PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

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DandyWingman says:
>It's more like they're a set of siblings.
Check that leaked video again. Survey practically jumps at any attention from Apeiron. Way too eager. That doesn't seem like sibling behavior to me. It's possible she was nervous and jumpy, but she decidedly did not look nervous, only eager.
And their teammate, Fleet, only amusedly smiles at that. That's where sibling behavior lays.

Edit: And now that I took a second look: whole team was way too relaxed and casual. What's with that?

>Not easy making a Grecian war helmet work without looking goofy
Disagree with you there. Strongly! That thing is giving me chills, a toddler might look menacing in it. It's so dark that it appears as if it swallows light.
It's a miracle the cat managed to look like a lazy normal cat with military training instead of scary and intimidating. Probably because of his training, there are seminars to not look threatening despite having a weapon, there is no reason why that wouldn't work for a helmet.
Also, now my wife demands I wear a helmet like that to the bed... Where am I supposed to find a helmet of that shape and color? Shops don't sell paint that dark.

>apparently Fleet could break the sound barrier just by shrugging
He did not break the sound barrier, it would have blown up all windows in vicinity. Not that it will make it any difference for his enemies, that's a lot of power in one person. He isn't the first cape to move that fast, he is the first to move that fast from a standstill (Apetech at work? Apeiron also ignored acceleration against gaming duo).
And his clothes did not reap nor tier, so either a shaker field at work or those clothes are outright indestructible. Surviving that many Gs counts as indestructible in my eyes.
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GunGunGun says:
>And now that I took a second look: whole team was way too relaxed and casual. What's with that?

Of course they would be casual. With the sheer weight they're throwing around, it's like they are surrounded by children. Add to that ridiculously good equipment and I would be more surprised if they were nervous.
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The Unfortunate Centaur says:
@ DandyWingman Once again, I'm pointing towards context here. You're not wrong about Survey, but if you look at those same leaked videos, Fleet and Proto Aima, at least, also exhibit similar behavior. In fact, Proto Aima seems to show it even more.

And even then, it's not really too odd for certain family members, particularly in families without good parental figures, to look up to the oldest sibling or someone similar. That level of admiration, when looked at from the outside, could easily be mistaken for romantic intentions, which I think is what's happening here.
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DandyWingman says:
>Of course they would be casual. With the sheer weight they're throwing around, it's like they are surrounded by children.
Not what I meant, look at it from this perspective:

Apeiron was confident, as a person who ripped Lung a new one should.
Nightmare Beast was baring teeth left and right. Nothing unexpected.
Fleet was outright bored despite something new and curious happening next to him. It might be possible that he lives in a slow-mo, thus got used to situation fast and is easy to bore.
Survey, the business Lady, is probably used to attention, so she just ignored everybody's stares. She did throw some glances around, but not all that much.
And Matrix was more interested in the bar than anything else. That didn't look like casual disregard based on confidence, that looked like plain disinterest.

Sans Matrix, seems like nothing unexpected. Yet, where is the wonder of 'your first outing' or 'making history'? Where is the excitement for one upping some big names? Where is posturing that capes are so famous for? Where is reveling in the attention? What's up with this group?

The only island of 'normal' that I can totally understand is Kataklizmien. He was relaxed and seemingly casual, but he was keeping his surroundings in check, his military training and awareness on display to those who pays attention.

>In fact, Proto Aima seems to show it even more.
The most emotions I have seen from the Nightmare Beast were clear gastronomical interest for the Teeth.
And I haven't seen anything like that from Fleet. He didn't seem jumpy or eager to me, but even if he was, it could have been from his abnormal speed and reaction time.
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GunGunGun says:
>Sans Matrix, seems like nothing unexpected. Yet, where is the wonder of 'your first outing' or 'making history'? Where is the excitement for one upping some big names? Where is posturing that capes are so famous for? What's up with this group?

@DandyWingman, well there are two reasons I can imagine their casualness for their debut. Well, three really, but the first two are kind of the same:

The first two is either that they have had experience on the field before, either as a cape or as a normal. We all know that renaming happens from time to time with capes, just look at Ventus who suspiciously appeared in California shortly after AuGustus disappeared from the New York scene two years ago. Nobody would confirm it, but it happens and we have a lot of indirect proof that it happens for capes and Apeiron may have just sourced his people from capes in other cities like this, though unlikely considering their comradery.

