Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

Or Humanity simply asks for payment in advance from the mad Volus throwing everything from credits to FTL colony ships at them for an machine that allows him to literally crush an Kaijuus still beating heart with "his" hands.

Trying to take tech and gear by force has this tendency of being amazingly retarded when the tech in question is only known in a few different locations with few samples left, and maintained and understood/developed by few people who can snort, go back to their hometown and shake their head at stupid Aliens who actually think that they can order someone they dont know about when they dont know them from the billions of other Humans if they are struck from the records of the Shatterdomes they work at.
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Or Humanity simply asks for payment in advance from the mad Volus throwing everything from credits to FTL colony ships at them for an machine that allows him to literally crush an Kaijuus still beating heart with "his" hands.
Volus Jaegers, the Wrecking Balls of DOOM!!!
Or Humanity simply asks for payment in advance from the mad Volus throwing everything from credits to FTL colony ships at them for an machine that allows him to literally crush an Kaijuus still beating heart with "his" hands.

What makes you think they'll have to ask?

Trying to take tech and gear by force has this tendency of being amazingly retarded when the tech in question is only known in a few different locations with few samples left, and maintained and understood/developed by few people who can snort, go back to their hometown and shake their head at stupid Aliens who actually think that they can order someone they dont know about when they dont know them from the billions of other Humans if they are struck from the records of the Shatterdomes they work at.

What are you talking about here? Seriously.
The people on the last page that were predicting Humanity's future as an "Client" race with nothing to offer or chances to get what was in the Archives was annoying the hell out of me, and I haven't slept very much since monday so my impulse control is now something my brain thinks of as annoying and to be ignored.
The people on the last page that were predicting Humanity's future as an "Client" race with nothing to offer or chances to get what was in the Archives was annoying the hell out of me, and I haven't slept very much since monday so my impulse control is now something my brain thinks of as annoying and to be ignored.

This isn't that kind of story. A lot of the tone I have in mind for this story is the tone of Pacific Rim, which is about coming together to beat the long odds.

I'm not looking to write a story of humans ground under an alien boot, nor am I looking to write an HFY story.
Considering the fact that humanity is currently the only real source of expertise on Jager technology and usage, I suspect the Council is going to be fairly nice.

Yes they could probably swipe the tech specs fairly easily, but they'd need to build and figure out everything from scratch.
Considering the fact that humanity is currently the only real source of expertise on Jager technology and usage, I suspect the Council is going to be fairly nice.

Yes they could probably swipe the tech specs fairly easily, but they'd need to build and figure out everything from scratch.

The Council doesnt have to play hard ball even their table scraps would be a massive improvement for the human race.
Can't wait to see what happens when they blow up the portal! Depending on how distributed the Outsider operations are, all invasions across the galaxy could be affected at the same time. Bwahahaah that volus will throw money at earth!
Eh, Other facilities in the vicinity may flicker and the closest portals may shut down.

... Would the Progenitors even spread out the gates and assemblies to other facilities, seeing that they are assured of the safety measures of their complex?
If there's a measurable effect to galaxy-wide operations then it's a huge thing. Means the system is centralized and that the Citadel Races can attack a single point from multiple places at once.
Even if the Council tries to play Earth for chumps, the Volus are going to be throwing money their way and that'll give them a lot of clout, to say nothing of the metric assload of soft power that human Jaeger teams will cultivate once they start beating the shit out of Kaiju.

Drift technology may well be the larger and more interesting cornerstone of new technology in Council space. Jaegers are awesome, don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day they're merely Sufficiently Engineered. The Drift itself has enormous implications, from the melding of minds (think of the research possibilities!) to direct neural interfacing and control of machines (literally Assuming Direct Control), to say nothing of the pseudo-spiritual side of things. The Drift is likely to remain a human cornerstone until it can be retrofitted for alien physiologies, and by that point Humans will have made their debut on the galactic scene and any subsequent shortchanging will be taken dimly by the masses at large.

Case-in-point: Imagine the species-wide bromance that will blossom when a rebuilt Tacit Ronin carves up Kaiju burgers on Palaven.
Something just came to mind; the Drift's effects is kinda like a technological version of an Asari mind-meld, isn't it?
Hmm... I don't know. While I'm inclined to agree that Drift tech could remain humanity's cornerstone for a while, I would first wait to see what the Asari have to say about it. If any alien has any chance of being able to understand how Drift works, it would be the Asari.
Hmm... I don't know. While I'm inclined to agree that Drift tech could remain humanity's cornerstone for a while, I would first wait to see what the Asari have to say about it. If any alien has any chance of being able to understand how Drift works, it would be the Asari.
They would recognize the feeling or experiance maybe.

But they waffle around about "Connecting Nervous systems".
Thats... No. Just... No, they would probably muck it up by thinking too much like its an mechanical meld instead of an partial merge.

Hell, I would actually bet on the Turians to go first unto the breach for adapting it for Xeno cerebral activity.
After the Volus have crushed the manufacturer under credit chits for him to prioritize them: "The Pain... Its... A... Go-oh-od Pain."
Even if the Council tries to play Earth for chumps, the Volus are going to be throwing money their way and that'll give them a lot of clout, to say nothing of the metric assload of soft power that human Jaeger teams will cultivate once they start beating the shit out of Kaiju.

