Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

I'm loving this, the idea of having the Kaiju attack not just earth but all the worlds? GENIUS. while there is still going to be a bit of HUMANITY! FUCK YEAH! going on, this is definitely something I'm going to keep an eye on.
I'm loving this, the idea of having the Kaiju attack not just earth but all the worlds? GENIUS. while there is still going to be a bit of HUMANITY! FUCK YEAH! going on, this is definitely something I'm going to keep an eye on.
This isn't that kind of story. A lot of the tone I have in mind for this story is the tone of Pacific Rim, which is about coming together to beat the long odds.

I'm not looking to write a story of humans ground under an alien boot, nor am I looking to write an HFY story.
I will admit to still being as amused by the Jaegar Program as I was in the beginning. What it must say about the Culture of Humanity where I could see the Jaegar program happening.

What does it say about Humanity where our best response is to one up our enemies at their own game?

What does it say about Humanity where we build Giant robots and use legal mindrape to battle giant monsters?
I will admit to still being as amused by the Jaegar Program as I was in the beginning. What it must say about the Culture of Humanity where I could see the Jaegar program happening.

What does it say about Humanity where our best response is to one up our enemies at their own game?

What does it say about Humanity where we build Giant robots and use legal mindrape to battle giant monsters?

Is it really mindrape if the person puts their mind in willingly knowing what's involved?
Is it really mindrape if the person puts their mind in willingly knowing what's involved?
That's a delicate topic... for example, talking about sex, if two adults consent to the act, but in the middle of it one of them wishes to stop but the other doesn't listen and keeps going, even getting rough in the process...

I don't want to make this a discussion about rape. However, if we make the analogy to drifting, then it becomes kinda obvious how invasive the system is. I noticed that some here are of the opinion that Drift is a intimate experience, perhaps more so than Asari melding, but I would point out that this is at best an accident, and at worst mind-rape.

From a purely practical perspective, you want your pilots to coordinate their conscious minds while isolating their respective subconscious. It makes sense, you want the pilots to focus on killing the enemy, not losing themselves in each other's memories. This would mean that by design, memory sharing isn't supposed to happen, making the system faulty, unreliable and unpredictable.

Now as for the actual experiences shared, I can't help but note that in the movie the only memories shared are traumatic ones. If, say, you shared your happy times then perhaps we could be talking about an intimate relationship, but as it stands it's more resembling of one of those anonymous help groups. And so I ask, do any of the pilots want to share those memories? I think the answer is probably not. So, the reason it's convenient for the two pilots to get along is because they know that they are likely to invade each other's privacy, but that they can't help it because technology isn't yet capable of it. That doesn't make them any more willing to partake in the experience than a soldier is willing to die when he goes to war.

So it is my opinion that Drift is a far cruder and brutish version of Asari melding.
That's a delicate topic... for example, talking about sex, if two adults consent to the act, but in the middle of it one of them wishes to stop but the other doesn't listen and keeps going, even getting rough in the process...

I don't want to make this a discussion about rape. However, if we make the analogy to drifting, then it becomes kinda obvious how invasive the system is. I noticed that some here are of the opinion that Drift is a intimate experience, perhaps more so than Asari melding, but I would point out that this is at best an accident, and at worst mind-rape.

From a purely practical perspective, you want your pilots to coordinate their conscious minds while isolating their respective subconscious. It makes sense, you want the pilots to focus on killing the enemy, not losing themselves in each other's memories. This would mean that by design, memory sharing isn't supposed to happen, making the system faulty, unreliable and unpredictable.

Now as for the actual experiences shared, I can't help but note that in the movie the only memories shared are traumatic ones. If, say, you shared your happy times then perhaps we could be talking about an intimate relationship, but as it stands it's more resembling of one of those anonymous help groups. And so I ask, do any of the pilots want to share those memories? I think the answer is probably not. So, the reason it's convenient for the two pilots to get along is because they know that they are likely to invade each other's privacy, but that they can't help it because technology isn't yet capable of it. That doesn't make them any more willing to partake in the experience than a soldier is willing to die when he goes to war.

So it is my opinion that Drift is a far cruder and brutish version of Asari melding.

The Drift tech, the Pons system was not originally designed for two pilots, it was supposed to be a straight brain-machine interface.

It was only when the person who designed it, Dr. Caitlin Lightcap, "bridged in" with the test pilot for the original test-Jaeger Brawler Yukon when Lt D'onofrio was having a seizure trying to pilot it that they found out that the two pilot system was what worked. That created the Drift. Everything from there on out was uncharted territory that they had to explore.

For Lightcap and D'onofrio, the Drift was practically a mindscape they could communicate directly in while doing pilot stuff. It seems that everything about the Drift was learned through trial and error.

