PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

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TheaterThinker (Not a Cape):
Theres actually a LOT of information we can squeeze out from their interactions, it's just making them into a coherent theory thats difficult. I CANNTT
March has been sandbagging.
Wow, real surprise there, I know right? But seriously. Her striker power was considered low midtier at best, decent power but no range and she honestly barely used it. Apparently, it's strong enough to completely ignore defenses only highly exotic effects have been able to scratch.
Also, her thinker power is the OP BULLSHIT of OP bullshit thinker powers. GODDAMN THINKERS!! *SHAKES FIST AT SKY*
But, her apparently masterfully hidden powers also hint at an important connection. Apeiron HAS to have known March
, or known of March.
We've got no proof of Apeiron being able to bypass March's extra Bullshit trump effect, and he hasn't leaked her high school drama yet so we have to assume either her love life was incredibly boring or Apeiron couldn't read her. That, or in the like, three days March has been in the Bay, she's magically boosted all of her powers. Sure, I'll give March the stupid thinker powers and stupid striker powers, but only one cape can pull off such a power boost!
I'd theorize what her plans were, but honestly I'm still reeling at the thought of March being able to conceptualize a plan that lasts over a week without Flechette getting involved. Luckily I don't think she's ever met Apeiron.

March wanted Apeiron dead.

Also very apparent. This is toddler level awareness, I know, but I'm going somewhere with this, I promise!
If March wanted to steal whatever ApeTech Apeiron had, killing Apeiron severely limits her. For obvious reasons, but without the Apeiron or the Forge to do maintenance, she'd be on a ticking clock. Whatever she wanted was probably single use, or very simple so another tinker could repair it. Since the second option doesn't exist, considering Apeiron's apparent allergy to the concepts of 'simple', 'conventional' or 'normality' in general, it's probably the first. March wanted something she could probably use herself too, so some stuff a few times or some stuff once
....Normally, this would narrow things down a bit, but with Apeiron this could range from a magical robot unicorn to the power source in his robots. Infinite possibility narrowed down to equally infinite possibility. Damn you Apeiron, and your thematically appropriate name!!! I can't even be upset, it's that good!

We can infer it probably wasn't anything during the Ungodly Hour, since she either wrecked it, or was surprised by the Forge just like the rest of us.
Speaking of that, did March have insight on Apeirons Workshop??? I'm approaching this like she's being somewhat rational but I hope the surprise about the P.A. wasn't faked, because wow that is probably the worst plan on this Earth... Very glad she's dead so any information regarding it's location can stay very very buried. We do not need to deal with a territorial Ape Iron.

March was (probably) not a (complete) idiot;
Look, I know we all love a good laugh, and March wasn't quite Uber and L33t level of joke but still, a mild annoyance at best, but she ran that city like a stopwatch. Unironically.
She ran circles around every other cape and organization in that city, and sure, BB was already a clusterfuck, but damn did she make it worse. She was BB's worst nightmare, a thinker who actually made smart decisions about what their power told them. Looking at you, Tattletale.
Sure, her first blunder was challenging ApeIron, but Apeiron won because he's bullshit. There was genuine shock on March's RabbitMaskFace when P.A. crawled out of the Ape's body, like some thread-demon from a meaty hell, ready to rip off her face. Without Apeiron, who knows what March would have done. Basically, March was cheating, and Apeiron won because he cheated harder. He played rock, she played scissors, and Apeiron pulled out a glock. A tinkertech glock.
My point is, whatever the hell she was planning, it was not going to be good and BB is going to be feeling the aftershocks for a long while. All bow down to our simian overlord for his sacrifice.
But then again, theres a rumor going around that March had something to do with the Butcher coming back. Yes, it's from the least trustworthy source on the planet, but still. *Shudders*
Also, someone get Flechette a bodyguard. Maybe we can commission Apeiron for a robot butler? As a consolation prize for apparently being 2 seconds from death her whole career, cause HFS....
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DapperGator Says:
TheaterThinker (Not a Cape):
March has been sandbagging.
Wow, real surprise there, I know right? But seriously. Her striker power was considered low midtier at best, decent power but no range and she honestly barely used it. Apparently, it's strong enough to completely ignore defenses only highly exotic effects have been able to scratch.
Also, her thinker power is the OP BULLSHIT of OP bullshit thinker powers. GODDAMN THINKERS!! *SHAKES FIST AT SKY*
But, her apparently masterfully hidden powers also hint at an important connection. Apeiron HAS to have known March
, or known of March.
Why? No, really, why? Why is it necessary for Apeiron to have known or known of March? It's quite possible that he independently figured out what March was after (this doesn't even require him to have a Thinker power) and his enraged and disgusted reactions are a result from that. Her behavior regarding the people of Brockton probably hasn't helped in that regard. I know he's a mercenary and all, but even those have a conscience, and putting innocents at risk tends to offend those.
We've got no proof of Apeiron being able to bypass March's extra Bullshit trump effect, and he hasn't leaked her high school drama yet so we have to assume either her love life was incredibly boring or Apeiron couldn't read her.
Or maybe he doesn't want to go after another capes civilian identity. After all, as a mercenary he lives and dies by his reputation, and unmasking people, even villains, tends to rather negatively impact that.
That, or in the like, three days March has been in the Bay, she's magically boosted all of her powers. Sure, I'll give March the stupid thinker powers and stupid striker powers, but only one cape can pull off such a power boost!
But you just said that she's been sandbagging, why do you all of a sudden mention a power boost? She never used her power to such an extend before, so Brockton was most likely simply what happens when March doesn't hold back and has all the power, resources and manpower of a large, powerful and established gang at her beck and call.

