Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

Not to mention that designing Kaiju that are good against Jaegers probably would make them less effective at defending against what the ME crew has been using.
Yeah, I can see the heavy bone armor used to survive orbital and air strikes and a body designed for dealing with high velocity piercing ammo being vulnerable against localized strikes from an agile and precise foe using slashing weapons.
Yeah, I can see the heavy bone armor used to survive orbital and air strikes and a body designed for dealing with high velocity piercing ammo being vulnerable against localized strikes from an agile and precise foe using slashing weapons.
Considering that the design for the former attacks would be a tortoise expy while anti-Jaeger builds are Slattern or Otachi (with the F**k-your-Conpod-armor tail claw) the Kaiju masters would need to do some sort of combined arms attack or start getting really creative.

A couple of prime examples as to how bombardment-proof Kaiju are poor fighters against Jaegers were written by PsyckoSama over on the SB ideas thread.
Five hours later
I think the explosion was left over fuel from Cherno's incinerator turbines. You can see in a hologram that they are damaged. Leatherback opened a hole in the tanks, something sparked, and then boom. Enjoying this immensely
I think the explosion was left over fuel from Cherno's incinerator turbines. You can see in a hologram that they are damaged. Leatherback opened a hole in the tanks, something sparked, and then boom. Enjoying this immensely

[Buy Some Apples!]

Also, I do have an explanation, you may not like it, but I wanted the Mighty Russians in my 'fic, so they are going to live.
Part8 (UCS)
Outside Context Solution part 6


The crew of the Silent Step had studied the PPDC and Marshall Stacker Pentecost more thoroughly than any other entity, group or artifact that they'd encountered during their long mission, they'd built VI's programmed with every scrap of knowledge of human psychology they could get to help study the man and his people, they knew their history, medical status, and who their friends and family were, they knew them as well as any alien could.

"Everyone! Listen up! Today, at the edge of our hope..."

Pentecost especially was admired by these aliens, they knew him to be a soldier, a strategist, a master martial artist, and a brilliant leader of the sort that the Salarian Union rarely produces. A hero.

"...at the end of our time, we've chosen not only to believe in ourselves but in each other. Today, there's not a man nor woman in here that shall stand alone. Not today..."

Watching him now, they fell prey to another of his traits; he was incredible at motivating people, a marvel at inspiring others in a way that Salarians themselves might see among their own people once every couple of generations.

"...Today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them! Today, we are canceling the apocalypse!"

The crew of the Silent Step and the team watching from what they now knew as Mars were as caught up as the crowd that Marshall Pentecost was addressing. For this one moment, alien and human alike were united for the first time in spirit and believed in the impossible, they knew that monsters could die, they believed that they could turn aside the hurricane. In the years to come, humans would be both bemused and shocked to learn that Stacker Pentecost had started on the road to becoming a cultural hero to the Salarians on this day.

"Ahem" Dr. Solus coughed, clearing his throat from his sudden fit of cheering "Back to work! Rezzik. Status of portal?"

Rezzik took a moment to shake off the unfamiliar emotional high generated from watching Marshall Pentecost address his troops and looked over the sensors and the taps into the Shatterdome sensors

"Two Outsiders, 4th​ magnitude in power, in a holding pattern at the portal." Rezzik reported "The portal is still showing an elevated energy level, there may be more on the way."

Dr. Lorn Solus leaned back in his chair, resting his arms and steepled his fingers in front of his face and considered the screens now popping up in front of him.

"Very unusual. Rare to see three at once. Emerging in just this way, almost as if they were taunting the humans, daring them to attack" he commented "Perhaps forces behind the Outsiders know that this is the last gamble of the human race? Doctor Gizler's interface with the Outsider mind was inadvisable despite possible benefits."

Dr. Solus considered, the situation, turning it over in his mind, trying to see if there were anything that they could od from where they were to influence the outcome of this battle.

In a heartbreaking realization he found nothing that they could do. The weapons of the ship itself would not be able to penetrate the ocean well enough to matter, the intelligence they had on the Outsiders was not anything that the humans hadn't already discovered, and even the computing power the ship had available was not actually useful for the battle to come.

The humans would stand or fall on their own.

But no longer, after this day I will make sure that this people never stands alone against the beasts again. Dr. Solus resolved. Even if it is only to evacuate their planet, these people will not be destroyed by the Outsiders. It will not happen here!

The crew, watched the drama unfold from every location that could access a monitor, as the Jaegers began their walk across the ocean floor to the breach, Striker Eureka carrying the nuclear device.

The tension was palpable, they knew this was impossible, that it couldn't work.

In the midst of everything, the battle, the emergence of the 5th​ magnitude Outsider, the Human communications crackled and the scientists revealed the key to opening the breach. The key that had eluded the most advanced races of the galaxy, the most brilliant minds of Citadel Space; the creatures themselves.

