Somehow there's no pictures of the Color's (Red Mist, Blue Reverberation and Black Silence) Pages from LoR on the internet so I can't throw them at you for you to see. Not sure if our QM wants the quest stats to match up with LoR stats because then they sit somewhere around 100-120 hallmark. Granted that appears to be game balancing since when we fight against them they have a lot more health and stagger resist.
Spoilers ahead for some combat mechanics in LoR if anyone somehow doesn't know this yet on this thread.
Trait wise, of the top of my head I can tell you that Red Mist gets multiple moves per round, a counter die at start of combat, her lowest speed die (or dice) get changed to infinite speed and uuuh, and she gets to manifest E.G.O. at higher emotion levels. She also gets two special moves that roll high and fuck people up. Primarily by cutting people in half, either vertically or horizontally.
Blue Reverb has straight up immunity to ranged damage, has a "reverberation" status ailment which I can't quite recall what it does outside of boosting damage by a lot under certain conditions and also multiple moves per turn. Had a lot of dice recycling from what I remember, no idea how that would work in a quest tho.
Black Silence has multiple moves per turn as is standard for higher level foes, an entire fucking armory in his gloves, every third combat page he hits harder and gets to use his super move every time he uses all of his moves once.
I'm probably forgetting some stuff. But yeah their abilities would be something in the vein of these.