positioned to exploit.

For years, Koga has operated under the guise of a mere Gym Leader and covert strategist, but the collapse of the region's governmental structures and the fall of the new order has opened the door for a more pronounced and overt role. Now, free from the constraints of the old regime, he and his followers can fully embrace their vision for Fuchsia City and the surrounding areas.

Koga's rise is not merely a personal ambition; it is a chance to restore and elevate the Old Ways, integrating them into the fabric of a new era. His leadership and the resurgence of Fuchsia City as a center of influence reflect his deep-seated commitment to tradition and his strategic acumen.

In this transformed landscape, Koga's clan is set to act boldly and decisively, reclaiming their place in the world with renewed purpose and determination. The rise of Fuchsia City as a key player in Kanto's shifting dynamics signifies a profound shift in the balance of power, with Koga and his allies ready to shape the region's future according to their long-held ideals and aspirations.

[]Professor Samuel Oak
Professor Oak watched helplessly from his home as the Kanto region crumbled before his eyes. What was once a vibrant land full of life, bustling cities, and bustling routes was now a war-torn shell of itself. The cities he once visited to meet eager new trainers and Pokémon researchers were decaying into battlefields. The routes connecting them, once traveled by peaceful trainers and wanderers, were now infested with bandits and marauders. It was a nightmare that no one had foreseen.

Pallet Town, his once quiet and humble home, was suddenly inundated with refugees. The poor, the frightened, and the broken came in droves, seeking shelter and salvation from the chaos that had engulfed the region. They looked for heroes, for someone who could save them, but instead, they found Samuel Oak—a man whose glory days of battling were long behind him.

But Professor Oak was no ordinary man. Despite the wear of years on his shoulders, his mind remained sharp, and his resolve even sharper. He could no longer take to the battlefield as he had in his youth, but there were other ways to fight. The once-great Champion of Kanto, now renowned as the region's foremost Pokémon Professor, threw himself into a new kind of war: the defense of his town, his research, and the people under his protection.

His ranch, once a peaceful sanctuary for Pokémon, became his fortress. His research lab, once a hub for groundbreaking discoveries, was now a citadel of defense, filled with the last remnants of hope for trainers who still believed in a future. Professor Oak repurposed every tool and resource at his disposal—his knowledge, his Pokémon, and his connections. Pallet Town would not fall, not while Samuel Oak still drew breath.

With the Ranger Union unable to respond and help far beyond the horizon, Oak knew the region was on its own. But he had lived through more than his fair share of crises and was no stranger to making do in desperate times. So, he did what he always did: adapted, worked, and fought through the chaos. He organized the remaining trainers in Pallet Town, reinforcing the town's defenses, and instructing them on how to survive in this new, fractured world. He even reached out to the few old friends and colleagues still able to communicate, hoping to build alliances, share knowledge, and perhaps, someday, restore Kanto.

Professor Oak wasn't just a bystander. He was now the heart of Pallet Town's resistance, a symbol of resilience in a world teetering on the edge of ruin. And in his mind, one truth remained clear: Kanto might have fallen, but he hadn't. Not yet.

And as long as he stood, there was still hope.

[]Gym Leader and Professor Blaine
Blaine stood on the edge of Cinnabar Island, the once vibrant and bustling tourist destination now a shadow of its former self. The island had weathered many storms—both literal and metaphorical—but none had prepared it for the collapse of Kanto. The world was crumbling, cities were falling into chaos, and old alliances were fracturing. Yet, through it all, Blaine remained steadfast, his sharp intellect more valuable now than ever before.

His role in this crisis had been made clear early on: observe, study, and report. He was to gather data on the ongoing catastrophe, make sense of the region's collapse, and perhaps find some way to mitigate the damage. But Blaine knew better than to follow orders blindly, especially those coming from a distant voice, far removed from the immediate dangers and decisions that had to be made on the ground.

Blaine wasn't just a Gym Leader, he was a scientist—a man of innovation and discovery. And in a time like this, innovation was survival. Following directives from those who didn't understand the situation firsthand would be foolhardy, if not outright dangerous. There was no time to wait for distant superiors or rely on half-formed plans from those with limited information. Blaine knew that only those who could adapt, think critically, and act decisively would survive this.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," he mused, as he watched the distant horizon where smoke rose from the mainland, a visible reminder of the chaos. The collapse of Kanto was a tragedy, but it was also something more: a grand experiment, a moment where the region's deepest flaws were laid bare for those with the knowledge and the will to see it. As a scientist, how could he resist? There was much to be learned here—data to gather, phenomena to study, and ultimately, power to seize. Blaine wouldn't waste this opportunity. What kind of scientist would he be if he let this moment pass him by?