As the last moments of Striker Eureka and her pilots, especially the one they admired the most, played out before them, Dr. Solus remonstrated with himself and every other scientist who had studied these portals.

"Makes sense, how could we have not guessed? Never tried, never used the dead for anything." he whispered, burying his face in his hands as the nuclear weapon initiated.

For a few moments, their tap into Gipsy Danger's sensors was disrupted by the nuclear initiation and all they had was the bare thread of data coming in from satellites and the Shatterdome. And then...

"Look!" Technician Wix shouted, pointing at the displays, getting everyone's attention as their sensor taps came back online.

As all who had been watching had speculated, the 5th​ magnitude Outsider had survived the nuclear onslaught, but was terribly wounded from it and it's battle with Striker Eureka.

They watched this last engagement with baited breath, as the long fall toward the breach happened, they all wondered; will it work? Are these brave souls dying in vain?

LUSIA, Tomaros System, 2524 CSD

Alarms were switching on and off and sensor stations were nearly destroying themselves as conflicting data came in to Lusia Defense Command, it was a cacophony. Madness reigned.

Dahlia Dantius was looking around in confusion as she tried to get a coherent report from one of the sensor operators. Well, this is...happening she thought with black humor.

She reached out and grabbed the nearest sensor operator with a biotic field and turned her around, chair and all.

"What. Is. Happening?" she shouted to be heard over the clamor.

The sensor operator, still looking confused and even on the verge of freaking out, stammered at her commander.

"I...the portal...I don't know!" she wailed, science and words having failed her.

PALAVEN, The Wall of Death, Ignis Sea, 2524 CSD

Garvus Arterius, General, soldier, defender of Palaven's first and last lines against the Outsider menace, looked down at the senor technician for the Wall in confusion.

"What do you mean it's fluctuating?" he questioned "How? What does it mean?"
"The energy is spiking and dropping below normal levels randomly and the event horizon is expanding, contracting and....well, its rippling." the senior technician reported. "We're certain that there will be no emergence, we're 95% certain that there can't be an emergence until this stabilizes, if it does."

"If?" General Arterius put a world of questions into that simple word.

"It may be, if this continues, the portal will close sir." the technician explained "we just don't know"


With the sound of celebration from the Hong Kong Shatterdome echoing through their ship, the crew of the Silent Step was utterly quiet, staring in shock. Despite all of their training and discipline, despite all of their hopes and belief in the Humans, they still had trouble processing what they were seeing.

Regaining his composure, Dr. Solus turned to Operative Rezzik.

"Report! Status of portal?" he inquired, almost whispering

"The portal.." Rezzik shook off his own shock and triple checked the sensors "The energy levels are subsiding to background levels, the portal is closed!"

Cheers erupted throughout the ship and at the Prothean facility on Mars as every member of the STG group received the news; the Humans had done it, they had closed the portal.

"Attention!" Dr. Solus shouted, bringing order to his people "Haste is of the essence. We have found what we have sought."

He activated the link to the team probing the Prothean ruins "Be ready to depart immediately" he told them.

"Stealth no longer priority" he commanded "Mission successful. We have found our solution, deploy the First Contact package immediately"

Activating it's FTL drive, the Silent Step was at Mars minutes later, shortly thereafter, in an explosion of ice fragments the Charon Relay came online for the first time in possibly millions of years and the Silent Step departed Sol in a flash of blue light.
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Part9 (UFP Interlude)
Unstoppable Force Paradox, Interlude

RANNOCH, Tikkun system 2524 CSD

The Geth treat all of Rannoch as a place to be restored and preserved, but there is one location above all others that they tend to with great care and precision. They always make sure that this place is maintained as perfectly as possible with every detail accounted for and every bit of maintenance and upkeep is taken care of by hundreds of platforms dedicated to nothing else.

One of the Prime platforms overseeing the weeding and fertilization of the hala'kish in the fields of this farm is also an example of the changes that the Geth have made over the course of their struggles to keep the creatures from the breach from damaging Rannoch any further than the wounded world already was. Unlike previous iterations of such platforms it is capable of storing a great many runtimes, and though all Geth are of the Consensus, there are "micro-consensus" among the Geth, collections of anywhere from one to two thousand runtimes that synergize especially well and thus always work together.
In the past, these runtimes would have been spread over multiple platforms. Now the 1,183 runtimes of this particular micro-consensus can all occupy this one platform for their turn assisting in tending to the one place that is more precious to the Geth than it ever was to their Creators.

The Prime platform checks again that it's work is complete, then emerges from the fields comparing work-data with the other platforms in the area and getting updates from the platforms building a new facility for long-term storage of processed hala'kish when the next harvest comes.

