[X] KILL KILL KILL. When it comes to Syndicates – when it comes to Rats, words are useless. They're going to be scattered, and you'll come at them like a wrecking ball, hit them before they know they got hit. If the client wants any information, or shit out of them, you can do that after the fact. [Combat; Element of Ambush]

Blood for the HamHamPangPang lord!
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

Rat king sounds too fun to pass up.
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

i mean yeah bunch of rats so just kill 'em dead is a Fair Enough approach, but


da giant rat who makes all of da rulez tho

Plus, to think about this more, there's already been a couple of offices who've taken a swing and not come out, so charging in all unga-mcbunga may not be the best course

even if it is what we are good at doing

so fuck it, let's take a poke at this whole cycle of violence thing and see what Da Giant Rat has got in his brainmeat
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
[X] KILL KILL KILL. When it comes to Syndicates – when it comes to Rats, words are useless. They're going to be scattered, and you'll come at them like a wrecking ball, hit them before they know they got hit. If the client wants any information, or shit out of them, you can do that after the fact. [Combat; Element of Ambush]
[X] Through the Backdoor. You can't ever ever trust Syndicates – they're fucking Syndicates, organized scum, and the Rats are no better than one-faced opportunists. Brian fortunately has the map, as well as blueprint to the warehouse. So you'll go from the back, find out whatever you can quietly, and take out the Leader. [Stealth; Element of Information]

I'm gonna go with the minority option :V
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

If the enemy boss is willing to put themselves in stabbing range, why should we pass it up?

And as long as we don't fuck it up, it's a great chance for intimidation, because the Rat King's gonna be thinking they know it's a trap, they know we slaughtered the last two batches of Fixers, they don't look like they're idiots, so why the fuck ain't they afraid?

da giant rat who makes all of da rulez tho
True dat, true dat
'K, I'm in

[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

Trust Kai, yeah
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

I hope meeting da giant rat dat makes all of da rulez won't get us killed. I wonder how much experiences Kai has with meeting rats anyways
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

I want to let Kai do her thing. And it would be really cool if it did work out and we came to a deal.
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

So long as Kai and our client do the talking, this might work.
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
Hmm, interesting twist. Let's see how this plays out, but I suspect things will end in violence anyway.
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

This is more about choosing to trust Kai for me.
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

I trust Kai.
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]

Could be ambition, you don't say, feeling a churning inside your stomach; a sudden deep, and sinking realization that you might get what the Rats – the Rat King is thinking. A dream of something bigger – a dream of all Rats, a dream for someone like you.
Well then, looks like we could be meeting someone who was touched by the Light.

I wonder how bright they're going to shine before being extinguished.
[X] A Courtly Meeting. Well, if Kai vouches for it, then you're just gotta trust her. It's stupid, and dumb, and is like, probably a trap. You think the client, and Kai knows it too to a degree. You're gonna lose any element of surprise, and you're likely to be surrounded, but you'll meet face-to-face with the leader – and if Brian wants information, he can get them straight from the mouth himself. [Negotiation(???); Element of Diplomacy]