Nothing here implies a power boost.
March wanted Apeiron dead.
You make a lot of good points here, I have nothing to add or critique here.

It really makes you wonder just what she was after, but sadly we once again lack information to make anything but baseless assumptions.
March was (probably) not a (complete) idiot;
Yes, she was evidently quite insane, but an idiot wouldn't have managed to do anywhere near as much harm as March did.

Overall I would argue that this was a decent analysis, however, you occasionally jump to conclusions without sufficient evidence, or where there is another equally likely or more reasonable explanation. Still, well done.
March was cheating, and Apeiron won because he cheated harder. He played rock, she played scissors, and Apeiron pulled out a glock. A tinkertech glock.
[May I say that this is a golden quote right here and I totally stealing it]

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EvilToster said:

Guys, uhhh, no to sound like a tinfoil guy buuuuuuuuuut I was checking old Flechette footages and found very, VERY interesting thing: during THAT school deployment - no links to this nightmare, look it up yourself and lose your sleep for a week - one of Flechette's shots flew straight through empty Gray Boy's loop. Which supposed to be kinda impossible. Also Flechette is very good with... timings of her shots. Which leads me to two conclusions:

1) Protectorate has trump card against Ape of Iron with Flechette on-board

2) Flechette and March are totally family (sisters? cousins?) because they share suspiciously similar powers


See, Apeiron ALSO has means to empower his weapons with bullshit powers (pouch items, which enabled Final Slash) and has rather amazing sense of timings when it comes to his image (again, same fight, Apeiron blasts in IN PERFECT moment, not a second too late or too soon).

Could we be looking at some sort of family rivalry or something? People throwing around idea of exes, but really, Apeiron could be March's older brother. And March is clearly deranged enough to attempt to murder her family.

[EvilToster has no idea what clusters are, I am not even sure if this is public knowledge; also i am not sure if Flechette being able to punch through anything is also public knowledge or not hence some sort of deployment near Gray Boy's loops and one single shot that got caught on camera but most people never picked it up]
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VerifiedCape (Verified verification tag) says:

BuT tHeY mUsT bE rElAtEd! Seriously, this forum.

I can imagine a similarity between their powers, therefore Ape and March are a cluster! March and Flechette have Striker and Blaster versions of the same thing (citation very needed, unless you want to say the Siberian's power to ignore sh*t makes it their sister too) so they must be sisters!

Meanwhile, actual confirmed twin sisters and outed capes in San Antonio have Sniper Tasers from her fingers and a Super Bendy Transformation Mode, which are definitely related powers right there.

