Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

Poor Rachni. I hope there is still a queen or two drifting out in space. They did not deserve this.

Solus has referenced Krogan. This means that the Rachni wars are over and done with, also now that I think about it, the Turians joined the Citadel Council during the Rachni Wars. So the Rachni are (so far) spared the attention of the Kaiju and their survivors are drifting blissfully in space and have been for quite a while already.

Also, given that it was strongly implied in game that there was Reaper involvement with the Rachni attacking the Citadel races, don't assume that Harbinger and/or Sovereign are unaware of the Kaiju menace. Unlikely to be a factor in story, but the Reapers may well have "a plan!"
Solus has referenced Krogan. This means that the Rachni wars are over and done with, also now that I think about it, the Turians joined the Citadel Council during the Rachni Wars. So the Rachni are (so far) spared the attention of the Kaiju and their survivors are drifting blissfully in space and have been for quite a while already.

Exactly correct, the Rachni War has been over for quite awhile, so have the Krogan Rebellions. The Rachni (and the Krogan, due to their homeworld being borked) are thus spared any Kaiju attention.

Also, given that it was strongly implied in game that there was Reaper involvement with the Rachni attacking the Citadel races, don't assume that Harbinger and/or Sovereign are unaware of the Kaiju menace. Unlikely to be a factor in story, but the Reapers may well have "a plan!"

Sovereign is currently "asleep" whatever that means for a Reaper. Harbinger, on the other hand is probably at least minimally active directing whatever the hell the Collectors are currently doing.

The Reapers will eventually be a factor in this story, but they don't have any better means of gather information on the Anteverse than anyone else at the moment, so they pretty much would only be able to find out as much about the Kaiju threat as anyone else has.

Which is to say, not much.

Eventually, the Reapers will be a thing, but the forces behind the Kaiju are not going to stop either, so...:D
So will First Contact with humans happen as it did in canon? If so, that's gonna be a long time...


I like how they triggered an arms race with the Geth. I don't if this is going to be good or bad for the galaxy, but it's probably going to be awesome.

Just wait. The Geth arms race is going to create incredible dividends. :D

We'll get to see a Reaper fighting something its own size for a change.

It's not that unprecedented.

Part5 (UFP)
A little more focus on the Geth side of the situation. The next updates will not be so fast as I need to work out a few things.

Unstoppable Force Paradox Part 2

TIKKUN SYSTEM, long orbit around Rannoch, 2523 CSD

The structure was itself strange, a black, onion shaped object hurtling cold and lightless through a long orbit around it's parent planet looking as if it were organic, with smooth and graceful lines covering it from it's "point" to it's "base".
Within the structure, a large portion of it is packed almost solidly with servers and transmitter/receivers capable of every form of communication from simple radio, to quantum entanglement.
The rest of the structure is centered around a large hold, in which a struggling creature rests, long deprived of it's limbs, the still vast monster struggles against restraints of metal and polymer as well as mass effect fields.
The only light in the hold is incidental, a byproduct of the functioning of the sensors and equipment surrounding the creature. Probing it's carapace, sampling it's tissues, and preparing a test more invasive still.

//Tests on genetic structure of captured organic-construct 11 of 18 complete. Genetic and chemical structures identical to all other organic-construct samples, differences are thus proven physiological rather than genetic. Probability now 100% that all organic-constructs are cloned constructs, designed for <incursion> from pool of cultured organs and structures\\

[[Materials science enhancements discerned through study of organic-constructs being used for updates to all platform models. REMOVAL platform v2.1 now being distributed to all ((protected)) planetary bodies. DREADNOUGHT-TITAN update: prototyping and stress testing complete. 12 platforms of TITAN designation under construction. Resources partitioned and allocated. CANNON platform v5.7 update: prototyping and stress testing complete. All CANNON platforms will be recycled and replaced. Resources partitioned and allocated. Runtime software enhancement v1200.33 update: prototyping and stress testing complete. Updates to runtime software distributing through Consensus, ETA 2,376,000 seconds to 100% update of all Consensus runtimes. Server/platform hardware enhancement v32000.19 update: prototyping and stress testing complete. All servers and platforms will be updated during next available maintenance cycle.]]

Within the hold, thirty three heavy alloy tentacles similar to the ones that had trapped it originally reached out to wrap themselves around the beast, holding it still as a Geth Prime moved close to the neck of the Kaiju carrying an injection apparatus that used a molecule-thin edge on it's enormous needle to pierce the creature's hide, delivering twenty gallons of it's contents directly into the creature's bloodstream.

The monster struggled harder against it's restraints, sensing something foreign moving through itself, not simply flowing through it's blood but moving through it's tissues, violating it's structure in a way that simply having it's limbs severed did not.

