PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

Gravy Trainer says:
There was at least one other Teeth cape in the group that Phalange dropped. At 0:13 here you can clearly see the third one from the right miss Kataklyzein with some kind of blaster power, and it looks like there are a couple other power effects in the blurry mess but I can't tell who's using them.

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[The link leads to a clip rather than the full video] [edited to add blurry mess comment]
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(Veteran Member) (Was Here Before You) (Seen Shit) says:
<[UtterDisbelief (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (Wiki Warrior): and Kataklyzein is... yeah.]>

Yeah, that's about right. Did that dude just steal Crusader's Spear? Or was there more to it? Cause from what I seen and heard from going around is the guy can no longer create weapons. As in his spectre things? Yeah their no longer capable of being created with weapons.
-As in Kataklyzein has gone and stole his ability to do so. That's certainly a Trump rating there. We don't even need to talk about his physical abilities, dude fighting makes even the most skilled, practiced fighters and dancers look like todler's who've only just figured out basic motor skill functions.

That's wild. Could he do the same to other capes who summon/create/generate weapons? Could he steal Miss.Matilia's gun and like from that point on she would be unable to create new ones?
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Wait, so were they just waiting around? Cause I mean that sounds like precognition but I don't think to anticipate the attack but there were other attacks that they didn't intervene in, across the city.
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UtterDisbelief (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (Wiki Warrior) says:

I mean, the PRT has already said that Survey's got some very potent scanning technology, so it's possible she just noticed that it was getting a bit close to civilians and stepped in. And thank god for that, otherwise my fiend might've not made it out alive.
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HollowFlameParadox (Verified Contradiction) says:

I had just left that shop about twenty minutes prior. Imagine if I had stayed there and Survey and Kataklyzein hadn't stopped the Teeth and Nazis. Also why the hell was Damsel looking like she was trying to square up with them? I get she's this real unstable annihilator but seriously there are limits!! Surely no one is that out of it.
TunaSurprise (Guy Last to Know) says:

I am worried about Apeiron and the Celestial Forge being loose cannons.

I recently spoke with a friend in the PRT about Apeiron. Apparently there has been some hush-hush speculation by the higher-ups in the PRT that he might be a Mad Tinker, a tinker who is exceptionally gifted but suffers from severe personal consequences which will progressively worsen over time. String Theory is an example of a Mad Tinker, she was a remarkable Tinker who acted like a one-woman NASA program... until she went insane and started to threaten to blow people up unless they paid her millions of dollars.

The PRT think Apeiron is a Mad Tinker... and they are standing back and doing nothing?

I'm not claiming that the E88 are saints but they have been a consistent moderating force here in Brockton Bay for decades. While the Protectorate were guarding the rich neighborhoods and posing at promotional events, it was the E88 that chased the S9 and the Teeth from the city. While the PRT have acted like a revolving door for any parahuman villains captured, the E88 have patrolled the streets and protected my community. While the Wards were getting lessons in public speaking and political correctness in their fancy taxpayer-funded headquarters, it was the E88 fighting in the streets to keep the Asians from kidnapping MORE of our wives and daughters to their farms.

The gangs of Brockton Bay are all supposed to be operating under truce and cooperating until the city is repaired and the Teeth are chased out. As the video shows, it was the Teeth that deliberately took the fight to a civilian area. But it was the E88 that the Celestial Forge attacked, maimed and threatened.

A third of the city is destroyed because of Apeiron's malfunctioning tech but he hasn't taken any of the blame. Everyone is talking like he is a messianic savior but what has he done to clean up the mess he made?

We're still digging for the bodies of missing loved ones but the Celestial Forge has already begun posturing in preparation for an attack on the E88.

When is the national Protectorate going to step up and do their job? If Apeiron and the Celestial Forge are so powerful, why hasn't Legend made an appearance? Someone in the PRT just needs to call him as soon as they see Apeiron on a traffic camera. It will take Captain Rainbow less than 30 seconds to travel here from New York but he's too busy smiling for the camera, shaking hands with politicians, and joking with talk-show hosts. Meanwhile, my sister is in the hospital (she's one of the lucky ones), I'm unemployed because my workplace was destroyed, and the city is declaring that they will need to raise property taxes to pay for repairs.

When is Brockton Bay going to get some help?