[Poster is indeed cherrypicking and ignoring closer to home examples like NW]
oh i thought the shield was apetech cuz it was shiny lol

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VerifiedCape (Verified verification tag) says:

Meanwhile, actual confirmed twin sisters and outed capes in San Antonio have Sniper Tasers from her fingers and a Super Bendy Transformation Mode, which are definitely related powers right there.

yeah but closer to BB we have gloria girl (invulnerable, can't change state) as a clear mirror of paneracea (returns others to former state)
so idk maybe powrs just come in sets sometimes? we have that awful purgity here and she has death lasers and everyone knows of Legend and hes got lasers too
doesnt mean theyre related

[I figure the 'gets capes names wrong' gimmick is excused for capes this character's afraid of (slaughterhouse, triumvitrae), hope that's a fun character trait for yall reading as much as it is for me writing!]
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DapperGator Says:

You people do realize that none of the points you've brought up are actually conclusive evidence for your theories, right? Just because people have similar powers doesn't mean that they are related. For goodness sake, there's a whole sub-group of capes called 'Alexandria-Packages' which all possess similar powers, but most of them aren't related. By that logic Alexandria is the mother/sister of dozens of capes, and everyone should be able to realize how dumb that idea is.

Similarly, trying to nitpick parts of powers or describing them in similar ways also doesn't establish any connection between capes. So Flechette may have a supporting power which increases her accuracy? Good for her, but that resembles more Quarrel's, Butcher XIV, power than March's timing capabilities, and I sincerely doubt those two are related.

In other words, please take off the tinfoil hats and use actual evidence and not pure conjecture for your theories.
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TheaterThinker (Not a Cape):
DapperGator Says:

Why? No, really, why? Why is it necessary for Apeiron to have known or known of March? It's quite possible that he independently figured out what March was after (this doesn't even require him to have a Thinker power) and his enraged and disgusted reactions are a result from that.
Nothing here implies a power boost.
Both of these are us agreeing, I was saying how the power boost wasn't likely, and that is knowing of, as in Apeiron knows who March is for whatever reason. I mention his Thinker power since the whole New Wave mess and assuming he wasnt lying for whatever reason.

VerifiedCape (Verified verification tag) says:

BuT tHeY mUsT bE rElAtEd! Seriously, this forum.

I can imagine a similarity between their powers, therefore Ape and March are a cluster! March and Flechette have Striker and Blaster versions of the same thing (citation very needed, unless you want to say the Siberian's power to ignore sh*t makes it their sister too) so they must be sisters!

*Squints* The fuck is a 'Cluster'..?
*30 minutes of Googling later*

Okay, for Cluster Theory to work, all capes essentially have variations on the same powers. If March and Flechette were in a Cluster with Apeiron, they'd have matching tinker and stranger abilities. Apeiron might be a thinker, but it's not timing focused, AFIK. Considering what he claimed it to be, I doubt Flechette or March get 'hunches'. He also hasn't shown any non-technological striker/blaster ect stuff, so I don't really see any connections there.

Also, Apeiron would still wait around 2 years to debut.....which would probably result in him spontaneously combusting.

Honestly, any relation between the two was probably along the lines of March asking about Apeirons trump abilities, and him telling her to fuck off.
But what kind of tech or power boost did March even want and what was she going to use it for? Mastering Flechette mayhaps? Apeiron would be suitably disgusted at the thought?
EvilToster said:
Guys, uhhh, no to sound like a tinfoil guy buuuuuuuuuut I was checking old Flechette footages and found very, VERY interesting thing: during THAT school deployment - no links to this nightmare, look it up yourself and lose your sleep for a week - one of Flechette's shots flew straight through empty Gray Boy's loop.
Can I get a verification on that from somebody who actually knows how to spot edited footage?
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SapphicForSapphires (Cape Wife) says:
Dapper, I just want you to know that your Mommyxandria theory is 100% correct in my heart.
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DapperGator Says:
TheaterThinker (Not a Cape):

Both of these are us agreeing, I was saying how the power boost wasn't likely, and that is knowing of, as in Apeiron knows who March is for whatever reason. I mention his Thinker power since the whole New Wave mess and assuming he wasnt lying for whatever reason.
... Well now I just feel awkward, that's what I get for not properly reading what other people post.

*Squints* The fuck is a 'Cluster'..?
*30 minutes of Googling later*

Okay, for Cluster Theory to work, all capes essentially have variations on the same powers. If March and Flechette were in a Cluster with Apeiron, they'd have matching tinker and stranger abilities. Apeiron might be a thinker, but it's not timing focused, AFIK. Considering what he claimed it to be, I doubt Flechette or March get 'hunches'. He also hasn't shown any non-technological striker/blaster ect stuff, so I don't really see any connections there.