Drift technology may well be the larger and more interesting cornerstone of new technology in Council space. Jaegers are awesome, don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day they're merely Sufficiently Engineered. The Drift itself has enormous implications, from the melding of minds (think of the research possibilities!) to direct neural interfacing and control of machines (literally Assuming Direct Control), to say nothing of the pseudo-spiritual side of things. The Drift is likely to remain a human cornerstone until it can be retrofitted for alien physiologies, and by that point Humans will have made their debut on the galactic scene and any subsequent shortchanging will be taken dimly by the masses at large.
An important problem is going to be that there aren't that many human jaegers left after the Kaiju War, considering that the Marhall was already trying with retired vets and his own adopted daughter with zero previous experience is going to take at least a few years to rebuild the corps to the point they are a credible defense of Earth, much less to the point of creating a completely human expedicionary force. They will need to adapt the technology for other beings really, really fast.

At least they got experience adapting the tech to aliens, unwilling alien at that, so if should be doable to get some level of compatibility with other species, and for some reason I think that the first successful experiments are going to be with the Krogan.
But they waffle around about "Connecting Nervous systems".
Thats... No. Just... No, they would probably muck it up by thinking too much like its an mechanical meld instead of an partial merge.
I don't get what you're trying to say.

What would you say is the difference between a meld and a merge?
The Meld, if it is like they say in the Codex and on wiki, should be like "One Mind, Two Bodies" full on sharing everything and unable to really do anything physical as they are fully occupied

Drifting is... Fucking weird man, Memories, "flashbacks" but most of all its the whole thing that their bodies and brains are synced like in Evangelion with them finishing eachothers movements, hell, their brains most likely work in shifts in order to take the strain if the video from the first drift experiments are to take as an vague pointer towards what it must be like for ones brain.

Melding errgghh... somehow acessess memories and gllrgh... genetic data, while indisposed because you are essentially doing nothing as your entire nervous system grrgh... not needed to survive is somehow linked to the other persons nervous system.

Drifting hooks you up, does all that minus the genetic data and keeps going in real time while coordinating your conscious actions and intentions like you have a sixth sense exactly what to do.
The Meld, if it is like they say in the Codex and on wiki, should be like "One Mind, Two Bodies" full on sharing everything and unable to really do anything physical as they are fully occupied

Drifting is... Fucking weird man, Memories, "flashbacks" but most of all its the whole thing that their bodies and brains are synced like in Evangelion with them finishing eachothers movements, hell, their brains most likely work in shifts in order to take the strain if the video from the first drift experiments are to take as an vague pointer towards what it must be like for ones brain.

Melding errgghh... somehow acessess memories and gllrgh... genetic data, while indisposed because you are essentially doing nothing as your entire nervous system grrgh... not needed to survive is somehow linked to the other persons nervous system.

Drifting hooks you up, does all that minus the genetic data and keeps going in real time while coordinating your conscious actions and intentions like you have a sixth sense exactly what to do.
Well, considering that melding does quite a lot of grrrhg in order to link arrrgh with ggllrgh one would expect that not many of them wouldn't understand how ghghlr works.

However, I get what you're trying to say (maybe), and you're essentially speaking about degrees. While the Asari go all the way using biotic magic, humans do it halfway using electronics. But I still don't see why they would be so much different in principle.
An important problem is going to be that there aren't that many human jaegers left after the Kaiju War, considering that the Marhall was already trying with retired vets and his own adopted daughter with zero previous experience is going to take at least a few years to rebuild the corps to the point they are a credible defense of Earth, much less to the point of creating a completely human expedicionary force. They will need to adapt the technology for other beings really, really fast.

At least they got experience adapting the tech to aliens, unwilling alien at that, so if should be doable to get some level of compatibility with other species, and for some reason I think that the first successful experiments are going to be with the Krogan.

There are zero functional Jaegers left at the end of Pacific Rim. They have plenty of parts left though! :p

Here's a thought I've been playing around with. The neural load from the Drift overwhelms the brain and nervous system if done solo. Does anyone think the super durable redundant nervous system of a Krogan would handle it better than most?

I was also thinking that, once they got used to the idea, Asari would be best at Drifting with relatively unfamiliar pilots due to mind melding being a big part of their culture anyway, being adaptable in that way would probably be a thing for them.
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Here's a thought I've been playing around with. The neural load from the Drift overwhelms the brain and nervous system if done solo. Does anyone think the super durable redundant nervous system of a Krogan would handle it better than most?
And then it becomes a point of pride for the krogan to see who can solo a Jaeger the longest...
There are zero functional Jaegers left at the end of Pacific Rim. They have plenty of parts left though! :p

Here's a thought I've been playing around with. The neural load from the Drift overwhelms the brain and nervous system if done solo. Does anyone think the super durable redundant nervous system of a Krogan would handle it better than most?

I was also thinking that, once they got used to the idea, Asari would be best at Drifting with relatively unfamiliar pilots due to mind melding being a big part of their culture anyway, being adaptable in that way would probably be a thing for them.
I wasn't talking about the machines, those can be easily produced by the Citadel economy once they get blueprints, but abot the pilots. The Pan-Pacific Defense Corps are already at their limit and that's before the end of the movie, when they have 3 remaining pilots, one of them without a copilot (and incidentally still mourning the death of his son), it will take them years to restart that part of the program even if Solus and his crew of Action Scientists can help create a system more user friendly.
I wasn't talking about the machines, those can be easily produced by the Citadel economy once they get blueprints, but abot the pilots. The Pan-Pacific Defense Corps are already at their limit and that's before the end of the movie, when they have 3 remaining pilots, one of them without a copilot (and incidentally still mourning the death of his son), it will take them years to restart that part of the program even if Solus and his crew of Action Scientists can help create a system more user friendly.

It's not about machines, the Jaegers didn't win the war in PR. The attitude, the spirit, the belief that standing together they could fight and beat impossible odds. That's what won.

The Jaegers aren't humanity's gift to the galaxy. Hope is.