Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

I have no idea what you mechwarrior guys are talking about. I assume the XL engine thing is a "overcompensating" joke...
XL engines are what makes the 100 ton atlas more of a joke. YOu break one section of the torso and the whole thing dies. On Standards, you can have left and right torso go down, lose both arms, and if youve got a gun on the head or body you can still keep fighting. Its just way easier to beat the crap out of the XL.

Its all fun and games to laugh at the XL noobs, til someone shows up as a Clanner.
Then Shit. Gets. Real.
Say that to my single Medium pulse Laser mounted on my ECM Commando.
I hit 200 damage in a match on average with that thing.
I will run away from your dire whale so fast that the Map will kill me first!
This may be rising the thread from the dead, but how is it going, MGS? Is everything okay with you IRL?
You PM a person that kind of question, not post on his thread and make everyone feel sad.
Not that this forum bans necros but no one likes them.
This. Like, it's great that you are wanting to know how MGS is doing, it really is. But that's the kind of interaction that should be carried out in a private conversation tailored to that specific purpose. Not in a dead thread that has nothing to do with a specific person's well being.
*Points finger at Nova, breaks down bawling out tears* Why! I was just getting over this story never getting an update. Now I'm going to have to read this again and feel heartbroken. Again! Why.....why Nova, couldn't you just have let sleeping dogs lie! :p
Okay, sorry! Sorry! I didn't realize that that stigma existed here! I'll make sure not to do this again next time.

Yeah, sorry if I made you all sad or something. I didn't mean it. Now I feel like an asshole. :(
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Thread necromancy isn't against the rules on Sufficient Velocity, but other members will still frown on necromancy when there are other options available to the necromancer.

But you're new. Like, really new, damn. So you may not have even realized that PM's were an option then. Cool. No harm done. Don't sweat it, now you know.
On the other hand, most people don't realize that OP posts are separate from regular posts in the alerts.
"Other than tragic events at Irune, emergence of Outsiders follows mathematical progression in frequency of attacks and power of creatures." Dr Solus continued "Obvious that creatures are being adapted to methods used to combat them. Worrying."
I'll admit, that's what they do... but MAC rounds from a starship hold the impulse power of a nuclear bomb and Earth was doing very VERY VERY well against them for over a decade despite their evolution, until the Hannibal Chau tried to drift with one. That's when the Jagers started dropping like flies. That... really shouldn't be happening here. Nobodies silly enough to drift, they can't get through the portals and are frankly outside the context of the outsiders.
Underneath Rannoch's ocean, the three Kaiju moved surprisingly gracefully for the massive, armor plated beasts that they were. With lessons learned from many battles here and elsewhere, these Kaiju were covered with thick armor plating, especially on their backs to ward off bombardment from above.
This really shouldn't work. I mean, maybe if the plates were largely carbon nanotubes, but no organic compound could stand up to the power of Hiroshima concentrated into a 9 inch impact zone. This is talked about fairly extensively with ship armor upgrades in ME2 and 3 and why shields are so important while armor was more or less something ONLY krogan did in ship design before the Silaris anti-DEW project.
Incredibly, the creatures bore up under the first seconds of this tremendous bombardment only to be staggered by the same kind of targeting accuracy from the orbiting cruisers beginning their pinpoint bombardment as well, every shot from the orbiting cruisers was timed and targeted to hit the exact same location on each creature once the concealing sea was vaporized. A new tactic, completely unexpected.