Also, Apeiron would still wait around 2 years to debut.....which would probably result in him spontaneously combusting.

Honestly, any relation between the two was probably along the lines of March asking about Apeirons trump abilities, and him telling her to fuck off.
But what kind of tech or power boost did March even want and what was she going to use it for? Mastering Flechette mayhaps? Apeiron would be suitably disgusted at the thought?
Yeah, Clusters are, if I remember my old university lectures correctly only a theory, where some people gained similar powers within a short distance and at roughly the same time. But that's all it is, a theory that's never been conclusively proven.

And even if it's accurate, we're both in agreement that March's and Apeiron's powers are too different and we'd have already heard of the latter years ago.

March's goals meanwhile, we really can't know. It can't have been something Apeiron had on his person because she was far too willing to use extreme force to take him down which would've destroyed any object he was carrying. She was willing to kill him, so it can't have been something he knew either. Quite frankly, I can't see what her plan was. She must've figured something out that we don't know because nothing makes sense otherwise.

SapphicForSapphires (Cape Wife) says:
Dapper, I just want you to know that your Mommyxandria theory is 100% correct in my heart.
Oh no, what have I unleashed.
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EvilToster said:

Ok, so I also googled what the hell cluster is. I am sticking to my theory that they are family because this theory neatly sidesteps the whole "Must have same powers and triggered at once" issue. While yes, I do agree with @VerifiedCape and @DapperGator points, but here's BUT: @VerifiedCape, we also have examples of the opposite, New Wave is the most relative to the issue one, so it doesnt really debunk my theory. And @DapperGator, Alexandria Package is the same thing as a PRT ratings at this point (link to the ratings page), like, say, Tinker. They might do the same thing IN GENERAL, but its HOW they do it matters. Alexandria is invulnerable and has superstrength, Aegis has neither, yet both classified as Alexandria Package. Glory Girl has superstrength, but her protection is not perfect and theorized to be a force field (she generally avoids taking damage in quick successions and time to time spotted with damage gear and/or bruises). My theory is by no means solid, but it explains all three capes' sense of timing and bullshit reality breaking attacks they throwing around. It also explains connection between March and Flechette and March and Apeiron. Now we need to see interaction between Flechette and Apeiron to be sure if they also have something going on or not.

@TheaterThinker, I'll PM you link if you want, its from NYC Wards' video archive, it run by fans but one of them has "Guy in the know" tag here on PHO, so moderately trustworthy source.

[I really want to revised this thread some time in the future when Joe in the fic finally interacts with Flechette and if something funky occurs EvilToster will hardpush for his "Cape Family" theory. Also, thanks for confirmation bias EvilToster doesnt really considers cluster theory - Joe doesnt fit in there after all. Oh, and I assume that Bagrat is not the only Guy In The Know and there is a group of people who are sources of reliable info]
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DapperGator Says:
EvilToster said:

Ok, so I also googled what the hell cluster is. I am sticking to my theory that they are family because this theory neatly sidesteps the whole "Must have same powers and triggered at once" issue. While yes, I do agree with @VerifiedCape and @DapperGator points, but here's BUT: @VerifiedCape, we also have examples of the opposite, New Wave is the most relative to the issue one, so it doesnt really debunk my theory. And @DapperGator, Alexandria Package is the same thing as a PRT ratings at this point (link to the ratings page), like, say, Tinker. They might do the same thing IN GENERAL, but its HOW they do it matters. Alexandria is invulnerable and has superstrength, Aegis has neither, yet both classified as Alexandria Package. Glory Girl has superstrength, but her protection is not perfect and theorized to be a force field (she generally avoids taking damage in quick successions and time to time spotted with damage gear and/or bruises). My theory is by no means solid, but it explains all three capes' sense of timing and bullshit reality breaking attacks they throwing around. It also explains connection between March and Flechette and March and Apeiron. Now we need to see interaction between Flechette and Apeiron to be sure if they also have something going on or not.
Oh, quite so, but how does this support your theory? Again, we have no idea how exactly any of these capes powers work. Regarding the bullshit attacks, Flechette uses projectiles, March has to touch an object to imbue it with her power while Apeiron... look, let's not pretend for even a moment we understand his powers. But he most likely uses Tinker tech to achieve his destructive effects. Similarly regarding timing, considering Apeiron's few appearances, it may have been mere happenstance, crazier things have happened after all. Flechette's aim may be the result of some kind of improved spacial awareness combined with training. The only case where we definitively know a timing power is at play is with March.