His island was isolated, a natural fortress, and his resources were plentiful. Pokémon, research facilities, tools, and knowledge—it was all at his disposal. While others scrambled for survival, Blaine methodically prepared, collecting information, studying the region's unraveling. The world may have been falling apart, but Blaine was planning, adapting, and even thriving in the chaos.

The Cinnabar Lab had already begun operating around the clock, analyzing the effects of the collapse on the natural environment, Pokémon populations, and even human society. Blaine had always been fascinated by the relationship between Pokémon and humans, but now he had a front-row seat to what happened when that relationship was pushed to its absolute breaking point. The chaos, the disorder—it was all part of the experiment now.

"This is where we'll see the true potential of man and Pokémon," Blaine thought, a fire burning in his eyes. "And where I will see what I am truly capable of."

Cinnabar would be his domain, his laboratory. And Blaine, always the scientist, would ensure that he wasn't just a passive observer in this great upheaval. No, Blaine would control the data, the resources, and the narrative. As he worked to understand the crisis, he knew that control was the ultimate goal. And knowledge, after all, was power.

"Let them scramble, let them fight. I'll be the one who decides where it all goes," Blaine muttered to himself, his mind racing with possibilities.

The world may have fallen into chaos, but Blaine? Blaine was ready to rise.

Counts: Those who's territory is too small or too damaged to be a major power broker…at first.

[]Brock: The Stalwart Defender of Pewter City
The heavy stone gates of Pewter City creaked open as the lockdown finally lifted. Brock stood atop the battlements, gazing out at the surrounding wilderness, his brow furrowed in concern. Pewter City had always been a place of stability—a fortress nestled between the rugged mountains and dense forests. In the chaos of Kanto's collapse, the city had fared better than most, with its natural defenses and strong leadership keeping it relatively unscathed. But even as the lockdown ended, Brock felt a deep unease settle over him.

The world outside had changed, irrevocably and for the worse.

Bandits roamed the once-peaceful routes between cities, Trainer Gangs now ruled areas that were once the domain of friendly competition, and warbands—some seeking power, others simply destruction—moved like shadows through the region. The old order of Kanto was gone, and in its place was a fragmented land where every city, every Gym, every leader had to fend for themselves. The interconnectedness that once bound the region had been severed, and in its absence, chaos reigned.

Pewter City, with its towering walls and rugged terrain, had been spared the worst of the fighting. The thick forests of Viridian, the treacherous caves, and the imposing Mt. Moon acted as natural barriers, protecting the city from the marauding forces that tore through other parts of the region. But Brock knew that the storm was far from over. Safety was relative, and in this brave new world, even the strongest defenses could be tested.

His thoughts drifted to his duties as the city's protector. As the Gym Leader, he had always seen himself as more than just a trainer of Pokémon. He was a guardian of Pewter, responsible not just for his Gym, but for the people who lived under its shadow. And now, that responsibility weighed heavier than ever.

"The roads aren't safe anymore," Brock muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Bandits, warlords, even former trainers turning to crime... it's like the wilds of Kanto have come alive."

It wasn't just the physical threats that concerned him. Power brokers and spies lurked in the shadows, their machinations shaping the course of events in ways that no single Gym Leader could fully comprehend. Brock had always prided himself on his straightforward, no-nonsense approach, but even he could see that this was no longer just a matter of strength or strategy. Politics, intrigue, and manipulation had become the currency of survival in the new Kanto.

For the first time in years, Brock felt a moment of doubt. Could his skills as a Gym Leader, honed through years of training both himself and his Pokémon, be enough to see Pewter City through the storm? The city's defenses were strong, its people resilient, but the world beyond the walls was changing too quickly, too drastically. And Brock knew that no matter how sturdy the walls, no matter how powerful his Pokémon, Pewter City could not remain isolated forever.

