What about Shirou Emiya?

A fan fic writer could run away with that one because he is the incarnation of a weapon.
What about Shirou Emiya?

A fan fic writer could run away with that one because he is the incarnation of a weapon.

Naa, he's the sheath. It's just that he happens to be the sheath of the strongest sword and has access to it. Doesn't mean he's a weapon since sheathes aren't purposefully made as weapons
Naa, he's the sheath. It's just that he happens to be the sheath of the strongest sword and has access to it. Doesn't mean he's a weapon since sheathes aren't purposefully made as weapons


Dude Shirou is an incarnation of "Sword", its his element and his origin... I think you are drinking some fanon nonsense from one fan fic or another.

Dude Shirou is an incarnation of "Sword", its his element and his origin... I think you are drinking some fanon nonsense from one fan fic or another.

You know, I had completely forgotten about his element. I was mostly working off of the anime where Avalon was within him and there was a scene where he was all bloody and got his ass kicked by Gilgy and Saber was like, "You were my sheath"
You know, I had completely forgotten about his element. I was mostly working off of the anime where Avalon was within him and there was a scene where he was all bloody and got his ass kicked by Gilgy and Saber was like, "You were my sheath"
Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha!! SABER said that? Ahahahahahahaahaha

Dude Shirou is an incarnation of "Sword", its his element and his origin... I think you are drinking some fanon nonsense from one fan fic or another.
No he is doing a common thing in the fanbase by basing things of a few lines of amateur translated text from an author who was quiet fond of allegory, simile, and general purple prose. This has led people to do things like come to the conclusion that Shirou doesn't think like a human despite the fact that we, humans, understood a story was from the first person perspective of Shirou Emiya. That said there is one line (from the Fate route) where Shirou is called a sheath. Also origins aren't relevant to Fate/Stay night. Those are from a different story involving a completely different protagonist(just in case her boobs didn't give it away). That said Shirou is not literally a sheath any more than he is literally a sword. He was not created as a weapon. His parents probably did not set out with the sole goal of crafting a weapon when he was conceived and carried to term nor was the Fyuuki fire started from a specific desire of turning Shirou into a weapon nor did Kiritsugu rescue and raise Shirou with the goal of turning him into a weapon.

edit: Ninja! I'm not fireproof... crap what do I do?!
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Eyup. Shiro's always been the best housewife.
I find it really funny because of my little Fate/Stay whatever it's called Nasu?( did not really like the anime or manga) didn't saber inpregnate Morgan, because Merlin was a dick or was that fanon?
Probably for the same reason he can't pick up a frying pan and beat people to death with it. It's about being created as a weapon, not being able to be used as a weapon.
This is untrue. Gandalfr could pick up a frying pan and beat people to death with it. That conceit is anime only.

I do believe that Saito fought someone with a paperclip once.
This is untrue. Gandalfr could pick up a frying pan and beat people to death with it. That conceit is anime only.

I do believe that Saito fought someone with a paperclip once.
Uh? I thought Gandalfr could only use it's power when wielding objects especifically created to fight. Didn't his power fail to activate once when using a sword made for decoration?
If I recall correctly the major limits on the Ganfalfr are self imposed, I.e. if they don't believe something to be a weapon then their runes do not activate, however if they believe something is a weapon, anything at all, even something like a tea towel they can use it like the deadliest tea towel in existence. Anything the Ganfalfr believes is a weapon is a weapon in their hands.
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This is untrue. Gandalfr could pick up a frying pan and beat people to death with it. That conceit is anime only.

I do believe that Saito fought someone with a paperclip once.

When Brimir created Gandalfr, his concept what counts as weapons are swords and spears. He had this in mind when he literally carved Sasha hand with the rune.

He does not have the meta mind like SV or SB members like intending the gandalfr to use paperclip or tea cup, and frankly it makes sense considering he's a nomad who put more trust in blades than some bullshit frying pan to face an army that's about to genocide his race.

So yes, the runes would work on something meant to be a weapon and only as a weapon, not something that could be used as a weapon.

And this is coming from LN where the runes only works on a sword and zero fighter. Not tea cups or paper clip or whatever garbage shit that echi anime brings up.
When Brimir created Gandalfr, his concept what counts as weapons are swords and spears. He had this in mind when he literally carved Sasha hand with the rune.

He does not have the meta mind like SV or SB members like intending the gandalfr to use paperclip or tea cup, and frankly it makes sense considering he's a nomad who put more trust in blades than some bullshit frying pan to face an army that's about to genocide his race.

