With the way Henry keeps ignoring her and her concerns about his well-being, I'm guessing Isabella's gonna have to appeal to a higher authority.

She's gonna write to Karin.
And then Karin is going to have a "bonding moment" with Charles, about how she understands how a parent can be totally unreasonable when it comes to their kids, and how she can't reasonably put any blame on Charles for harming her kid...
Now I stood there, defeated and lacking a wand
Why didn't he carry a spare?

Also, this will hopefully spur him into finally buying Derfingler, now that his wand broke on him and all.
Oh, and next time he meets Karin, well, yeah, she's probably going to talk in hypotheticals at him a bit...
Yeah, Charles would do well to avoid meeting her for... The rest of his life? And the afterlife, too, just to be safe.
Seriously? Of all the final words to choose from, you choose the Lamenter Warcry?

They are good words, fit Raven and The Lamenter Chapter is by all accounts I have seen the Chapter that most embodies their charge to protect humanity.

Sure he could have made Raven quote the BloodRavens, but given Henry and Ravens close bond the Lamenter War cry seems quite appropriate.

If Raven were more dramatic he probably would have gone with "Quote the Raven, Nevermore" or something like that.

But no, Raven is a fluffy bundle of love.
I don't know how to feel about this. I mean, from everyone else's perspective, Henry was a douche for having "kidnapped" Josette, but I still get an hateful feeling that Charles was being an ultimate shithead.

If the news of Josette spreads, Henry's reputation will take a huge plunge.

Also, since I'm not familiar with ZnT, can anyone tell me who had the idea of hiding away Josette and if Henry's description of Charles' character is actually true?

No one is 100% squeaky clean, but IMO Charles is worse. A lot of this really depends on the spin.

If Henry goes out of his way to spend some of his savings at several printing presses for some 1-page propaganda leaflets....

*nudges @shadenight123 * Hint hint.

I hope he realizes he can do that.
Yeah, Charles would do well to avoid meeting her for... The rest of his life? And the afterlife, too, just to be safe.
Eh. And that will most likely end there. As badass as Karin is, she has been a bit out of practice. And Charles seems to have been specced heavily to fight solo duels.

And again. Both are Squares. National Assets. Nuke equivalents. Some stiffly polite conversation, some stern letters, some hidden threats that do nothing, that's it, if they don't want a war.
Like Arythios and the Wynaut have mentioned,
The avatar's of a Wobbuffet, actually. Wynaut's the pre-evolution.
and then, softly, landed on the ground after what felt like ages, but had been perhaps a minute or less. This gave the time for both parties

Whips of water rushed forth from the tip of Charles' wan
both parties to begin, perhaps?
"Burning flames!" I bellowed as twisting fires left the tip of my wand, impacting against the incoming spikes long enough to melt them from sharp-beyond-believe to bluntness,
sharp-beyond-belief to bluntness,
Unexpected battle. Henry was quite outmatched here, I must say, although considering the mage power discrepancy plus the skill level it's unsurprising.
I think people are overlooking the most important consequence, which was the ridiculous humbling that came out of this. You don't need to kill Raven to make this a harsh lesson that sticks. Henry was so overwhelmed by the thought of his impending death and the death of his most beloved comrade that it might change his outlook on life itself.

Charles scared the shit out of him. And if he wanted to hammer home how much this pissed him off and teach Henry a lesson without actually killing or permanently maining the one who might be the future King of the land, then this was really amazingly effective.

Henry's probably never felt half so humble in his life.
So in true anime tradition and various other anime series I was something a little more, when the wand was torn asunder and all looked bleak I expected old anime knowledge to bubble up and an old chant to surface,
"Darkness beyond twilight. . ."
Afterall, in our darkest hour, faced by unreasonable foes, pride goeth before a fall.
Regardless of outcomes I doubt jossette will have any interest in staying with the duke, she'll wish to go home and probably deal with such a cruel and vicious man ever again, after all one who has grown up in a sheltered convent wouldn't handle violence as easily as one who has witnessed it many times prior.
So? Henry screwed up slightly. What else could have he have done? Send a second to die in his place when it is expressly his own actions that led to this?
Considering that is what he was ordered to do by literally everyone he spoke to, yes. Henry walked into the match expecting to be let off the hook, he only started believing he might really die towards the end of the fight.

When there is good healing magic around, there is a very thin line between what is healable and what is not. If you outright cripple someone, there had better be a damn good reason. Especially if he is someone important. Especially if he is a possible candidate for becoming a Sqare Mage, a National asset.
Karin would like to have a word with you.
Something about comparing near-death and physical as well as mental scarring to her spankings. Not enough blood and screaming, apparently.
At no point was Henry or Raven near death as a result of their injuries. After healing Raven, its even pointed out he wasn't wounded too badly:
Raven's breathing was ragged and short, but he'd live if attended to. He had been wounded, but not that deeply, not that much. The wounds had already closed, the ice had melted off his frame. He was resting now, his eyes closed.
Not what you'd expect to hear about injuries from ice javeline. If you actually check what attacks caused the pain and panic, nothing Charles hurt Henry with was aimed to be serious threat to his life. The sharp ice javelins ultimately did cosmetic damage when they hit a fleshy target. That blizzard which would "mercilessly shred him to bits"? While sticking his hand right in it resulted in many small cuts. Instead of shredding him to bits what it did was cause burning pain all over Henry's body... from COLD. If you've ever held a piece of ice in your hand for too long, you should know that while pain from cold does hurt it also goes away almost instantly when the ice is removed. The most serious wound Henry got in this fight was his sword wand exploding in his hand.

