PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

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AdairNocturne says:
Depression isn't a joke. Can we not treat it like it is? Unless you literally mean that listening to Apeiron's explanation will cause a chemical imbalance in the brain. Sorry to hear that, Armsmaster. I'm not going to waste your time with platitudes about curing a serious medical condition by enjoying the taste of sea air before a storm or anything. I hope you're getting the help you need.
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Sectimseempra says:

Anyone hoping he's being metaphorical with #6? Because of he's not that means souls exist and I'm not sure how to feel about that.
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Jörmungandr No.2 says:

Alright so works with Souls and obsessed with contracts is there any confirmation that Apeiron isn't a demon?

Also according to number 15 apparently they've already corrupted Myrddin. If so should we change his title for Wizard to Warlock or is that too presumptuous?
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EvilToster said:

Apparently, according to the last post, Apeiron might be able to summon Satan. So, good news, he is not Devil himself, bad news he still might be one of the dozens other demons.

WAIT, does it mean we can SUMMON Apeiron?! Is this is how he appears and disappears without a trace?! He must've have base in hell, now it all adds up! Hell is very big, Apeiron certainly can fit Endbringer-sized mecha in there and summon it through demonic summon magic at a whim!

Oh, and while we are at it: anyone wants to talk about - checks notes - (impossible and eldrich?) colors that can shatter people's mind and fact that SOMEONE from Celestial Forge wants more of these?!
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CyanDiurne says:
It is my understanding that at least one fashion cape is based in Brockton. Would it be of particular surprise for a fashion cape to commission a new color from a tinker?
Kinda sad I'm having to go over my own list by here's a go.

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Perry the Platypus (Unveirified Platypus) says:
Has anyone actually looked at this list!?! It's either fake or something to be terrified about! Cybernetic enhancement, Jedi, cloning, things that break people's minds, giant robots, and even zombies! There is no way he could do it.

Browbeat - (Verified Ward)
Considering it's Apeiron...
I mean look at what he's done in just a week. This could be a small list if his first works were knives that could cut through Tinkertech and disposable healing. And in what, a single day he built a Transformer that could do that. (Posts video of Train yard fight.)
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so like
two questions:
can you at least let us know how many s-class threats are in mr global memetic hazard's arsenal
and what exactly does 20% time mean???
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EvilToster said:

Hold on, yes, thats it! I saw Vista using this name in few posts, took a few second to realize she was talking about Monke Steel. Which means that PRT... KNEW ALL ALONG! Oh my god, thats why they slapped Master accusations on Apeiron, demons are known to sway mortals to be evil. Oh, and check this: Mammon is another name for Beelzebub aka Lord of Flies. Thats why Apeiron so interested in Lady Khepri! He is not gunning for the date, he is recruiting followers.

We did it PHO, we solved everything.
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EvilToster said:

Hold on, yes, thats it! I saw Vista using this name in few posts, took a few second to realize she was talking about Monke Steel. Which means that PRT... KNEW ALL ALONG! Oh my god, thats why they slapped Master accusations on Apeiron, demons are known to sway mortals to be evil. Oh, and check this: Mammon is another name for Beelzebub aka Lord of Flies. Thats why Apeiron so interested in Lady Khepri! He is not gunning for the date, he is recruiting followers.

We did it PHO, we solved everything.
MojaveCourier said:

You know what? I'm game for believing this. It's not anymore crazy than the other theories on Apeiron. You think he's still accepting recruits?
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TimeKeeper (Verified Clockblocker Fan) said:

And how do you explain the actual Endbringers, Void? Time travel, perhaps? Is the silver simian a time travelling alien demon instead of just a regular alien demon?
xxxVoidCowboyxxx said:

He's Scion coming back in time to make the Endbringers. Why else would he be floating around and catching all the cats. They're the only things keeping us safe from him turning into monsters! This proves it!!!

Out of character: This is actually pretty entertaining. Especially if we can act like crazy VoidCowboy's and mocking ourselves.
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ClockSmasher (Verified Clockblocker Fan, Verified Not a Cape, Unverified Clockblocker Girlfriend) said:
No Scion is obviously someone my future husband sent back in time to stop the alien demon invasion. And the Case 53s are their first victims.

