PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

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Perry the Platypus (Unverified Platypus) said:

But how many other things could he have that could classify as S Class Threats? I mean robotic dinosaurs sound great but I don't think Brockton Bay could handle that right now. And how could he create Jedi? Can Apeiron give people powers like the Force and Lightsabers? And there was his comment about Alchemy. Why would Thinkers need to stay away from it only because they are losing parts of themselves?
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Justacat (not a cat) said:
Well you see when someone is losing parts of their bodies it MAY be a good idea to not keep them close to it.
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Sectimseempra says:

Well maybe alchemy uses part of yourself as the ingredients? Some kind of equivalent exchange? Might explain why he needs the healing tech.
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Perry the Platypus (Unverified Platypus) said:

Maybe. But that doesn't explain much. I mean it says High Level Alchemy. It's not like doing that should make you need to give up a literal arm and a leg if Apeiron is doing that all the time. And why would Thinker's want to do that if they know it's dangerous?[/Quote]
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ManOfCulture (Verified Degenerate) said:

Alchemy, losing parts and the funky science people not quitting when they should?
I feel like i've heard this before

[When is the switch now again? things seem to be a bit to Slow + unstable by now, especially since the thread was kinda pushing it in crack-y-nes to begin with]
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ThisIsYourMomCatSpeaking Said:

Would contagious powers count as an S-Class? They wouldn't even have to be all that contagious, just something like 'here, you have this power too through the power of anime' or something. Next thing you know everybody has powers.

Though to be fair there is no indication that Apeiron can give powers to people. If he is supposedly a power tinker, he is still giving people technology and not powers. Like why would you give someone a super knife or power armor if you can just make them able to cut with air or be invulnerable. There is also that brain thing (forgot the name, too lazy to look it up) that shows up in people with powers, so that might mean he wouldn't be able to give powers to people witho- wait a minute this is Apeiron.

Can he give people the power brain thing?

Can he give me the power brain thing?

Apeiron if you are reading this can I have the power brain thing? I'm pretty broke, so I could give you an IOU if you need a human test subject.
snrbryjm - March+Apeiron Theories (Free)
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♦ Topic: March+Apeiron Theories
In: Boards ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Capes
(Original Poster)
Posted On Jan 1st 2011:
So with March dead and the whole,,,,, debacle of the Ungodly Hour, what was up between her and Apeiron? Apeiron clearly knew March was dangerous (and isnt that a surprise) and there was the whole thing she was referencing on that stream (link)

Keep it content and minimal shipping please, this is a theory thread not a thread to gush about two capes who hate each other. TinFoil's be coherent

[Factions: BB Citizens, New York Citizens/Capes with experience with March, Cape groupies, and anyone else who would be reasonably interested in a thread like this.]
[Additional Information: This is post summit CF reveal but there are few pictures and many, many 'eyewitness accounts' so people are skeptical on the details. March is presumed dead and no PRT agent would leak the fact that she's alive.]

[this okay? ;w;]
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ThisIsYourMomCatSpeaking Said:

I know you said no shipping, but is it possible they are ex's? Like, Apeiron's hate for March was literally tangible throughout that entire conversation, so what if March used to be his girlfriend and betrayed the crap out of him? They seemed to be referencing things only they knew, so they could have been working together before they split. I think it would have been March betraying Apeiron instead of the other way around because March didn't seem to hate Apeiron, just amused.
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DandyWingman says:

"Re-markable. You really did it. You saw it as well."
Uninteligent whisper
"Oh, Is that regret? Disappointment? Someone didn't grab the brass ring when they had the chance and now it's slipping away."
"Did you even know what you had, or was it buried under all that other technology? So many new ideas that you let the best one pass you by."
Uninteligent whisper
"Oh, one last thing before the last thing. I promised Bakuda I'd give you a present, especially from her. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to get her toys ready before you decided to send that inconsiderate houseguest of a robot, so this will have to do."

Capes reacted to Aperion's technology and March seemed familiar with that from somewhere else or thinks that she is, which I doubt. I'm afraid this is not enough to figure out anything else. Can someone clear some of those whispers? Last 'whisper' part is probably not recoverable but in first one some words can be heard. A shame it's impossible to lip-read trough a mask.