Honestly what happened in the fight matches up with what Isabella said about her uncle knowing how to make people give up without actually hurting them.
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But it is realistic. One of the canon methods of ranking up is by being pushed to the brink and beyond. In fact we are explicitly shown this happening in Tabitha's fight with Bidashal with her breaking through from Triangle to Square. What would have been unrealistic would be Henry then proceeding to win because no way does fresh Square beat experienced Square.
One thing you are forgetting my good man.

Henry is a scheming bastard and not an anime protagonist.

I'm not sure he will ever reach square, not that it will really matter if he can just avoid situations like this in the future.
With the water magic shown in setting those injuries have all the impact of a spanking.
Still. At the least he shattered his hand. Thats not nothing even with healing.
She's gonna write to Karin.
Isabella: "By Royal Decree We have invited upon your mother to entreet upon us so as she can beat the stuffing out of you, Husband."
Henry: "But... but I need that stuffing to live!"
Isabella: "Irregardless! You should have thought about that before making me think you were going to die! Now, your mother is to be here for the next six months in order to train you. As you are one of our premier marshals I do hope you do not disappoint me, otherwise We shall simply be required to extend her contract until your capabilities are satisfactory or to her standards."
Henry: "... But-"
Mother: "...(motherly murderous tsundere glare)"
@shadenight123 any chance we"ll find out how much of this was from mercy (Henry being married into his family and being a kid) and how much of it was out of pragmatism (like pissing off The Heavy Wind)? :3
Ok, those last 2 chapters were pretty stupid. You have to be monumentally egotistical and arrogant, stupid beyond belief, and being written by someone steadily slipping into purple prose to have that happen. It's really on the verge here, if I'm not just so inured that I can't tell the line has been crossed.

Man I hate deliberate stupidity in a protagonist.
Man I hate deliberate stupidity in a protagonist.

Because people never do stupid shit IRL.

Really the SI has already been infallible, supremely competent and have things turn out okay for him in the end (like now) every time yet you're saying that's not enough?

If anything, things need to go bad for the SI more often. He needs to fuck up more often.
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Still. At the least he shattered his hand. Thats not nothing even with healing.

Isabella: "By Royal Decree We have invited upon your mother to entreet upon us so as she can beat the stuffing out of you, Husband."
Henry: "But... but I need that stuffing to live!"
Isabella: "Irregardless! You should have thought about that before making me think you were going to die! Now, your mother is to be here for the next six months in order to train you. As you are one of our premier marshals I do hope you do not disappoint me, otherwise We shall simply be required to extend her contract until your capabilities are satisfactory or to her standards."
Henry: "... But-"
Mother: "...(motherly murderous tsundere glare)"
Henry: *Grumbles about 'irregardless' not being a word*
Henry: "Nothing!"
To everyone saying he had a change of heart and decided not to maim/murder either of them after all and that's why they both survived, the dude is not an idiot.

He's probably aware that as soon as his brother gets the chance he'll give Isabella the crown. In probably less than ten years, Isabella will be queen. If Henry is alive, he'll be king. History has done a pretty good job of showing that people who murder or maim someone a royal loves typically have less than pleasant lives after that royalty has their coronation. He's seen enough byplay between Henry and Raven to probably feel safe making the bet that if he murdered Raven, Henry would never forgive him. The dude jumped in front of an attack to shield the injured bird after all. The duke isn't an idiot, so he's probably aware that traditionally people with grudges against you don't go out of their way to shield your wife and children from what happens to you when they get revenge. It is entirely reasonable, from the perspective of the duke, to assume that if he kills Raven then his daughters will have very unpleasant lives ahead of them. The duke has played this game long enough to know that you do NOT make an enemy of a future king lightly. If he kills Raven, then for the safety of his family he has to kill Henry too. If he kills Henry, he has to kill Isabella too, and he almost certainly cannot justify that to the people of Gallia. He very well might not be able to justify it to himself. Not to mention how likely it is killing Henry would cause SERIOUS diplomatic issues. Henrietta is a pretty big fan of Henry, and a her family is close friends to the Valliere family as a whole. So that's at least two generations of Tristainian royalty that would have a fairly strong negative opinion of the Duke d'Orleans (and Gallia as a whole if the duke and his family aren't punished to the satisfaction of Tristain by Gallia) if he killed or maimed Henry. Also, Gallia would lose quite a bit of diplomatic capital on account of the whole "Hey Tristain, let's be friends. Send over one of yours to marry the be future king. *One of the key political figures of the treaty murders him in a duel*" thing.

TLDR: I don't think it was compassion that stayed the Duke d'Orleans hand.
I'm gonna be honest, I kinda expected him to go super Saiyan .

Can someone make an omake of this happening please?.[/QUOTE

Don't need to.
It's pretty much a given, if she heard of what happened during the duel.
Gonna do it anyway~


The day after the duel, Charles burst into Joseph's personal chambers. "You have to help me!" He cried " The Heavy Wind is standing outside my house!"

Joseph blinked owlishly. "What is she doing?" He asked. "She's just glaring at me " Charles said " All day, without moving an inch, she stands outside my window and just. GLARES! Even during mealtimes, she just stands in the corner, glaring, and slowly crushing doorknobs with her hand!"

"Well" Joseph blinked. "Maybe you could apologize to her?" He said, trying to hide his snickering.

" That was the first thing I tried" Charles exclaimed.
"She spent the entire night shattering the windows one by one and somehow let a horde of orcs in the building!"

" Complain to Tristain then, "Joseph said, waving his hand. " It's not my problem."

Omake in spoiler
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