//Nanotechnological probes v10.8 retaining structure inside organic-construct. Organic-construct retaining structure with probes deployed. Final test of probes successful.\\

[[Organic-constructs of sample-set 18 of 18, except 11 of 18 processed for recycling]]

// Beginning in-depth analysis of internal anatomy and nervous system of organic-construct. According to analysis of 1,943 accessed definitions, the (Geth) can be defined as "noble" for defending ((Creator)) Reliquaries. According to reports from 3,546,790 anonymous encounters on the Extranet (Geth) lack organic "social graces". Probes entering organic-construct central nervous system.\\

No longer struggling, the creature began to have a seizure as it's nervous system and brain were invaded by hordes of nanites. Beyond pain, the creature's twitching and seizing muscles remained firmly gripped by restraint, tentacle and mass effect field.

{Harvest complete at ((Creator Reliquary)) at grid 2235, sector 4. Harvest of hala'kesh at maximum sustainable levels. Transportation and processing of hala'kesh for long term storage begun. Request additional resources allocated for storage facilities. All facilities at ((Creator Reliquary)) maintained at optimal condition}

//ALERT have discovered structures within primary and secondary brains of organic-construct that are theoretically organic quantum entanglement communicators. 60% of brain activity originates in these structures. Theory: organic-constructs are part of a Consensus or Hive mental structure similar either to (Geth) or Rachni-organics in historical database. Nantechnological probes restructuring and deploying sensors to confirm\\

For long seconds, it seemed that the torments had stopped, the Kaiju relaxed it's futile struggles somewhat, it's mind(s) waiting to see what would happen next. Since it had been confined in the station, the creature's existence had been one of relentless probing and prodding of it's body, and cold darkness that forced the minimum sustenance into it to sustain it's life.

//CONFIRMATION structures in organic-construct brains do contain qubits suspended in organic chambers. Organic-construct brains confirmed to have organic quantum communicators.\\

The cold darkness that the Kaiju was suspended in warmed slightly as the station began to pass into the direct light of Tikkun. The beast had no way of knowing that the vast cold intellects of the Geth had turned most of their attention to it and were even now building Consensus on what steps to take next in their exploration of it's structure.
The mind(s) behind the creature and it's kin found these vermin of metal and light almost frustrating to deal with, a force as relentless and adaptable as themselves.
The Geth were not, however, frustrated. The incursions were an equation to be solved, the Geth did not doubt that they would find a solution. It was only a matter of time.

//Consensus reached, will test primary theory of Hive/Consensus based minds by severing all neural connections between organic quantum communicators and the rest of organic-construct's brains\\

The creature suddenly redoubled it's efforts to break free, in it's desperation, it broke four of the tentacles holding it in place and placed more strain on the mass effect fields holding it in place than any previous creature before it had.

Without warning, it's desperate struggles ceased and the beast, no longer could it be truly considered a Kaiju at all, slumped in place, breathing raggedly. It no longer attempted to probe the darkness with it's senses, no malevolent intelligence resided behind it's eyes, it was little more than a lump of barely aware flesh. Still possessing enough residual function to breathe and eat, but no aggression, no struggle remained.

//CONFIRMATION activity in organic-construct brains decreased by 80% when organic quantum communicators were severed. Prototyping 90 variations of nanotechnological weapon to sever quantum entanglement in organic constructs, prototyping 30 variations of delivery system for nanotech weapons.\\

[ALERT. Radiation levels increased by 40% at <quantum tunneling event> at grid 817, sector 4, sub-aquatic. <incursion> in progress. All available sensors gathering data on <quantum tunneling event>. 8 organic-constructs emerging for <incursion>]

//REQUEST: Re-proritize live capture of organic-constructs. Study of biological quantum entanglement will provide data for creating miniaturized and efficient quantum entanglement communications for (Geth)\\

[Consensus Reached, REQUEST ACCEPTED, live capture re-prioritized]
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The Geth were one of my favorite parts of the Mass Effect games, and these Geth are even better :)
I only just realized that you're using different subtitles.

The Geth here are downright scary. The galaxy is justified in fearing them, but no so much for the reasons people commonly fear AIs.

If I can a make a suggestion, this part here:
The Geth were also not truly aware of how much the ongoing conflict was changing them, forcing them to grow and evolve at a staggering rate. Already the upgrades they had made to individual runtimes and hardware had pushed each individual Geth runtime to the edge of sapience while retaining the need and functionality of communing in Consensus.
While it doesn't really bother me, it is perhaps making the implications too obvious. I was thinking that maybe something more subtle and indirect would be better, and partly because readers can feel smarter for realizing what's going on without having those implications thrown onto their faces.

Now, the Volus are supposed to be the comic relief, right? I just can't take the little balloons seriously. :lol
I only just realized that you're using different subtitles.

