Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Nine
There are a few things more important than presentation when it comes to a marriage ceremony, especially among nobles. One of such things is etiquette, another is proper form, a third one is personal hygiene -quite the sensational difference from a certain french King that bathed only thrice, and otherwise used thick perfumes- and finally...they are all meaningless because in Germania, marriages are an affair that is both an official state ceremony and a whorehouse party mixed together.
Emperor Albrecht stood by the altar of the main cathedral of Vindobona with a greedy, delighted look on his face. No doubts, he'd be shaking in his boots until the night of the wedding, and it was pretty obvious it wasn't going to end with just a kiss. A small part of me felt sad about it. It wasn't that Albrecht himself was an ugly man. He was older than Henrietta by a good dozen of years, sure, his hair was a firm reddish color, and his body was stocky.
I wouldn't have put it past him to yell Ours is the Fury, grab a warhammer and start drinking wine while whores flocked to him.
Yes, a horrible husband to have, or family member to be in the family with, but definitely a good friend to drink wine with if you got into his good graces.
But that would be after the marriage itself. Inside the church, one could not enter armed. Of course, this didn't mean one couldn't enter with his walking stick, which might just hide a blade inside, but that was a different story. So all of my men had to use walking sticks for that day. They were quite awkward with those, admittedly, but I was sure that if I got them to dance to the right rhythm I could put up a nice choreography of sorts.
Perhaps something with tip-tap?
Louise was wearing a pretty nice pink dress, a parchment in her hands that she was furiously rereading, trying to memorize lines upon lines of whatever sort of artistic drivel she had come up with to celebrate the marriage between the Emperor and the Princess, and it was clear she would rather die than embarrass herself. Agnes was in attendance, silently standing behind a quite cross Eleonore -chosen by all the family to represent the Valliere, and mostly because even though Louise was the Explosive, nobody crossed the Iron Lady and lived to tell the tale.
Well, nobody but me, but I was an unfair bastard.
Raven's vision subtly shared itself with me, and it showed the figure of a fretting Henrietta clad in a beautiful white wedding dress that was walking back and forth in a room nearby, connected to the main ceremonial altar by a long hallway of richly decorated walls with beautifully painted depictions of Gods fighting, elves dying, and all that good stuff that makes you think that yes, indeed, your religion is going to totally wreck everyone else's.
He was standing in the courtyard, using an air spell known as Distant Vision on his eyes to gaze at the correct window. For the hearing, he had a few crows take turns listening on by the window, flap down to report to him, and then return back up. It was ingenious, but then again my cuddly, wubbly, fluffy Raven was the smartest crow there ever was!
"Lord Bidashal," Henrietta spoke, and my fingers tightened around the handle of my walking stick. "You shouldn't have come all this way. I will keep my promise-"
"It seems unfair, since I could not keep mine," the calm voice of Bidashal spoke in answer, but Raven's eyes could not see him in the room. Perhaps he was sitting on a chair in a corner of the room, perhaps he was standing behind a curtain with only his feet to be seen -that would be funny, admittedly- or perhaps Raven simply needed to incline his head slightly to the side-
"I am not an owl, Henry," Raven whispered quietly. "Also, I am a giant Raven plopped down in front of the courtyard. Be thankful you even have a view."
I inwardly sighed. He was right, of course. "Apologies for always asking so much out of you, Raven," I murmured softly enough that only I could hear it. "Head rubs by the hundred?"
"Head rubs by the numbers, a love that I can't win," Raven muttered back, his eyes snapping up as the window of the cathedral's room opened from the inside, revealing Bidashal's form, his hair and ears hidden by a large hat as he stared out of it, straight into Raven's eyes who looked back, not a word exchanged between the two.
Princess Henrietta reached for the window a second later, staring at Raven's form standing there without a care in the world, the big black bird simply preening himself as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Next to him, more than a dozen of crows began to mimic him, or play with one another. Some even whistled as they began to shuffle their talons on the grass, looking elsewhere.
Truly, the poster picture of candid innocence.
"That's Prince Henry's familiar," Henrietta spoke, this time loud enough that Raven's ears picked it up with ease. "Wherever it goes, murders of crows aren't usually far. I suppose I am late for my own wedding," she clasped her hands together in front of her chest. "Perhaps now the curse will be lifted," she quietly turned and left the window, Bidashal's eyes glancing at her retreating back just for a brief instant, before returning upon Raven's form.
Raven cawed, and flapped his wings.
Wanna fight? I came here to eat hearts and shank elves, and I'm all out of hearts.
I held back a snort. It wouldn't do to break into laughter inside the cathedral. There was a slight murmuring going on, admittedly. Even the Emperor was looking kind of torn between sending someone to look for his wayward future wife, and simply staying put there in wait. As a servant came in from outside though, such worries lessened. The nuptial hymns began to rise in the air, and as the gathered nobility of blood and wealth squared their shoulders and lifted their chins practically at the same time -or fanned themselves depending on circumstances- I resumed watching the proceedings with my own eyes.
Everything was going to be fine.
Louise, please do not faint as you recite whatever it is that you wrote on that parchment.
"On this holy day, filled with the blessing of the Gods, we welcome..." ah, a normal thing then, good. Normal is nice and happy-this will be a nice marriage ceremony then.
Ensure we get an audience with Bidashal, Raven.