Withering under the continuous fire from the unexpectedly numerous platforms and starships arrayed against them, the creatures fell, armor cracked and buckled, dead to the ocean floor after three minutes of this barrage.
Yes. This. More or less. It really shouldn't have taken this long for orbital bombardment to have been an option given the Kaiju's sheer size. Or taken three minutes, but we're talking a tripple event so catagory fives and they're fucking huge.
Nice... very nice. I like your hot blooded little mole-man. Given human advances in robots because of the Jager project, I hope to perhaps see Volus hulking around in elchor sized mecha by the end of the story. :p
Viewed from orbit, the Turian homeworld of Palaven was a beautiful, shining green planet, almost metallic looking when in the light of it's star Trebia.
Mmmm, well, more silver than green. Unless you're into moss green...
But it will be years yet before the Wall is finished thought General Garvus Arterius, overlooking the preparations going on around his command post at the former capital of Palaven, and the Turian Hierarchy; the city of Cipritine.
Cipritine had the poor luck of being built on the scenic shores of the Ignis Sea, and therefore, in this time disaster, the capital had been moved inland to the city of Ravennus.
roflmao. The illogical wall is back, somewhat vaguely more logical. And the capitals are serpentine and Hungry in a time when their greatest enemy is hungry lizards. Freaking hilarious.
The new crop of Volus pilots really are fanatics, their willingness to risk everything may make this plan workable. Genral Arterius considered as he went over all of the plans he and the other Generals protecting Palaven had made.
Fly inside the beasts mouth when they roar. Nothing can withstand a nuke in the stomach, IDC how big it is. And the turians are dumb enough to do it too, rather than just launch the missile down the gullet instead.
Cipritine would have the largest population center around the Ignis Sea (all military).
Wouldn't that just be the normal population? :p Turrians are a race with mandatory military service.
"We must get to the Exile immediately, we can have the reaction force there within the hour! It's been too long since I was responsible for spilling any of that toxic blue blood Sof!" Din was practically screaming as he went "I can practically taste it!"
rofl. Delightful little fanatic. He'll make blood knight yet.
Not really sure what he wants to do with that reactionary force though. Volus as pilots for Tanks, Aircraft and space navies is quite understandable. Volus as soldiers, even in power armor, is completely pointless. The one Biotic God aside.
The Legatus tank was currently the greatest land based weapon in Citadel space against the Outsiders. Designed by the Turian Heirarchy specifically for the task each was twenty meters tall at the top of it's main turret and nearly a hundred meters long. More of a land battleship than a tank, they required special dropships to be deployed planetside.
Each Legatus was formidably armed with the main turret taken up by two massive mass accelerator cannons and two multiple missile vertical launch systems.
The "lower levels" of the Legatus had a dozen rapid-fire mass accelerator turrets and six miniature GARDIAN laser turrets.
Combined with thick armor and the best kinetic barriers available, they were almost enough to turn the tide.
AH! I see I see. Howitzers.
In a display of raw power that all present would remember for the rest of their lives, a shot from the dreadnought Exile came down upon the Outsider, having been transformed into plasma by friction against the atmosphere, it delivered incredible amounts of heat and kinetic energy to the beast, shattering and flash frying it. Pieces of the monster rained down, still smoking for kilometers around.
The only drawback is you can't study the corpse to figure a workaround for the sensor scrambling hull.
I would've probably been a shitty pirate anyway she thought to herself as she got up to add her own voice to the ongoing negotiations.
Heh, yeah, poor girl was killed by most players without even talking to her sister just through exploration rush. Shitty Pirate indeed. Good to see her blue butt doing something useful.
"No! Well, that too. Very sturdy design." Dr. Solus replied, seemingly unfazed by the hellish wash of heat in the corridor "Weapons are using electromagnetically contained plasma as projectile. Potential for use as anti-Outsider weapon high. We need samples."
Human? Or someone else. The drunken flight, chemical propellant and not-vorcha look suggest humans or something close.
Turians joined the Citadel Council during the Rachni Wars.
I think you mean during the Krogan rebellions, a few centuries after the rachnai wars.......
//REQUEST: Re-proritize live capture of organic-constructs. Study of biological quantum entanglement will provide data for creating miniaturized and efficient quantum entanglement communications for (Geth)\\

[Consensus Reached, REQUEST ACCEPTED, live capture re-prioritized]
Well isn't THAT interesting... :p
The system was seemingly unremarkable for a "homeworld" system in a pre-spaceflight era. The natives of the fourth planet were an artistic and industrious species, somewhat avian in appearance and more than a century away from any serious heavy industry, high technology or attempted space travel.
He and Rezzik looked at each other, the long familiarity of the nine years they had been on this mission allowing them to cover an entire conversation with a single look. Dr. Solus nodded to Rezzik and left the room heading for the facility's small hangar and their shuttle.
Nine years? In a situation where Kaiju pop up every week with events of 8 being a possibility? That's a quarter of a salarian life and the Galaxy is pressed for time.
Specially designed, insect sized, devices had been deployed in the upper atmosphere and made their way to the Hong Kong Shatterdome to infiltrate and set up an all pervasive surveillance of the facility and everything in it.
A few surveillance probes had even managed to work themselves unobtrusively into the Jaegers themselves.