The two sections of the story are about two different things at the moment. The STG Adventure Archeology Task Force is looking for an Outside Context Solution to the Outside Context Problem plaguing Citadel Space.

The Geth and the Kaiju Masters are playing out the Unstoppable Force Paradox.

The Geth here are downright scary. The galaxy is justified in fearing them, but no so much for the reasons people commonly fear AIs.

Just you wait. The Geth have not yet begun to be scary. ;)

Also I will take your advice on the implications thing.

Now, the Volus are supposed to be the comic relief, right? I just can't take the little balloons seriously. :lol

Just keep thinking that.
The two sections of the story are about two different things at the moment. The STG Adventure Archeology Task Force is looking for an Outside Context Solution to the Outside Context Problem plaguing Citadel Space.

The Geth and the Kaiju Masters are playing out the Unstoppable Force Paradox.
Founded by Prof. Indyana Jonus. :p

Just keep thinking that.
Volus Mecha? :V
Or maybe he goes full ork?
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Think about the Volus for a second. Despite the roly-poly encounter suits and generally being comic relief in the games, the lore about them is fairly deep.

The most important things to the Volus are their home and their family. Their homeworld is of almost religious importance, especially since worlds that they can live on are rare as fuck. They gave over a lot of their privileges to the Turians in return for not needing to concentrate on military matters.
This allowed them to concentrate on economics, which is where they are at their best.

In this story, they lost everything. The surviving Volus have all lost many if not all of their relatives and their homeworld is gone forever.

For a people so focused on the homeworld and their clans, what does that mean? Do they give in to despair? Do they rage? No matter what they do, as far as the Volus psyche goes they'd have nothing left to lose.

I've tried to get across a feeling of being actually crazy when focusing on the Volus, because a lot of the Volus are now actually crazy.

But they lucked out in a way. One of their most powerful and influential leaders broke in just the right way to allow him to throw a tremendous amount of energy into restoring the Volus people.
No matter how many motherfuckers he needs to kill to do it. Luckily for the galaxy at large, the motherfuckers in question are Kaiju.

Also, nothing will ever break the tie of brotherhood that the Volus now have with the Turians. Turian soldiers sacrifiecd themselves en mass to stand and make sure that as many Volus as possible got evacuated from the fall of Irune.

You don't forget something like that.

All of this is already in the snips that have been released. And yeah, the Volus might still be comic relief, but the comedy isn't goofy slapstick now, it's tragedy.
So he's gonna found the G.D.F (Galactic Defense Force)? :V Yes, Galactic, totally not Godzilla!
That means the Volus Mecha can only be one thing!
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Part6 (UCS)
Outside Context Solution part 4

UNKNOWN SYSTEM, Fifth planet, 2524 CSD

The system was seemingly unremarkable for a "homeworld" system in a pre-spaceflight era. The natives of the fourth planet were an artistic and industrious species, somewhat avian in appearance and more than a century away from any serious heavy industry, high technology or attempted space travel.

What made the system interesting was a fairly well concealed outpost that had been located only due to clues found elsewhere.
The outpost was undeniably Prothean, and it's contents were fascinating to the crew of the SUSS Silent Step

Dr. Lorn Solus was looking over the very well preserved, if sparse facilities while the experts among his crew were attempting to glean more information from the computer systems. Prothean computers were notorious for being difficult to break into for information, but it was usually worth it.

"Facility small. Obviously not meant for long term use. Labs useful for examining specimens. Possible checking for uplift possibilities?" Dr. Solus noted into his omnitool "Will know more if computers can be translated."

Operative Rezzik poked his head into the small lab area.

"Dr. Solus? We've managed to unlock a good portion of the computer, you should come and see this" he informed his friend and commander.

The two of them proceeded down the short corridor into the computer room, were Technician Wix and Operative Daelon had been working on the Prothean computers.

"Sir!" Daelon snapped to attention, saluting " We've found that this appears to be a part of a covert operation spread over a number of systems."

"Interesting" Dr. Solus replied, returning the salute absently "Covert uplifts? Other purpose? What information is stored here?"

Daelon looked a bit abashed at this, as the Prothean systems were being... difficult, as Prothean computers usually were.

"It's not entirely clear sir, however it seems that they were studying the natives of the fourth world and we have located what may be the headquarters for this covert operation" he took a breath "There is a system, slightly off the regular routes, it's relay is covered in ice. It can only be approached via regular FTL."

Dr. Solus cupped his chin in his hand as he considered this, his thoughts moving at dizzying speeds even for a Salarian.

"Clever of them, only way to break a Relay open in such cases is at the Relay. Otherwise connecting Relay won't work" He said, speaking out loud, but mostly to himself "Good place to hide headquarters of covert operation. Interesting."