The people looked to him for leadership, and he would not fail them. But even as he resolved to face the challenges ahead, a part of him wondered if strength alone would be enough. His city was safe for now, nestled between its natural defenses—but what of the future? The storm outside was growing, and sooner or later, it would reach them.

"This won't be like before," Brock murmured. "This isn't just about battling a few rogue trainers or handling a wild Pokémon outbreak. This is... survival. And I need to be ready for whatever comes next."

Brock turned away from the battlements, heading back toward the Gym. His mind was already racing with plans, strategies to fortify Pewter's defenses, and ways to prepare his trainers for the battles to come. But deep down, he knew that strength alone wouldn't be enough. The world had changed, and if Pewter City was to survive, he would have to change with it.

And so would the region's stalwart defender.

[]Brenner: The Last Sentinel of Lavender Town
Lavender Town had become a place of the dead. Once a quiet, solemn town known for its Pokémon Tower—a refuge for the spirits of fallen Pokémon—now it was a realm ruled by those very spirits, their torments and whims twisting the fabric of reality. The ghosts no longer rested; they reveled in their power, and both the living and the dead were at their mercy.

Day and night, the people of Lavender Town moved like shadows, haunted by the unseen forces that dominated their every waking moment. The Pokémon Tower, once a monument to peace, had become the epicenter of a nightmare. The ghosts within had grown in strength, particularly one among them: the Purple One, a spectral figure of legend who had once founded this very town. In life, the Purple One had been a protector, a visionary who built the Pokémon Tower as a sanctuary for spirits, a place where the dead could rest in peace. But now, even he was a prisoner of the very tomb he had built.

The dead ruled Lavender Town.

For the living, the town was no longer a place of refuge but a twisted game, a world where the spirits' whims dictated their every move. Pokémon and humans alike were nothing more than playthings, wandering in and out of the Pokémon Tower, hoping to avoid the gaze of the malevolent ghosts who haunted its halls.

But not everyone had succumbed to the terror.

Ranger Captain Brenner of the Ranger Union still lived. Amid the ghosts and the chaos, stood as the last bastion of hope for Lavender Town. the mission was clear: find the answer to the growing plague of restless spirits and bring balance back to the town.

Brenner was no ordinary ranger. Having seen the horrors of Kanto's collapse firsthand, the rise of warlords, the fall of cities, and the descent into chaos. But nothing compared to Lavender Town. It was as if the boundary between life and death had been shattered, and Brenner was the only one left to pick up the pieces.

With each passing day, the spirits grew bolder, their presence more oppressive. The once-familiar streets of Lavender had become a ghostly labyrinth, where the line between the living and the dead blurred. Brenner had heard stories of those who ventured too close to the Pokémon Tower, only to return with vacant eyes, their souls seemingly stolen by the spirits within. Others had disappeared entirely, claimed by the ghosts who now ruled the town.

But Brenner refused to give in to fear. they had faced down worse odds before, and wasn't about to let Lavender Town fall without a fight.

By day, the Ranger moved through the town like a sentinel, guiding the few remaining citizens to safety, warding off the restless spirits with knowledge of the occult and unwavering will. By night, the sentinal studied the ancient texts and rituals, searching for a way to banish the spirits and restore balance. They knew the answer lay somewhere within the Pokémon Tower, hidden deep within the shadows of the ghosts' reign.

The Purple One, the most powerful of the ghosts, was key. Brenner had heard whispers of its past, stories passed down through generations of Lavender Town's citizens. In life, the Purple One had been a wise leader, a guardian of the spirits. But in death, it had become something darker, its power twisted by the very forces it had sought to protect. If Brenner could find a way to reach the Purple One, to understand its torment and its power, perhaps he could find a way to free the town from the grip of the dead.

But it was a dangerous path. The spirits were not to be trifled with, and even the slightest misstep could cost Brenner's life—or worse, the soul. Yet, pressed on, driven by a sense of duty and a belief that balance must exist between the living and the dead.

Brenner stood on the outskirts of the Pokémon Tower, the massive structure looming over all like a tombstone. The air was thick with the presence of the dead, the spirits swirling around him like a storm. The Ranger could feel their eyes on him, watching, waiting.

"I will find a way," Brenner whispered to the open air, voice steady, though the heart raced. "I will bring peace back to this town."