Any seeming 'connection' between March and Apeiron can also be explained by their Thinker powers interacting and cluing them in on the others' objectives. When you hear hooves think horses, not zebras.

In other words, your theory has more holes than a sieve and has no conclusive evidence backing it up, only conjecture.
Moist_one said:

Alexandria Package is the same thing as a PRT ratings at this point
My theory is by no means solid, but it explains all three capes' sense of timing and bullshit reality breaking attacks they throwing around. It also explains connection between March and Flechette and March and Apeiron. Now we need to see interaction between Flechette and Apeiron to be sure if they also have something going on or not.

Wait, don't tell me that we're discovering the brand new Apeiron classification of cape
Like, both Apeiron, Leet, March AND Bakuda seem to need grand displays of might in extraordinary ways

...though i guess it should be called the String Theory category
God almighty help us all
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EvilToster said:

@DapperGator, lets be real - there is NO theory with concrete evidence, mods might as well close thread with such logic.

However. Cape Families - as evident by looking at New Wave - operate on a different set of rules than those theoretical clusters. New Wave have general THEME and different powers stick to it. Like, GG - admittedly only supposedly - has a force field but she is Alexandria's Package while Laserdream is Blaster but she also has force fields, and so does Shielder, and all three has flight. Brandish can create weapons - which are basically weaponised force fields, Photon Mommy is middle ground between Laserdream and Shielder, (Nuclear)Flashbang is a Blaster(Shaker?) who uses bright energy projectiles, Manpower has a forcefield around his body (like supposedly certain flying brick) and enhanced strength. As you can see, they absolutely have a theme going on in the family, only outler is Panacea but she is adopted.

Yes, Flechette enhances projectiles, March draws lines (altho she did enhanced her sword) and Apeiron uses tinkertech. But the end result is the same - devastating all piercing very flashy attacks. Yes, Flechette times her shots, Apeiorn his appearances and March everything, but they all has something to do with timing anyway. I see a theme here, combined with March's clear relationships with both, them being a family is not that big of a stretch.

Besides, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong like 99,99% of the Internet. However, on that non-existent 00,01% chance I am right I will have unlimited bragging rights. Worth it.

@Moist_one, thanks for even more nightmares. Come to think of it, didn't this Leet guy used to be a loser and now he is top tier Tinker?

Huh. You know, Apeiron also likes to throw various media references around. No, it can't be, Leet never demonstrated any sense of timing or all piercing attacks... but... huh, wait, weren't those two constantly switching gear just on time back in storage yard fight and also Leet created crazy sword and whatever the hell Uber used to punch through Apeiron defenses. Hoho, so March didn't try to kill her WHOLE family, only half of it. And thats why Leet (and his henchman by extension) joined ABB - his sister asked after all!

[EvilToster goes All In on Cape Family theory and slowly puts on tinfoil hat lmao. Also EvilToster not really BB native, only passing through city in a very unfortunate time, so he doesnt know local capes all that well hence why he considers Uber henchman and doesnt remember Leet's glory days]
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TheaterThinker (Not a Cape):

Moist_one said:

Wait, don't tell me that we're discovering the brand new Apeiron classification of cape
Like, both Apeiron, Leet, March AND Bakuda seem to need grand displays of might in extraordinary ways
...though i guess it should be called the String Theory category, god help us all
Dear God...
Is the world doomed to an incredibly fashionable destruction via the hands of dastardly villains?? WITH THEME MUSIC???

EvilToster said:

@DapperGator, lets be real - there is NO theory with concrete evidence, mods might as well close thread with such logic.

However. Cape Families - as evident by looking at New Wave - operate on a different set of rules than those theoretical clusters. New Wave have general THEME and different powers stick to it. Like, GG - admittedly only supposedly - has a force field but she is Alexandria's Package while Laserdream is Blaster but she also has force fields, and so does Shielder, and all three has flight. Brandish can create weapons - which are basically weaponised force fields, Photon Mommy is middle ground between Laserdream and Shielder, (Nuclear)Flashbang is a Blaster(Shaker?) who uses bright energy projectiles, Manpower has a forcefield around his body (like supposedly certain flying brick) and enhanced strength. As you can see, they absolutely have a theme going on in the family, only outler is Panacea but she is adopted.