So yes, the runes would work on something meant to be a weapon and only as a weapon, not something that could be used as a weapon.

And this is coming from LN where the runes only works on a sword and zero fighter. Not tea cups or paper clip or whatever garbage shit that echi anime brings up.

Sadly, that logic still falls apart when applied to the decorative sword. Its still mean to be be a weapon, just that its not meant to be a GOOD weapon to be using. A sword is still a sword, even if its only good for using once. And yes, a decorative sword, edged or not, is still perfectly capable of being used to murder someone, or to fight off someone. Go check various world-wide police reports on murder weapons and/or 'decorative items' used for home defense.

A one shot 50-meter Olympic sharpshooting pistol is, effectively, a POS when compared to say, a Glock 18 full-auto pistol (I just rolled on a random pistol name generator and that is what came up), and its basically useless after it fired its single shot until you take the time to reload it. The Glock on the other hand has 33 ways to kill you, and when it reloads, it gets another 33 ways to kill you. Yet both are weapons.

To further the analogy, a working blackpowder muzzle-loader pistol, designed from the beginning to be mounted up on a wall as a conversation piece, deeply engraved with flourishes to the point of being true artwork, and hasn't been used in years or even decades, is still a weapon that can/will kill you if you get close enough, even if it breaks from firing its single shot. But when placed against the previously mentioned sharp-shooting pistol, made from the most modern components & materials, its a POS. Yet, again, both are weapons.

So the runes should have flat out worked on the decorative sword, as it -is- a weapon (even a kitchen knife can be incredibly deadly in the hands of someone trained on knives), just that its a very low quality one. Since they didn't, it really does lend credence to the idea that its the Gandalfr's frame of mind about whatever he/she is holding, and whether or not THEY consider it a weapon, as to whether or not the runes activate.

As a good litmus test, if such a thing were possible, blindfold the Gandalf and hand them a war club but tell them its a broken off handbrake for a carriage car. Then hand them a baseball bat (or something cut to be nearly identical) and tell them its a war club. If the rune light up for the former but not the latter, then the runes are in control and 'know' what is/isn't a weapon. If the runes don't light up for the former, but they do light up for the latter, then its the Gandalfr themselves who decides what is, and what is not, a weapon.

Even better, if the Gandalfr in question is Saito, hand him a bokken. It should drive the runes crazy, because on one hand, its a training implement. On another hand, Miyamoto Musashi was absolutely LETHAL with one in half a dozen duels, where he fought someone who was using a real sword (and was fully intent on killing him), and came out the only one still breathing. And Saito would fully be aware of that fact considering Musashi is literally everywhere in the literature in Japan.
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When Brimir created Gandalfr, his concept what counts as weapons are swords and spears. He had this in mind when he literally carved Sasha hand with the rune.

He does not have the meta mind like SV or SB members like intending the gandalfr to use paperclip or tea cup, and frankly it makes sense considering he's a nomad who put more trust in blades than some bullshit frying pan to face an army that's about to genocide his race.

So yes, the runes would work on something meant to be a weapon and only as a weapon, not something that could be used as a weapon.

And this is coming from LN where the runes only works on a sword and zero fighter. Not tea cups or paper clip or whatever garbage shit that echi anime brings up.

I'd just like to point out a couple of things...
1. Improvised weaponry isn't a new thing. I'd wager that most of mans earliest weapons were improvised in some form or fashion, namely rocks and branches. Plus, in desperation, pretty much everyone will grab random objects in their environment, either to use as a projectile or a melee weapon.

2. I'm not certain I'm understanding the idea of something "meant to be a weapon and only as a weapon," moreover I don't understand how the Runes would be able to identify that. Could it tell the difference between a war sword made into a decoration, and a decorative sword with proper weight and balance to be used in the field?
2a. Since Derflinger is sentient, wouldn't that make him a weapon and a companion? Thereby making him fall outside your definition of "a weapon and only a weapon"?

3. If we operate under the assumption that the concepts of weaponry available at Brimir's time is all that will trigger the Gandalfr runes, even things that can be seen as a derivative of it(I.E: Swords to katanas, bows to compound bows, etc), I'm pretty certain that firearms fall outside of that category. Even assuming that they didn't, there are two rather advanced weapons that hold no parallel in Halkegenia which the Gandalfr Runes triggered for: The Staff of Destruction, and the Zero Fighter.