As the Sentinal stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the tower, he knew that the journey ahead would be perilous. But Brenner was no stranger to danger, and if there was even the slightest chance that he could save Lavender Town from the dead, he would take it.

Because no matter how dark the night, there had to be a way to bring balance back to this haunted land. And Ranger Captain Brenner was going to find it.

[]Colonel Surge: The Lightning Unovan
War, like disaster, changes a man. It can break him down or forge him into something stronger. For Lt. Surge, now promoted to Colonel, it was both familiar and inevitable. His time as the "Lightning Unovan" during distant conflicts had prepared him for the chaos that now plagued Kanto, but the war at home was a different beast altogether.

His promotion to Colonel had been swift and decisive, much like the man himself. The once Gym Leader of Vermilion City had risen to the challenge during the early days of the collapse, spearheading efforts to restore order and defend the city. His rapid success in quelling the infamous Route 11 Bandit Gang, who had made Diglett's Cave their stronghold, had earned him the rank. But the promotion was more than just an honor—it was a message.

He was alone.

With the title of Colonel came the stark realization that his superiors had essentially cut him off from any significant manpower. The Ranger Union had withdrawn its support, and the central Kanto government had all but collapsed. Colonel Surge was now commander of the scattered forces that remained loyal to the idea of stability and peace in the region, forces that had yet to throw their lot in with one of the rising warlords or power brokers. His position in Vermilion City was tenuous, but it was also one of the last bastions of order in a region descending into chaos.

The message from his superiors was clear: they would provide equipment, the latest in military hardware and defensive technology, but in terms of boots on the ground, he was on his own. His forces were made up of what remained—loyalists, veteran trainers, and civilians turned soldiers. He knew he had to stretch every resource, utilize every scrap of military knowledge he had accumulated, to keep the city safe. And he would. Vermilion City was his to protect.

Surge had always been a formidable tactician and strategist, but the current situation demanded more. It required a logistical genius, a man who could make a defense force out of scraps, and turn a war-torn city into an unbreakable fortress. Every day was a challenge, every move a calculated risk. But Colonel Surge thrived in adversity. He didn't need an army of thousands; he needed discipline, precision, and the right equipment—and he had all three.

Though the chaos surrounding him was overwhelming, Colonel Surge remained undaunted. Bandit gangs, rogue trainers, and even rival factions coveted Vermilion's resources, but none could match the Colonel's tactical mind. He had fortified the city, repairing its defenses and establishing choke points that would make any invasion a nightmare. His forces, though small, were expertly trained, utilizing electric-type Pokémon alongside advanced military tactics that kept the enemy at bay.

Despite his limited manpower, Surge's expertise in logistics allowed him to maintain a steady supply line, securing necessary resources through strategic alliances and careful bartering. He wasn't interested in ruling Kanto, unlike many of the new warlords. His goal was clear: restore order, bring peace, and protect the people of Vermilion City.

The "Lightning Unovan" had faced worse odds in foreign wars, and though the battlefield had changed, his mission remained the same. He was fighting not just for his city, but for the future of Kanto. Surge knew the region's collapse had created a power vacuum, and while others scrambled for control, he worked tirelessly to maintain a semblance of stability. His loyalty was to the people, not to any one faction or ideology.

His tactics were relentless. Patrols along the outskirts of Vermilion were frequent, armed with electric-type Pokémon capable of disrupting enemy communications and immobilizing hostile forces. Surge himself often led these patrols, his Raichu by his side, as a symbol of strength and leadership. He had earned the respect of his men through action, not just rank, and they followed him without question.

But even with his successes, Surge knew the fight was far from over. Vermilion City was safe for now, but the chaos in the region was spreading. More and more factions were rising, each vying for control, each with their own vision of Kanto's future. The Colonel had to be ready for anything—whether it was a siege, a political maneuver, or an all-out war.

Surge's thoughts often turned to the long term. Peace was his ultimate goal, but it wasn't a peace that would come easily. It would have to be fought for, tooth and nail, and he was prepared to lead that fight. He didn't care who tried to stop him—whether it was warlords like Giovanni, psychic powerhouses like Sabrina, or even the ghosts of Lavender Town. Colonel Surge would see Kanto restored, or he would die trying.

