PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

Could have some topic divorced from the recent material, too, something like a breakdown of the public knowledge of each faction, and their motives/desires for the situation (what the public knows, rather then we the readers). Having it be derailed could be interesting too. Or maybe a breakdown of the galla (now that it's either over or close to it)? We sorta tried to do a thread for the pre-galla, but it's only got six posts, one of which is mine... the event is broadcasted too, and with a lot of public attendance, I'd bet we could come up with justifications to 'see' the plot of the actual story, or invent our own (I like the idea of a meme of Parian's powers being kinkified to the point of absurdity, or something similar that would almost certianly never come up in story).
Do we? I'd rather not get saddled with points OR have the thread locked, if I can help it. A Mod opinion would be helpful here.
I think the general consensus is "Nothing overtly explicit or porny." Like, ASOIAF fanfictions and crossovers and whatnot can effectively skirt the line, but as long as it doesn't go into the territory of legitimate NSFW stuff, we should be fine.

But yeah, a mod's word should be good.
So I know I am at risk of being declared a foul necromancer, but a lot of stuff has gone down since the last time this thread was active. We have Garment's charity event, we have two different fights (Forge members vs the Empire, and Fleet jumping in to stop Scrub from killing the Butcher) and we most recently have

Gully being restored to a fully human appearance

and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. I think we have more than enough to get this thread going again. Now I would prompt the PHO thread myself, but considering it took me like five minutes to figure out the Spoiler function, I really don't want to try my hand at the PHO Wizard.
Honestly, we need to do the Grand Galloping Garment Gala first. Gushing about the clothes and how amazing everything is, some back and forth about Parian, maybe one guy being amazed by the production values before other people are like 'duh, Garment has thinker powers too' and a bit about Emma and the video with Taylor. Sprinkled with hot lawyer and hot little sister comments and talk about gully and the other newcomers.

Maybe some real asshole wonders 'could Garment make a dress so beautiful even Gully looks good in it?' Before being shouted down.

I think we need the next chapter where gully does get a new outfit from Garment before making a PHO thread about her new look.

Could be a good callback to the previous asshole. Gully has a new Garment outfit! Gully is now beautiful! Are they connected? And then the quick correction by someone, possibly gully herself, that Apeiron fixed her, then sent her to Garment because she needed a whole new outfit. Followed by a rueful little 'it's not like my old clothes fit anymore'. I don't know if its a good idea or not to mention that Weld was responsible for getting a contract going to fix all case 53s, but its possible, and these pho threads are usually noncanon.

Another thing to add would be the realization that, just like how all his tinkertech is beautiful, any humans he fixes are also made beautiful. Followed by normal capes and humans wanting to get body by monkesteel treatment. Comments about Lady Kephri and Survey and the recently human Proto Aima are supporting evidence.
I mean, there's no reason we have to follow the exact timeline with the PHO interludes. There is no rule saying we can't do reactions to Gully, simply because we know it is going to be out there within the next couple of chapters. Since PHO chapters are about the regular populace reactions, so we already have all the information we need to build off of. Gully is in human form now! That said, Nugar has a point that we have plenty of other things to go over before we get to Gully, so there is also no reason not to leave it until we have more information on how it would be taken.
The only alternative idea to Nugar's excellent suggestion that I can think of is Crystal's getting a date.

The Nine reaction might interfere with the Gully reveal despite it happening in text before it. Unless you want Facetime or one of her team mates spilling the beans prematurely.
The only alternative idea to Nugar's excellent suggestion that I can think of is Crystal's getting a date.

The Nine reaction might interfere with the Gully reveal despite it happening in text before it. Unless you want Facetime or one of her team mates spilling the beans prematurely.

I'd think Crystal getting a date would be less known than Gully's restoration. That's not something I think they will be able to keep under wraps for long. They can't confine her the way they have others, due to Lethe's threat, and she has been seen on a daily basis around the city helping with the recovery. Gully mentioned in the beginning of the chapter that people were making her the face of their discontent with PRT policy, so it would be noticed real fast if she dropped off the face of the earth. Not to mention people were photographing her just a couple paragraphs before Joe showed up to help her, so it wouldn't surprise me if someone had noticed her disappearance and reappearance.

The Nine is still a day away in story, so it's at least five chapters away and we will be lucky to see it before St Patrick's Day.

As far as Nugar kicking it off, I know that most of the threads have been started by different people, but since I essentially necro'd this thread back to life, it's not a bad idea to wait for CorEagle to blow the starting whistle.
The Nine is still a day away in story, so it's at least five chapters away and we will be lucky to see it before St Patrick's Day.