[suggestion: snrbryjm, point the link part at actual chapter and specify which stream, there were two, one prior to the battle and one that ended the battle.]
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ThisIsYourMomCatSpeaking Said:

I know you said no shipping, but is it possible they are ex's? Like, Apeiron's hate for March was literally tangible throughout that entire conversation, so what if March used to be his girlfriend and betrayed the crap out of him? They seemed to be referencing things only they knew, so they could have been working together before they split. I think it would have been March betraying Apeiron instead of the other way around because March didn't seem to hate Apeiron, just amused.
sooo....redefining the 'evil ex' trope? LOL.

TBH I think they were partners (not in that way ;^)) or at least knew each other b4 but March had been eyeing Flechette since DAY 1. if there was anything there it was March leading Apeiron on. mayb for that sweet but that doesnt have any proof.
if they were seriously dating, Apeiron wouldn't let March go around with such tacky swords!! compared to ApeTech, that thing is UGLY AF! look at the care he put into Khepri's MurderBlade and his GF never gets a shiny weapon? unless they knew each other before their trigger events or whatever.
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Zarfstranger (not a Stranger)
now hear me out this is going to sound crazy but I think they might be related like:
they are both terrifyingly powerful
they both appeared out of fucking nowhere
nobody took them seriously before these two weeks (Christ it's really been only two weeks)
the obviously know each other so well that they only need to hint at things and the other instantly gets it.
so I honestly think they might just be brother and sister or something like that.
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DapperGator Says:

Quite frankly, I don't think trying to determine March's and Apeiron's exact relation, since there's too much information missing, and what we have oftentimes doesn't make sense.

First and foremost, March has been active for far longer than Apeiron. Disregarding the 'Apeiron erased himself from everyone's memories and all records' theory, which we simply cannot work with, March has been a cape for longer. And considering that Apeiron and subtlety goes together as well as Legend and dreariness, I firmly believe that if he had powers for longer, he would've long since made his move.

Thus I would argue that Apeiron's technology most likely runs on extremely exotic principles, which March had previously encountered during her career. Apeiron realized what March was after, thus leading to those exchanges.

In conclusion, I don't think they had any previous contact or relation.
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TheaterThinker (Not a Cape):
Quite frankly, I don't think trying to determine March's and Apeiron's exact relation, since there's too much information missing, and what we have oftentimes doesn't make sense
GASSPPP!! a logical and well made point against wild speculation?!?!?! How DARE thee be reasonable on PHO! The highest level of treason, to turn up your nose to wild theories based on little to no information! Begone, demon! You are banished from this realm! You'll put us all out of a hobby if you keep up with that rhetoric! *thwacks you with a feather-duster* Out, out I say!!
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Zarfstranger (not a Stranger)
they are both terrifyingly powerful
they both appeared out of fucking nowhere
nobody took them seriously before these two weeks
Sad to say that March has a long, and incredibly unimpressive career, though looking back there might have been a few overlooked coincydinks...but still, March has been active for aaaages. It's just that nobody (outside of fans of our fabulous Flechette) really cared? She did a lil crime. Her teammates were meanies. She made Eyes at Flechette. Rinse, repeat. Not much in the way of 'SUPER EVIL TIMING THINKER OF THE GODSSSS!!!!!!!!' warning bells, if I do say so myself.

(Christ it's really been only two weeks)
*Checks calendar* by Jove, he's right! Well, gosh-darn and golly gee, we've really crammed in months of cape activity into two weeks....
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HaiFuPP says:
"We both know better, so many things that only we know". And then "Did you even know what you had, or was it buried under all that other technology?"

It was oblique, but she wants to steal his stuff, and one thing in particular. We've seen just how dangerous a bit of Apeiron tech can get. And we saw March almost arrange Apeiron's death even without the whatever-it-is. Maybe that wasn't her first attempt to grab it, or maybe he wrongly suspected Bakuda could make something similar. But given the sheer amount of effort that came together in the attempt, she must've had something spectacular in mind, more spectacular than the Cape Blackout, and Apeiron probably knew she'd be capable of it.