They could've also been active in other ways, either as console/backline support since everyone seems to have some degree of Tinker/Thinker power in Celestial Forge, and their experience in that had tempered them. Then there's the people who have clearly come from military backgrounds before they became a cape like Kataklyzein. I have no idea what army the cat is from, but you don't get that kind of discipline outside of military training, just saying.

Honestly if these are the reasons as to why they're so calm, then it could almost be comforting. I mean, either way, it still means that these people are experienced, and though experienced capes with Apeiron tech sounds terrifying, at least it's not your average teenage cape with the discipline you might expect from that age.

But then there's the third possible reason, which I had alluded to earlier - it's possible that they are just so strong that... well, nobody else outside of their group is worth noticing anymore. Remember, we have no idea what these people could do. They could be just as strong as Apeiron or even stronger for all we know and if that was the case, if every single one of them is strong enough to shake the world, well... yeah.

At least the costumes are easy on the eyes. Helps stave the existential dread away.
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VerifiedCape (Verified verification tag) says:
@DandyWingman they've got a paint like that on aleph. Don't know if the formula or whatever made it over here yet, but some videos of stuff painted in it came over from their side. It seriously looks like a bad video edit. Your eyes can only tell it's a real object when they move it. Stats with v?
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FlyingPurplePeopleEater (Verified Fiction) says:
Ya know we keep talking about where he got the team in the last three days or maybe it's not sudden and they've been helping behind the scenes this whole time, I don't think we've really not given enough credence to the idea that he simply made them. This "three day old tech" Apeiron. And hey, he's been completely out of sight for three days. On top of that Survey especially bears that classic Apeiron signature style, but, aside from Kataklyzein, the others all have it also even though only Survey and Fleet are playing to the human aesthetic. And Survey does come across as eager to please, she comes across as a little girl eager to please her Dadperion.

Now you may object that they don't seem like they just met but that, and many other oddities, is addressed by a specialization that was recently floated over in Apeiron General Discussion thread, time. If his tinker specialization is time then that really explains a lot, his crazy fast battlefield modification of Leet's tech? Personal time acceleration, his rapid improvement and recovery? Accelerated time in his workshop, his seemingly endless supply of materials? Temporally cloned from an initial stockpile. After that everything else just becomes mater of enough study of other tinker tech and parahuman powers which tinkers have always been able to duplicate technologically with enough time and effort. He just doesn't want to use too much obvious time tech in public to keep everyone off balance by not knowing his actual specialization.
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DandyWingman says:

>specialization that was recently floated over in Apeiron General Discussion thread, time
A Time specialization can explain how he can go from standstill to Formula One without suffering from all those Gs. And I can easily see an equipment that redistributes damage over time, thus providing insane levels of durability. Capturing and storing certain effects using time shenanigans? That would explain Apeiron's Pouch of items. Even his fire, cold, electricity and gravity effects can be explained somewhat by a BS Time specialization. A time tinker throwing off a timing thinker? Curb-stomp.

Apeiron's flexibility is too wide for such a specialization, but there is a chance he outright views future at his leisure and steals designs for all his tech or tech itself from Earth 3XXX (sky isn't the limit there). A single 4D printer from 3XXX probably can achieve almost everything Apeiron did on its own and cook you superb meals on top of that.

- I seriously doubt a robot made with Time specialization would have been caught in a time bubble. It would have dramatically walked out and crushed the bubble between fingers.
- Apeiron's Title and Dramatic Presentation technologies seem like extreme outliners. It's too out of Time specialization. It does seem like something people will try to invent in 3XXX for better films and other media, to replace megaphones, but who in their right mind would build something with such a global effect?
- I'm not sure how Time specialization can help with digital warfare on our local equipment. It either wouldn't have helped all that much or he would have crashed opposition using tools from 3XXX script kiddies.

Personally I think it's more likely that Apeiron has specialization as exotic as Time or even tangentially related, but far more varied. Tinker Cabal now looks a lot more likely as well.

>which tinkers have always been able to duplicate technologically with enough time and effort.
If that was the case, we would have had a lot of healing tinkers around.
Tinkers do not duplicate things, they get inspired. And not good with healing in general, at most they come up with very advanced prosthetics. Even wet-tinkers aren't that good with healing, even when they try.