[I am actually trying to rp multiple Clockblocker alts as Dennis tried to troll void into getting himself banned.]
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ManOfCulture (Verified Degenerate) Said:

but wait, would he be able to do that? Not the building Endbringer or Endbringer-equivalents OBVIOUSLY but should we really be considering Apeiron to be able to change the flow of time?
Not even String Theory could do that!
And before you fearmongering Void ripoffs come out of your basements, we still have not seen anything that would put him on the same level, hes only around Dragons level.
...although, cant believe that I'd ever say that in anything but a complementary way
[Trying to steer things away from outright shit-posting and towards our earlier examples of constructive talk]
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IsThisNameTaken03 Said:
At some point it doesn't matter how many S-Class threats you have, just that you have more than one.

Anyway, lets make some deductions and see if we can guess some, because Apeiron is certainly not going to tell.

1. Self replication is a given imo, both biologically and technologically. His blue healing lines are either pulling biomass from thin air and/or converting it from the material around it (like the air or something). There is no way in heck that is just speed up normal healing. He didn't have time to eat anything and he was literally (and artistically, but that is a whole other conversation) broken and bleeding on the ground. He didn't have the biomass for that. That means at least bioreplication from the blue lines, but also notice how his red tendril parasite things integrated themselves into his body AND his tech. That's a frickin bio-tech bridge, so it would be reasonable to assume that the blue lines can at least interact with tech as well as his body.
2. AI is also likely. Apeiron's drones were working totally fine while he was focused elsewhere. Not only fine, but with an extreme amount of coordination, so either Apeiron outsourced his drone piloting systems to a third world country or he's got at least a primitive AI running the show. This is Apeiron, and the idea that anything of his could be considered 'primitive' is completely ridiculous, so if he has the ability to make an AI it will inevitably be a REALLY good one.
3. Plague is also possible, but a bit of a stretch. Apeiron drank something to get rid of his beast form, so that means he has at least some mutation experience. Again, this is Apeiron, 'some' probably means 'I am the undisputed master', so since mutations occur at the cellular level that means he can mess with DNA and bacteria, which means he can mess with plagues and disease. Good news is this probably means he can cure cancer and the really nasty contagious stuff. Bad news is that he can make that stuff too. So add plague to the list.

I can't remember any more S-Class- oh wait bombs. Duh.

4. Bombs. If he can start deliberately spreading those weird elemental zones or that not-really-an-emp field he could shut down massive areas at a time. Even if he only had rudimentary bomb knowledge that would work, and he definitely has access to samples of Bakuda's tech, so who knows what he can learn from that.

Anyway, I can't remember any more of the common S-Class examples but I am sure that four is plenty for an unsigned kill-order, so it is safe to assume that exists imo. Any other S-Class ideas? Anyone think I am an idiot?
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ThisIsYourMomCatSpeaking Said:
You know... if Apeiron can mess with mutations, couldn't he make an anti-virus virus? Like a vaccine transmitted like a virus? Would the PRT get so freaked out by an anti-virus virus that they would make an anti-anti-virus? That would be both hilarious and utterly sad.
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IsThisNameTaken03 Said:

I am just imagining the PRT being forced to make S-Class threats to combat Apeiron's S-Class threats. Like we knew they were hypocrites, but that is on a whole new level.
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LadMAD (Verified Cape) Said:

@IsThisNameTaken03 With threats like Bonesaw and Nilbog still at large (not to mention any old Tinker that could work with existing sicknesses) then it would surprise me more if the PRT DID NOT have pathogen countermeasures, and it shouldn't be terribly hard to adapt a virus/plague only killer into a cure-only-killer
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Perry the Platypus (Unverified Platypus) said:

But how many other things could he have that could classify as S Class Threats? I mean robotic dinosaurs sound great but I don't think Brockton Bay could handle that right now. And how could he create Jedi? Can Apeiron give people powers like the Force and Lightsabers? And there was his comment about Alchemy. Why would Thinkers need to stay away from it only because they are losing parts of themselves?