Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

Incident Report

Description of Incident :

Incident occurred of the coast of Antarctica, Depth 1750 meters.
At 22:33 (Continental Time), U-195 started to deviate of course, direction port. Attempts to correct course failed to have a result, even using full rudder. Captain ordered full stop at 22:36.
Once the engine stopped, crew in the engine compartments reported a strange ticking noise. Actions where taken to investigate a possible issue with the machinery or cooling systems. No mechanical issues where found.

Engines where restarted after inspection at 23:40. Course deviation remained present despite crew efforts. At 23:43, Captain ordered the Port engine to Flank Speed, which was mildly successful in correcting course deviation.
Three minutes later, the Port engine seized, and both engines were shut down. Crew once again reported strange noises in the engine room, though now louder and faster. Select crew members interviewed likened it to someone hitting the hull with a hammer.

Despite the continuing noise, crew commenced repair work on the port engine at 23:53. At the same time, Senior officers discussed the situation. (See Attachment A for more information). Conclusion reached was that U-195 got entangled in a anti-submarine net, despite the depth and location of the incident. Captain ordered activation of exterior lights and extension of the Observation periscope for visual inspection. Visual inspection was commenced at 00:33, and yielded no conclusive data.

Following repair of the port engine, and confirmation that the deviation had been resolved, U-195 resumed it's journey. At 0:56, while travelling at a speed of 14 knots, U-195 made contact with an unknown foreign object. Sudden deceleration resulting in several injuries among crew, though none severe. After initial triage, Captain once again ordered extension of observation periscope. Periscope failed during inspection. Captain reports seeing only a "giant eye". Noises heard earlier intensified in speed and noise level. Likened to Jackhammer by crew.

Following observation, Captain ordered an emergency ballast tank blow. U-195 surfaced at 1:30, far slower than would be expected giving it's cargo load. Visual inspection by crew revealed damage to the Conning tower and bow. Observation telescope was observed to have been completely destroyed. At 2:00, U-195 dove to 500 meter and continued to it's destination. No further incidents were reported.

Description of Damage :

Mild damage to primary rudder and port propeller.
Internal damage to Port engine, particularly crankshaft and other components.
Cosmetic damage to hull in 27 different locations. Gashes at times 30 centimeter long, torn into the paint. (See Photographs in Attachment B)
Severe damage to Observation periscope (Upper 20 centimeter of the observation periscope sheered of).
Mild damage to conning tower. Metal visibly deformed, but intact.
Bow pressure hull damaged
Outer Tube door of Torpedo Tube 3 damaged.

Description of Remedial Actions Taken :

None. Requesting declassification of select details and forwarding to Berlin.

Tl'dr : U-boat meets collosal squid.
This must have been scary for the submarine crew.
Something just stopped your 6000 ton submarine dead in it's tracks, and starts knocking on the hull. And worse even, it actually succeeds in damaging the VK steel hull. Fear is an adequate reaction.
I first thought someone planted a ticking time bomb in the sub.

Then I thought that someone was messing with the engines.
It's also possible they rolled like a natural 100 to bypass fucking everything.

Something just stopped your 6000 ton submarine dead in it's tracks, and starts knocking on the hull. And worse even, it actually succeeds in damaging the VK steel hull. Fear is an adequate reaction.

This is why we need more powerful and stealthier submarines.

I think there are only 3 candidates who would've been capable:
1. Draka: They probably have VK or will have it. It wasn't too far from their waters and they've been fucking around in France.
2. America: Their attempts at playing dumb on what VK is dumb. They discovered it by turn 2 at the latest. Chances are their VK superscience could've fucked up our submarine.
3. Soviet Union: Same as above, although they're less antagonistic to us than the other two countries. We also weren't attacking Soviet ships, unlike American and Draka ships.
@.@ Are you dastardly pushing our ideals of a social market onto the 40s of Profit & Exploitation with your gouvernment controlled research institutes and the way you are privatising your industry, while at the same time supplying it with the newest ideas and technologies by your own hand?

In light of this, we could push for a Social Market Economy. It's uniquely German, in fact.
Well, crap. In addition to sending an expedition, the Allies are now also sending Troops to Antarctica.
If they somehow managed to divine the location of our base, we may be in deep trouble. Suggestions?
EDIT: Nevermind, they always did that. I somehow missed that they were sending troops.
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Sending troops is problematic though.

Even if their mission fails, it could result in a scramble for the Antartic.
They'd probably help, but I doubt they'll give it. We'll probably need to get further in the Vril Tech Tree before we get it.
It seems so.

We may want to investigate the Soviet and US VK supplies, so we can threathen to blow up their supply if they threathen ours.
Dont we already know that their supplies are in their heartland? Meanwhile everyone can after 2 minutes of reading about Dust figure out where ours comes from.

Extremely annoying. They both get to secure their supplies, while ours is at the other end of the world and they can metagame to find it.
Now do not get me wrong: maybe we have a goodie in there which the others have not (i doubt it, though). But if they can track down our source in turn 6 and turn off our pump, we are screwed. 3 more turns of production and our VK is gone. So we need options and ideas how to deal with this.
I have no ideas.

We can't move it, we can't really hide it, and we can't quite defend it.

I mean, they don't need to attack it. Just give the Draka a heads up, and we're screwed
We did everything we could to hide it, put out false tracks and to use means of transportation which are as stealthy as they can be.
Yet they are coming.
Whatever they send against 1000 guys in elite-gear. If it comes to a fight and they rip us a new one, we are pretty much done, because then we know we can not compete with them.
In addition we loose Blutkreuz, all kinds of Data, the bloody ship, the bloody alien fighter and a source of (seemingly) neverending VK.
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Honestly, even if we win the situation becomes near untenable.

Once the Draka figure it out they'll come at it with a force we won't have the logistical capability to match.
I have half a mind to send our submarines to bomb their transporters before they ever reach Antarctica.
Which puts us into the situation that then they have certainty, they can, with 2 minutes of reading, figure out who did it (Axis again) and then they will come back in force a turn or so later.
Where did all the sudden depression come from? Didn't we hide the base so that they would return empty-handed?