Never let it be said that the STG is less than thorough. This sort of infiltration and datamining is considered a training exercise for the organization, with thousands of years experience against foes just as advanced and experienced as they are.
Wow... they're better than the STG in cannon... more than a century later.
Eh, w/e. Unimportant.
The security procedures used on Earth never stood a chance of keeping them out.
Except for, yknow, the alien language, alien computer code, alien shorthand computer language, alien encryptions, and alien Neural interface system, all of which would need to be decrypted separately and in order or else be complete and incomprehensible gargling. It's not like they've been part of the galactic community for a few decades...
Eh, again, probably unimportant. Scifi tends to handwave my job just on general principal.
"Stealth no longer priority" he commanded "Mission successful. We have found our solution, deploy the First Contact package immediately"

Activating it's FTL drive, the Silent Step was at Mars minutes later, shortly thereafter, in an explosion of ice fragments the Charon Relay came online for the first time in possibly millions of years and the Silent Step departed Sol in a flash of blue light.
..............On the even of victory, well, potentially, they drop another bomb on the world. "Hi!, Friendly aliens here. We watched and did nothing, but that's OK. Come join the galactic community, and don't mind your ticket out that we just robbed you of at mars! This is your chance to unite in the face of an alien from SPAAACE! Good Luck!"
Well, I guess they were under no obligations to render aid, but seriously. What jackasses. I hope they at least added a "Modern Astro Engineering" package to their First Contact.
"So they were spying on us, but at the same time saved the lives of two of our best Rangers?" Hansen stated, sounding like he needed a drink "Talk about goddamn mixed signals"
ok, thats neat.
"That I do" He told her "I'll need to get in touch with him immediately, it looks like these humans are due a bounty, after all"
Oooh, that's nice. Uplift at no cost.
"Finally!" Olar screamed, surfaces in the room cracking from unleashed biotics "Finally a way to crush these beasts directly! Mark my words Sof, these humans will be made great by my hands, especially if they an provide a way for me to close hands around the throat of an Outsider!"
bwhahahaha... hehehehehe... Wonder who'll be required to drift with him. Or if he's mechanized himself enough there's no need. Personally I'm betting on Matriarch Aytheya. Though maybe she'd only be Matron atm? Hmm, maybe not.
Finally stopping, Aethyta looked at Benezia with an almost feral grin. "I think I like these guys, when do we leave?"
Right now. Pack your bags.
but is double the normal width to make space for its dual main cannon.
Had this thought a couple of times, but by engineering scale you only need half again the with and support structures to support another suborbital railgun going by modern naval designs. Double the witdth could support 3 guns. Six if you doubled the height as well. The Destiny Ascension has something like 4 rails surrounding its doughnut.
If the current trend continues, political analysts say that the Volus may gain a seat on the Citadel Council within fifty years or less.
Well that's certainly a change from the usual. I like it.
Morale like this, even with all that they've been through and being asked for so much more. Garvus Arterius mused, Give me an army with this level of dedication and I could have won the Krogan Rebellions without Salarian bioweapons.
A pretty thought, but not really. The Krogan are K-selected species. They simply have too high an output for anything short of planet killers or bioweapons to work. And even Planet killers may not have killed the Krogan, as it was shown in one codex entry that Krogan Biotics destroyed one of their own planets during pitched battle with the Turians and the survivors simply turned the rubble cloud into a mining operation.
RANNOCH, Tikkun System, 2524 CSD
an interesting chapter. I'm somewhat confused though over why the Geth haven't begun using Jagers already. Doubtless their interest would have been piqued by the announcement of a new species closing their own portal?
Though I suppose the Geth may be using the war as an excuse to force evolution.
"That beauty has already been named Argent Grendel and if Urdnot and I are as compatible for piloting as I think we will be, that's going to be our Jaeger."
Oh well. It was kinda silly anyway. She is a Krogans-daughter after all.
"Ah! Good! Then you are in proper frame of mind to discuss the systems we are considering for Jaegers with biotically active pilots!" Doctor Solus interjected.
Cackles madly. Biotic Jaegers. Small ME cores placed in mirror to the Pilot's own? Or a big one with ship style abilities?
"Indeed," Hermann added "I don't want to end up a tabula rasa simply due to...Enthusiasm."

