Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

Now if we're recruiting warrior monks...

What would happen if we put some Tenno in a Jaeger?
On some far-away planet...
The breach opened, and a head popped out. They remembered... the words of the glorious Hannibal Chau, "Every part of the Kaiju sells..."
By the time the body came through mere seconds later, every Tenno on the planet was coptering their way to the pacific coast. By the time the Kaiju got there, the Tenno had abandoned the Solar Rails of the Outer Terminus. By the time it took its first step on dry land, close to several million Tenno were waiting for it.
And more were pouring in constantly.
Some idiot Tenno killed it with a blast proc and the corpse disintegrated. The idiot was then thrown into the breach with a nuke strapped to his ass.
And then they'd descend on the Kaiju like a swarm of cartoon piranhas. As the man said 'Every part of the Kaiju sells' and Tenno can sense valuable loot. (literally if you have the right Aura and mods installed:D)

That hasn't been my experience. 9 times out of 10, I'm stuck with a group racing each other to the finish while I'm trying desperately to catch up.
Some idiot Tenno killed it with a blast proc and the corpse disintegrated. The idiot was then thrown into the breach with a giant hook and fishing line strapped to his ass.
Fixed. He lost their loot, he will be the bait for the new loot.
That hasn't been my experience. 9 times out of 10, I'm stuck with a group racing each other to the finish while I'm trying desperately to catch up.
Guess it depends. I've seen people tearing towards marked mod waypoints and cracking open lockers for 50-100 credits.
Shaolin monk Piloted Jaeger, complete with all that Shaolin Kungfu Goodness?!! Do IT!

Give them a Jaeger that's agile enough, and the Kaiju could experience a problem I've found myself having relatively often when playing Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn. A lot of the time, enemy Ace units have a tendency to dance around me, dodging to the side and behind me when I'm trying to hit them, not to mention sideslipping out of the way when I'm in the middle of pummeling them with chained boost dash combos.

Kaiju controller: "Da fuq?! Why won't this guy stand still? These things're supposed to charge in and trade punches but this guy didn't get the memo. ARRGH! And there goes my guy's slasher claw, F'tagn! Ugh, is it me or does this attack unit have a bad motor cortex?"

Kaiju heckler: "No, you just suck at this game."

Kaiju controller: "F'tagn!"

Heh, now I'm imagining that this whole planet smashing operation is the Kaiju Masters' idea of a VIDEO GAME, which would make Gipsy Danger breaching the portal the equivalent of Bowser reaching through the screen to slap the player in the face.
speaking of AY in Jaegars, what happens if they incorporate clusters of Eezo into the Jaegar, and then had the Biotic pilot pull off biotic moves? Result? The biggest singularity to date.

beat that, Kaiju.
...Oh wait, they could. They could just build Kaiju on site of Eezo rich planets. hmm, that could be bad...

On the subject of Tenno, the developer of Warfare is going to make an upcoming raid/stike/8 player mission where the players will be flying around in space fighting a massive Infested boss (which looks like a chicken's carcass wrapped around a block of plastic). Stage one is surviving, stage two is flying inside the beast and attacking the organs.
Practice for the Kaiju? Or would the the Kaiju be practice for the Infested boss?
Spoiler: Both would be practice for the Reapers. All the Tenno have to worry about is the giant beam of death, and they already experienced that from Vay Hek's Balor Fomorians.

(funny thought: the developers have decided to use their Archwing design that was previously space only, and have decided to make it operable underwater. So yes, it'd be exactly like fighting the J3 Golem) :D
part14 (OCS W&R Interlude)
Speaking of AY in Jaegers...
Outside Context Solution: W&R Interlude – Recruiting


LESSUS, Mesana System, March 22, 2025

The Monastery of the Justicars and the Isolated was surprisingly beautiful considering the austerity of the Justicar Order and the dread in which their charges were held.

It was not, however, surprising when one considered that the first of the Ardat Yakshi kept at this place were left with little to do other than improve their surroundings. Improve them they had, and after a millennium and more of work, the Monastery of the Justicars was an architectural work of art.

Aethyta and Wrex looked out over the monastery from the cliff-side landing pad that they'd set the Matriarch's ship down on.

"Looks fairly boring." Wrex grumbled, not one to appreciate architecture, "Why the hell are we here, exactly?"

"Easy, this job needs people who can kick some ass and have mental discipline," Aethyta explained. "Justicars fit the bill on both counts. If I can persuade even a few of them to sign up, that'd be some serious ass-kicking in the mix."

"Yeah, alright." Wrex assented, starting toward the path down. "Let's get it over with then."