Inasmuch as a Geth "feels" anything, the micro-consensus of 1,183 was disappointed that they would have cycled back to their primary function in one of the orbiting sensor analysis platforms when the harvest time came.

Then, all of the platforms on the farm paused as the Consensus was exposed to new and absorbing data that focused all available attention, requiring maximum performance for all Geth in the system.

[ALERT fluctuation of +/- 50% radiated energy in <quantum tunneling event> , no <incursion> detected. Event horizon fluctuating in random sequence. Focusing more resources on analysis of <quantum tunneling event>]

The thousands of Torpedo platforms surrounding the breach moved as one to place themselves in optimum positions to deploy sensors as new platforms with more comprehensive sensor packages were dropped in.
Mines drifting in the water around the breach, true drones all, without Geth habitation, were deactivated and moved aside to make room for further investigation.

Here is another area in which the Geth adapted and evolved, their sensors had been updated, innovated and new ones had been invented to deal with continuing attempts by Kaiju to evade detection or make themselves more difficult to target. Sensors deployed were able to detect and analyze all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, gravity, dark energy, and more. Some of the more exotic sensors included such things as a dark energy emitter that worked similar to RADAR or LIDAR in principle, and other strange devices.

The Geth platforms gathered to analyze the disruption, monitoring it for every infinitesimal change.

//Available data on <quantum tunneling event> increased. <Anomaly> is causing microscopic openings in event horizon allowing more active scans to penetrate. Adding data to hypothesis regarding nature of <quantum tunneling event>. Data-burst from ENHANCED AUTONOMOUS RECONISSANCE STEALTH platforms in organic space and ((Creator)) fleet suggests similar events occurring at every known location of <quantum tunneling event>s. NOTATION: Request construction of further ENHANCED AUTONOMOUS RECONISSANCE STEALTH platforms with quantum communications as resources become available.\\
As the anomalous events continued, the Geth kept focus on the changes, reaping more data from the breach than ever before, but continued their other operations as it became obvious that no immediately threatening activity was likely to emerge.

[[Enhanced Quantum Entanglement Communicators have passed all stress testing and bugfix routines, will be incorporated into all new platforms in accelerated replacement cycle to enhance speed and security of (Geth) communications. ENHACED AUTONOMOUS RECONISSANCE STEALTH platforms added to production schedule, Resources partitioned and allocated.]]
Stacker's dead...

You know that means theres like nobody left on Earth who can competently communicate with the aliens now, right?
Wait, does this means that the same group that was attacking Earth was also attacking elsewhere?

I had the impression that they were divided into different groups with one for each planet.
Letting Hermann and Newt run the First Contact situation?
I can't help but feel that is a horrifyingly bad idea.

Do it.
Letting Hermann and Newt run the First Contact situation?
I can't help but feel that is a horrifyingly bad idea.

Do it.

I'm not even sure I'm going to focus too directly on the nuts and bolts of the meet and greet part. I'm not sure I'm funny enough to write Newt and Hermann attempting diplomacy.

You are though.

You write it as an omake and I'll...Do something cool in the story that will be a shout out to you.
Heh. So what scares you now? Tell me, my muse feeds on fear. :D

The mere fact that the momment the Geth test something an find it superior they imemdiatley begin implementing it, with little interference. While it would take organics years to phase out a generation of weapon systems and ships, the Geth could do it at the same pace that their factories could churn the things out.

Though I wonder how the various nations are going to take first contact. They all lost face when the wall they were touting to be the solutions did fuck all to the Kaiju, and the Jaeger program, which at this point has become their own independent organization due to actually making their own funding, that they abandoned and scorned, is now the only thing a very very wealthy alien civilization wants in exchange for help, which again has probably cut most of its ties to the various nations.
The mere fact that the momment the Geth test something an find it superior they imemdiatley begin implementing it, with little interference. While it would take organics years to phase out a generation of weapon systems and ships, the Geth could do it at the same pace that their factories could churn the things out.

Yeah. Being a total-consensus Von Neumann swarm has it's advantages, dosen't it? Even so, the Citadel races, despite being in a recession economically, are making huge technological strides as well. They just aren't as efficent about it as the all-AI commune that the Geth are.

These are the Geth as they should have been, rather than being the mooks and woobies they were in canon.

So...Do you get what it means if all Geth platforms are networked by QEC? :drevil:

Though I wonder how the various nations are going to take first contact. They all lost face when the wall they were touting to be the solutions did fuck all to the Kaiju, and the Jaeger program, which at this point has become their own independent organization due to actually making their own funding, that they abandoned and scorned, is now the only thing a very very wealthy alien civilization wants in exchange for help, which again has probably cut most of its ties to the various nations.

Basically, there is going to be much kissing of PPDC ass in the future of the big nations, which collectively shat a brick anyway as soon as Otachi revealed the wings.

Also, Din Olar has been increasing his "portal bounty" yearly.