In the dimly lit war room of his fortified gym, surrounded by maps and battle plans, Surge stood tall, a figure of defiance against the madness that gripped the region. The badge on his uniform no longer simply represented his role as a Gym Leader—it was a symbol of hope, of resilience. As long as Vermilion stood, there was a chance for Kanto.

"War changes a man," he muttered to himself, his hand resting on the hilt of his combat knife. "But it's not the end of the fight. Not by a long shot."

With that, Colonel Surge turned back to his maps, plotting his next move.

[]Misty Waterflower: The Reluctant Warlord of Cerulean City
Cerulean City, a haven of blue waters and shimmering life, stood resilient amidst the ruin of Kanto. While much of the region collapsed into chaos, Cerulean had begun its journey toward recovery. The public works projects remained functional, food was plentiful thanks to the city's self-sustaining efforts, and its people—both citizens and Pokémon—had managed to maintain a fragile sense of order.

But beneath the calm surface, Misty Waterflower, the Gym Leader of Cerulean, felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on her. She had been thrust into a role she had never anticipated, and the burden of her position as a Gym Leader went far beyond simply battling aspiring trainers. She was young, ambitious, and strong, yet the powers granted to her by her station demanded much more than she was ready to give.

In the aftermath of Kanto's fall, a Gym Leader was no longer just a master of a specific type of Pokémon, nor were they simply the gatekeepers for trainers on their journey to greatness. A Gym Leader had become a symbol of authority, one that transcended the usual boundaries of battles and badges. Now, a Gym Leader was a Warlord, tasked with governing their city, protecting its people, and making hard decisions in a world where law and order had crumbled.

Misty was acutely aware of the expectations placed on her. Her title wasn't just a mark of her strength with water-type Pokémon—it was a mantle of leadership, and in times of crisis, she had to assume the role of judge, protector, and even ruler. The thought of leading an entire city into an uncertain future weighed heavily on her, and she hesitated to wield the full breadth of the authority given to her.

There were times when she felt overwhelmed by the enormity of the task. Cerulean City had always been a place of peace, a sanctuary nestled near the ocean, and now she had to transform it into a fortress against the growing instability around them. Bandit gangs roamed the countryside, refugees sought safety wherever they could, and rival warlords were rising to power in nearby cities. Misty knew that sooner or later, her city might come under attack, and she would have to make decisions that could shape the future of not just Cerulean, but the entire region.

Yet, she struggled with the idea of becoming a full-fledged warlord. It wasn't who she was—not entirely. Misty had always been a fierce and capable Gym Leader, but the thought of ruling with force, of turning her beloved city into a militarized state, was something she couldn't stomach. The people looked to her for guidance, and she wanted to protect them, but she also wanted to preserve the values that Cerulean had always stood for: peace, harmony, and respect for both nature and Pokémon.

For Misty, the challenge wasn't just physical—it was philosophical. How could she maintain the delicate balance between strength and compassion? Between the need for survival and the desire to preserve the essence of her city?

But she wasn't alone in this struggle. Misty had never been one to back down from a fight, and she certainly wasn't about to abandon her city. Though the burden was heavy, she had support. Her sisters, the other Gym Leaders of Kanto, and even the people of Cerulean believed in her. They trusted her to guide them through this dark time, and that trust gave her strength.

Her Pokémon, too, were her greatest allies. Gyarados, Starmie, and the rest of her team stood by her side, their loyalty unwavering. They had been with her through countless battles, and together, they had faced seemingly insurmountable challenges. This was no different, she told herself. The stakes were higher, yes, but she was still Misty—fierce, determined, and unwilling to give up.

In her quieter moments, she reflected on what it truly meant to be a leader. She had learned that leadership wasn't about power or control—it was about responsibility. It was about making hard choices for the sake of others, even when those choices weighed heavily on her heart. And while she might have been hesitant to take on the full role of a warlord, she knew that if it came down to it, she would do whatever it took to protect Cerulean and its people.

The people of Cerulean City saw her not as a warlord, but as their guardian. They looked to her with hope in their eyes, and that gave her the strength to carry on. Though young, Misty was wise beyond her years, and her determination was as fierce as the tides she commanded. She would defend her city with every ounce of strength she had, even if it meant becoming something she never wanted to be.

But deep down, she knew she wouldn't have to face it all alone. She had allies in unexpected places, and Cerulean's resilience was born not just from her leadership, but from the collective spirit of the city itself. Together, they would weather the storm. And though the future was uncertain, one thing was clear: Misty Waterflower would not let Cerulean fall.