A few hours later saw Wrex sitting quietly on a meditation mat before a window that overlooked a breathtaking sculpture garden, arms folded in a specific position in front of him, his eyes downcast and incredibly focused.

Aethyta came storming out of the room where she had been speaking to one of the higher ranking Justicars and lighting a cigar as she came to a stop near where Wrex was.

"Stuck up bitches..." she muttered as she blew out a cloud of blue smoke.

Realizing that Wrex hadn't reacted to her arrival, she looked down at the old Battlemaster and noticed his Omni-Tool was lit up and he was extremely focused on...

"Wrex, have you been sitting out here playing video games?" Aethyta asked, somewhat incredulously. Though she could admit to herself that Omega Rachni Invasion was exactly the kind of game Wrex would enjoy.

Wrex looked at Aethyta with a slight scowl "Yeah, and now I'm all screwed up." he answered her, "I've gotta kill time somehow, what else was I gonna do? Meditate?" he snorted in derision and shut down the video game on his Omni-Tool.

"So...How'd it go?" he asked, already having a good idea. "You look pissed."

"They're "considering the wisdom of my request", which means they're finding a way to say no without sounding like they're pussying out," Aethyta growled and took another long drag from her cigar. "Bitches are all hardcore when chasing down criminals and shit, but ask 'em to fight a war for existence and they're suddenly scrambling in the sutras of their precious Code for reasons not to. Guardians of Justice and Preservers of the Sacred Code my blue ass!"

Wrex hopped to his feet rather nimbly for such a large creature and clapped his friend on the shoulder. "C'mon, let's take a walk back down to the ship and get some ryncol, it'll take the edge off."

The two of them were on their way down a sloping ramp that had been carved by hand in place of stairs when Aethyta suddenly stopped, looking out over the courtyard.

Nearly ramming into her, Wrex barked "'The hell? You trying to get run over?"

"Shh! Look!" Aethyta shushed him pointing over the delicate railing to the courtyard below. "If that isn't Drift compatibility, I'll go wrestle Kalros!"

Below them, in the courtyard, two relatively young Asari were engaged in a dance-like meditative martial arts-biotic kata.

Moving with graceful synchronicity, their limbs gracefully interweaving in an extremely well coordinated dance as around them small crystal spheres were flowing like a stream of glowing motes passed smoothly from one biotic field to the other.

Their movements were fluid and smooth, the very essence of serene motion as they flowed with the veritable river of motes they were surrounded by and neither one of them opened their eyes as they went through the complex routine.

Eventually, like water coming to a resting pool, their movements came to a halt, the motes of light returning to simple crystal as they settled into place in the courtyard around them. The two Asari then looked and acknowledged the Matriarch and her Krogan companion who had joined them during their kata.

They turned and gave a slight bow. From their faces it was obvious they were sisters and of close age to one another.

"Greetings," the Asari on the left said. "Is there something we can help you with?"

"Maybe so." Aethyta murmured, looking the two over. "What are your names girls?"

"I'm Falare," the one on the left answered, "This is my sister Rila."

"A pleasure to meet you, I'm sure." Rila added, "But truly, is there something we can do for you?"

The two were both surprised and confused by the massive grin that broke out on the Matriarch's face as she regarded them.

"Girls, I'm almost certain there is." she told them. "Let me tell you about the PGDC..."


Standing before six Justicars, Aethyta spoke with passion and sincerity as she wrapped up her appeal.

"What would be the greater injustice?" she asked "Allowing these two and possibly others like them to go free of this gilded cage, or to allow the millions, or perhaps billions of innocent lives that they could save through their service to die?"

She looked each of the Justicars unflinchingly in the eyes. "We aren't talking about rogues here, these girls have proven their dedication to the safety of others, they have committed no crimes, they've kept themselves here. Locked away from the universe on the possibility that they could do greater harm by being a part of it."

"Now they have a chance to blaze a trail for others like themselves to actually give back to the galaxy that is sheltering them." Aethyta continued. "They can be a part of something greater than themselves, they can save lives. Don't deny them this chance."

Justicar Aelria, the most senior of the Justicars at the monastery at that time nodded to Aethyta. "We thank you for your insight Matriarch. Allow us a short time to consult and we will tell you what we have decided best serves the Code."

I hope I learned enough from you to make a difference here Nezzie Aethyta prayed inwardly as she exited the chamber.

"Relax, wouldya?" Wrex told his friend. "Your pacing is starting to make me nervous."

Aethyta stopped and sighed. "Yeah, it's not like me either. But those girls have serious potential and it's being wasted here. Goddess, I'd have gladly traded any five commandos I served with to have two as coordinated as them with me!"

