Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

Design 1: the V1 and V2 rockets are historic achievements in German science, but these where the result of early on German sciences finally bearing fruit, now with our various super science advances we as a council have made I shall make my best effort to make a combined pinnacle of our achievements through a new rocket.

I would rewrite this to say you're trying to research Ballistic Rocketry.
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im not sure firecracker can be a allie player as she has been reading this thread before.....
more advanced version of this
V-2 rocket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
we already have rocket engines and all the other tech we need for the otl rocket alone so im going for more advanced with all sorts of other improvements.

especially considering rockets were in use as early as th 1241 by MONGOLS

I would rewrite your post a bit to make that clear since if none of us knew what you were going for, chances are neither would Gideon.
I would rewrite your post a bit to make that clear since if none of us knew what you were going for, chances are neither would Gideon.
it litterally says repeatedly rocket in there but ill another something at the very beginning if it makes you happy.

Okay, there is an important edit you must made since I over looked one very important fact:

It has your characters' signature.

Put this below this paragraph:
And are you really going to take the words of these American "isolationists" who only stopped sending arms to French factions when they were caught? America pledged to stop sending arms to France, but still sent them to Great Britain while Britain admitted during negotiations that their weapons were still being used, and they"ll only hold off on sending their own forces across the channel. Not only that, but the German government had reason to believe the Americans would continue to get involved in France, likely through twisting Britains' elbow to act as a proxy.

"It's fortunate Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter has kept himself out of the public eye, spending more time researching in his laboratory or reading intelligence documents in secure buildings. Germany will deny the existence of a "Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter" and use this as proof of being a shoddy Draka fabrication. Really, a German colonel named Sebastian Darkwinter? The surname sounds like something out of some trashy American pulp fiction.

Of course, all documents that reference or name Colonel Darkwinter will be redacted. If the Americans don't reveal the documents now, then we have even more time to be thorough."
Okay, there is an important edit you must made since I over looked one very important fact:

It has your characters' signature.

Put this below this paragraph:
And are you really going to take the words of these American "isolationists" who only stopped sending arms to French factions when they were caught? America pledged to stop sending arms to France, but still sent them to Great Britain while Britain admitted during negotiations that their weapons were still being used, and they"ll only hold off on sending their own forces across the channel. Not only that, but the German government had reason to believe the Americans would continue to get involved in France, likely through twisting Britains' elbow to act as a proxy.

"It's fortunate Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter has kept himself out of the public eye, spending more time researching in his laboratory or reading intelligence documents in secure buildings. Germany will deny the existence of a "Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter" and use this as proof of being a shoddy Draka fabrication. Really, a German colonel named Sebastian Darkwinter? The surname sounds like something out of some trashy American pulp fiction.

Of course, all documents that reference or name Colonel Darkwinter will be redacted. If the Americans don't reveal the documents now, then we have even more time to be thorough."
sure give me a moment.
actually that wont help, im a known owner of the darkwinter limited company,
Sebastian Darkwinter
1932 January 5th in the Outskirts of Munich

I Sea- no Sebastian Darkwinter Have, antiquated myself in my new role in life and quite frankly, ROB is love, ROB is life, but ROB is also above all a dick.....

Cause frankly this new....situation, I or we find ourselves is, to say the least most strange but above all frankly, FASCINATING!! though that is likely just the mad scientist in me talking.....

That aside I am thankfully in charge of a Private research company called Darkwinter Limited, which is heavily funded by the German government, and as such at least can get SOME good done, but hopefully a lot more then that. Especially considering this is the fucking draka universe, that is basically war-hammer/Lovecraft lite right there in the more or less "Horrible Universe" meter if there ever was any.
actually that wont help, im a known owner of the darkwinter limited company,

Okay, we got this. We can still do this:

Germany will deny the existence of a "Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter" and use this as proof of being a shoddy Draka fabrication. They must have chosen a random name from the German government records, since while the government finances a scientific think tank headed by a Dr Sebastian Darkwinter, he has no interaction in any way with the main organs of government, never mind dictating actions in foreign nations. Instead of serving to make their case more believable, all the Draka have done is besmirch the good name of a private citizen.