Yes, Flechette enhances projectiles, March draws lines (altho she did enhanced her sword) and Apeiron uses tinkertech. But the end result is the same - devastating all piercing very flashy attacks. Yes, Flechette times her shots, Apeiorn his appearances and March everything, but they all has something to do with timing anyway. I see a theme here, combined with March's clear relationships with both, them being a family is not that big of a stretch.

Besides, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong like 99,99% of the Internet. However, on that non-existent 00,01% chance I am right I will have unlimited bragging rights. Worth it.
The tinker-tech aspect is really different though. It's like the difference between someone using telekinesis, or a pulley system. Sure, they both lift the spoon, but other than that it's completely different and unrelated powers.
Cape powers are bullshit, but a lot of them do the same bullshit in completely different ways that make each a wonderfully horrifying mess to unpack.
And sure, Apeiron might be using telekinesis to run his pulley system, but if the Power-Tinker/Trump-Tinker theory is true, wouldn't he have just stolen the powers rather then there being a blood relation?

@Moist_one, thanks for even more nightmares. Come to think of it, didn't this Leet guy used to be a loser and now he is top tier Tinker?

Huh. You know, Apeiron also likes to throw various media references around. No, it can be, Leet never demonstrated any sense of timing or all piercing attacks... but... huh, wait, weren't those two constantly switching gear just on time back in storage yard fight and also Leet created crazy sword and whatever the hell Uber used to punch through Apeiron defenses. Hoho, so March didn't try to kill her WHOLE family, only half of it. And thats why Leet (and his henchman by extension) joined ABB - his sister asked after all!
Uber and L33t share a similarity to March in that they were basically jokes before hand, but this is a return to power.
Ubs and L33t used to be genuinely scary capes. They just had a massive powercurve, in the opposite direction. Seriously, we laugh at them now but they used to terrorize the Bay at their peak.
We can attribute their new competence to March, since their tech still seems to be breaking down, the rapid switching is to stave off that effect. Can't take the incompetence out of L33t-tech (if you aren't Apeiron) I guess.
I can agree L33t is Opposite-Apeiron, in that sense I guess! Started off dangerous and powerful and flashy as hell, before becoming a joke of a nobody...
But yeah, L33t's been around since before March, and honestly probably joined because he wanted to make his tech look like not-shit. Kinda a failure, kinda a win there.

The attack that got Apeiron was
apparently some dimensional fuckery, and seriously that is not a good place to go. Dimensional stuff has never worked out well, from the getgo. Luckily with March dead, L33T should continue to stay incredibly incompetent, and save us from any mass dimension effects via it blowing up before it becomes useful.
....Was March's power flavored with multi-dimensional additives, or what?

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DapperGator Says:
EvilToster said:

@DapperGator, lets be real - there is NO theory with concrete evidence, mods might as well close thread with such logic.

However. Cape Families - as evident by looking at New Wave - operate on a different set of rules than those theoretical clusters. New Wave have general THEME and different powers stick to it. Like, GG - admittedly only supposedly - has a force field but she is Alexandria's Package while Laserdream is Blaster but she also has force fields, and so does Shielder, and all three has flight. Brandish can create weapons - which are basically weaponised force fields, Photon Mommy is middle ground between Laserdream and Shielder, (Nuclear)Flashbang is a Blaster(Shaker?) who uses bright energy projectiles, Manpower has a forcefield around his body (like supposedly certain flying brick) and enhanced strength. As you can see, they absolutely have a theme going on in the family, only outler is Panacea but she is adopted.

Yes, Flechette enhances projectiles, March draws lines (altho she did enhanced her sword) and Apeiron uses tinkertech. But the end result is the same - devastating all piercing very flashy attacks. Yes, Flechette times her shots, Apeiorn his appearances and March everything, but they all has something to do with timing anyway. I see a theme here, combined with March's clear relationships with both, them being a family is not that big of a stretch.
You once again provide no decent argument for why these capes should be related. For New Wave all of their powers amount to some sort of light manipulation, be it as a force field, blasts or object manifestations. For all of them, the source of their powers is the same, even if the outcome differs.