"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." ~ Ronald Reagan
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IdeasMan95 says:
So correlation isn't causation, but Kataklyzein can take other people's ability to fight him away and seems to be the best fighter ever. What if his power is to beat people and gain some kind of general "fighting ability potential" from them video game exp style meaning he gets better at fighting the more people fights, taking away people's ability to fight if they lose?
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FFNostalgia (Verified Sci-Fi Nerd) (Transhumanist) says:
i have a hard time thinking of any more deserving groups to get their ire taken out on them.
who says they haven't been helping out iv been hearing a number of things like the example of a mass case of hospital patients suddenly finding themselves impossibly healthier overnight.
it wasn't Panacea so who else would it be.
heck with how capable Apeiron is I wouldn't be surprised if any of the volunteers here might of just walked passed him blending in as another volunteer its not like we know his face or that he probably couldn't disguise himself freely.
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UtterDisbelief (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (Wiki Warrior) says:
Hey, Tuna, cool it with the E88 wank there. They might be "nice" when you see them, but some gangbanger a month ago shot a kid while he was playing basketball because he gave the skinhead lip. They may not have been the "worst" group at any given point in time, but they're still trash.

As for why the Celestial Forge decided to go after the E88 after the Teeth were dealt with, according to my friend, it seems they don't like any of the gangs, and the E88 capes were acting recklessly. After all, Purity and her group chased the Teeth Capes towards the store my friend was in. End of the day, if he died, I'd blame Purity and the Empire as much as I'd blame the Teeth guy who would've killed him.

And yeah, the PRT is treating Apeiron with, well, delicate hands. They have to. Even if he's a Mad Scientist, no one knows his tick, and at this point, no one is willing to test it. That, and he's had good communications with the Wards and from what my friend told me, the Celestial Forge has had good communications with some Protectorate Heroes. Who knows, maybe in the future, Apeiron and his team might actually start doing positive work around the city.

And blaming his tech for malfunctioning when fighting against what we can assume to be the STRONGEST RECORDED STRIKER POWER IN HISTORY might be a bit disingenuous. Shit happens, people got hurt, and Apeiron and his team were on it faster than every group in the city, combined.
OftenTiredOne says:

What makes them think that Apeiron is a Mad Tinker?

The E88 have also been a violent force, have they not? And not just towards capes and gang members, but regular people who weren't the right type. They caused harm of their own. The ABB weren't the only ones breaking families.
The Asians also kidnapped other asians, with bombs that could kill them (and everyone nearby) horrifically. Because not all of the asians were ABB.
The Celestial Forge disabled the Teeth, when civilians were in immediate danger. The E88 was threatened, but apparently they didn't follow the truce deal well enough, and the Celestial Forge seems to care a great deal about deals.

From what I've heard, the Brockton Bay Wards weren't just getting PR lessons. They were learning to fight here, against some very dangerous villains.

Apeiron was the one who brought that tech out, but the malfunction likely would've been lesser to non-existent if it wasn't critically damaged by March.
The traiils from his tech also did disappear when he said it would, so didn't he clean it up? Though I wish everything else could be fixed.

Couldn't the Celestial Forge just hack the traffic cameras? Or have Lethe cover them? Could Legend alone actually do anything to the Celestial Forge? I'd prefer it if they called Legend on Bakuda instead, but I don't think they're finding her, either.
And the Cape Blackout has caused problems for most of the region. We've already seen capes pop up helping Brockton Bay, can they spare more?

[Also, thank you for the thread fodder. :)]
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@TunaSurprise (Guy Last to Know)

From what I've heard, director Pigot was stonewalling any attempt at negotiation with him, preventing him from helping. Its posible that he's decided BB is a lost cause with Pigot in charge, at least in the open. Its posible that the medical cases being less severe than anticipated might have been healed by his tech while stealthed. Just because we dont see him helping doesnt mean he isnt. Keep in mind that he hasnt been seen at all outside of summers rock. In a matter of fact it wouldnt suprise me if as soon as Aperion shows up, Legend will zip down to have a chat.
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DandyWingman says:

With how hurt Apeiron was after the fight, there is little surprise he was barely active during initial clean up. But I must remind that his drones disabled a lot of Bakuda's explosives and caught a lot of conscripts. If not for Apeiron we would also be dealing with a rage dragon on top of cleanup and far more active Bakuda. Apeiron's bomb tracking and map of Blackout area are also life savers. I don't want to know what Bakuda's end game was, her preparations for that were terrifying enough.

And Apeiron is likely the reason gang conflict is relatively constrained at the moment. Nobody wants a biblical response on top of their heads.

Don't take me wrong, he is still an unstable cape (more like a force of nature given the time that passed) with unclear goals and likely less than stellar morals (sold weapons to criminals). But he is a definite net positive at least at the moment.

P.S. Imagine what his team will be capable of in 3 days. I'm afraid Survey will be jangling planets by the end of the year while Earth will be consumed by The Cult of The Cat, because that certainly is The Cat and he is going 'places' if he is a fraction of a trump we suspect he is.
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Archmage says:

No offense Tuna but the fact this friend of yours can't even get the category name correct to begin with makes it doubtful from the start. To actually correct things Mad Scientist tinkers have some cost to making their things which is usually a physical or mental part such as blood often limited to being from themselves which tends to not be great for their mental health especially if they are active in combat and their stuff gets wrecked. Given the sheer number of things the forge has made and shown makes it extremely unlikely any of them are nor has there been any real reason to suspect it of them.