Of course, all military and intelligence documents that reference or name Colonel Darkwinter will be redacted. Any reference to Sebastian Darkwinter having a rank will be removed, and he will no longer be a colonel. If the Americans don't reveal the documents now, then we have even more time to be thorough, including creating records in the Humboldt university of a Dr Sebastian Darkwinter.


Do that and we've sealed our alibi.
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Okay, we got this. We can still do this:

Germany will deny the existence of a "Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter" and use this as proof of being a shoddy Draka fabrication. They must have chosen a random name from the German government records, since while the government finances a scientific think tank headed by a Dr Sebastian Darkwinter, he has no interaction in anyway with the main organs of government, never mind dictating actions in foreign nations. Instead of serving to make their case more believable, all the Draka have done is besmirch the good name of a private citizen.

Of course, all military and intelligence documents that reference or name Colonel Darkwinter will be redacted. Any reference to Sebastian Darkwinter having a rank will be removed, and he will no longer be a colonel. If the Americans don't reveal the documents now, then we have even more time to be thorough, including creating records in the Humboldt university of a Dr Sebastian Darkwinter.


Do that and we've sealed our alibi.
once again gimme a second.
..... overreacting. Denying, yes. Bluntly lieing is another thing.

No we're not. The fabricated documents (which we're already lying about by calling it a Draka fabrication) have the signature of a Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter. That signature would be the smoking gun of any reveal. Removing the signature as a weapon makes it a lot less believable. This also doesn't really hurt @Cybandeath in any way.

"Why do we fight?
I was asked this question often over the past months. From mothers. From wives. From beloved ones and from those themselves who are the generation, young and old, who has shouldered Rifle and marches into uncertainty and bloodshed.
I am asked: Why do we, our loved ones, our mothers, our elderly, those we wish to caress and to hold tight, have to suffer? What do you say to a babe which will never see its father?
Why do we fight?
The answer is not simple. I love peace. I love freedom. I would feel the sweat of a hard days work and return to wife and children. To see the gaze of my mother and the stern approval of my father. To fight with my sisters and my brothers and share tears with them in happy reunion.
I love Freedom. And i love my country.
Vasil Levski said "It is deeds we need, not words". I disagree with the revered Hero. We need both. We need to understand and to made understood why we fight. We are selfish and self-sacrificing in our fight. Because we lost our country.
It was taken from us. We are refugees. We are young, old, strong and weak. Yet we have a sense of longing. We belong to our families. We belong to our neighbors. We belong to those which have sheltered us and who have risen us above when we were crushed.
We belong to Europe, to Asia and to the World.
We are the Sons of Bulgaria.
We are the Sons of Turkey.
We are the Daughters and Wives of lands which are under the yoke of evil. We fight because we have not forgotten. We fight because our love for our homelands is great. Because we wish for new generations to see it as it once was and to experience the freedom which was taken from us.
We are united in our spirit. A spirit which we reach out with to share with a single message:
Awaken, Europe.
Awaken and see what has been done to us. See our fight. See our sacrifice. Join us in our Prayers.
You must awaken, brothers, sisters, wives and husbands. Awaken and see the terror which we are subjected to. The fight which we fight we fight not for ourselves alone, but also for you, so you may never share our fate, our helplessness and our bloodshed and sacrifice.
Awaken, Europe.
We are the Wolves of Bulgaria.
We are the Sons and Daughters of the Spirit of Freedom.
This is why we fight.
за България."

-Anonymous Letter published all across Europe in Newspapers
Hey @Gideon020 would it be possible to Research Gen 2 or 3 night vision with what we've researched so far* without getting lucky and rolling a nat 100, or would we have to realistically build towards it?

Because I really want to make our soldiers look like the original gas mask nazis ww2 germans. Though naturally they'd look more modern with the tactical vest and digital-flecktarn.

To pull it off we need infrared goggles. Then it's just a matter of our troops donning a gas mask and we have it!

* - Night vision for our fighters, the transistor, digital computing, optical electronics if we succeed at that

-6x BioFuel Plant (+640 Fuel per turn for each Bio-Fuel Plant constructed.)
-3x VK Foundry (+600 Industrial Capacity per turn, per Foundry)

What does Business specialty do exactly again? If I were to make another VK foundry, would it be higher than if someone without it would make one?
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