Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

We could delegate the upgrading of our forces to some kind of bureau or something. If we're having a hard time doing it ourselves, why not have someone else handle it for us?

And we need some way to defend against their chemical and microwave weapons, including that nerve gas.
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We could delegate the upgrading of our forces to some kind of bureau or something. If we're having a hard time doing it ourselves, why not have someone else handle it for us?

Don't think that'd be allowed. I mean, Gideon limited our max amoint of actions for a reason. Creating agencies that do stuff for us seems like a way to cheat said limit.
You know what, no.
Those men on the Submarine deserve a grave and their families deserve closure if it came to the worst.

Covert: Find the Submarine which went missing and bring it home. In addition to being evidence for your deeds and sinking ships of the british, Draka and Americans, it is also not right to abbandon ones people in a shallow steel-grave. Find them, retrieve them.
Would this shape of tank armor be practical for our purposes?

We could use one pair of tracks instead of two, and cover the tracks with side skirts. Otherwise, I like the angling of the armor.
On second thought, the Object 279's armor may be expensive to produce due to its complex shape.
Design 2: Air Defense Network

The Draka are attacking from the air, with gas, bombs and airborne infantry. From what we heard, this weaponry appears terrifyingly effective .While that is based solely on rumours from Asia, which at times may seem hard to believe, it's a fact that bombers can be problematic to deal with. In order to safeguard the German population, we need to be able to stop any bomber attack.

We already have radar to detect any incoming force, and fighters to stop them. To aid them in their pursuit, I shall design the Flaktürme. These large, concrete blockhauses will contain a variety of anti-aircraft guns, including laser weaponry, all guided by radar systems in the tower itself, or nearby towers.

The Flakturme will serve both as military strongpoint and shelter for the population, and as a military defense line in the unlikely event they're ever directly besieged. As an added design challenge, NBC protection should be something to endavour for.

So that I don't lose it.
Design 2: Air Defense Network

The Draka are attacking from the air, with gas, bombs and airborne infantry. From what we heard, this weaponry appears terrifyingly effective .While that is based solely on rumours from Asia, which at times may seem hard to believe, it's a fact that bombers can be problematic to deal with. In order to safeguard the German population, we need to be able to stop any bomber attack.

We already have radar to detect any incoming force, and fighters to stop them. To aid them in their pursuit, I shall design the Flaktürme. These large, concrete blockhauses will contain a variety of anti-aircraft guns, including laser weaponry, all guided by radar systems in the tower itself, or nearby towers.

The Flakturme will serve both as military strongpoint and shelter for the population, and as a military defense line in the unlikely event they're ever directly besieged. As an added design challenge, NBC protection should be something to endavour for.

So that I don't lose it.
id add vk explosives into the mix of weaponry used.
May 1932

Please save my homeland.
Bekämpft die Schlangen.
I am against the NSDAP, but i agree with the politics and the ideals which Mr. Hitler held up at the Council of Copenhagen....

Too many letters. Too many voices sending to him these days. Asking aid. Asking support. Threatening. The man rose from his desk and moved to the window, looking to the night. He lit a cigarette. The world was coming towards a conflict which could not be fathomed. He glanced to the letters again. So many stories. So much heartbreak. And all he could do was to attempt and fight back with the ferocity of a wild animal in order to bring death to as many enemies and as few allies as possible.
Was that what Hitler felt like? Like some kind of mad crusader on a path of righteousness, truly believing that he and his order could bring actual peace? Laughable. But so were the mans own dillusions. Good, bad, what did it matter? The future generations would judge and condemn him. Articles would be written, mayhaps even shows sponsored. "Who was the man behind Hitlers rise to power?"
Urgh. That was not a thought which made him feel better about his situation. No, instead, it was another nail.
Die Verbrecher von Nazi-Deutschland.
One had to believe that one could steer the storm and direct it in a meaningful way without the toll of death and destruction. Without the hate consuming them.
His cigarette burned out and the man stomped the butt into the overfilled ashtray, standing and looking into the night where, somewhere, men already died from the orders he had given these days. Where wars were fought and prepared for a greater goal. Who would judge in the end?

"Vater unser der du bist im Himmel geheiligt werde dein Name. Dein Reich komme, dein Wille geschehe wie im Himmel so auch auf Erden.
Unser täglich Brot gib uns heute. Und vergib uns unsere Schuld, als wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern. Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung; Sondern erlöse uns von dem Übel. Denn Dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.

I'm curious, are you fluent in German or do you use Google Translate?