Just then, the door to the chamber opened and Justicars Aelria and Tassa came out.

"We have decided there is merit to what you have presented to us, Matriarch Aethyta." Aelria told her. "It is allowed, under a certain reading of the Code, for the Lost to redeem themselves in battle, but it has not happened since the Rachni Wars. Nevertheless, we will send Justicar Tassa along as well as an observer, to make sure that discipline is maintained."

Justicar Aelria was taken aback when Aethyta grabbed her and gave her a firm kiss.

"You won't regret this!" Aethyta told her before looking at the equally shocked Tassa and saying "You get packed, I'll go get the girls, we've got a galaxy to save!"


AN: Much thanks to @bobnik for helping once again to restrain my run-on sentences and lack of punctuation.
Confirmed Jaegers so far:

Striker Pentecost - Raleigh Beckett and Mako Mori

Cherno Alpha - Sasha and Alexis Kaidonovsky

Crimson Typhoon - [DATA UNAVAILABLE] - maybe some Shaolin Monks? :p

Argent Grendel - Matriarch Aethyta and Urdnot Wrex

[DATA UNAVAILABLE] - Rila and Falare

So... not too many so far, I'll need to name Rila and Falare's Jaeger, I'm thinking of calling it Indigo Fury, but that may be too cheesy.

Also, Crimson Typhoon is going to be seriously re-designed to go without the third arm. Anyone have any thoughts on a new special thing for it?

It's these little details that can trip me up, I have most of the story already planned, but some of these little things get me.
Now let's hope that they do not repeat the story of the other two prominent siblings from either canon, since both deal with one being impalled and the other being forced to rebuild a life from the ashes.
More space for all the new weapons and tech?
How about a Biotic suite, making it a Biotic-wielding-Jaeger Piloted by Kungfu! Shaolin monks!
Given how Crimson Typhoon met its "end" in the Hong Kong battle, it might be worth replacing the "spinning blades o'death" in the hands and the spare arm with dark energy guns similar to what Gipsy Danger used. The plasma weaponry is still effective, but the latest batch of Kaiju appear to have skin tough enough to make the blades ineffective.

With the design I'm proposing any time Crimson Typhoon "locks up" in hand-to-hand combat the spare arm can swivel around the torso to take shots at specific targets. The eyes, mouth, or joints spring to mind.

.. and I keep wanting to write an omake where a rebuilt Crimson Typhoon (new con pod based on Striker Eureka's design, new forearms based on Gipsy Danger, no third arm - basically what they could throw together "quickly") interrupts a kaiju attack on a new Turian colony. Why? The media was covering the colony as a sign of new hope. Then the kaiju start attacking.

I just keep running into a wall where I know how long that omake would be - thousands of words. At that point it isn't an omake, it's a plot-line hijacking. :(
[DATA UNAVAILABLE] - Rila and Falare

For this, I like something with "grace" in it. You've already described them as graceful, but the old meaning of grace used to be about forgiveness and forbearance. "There but for the grace of God," etc. So...
Gracious Blade
Unending Grace
Night's Grace

Probably shouldn't let an Ardat-Yakshi drift with any Kaiju bits. Or...

Samara walked up the cage containing her wayward daughter. Morinth, as she called herself now, had led her a long chase. The depths to which she had sunk to fend off her mother were matched only by the heights her other daughters had risen to in their defence of the Galaxy. The Justicar showed no outward sign of it, but inwardly she hoped her Mirala could be led to see the light one last time.


"Mother. I am surprised I am not yet dead."

"It is because of your achievements. My superiors in the Order feel that an opportunity exists for you to have one last chance to redeem yourself. Make no mistake, Mirala. Your life will end in that cage, and soon. What I offer is one last chance to change how your death will be recorded; as the merciful ending of a feral animal, or as a noble self-sacrifice in the service of galactic society."

"And what would I have to do to earn the latter ending, Mother?"

"We have the brain from an Outsider on life support. You would meld with it, and see how much of their mental network you can take down."

"The Outsiders are linked with their masters? A hive mind, of sorts?"

"Such is our intelligence, from humans who have Drifted with them. They do not have your advantages though."

The Ardat-Yakshi looked at the floor of her cell, and then back at her mother. "Are you not afraid I will gain such power as would let me tear my way free?"

Samara shook her head. "Not really. Many safeguards stand ready to end your life. I, who have hunted you for centuries, am satisfied your death will be here."

Morinth nodded. "I'll do it then. If nothing else, it's the only way I'll ever catch my sisters' kill count. But there is one condition."

"I will listen, though I make no promise."

"Record my name as Morinth. It is for Morinth's deeds that I am offered this chance, not for what Mirala did."