The nine are under a day but there's still Joe going to the gym and getting the Aisha/Brian revelation, making the nanite offer to Taylor, Taylor explaining the bullying and Joe going to therapy plus Amy's potential offer, a lot of probable alt pov such as Gully's date, the prt reaction, Garments shop etc. and of course dealing with perks that get rolled plus odds and ends like movie night. Overall I would give it at least 5 chapters before the in story day ends much less the extra 11 odd hours for the nine to get up and close enough to the bay to stomp.
*snort* huh wuzz happening

...Oh right, I forgot this existed! I'm not much of a fan as I previously was, but I still am. Feel free to make another PHO thread! Just @ me so I could threadmark it as the Opening Post. Rules still apply as normal.

(fucking hell, I got to familliarize myself with the rules list again)

Yeah I can get that, the story has been going for so damn long that my interest has waxed and waned, cycling like the seasons. Sometimes I am on the edge of my seat, eagerly awaiting the next chapter, and other times I go months without even reading a single update. It's hard to maintain a high level of interest for a story that has been ongoing on the regular for four years. Seriously, Somer's Rock was three years ago, and I've been waiting for the Nine to get stomped for almost two years now.

So would someone who can actually figure out the PHO wizard kick this thing off?
Martian Tech - Garment Gala New
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♦ Topic: A New Thread
In: Boards ► Fashion ► Events ► Garment's Gala
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member)

Posted On April 27th 2011:

Ok, so I know that most of you have already seen it, but for those of you who have been living under a rock, the Garment's Gala was one of the craziest events to come out of Brockton Bay recently, and that is saying something.

Starting with the charity portions of the event, the Gala was successful at raising over a hundred thousand dollars on singular items alone, and the speeches and videos were… wow. They really hit hard. Mayor Christner's speech was heartbreaking, to say the least. You could feel the emotion pouring out of every word as he talked about the city's struggles, especially with the recent disasters that have hit Brockton Bay. It wasn't just about the devastation itself, but how the city has had to rebuild again and again.

He didn't sugarcoat things either—Christner acknowledged the issues with funding, the corruption, and how hard it's been to keep morale up. It was one of those rare moments where a politician wasn't speaking in vague terms or dodging the truth. You could see it in his face: the city's in rough shape, and it felt like the Gala was his way of telling everyone, "Look, this is what we're up against, and we need your help." There were definitely some teary eyes in the crowd, not gonna lie.

Then there was Garment's video montage. Yeah, it was polished—no surprise there—but what really stood out was how personal it felt. It wasn't just some highlight reel of her projects or a glorified ad for her brand. Instead, it focused on the relief efforts she's been involved in, the people she's helped, and, honestly, some of the footage really got to me. Seeing entire families displaced, streets that used to be bustling now reduced to rubble... it really drove home why this event was so important.

Other speeches followed, but I have to give a shout-out to Uppercrust. His speech was more of a rallying call—he didn't waste any time laying out the numbers, the donations, the goals. Classic Uppercrust, of course, but what struck me was how proud he seemed. Not just of the money raised, but of the community effort. He pointed out that it wasn't just Garment or some wealthy patrons throwing their money around—it was everyone. Regular people contributing what they could, volunteers working behind the scenes, even small businesses donating services.

By the end of it, the room was buzzing. It was clear that the event wasn't just about fashion or a flashy show; it was about the city's survival and rebuilding in a way that gave people hope. And in a city like Brockton Bay, that's priceless.

Then theres the ending and just... Wow. Garment's final display was something else! For those who weren't there, imagine standing in a massive hall where the entire décor—ribbons, banners, and drapes—suddenly came alive. It wasn't just a random cape showing off. Garment demonstrated range, precision, and control that few Shakers can match. She controlled every inch of fabric, turning the space into a swirling tapestry of color and movement.

(Not a post: Anyone know the date in story)
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FashionFascist says:

Blah Blah Blah everyone died.
Now can we get to the real crime?
She combined plaid with polka-dots!

DriveBySpeculator says:

Yes, but it worked!
I mean, that can only be a parahuman power to coordinate things.
Putting together an outfit.
Putting together an event.
Putting together plaids and polka-dots.
It's all the same power!

HatOnACat says:

I'm not sure I would call it "combined"
One angle made the pattern look plaid, one angle made polka dots.
It was a neat effect, but not really a combined look.

FashionFascist says:

No matter what it was, it haunts my nightmares.
I'm seeing clowns mashing together whenever I close my eyes.
I'm just hoping Lethe makes everyone forget the show.
(Not a post: Anyone know the date in story)
(OOC: Wednesday, April 27th)
[X] Post
Blueshift (Verified Cape) (Verified Rogue) (Verified Delivery Boy) (Verified 'Thirty Minutes or it's Free!') (Verified Verified) (Verified Too Many Tags) says:
Man, that show was something else. I mean the sheer effort and coordination needed to get it set up in only a few days is insane and they pulled it off like that. Just, wow. The video has nothing on what it was like to see it in person. Food was great too. Can we talk about the food? I don't know who they got to cater for it but they knocked it out of the park. I took as many leftovers as I could carry and I plan to eat them for the rest of the week! I wish I brought my costume so I could carry more on my harness, the one time I show up in my civies...
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