Sting Theory also doesn't fit into that category and was always like that her tinker tech had the oddity that it worked on timers with the further off they were the stronger they were. She was a crazy villain right from the start who launched random atks all over and auctioned safety from them online which she used to gain the resources to build bigger things.

The prt also really aren't a great source to take for the forge in general because the Bay's team are a laughing stock right now and it's clear they have no idea about the forge which seems to partly be because of trying to use their first known member as a scapegoat for their failures. Furthermore, the fact you followed that by praising the empire while bashing both the forge and the prt while twisting what happened gives a pretty strong impression.

An example of this is you claiming the Empire got maimed by the forge when all that happened to them was what looks to be being caught in enhanced gravity which at most would have caused some bruises which isn't an issue when they had Othala right there. In the same point you also claimed their target was the Empire which is blatantly wrong when they opened by stopping the Teeth cape that Purity sent flying towards a building from hitting it then beat up the Teeth and only used the gravity on the Empire after Purity approached them.
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DandyWingman says:

>So I don't see anything meaningful here. The Celestial Forge crushed the nazis without any effort. Can anyone say that they expected otherwise?
I can say that I definitely didn't expect Survey to exercise what appears to be Gravity control and expected even less for Kataklyzein to be a sort of combat thinker (is everyone a thinker on that team?). The 'effortless' part was expected, but to demolish Teeth's capes almost without using powers? And only then to demonstrate the trump part in a fashion most describe to be a sort of a statement...

P.S. A Lance? I think someone has a good sense of humor)

>Cause I mean that sounds like precognition
That's a guessing game. For all we know it could have been teleportation, it could have been time travel or their lab is simply under that building, some of CF's civilian identities live nearby or it was a plain old good planning and preparations with CF taking shifts near Teeth's bases ready to prevent inevitable escalation (you don't need to be a precog to know that there will be one).

>As in Kataklyzein has gone and stole his ability to do so.
I Very much doubt that's known to anyone sans Some E88 capes, and any leak would be dealt with harshly]
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Cynifism says:
I can say that I definitely didn't expect Survey to exercise what appears to be Gravity control and expected even less for Kataklyzein to be a sort of combat thinker (is everyone a thinker on that team?). The 'effortless' part was expected, but to demolish Teeth's capes almost without using powers? And only then to demonstrate the tramp part in a fashion most describe to be a sort of a statement...
The exact method may have been impossible to predict, but the outcome? That was never in doubt.

And quite frankly, I'm still not surprised. We had Apeiron use some weird thread things to stitch his torn apart body mostly back together, turn into a werewolf thing, and summon a giant robot out of decades old Japanese cartoon. Why should we be surprised by anything he or his teammates pull of? Gravity control is positively mundane compared to that.

Also, your autocorrupt may be acting up, because I'm pretty sure you're trying to say "trump", not "tramp".
HaiFuPP says:
The E88 likes to claim it's a bastion of safety compared to their surrounding, but that's because it has always been callously indifferent at best to the safety of areas outside their so-called bastion. And worse than that depending on whose safety. The Teeth are always callously indifferent at best no matter where they are. They got unlucky that their fight ran over Survey's favorite convenience store but it was totally and completely predictable that they'd both push their luck on endangering civilians until an outside force stepped in.