[this ABB member has a bit of inside info. The quotes were from the public broadcasts, though.]
i never paid attention to march before she blew up the entire power of half the country (i mean who was???) but had she ever pulled off that shield trick she got only lee to surround aperon with?
like before we saw it on stream i mean
was the shield maybe the stolen apetech she was talking about?
March and Ape in a relationship Doesn't make any sense, it would have been obvious from the start.
No I think it more possible that apeiron has a thinker power that was a counter to March scheme of rending herself seemingly
not dangerous.
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DapperGator Says:
i never paid attention to march before she blew up the entire power of half the country (i mean who was???) but had she ever pulled off that shield trick she got only lee to surround aperon with?
like before we saw it on stream i mean
was the shield maybe the stolen apetech she was talking about?
The shield trick simply appears to be her and Oni Lee's powers working together well. It's never really been remarked before, since he only recently got equipped with Tinker Tech, but Oni Lee's clones still posses all the equipment of the original.
What most likely occurred was that March used her Striker ability on the shield and Oni Lee then simply teleported a few times to surround Apeiron, leading to him being engulfed by the explosions.
March and Ape in a relationship Doesn't make any sense, it would have been obvious from the start.
No I think it more possible that apeiron has a thinker power that was a counter to March scheme of rending herself seemingly
not dangerous.
Honestly, that doesn't make sense. By all means, Apeiron appears to have not acted outside of Brockton Bay. As such, even if their powers interacted to March's detriment, it would've been easier to simply stay in NYC instead of trying to take an extremely powerful cape on, or even simply prepare herself better for an eventual confrontation.

Remember, nobody took March seriously before, she could've assembled a crack team of parahumans specifically designed and outfitted to take Apeiron on without anyone being any wiser, instead of joining the ABB.

And before anyone brings up Apeiron's insane growth, please keep in mind that March joined before he even made his public debut at the warehouse.
certifiedDumbAss Said:

As fun as it is to think about celebrity relations i don't think there ever was anything romantic between Aperion and March, instead i think that they are part of the same cluster.
Like, think about it.
One has what has up till now been a ultimate defense (only being breached by Uber's funky space attack) and the other has the ultimate breach charge.
One has a power to coordinate their own actions and the other coordinates everyone else.
And people always talk about kiss/kill dynamics in clusters but why not both? cause i can not be the only one that picked up on that tension under the veiled threats
[meant to be self-contradictory]
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DapperGator Says:
certifiedDumbAss Said:

As fun as it is to think about celebrity relations i don't think there ever was anything romantic between Aperion and March, instead i think that they are part of the same cluster.
Like, think about it.
One has what has up till now been a ultimate defense (only being breached by Uber's funky space attack) and the other has the ultimate breach charge.
One has a power to coordinate their own actions and the other coordinates everyone else.
And people always talk about kiss/kill dynamics in clusters but why not both? cause i can not be the only one that picked up on that tension under the veiled threats
[meant to be self-contradictory]
I'm sorry, but didn't you read my previous posts? I already pointed out that March has been active since 2008 or 2009, I'm not quite sure, but the point is, she has already been around for at least 2 years, meanwhile Apeiron has been active for less than a month. Do you honestly believe that Apeiron, who used a worldwide Stranger effect as an over-glorified watermark would stay hidden for that long? Yeah, I don't think so.

This is especially egregious when you consider that capes simply don't ignore their powers. Everyone with powers uses them, that's just how it is. They may prepare for a few days or weeks, but years? Never.

Similarly, we still haven't the foggiest idea what his powers actually are, so using superficial similarities to make a point is pointless. Apeiron may very well not have a Thinker power but use some surveillance technology to keep up to date.
Also, it doesn't take powers to hate someone utterly, my neighbors who keep partying late at night can attest to that.
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Zarfstranger (not a Stranger)
wait what if that's it. what if when March moved to the bay she and Apeiron became neighbors who fucking hated each other.
like when ever march was planning how to destroy the entire bay she kept being distracted by Aperion tinkering to loudly.
Or when Apeiron wanted to sleep she kept him up by loudly crushing on Flechette at like 2am.