My logic might be a bit flawed here, apologies if so.

Edit: Ninja'd
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Sadly, that logic still falls apart when applied to the decorative sword. Its still mean to be be a weapon, just that its not meant to be a GOOD weapon to be using. A sword is still a sword, even if its only good for using once. And yes, a decorative sword, edged or not, is still perfectly capable of being used to murder someone, or to fight off someone. Go check various world-wide police reports on murder weapons and/or 'decorative items' used for home defense.

This kind of logic was brought up in LN, remember. Decorative sword did cause the rune to glow, which kind of makes sense as a sword is the most basic weapon that Brimir made sure the runes worked on.

I'm not saying the logic is wrong. I'm saying that it must be intended to be built as a weapon, or has a concept of a weapon. Because even if you say it's a decorative thing, it was FIRST built on the concept of a weapon once (since it's called a sword even how decorative it is). So I wouldn't use a decorative sword as a good example because of this considering how the Void can make thing so abstract yet narrows it down e.g. the working behind the summoning.

Whether it's up to Gandalfr, I wouldn't know as the LN was ambiguous on this, what is clear cut is that you won't see frying pan ninjas or whatsoever bullshit.

Light Novel Vol1 Ch8 is ambiguous on whether only weapons made for combat activates the runes, or the gold sword is a ripoff and doesn't count as a weapon at all. I (Flere) say there's room for argument and depends on the fanfic writer's interpretation.

The SpaceBattles 'meme' of 'Saito killing people with a teacup' is FALSE, and has never occurred in canon. Impromptu weapons like a breadknife being used as a dagger/throwing knife by a Gandalfr has not happened in LN canon, so again it's up to fanfic authors to decide.

Vol15 Ch2 stated Saito can only access the Gandalfr boost for a certain amount of time in a day. After that the runes does not activate (out of power), even when holding a weapon. Whether there's a certain amount of time before power returns or the power resets after the day ends is not specified.

Vol17 Ch3 has Saito recreating Battoujutsu (AKA Iaijutsu or 'Quick-draw technique', a method of drawing your katana to cut something then returning it to the sheathe faster than the naked eye can capture the movement), and using it as a method of meditation. With one slash four wooden poles surrounding Saito are cut down, suggesting near-mastery of the technique is accomplished (nowhere near as overpowering as what you might see in 'Rurouni Kenshin' however).

From this, it's entirely possible for a Gandalfr to recreate weapon styles as long as it's physically possible, and the Gandalfr has knowledge of the existence of said style/s.
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Whether it's up to Gandalfr, I wouldn't know as the LN was ambiguous on this, what is clear cut is that you won't see frying pan ninjas or whatsoever bullshit.
I'm actually impressed that the whole teacup thing grew so much. When I proposed that Saito could pull off what Riddick did... wow the shitstorm that ensued was fucking amazing.
I'm actually impressed that the whole teacup thing grew so much. When I proposed that Saito could pull off what Riddick did... wow the shitstorm that ensued was fucking amazing.

It was funny at first... until SB/FF somehow makes a good idea to justify bullshit and wank the fuck out of something that is already Shounen power bullshit level.

Really, rule of thumb on Gandalfr power is at least up to the writer and be reasonable in explanation besides: I SMASH THIS WINE BOTTLE, NOWZ A WEAPON I SHANK YOU!
It was funny at first... until SB/FF somehow makes a good idea to justify bullshit and wank the fuck out of something that is already Shounen power bullshit level.

Really, rule of thumb on Gandalfr power is at least up to the writer and be reasonable in explanation besides: I SMASH THIS WINE BOTTLE, NOWZ A WEAPON I SHANK YOU!

i remember one where it was:
L: wash this! *tosses cape*
G: cape is now weapon. *whips Lulu*

needless to say i didn't get very far into that fic.
We need a fic where the Gandalfr is someone that knows how to use Iron Fans, specifically the ones with razor tips, and then completely screws over someone else's plans because that someone thinks he/she is of no consequence due to 'merely' having a fan on them, and thus, not a threat.

And no, I don't mean the Mortal Kombat/Kitana bullshit crap that's completely unrealistic, but someone who was trained on actual real Iron Fans/War Fans.
All this horsepuckery with crossovers has given me an idea, I'd like to thank you guys for it, and will make sure to give it all the attention it deserves.
That is, no attention at all to Miss Militia as Gandalfr. Seriously, I need to get the five other projects I'm already working on actually published first.