She would rise to the occasion—no matter the cost.

Special Storyline Charecters: These are Charecters with Unique and interesting Storylines that are notable across the Region of Kanto.

[]Operations Chief Hido Togasa: The Fallen Guardian
Hido Togasa stood at the helm of the Ranger Union's operations, a man haunted by the weight of the catastrophe that had engulfed Kanto. He had never imagined that the fate of an entire region would rest on his shoulders, nor had he sought such a burden. He wasn't the legendary elder who had steered the Union through its darkest times, nor was he the elusive and enigmatic "Blake," the man who had once written the very book on espionage that Togasa himself had studied. He was neither a stalwart nor a mastermind.

He was just Hido Togasa—Operations Chief of the Ranger Union—and the man who had let the Kanto Katastrophe happen.

The thought tormented him. He had been in command when the world around him fell apart. Cities had burned, people had fled, and Pokémon had become untamable forces of nature in the wake of the disaster. The routes that once connected Kanto had turned into lawless territories filled with marauders and warlords vying for control. The collapse of Kanto had been swift and brutal, and in the eyes of many, Togasa had failed.

But he hadn't let it spread. That was the only solace he allowed himself. Despite everything, despite the utter ruin of Kanto, Togasa had kept the disaster from bleeding into Johto, from igniting an even greater crisis across the neighboring regions. He had made the hard calls, ordered the borders closed, and worked tirelessly to coordinate the efforts of the Ranger Union to contain the chaos. He knew it was cold comfort to the people of Kanto, but it had been the only choice he had. Kanto was lost, but the rest of the world still had a chance.

Still, the guilt gnawed at him. He wasn't a hero. He wasn't even sure if he was the man for this job. The weight of his failures pressed down on him every day. It wasn't just the media, or the civilians, or even the politicians who blamed him—he blamed himself. He could see their faces in his mind: the children left without homes, the trainers whose Pokémon had gone rogue, the refugees wandering aimlessly through the ruins of once-great cities. He saw them all, and he carried them with him like ghosts.

Togasa knew this disaster was not just a momentary failure—it was the defining event of his career, of his life. And yet, he had a choice. He could wallow in his guilt, let it consume him until he was nothing more than a broken relic of the Ranger Union's past, or he could act. He could try to make it right.

The Kanto Katastrophe might have been his fault, but he had also kept it from becoming something far worse. The threat had been contained, and now, there was still a chance to salvage what remained. He had already made the toughest decisions a man could make in a crisis like this, but his work wasn't over. Now, he had to go beyond damage control. He had to rebuild.

Togasa had a plan, though he knew it wouldn't be easy. He wasn't some strategic genius or a ruthless tactician who could outmaneuver the warlords carving up Kanto. But he was resourceful. He knew how to mobilize the people under his command. He knew how to pull together the shattered remnants of the Ranger Union, how to work with local leaders and make allies out of even the most unlikely of partners. He was determined, if nothing else. And determination would have to be enough.

As he looked out over the shattered region he once called home, Togasa clenched his fists. This was his land. These were his people. And though he had failed them once, he would not fail them again. He was not suited to this role, but that didn't matter anymore. He owed it to Kanto, to the people who had suffered, to fix this. To make it right.

The thought of leaving things as they were was unbearable. If he couldn't restore Kanto, if he couldn't bring some semblance of peace and order back to the region, then what was the point of everything he had done? What was the point of all the sacrifices?

No, he wouldn't let it end like this. He would either fix the mess he had allowed to happen, or he would be driven from the land of his birth, exiled in shame. There was no middle ground.

This was the path he had chosen, and though it was paved with uncertainty and danger, he would walk it to the end. Hido Togasa owed the people of Kanto that much. And he would see it through, even if it cost him everything.

[]Lance Blackthorne: The Redeemer of Kanto
Victory in battle was a fleeting triumph, a momentary respite in the long, unyielding march of war. Lance Blackthorne understood this truth better than most. The victories he had won were but pieces of a larger puzzle, and he knew well that true triumph required more than just winning fights—it demanded a profound transformation of the world itself.