The Drift is a strange, almost mystical thing. Hell, Pentacost was so good at it that he could bridge with anyone because he could keep all of himself separate from the interface and not actually mind-meld.
But Stacker Pentacost could also probably start nuclear fusion through force of will, so who knows if that is even something anyone else could learn.;)

It does seem that the closer two individuals are, the deeper the connection and the more effective the piloting is. (except int the case of Pentacost, who could have likely piloted Striker Eureka with an orangutan hooked up to the other side, pretty similar to what happened, actually.:D)

What's really got interesting implications is that Lightcap and D'onofrio began sharing the same dreams when they weren't connected to the system, and possibly more than that eventually.

Lightcap and D'onofrio were both still alive as of the end of the movie as per the novelization, so they will likely make an appearance in the 'fic. I'll explore a bit about where the Drift has taken them, and what other applications the tech has.

Honestly, I don't think the Drift is too much like Asari melding in reality. Melding is very trance-like and strangely passive (despite whatever...activities you may be up to while doing it) and the Drift is very active and focused in the moment, once fully initiated.
Part7 (UCS)
Outside Context Solution part 5

Within a matter of days, the probes and surveillance devices deployed by the Silent Step had allowed the ship to penetrate the entirety of Earth's information networks. Specially designed, insect sized, devices had been deployed in the upper atmosphere and made their way to the Hong Kong Shatterdome to infiltrate and set up an all pervasive surveillance of the facility and everything in it.
A few surveillance probes had even managed to work themselves unobtrusively into the Jaegers themselves.

Never let it be said that the STG is less than thorough. This sort of infiltration and datamining is considered a training exercise for the organization, with thousands of years experience against foes just as advanced and experienced as they are.

The security procedures used on Earth never stood a chance of keeping them out.

Thus, the entire crew not involved with operations on the fourth planet were pouring over the vast amounts of data being extracted from the Earth every second as well as keeping close watch on the activities of Marshall Pentecost and the remains of the Jaeger program.

"Fascinating. Ingenious" murmured Dr. Solus as he was going over the technical specifications of the Pons Neural Bridge system, while comparing it to various scientific studies done of Asari melding.
"Desperation has pushed them in a completely unprecedented direction. Never conceived of artificial meld. Amazing work. Revolutionary." he continued while putting his own notes into the system "One mind buckles under strain, two can prevail. Incredible."

While Dr. Solus was looking over the technical details of the Jaegers control system, Operative Rezzik was directly overseeing the tracking of the remaining Jaeger forces. He also split some of his attention to looking over the history of the PPDC and it's pilots. Especially the history of their person of interest; Marshall Pentecost.

"The courage of these people compares well to the Turians" Rezzik said quietly "It's tragic, really..."

"Hm? What's that Rezzik?" Dr. Solus inquired

"Their leader, Marshall Pentecost, he was one of their original pilots." Rezzik explained "The early-model Jaegers were powered by nuclear fission and had poor shielding. He kept going nonetheless until his health issues forced him to quit. Now he's dying."

Dr. Solus let out a sad sigh "As courageous as the Turians indeed." he assented, thinking back to the hopeless last stand on Irune where nearly two million Turians sacrificed themselves to allow more Volus to evacuate "Let us hope that his efforts here are not wasted."

The crew continued their work over the next few days, keeping a careful eye on Earth and the current developments as well as going through every bit of information they could get about these revolutionary weapons against the Outsiders.

Operative Rezzik was forced to put some of the crew on notice for disciplinary reasons when their efforts to design their own Jaegers began to distract from their work. But the first real excitement came during the tests for the crew of the refurbished Gipsy Danger.

"Eccentric naming scheme they have for these things" Rezzik commented as they were watching the pilots take their places and get their conn-pod dropped into the Jaeger's shoulders.

"Hmmm..Makes sense. Each needs unique name." Dr Solus replied, watching intently"When pilots are melded, must be addressed as one unit. Otherwise may lose focus."

"I suppose so..."Rezzik started, then paused, looking at the sensor feeds from their surveillance drones. "I also note that even with the various "model types" in the production of the 'mechs that each is quickly customized to an extreme degree"

"That is covered here" Dr. Solus answered, sending a file to Rezzik "Dr. Lightcap wrote a number of treatises on the matter, as each Jaeger gets more time in use it must be tuned more precisely to it's pilots. Each ends up as unique as an individual's body"

The crew continued to observe the events happening in the world below, the re-activation of Gipsy Danger providing quite a bit of excitement to the observers.