Yet there still is no evidence that the same is the case for Flechette, March and Apeiron.

Flechette may have some ability that helps her aim, but that could be anything from brief precognition, enhanced spacial awareness, the ability to see vectors or any other possibility.

Regarding March, we don't have enough information to even start speculating, since she was so low-key and sandbagged so hard, so I won't even bother.

As for Apeiron, I hear that he possesses some timing power, but I have yet to see any evidence for it. The closest we get to that is his interruption of Bakuda's debut.
All we know is that he claims that his ability gives him 'hunches' of some kind, which is extremely vague. We can also observe that he always 'looks good', for lack of a better description, but that wouldn't have to be the result of a timing power, and more a 'positioning'/'posturing' power.
@Moist_one, thanks for even more nightmares. Come to think of it, didn't this Leet guy used to be a loser and now he is top tier Tinker?

Huh. You know, Apeiron also likes to throw various media references around. No, it can be, Leet never demonstrated any sense of timing or all piercing attacks... but... huh, wait, weren't those two constantly switching gear just on time back in storage yard fight and also Leet created crazy sword and whatever the hell Uber used to punch through Apeiron defenses. Hoho, so March didn't try to kill her WHOLE family, only half of it. And thats why Leet (and his henchman by extension) joined ABB - his sister asked after all!
I-I'm not even going to, yeah, I'll just ignore this, you've clearly jumped off the tinfoil rope.
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TheaterThinker (Not a Cape):
I'm very firmly in the 'Stranger Danger' group to explain Apeiron's supernatural looks. Or he might just be some kind of demonic force, feeding upon the fears and desires of the masses....
(Edit pretty sure I brought this up before, but)
Regarding...suspicious sources, have any of you gone through the 'Summit Doc'? @HowdyPardner, the madlad, has done his damn best to scrub every last corner of the internet for every account of the Summit, and well there's a lot of bull in there, he's ever so kindly ordered them by reasonability (and readability).

There aren't that many, but a few relate the Teeth's unwelcome welcome home back to March, which is....worrying beyond the extreme, and might be something we should consider.
I mean, it sounds ridiculous, but the Bay is basically a circus (not that one!) right now...
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DapperGator Says:
TheaterThinker (Not a Cape):
Regarding...suspicious sources, have any of you gone through the 'Summit Doc'? @HowdyPardner, the madlad, has done his damn best to scrub every last corner of the internet for every account of the Summit, and well there's a lot of bull in there, he's ever so kindly ordered them by reasonability (and readability).

There aren't that many, but a few relate the Teeth's unwelcome welcome home back to March, which is....worrying beyond the extreme, and might be something we should consider.
I mean, it sounds ridicioulous, but the Bay is basically a circus (not that one!) right now...
... Did you have to bring that up? I give it five minutes until this thread gets derailed. But alright, let's try to use this for the purpose of this thread.

Now, while the various accounts differ widely, one thing that seems relatively consistent is Apeiron accusing the Butcher of having been invited by March, which could serve as another clue for her actual plan.

Just to be clear, the following is based on significantly less reliable testimony and should as such be treated as a conspiracy theory until it can be verified or debunked:
According to some, Apeiron offered contracts to the heroic Butchers. If accurate, that would mean that Apeiron can somehow interfere with the very source of parahuman abilities. I repeat, there is no reliable evidence for this, but if true, then March was probably trying to acquire whatever he's using to do this.
This still leaves plenty of uncertainty, but it's still more than we knew before, so might as well throw it out there.
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JollyGees (Verified Santa Clause) says:
Imagining this theoretical family tree, it's gotta be fricking amazing. Starts with Alexandria/Hero continues with Leet, March, Apeiron, and Flechette. The in-laws (Uber and Khepri), and whoever else we'll end up adding to this mess. Either way that would have been a hell of a childhood home. The nerds (Leet and Apeiron), the good daughter (Flechette), and the rebellious teen (March).

I mean I know it's probably wrong but that would be one hell of a house, I could easily imagine it being the origin of a reality TV show or something like that.

(Sorry for not following the conversation, you guys uploaded before I could finish my incredibly slow typing)
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TheaterThinker (Not a Cape) says

DapperGator Says:

... Did you have to bring that up? I give it five minutes until this thread gets derailed. but alright, let's try to use this for the purpose of this thread.