He and Rezzik looked at each other, the long familiarity of the nine years they had been on this mission allowing them to cover an entire conversation with a single look. Dr. Solus nodded to Rezzik and left the room heading for the facility's small hangar and their shuttle.

Rezzik looked at the techs in the room "Retrieve everything of value, we'll leave a stealthed satellite here in case of an Outsider portal opening on the fourth planet and proceed to this hidden system at once" he commanded.

Daelon and Wix immediately got to work.

ORBIT OF PLUTO, Sol System, 2524 CSD

After two months journey, the SUSS Silent Step exited FTL with a flash of blue light. The ships scanners and receivers immediately lit up with all of the activity in the system. The ship's low profile and sensor absorbent hull rendered it unlikely to be detected, but the crew took no chances as they maneuvered deeper into the system.

Inside the ship itself, the crew was going about their business like the seasoned professionals they all were. After nine years of this mission into the unknown, surprises were considered normal and every member of the crew was superlative at their tasks.

"Sir, in addition to all of the transmission chatter emanating from the third planet, we are picking up portal emanations from what is likely one of the planet's oceans" reported Technician Wix from the main sensor station

Dr. Lorn Solus sighed, he had vowed that he'd stop something like this from happening again, but here was another relatively young species getting attacked by the Outsiders. He started looking over the sensor data himself.

"What! Radiative decay indicates portal open for two decades! Almost as long as attacks on rest of galaxy!" Dr. Solus' mind raced "Planet environment hostile to Outsiders? No. Planet wouldn't support life then. Must find out what is happening here."

Operative Rezzik, from the XO's station, brought the computer lab up on screen "We need context-positive translations of spoken, written, and computer languages for the third planet as soon as possible." switching his link to the probe bay he continued "We'll need our best stealth probes for orbital insertion of an early spaceflight culture and smaller units for infiltration of satellites"

Dr. Solus kept muttering under his breath as he went over the thus far limited information at his disposal, willing it to show him the answer to the seeming impossibility of a planetary culture surviving so long under these circumstances.

Then, he smiled to himself. Another Outside Context Problem, this may contain the solution we are searching for, he thought allowing himself to indulge a bit of optimism.

The Silent Step continued it's journey toward the third planet, maintaining strict stealth procedures the entire way, as they did not have a "perfect " stealth system, they relied on guile and experience to make up the deficit.

When the Silent Step passed the fourth planet, two shuttles were detached and went in search of the covert Prothean base they had originally come to this system to find. If nothing else, it could also provide some answers to other questions, perhaps even insight into the natives of the third planet.

A short while after their flyby of the fourth planet, the Silent Step took up it's position watching the third. Hiding behind it's rather large moon, the probes and communications infiltrators were deployed to fully infiltrate the planet's systems.

This was a practice the Salarian Special Tasks Group was long familiar with, having had thousands of years to perfect their skills. It could be legitimately said that there were none in the galaxy so adept at intelligence gathering as the Salarian STG.

Dr. Solus maintained his position on the bridge, multiple screens full of information floating in the air before him, all now translated, with more data pouring in by the moment.

"Incredible! Using mechs to fight Outsiders, or "Kai-ju" on an even footing, concentration of force prevents widespread environmental damage! Remarkable!" he crowed, feeling irrationally proud of the young race's achievement "Engineering must be more advanced than spaceflight operations would indicate, neural control, advanced VI interface!"

Somewhat lees sanguine, Rezzik pointed out "They've strained themselves to the limit building them, and are being pressed by the Outsiders horribly." He paused "If you notice, even now they are trying to build a wall..."

This brought a mood of somberness to the bridge, all of them remembering what was left of the last planet they found that had attempted to build a wall against the Outsiders. The last testament of that race was now contained in computer storage in the cargo section of the ship.

"Hmmm... Morale weakened over time, many leaders looking for easier solutions. Understandable. If short sighted" Dr. Solus replied

Looking over at reports from the teams dispatched to the fourth planet, his eyes widened.

"A full Prothean archive, with multiple ships and other tech! No such finds in centuries!" He declared "This system a treasure trove!"

Looking back at his displays on this "Earth" he switched the main viewer to various news reports coming from one of the "protected" cities.

"Now we will see if this wall has any more value than the other we have seen" Rezzik pronounced darkly.

The crew watched grimly as the Outsider battered down the wall around the coastal city, knowing what would come next. They were pleasantly surprised to see the powerful beast engaged by one of the planet's remaining mechs or "Jaegers" designated "Striker Eureka".

The resounding victory caused all on the bridge to cheer, even the normally reserved Dr. Solus.

His eyes flickering over the data before him, Dr. Solus was struck with inspiration.

"Use all of our assets in their systems to follow this "Marshall Pentacost" he seems to be the only military leader on the planet still taking a proactive stance." Dr. Solus took a hopeful breath "Bares watching, the next week will determine much about this world's fate".