During this time, a First Contact package was being assembled by the technicians aboard the Silent Step, it was a standardized thing, being designed for a world still in the "nation states" era, it would be able to broadcast in the major languages of the planet. An insight from Operative Rezzik had the techs specifically set it to broadcast in the main languages of the United Nations, to help make a subtle point with the humans when the time came.

Dr Solus looked up from the haptic interface in his command chair to his Executive Officer.

"Difficult. This idea of "Drift Compatibility" he said "Take for example Raleigh Beckett, first was compatible with his brother. Many shared life experiences, logical that their minds are similar"

He paused for a contemplative breath.

"Now is also compatible with Mako Mori" he continued "Has not met her before last forty-eight hours, few commonalities of background, don't even share same native language! So why still compatible?"

Looking at the files himself, Rezzik speculated. "Trauma perhaps? The conflict with the Outsiders has left both of them with a great deal of trauma" Rezzik scanned a few more of the data points "Also, both are loners, they probably each fill the need the other has for social contact without needing to become close to someone not like themselves"

He raised a hairless brow at his commander. "I know you prefer the hard sciences sir, but psychologically speaking, they are very similar." he informed Dr Solus "I theorize that before the loss of his brother, Mr Beckett would not have been compatible with Ms Mori."

"Interesting, perhaps you are correct" Dr. Solus judged "Wonder if they will make a good team?"

"Hard to say." Rezzik said "Though we may find out soon, though their instruments have yet to detect it, the portal is beginning to increase it's power output, they will see an emergence soon"

"Hmmm..." Dr Solus murmured contemplatively. "These people perform well under pressure, perhaps we will see"

The crew of the Silent Step continued their observations, watching as the Humans detected the emergence and prepared their response. Tension filled the bridge as they watched the Humans lay their plans for the approaching monsters, Operative Daelon even went so far as to question the planning involved.

"Why are they holding back their most powerful unit and not deploying their fourth unit?" Daelon asked.

"The Marshall is adopting conservative strategy. Attempting to guard units for attack on portal." Dr Solus informed him, pausing to take a small breath "May not be wise. These are powerful Outsiders"

The STG crew, both on the ship and the team on the fourth planet watched closely as events unfolded. At first cheering as Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon seemed to gain the upper hand, then stopping in horrified silence as it all turned around so quickly, the EMP from the bulkier Outsider knocking most of their surveillance devices offline, requiring them to watch from a satellite feed while they rebooted.
HONG KONG INCIDENT ZONE, in the sinking ruin of Cherno Alpha, January 8, 2025

Maintaining her self discipline by sheer willpower Sasha Kaidonovsky looked around the now flooded conn-pod as she hit the quick release for the pilot system she was still strapped into.

At least the beast has been distracted for the moment she thought to herself, starting as something collided with her back.

Turning to look, she saw a mask and air tank floating, pitched her way by her husband, Aleixs.

Giving him a grateful smile, she quickly secured the mask in place, the noticed that he was gesturing at the broken dosimeter on his wrist and making a gesture toward hers. Sasha immediately grasped what he was asking and looked at her own device. All clear for the moment, but who knows how long we have before the reactor breaches completely? She thought to herself, while giving Alexis a thumbs up.

Alexis gave a nod and went to look out the massive, gaping hole torn into their Jaeger. It's like losing a member of the family... He mused briefly, then began scanning the surrounding water for the Kaiju.

Seeing her husband's wordless nod, Sasha knew that they were clear. In a wordless understanding that only two people who had spent so much time living in each others heads could have, they both knew that all of the sensor and tracking equipment in their Jaeger and Drive-Suits was non functional, and they could expect no pick up.

It's going to be a long swim back to the Shatterdome The Kaidonovskys thought to themselves as Cherno was rocked by a pressure wave from renewed combat above.

As the crew watched Gipsy Danger being carried high above Hong Kong, to the edge of the atmosphere by the Kaiju, they held their breath, knowing that the next moments could spell the end for the Human's chances of following their plan.

Seeing the Kaiju killed by the newly deployed blade caused cheers, followed quickly by murmurs of concern as the mighty Jaeger began plunging toward the ground below.

The entire crew, knowledgeable, well-educated agents all, watched in awe as the Jaeger managed to correct it's fall and kill some of it's velocity with it's jets before impacting the ground. As Gipsy Danger walked away from it's impact zone, cheers filled the bridge of the Silent Step.

"Unbelievable!" shouted Dr. Solus while pumping his fist into the air in victory "Human engineering even better than suspected! Will need to research further!"

Rezzik, standing nearby, chuckled at this. "Never change, my friend, never change"

Dr. Solus sniffed as if offended.

"Doubt I will need to." he said, then grinned back at his oldest friend.

