Gonna be interesting seeing how Raven gets an audience with Bidashel, that's for sure.

Glad to see you're back, Shade. What were you sick with? You over it now?
Welcome back Shade!

I have to say, this is the first ZnT fic I've seen where Henrietta actually goes through with the Germania marriage! Kudos to you!

Sure, she had to be (politically) dragged there kicking and screaming, and there's still plenty of time for wedding crashers...

But I'm sure the wedding will be beautiful and nothing will go wrong! Right?
Well I guess the episode where you wanted tea is now over and you are mostly back to your coffee loving speed writing self.

P.s. Glad to hear you are better!
Welcome back, Shade. Try to take it easy for a while, lest you suffer a relapse.

For your sake, Henrietta? I hope it does. And I hope nobody plays a certain song.

"And who are you, the shank'd bitch said, that I should bow so low?"

"Only a fictional character, from the Familiar of Zero..."
"Whether manga or light novel, self-inserts have their claws"
"And mine are longer and pointier than the ears of a fucking elf."

"And so he spoke, and so he spoke, Prince ShadeNight 1, 2, 3"
"And churned out a new chapter for Sufficient Velocityyyyyyyyy..."
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Oh my god! I missed you so much. Do you realize how long 12 hour shifts are without you there to entertain me? And I just did 3 of them 36 long hours with no Shade, no Henry. NO NOTHING!! But I'm off for the next four days and you're back so all is right in the world.