The collapse of Kanto had presented him with an unprecedented opportunity. He was determined not to let the hubris of humanity continue to tarnish and ravage the world. The relentless greed and ambition of mankind had led to ruin, and if humanity was to persist, it had to be purged of its destructive flaws.

Lance had lived through the dark, tumultuous times of war and its bitter aftermath. He had seen firsthand how the folly of men could unravel the fabric of civilization. In his eyes, the world needed a radical change—an upheaval that would drive out the misguided and the corrupt, leaving only the truly worthy to inherit a world cleansed of humanity's past mistakes.

With the backing of a secretive and influential conspiracy, including members of the Elite Four, Erika, and other like-minded trainers, Lance set out on his new path. It was a path fraught with moral ambiguity and difficult choices. The task before him was both bitter and fulfilling—rooting out the remnants of a failed era and constructing a new order from the ashes.

He knew that his sister Clair would never understand his mission. Her vision of a world where humanity could redeem itself through strength and perseverance clashed with his own belief that only through radical change could true progress be made. Despite his earnest pleas for her to join him, Clair remained resolutely opposed to his methods. Her refusal was a wound that would not easily heal, but Lance could not afford to dwell on what might have been.

Now was not the time for regrets or grief over lost possibilities. The world demanded action, and action came with a steep price. The path Lance had chosen would exact its toll—on his heart, his allies, and the world itself. But the cost of inaction, he believed, would be far greater.

As he prepared for the trials ahead, Lance steeled himself for the sacrifices required. The transformation he sought would not come easily. It would require unwavering resolve, relentless effort, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. He was ready to pay that price, to lead the charge toward a new world, even if it meant alienating those he cared about and enduring the burdens of leadership.

The road ahead was fraught with peril, but Lance Blackthorne was resolute. He would forge a new destiny for the world, one that transcended the errors of the past and built a future where only the deserving would thrive.

And last but certainly not least….

[]Crimson Mura, the Agent of Kanto
Crimson Mura had worn many hats throughout his life—a spy, a ranger, a lover, a trainer. But now, he faced a role most men would dread: that of a hero. This unexpected mantle was thrust upon him by the Mayor, who, along with much of the city government and influential figures, abandoned their posts and fled to parts unknown. They left behind the shattered remains of Celadon City, leaving Crimson to assume the role of the so-called "Celadon City Champion." This title was steeped in irony and historical bitterness, originally held by a defender who was sent into the wilderness to face Pokémon and meet his demise.

Crimson discovered the grim significance of this title only later, when the people shared the history and the insult it embodied.

After a brutal clash with a horde of bandit trainers that laid waste to the city's defenses, Crimson found himself reluctantly in charge of the surviving populace. Now, from the sanctuary of his girlfriend Erika's gym, he grappled with the overwhelming task of leadership. His knowledge of strategy and combat were no longer sufficient to navigate the complex and dire situation he faced.

Despite his uncertainties and the daunting challenges ahead, Crimson remained steadfast. As a ranger, he was bound by duty and responsibility. He would not falter in his commitment—he owed Erika that much, and he was determined to protect and restore her home, no matter the obstacles in his path.

AN: Ahh, a bit of a return to my Roots, A Pokemon Ck2 quest set in the downfall of the Kanto Region, an even that was pushed along by forces far beyond the control of our Agent Protaganist Crimson Mura.

But depending on the choice of who you play its no longer his story, but the story of Kanto and the war between the powers looking to claim it.
Professor Oak New
Professor Samuel Oak


Diplomacy: 17+15+10=42 (Professor Oak is a monolithic figure and expert who is well-regarded as the best in the world, he's most certainly the best at articulating his grand findings)

Martial: 16+15=31 (A former champion that hasn't lost his edge one bit, merely sharpened in different ways)

Stewardship: 16+15+15=46 (His ranch has many types of Pokemon from nearly all parts of the world, and he's never fallen behind in managing it all)

Intrigue:12+15=27 (A fool he is not, few things pass his notice without work.)

Learning: 20+15+20=55 (Professor Oak is THE Expert on Pokemon, bar none, he is who all other experts measure themselves.)

Personal Combat Skill: 5+15=20 (Aged as he may be, he didn't let himself grow soft, he has to keep up with all the Pokemon on his ranch)

Occult Potential: 5+15=20 (He's seen a lot, in his life…he knows legends and myths are true)


"Ex Pokemon Champion"- Samuel Oak is the Former Champion of the Indigo League, a title he held for fifteen years. During that time he was only defeated once. (+15 all Stats, +25 to battling rolls with pokemon, and +10 to all diplomacy rolls.)