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ThereBeWitches says:
Question: is anyone genuniely suprised how this went? Aperion and Survey have demonstrated their abilities pretty handily (assuming Survey was responsible for the Website set up post-Ungodly Hour, which seems reasonable given her name), and imagining any major brawl escaping their notice seems silly, given there's no reason to assume their monitoring is limited to search and resecue...
Combined with a pretty clear ability to move fast, pretty much every conflict in BB for the forseeable future is going to have a third party watching it, deciding if it constitutes breaking 'the rules'(or whatever Aperion's team is judging this stuff by), which thus far have been fairly lax compared to the common Cape response to aquiring overwhelming power. I'm not sure what exactly took them so long to show up, but since they showed up precisely when the attack was about to turn civilian-lethal...
Also, to back up this interesting timing, watch the rest of the capes right around this time. It's a little hard to see since the Shield (capitalized for lack of a better name) pops up right after, but for a good half second... pretty much all of the capes watched this dude charge towards a civie building. That's not normal behavior, not for villians. Hero capes might be more concerned with civilian casualties, but none of BB's villians have ever demonstrated such a serious awareness, dare I say 'concern', for civies. And definitely not normal for the Teeth (See here or here for estimated unpowered and civilian death totals (individual and group) for the Teeth).
Something's up there. Probably a truce or (temporary) rules of engagement of some sort ( See BB villian 'treaty' meeting? thread if you want to get into the deep speculation), and if Aperion is Aperion, he probably said some pretty rediculious stuff that the rest of the villians kinda had to follow, for fear of retaliation.
The two Aperion-buddies (IK they're the 'Celestial Forge', but that's such a fucking silly name) were pretty terrifying, but did we really see this as a suprise? Frankly, the most suprising thing was that Purity didn't blush pink when she got chided by Survey ( attempts to reconstruct the audio were impossible, but most agreed the body language suggested a fairly one-sided conversation). Did you know it's been documented Purity's halo glows pink when suitably embarissed? I certianly didn't, and I certainly don't want to know how the person got that angle for that footage...
Kat-batman was cool too. I'm not used to seeing cats be so fucking terrifying. Mine has been a sasy asshole since he could mewl, but apparently there's potental there. I certianly wouldn't be able to pull off some of those flexes, a fair few people are agreeing there's at minimum some serious flexabilty extensions involved, or otherwise he's a natural contortionist. I've seen my cat do some crazy stuff, but there were a few moves that should have broken his spine if attempted by a normie cat. us humies can only dream of that level of flexability.
What's paticularly interesting here is what isn't present. Aperion's absence in this conflict signals that he's willing to trust his team to engage without him (no visible audio devices, though the low quality footage makes it naturally a little uncertain), and that he trusts their decisions enough to let them speak for him. That's good for keeping conflicts from escolating (I doubt an apperance from him at this point would be met with anything less then an armada), but also suggests he's still got plans in progress. I also wonder what the absence of the remainder of his team means, if anything at all? Do they trust that just two people were enough (regardless of the fact that it was, easily), or are the others busy with other tasks? What could even keep them busy, assuming similar power levels?

BiggerThanABusterSword says:

I'm just glad we got some new photos of Survey! She is definitely my new wallpaper. Not just my hormones, her posing with that shield and lance was just awesome to see.

I feel kind of bad for Emilia Clark, though. Everyone was so excited to see her play Daenerys Targaryen and talking about how perfect she was for the part. Emilia got one week in the spotlight before Survey showed up. Makes me wonder if Survey is completely natural or if Apeiron got inspired by the Game of Thrones pilot episode.

Remember that HD panoramic Apeiron posted when he first joined PHO? Do you think there is any way we could get HD photos of the whole Forge team? It would be sweet to have Apeiron-level photos from Survery and Kataklyzein's POV during the fight.
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Seventh7th says:

might as well ask for someone to just casually leak prt internal documents, that level of fidelity must be part of some kind of analysis tech

i had no idea the teeth had so many different capes they could field, fuck

the newest nazi there, damsel of dismas or whatever, is commpletely insane. even more than the initial prt analysis thought Aperion was.
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DandyWingman says:

>no visible audio devices
A laser microphone that hears your mutter from a mile away is possible nowadays. Tinkertech is BS by default and can go to Town with that and make laser transfer sound back... Remember Kid Win's kinetic lasers? You won't see any communication device in question if a normal tinker didn't want it to be seen. But ApeTech? Assume it's 'unknown magic' and do not make assumptions, because your assumption likely will be wrong as Apeiron proved time and time again.

>Aperion's absence in this conflict signals that he's willing to trust his team to engage without him
Or it means he was busy elsewhere and literally couldn't be present even if he wanted to (assuming he even cares about something like that). Or he was there, watching under some form of invisibility, putting words right into Survey's ear and ready to step in. Or he was Survey... Seriously, these assumptions are groundless. The only thing we know for certain about that guy's capabilities is that he is getting stronger at an Alarming rate.
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[Perhaps on the Eastern Seaboard, but @Psiidmon gave no indication that the character they're playing is from there. So if they're from the Western part of the country, they could easily just not be aware of her or her notoriety.]
[Not if they are from America at all. DoD is pretty big deal and Boston Games was a famous event. Also, even if we assume that is true, what is that poster even doing in a BB thread? Because despite being from CF, Suvey and Kat do not have that infamy that Apeiron's got.]
[Not if they are from America at all. DoD is pretty big deal and Boston Games was a famous event. Also, even if we assume that is true, what is that poster even doing in a BB thread? Because despite being from CF, Suvey and Kat do not have that infamy that Apeiron's got.]

[Seventh's gimmick is not showing anyone outside the Forge respect by getting their name right - because he's scared that they can actually take him out for the disrespect. It's deliberately dismissive of her name and past by just going 'she's nazi number 58'. So even if he did know of her past, he'd dismiss it.]