P.S. Going to wrap power discussion here, going too off topic.
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[I'm torn between having a Judge(Moderator) issuing a warning about derails, and just editing it in during cleaning up the interlude, 'cause the current discussion's fascinating.]
[I'm torn between having a Judge(Moderator) issuing a warning about derails, and just editing it in during cleaning up the interlude, 'cause the current discussion's fascinating.]
I agree that this is a derail, but I think it isn't that long of a derail.
5-6 messages is hardly of a concern for a moderator, especially since that's two different topics. 4 messages - relationships and 2 - specialization, even if FlyingPurplePeopleEater's message landed out of the blue. Keeping a 'fashion war' topic without derails? Unlikely. But it might require a warning from a moderator to wrap the derails up and move to proper topics before hammers start falling, may be even signifying an end of the thread.]
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FlyingPurplePeopleEater (Verified Fiction) says:
A, good points.
B, Oh yeah, we're talking Fashion here ummm... This new avenue of competition for the gangs is stupid but good. Stupid because compared to their actual heinous crimes and capacity for future crime their clothing doesn't mean anything, but on the other hand I'd much rather see them trying to out style each other rather than out violence each other.
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Winged_One says:
Not that parahumans aren't known for fighting over the smallest of things anyway. Trying to one up each other's style could very well also end up ending in a much less peaceful confrontation, just saying.

On that note, actually what do the two fashion capes in Brockton Bay feel over this development, I wonder...
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Dino_King says:
Garment's probably enjoying it. In fact, she probably has her hand in a lot of those new costumes. Can't say the same about Parian. She might be glad for the business but with Garment around, the competition's probably fierce.
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Winged_One says:
Hm, I agree that perhaps the Protectorate got their designs from Garment. I know that BrocktonsFashionista said that what they're wearing isn't up to par with her usual quality, but I have a feeling that Garment is just that good that she could even hold back on what she could make, which is probably what the PRT asked of her given that if the costumes are too good they might just take the attention away from the people wearing them.

As for Parian though... Yeah, I hate to say it, but she's kind of an inferior Garment at this point. Parian just doesn't the sheer creativity and precision Garment Gloves could bring to bear, and I'm sure that she is not happy with all the requests she isn't getting from the capes in the town.

[OOC: This is essentially me working off of the Simurgh fanon by having her basically direct a conflict between Parian and Garment, mostly to bring out Apeiron. We could probably swing this into another PHO Interlude in the future, but these couple of posts are largely a setup for now.]
Dino_King says:
I feel kind of bad for Parian. Imagine setting yourself up as the Fashion Cape but getting overshadowed by a someone who can do it better, faster, and probably cheaper too given how Garment just gave away clothes when she was out and about.

Still, this does bring something to mind. When will the capes from other cities start stepping up their game? There's just no way this Fashion War stays in Brockton Bay.
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DandyWingman says:
>who can do it better, faster, and probably cheaper
Doesn't mean that it's cheaper. It could have easily been an advertisement, it definitely works like one. Or Garment has a very generous sponsor that doesn't mind fashion being distributed.

On the topic of sponsors, Accord's Ambassadors in Boston also got new outfits. And those are clearly Garment's work. picks.

[Because in no way Accord will be left behind]
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Butterfish (Verified Cape)(Not a Pirate) Says:
Do you guys think Garment could make nonstandard outfits?I could use some tinkermade wetting clothes, not wet tinking please.
It's hard to find a ok cloth for our case53 and near impossible to have some room left for fashion. But! Just look at that cute little girl from Team Apeiron! She's living our dreams! I'm so jealous but good for her. At least I know there is still hope for our people.
I mean hope for pure fashion clothes, of course.
[He's implying a lot of shits and not very care about subtle hints anymore.]
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EverydayMan says:
>who can do it better, faster, and probably cheaper
So in other words, what basically happened with N5 and capes in the first place?
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MaineLion (verified cape) says:
Hey Kataclyzein, can you get me the number of your tailor? All the clothes I own get uncomfortable if I'm sitting around too long keeping a healing purr going in a hospital or something.
Southern Cross says:
@MaineLion, I think that the Celestial Forge probably has Garment as a tailor. Who else in Brockton Bay meets Apeiron's standards?