"Pokemon Professor (Omnideciplinarian)": You are a Pokemon professor in nearly five different fields of study within the wider Pokemon world, and are widley touted as THE Expert on Pokemon. (+20 Learning, +15 stewardship and +10 diplomacy, you have no penalties when trying or using new fields of study.)

"Pallet Town Protector"- Pallet Town has been your home for nearly Thirty Years, an you have nothing to gain by letting it fall. (Special Actions available.)
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Resources and Hero Units New
Resorces 1780

+100 (Lecture Series Royalties)
+300 (Pallet Town Protector Tribute)
+200 (Rent from Lab)

Total: 600 Wealth.


-600 (Pokemon Ranch Upkeep)



-Diplomacy: D20 => 9 + 3 = 12
Bill may be shy and a bit socially awkward, but there's an underlying charisma that shines through when he's passionate about something—usually technology or Pokémon. People are drawn to his genuine nature, even if he doesn't realize it.

-Martial: d20 => 13 + 3 = 16
Once a top Pokémon Trainer in Goldenrod City, Bill may have traded the battlefield for a laboratory, but his combat skills haven't dulled. He's still more than capable in a fight, both with his Pokémon and in personal defense.

-Stewardship: D20 => 8 + 3 = 11
While Bill knows his way around numbers and can manage a budget, it's not his strong suit. His focus tends to drift away from finances in favor of more interesting scientific pursuits. When push comes to shove, he can get the job done, but it won't be flashy.

-Intrigue: D20 => 3 + 3 = 6
Bill's trusting nature has gotten him into trouble more than once. His involvement in upgrading Team Rocket's base without realizing it is a testament to his lack of awareness when it comes to deception. He's just not built for scheming or underhanded tactics.

- Learning: d20 => 20 + 3 + 8 = 31
Bill is, without a doubt, the foremost expert in computer technology in the Kanto-Johto region. His genius in coding, engineering, and developing the Pokémon storage system is unparalleled. Whether it's creating groundbreaking tech or solving problems others deem impossible, Bill's intellectual prowess is legendary.

- Personal Combat Skill: D20 => 16 + 3 = 19
Despite his nerdy reputation, Bill stays in shape by frequenting the gym, where he reads tech magazines between sets. His combat abilities—especially in close quarters—are surprising, honed by years of working with Pokémon and staying active. Underestimate him at your own risk.

- Occult Potential: D20 => 2 + 3 = 5
Bill is a man of science through and through. He's skeptical of anything that falls outside the realm of hard data and empirical evidence, which is ironic given the strange occurrences and legends surrounding Pokémon. Despite being surrounded by mystical events, he remains a firm non-believer, leaving him disconnected from the more magical side of the world.


"Pokemon Enthusiast"-Bill is an enthusiast of all things Pokemon, and we mean nearly everything. (+3 all stats, +15 to all rolls related to Pokemon from an academic standpoint, +20 to all rolls related to Evee as he owns a lot of them)

"Computer Expert"- Bill is THE leading Computer expert in Kanto when it comes to Computers and their networks. He even designed the Johto-Kanto Connection that would build a united Internet…whatever that is. (+8 Learning and Bill gains a +35 to all rolls related to Computers and they're making up along with the ability to make his own independent System)

"I'm a Genius! OH NO!" - Bill is an undisputed Genius, he's also somehow turned his Sister into a Mew, and then back into a Human (A Very long story) by accident, the man's genius if not properly directed could kill us all. (Bill must Roll a d10 for if he's paying attention, on evens, he is on point and gains a +10 to his rolls on an Odd however he gains a -10 and must roll a d3 for a "Interesting" side effect of his exparaments)
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[X] Professor Samuel Oak
[X] Misty Waterflower: The Reluctant Warlord of Cerulean City
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[X] Crimson Mura

Well now, ain't this an interesting premise!

Picking Crimson cause I've been a lurking for his last few quests, so I want his story to continue!

[X] Sabrina Natsuma
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[X]Crimson Mura, the Agent of Kanto
I also enjoy his storyline and would like to see it to completion.