Now, while the various accounts differ widely, one thing that seems relatively consistent is Apeiron accusing the Butcher of having been invited by March, which could serve as another clue for her actual plan.

Just to be clear, the following is based on significantly less reliable testimony and should as such be treated as a conspiracy theory until it can be verified or debunked:
According to some, Apeiron offered contracts to the heroic Butchers. If accurate, that would mean that Apeiron can somehow interfere with the very source of parahuman abilities. I repeat, there is no reliable evidence for this, but if true, then March was probably trying to acquire whatever he's using to do this.
This still leaves plenty of uncertainty, but it's still more than we knew before, so might as well throw it out there.
I'm fine with delving into conspiracy theories, since with Apeiron, well, all speculation may as well be pointless right now. Give him another three days and he'll have be revealing his clone army.

But that does alter the tech March wanted. Whatever she wanted was something to alter parahuman powers, and was multi-use, because I don't think anyone would plan to swindle the Butcher herself...
I'd say it would be smart to avoid using ApeTech on herself, but she could just consider the power-magic-device an additional piece.
So, should we assume March had Apeiron's Workshop's location? Or at least wherever he hid that SuperTech?
Hell, for all we know, Apeiron might be the dealer behind some of those weird Do-Or-Die vials you hear rumors about floating around.

Speaking of the Butcher, how the hell do those voices work even? Do we have any idea of how much 'person' is left? Could Apeiron the heros? Hell, if he can resurrect a voice in someones head, could he fix Mouse Protector?

Hell, even if Apeiron can only shift someones control over their powers, that's a stupidly big advancement. One completely useless to March, but very very useful to the Butcher, and another certain someone in the bay with unstable powers...Are those two going to fight over ApeTech? A Butcher DoD....*shudders*

Still, whatever effect that he's been shoving onto his '''normal'''' tech, it doesn't seem all to comfortable to capes exposed to it. 'Sides March, but y'know...~insaaaaneeeee~

My personal theory: Apeiron is the time traveling source of all powers whose thrown his younger self back in time to grow up in the Bay, before returning to his place in the timeline in his true form.
@JollyGees (Verified Santa Clause) Eidolon is the awkard uncle, Legend is the cool father figure. PA is the family pet-turned-sentient (as one does) and the rest of the Forge are just Apeiron and L33t's gaming group.
[Side note, is it 'said' 'says' or just nothing, because I've seen all three?]
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EvilToster says:

@JollyGees, well, Alexandria does have a thinker power and Hero is THE tinker, soooo... mah. Dates dont check out, damn shame. Would've been amazing family tree to have. And also kinda sad because half of the kids tries to kill other half. I mean it's common that siblings hate each other guts but not to THAT degree.

[Apparently it "says", I checked first post. But I dont think it really matters cuz all of this would be... ughhh... "decompiled" and put into proper format anyway later. Regardless post, since EvilToster really goes into family theory he deadass considered Alexa and Hero being Ape's, Leet's, Flechette's and March's parents not getting the joke]
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DapperGator Says:
TheaterThinker (Not a Cape) says
But that does alter the tech March wanted. Whatever she wanted was something to alter parahuman powers, and was multi-use, because I don't think anyone would plan to swindle the Butcher herself...
I'd say it would be smart to avoid using ApeTech on herself, but she could just consider the power-magic-device an additional piece.
So, should we assume March had Apeiron's Workshop's location? Or at least wherever he hid that SuperTech?
I'd assume so, since she was willing to utterly wreck his equipment and kill him, so she had to be certain she'd be able to secure her objective.
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Lord_Of_The_Whys (Verified Toddler):
So, what are our odds that March kept her mouth shut, and didn't share the location of the Workshop From Hell with anyone else? Not even as a contingency plan?
please tell me she didn't tell anyone else....?
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DapperGator Says:
Lord_Of_The_Whys (Verified Toddler):
So, what are our odds that March kept her mouth shut, and didn't share the location of the Workshop From Hell with anyone else? Not even as a contingency plan?
please tell me she didn't tell anyone else....?
Don't worry, if she told the Butcher of the location of Apeiron's workshop, she'd have no more leverage over her, so she almost certainly didn't.