"Awesome!" Eya squealed in delight, grabbing Caitlyn in a one armed hug "We're going to make science history guys! Count on it!"
"Girls, I'm almost certain there is." she told them. "Let me tell you about the PGDC..."
Heh. The real question is will they survive the Pons with each other. The problem with AY's is that they overwhelm and fry the nervous system of anyone they meld with, thus rendering their partner dead, and themselves infertile.
It's been suggested, but never really implimented, that perhaps AY's could meld, survive and breed with other AY's but was never tried because of the basic risk behind the act. Most murderers are after all, cowards.
Be funny as shit if the two of them come out of their first Kaiju fight pregnant.
[DATA UNAVAILABLE] - Rila and Falare
Sundered Valkyrie.
Samara walked up the cage containing her wayward daughter. Morinth, as she called herself now, had led her a long chase. The depths to which she had sunk to fend off her mother were matched only by the heights her other daughters had risen to in their defence of the Galaxy. The Justicar showed no outward sign of it, but inwardly she hoped her Mirala could be led to see the light one last time.


"Mother. I am surprised I am not yet dead."

"It is because of your achievements. My superiors in the Order feel that an opportunity exists for you to have one last chance to redeem yourself. Make no mistake, Mirala. Your life will end in that cage, and soon. What I offer is one last chance to change how your death will be recorded; as the merciful ending of a feral animal, or as a noble self-sacrifice in the service of galactic society."

"And what would I have to do to earn the latter ending, Mother?"

"We have the brain from an Outsider on life support. You would meld with it, and see how much of their mental network you can take down."

"The Outsiders are linked with their masters? A hive mind, of sorts?"

"Such is our intelligence, from humans who have Drifted with them. They do not have your advantages though."

The Ardat-Yakshi looked at the floor of her cell, and then back at her mother. "Are you not afraid I will gain such power as would let me tear my way free?"

Samara shook her head. "Not really. Many safeguards stand ready to end your life. I, who have hunted you for centuries, am satisfied your death will be here."

Morinth nodded. "I'll do it then. If nothing else, it's the only way I'll ever catch my sisters' kill count. But there is one condition."

"I will listen, though I make no promise."

"Record my name as Morinth. It is for Morinth's deeds that I am offered this chance, not for what Mirala did."
Neat omake. Pity this isn't marked cannon.
However, they are tolerated by many powers for the time being as their services on poorly defended worlds have stopped Outsiders that otherwise might have rampaged unchecked.
Pity it's ending here, but hey, they're a neat upgrade on Hanibal Chau.
Please do. I've spent a year almost too depressed to breathe, much less write fucking fanfic. To round out the year, my grandmother died on motherfucking Christmas Eve.

Not writing more right now.
Hmm, Posted before seeing this. Sorry about your situation, but I would like to note that Writing is often used as stress relief. It certainly works that way for me, though my depressions more indicental than chronic.
You realize the last post, prior to your two posts....

Was 01/14/2017.

Today, the day you posted? Its 12/9/2017.

While SV doesn't have an anti-necro stance, its still frowned on. Especially as the author has stated he doesn't exactly want to continue.
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You realize the last post, prior to your two posts....

Was 01/14/2017.

Today, the day you posted? Its 12/9/2017.

While SV doesn't have an anti-necro stance, its still frowned on. Especially as the author has stated he doesn't exactly want to continue.
Be that as it may, we don't punish necromancy. The staff does take a dim view of people dogpiling however, so nobody get any ideas.