The crew watched with anticipation and a strange hope as the humans prepared for their attack on the portal. Every one of them skipping sleep and covering for one another as they watched with terrible anticipation the build to what all aboard felt would be the final confrontation.

One however, expressed some doubt. Pulling his commander into the small, currently unoccupied archeology lab, Rezzik expressed these doubts.

"Doctor, there have been thirty attempts that we know of on Palaven alone to deliver ordinance through one of these portals" he said, taking a slightly shuddering breath "Whether by missile, mass-driver, torpedo, or VI governed drone, nothing has ever penetrated the event horizon of one of these things. Why are we all acting like we think the humans will succeed?"

"Faith perhaps?" Dr. Solus replied, "We've already seen these Humans accomplish what we thought impossible. What is one more impossible feat? Hope. I think. We hope they will succeed."

"What do you think sir?" Rezzik questioned, needing something solid to cling to in his hour of doubt and fear.

Dr. Lorn Solus, one of the most lauded academics and most admired agents of the STG, considered by those few who knew of his professional record, to be one of the greatest agents of the Special Tasks Group in the last millennium, closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath over his teeth.

When he opened his eyes they were backed by diamond and bored into Rezzik like a laser, not a hint of doubt in them.

"I think... No. I know that the Humans are going to show us something we have never seen before." He paused for just a moment "They will do the impossible. They will close that portal."

AN: There actually is a reason other than Rule of Cool that the Kaidonovskys survived, but it might be a bit before it is revealed. Remember that explosion that happened in the movie? It didn't happen here. The reason for that will be shown later.
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AN: There actually is a reason other than Rule of Cool that the Kaidonovskys survived, but it might be a bit before it is revealed. Remember that explosion that happened in the movie? It didn't happen here. The reason for that will be shown later.
The explosion was caused by Leatherback crushing the cockpit of Cherno Alpha. You see his hand hit the glass before the scene changes. *Butterflies* could have caused Leatherback to not finish off Cherno's pilots for whatever reason. Not that I'm complaining, the Kaidonovskys living is always a good (and awesome) thing.
The explosion was caused by Leatherback crushing the cockpit of Cherno Alpha. You see his hand hit the glass before the scene changes. *Butterflies* could have caused Leatherback to not finish off Cherno's pilots for whatever reason. Not that I'm complaining, the Kaidonovskys living is always a good (and awesome) thing.

Leatherback didn't have explosive fingers. It was something in Cherno that exploded in the movie and didn't in this story. There is a reason for that and it's even in the chapter if you look.
Just wanted to leave this here;

(Neon Genesis Evangelion and Pacific Rim) are pretty much the antithesis of each other, since while both involve the use of giant robots to fight giant monsters, Eva is all about loneliness, isolation, despair, the hedgehog's dilemma, and people being dicks and working against each other, while PR is about humanity standing together and rising to the challenge against incredible odds, co-operation, determination, togetherness, and awesome, with the hedgehog's dilemma being stomped into oblivion by the Drift.

In other words;
It was the surveillance drones the Silent Step deployed, isn't it. Not sure how but its the only thing different with Cherno Alpha from canon.
Leatherback didn't have explosive fingers. It was something in Cherno that exploded in the movie and didn't in this story. There is a reason for that and it's even in the chapter if you look.

I'm fairly sure said explosion was caused by Leatherback ramming his fist through the Conn-Pod.
I'm sure if you punched a train-sized fist through a cockpit of the most advanced technology known to man at the time, you could also make something explode. Regardless of what actually exploded, the cause was Leatherback's terrible window-cleaning skills.
I'm sure if you punched a train-sized fist through a cockpit of the most advanced technology known to man at the time, you could also make something explode. Regardless of what actually exploded, the cause was Leatherback's terrible window-cleaning skills.

Ok, you've convinced me. They're dead. Whenever you see them in the story replace the name [Kaidonovsky] with [Buy some apples!], ok?:p

There are zero functional Jaegers left at the end of Pacific Rim. They have plenty of parts left though! :p

Well, that's likely to change if the salarians realize what's about to go down and come in with an offer to emergency refit the jaegers. You know, because they'd REALLY, REALLY like for the humans to survive their suicidally awesome attack on the rift so they can immediately put the jaegers to use. Mostly kinetic barriers, a couple of better motors, and ripping the main gun off their ship to put on one or the other and blast Slattern in the face with.

Without it humanity is a client race so in other words, fucked over a barrel

Except for that whole 'we punch kaiju in face, get money' part.
Wait, that reminds we. What have the ME aliens deal with so far? Category, I mean.

Cause they're about to see a Triple Event involving motherfucking Slattern.